- add support for callback classes (
only) (see issue #316 for details, thanks to @mlr) - allow easier extension of AASM (utilising the idea of ApplicationRecords from Rails 5) (see issue #296 for details, thanks to @mlr)
- support pessimistic locking for ActiveRecord (see issue #283 for details, thanks to @HoyaBoya)
- fix: support database sharding for ActiveRecord (see issue #289 for details, thanks to @scambra)
- fix: some issues with RubyMotion (see issue #318 for details, thanks to @Infotaku)
- fix: Rails generator now features the correct namespace (see issue #328 and issue #329 for details, thanks to @anilmaurya)
- add support for dynamoid (see issue #300 for details, thanks to @LeeChSien)
- make compatible with RubyMotion (see issue #315 for details, thanks to @Infotaku)
- improve error handling in case of an exception during transitioning (see issue #275 for details, thanks to @chriswoodrich)
- rspec matcher
now supports arguments (see issue #309 for details, thanks to @zacviandier) - fix: permitted states now respect guards (see issue #308 for details, thanks to @eebs)
- fix: reloading the env now doesn't add callbacks twice anymore (see issue #311 for details, thanks to @lingceng)
- fix: allow :send as event name (see issue #257 for details)
- add new callbacks: transactions, all events, ensure (see issue #282 for details, thanks to @HoyaBoya)
- fix: make sure the column is actually present for ActiveRecord enums (see issue #265 and issue #152 for details, thanks to @anilmaurya)
- add generators to configure active_record and mongoid after install (see issue #261 for details, thanks to @anilmaurya)
- fix arity difference between Procs and lambdas (see issue #293 for details)
- make sure to use override configuration options if state machine is defined more than once (see issue #287 for details)
- add RSpec matchers
(see issue #147 for details) - add RSpec matcher
(see issue #178 for details, thanks to @thomasstephane)
- add support for rejecting certain events on inspection (see issue #272 for details, thanks to @dubroe)
- add support global transation callbacks (see issue #221 and issue #253 for details)
- add support (bugfix) for Mongoid >= 5.0 (see issue #277 and issue #278 for details)
- add support for multiple state machines per class (see issue #158 and issue #240 for details)
- special thanks to @evadne for testing this feature, and providing comments and patches (see issue #245 for details)
- support turning off and on the configuration option for
(see issue #223 for details) - event arguments are now passed to
callbacks as well (see issue #238, thanks to @kuinak)
- support block notation for
event callbacks (see issue #224 for details) - event arguments are now passed to state callbacks as well (not only to event callbacks) (see issue #219, thanks to @tobithiel)
now references the current object (with the state machine) and the AASM event name (see issue #217, thanks to @awsmsrc)- bugfix: do not update unloaded state for Sequel (see issue #218, thanks to @godfat)
- bugfix: initialize the aasm state column after initialization of the Mongoid instance (see issue #206, thanks to @Shwetakale )
- added support for mongomapper ORM (see issue #203, thanks to @reidmorrison )
has been removed. Useaasm.attribute_name
has been removed. Useaasm.human_event_name
- bugfix: may_event_name? should return true or false only (see issue #200 for details)
- bugfix: take private methods into account when checking for callbacks (see issue #197 for details)
- bugfix:
is treated as uninitialised state (same asnil
) (see issue #195 for details) - bugfix: an event's
callback now retrieves all arguments passed to the event (see issue #196 for details)
- bugfix: initialize the aasm state column after initialization of the ActiveRecord instance only if the attribute has been loaded (see issue #193 for details)
- corrected callback order in README
- bugfix: initialize the aasm state column after initialization of the ActiveRecord instance (see issue #191 for details)
- bugfix: avoid Rails autoloading conflicts (see issue #137 and issue #139 for details)
- bugfix: fire guards only once per transition, part 2 (see issue #187 for details)
is deprecated. Useaasm.attribute_name
- bugfix: really support block-guards (defined within a transition block) (see issue #186 for details)
- fire guards only once per transition (see issue #184 for details)
is deprecated, useaasm.human_event_name
- support
guard syntax: (see issue #179 and issue #181), thanks to @bigtunacan - may configure to not allow direct assignment for persisted AASM models (see issue #53)
- DSL change: callbacks don't require
parameter anymore, but still support it (closing issues #11, #58 and #80 thanks to @ejlangev) - DSL change:
hooks are now event-based (see issue #112) - DSL change: event and state callbacks have been re-ordered; state callbacks are not run anymore if any guard fails
- DSL change:
renamed to:after
- DSL change:
renamed to:after
- DSL change: transition
binding changed (see issue #59, thanks to @stiff) - DSL change: instance-based events inspection now returns event instances (instead of the event names as symbol)
- DSL change: instance-based permissible_events has been removed in favor or events(:permissible => true)
- DSL change: class-based events now returns a list of Event instances (instead of a hash with event names as keys)
- DSL change: renamed permissible states and events to permitted states events
- removed deprecated methods (mostly the ones prefixed with
- allow retrieving the current event (
) (see issue #159 and issue #168)
- bugfix: support reloading development environment in Rails (see issue #148)
- bugfix: avoid conflicts with
event names (see issue #157), thanks to @MichaelXavier - bugfix: not using transactions unless saving to the database (see issue #162 and issue #164), thanks to @roberthoner
- bugfix:
should only run if saving to the database (see issue #151), thanks to @ivantsepp
- bugfix: permissible events will respect given
(see issue #150)
- support for Rails 4.1 enum fields (see issue #124, thanks to @bkon)
- bugfix: allow lazy-evaluation for Rails 3 scopes (see issue #144, thanks to @laurens)
- bugfix: permissible_events and events did not contain events with an empty "from" transition (see issue #140 and issue #141, thanks to @daniel-rikowski)
- support Sequel (see issue #119, thanks to @godfat)
- may not fire an unknown event (see issue #128
- bugfix: don't require ActiveRecord for localizing AASM event and state name (see issue #113, thanks to @silentshade)
- validating the current state (see issue #95, thanks to @ivantsepp)
- allow configuring behavior of nested transactions (see issue #107)
- support multiple guards per transition
- support event guards (see issue #85)
- support reading from- and to-state during on_transition callback (see issue #100)
- support state.human_name (aliased to state.localized_name) (see issue #105)
- initialize the state even if validation is skipped (for ActiveRecord and Mongoid persistence) (see issue #103, thanks to @vfonic and @aaronklaassen)
- added support for event blocks (thanks to @Intrepidd)
- added support for
callback (transaction support) (thanks to @tisba)
- fixed issue 88: wrong number of arguments for transaction method
- support nested ActiveRecord transactions (@ozeias)
- allow overwriting of events, can be very useful with inheritance (@Intrepidd)
- added configuration option to disable automatic scope creation
- fixed deprecation warning with Rails 4 (
with conditions is deprecated) - fixing issue #69 ( ActiveRecord scopes are not chainable)
- fixing issue #66 (state methods not reflecting the current state)
- supporting instance level inspection for states (including permissible state, see issue #54)
- added autocreation of constants for each state (@jherdman)
- added autocreation of state scopes for Mongoid (thanks to @jonnyshields)
- added support for localized state names (on a class level, like
- supporting event inspection for to-states transitions (
- supporting ActiveRecord transactions when firing an event
now supports to filter for specific transition
- added class method
to retrieve all from states (regarding transitions) for a given state
- added support for transitions from all other states (thanks to @swrobel)
- guard checks (e.g.
) now support guard parameters as well
- fixed issue with generating docs using yard
- removed deprecation warning when localizing aasm state names (look at issue #38 for details)
- bugfix: if configured to skip validation the code does not validate anymore
- bugfix: get rid of error with old rubygems versions
- bugfix: Subclasses of aasm-enabled classes don't lose settings anymore (thanks to codez)
- bugfix: ActiveRecord scopes are generated when using the new DSL
- ActiveRecord persistence can ignore validation when trying to save invalid models
- added support for Mongoid (Thanks, Michał Taberski)
- switched documentation to the new DSL
- whiny transactions: by default, raise an exception if an event transition is not possible
- you may disable whiny transactions
- supporting new DSL (which is much shorter)
- bugfix: avoid naming conflict with i18n
- supporting i18n
- supporting regular expressions for hash values and strings