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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 5 revisions

TableEditor for CodeIgniger provides a convenient way to edit your tables in your database. You will provide in a declarative manner through a configuration file which of your tables (and its columns) shall be editable. TableEditor combines it with CodeIgniter's powerful form-validation class. Here is a given scenario: You have a table containing countries and you would like to make it editable. No need to write any further CRUD-operation with Controllers and Models. This small framework will handle that for you! You might even want to include it into your existing CMS.


  • Provides an easy way to edit your database-table
  • Define which table shall be editable
  • Define which column shall be editable
  • Define if it is possible to add or delete items
  • Order your items in the table by moving them up and down
  • Use CI's form-validation - no need to relearn that
  • Define your own labels for column-names, language-depending if needed
  • Supports check for uniqueness of a given value before saving it into the table
  • Supports check before deleting an item from a table (delete restrict - constraint)
  • Hooking up of lookup-tables
  • Hooks: Provide custom behavour

You can find the project here

Category:Library::Database Category:Libraries::Database Category:Contributions::Libraries::Database Category:Models

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