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Releases: bcgsc/abyss


24 Oct 19:15
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This release improves scaffold N50 on human by ~10%, due to implementation of a new --median option for DistanceEst (thanks to @lcoombe!). This release also adds a new --max-cost option for konnector and abyss-sealer that curbs indeterminately long running times, particularly at low k values.


  • Use the new DistanceEst --median option as the
    default for the scaffolding stage


  • Fix OpenMPI setup


  • Added --median option


  • Added --max-cost option to bound running time


  • Added --max-cost option to bound running time


11 Sep 21:04
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This release provides bug fixes and modest improvements to
Bloom filter assembly contiguity/correctness. Parallelization
of Sealer has also been improved, thanks to contributions by


  • upgrade to most recent version of ntHash to reduce
    some assembly/hashing artifacts. On a human assembly, this
    reduced QUAST major misassemblies by 5% and increased
    scaffold contiguity by 10%
  • kc parameter now also applies to MPI assemblies (see below)


  • change N20 and N80 to N25 and N75, respectively


  • add --kc option, with implements a hard minimum k-mer
    multiplicity cutoff


  • fix zsh: no such option: pipefail error with
    old versions of zsh (fallback to bash instead)
  • adding time=1 now times all assembly commands


  • parallelize gap sealing with OpenMP (thanks to
  • add --gap-file option (thanks to @vlad0x00!)


  • add support for GFA output


14 Apr 00:33
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This release adds support for misassembly correction and scaffolding
using linked reads, using Tigmint and ARCS. (Tigmint and
ARCS must be installed separately.) In addition, simultaneous optimization
of s (seed length) and n (min supporting read pairs / Chromium barcodes)
is now supported during scaffolding.


  • Fix hang on input SAM containing no alignments with MAPQ > 0


  • New lr parameter. Provide linked reads (i.e. 10x Genomics
    Chromium reads) via this parameter to perform misassembly
    correction and scaffolding using Chromium barcode information.
    Requires Tigmint and ARCS tools to be installed in addition
    to ABySS.
  • Fix bug where j (threads) was not being correctly passed to
    to bgzip/pigz
  • Fix bug where zsh time/memory profiling was not being used,
    even when zsh was available


  • Simultaneous optimization of n and s using line search
    or grid search [default]


  • add options -s and -n to filter paired-end paths by
    seed length and edge weight, respectively


14 Mar 22:25
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This minor release provides bug fixes and improved reliability for both MPI assemblies and Bloom filter assemblies on large datasets. In addition, many usability improvements have been made to the abyss-samtobreak program for misasssembly assessment.


  • Many compiler fixes for GCC >= 6, Boost >= 1.64
  • Read and write GFA 2 assembly graphs with abyss-pe graph=gfa2
  • Support reading CRAM via samtools


  • New abyss-bloom build -t rolling-hash option, to
    pre-build input Bloom filters for abyss-bloom-dbg
  • Fix incorrect output of abyss-bloom kmers -r
    (thanks to @notestaff!)


  • New -i option to read Bloom filter files built by
    abyss-bloom build -t rolling-hash
  • Improved error branch trimming (reduces number of
    small output sequences)
  • Fix intermittent segfaults caused by non-null-terminated


  • Append BX tag to SAM output (Chromium 10x Genomics data)


  • Increase default number of sparsehash buckets from
    200,000,000 => 1,000,000,000
  • Benefit: Allows larger datasets to be assembled without
    time-consuming sparsehash resize operations (e.g. H. sapiens)
  • Caveat: Increases minimum memory requirement per
    CPU core from 89 MB to 358 MB


  • Parallelize gzip with pigz, if available
  • Report time/memory for each program with zsh, if available
  • Fix: use N instead of n for scaffold stage,
    when set by user


  • New --alignment-length (-a) option to exclude alignments
    shorter than a given length
  • New --contig-length (-l) option to exclude contigs
    shorter than a given length
  • New --genome-size (-G) option, for contiguity metrics
    that depend on the reference genome size
  • New --mapq (-q) option for minimum MAPQ score
  • New --patch-gaps (-g) option to join alignments
    separated by small gaps
  • New TSV output format with additional contiguity
    stats (e.g. L50, NG50)
  • Fix handling of hard-clipped alignments


  • New --add-complements option


  • New --bx option to copy BX tag from from SAM/BAM
    to FASTQ header comment (Chromium 10x Genomics


21 Oct 21:08
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Fix compile errors with gcc-6 and boost-1.62.


14 Sep 21:16
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This release resolves some licensing issues with that were pointed out in 2.0.0. As of 2.0.1, ABySS is now available under a standard GPL-3 license, and the libraries included under lib/rolling-hash and lib/bloomfilter are now also licensed under GPL-3. For alternative licensing terms, please contact Patrick Rebstein (prebstein at


01 Sep 17:49
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This release introduces a new Bloom filter assembly mode that enables large genome assemblies with minimal memory (e.g. 34 GB for H. sapiens with 76X coverage bfc-corrected reads). Bloom filter assemblies are currently less contiguous than the default (MPI) assembly mode but are still of high quality (e.g. 3.5 Mbp vs. 4.8 Mbp scaffold NG50 for H. sapiens). Bloom filter assembly mode is enabled by adding three 'abyss-pe' parameters (B = Bloom filter size, H = number of Bloom filter hash functions, kc = k-mer coverage threshold). See '' for an example.

This release also updates several 'abyss-pe' parameter defaults to be more suitable for large genome assemblies with recent Illumina data. In addition, ABySS 2.0.0 includes minor usability improvements for 'abyss-sealer' and removes an unnecessary build dependency on sqlite3.


2016-08-30 Ben Vandervalk [email protected]

  • Release version 2.0.0
  • New Bloom filter mode for assembly => assemble large genomes
    with minimal memory (e.g. 34G for H. sapiens)
  • Update param defaults for modern Illumina data
  • Make sqlite3 an optional dependency


  • New 'compare' command for bitwise comparison of Bloom filters
    (thanks to @bschiffthaler!)
  • New 'kmers' command for printing k-mers that match a Bloom filter
    (thanks to @bschiffthaler!)


  • New preunitig assembler that uses Bloom filter
  • Add 'B' param (Bloom filter size) to 'abyss-pe' command to enable
    Bloom filter mode
  • See and '--help' for further instructions


  • Mask scaftigs shorter than 50bp with 'N's (short scaftigs
    were causing problems with NCBI submission)


  • Update default parameter values for modern Illumina data
  • Change 'l=k' => 'l=40'
  • Change 's=200' => 's=1000'
  • Change 'S=s' => 'S=1000-10000' (do a param sweep of 'S')
  • Use 'DistanceEst --mean' for scaffolding stage, instead of
    the default '--mle'


  • New '--max-gap-length' ('-G') option to replace unintuitive
    '--max-frag'; use of '--max-frag' is now deprecated
  • Require user to explicitly specify Bloom filter size (e.g.
  • Report false positive rate (FPR) when building/loading Bloom
  • Don't require input FASTQ files when using pre-built Bloom
    filter files


  • Fix bug causing output read 2 file to be empty
  • New percent sequence identity options ('-x' and '-X')
  • New '--alt-paths-mode' option to output alternate connecting
    paths between read pairs

  • Fix documentation of ABYSS and abyss-pe parameters
    (thanks to @nsoranzo!)


29 May 22:38
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This release introduces a new paired de Bruijn graph mode for assembly. In paired de Bruijn graph mode, ordinary k-mers are replaced by k-mer pairs, where each k-mer pair is separated by a fixed-size gap. The primary advantage of paired de Bruijn graph mode is that the span of a k-mer pair can be arbitrarily wide without consuming additional memory, and thus provides improved scalability for assemblies of long sequencing reads.

This release also introduces a new tool called Sealer for closing scaffold gaps, new Konnector functionality for producing long pseudo-reads, and support for the DIDA (Distributed Indexing Dispatched Alignment) parallel alignment framework.


2015-05-28 Ben Vandervalk [email protected]

  • Release version 1.9.0
  • New paired de Bruijn graph mode for assembly.
  • First official release of Sealer, a tool for closing
    scaffold gaps by navigating a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph.
  • New outward extension feature for Konnector to generate
    long pseudo-reads.
  • Support for the DIDA (Distributed Indexing Dispatched
    Alignment) framework, for computing sequence alignments
    in parallel across multiple machines.
  • Unit tests can now be run easily with 'make check', without
    external dependencies.


  • abyss-bloom 'build' command now supports -j option for
    multi-threaded Bloom filter construction.


  • New --protein option for mapping protein sequences.


  • New paired de Bruijn graph mode for assembly. Enable by
    setting k to the k-mer pair span and K to size of an
    individual k-mer in a k-mer pair. See for further
  • New aligner=dida option for using the DIDA parallel alignment
    framework. See the DIDA section of the abyss-pe man page
    for usage details.
  • New graph=gfa option to use the GFA (Graphical
    Fragment Assembly) format for intermediate graph files.


  • New tool for closing scaffold gaps by navigating a Bloom
    filter de Bruijn graph
  • See Sealer/ or abyss-sealer man page for details
    and examples.


  • New --extend option for extending merged and unmerged
    reads outwards in the de Bruijn graph.


10 Jul 18:35
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In this release we introduce Konnector, a fast and memory-efficient tool to fill the gap between paired-end reads. Konnector determines the intervening sequence by building a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph and searching for paths between paired-end reads within the graph. A companion tool called abyss-bloom is also provided which can be used to construct reusable bloom filter files for input to Konnector; otherwise, Konnector will build an in-memory Bloom filter for one-time use. In addition to Konnector, we have fixed bugs related to compiling with GCC 4.8+ and parsing BWA output SAM files.


2014-07-09 Anthony Raymond [email protected]

  • Release version 1.5.2
  • First official release of Konnector and abyss-bloom.
  • More GCC 4.8+ fixes! Modified Boost install instructions.
  • Fixed rare bug when parsing output of BWA.


  • New option, --mask-cov, use kmers with lowercased bases, but
    don't count them towards multiplicity.


  • Construct reusable Bloom filter files for use with Konnector.
  • Perform boolean operations on two or more bloom filters.
    Currently supports union and intersection operations.


  • Check for boost 1.43+ when using unordered_map::quick_erase.
  • New option, --all, to report all alignments.
  • Set mate unmapped flag for mateless reads.


  • Fixed error: invalid CIGAR when reading BWA output.


  • Include mpi and boost libraries as system libraries. Silences
    warnings (treated as errors) when compiling with GCC 4.8+.


  • Merge read pairs into a single sequence (pseudoread) by
    building a Bloom filter de Bruijn graph and searching for paths
    between the paired end reads. Input reads may be
    FASTA/FASTQ/SAM/BAM. The input files must be sorted by read name
    and may not contain orphan reads.


08 May 19:45
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In this release we fix a compatibility issue with Trans-ABySS 1.5.0 where the output of abyss-filtergraph is not strand-specific. Also, we include a FCC portability fix.


2014-05-07 Anthony Raymond [email protected]

  • Release version 1.5.1
  • Fix an issue with strand-specific RNA-Seq assembly when running
    abyss-filtergraph --assemble --SS.
  • Portability fixes for Fujitsu C Compiler (FCC).


  • Assemble contigs in forward orientation with --assemble --SS


  • Fix some cases where abyss-pe uses incorrect executables


  • Portability fix with FCC