This app allows the user to view a select whale watching location around Monterey Bay California, the locations provided are retrieved from the free version of the FourSquare API, The locations are displayed on map provided by Google Maps API and has been developed using react-google-maps,
- Download the repository: Click download ZIP on the right of the screen, then extract the zip file to your computer, or clone the repository using git.
- Open your computer's terminal and navigate to where you unzipped the file or cloned the repository.
- Make sure you are in the app's directory/folder
- Run the project in development mode
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npm install
to install app dependencies. - Type
npm start
to run the app, the default browser will open with the app running, normally the app will run on http://localhost:3000/.
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- Run the project in production mode
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npm run build
to build the project. - Type
serve -s build
to run the app, visit http://localhost:5000/.
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