- Learn how to create a simple "Hello World" Conan package using the
conan new
command. Docs
- Learn how to modify the previous example to bring source files form a zip file located in a remote server or from a git repository. Docs
- Learn how to add requirements to a Conan package. Docs
- Learn how to configure the toolchain in the generate() method. Docs
- Learn how to configure settings and options and how Conan models binary compatibility. Docs
- Learn how to build and run tests, conditionally patch the sources and select the build system. Docs
- Learn to copy package files into the Conan local cache. Docs
- Define the information that consumers of a package need to build. Docs
- Use a test_package to test that the Conan package can be consumed correctly. Docs
- Learn how to create a Conan package for a simple header-only library. Docs
- Learn how to create a Conan package for a simple header-only library that needs the settings. Docs
- Learn how to create a Conan package when we are building our project with our IDE and we want to directly package the binaries without calling "conan create". Docs
- Learn how to create a Conan package when we have prebuilt libraries (like third-party vendors). Docs
- Learn how to create a Conan package when we have prebuilt libraries located in a remote repository. Docs