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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 15 revisions


[h3]CSV Formatted Data Reader[/h3]

This is a utility class built to support my own strategy for multilingual and translation management as explained in the [url=]LangBuilder[/url] entry.

But I'm sure you'll find other kind of usage...


  • CI: tested on 1.6.2
  • PHP: tested on 5.2.9

Updated to use the more reliable fgetcsv() native function in a php4 compatible way (not verified).

[h3]The library code[/h3]

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * CSVReader Class
 * $Id: csvreader.php 54 2009-10-21 21:01:52Z Pierre-Jean $
 * Allows to retrieve a CSV file content as a two dimensional array.
 * Optionally, the first text line may contains the column names to
 * be used to retrieve fields values (default).
 * Let's consider the following CSV formatted data:
 *        "col1";"col2";"col3"
 *         "11";"12";"13"
 *         "21;"22;"2;3"
 * It's returned as follow by the parsing operation with first line
 * used to name fields:
 *         Array(
 *             [0] => Array(
 *                     [col1] => 11,
 *                     [col2] => 12,
 *                     [col3] => 13
 *             )
 *             [1] => Array(
 *                     [col1] => 21,
 *                     [col2] => 22,
 *                     [col3] => 2;3
 *             )
 *        )
 * @author        Pierre-Jean Turpeau
 * @link
class CSVReader {
    var $fields;            /** columns names retrieved after parsing */ 
    var $separator = ';';    /** separator used to explode each line */
    var $enclosure = '"';    /** enclosure used to decorate each field */
    var $max_row_size = 4096;    /** maximum row size to be used for decoding */
     * Parse a file containing CSV formatted data.
     * @access    public
     * @param    string
     * @param    boolean
     * @return    array
    function parse_file($p_Filepath, $p_NamedFields = true) {
        $content = false;
        $file = fopen($p_Filepath, 'r');
        if($p_NamedFields) {
            $this->fields = fgetcsv($file, $this->max_row_size, $this->separator, $this->enclosure);
        while( ($row = fgetcsv($file, $this->max_row_size, $this->separator, $this->enclosure)) != false ) {            
            if( $row[0] != null ) { // skip empty lines
                if( !$content ) {
                    $content = array();
                if( $p_NamedFields ) {
                    $items = array();
                    // I prefer to fill the array with values of defined fields
                    foreach( $this->fields as $id => $field ) {
                        if( isset($row[$id]) ) {
                            $items[$field] = $row[$id];    
                    $content[] = $items;
                } else {
                    $content[] = $row;
        return $content;


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