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YouTube API for CodeIgniter
Category:Libraries::YouTube API Category:Library::YouTube API
I have finished up work on the YouTube API library. This will let you make YouTube api calls without having to include all of the Zend Gdata libraries. This library has a single dependency which is on an OAuth signing helper I wrote which can be found at
This library only works with OAuth authentication but a number of calls can be made without any authentication at all. You must pass in a few parameters while loading the library these are as follows:
Your YouTube API key this is given to you when you sign up as a developer with YouTube, and it is required. [code] $params['apikey'] = $this->config->item('youtube_api_key') [/code]
Also your oauth data if you are using authentication. You must provide your consumer key and secret, the signing algorithm you are using and if you already have an authenticated user you must pass in their OAuth access token data as an array containing the oauth_token and (if you are using HMAC signing) the oauth_token_secret. All values of the access_token array must be urlencoded.
I keep my static OAuth data in a config file
$params['oauth']['key'] = $this->config->item('google_consumer_key');
$params['oauth']['secret'] = $this->config->item('google_consumer_secret');
$params['oauth']['algorithm'] = $this->config->item('google_signing_algo');
$params['oauth']['access_token'] = array('oauth_token'=>urlencode($token));
After that we can load our library [code] $this->load->library('youtube', $params); [/code]
Now we have free reign to call any API method we choose. All methods will return a string of XML. It is your job to parse the XML and get out whatever you need. Some methods don't require an authenticated user but other do. Consult the library comments for more details. Here is a breakdown of all the methods that are available:
[code] getVideoEntry($videoId, $fullEntry = false) getRelatedVideoFeed($videoId) getVideoResponseFeed($videoId) getVideoCommentFeed($videoId) getTopRatedVideoFeed() getMostViewedVideoFeed() getRecentlyFeaturedVideoFeed() getWatchOnMobileVideoFeed() getPlaylistListFeed($user = 'default') getSubscriptionFeed($user = 'default') getContactFeed($user = 'default') getUserUploads($user = 'default') getUserFavorites($user = 'default') getUserProfile($user = 'default') getActivityForUser($user = 'default') getFriendActivityForCurrentUser() getInboxFeedForCurrentUser() getFormUploadToken($metadata) addComment($videoId, $comment, $commentId = false) directUpload($path, $contenttype, $metadata, $user = 'default') [/code]
Methods where you define the user (by the users name) only require authentication if the user is defined as 'default' which indicates the currently logged in user. If a method is named get***ForCurrentUser then it requires authentication. Finally the getFormUploadToken method also requires an authenticated user to work.
In addition to requiring an authenticated user getFormUploadToken also requires some XML meta data be passed in. You can find out more about what this should look like at:
I wrote a library to get an OAuth access token from a google service it can be found at:
Here is the complete library. If you would rather download a copy you can do so at my blog:
[code] <?php /**
- This library was written exclusively for CodeIgniter, it is meant as an alternative
- to the Zend youtube libraries to remove any Zend dependencies from CodeIgniter and
- reduce the bloat those libraries add. Not every method was tested in this library so
- use it at your own risk. I do not guarantee it will work and am not obligated to
- fix it if something does break or is broken. If you post a question on my blog I
- will do my best to answer it. My blog is http://jimdoescode.blogspot.com. If you
- have any suggestions for improvements please let me know and I will do my best to
- incorporate them.
- This software is open and free you may use it in whatever manner you deem fit. You
- don't have to give me any credit for it, but it would be nice if you dropped me a
- line on my blog and let me know how awesome I am.
- Enjoy!
- -JimDoesCode **/
class youtube { const HTTP_1 = '1.1'; const HOST = 'gdata.youtube.com'; const PORT = '80'; const SCHEME = 'http'; const METHOD = 'GET'; const LINE_END = "\r\n";
const URI_BASE = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/';
const DEBUG = false;
private $_uris = array(
'STANDARD_TOP_RATED_URI' => 'feeds/api/standardfeeds/top_rated',
'STANDARD_MOST_VIEWED_URI' => 'feeds/api/standardfeeds/most_viewed',
'STANDARD_RECENTLY_FEATURED_URI' => 'feeds/api/standardfeeds/recently_featured',
'STANDARD_WATCH_ON_MOBILE_URI' => 'feeds/api/standardfeeds/watch_on_mobile',
'USER_URI' => 'feeds/api/users',
'INBOX_FEED_URI' => 'feeds/api/users/default/inbox',
'FRIEND_ACTIVITY_FEED_URI' => 'feeds/api/users/default/friendsactivity',
'ACTIVITY_FEED_URI' => 'feeds/api/events',
'VIDEO_URI' => 'feeds/api/videos',
'USER_UPLOADS_REL' => 'schemas/2007#user.uploads',
'USER_PLAYLISTS_REL' => 'schemas/2007#user.playlists',
'USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REL' => 'schemas/2007#user.subscriptions',
'USER_CONTACTS_REL' => 'schemas/2007#user.contacts',
'USER_FAVORITES_REL' => 'schemas/2007#user.favorites',
'VIDEO_RESPONSES_REL' => 'schemas/2007#video.responses',
'VIDEO_RATINGS_REL' => 'schemas/2007#video.ratings',
'VIDEO_COMPLAINTS_REL' => 'schemas/2007#video.complaints',
'PLAYLIST_REL' => 'schemas/2007#playlist',
'IN_REPLY_TO_SCHEME' => 'schemas/2007#in-reply-to',
'UPLOAD_TOKEN_REQUEST' => 'action/GetUploadToken'
private $_header = array(
private $_oauth = array();
private $_access = false;
* Create YouTube object
* @param string $clientId The clientId issued by the YouTube dashboard
* @param string $developerKey The developerKey issued by the YouTube dashboard
public function youtube($params)
if(isset($params['apikey']))$this->_header['X-GData-Key'] = 'key='.$params['apikey'];
$this->CI = get_instance();
$this->_oauth['key'] = $params['oauth']['key'];
$this->_oauth['secret'] = $params['oauth']['secret'];
$this->_oauth['algorithm'] = $params['oauth']['algorithm'];
$this->_access = $params['oauth']['access_token'];
* Builds out an http header based on the specified parameters.
* @param $url string the url this header will go to.
* @param $prepend any header data that needs to be added to the header before it is built.
* @param $append any header data that needs to be added after the header is built.
* @param $method the http method to be used 'POST', 'GET', 'PUT' etc.
* return string the http header.
private function _build_header($url = false, $prepend = false, $append = false, $method = self::METHOD)
$str = $prepend === false ? '' : $prepend;
foreach($this->_header AS $key=>$value)
$str .= $key.": ".$value.self::LINE_END;
if($this->_access !== false && $url !== false)
$str .= get_auth_header($url, $this->_oauth['key'], $this->_oauth['secret'], $this->_access, $method, $this->_oauth['algorithm']);
$str .= $append === false ? '' : $append;
return $str;
* Connects to the configured server and returns a handle for I/O
private function _connect($host = self::HOST, $port = self::PORT, $ssl = false)
$connect = $ssl === false ? 'tcp' : 'ssl';
$opts = array(self::SCHEME=>array('method'=>self::METHOD, 'header'=>$this->_build_header()));
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$handle = stream_socket_client($connect.'://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, 10, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context);
return $handle;
* Checks that the response from the server after we make our request is good.
* If it isn't then we log the response we got and return false.
private function _check_status($handle)
$gotStatus = false;
$response = '';
$resparray = array();
while(($line = fgets($handle)) !== false && !$this->_timedout($handle))
$gotStatus = $gotStatus || (strpos($line, 'HTTP') !== false);
$response .= $line;
array_push($resparray, $line);
if(rtrim($line) === '')break;
$matches = explode(' ', $resparray[0]);
$status = $gotStatus ? intval($matches[1]) : 0;
if($status < 200 || $status > 299)
error_log('YouTube library received bad response: '.$response);
if(!self::DEBUG)return false;
else return $response;
return true;
private function _read($handle)
if($this->_check_status($handle) !== true)return false;
$response = '';
//Get the chunk size
$chunksize = rtrim(fgets($handle));
//Convert hex chunk size to int
if(ctype_xdigit($chunksize))$chunksize = hexdec($chunksize);
else $chunksize = 0;
if(self::DEBUG)error_log("\nCHUNKSIZE: {$chunksize}");
while($chunksize > 0 && !$this->_timedout($handle))
$line = fgets($handle, $chunksize);
//If fgets stops on a newline before reaching
//chunksize. Loop till we get to the chunksize.
while(strlen($line) < $chunksize)
$line .= fgets($handle);
$response .= rtrim($line);
if(self::DEBUG)error_log("\nCHUNK: {$line}");
$chunksize = rtrim(fgets($handle));
//If we have a valid number for chunksize and we
//didn't get an error while reading the last line
if(ctype_xdigit($chunksize) && $line !== false)$chunksize = hexdec($chunksize);
else break;
if(self::DEBUG)error_log("\nCHUNKSIZE: {$chunksize}");
if(self::DEBUG)error_log("\nRESPONSE: {$response}");
return $response;
* Writes the specified request to the file handle.
private function _write($handle, $request)
fwrite($handle, $request);
return $request;
* Checks that the specified file handle hasn't timed out.
private function _timedout($handle)
$info = stream_get_meta_data($handle);
return $info['timed_out'];
return false;
* Executes a request that does not pass data, and returns the response.
* @param $uri The URI that corresponds to the data we want.
* @return the xml response from youtube.
private function _response_request($uri)
$request = self::METHOD." {$uri} HTTP/".self::HTTP_1.self::LINE_END;
$url = self::URI_BASE.substr($uri, 1);
$fullrequest = $this->_build_header($url, $request, self::LINE_END);
$handle = $this->_connect();
$this->_write($handle, $fullrequest);
$output = $this->_read($handle);
$handle = null;
return $output;
* Retrieves a specific video entry.
* @param $videoId The ID of the video to retrieve.
* @param $fullEntry (optional) Retrieve the full metadata for the entry.
* Only possible if entry belongs to currently authenticated user.
* @return the xml response from youtube
public function getVideoEntry($videoId, $fullEntry = false)
if($fullEntry)return $this->_response_request ("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/default/uploads/{$videoId}");
else return $this->_response_request ("/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}");
* Retrieves a feed of videos related to the specified video ID.
* @param string $videoId The videoId of interest
* @return the xml response from youtube.
public function getRelatedVideoFeed($videoId)
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/related");
* Retrieves a feed of video responses related to the specified video ID.
* @param string $videoId The videoId of interest
* @return the xml response from youtube.
public function getVideoResponseFeed($videoId)
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/responses");
* Retrieves a feed of video comments related to the specified video ID.
* @param string $videoId The videoId of interest
* @return the xml response from youtube.
public function getVideoCommentFeed($videoId)
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/comments");
public function getTopRatedVideoFeed()
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['STANDARD_TOP_RATED_URI']}");
public function getMostViewedVideoFeed()
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['STANDARD_MOST_VIEWED_URI']}");
public function getRecentlyFeaturedVideoFeed()
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['STANDARD_RECENTLY_FEATURED_URI']}");
public function getWatchOnMobileVideoFeed()
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['STANDARD_WATCH_ON_MOBILE_URI']}");
public function getPlaylistListFeed($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}/playlists");
public function getSubscriptionFeed($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}/subscription");
public function getContactFeed($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}/contacts");
* Get all of the uploads the specified user has made to youtube.
* If no user is specified then the currently authenticated user
* is used.
* @param string $user the youtube user name of the user whose uploads you want.
* @return the xml response from youtube.
public function getUserUploads($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}/uploads");
public function getUserFavorites($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}/favorites");
public function getUserProfile($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}");
public function getActivityForUser($user = 'default')
return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['ACTIVITY_FEED_URI']}?author={$user}");
public function getFriendActivityForCurrentUser()
if($this->_access !== false)return $this->_response_request("/{$this->_uris['FRIEND_ACTIVITY_FEED_URI']}");
else return false;
* Get a feed of the currently authenticated users inbox.
* @return the youtube response xml.
public function getInboxFeedForCurrentUser()
if($this->_access !== false)return $this->_response_request ("/{$this->_uris['INBOX_FEED_URI']}");
else return false;
* Executes a request and passes metadata, the returns the response.
* @param $uri the URI for this request.
* @param $metadata the data to send for this request (usually XML)
* @return mixed false if not authroized otherwise the response is returned.
private function _data_request($uri, $metadata)
if($this->_access !== false)
$header = "POST {$uri} HTTP/".self::HTTP_1.self::LINE_END;
$url = self::URI_BASE.substr($uri, 1);
$encoding = "UTF-8";
$extra = "Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset={$encoding}".self::LINE_END;
$extra .= "GData-Version: 2.0".self::LINE_END;
$extra .= "Content-Length: ".mb_strlen($metadata.self::LINE_END).self::LINE_END.self::LINE_END;
$fullrequest = $this->_build_header($url, $header, $extra, 'POST');
$fullrequest .= $metadata.self::LINE_END;
$handle = $this->_connect();
$this->_write($handle, $fullrequest);
$output = $this->_read($handle);
$handle = null;
return $output;
return false;
* Directly uploads videos stored on your server to the youtube servers.
* @param string $path The path on your server to the video to upload.
* @param string $contenttype The mime-type of the video to upload.
* @param string $metadata XML information about the video to upload.
* @param string (optional) $user the user name whose account this video will go to. Defaults to the authenticated user.
public function directUpload($path, $contenttype, $metadata, $user = 'default')
if($this->_access !== false)
$uri = "/{$this->_uris['USER_URI']}/{$user}/uploads";
$header = "POST {$uri} HTTP/".self::HTTP_1.self::LINE_END;
//We use a special host for direct uploads.
$host = "uploads.gdata.youtube.com";
$url = "http://".$host.$uri;
$extra = "GData-Version: 2.0".self::LINE_END;
//Add the file name to the slug parameter.
$extra .= "Slug: ".basename($path).self::LINE_END;
//Create a random boundry string.
$this->CI = get_instance();
$boundry = random_string();
$extra .= "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"{$boundry}\"".self::LINE_END;
//Build out the data portion of the request
$data = "--".$boundry.self::LINE_END;
$data .= "Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8".self::LINE_END.self::LINE_END;
$data .= $metadata.self::LINE_END;
$data .= "--".$boundry.self::LINE_END;
$data .= "Content-Type: ".$contenttype.self::LINE_END;
$data .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary".self::LINE_END.self::LINE_END;
$data .= file_get_contents($path).self::LINE_END;
$data .= "--{$boundry}--".self::LINE_END;
//Calculate the size of the data portion.
$extra .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data).self::LINE_END.self::LINE_END;
$this->_header['Host'] = $host;//Swap the default host
$fullrequest = $this->_build_header($url, $header, $extra, 'POST');
$this->_header['Host'] = self::HOST;//Revert the default host.
$fullrequest .= $data;
$handle = null;
//Connect to the special upload host
$handle = $this->_connect($host);
$this->_write($handle, $fullrequest);
$output = $this->_read($handle);
$handle = null;
return $output;
return false;
* Makes a data request for a youtube upload token.
* You must provide details for the video prior to
* the request. These are specified in xml and are
* passed as the metadata field.
* @param string $metadata XML information about the video about to be uploaded.
* @return mixed false if not authorized otherwise the response is returned.
public function getFormUploadToken($metadata)
return $this->_data_request("/{$this->_uris['UPLOAD_TOKEN_REQUEST']}", $metadata);
* Add a comment to a video or a reply to another comment.
* To reply to a comment you must specify the commentId
* otherwise it is just a regular comment.
* @param string $videoId the video the comment goes with.
* @param string $comment the comment
* @param string (optional) $commentId the id of the comment to reply to.
* @return mixed false if not authenticated otherwise the http response is returned.
public function addComment($videoId, $comment, $commentId = false)
$uri = "/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/comments";
$url = self::URI_BASE.substr($uri, 1);
$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><entry >";
if($commentId !== false)$xml .= "<link rel='http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#in-reply-to' type='application/atom+xml' href='{$url}/{$commentId}'/>";
$xml .= "<content>{$comment}</content></entry>";
return $this->_data_request($uri, $xml);
* Add a video response to another video.
* @param string $videoId the youtube id of the video the response is to.
* @param string $responseId the youtube id of the video response.
* @return mixed false if not authenticated otherwise the http response is returned.
public function addVideoResponse($videoId, $responseId)
$uri = "/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/responses";
$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><entry ><id>{$responseId}</id></entry>";
return $this->_data_request($uri, $xml);
* Adds a numeric rating between 1 and 5 to the specified video
* @param string $videoId the youtube video id.
* @param int $rating the numeric rating between 1 and 5.
* @return mixed false if not authenticated otherwise the http response is sent.
public function addNumericRating($videoId, $rating)
if(is_numeric($rating) && $rating > 0 && $rating < 6)
$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><entry ><gd:rating value='{$rating}' min='1' max='5'/></entry>";
return $this->_data_request("/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/ratings", $xml);
return false;
* Adds a like or dislike rating to the specified video.
* @param string $videoId the youtube video id.
* @param bool $like boolean where true = like and false = dislike.
* @return mixed false if not authenticated otherwise the http response is sent.
public function addLikeDislike($videoId, $like)
$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><entry ><yt:rating value='".($like === true ? 'like':'dislike')."'/></entry>";
return $this->_data_request("/{$this->_uris['VIDEO_URI']}/{$videoId}/ratings", $xml);
} // ./system/application/libraries ?> [/code]
EDIT: Updated the library to fix a bug with multi-chunked responses from youtube. Also added an API method to add a comment to a video.
EDIT: Fixed issue where newlines in youtube descriptions would cause the library to stop reading even if more data was available.
EDIT: Updated to support direct uploading. Consult my blog for more info.