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General issue: Three voices that do not align properly #42

bel28kent opened this issue Apr 5, 2024 · 6 comments

General issue: Three voices that do not align properly #42

bel28kent opened this issue Apr 5, 2024 · 6 comments
vhv-viz-bug This issue concerns a bug in VHV visualization of kern.


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Screen Shot 2024-04-05 at 1 12 31 PM
@bel28kent bel28kent added the vhv-viz-bug This issue concerns a bug in VHV visualization of kern. label Apr 5, 2024
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You should highlight the text in question in the screen shots so it is easier for me to see what you are referring to. Also if it is a single note, you could click on it to make it red.

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craigsapp commented Apr 6, 2024

I don't see the problem (I fixed areas that look wrong in the above image, but they were correct I think when I looked at them, but in any case I adjusted the spines by swapping 2 and 3 layers which may have fixed it as well). Here is the full markup of the score:

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 8 52 03 PM
Click to view Humdrum score for above example.
!!!COM: Scriabin, Alexander
!!!OTL@@FR: Prélude en ré mineur
!!!OTL@EN: Prelude in D Minor
!!!OPR@@FR: 7 Préludes
!!!OPR@RU: Семь прелюдий
!!!OPR@EN: Seven Preludes
!!!OPR@DE: Sieben Präludien
!!!OPS: 17
!!!ONM: 1
!!!ODT: 1895-1896
!!!AGN: Prelude
**kern	**kern	**dynam
*staff2	*staff1	*staff1/2
*Ipiano	*Ipiano	*
*clefF4	*clefG2	*
*k[b-]	*k[b-]	*
*d:	*d:	*
!!!Xfilter: humbreak -m 6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51
!!LO:TX:omd:tempo:a:t=Allgretto [quarter] = 112
*M3/4	*M3/4	*
*MM112	*MM112	*
8A	8r	.
=1	=1	=1
*	*^	*
*	*	*^	*
4A	(8fL	2f	4ryy	p
.	8a	.	.	.
4G#X	8b-	.	4b-\	.
.	8dd	.	.	.
4Gn	8ff:	4b-: 4d:	4ryy	.
.	8eeJ	.	.	.
*	*v	*v	*v	*
=2	=2	=2
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
(16%3b-	8gL	.
.	8dd	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3d	.	.
.	8ee	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3G	8gg	<
.	8ccc	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3E)	.	.
.	8bb-J	.
=3	=3	=3
(20%3AA	8eeeL	.
.	8gg#X	[ >
20%3E	.	.
.	8bb-	.
20%3c#X	.	.
.	8aa	.
20%3A	.	.
.	8dd#X	.
20%3g)	.	.
.	8eeJ	]]
=4	=4	=4
(8DL	8ffL	.
8AJ	8ee	.
4f)	8g#X	.
.	8aJ	.
8r	8dd)	.
!!LO:TX:a:i:t=a tempo
8d	8r	.
=5	=5	=5
*	*^	*
*	*	*^	*
4d	(8b-L	2b-	4ryy	.
.	8dd	.	.	.
4c#X	8ee-X	.	4ee-\	.
.	8gg	.	.	.
4cn	8bb-	4ee- 4g	4ryy	.
.	8aaJ	.	.	.
*	*v	*v	*v	*
*clefG2	*	*
=6	=6	=6
!LO:TUP:b	!	!
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
(16%3ee-X	8ccL	<
.	8gg	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3g	.	.
.	8aa	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3c	8ccc	.
.	8fff	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3A)	.	.
.	8eee-XJ	[
*clefF4	*	*
=7	=7	=7
(20%3D/	8aaaL	>
.	8ccc#X	.
20%3cn	.	.
.	8eee-X	.
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.	8ddd	.
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.	8gg#X	.
*clefG2	*	*
20%3dd)	.	.
.	8aaJ	.
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.	8ccJ	.
8r	8gg)	.
8E-	8r	.
=9	=9	=9
4En	8r	.
.	(8bn	<
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.	8bb-X	.
8r	8cc	.
8E	8cc#XJ	.
=10	=10	=10
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.	8cc#X	.
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.	8gg	.
(8dL 8b-	8ee	.
8FJ)	8ffJ)	.
=11	=11	=11
4F#X	8r	<
.	(8cc#X	.
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.	8cccn	.
8r	8dd	.
*clefF4	*	*
8F#	8ee-XJ	.
=12	=12	=12
4G	8bb-L	.
.	8ee-X	.
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.	8aa	.
4e 4dd	8ff#X	.
.	8ggJ)	.
=13	=13	=13
*^	*	*
!	!	!	!LO:DY:t=%s rubato
4A	4rcyy	(8gg#XL	f
.	.	8aa	.
[2dd	4f	8fff	.
.	.	8ddd	.
.	4gn	8ccc	.
.	.	8ggnJ	.
=14	=14	=14	=14
4dd]	4e	8bb-L	.
.	.	8aa	.
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.	.	8ee	.
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.	.	8b-J)	.
*clefF4	*	*	*
=15	=15	=15	=15
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.	.	8a	.
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.	.	8dd	.
4e)	.	8cc#X	.
.	.	8gnJ	.
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*	*	*^	*
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=17	=17	=17	=17
*	*	*^	*
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.	8a	.	.	.
4G#X	8b-	.	4b-\	.
.	8dd	.	.	.
4Gn	8ff	4b- 4d	4ryy	.
.	8eeJ	.	.	.
*	*v	*v	*v	*
=18	=18	=18
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
(16%3b-	8gL	<
.	8dd	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3d	.	.
.	8ee	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
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.	8ccc	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3E)	.	.
.	8bb-J	[
=19	=19	=19
(20%3AA	8eeeL	>
.	8gg#X	.
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.	8bb-	.
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.	8aa	.
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.	8dd#X	.
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.	8eeJ	.
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=21	=21	=21
*	*^	*
*	*	*^	*
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.	8dd	.	.	.
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.	8gg	.	.	.
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.	8aaJ	.	.	.
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=22	=22	=22
!LO:TUP:b	!	!
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
(16%3ee-X	8ccL	.
.	8gg	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3g	.	.
.	8aa	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3c	8ccc	.
.	8fff	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!
16%3A)	.	.
.	8eee-XJ	.
*clefF4	*	*
=23	=23	=23
(20%3D	8aaaL	.
.	8ccc#X	.
20%3cn	.	.
.	8eee-X	.
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.	8ddd	.
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.	8gg#X	.
*clefG2	*	*
20%3dd)	.	.
.	8aaJ	.
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.	8ccJ	.
8r	8gg)	.
8E-	8r	.
=25	=25	=25
4En	8r	.
.	(8bn	.
4B-X 4g	8ccL	.
.	8bb-X	.
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=26	=26	=26
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.	8cc#X	.
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.	8gg	.
(8dL 8b-	8ee	.
8FJ)	8ffJ)	.
=27	=27	=27
4F#X	8r	.
.	(8cc#X	.
*clefG2	*	*
4d 4ccn	8ddL	.
.	8cccn	.
8r	8dd	.
*clefF4	*	*
8F#	8ee-XJ	.
=28	=28	=28
4G	8bb-L	.
.	8ee-X	.
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.	8aa	.
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.	8ggJ)	.
=29	=29	=29
*^	*	*
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.	.	8aa	.
[2dd	4f	8fff	.
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.	.	8aa	.
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.	.	8ee	.
4raa	4rc	8dd	.
.	.	8b-J	.
*clefF4	*	*	*
=31	=31	=31	=31
4AA	4rEEyy	8g#XL	.
.	.	8a	.
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4d]	4E	8b-L	>
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=33	=33	=33	=33
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(4F	2AA	8B-	.
.	.	8d	.
4E)	.	8c#X	.
.	.	8GnJ	.
=34	=34	=34	=34
*	*	*^	*
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.	.	8F	.	.
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.	.	8En	4.E	.
4C#X)	.	8B-	.	.
.	.	8AJ	.	.
*	*	*v	*v	*
=35	=35	=35	=35
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.	.	8g	.
4A)	.	8f#X	<
.	.	8cnJ	.
=36	=36	=36	=36
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.	.	8cJ)	.
=37	=37	=37	=37
*	*	*^	*
(2.G	[2.AA	(>8B-L	4ryy	.
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.	.	8cc	.	.
.	.	8b-J)	.	.
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.	.	8b-J)	.	.
*	*	*v	*v	*
=39	=39	=39	=39
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.	.	8aJ)	.
=40	=40	=40	=40
!	!	!	!LO:DY:rj
2.B-	2.AA	(8FL	p
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.	.	8g#XJ)	.
=41	=41	=41	=41
!	!	!	!LO:DY:rj
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.	.	8g#XJ)	.
=42	=42	=42	=42
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!	!	!LO:TX:a:i:t=rit.	!
.	.	8d	.
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.	.	8ddJ)	.
=43	=43	=43	=43
[2.Gn	[2.AA	(8B-XL	.
!	!	!LO:TX:a:i:t=rit.	!
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2.G]	2.AA]	(8c#XL	.
!	!	!LO:TX:a:i:t=rit.	!
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.	.	8eeJ)	.
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=45	=45	=45
*	*^	*
!	!	!LO:TX:a:i:t=a tempo	!
4DD	(8b-L	4b-	p
.	8dd	.	.
4c#X	8ee-X	4g	.
.	8gg	.	.
4cn	8bb-	4f#X	.
.	8aaJ	.	.
=46	=46	=46	=46
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!	!
(16%3B-	8gL	2.g	.
.	8dd	.	.
!LO:N:vis=4	!	!	!
16%3E-X	.	.	.
.	8ee-X	.	<
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.	8bb-J	.	[
*	*v	*v	*
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4DD	8ccc#XL	>
.	8gg#X	.
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.	8aa	.
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.	8eenJ	.
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*^	*^	*
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.	.	8d	.	.
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.	.	8aJ	.	.
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.	.	8d	.	.
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.	8e	.
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.	8AJ	.
.	4d)	.
[>8AA	.	.
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!	!LO:TX:c:i:t=rubato	!
4DD 4AA]	(8cc#X~L	.
.	8g#X~	.
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.	8a~	.
.	8e-X	.
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=54	=54	=54
[4DD 4AA_	8fL	.
.	8eJ	.
2DD_ 2AA_ [2F	4.G#X	.
.	8A	.
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2.DD_ 2.AA_ 2.F_	[2.d	.
=56	=56	=56
2DD] 2AA] 2F]	2d])	.
4r	4r	.
==	==	==
*-	*-	*-
!!!system-decoration: {(*)}
!!!RDF**kern: > = above
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
!!!RDF**dynam: > = dim.
!!!title: @{OTL}, op. @{OPS}, no. @{ONM}
!!!ENC: Bryan Jacob Bell
!!!END: November 2021 to April 2022
!!!PED: Konstantin Igumnov and Yakov Milstein
!!!PTL: A.N. Skryabin: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii dlia fortepiano (Muzgiz)
!!!URL-pdf: 	A.N. Skryabin: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii dlia fortepiano, Vol.2, Moscow: Muzgiz, 1948. Plate M. 18995 Г.
!!!URL-pdf: 	A.N. Skryabin: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii dlia fortepiano, Vol.2, Moscow: Muzgiz, 1948. Plate M. 18995 Г., Reissue - Muzyka, 1973. Plate 7641
!!!URL-pdf: First edition, Leipzig: M.P. Belaïeff, n.d. (ca.1897).

Some notes:

(1) For the quartuplets, I used !LO:N:vis=4 (make the note look like a quarter note. The *rscale method was not working, so I used this more literal method.

(2) I added three URL-pdf: entries: the first is what I think is the reference edition (the reference edition should always go first), then two others, with the last one being the first edition. When you mouse over the PDF icons on the main toolbar the title of the URL will be displayed:

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 8 55 21 PM

(3) I cleaned up some of the 3-layer sections (flipping layers 2 and 3).

(4) You could realize the rit. and accel. with *MM tempo markings if you want the score playback to be somewhat like a performance rendering. But this could be a future enhancement where you align the score to a particular performance (useful for performance analysi), basically copying the timings of a performance (ignoring timing difference between notes that are simultaneous in the score, where such timing differences are usually small and otherwise much more time to encode).

(5) There are quarter note rests like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 8 59 19 PM

I left them as is, since I am changing to more automatic rest vertical placement (using verovio placement), and such rests are now by default separated (previous default was to merge them). I will probably add *rjoin interpretations to merge such rest when desired.

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bel28kent commented Apr 6, 2024

My apologies; I was doing this quickly between classes. Here is an annotated version of the screenshot:

Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 12 30 51 PM

Link to the kern on editing branch scriabin-op17_no01.krn.

@bel28kent bel28kent changed the title op17_no01: vhv does not place the quarter-note stop correctly after the spine join General issue: Three voices that do not align properly Apr 6, 2024
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Also in scriabin-op22_no02.krn.

Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 1 29 04 PM

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bel28kent commented Apr 6, 2024


Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 1 59 29 PM

Also note clef change issue in m. 23 as documented in humdrum-tools/verovio-humdrum-viewer#861

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I suspect that this is related to flipper processing more than two subspines at a time. This will be a good test file to see about generalizing flipper to three (or more) subspines.

The general problem is that there is one way to split one spine into two: "*^". But for two spines, there are * *^ and *^ *.

both of these seem to produce correct `flipper -a output:

A1	A2
*^	*
A11	A12	A2
*v	*v	*v
flipper -ia -a
A2	A1
*	*^
A2	A12	A11
*v	*v	*v

And with the alternate spine splitting case:

A1	A2
*	*^
A1	A11	A12
*v	*v	*v
flipper -ia -a
A2	A1
*^	*
A12	A11	A1
*v	*v	*v

In both case the 3-subspine data gets reversed as expected:

Case 1: A11 A12 A2A2 A12 A11

Case 2: A1 A11 A12A12 A11 A1

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vhv-viz-bug This issue concerns a bug in VHV visualization of kern.
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2 participants