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Paging Simplified
[h2]Introduction[/h2] Paging Simplified is an alternative paging class that is easier to use than CodeIgniter's default paging library.
[h2]Features & Limitations[/h2]
- Extremely lightweight
- Very easy to configure and use
- Won't tear up your URI string
- GET query strings not supported
- PHP5-only
[h2]Link format[/h2]
Links are in the format:
http://mysite.com/controller/function/...[segments].../[b][id]:[page number][/b]/...[segments]...
The segment containing the current page number can vary (there can be additional segments before or after). Paging Simplified will automatically parse the segments and find the id that you pass to the [b]Paging::init()[/b] function.
Here's another example:
[h2]Example Controller Code[/h2] [code] $this->load->plugin('paging');
$query = $this->db->get('items'); $item_count = $query->num_rows();
// total number of items, items per page, page segment id Page::init($item_count, 25, 'pg');
// generate the page links $this->data['paging'] = Page::page_links();
// get the items to show in the current page $this->data['items'] = $this->db->limit(Page::$perpage, Page::$offset)->get('items')->result();
// show the view $this->load->view('items_view', $this->data);
[h2]Customizing the links[/h2]
Paging Simplified will automatically use the tag configuration in your pagination.php config file if it is present. For more information on the tag configuration options, see the [url=http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/pagination.html]CodeIgniter User Guide[/url].
Just copy/paste the following code and save it as [b]paging_pi.php[/b] in your [b]application/plugins[/b] folder. (I made this a plugin so I could us it as a static class rather than having it attached to [b]$this[/b].
[code] <?php
- A simple paging class by Jonathon Hill
class Page {
public static $current; // current page number
public static $offset; // database record starting position
public static $perpage; // items to show per page
public static $pages; // number of pages
public static $items; // number of items
public static $key; // key of $_GET variable indicating the current page
public static $query; // page query data ($_GET)
public static $script_url; // url of this page (without the query str);
private static $full_tag_open = '<span class="paging"> ';
private static $full_tag_close = ' </span>';
private static $first_link = '« First';
private static $first_tag_open = '';
private static $first_tag_close = '';
private static $last_link = 'Last »';
private static $last_tag_open = '';
private static $last_tag_close = '';
private static $next_link = '>';
private static $next_tag_open = '';
private static $next_tag_close = '';
private static $prev_link = '<';
private static $prev_tag_open = '';
private static $prev_tag_close = '';
private static $cur_tag_open = '<b>';
private static $cur_tag_close = '</b>';
private static $num_tag_open = '';
private static $num_tag_close = '';
public static function init($items, $per_page = 25, $key = 'pg') {
// load the class properties
self::$key = $key;
self::$perpage = $per_page;
self::$items = $items;
self::$query = $_GET;
self::$script_url = self::current_url();
// determine what page we are on
foreach(explode('/', self::$script_url) as $segment) {
list($pg, $num) = explode(':', $segment);
if($pg == $key && (int) $num > 0) {
self::$current = (int) $num;
if(self::$current <= 0) self::$current = 1;
// run the page calculations
self::$pages = (self::$items > 0)? (int) ceil(self::$items / $per_page) : 1;
self::$offset = (self::$current - 1) * $per_page;
// redirect to the first page if the page no. is out of range
if((self::$current > self::$pages) || (self::$current < 1)) {
// load the config file if present
if(file_exists(APPPATH.'config/pagination'.EXT)) {
# enclosing markup
if(isset($config['full_tag_open'])) self::$full_tag_open = $config['full_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['full_tag_close'])) self::$full_tag_close = $config['full_tag_close'];
# first link
if(isset($config['first_link'])) self::$first_link = $config['first_link'];
if(isset($config['first_tag_open'])) self::$first_tag_open = $config['first_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['first_tag_close'])) self::$first_tag_close = $config['first_tag_close'];
# last link
if(isset($config['last_link'])) self::$last_link = $config['last_link'];
if(isset($config['last_tag_open'])) self::$last_tag_open = $config['last_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['last_tag_close'])) self::$last_tag_close = $config['last_tag_close'];
# next link
if(isset($config['next_link'])) self::$next_link = $config['next_link'];
if(isset($config['next_tag_open'])) self::$next_tag_open = $config['next_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['next_tag_close'])) self::$next_tag_close = $config['next_tag_close'];
# previous link
if(isset($config['prev_link'])) self::$prev_link = $config['prev_link'];
if(isset($config['prev_tag_open'])) self::$prev_tag_open = $config['prev_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['prev_tag_close'])) self::$prev_tag_close = $config['prev_tag_close'];
# current page
if(isset($config['cur_tag_open'])) self::$cur_tag_open = $config['cur_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['cur_tag_close'])) self::$cur_tag_close = $config['cur_tag_close'];
# digit link
if(isset($config['num_tag_open'])) self::$num_tag_open = $config['num_tag_open'];
if(isset($config['num_tag_close'])) self::$num_tag_close = $config['num_tag_close'];
# return the url of the next page
public static function next_url($inc = 1) {
$pg = (self::$current < self::$pages)? self::$current + $inc : self::$current;
return self::get_url($pg);
# return the url of the last page
public static function prev_url($inc = 1) {
$pg = (self::$current > 1)? self::$current - $inc : self::$current;
return self::get_url($pg);
# return the url of a specific page
public static function get_url($page) {
$regex = '/'.self::$key.'\:[0-9]+/';
return preg_match($regex, self::$script_url)? preg_replace($regex, self::$key.':'.$page, self::$script_url) : rtrim(self::$script_url, '/').'/pg:'.$page;
# return HTML page links
public static function page_links($show = 5) {
$first = (self::$current - $show > 1)? self::$current - $show : 1;
$last = (self::$current + $show < self::$pages)? self::$current + $show : self::$pages;
$links = array();
if($first > 1) {
if(strlen(self::$first_link) > 0) {
$links[] = sprintf('%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s', self::$first_tag_open, self::get_url(1), self::$first_link, self::$first_tag_close);
if(strlen(self::$prev_link) > 0) {
$links[] = sprintf('%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s', self::$prev_tag_open, self::prev_url(1), self::$prev_link, self::$prev_tag_close);
for($i = $first; $i <= $last; $i++) {
if($i == self::$current) {
$links[] = "<b>$i</b>";
} else {
$links[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', self::get_url($i), $i);
if($last < self::$pages) {
if(strlen(self::$next_link) > 0) {
$links[] = sprintf('%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s', self::$next_tag_open, self::next_url(1), self::$next_link, self::$next_tag_close);
if(strlen(self::$last_link) > 0) {
$links[] = sprintf('%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s', self::$last_tag_open, self::get_url(self::$pages), self::$last_link, self::$last_tag_close);
return (count($links) > 1)? self::$full_tag_open. implode(' ', $links) .self::$full_tag_close : '';
# return text description of result range
public static function range($fmt = 'Viewing <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b>') {
return sprintf(
number_format(self::$offset + 1, 0),
number_format(((self::$offset + self::$perpage > self::$items)? self::$items : self::$offset + self::$perpage), 0),
number_format(self::$items, 0)
# return the MySQL limit clause for the current page
public static function limit() {
return sprintf("LIMIT %d, %d", self::$offset, self::$perpage);
# return the full url of the current page
private static function current_url($unset = array()) {
$get = array_diff_key($_GET, (array) $unset);
$url =
(($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')? 'https://' : 'http://').
((count($_GET) > 0)? '?'.http_build_query($get) : '');
return $url;
# redirect to an url
private static function redirect($uri, $http_response_code = 302) {
header("Location: $uri", TRUE, $http_response_code);