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Unity Game Libs Nuget Creator

Creates nugets with stripped and publicized libraries for Unity game modding.

If the game gets updated, this package needs to get updated too.

strip-assembiles.bat does two things:

  • Strips game assembiles using NStrip. This removes game code and leaves only API definitions.
  • Publicizes Assembly.CSharp.dll and AAssembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll. This makes all types, methods, properties and fields public, to make modding easier.


Nuget account

Prepare your repository

  • Create a new repository based on this template.
  • Add a secret called NUGET_KEY to this repository. Give it the value of the API key you created earlier.
  • Update the repository's name. This will be used as your Nuget ID, so it can't clash with another nuget package on
  • Update the repository's description. This will be used as the nuget's description too.

Generate the stripped libraries

  • Make sure you start off with a clean version of the game files, with no extra/modified dlls.
  • Drag the game's exe and drop it on strip-assembiles.bat.
  • Dlls are stripped, publicized, and placed in package\lib.

Updating the Nuget

  • Edit the .nuspec file, make <version> match the game version where these assemblies come from.
  • Push to master.
  • Updating master will trigger a workflow that will pack the dlls and update the NuGet package.

Publicized assemblies

By default, only Assembly-CSharp.dll and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll are publicized. All other dlls are stripped only. To publicize other dlls, edit strip-assemblies.bat and add the dll names to the toPublicize variable.