diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index af7de9c..9be0fea 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
+v0.5.1, 2014-11-18 -- Fix import problem
v0.5.0, 2014-11-18 -- Initial release
diff --git a/editrcs/__init__.py b/editrcs/__init__.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index b7db254..77bb375
--- a/editrcs/__init__.py
+++ b/editrcs/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1,1093 @@
-# Empty
+# EditRCS: Python library to read, manipulate and write RCS ,v files
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Ben Cohen
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+"""EditRCS: Python library to read, manipulate and write RCS ,v files
+EditRCS is a library to with functions to read RCS files into Python
+classes Rcs and RcsDelta, and to manipulate them and write them to a new
+RCS file.
+It is intended to be used to manipulate RCS files in ways that the RCS tools
+don't support, but it requires some knowledge of how RCS files work rather
+than being a polished command-line tool.
+See the rcsfile(5) manpage for RCS file format definition. See also
+https://www.gnu.org/software/rcs/manual/ and
+Limitations: I'm going with the 5.9.2 version of the manpage, and ignoring
+the newphrase in the earlier (e.g. 5.6) specifications for now.
+It is written to be simple rather than optimised for speed or space."""
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from threading import Thread
+# Utility functions
+def IsVisibleChar(c):
+ """Return whether the character c is a visible character, as defined in
+ rcsfile(5)."""
+ return 33 <= ord(c) <= 126 or 160 <= ord(c) <= 377
+def IsWhitespaceChar(c):
+ """Return whether the character c is a whitespace character, as defined in
+ rcsfile(5)."""
+ return 8 <= ord(c) <= 13 or ord(c) == 32
+def AddAtQuoting(s):
+ """Return the string s quoted for RCS, i.e. delimited by the at symbol '@'
+ with any at symbols doubled."""
+ return '@' + s.replace('@', '@@') + '@'
+def RemoveAtQuoting(s):
+ """Return the string s with RCS at quoting removed."""
+ assert(s[0] == '@' and s[-1] == '@')
+ return s[1:-1].replace('@@', '@')
+def NumToList(s):
+ """Return a list of the components of the dotted RCS number s."""
+ return map(lambda v: int(v), s.split('.'))
+def ListToNum(l):
+ """Return the dotted RCS number whose elements are those in the list l."""
+ return ".".join(map(lambda v: str(v), l))
+def IncrementNum(num, delta):
+ """Given dotted RCS numbers num and delta, return the dotted RCS number
+ formed by adding components of delta to num, starting from the left. Delta
+ must not have more elements than num."""
+ if num == None or num == "":
+ return num
+ num_v = NumToList(num)
+ delta_v = NumToList(delta)
+ assert len(delta_v) <= len(num_v)
+ for i in range(0, len(num_v)):
+ num_v[i] += delta_v[i]
+ return ListToNum(num_v)
+def DecrementNum(num, delta):
+ """Given dotted RCS numbers num and delta, return the dotted RCS number
+ formed by subtracting components of delta from num, starting from the left.
+ Delta must not have more elements than num."""
+ if num == None or num == "":
+ return num
+ num_v = NumToList(num)
+ delta_v = NumToList(delta)
+ assert len(delta_v) <= len(num_v)
+ for i in range(0, len(num_v)):
+ num_v[i] -= delta_v[i]
+ return ListToNum(num_v)
+def StringToDate(s):
+ """For a dotted RCS date s, return the corresponding 6-tuple
+ (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)."""
+ m = re.search("^(\d\d|\d\d\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d)$", s)
+ assert(m != None)
+ (Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss) = m.groups()
+ Y = int(Y)
+ MM = int(MM)
+ DD = int(DD)
+ hh = int(hh)
+ mm = int(mm)
+ ss = int(ss)
+ if not (0 <= Y < 100 or 2000 <= Y):
+ raise RcsError("Invalid year value in date %s"%s)
+ if not 01 <= MM <= 12:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid month value in date %s"%s)
+ if not 01 <= DD <= 31:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid day value in date %s"%s)
+ if not 00 <= hh <= 23:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid hour value in date %s"%s)
+ if not 00 <= mm <= 59:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid minute value in date %s"%s)
+ if not 00 <= ss <= 60: # ss can be 60 according to rcsfile5
+ raise RcsError("Invalid second value in date %s"%s)
+ if Y < 100:
+ Y += 1900
+ return (Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
+def DateToString(Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss):
+ """For a 6-tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) date, return the
+ corresponding dotted RCS date."""
+ if not Y >= 1900:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid year value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
+ if not 01 <= MM <= 12:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid month value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
+ if not 01 <= DD <= 31:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid day value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
+ if not 00 <= hh <= 23:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid hour value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
+ if not 00 <= mm <= 59:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid minute value in date %s"%
+ [Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
+ if not 00 <= ss <= 60: # ss can be 60 according to rcsfile5
+ raise RcsError("Invalid second value in date %s"%
+ [Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
+ if (Y < 2000):
+ Y = "%02d"%(Y - 1900)
+ else:
+ Y = "%04d"%Y
+ return "%s.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d"%(Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
+def StringColonMapToMap(s):
+ """Turn a {sym:num}* or {id:num}* white-space separated list into a map
+ with the sym/id components as keys and the num components as values."""
+ lex = Lexer(s)
+ ret = {}
+ while True:
+ # A sym is also an id so we only need to check for the latter
+ sym = lex.getId(False)
+ if sym == None:
+ break
+ lex.getColon()
+ num = lex.getNum()
+ ret[sym] = num
+ return ret
+def MapToStringColonMap(m):
+ """Turn a map where the keys are RCS syms/ids and the values are RCS nums
+ into a {sym:num}* or {id:num}* white-space separated list."""
+ ret = ""
+ for k in m.keys():
+ v = m[k]
+ if ret == "":
+ ret = "%s:%s"%(k,v)
+ else:
+ ret += " %s:%s"%(k,v)
+ return ret
+def StringNumsToList(s):
+ """Turn a string containing a whitespace separated list of RCS numbers into
+ a Python list."""
+ lex = Lexer(s)
+ ret = []
+ while True:
+ num = lex.getNum(False)
+ if num == None:
+ break
+ ret.append(num)
+ return ret
+def ListToStringNums(m):
+ """Turn a Python list of RCS numbers into a string containing a whitespace
+ separated list."""
+ ret = ""
+ for n in m:
+ if ret == "":
+ ret = "%s"%(n)
+ else:
+ ret += " %s"%(n)
+ return ret
+def TextToDiff(source, dest):
+ """Given strings containing a source and destination revision return a
+ string containing an RCS-style diff."""
+ # Use diff's RCS output option
+ (src_r, src_w) = os.pipe()
+ (dst_r, dst_w) = os.pipe()
+ (res_r, res_w) = os.pipe()
+ if os.fork() == 0:
+ # Child
+ os.close(src_w)
+ os.close(dst_w)
+ os.close(res_r)
+ os.dup2(res_w, sys.stdout.fileno())
+ os.execlp("diff",
+ "diff",
+ "-n",
+ "/dev/fd/%d"%src_r,
+ "/dev/fd/%d"%dst_r)
+ # Parent
+ os.close(src_r)
+ os.close(dst_r)
+ os.close(res_w)
+ src_w = os.fdopen(src_w, 'w')
+ dst_w = os.fdopen(dst_w, 'w')
+ res_r = os.fdopen(res_r, 'r')
+ def FeederThread(f, file):
+ f.write(file)
+ f.close()
+ src_t = Thread(target = FeederThread, args = (src_w, source))
+ src_t.start()
+ dst_t = Thread(target = FeederThread, args = (dst_w, dest))
+ dst_t.start()
+ result = res_r.read()
+ src_t.join()
+ dst_t.join()
+ res_r.close()
+ return result
+def TextFromDiff(source, diff):
+ """Given strings containing a source revision and an RCS-style diff, apply
+ the diff to the source revision and return the resulting string."""
+ # Parse RCS-style diff and apply it
+ remdiff = diff
+ offset = -1 # "diff -n" is 1-based
+ source = source.split('\n') # need to keep any terminal '\n'
+ while True:
+ if len(remdiff) > 1:
+ (s, remdiff) = remdiff.split('\n', 1)
+ else:
+ s = remdiff
+ if re.search("^\s*$", s) != None:
+ break
+ res = re.search("^([ad])([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$", s)
+ if res == None:
+ raise RcsError("Invalid rcsdiff command '%s'"%s)
+ (c, start, numlines) = res.groups()
+ start = int(start)
+ numlines = int(numlines)
+ if c == 'd':
+ fromline = start + offset
+ toline = fromline + numlines
+ if fromline < 0 or fromline >= len(source):
+ raise RcsError("fromline has gone wrong")
+ if toline < 0 or toline >= len(source):
+ raise RcsError("toline has gone wrong")
+ source = source[0:fromline] + source[toline:]
+ offset -= numlines
+ elif c == 'a':
+ fromline = start + offset + 1
+ split = remdiff.split('\n', numlines)
+ add = split[:-1]
+ remdiff = split[-1]
+ if fromline < 0 or fromline >= len(source):
+ raise RcsError("fromline has gone wrong")
+ source = source[0:fromline] + add + source[fromline:]
+ offset += numlines
+ else:
+ raise RcsError("This shouldn't be possible")
+ return "\n".join(source)
+def SymNumStringToList(s):
+ r = re.compile("^\s*(?:([0-9]*[a-z][0-9a-z]*):([0-9.]+))\s+(.*)$")
+ ret = []
+ m = re.search(r, s)
+ while m != None:
+ ret += (m[0], m[1])
+ s = m[2]
+ m = re.search(r, s)
+ return ret
+def textOrNone(phrase, value, semicolon = True):
+ """If the value is None then return the empty string, otherwise return
+ a string containing phrase followed by value and (if semicolon is
+ True) a semicolon."""
+ if value == None:
+ return ""
+ elif semicolon:
+ return "%s %s;\n"%(phrase, value)
+ else:
+ return "%s %s\n"%(phrase, value)
+class RcsError(Exception):
+ """Class for errors produced by EditRCS"""
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ """Return an RcsError object with the given error string set to
+ value."""
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return this object's error string."""
+ return repr(self.value)
+# Lexer class
+class Lexer:
+ """Lexer class used by ParseRcs() and other utility functions."""
+ # Lexer remembers the current position
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ """Return a lexer object initialised with the given string."""
+ self.text = text
+ self.textlen = len(text)
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.whitespace = " \b\t\n\v\f\r"
+ self.special = "$,.:;@"
+ idchars = ""
+ for i in range(0, 255):
+ if 0x21 <= i <= 0x7E or 0xA0 <= i <= 0xFF:
+ c = chr(i)
+ if c not in self.special:
+ idchars += chr(i)
+ self.idchar_re = "[%s]"%idchars
+ def error(self, text):
+ """Raise an RcsError with text and the current offset as context"""
+ raise RcsError("Syntax error: %s at offset %d"%(text, self.offset))
+ def expectedError(self, text):
+ """Raise an RcsError saying text was expected and the current offset
+ as context."""
+ self.error("expected %s"%text)
+ def getRE(self, regexp, must_have, err_tok):
+ """Try to parse the regular expression regexp. If it can't and
+ must_have is True, then raise an error saying err_tok was expected.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ #print "%s -> %s"%(regexp, self.text[self.offset:])
+ skip_whitespace = "([%s]*)"%self.whitespace
+ res = re.search("^" + skip_whitespace + regexp,
+ self.text[self.offset:],
+ re.DOTALL)
+ if res == None:
+ if must_have:
+ self.expectedError("'%s'"%err_tok)
+ tok = None
+ else:
+ (ws, tok,) = res.groups()
+ self.offset += len(ws) + len(tok)
+ #print "%s -> %d"%(tok, self.offset)
+ return tok
+ def getNum(self, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get an RCS num. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ return self.getRE('([0-9.]+)', must_have, "")
+ def getSym(self, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get an RCS sym. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ # In the grammar, "sym ::= {digit}* idchar {idchar|digit}". I don't
+ # see the difference between that and "sym ::= {idchar}*" - perhaps I'm
+ # missing something but "rcs -a2 foo" works.
+ # ... In fact the 5.9.2 version of the manpage has exactly that!
+ return self.getRE('(%s+)'%self.idchar_re, must_have, "")
+ def getId(self, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get an RCS id. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ # In the grammar, "id ::= {num} idchar {idchar|num}*". I don't see
+ # the difference between that and "id ::= {.|idchar}*" - perhaps I'm
+ # missing something but "rcs -n5:1.1 foo" works.
+ # ... In fact the 5.9.2 version of the manpage has exactly that!
+ return self.getRE('((?:\.|%s)+)'%self.idchar_re, must_have, "")
+ def getKw(self, kw, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get the given RCS keyword. Error if it can't and must_have
+ is True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ return self.getRE('(%s)(?:[%s%s]|$)'%(kw,
+ self.whitespace,
+ self.special),
+ must_have,
+ "'%s'"%kw)
+ def getString(self, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get an RCS at-quoted string. Error if it can't and must_have
+ is True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ return self.getRE('(@(?:[^@]|@@)*@)(?:[^@]|$)', must_have, "")
+ def getSemicolon(self, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get a semi-colon. Error if it can't and must_have is
+ True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ return self.getRE('(;)', must_have, "';'")
+ def getColon(self, must_have = True):
+ """Try to get a colon. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
+ Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
+ it failed and must_have is False."""
+ return self.getRE('(:)', must_have, "':'")
+ def checkNewlineTerm(self):
+ """Try to get a newline and end-of-string, as required by the RCS file
+ format. Error if it can't."""
+ self.getRE('(\n)$',
+ True,
+ "file to end with a newline ('\\n') character");
+# RcsDelta class
+class RcsDelta:
+ """Class representing the structure of a delta in an RCS file"""
+ def __init__(self, revision):
+ """Return an uninitialised RcsDelta object. The caller is responsible
+ for filling in the fields."""
+ self.__revision = revision
+ self.__commitid = None
+ self.__date = None
+ self.__author = None
+ self.__state = None
+ self.__branches = None
+ self.__next = None
+ self.__log = None
+ self.__text = None
+ self.__text_is_diff = None
+ def setRevision(self, value):
+ """Set the revision number for this delta. This is an RCS dotted
+ number with an even number of components.
+ See the rcsfile(5) manpage for how revision numbers are used. EditRCS
+ doesn't (currently) enforce this but different numbering schemes will
+ probably break other tools."""
+ self.__revision = value
+ def getRevision(self):
+ """Get the revision number for this delta. This is an RCS dotted
+ number with an even number of components.
+ See the rcsfile(5) manpage for how revision numbers are used. EditRCS
+ doesn't (currently) enforce this but different numbering schemes will
+ probably break other tools."""
+ return self.__revision
+ def setCommitId(self, value):
+ """Get the commitid field, a value unique in the RCS file used to
+ identify a commit operation applied to a set of RCS files."""
+ self.__commitid = value
+ def getCommitId(self):
+ """Get the commitid field, a value unique in the RCS file used to
+ identify a commit operation applied to a set of RCS files."""
+ return self.__commitid
+ def setDate(self, value):
+ """Set the date field, giving the date and time at which this delta
+ was checked in."""
+ self.__date = value
+ def getDate(self):
+ """Get the date field, giving the date and time at which this delta
+ was checked in."""
+ return self.__date
+ def setAuthor(self, value):
+ """Set the author field, giving the identity of the user who checked
+ in this delta."""
+ self.__author = value
+ def getAuthor(self):
+ """Get the author field, giving the identity of the user who checked
+ in this delta."""
+ return self.__author
+ def setState(self, value):
+ """Set the state field. RCS defaults this to Exp ("experimental") but
+ it can be changed to a user-defined value such as "stable" or
+ "released". CVS sets it to "dead" for deleted files."""
+ if value == None:
+ value = ""
+ self.__state = value
+ def getState(self):
+ """Get the state field. RCS defaults this to Exp ("experimental") but
+ it can be changed to a user-defined value such as "stable" or
+ "released". CVS sets it to "dead" for deleted files."""
+ return self.__state
+ def setBranches(self, value, from_list = True):
+ """Set the branches field. This is a list of the first nodes of
+ all branches from this delta."""
+ if value == None:
+ value = ""
+ elif from_list:
+ self.__branches = ListToStringNums(value)
+ else:
+ self.__branches = value
+ def getBranches(self, to_list = True):
+ """Get the branches field. This is a list of the first nodes of
+ all branches from this delta."""
+ if to_list:
+ return StringNumsToList(self.__branches)
+ else:
+ return self.__branches
+ def setNext(self, value):
+ """Set the next field, pointing to the next revision. For the trunk
+ this is a *previous* revision but for branches it is a *subsequent*
+ revision. See the diagram in the rcsfile(5) manpage."""
+ if value == None:
+ value = ""
+ self.__next = value
+ def getNext(self):
+ """Get the next field, pointing to the next revision. For the trunk
+ this is a *previous* revision but for branches it is a *subsequent*
+ revision. See the diagram in the rcsfile(5) manpage."""
+ return self.__next
+ def setLog(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the log field given by the user for this revision.
+ If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
+ is assumed to have been quoted already."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ self.__log = AddAtQuoting(value)
+ else:
+ self.__log = value
+ def getLog(self, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the log field given by the user for this revision. If
+ handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__log)
+ else:
+ return self.__log
+ def setText(self, value, text_is_diff, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the text field to value. If text_is_diff then it is to be
+ regarded as a diff, otherwise it is to be regarded as a revision.
+ (In an RCS file the head should be a revision and the other deltas
+ are diffs.)
+ If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
+ is assumed to have been quoted already."""
+ self.__text_is_diff = text_is_diff
+ if handle_quoting:
+ self.__text = AddAtQuoting(value)
+ else:
+ self.__text = value
+ def getTextIsDiff(self):
+ """Return True if the text field is currently a diff or False
+ otherwise (a revision)."""
+ return self.__text_is_diff
+ def getText(self, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Return the text field. If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting
+ will be removed."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__text)
+ else:
+ return self.__text
+ def textToDiff(self, prev_rev):
+ """If the text field is currently a revision then, using prev_rev as
+ the previous revision, set the text field to the resulting diff.
+ Otherwise, raise a RcsError."""
+ if self.__text_is_diff:
+ raise RcsError("revision %s is already a diff!"%self.__revision)
+ if prev_rev.getTextIsDiff():
+ raise RcsError("previous revision %s is a diff!"%prev_rev.getRevision())
+ self.setText(TextToDiff(prev_rev.getText(),
+ self.getText()),
+ True)
+ def textFromDiff(self, prev_rev):
+ """If the text field is currently a diff then, using prev_rev as the
+ previous revision, set the text field to the resulting revision.
+ Otherwise, raise a RcsError."""
+ if not self.__text_is_diff:
+ raise RcsError("revision %s is not a diff!"%self.__revision)
+ self.setText(TextFromDiff(prev_rev.getText(),
+ self.getText()),
+ False)
+ def validate(self):
+ """Validate the RcsDelta object for missing phrases and other
+ problems. If a problem is found then raise an RcsError."""
+ # This implicitly checks that there is a delta and a delta text for
+ # every revision.
+ if self.getDate() == None:
+ raise RcsError("date is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getAuthor() == None:
+ raise RcsError("author is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getState() == None:
+ raise RcsError("state is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getBranches() == None:
+ raise RcsError("branches is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getNext() == None:
+ raise RcsError("next is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getLog() == None:
+ raise RcsError("log is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getText() == None:
+ raise RcsError("text is not set (and is not optional)")
+ def deltaToString(self):
+ """Return a string representation of the "delta" part of the RCS
+ grammar for this RcsDelta object. This assumes that validate() has
+ already been checked in the containing Rcs object."""
+ s = ("%s\n"%self.__revision
+ + textOrNone("date", self.__date)
+ + textOrNone("author", self.__author)
+ + textOrNone("state", self.__state)
+ + textOrNone("branches", self.__branches)
+ + textOrNone("next", self.__next)
+ + textOrNone("commitid", self.__commitid)
+ + "\n")
+ return s
+ def deltaTextToString(self):
+ """Return a string representation of the "deltatext" part of the RCS
+ grammar for this RcsDelta object. This assumes that validate() has
+ already been checked in the containing Rcs object."""
+ # This assumes that Rcs.validate() has been checked
+ s = ("%s\n"%self.__revision
+ + textOrNone("log", self.__log, False)
+ + textOrNone("text", self.__text, False)
+ + "\n")
+ return s
+# Rcs class
+class Rcs:
+ """Class representing the structure of an RCS file"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Return an uninitialised Rcs object. The caller is responsible for
+ filling in the fields."""
+ # These are stored as strings as they appear in the rcs file. The
+ # getters and setters do conversion and validation.
+ self.__deltas = []
+ self.__head = None
+ self.__branch = None
+ self.__access = None
+ self.__symbols = None
+ self.__locks = None
+ self.__strict = None
+ self.__integrity = None
+ self.__comment = None
+ self.__expand = None
+ self.__desc = None
+ self.revisionsAreDiffs = True
+ def setHead(self, revision):
+ """Set the head revision. This is the RCS dotted number of the latest
+ revision on the trunk."""
+ if revision == None:
+ revision = ""
+ self.__head = revision
+ def getHead(self):
+ """Get the head revision. This is the RCS dotted number of the latest
+ revision on the trunk."""
+ return self.__head
+ def setBranch(self, revision):
+ """Set the default branch (or revision) for RCS operations."""
+ if revision == None:
+ revision = ""
+ self.__branch = revision
+ def getBranch(self):
+ """Get the default branch (or revision) for RCS operations."""
+ return self.__branch
+ def setAccess(self, value):
+ """Set the access field. This is a whitespace-separated list of ids
+ for the users who are allowed to modify the RCS file. If it is empty
+ then any user can modify the file."""
+ if value == None:
+ value = ""
+ self.__access = value
+ def getAccess(self):
+ """Get the access field. This is a whitespace-separated list of ids
+ for the users who are allowed to modify the RCS file. If it is empty
+ then any user can modify the file."""
+ return self.__access
+ def setSymbols(self, value, from_map = True):
+ """Set the symbols field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
+ mappings from symbolic names to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the
+ form :). The symbolic names can be used as tags, possibly
+ across multiple RCS files."""
+ if value == None:
+ value = ""
+ elif from_map:
+ self.__symbols = MapToStringColonMap(value)
+ else:
+ self.__symbols = value
+ def getSymbols(self, to_map = True):
+ """Get the symbols field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
+ mappings from symbolic names to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the
+ form :). The symbolic names can be used as tags, possibly
+ across multiple RCS files."""
+ if to_map:
+ return StringColonMapToMap(self.__symbols)
+ else:
+ return self.__symbols
+ def setLocks(self, value, from_map = True):
+ """Set the locks field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
+ mappings from user ids to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the form
+ :). This is used to identify which revisions have been locked
+ by users."""
+ if value == None:
+ value = ""
+ elif from_map:
+ self.__locks = MapToStringColonMap(value)
+ else:
+ self.__locks = value
+ def getLocks(self, to_map = True):
+ """Get the locks field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
+ mappings from user ids to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the form
+ :). This is used to identify which revisions have been locked
+ by users."""
+ if to_map:
+ return StringColonMapToMap(self.__locks)
+ else:
+ return self.__locks
+ def setStrict(self, value, from_bool = True):
+ """Set the strict field. If set then RCS requires a user to hold
+ a lock on a revision before being allowed to check in the next
+ revision.
+ This function expects value to be a boolean (unless from_bool is
+ False)."""
+ if from_bool:
+ if value:
+ value = ""
+ else:
+ value = None
+ else:
+ if value not in [None, ""]:
+ raise RcsError("struct can only be None or \"\"")
+ self.__strict = value
+ def getStrict(self, to_bool = True):
+ """Get the strict field. If set then RCS requires a user to hold
+ a lock on a revision before being allowed to check in the next
+ revision.
+ This function expects value to be a boolean (unless from_bool is
+ False)."""
+ if to_bool:
+ if value not in [None, ""]:
+ raise RcsError("struct can only be None or \"\"")
+ return self.__strict == ""
+ else:
+ return self.__strict
+ def setIntegrity(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the integrity field. This was added in RCS 5.8 for RCS and
+ implementation-defined extensions.
+ If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
+ is assumed to have been quoted already."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ self.__integrity = AddAtQuoting(value)
+ else:
+ self.__integrity = value
+ def getIntegrity(self, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Get the integrity field. This was added in RCS 5.8 for RCS and
+ implementation-defined extensions.
+ If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__integrity)
+ else:
+ return self.__integrity
+ def setComment(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the comment field. This is an obsolete option used by old
+ RCS versions for $Log$.
+ If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
+ is assumed to have been quoted already."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ self.__comment = AddAtQuoting(value)
+ else:
+ self.__comment = value
+ def getComment(self, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the comment field. This is an obsolete option used by old
+ RCS versions for $Log$.
+ If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__comment)
+ else:
+ return self.__comment
+ def setExpand(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the expand field.
+ If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
+ is assumed to have been quoted already."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ self.__expand = AddAtQuoting(value)
+ else:
+ self.__expand = value
+ def getExpand(self, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Get the expand field.
+ If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__expand)
+ else:
+ return self.__expand
+ def addDelta(self, revision, delta):
+ """Add the given delta as the given revision number."""
+ for d in self.__deltas:
+ if d.getRevision() == revision:
+ raise RcsError("Revision %s already in deltas"%(revision))
+ self.__deltas.append(delta)
+ def getDelta(self, revision):
+ """Return the delta for the given revision number."""
+ for d in self.__deltas:
+ if d.getRevision() == revision:
+ return d
+ raise RcsError("Revision %s not found in deltas"%(revision))
+ def delDelta(self, revision):
+ """Delete the delta for the given revision number."""
+ for d in self.__deltas:
+ if d.getRevision() == revision:
+ del self.__deltas[self.__deltas.index(d)]
+ raise RcsError("Revision %s not found in deltas"%(revision))
+ def mapDeltas(self, apply_fn):
+ """Apply the function apply_fn() to each delta in turn."""
+ for d in self.__deltas:
+ apply_fn(d)
+ def setDesc(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Set the description field given by the user for this RCS file.
+ If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
+ is assumed to have been quoted already."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ self.__desc = AddAtQuoting(value)
+ else:
+ self.__desc = value
+ def getDesc(self, handle_quoting = True):
+ """Get the description field given by the user for this RCS file.
+ If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
+ if handle_quoting:
+ return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__desc)
+ else:
+ return self.__desc
+ def validate(self):
+ """Validate the Rcs object for missing phrases and other problems.
+ If a problem is found then raise an RcsError."""
+ for d in self.__deltas:
+ d.validate()
+ # TODO Check that d's next is in self.__deltas
+ # TODO Check that head, branch, etc. are in self.__deltas
+ if self.getHead() == None:
+ raise RcsError("head is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getAccess() == None:
+ raise RcsError("access is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getSymbols(False) == None:
+ raise RcsError("symbols is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getLocks(False) == None:
+ raise RcsError("locks is not set (and is not optional)")
+ if self.getDesc() == None:
+ raise RcsError("desc is not set (and is not optional)")
+ def toString(self):
+ """Return a string representation of the RCS file for this object.
+ This performs validation using validate()."""
+ self.validate()
+ s = (textOrNone("head", self.__head)
+ + textOrNone("branch", self.__branch)
+ + textOrNone("access", self.__access)
+ + textOrNone("symbols", self.__symbols)
+ + textOrNone("locks", self.__locks)
+ + textOrNone("strict", self.__strict)
+ + textOrNone("comment", self.__comment)
+ + textOrNone("expand", self.__expand)
+ + "\n"
+ + "".join(map(lambda d: d.deltaToString(), self.__deltas))
+ + textOrNone("desc", self.__desc, False)
+ + "\n"
+ + "".join(map(lambda d: d.deltaTextToString(), self.__deltas)))
+ return s
+# ParseRcs function
+def ParseRcs(text):
+ """Parse a string in RCS format and return a corresponding Rcs object"""
+ # RCS file format is a regular expression!
+ rcs = Rcs()
+ lex = Lexer(text)
+ lex.getKw("head")
+ rcs.setHead(lex.getNum())
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ if lex.getKw("branch", False) != None:
+ rcs.setBranch(lex.getNum())
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ t = lex.getKw("access")
+ access_list = []
+ while True:
+ t = lex.getId(False)
+ if t == None:
+ break
+ access_list.append(t)
+ rcs.setAccess(" ".join(access_list))
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ lex.getKw("symbols")
+ symbols_list = []
+ while True:
+ t1 = lex.getSym(False)
+ if t1 == None:
+ break
+ lex.getColon()
+ t2 = lex.getNum()
+ symbols_list.append("%s:%s"%(t1, t2))
+ rcs.setSymbols(" ".join(symbols_list), False)
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ lex.getKw("locks")
+ locks_list = []
+ while True:
+ t1 = lex.getId(False)
+ if t1 == None:
+ break
+ lex.getColon()
+ t2 = lex.getNum()
+ locks_list.append("%s:%s"%(t1, t2))
+ rcs.setLocks(" ".join(locks_list), False)
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ if lex.getKw("strict", False) != None:
+ rcs.setStrict("", False)
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ if lex.getKw("integrity", False) != None:
+ rcs.setIntegrity(lex.getString(False), False)
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ if lex.getKw("comment", False) != None:
+ rcs.setComment(lex.getString(False), False)
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ if lex.getKw("expand", False) != None:
+ rcs.setExpand(lex.getString(False), False)
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ # Haven't implemented from rcs 5.6, which would go here.
+ # We might need a better parser (or at least backtracking) because
+ # is ';' terminated and we can't otherwise distinguish the
+ # keywords from in .
+ # But actually rcs 5.7 source code assumes that if a token contains an
+ # idchar that isn't a digit or a special then it's an ID; and it doesn't
+ # distinguish between SYM and ID.
+ while True:
+ rev = lex.getNum(False)
+ if rev == None:
+ break
+ delta = RcsDelta(rev)
+ rcs.addDelta(rev, delta)
+ lex.getKw("date")
+ delta.setDate(lex.getNum())
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ lex.getKw("author")
+ delta.setAuthor(lex.getId())
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ lex.getKw("state")
+ delta.setState(lex.getId(False))
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ lex.getKw("branches")
+ branches_list = []
+ while True:
+ t = lex.getNum(False)
+ if t == None:
+ break
+ branches_list.append(t)
+ delta.setBranches(" ".join(branches_list))
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ lex.getKw("next")
+ delta.setNext(lex.getNum(False))
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ if lex.getKw("commitid", False) != None:
+ delta.setCommitId(lex.getId(True))
+ lex.getSemicolon()
+ # Haven't implemented from rcs 5.6, which would go here.
+ lex.getKw("desc")
+ rcs.setDesc(lex.getString(), False)
+ while True:
+ rev = lex.getNum(False)
+ if rev == None:
+ break
+ delta = rcs.getDelta(rev)
+ lex.getKw("log")
+ delta.setLog(lex.getString(), False)
+ lex.getKw("text")
+ delta.setText(lex.getString(), (rcs.getHead() != rev), False)
+ lex.checkNewlineTerm()
+ return rcs
diff --git a/editrcs/editrcs.py b/editrcs/editrcs.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 77bb375..0000000
--- a/editrcs/editrcs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1093 +0,0 @@
-# EditRCS: Python library to read, manipulate and write RCS ,v files
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Ben Cohen
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-"""EditRCS: Python library to read, manipulate and write RCS ,v files
-EditRCS is a library to with functions to read RCS files into Python
-classes Rcs and RcsDelta, and to manipulate them and write them to a new
-RCS file.
-It is intended to be used to manipulate RCS files in ways that the RCS tools
-don't support, but it requires some knowledge of how RCS files work rather
-than being a polished command-line tool.
-See the rcsfile(5) manpage for RCS file format definition. See also
-https://www.gnu.org/software/rcs/manual/ and
-Limitations: I'm going with the 5.9.2 version of the manpage, and ignoring
-the newphrase in the earlier (e.g. 5.6) specifications for now.
-It is written to be simple rather than optimised for speed or space."""
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-from threading import Thread
-# Utility functions
-def IsVisibleChar(c):
- """Return whether the character c is a visible character, as defined in
- rcsfile(5)."""
- return 33 <= ord(c) <= 126 or 160 <= ord(c) <= 377
-def IsWhitespaceChar(c):
- """Return whether the character c is a whitespace character, as defined in
- rcsfile(5)."""
- return 8 <= ord(c) <= 13 or ord(c) == 32
-def AddAtQuoting(s):
- """Return the string s quoted for RCS, i.e. delimited by the at symbol '@'
- with any at symbols doubled."""
- return '@' + s.replace('@', '@@') + '@'
-def RemoveAtQuoting(s):
- """Return the string s with RCS at quoting removed."""
- assert(s[0] == '@' and s[-1] == '@')
- return s[1:-1].replace('@@', '@')
-def NumToList(s):
- """Return a list of the components of the dotted RCS number s."""
- return map(lambda v: int(v), s.split('.'))
-def ListToNum(l):
- """Return the dotted RCS number whose elements are those in the list l."""
- return ".".join(map(lambda v: str(v), l))
-def IncrementNum(num, delta):
- """Given dotted RCS numbers num and delta, return the dotted RCS number
- formed by adding components of delta to num, starting from the left. Delta
- must not have more elements than num."""
- if num == None or num == "":
- return num
- num_v = NumToList(num)
- delta_v = NumToList(delta)
- assert len(delta_v) <= len(num_v)
- for i in range(0, len(num_v)):
- num_v[i] += delta_v[i]
- return ListToNum(num_v)
-def DecrementNum(num, delta):
- """Given dotted RCS numbers num and delta, return the dotted RCS number
- formed by subtracting components of delta from num, starting from the left.
- Delta must not have more elements than num."""
- if num == None or num == "":
- return num
- num_v = NumToList(num)
- delta_v = NumToList(delta)
- assert len(delta_v) <= len(num_v)
- for i in range(0, len(num_v)):
- num_v[i] -= delta_v[i]
- return ListToNum(num_v)
-def StringToDate(s):
- """For a dotted RCS date s, return the corresponding 6-tuple
- (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)."""
- m = re.search("^(\d\d|\d\d\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d)$", s)
- assert(m != None)
- (Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss) = m.groups()
- Y = int(Y)
- MM = int(MM)
- DD = int(DD)
- hh = int(hh)
- mm = int(mm)
- ss = int(ss)
- if not (0 <= Y < 100 or 2000 <= Y):
- raise RcsError("Invalid year value in date %s"%s)
- if not 01 <= MM <= 12:
- raise RcsError("Invalid month value in date %s"%s)
- if not 01 <= DD <= 31:
- raise RcsError("Invalid day value in date %s"%s)
- if not 00 <= hh <= 23:
- raise RcsError("Invalid hour value in date %s"%s)
- if not 00 <= mm <= 59:
- raise RcsError("Invalid minute value in date %s"%s)
- if not 00 <= ss <= 60: # ss can be 60 according to rcsfile5
- raise RcsError("Invalid second value in date %s"%s)
- if Y < 100:
- Y += 1900
- return (Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
-def DateToString(Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss):
- """For a 6-tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) date, return the
- corresponding dotted RCS date."""
- if not Y >= 1900:
- raise RcsError("Invalid year value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
- if not 01 <= MM <= 12:
- raise RcsError("Invalid month value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
- if not 01 <= DD <= 31:
- raise RcsError("Invalid day value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
- if not 00 <= hh <= 23:
- raise RcsError("Invalid hour value in date %s"%[Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
- if not 00 <= mm <= 59:
- raise RcsError("Invalid minute value in date %s"%
- [Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
- if not 00 <= ss <= 60: # ss can be 60 according to rcsfile5
- raise RcsError("Invalid second value in date %s"%
- [Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss])
- if (Y < 2000):
- Y = "%02d"%(Y - 1900)
- else:
- Y = "%04d"%Y
- return "%s.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d"%(Y, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss)
-def StringColonMapToMap(s):
- """Turn a {sym:num}* or {id:num}* white-space separated list into a map
- with the sym/id components as keys and the num components as values."""
- lex = Lexer(s)
- ret = {}
- while True:
- # A sym is also an id so we only need to check for the latter
- sym = lex.getId(False)
- if sym == None:
- break
- lex.getColon()
- num = lex.getNum()
- ret[sym] = num
- return ret
-def MapToStringColonMap(m):
- """Turn a map where the keys are RCS syms/ids and the values are RCS nums
- into a {sym:num}* or {id:num}* white-space separated list."""
- ret = ""
- for k in m.keys():
- v = m[k]
- if ret == "":
- ret = "%s:%s"%(k,v)
- else:
- ret += " %s:%s"%(k,v)
- return ret
-def StringNumsToList(s):
- """Turn a string containing a whitespace separated list of RCS numbers into
- a Python list."""
- lex = Lexer(s)
- ret = []
- while True:
- num = lex.getNum(False)
- if num == None:
- break
- ret.append(num)
- return ret
-def ListToStringNums(m):
- """Turn a Python list of RCS numbers into a string containing a whitespace
- separated list."""
- ret = ""
- for n in m:
- if ret == "":
- ret = "%s"%(n)
- else:
- ret += " %s"%(n)
- return ret
-def TextToDiff(source, dest):
- """Given strings containing a source and destination revision return a
- string containing an RCS-style diff."""
- # Use diff's RCS output option
- (src_r, src_w) = os.pipe()
- (dst_r, dst_w) = os.pipe()
- (res_r, res_w) = os.pipe()
- if os.fork() == 0:
- # Child
- os.close(src_w)
- os.close(dst_w)
- os.close(res_r)
- os.dup2(res_w, sys.stdout.fileno())
- os.execlp("diff",
- "diff",
- "-n",
- "/dev/fd/%d"%src_r,
- "/dev/fd/%d"%dst_r)
- # Parent
- os.close(src_r)
- os.close(dst_r)
- os.close(res_w)
- src_w = os.fdopen(src_w, 'w')
- dst_w = os.fdopen(dst_w, 'w')
- res_r = os.fdopen(res_r, 'r')
- def FeederThread(f, file):
- f.write(file)
- f.close()
- src_t = Thread(target = FeederThread, args = (src_w, source))
- src_t.start()
- dst_t = Thread(target = FeederThread, args = (dst_w, dest))
- dst_t.start()
- result = res_r.read()
- src_t.join()
- dst_t.join()
- res_r.close()
- return result
-def TextFromDiff(source, diff):
- """Given strings containing a source revision and an RCS-style diff, apply
- the diff to the source revision and return the resulting string."""
- # Parse RCS-style diff and apply it
- remdiff = diff
- offset = -1 # "diff -n" is 1-based
- source = source.split('\n') # need to keep any terminal '\n'
- while True:
- if len(remdiff) > 1:
- (s, remdiff) = remdiff.split('\n', 1)
- else:
- s = remdiff
- if re.search("^\s*$", s) != None:
- break
- res = re.search("^([ad])([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\s*$", s)
- if res == None:
- raise RcsError("Invalid rcsdiff command '%s'"%s)
- (c, start, numlines) = res.groups()
- start = int(start)
- numlines = int(numlines)
- if c == 'd':
- fromline = start + offset
- toline = fromline + numlines
- if fromline < 0 or fromline >= len(source):
- raise RcsError("fromline has gone wrong")
- if toline < 0 or toline >= len(source):
- raise RcsError("toline has gone wrong")
- source = source[0:fromline] + source[toline:]
- offset -= numlines
- elif c == 'a':
- fromline = start + offset + 1
- split = remdiff.split('\n', numlines)
- add = split[:-1]
- remdiff = split[-1]
- if fromline < 0 or fromline >= len(source):
- raise RcsError("fromline has gone wrong")
- source = source[0:fromline] + add + source[fromline:]
- offset += numlines
- else:
- raise RcsError("This shouldn't be possible")
- return "\n".join(source)
-def SymNumStringToList(s):
- r = re.compile("^\s*(?:([0-9]*[a-z][0-9a-z]*):([0-9.]+))\s+(.*)$")
- ret = []
- m = re.search(r, s)
- while m != None:
- ret += (m[0], m[1])
- s = m[2]
- m = re.search(r, s)
- return ret
-def textOrNone(phrase, value, semicolon = True):
- """If the value is None then return the empty string, otherwise return
- a string containing phrase followed by value and (if semicolon is
- True) a semicolon."""
- if value == None:
- return ""
- elif semicolon:
- return "%s %s;\n"%(phrase, value)
- else:
- return "%s %s\n"%(phrase, value)
-class RcsError(Exception):
- """Class for errors produced by EditRCS"""
- def __init__(self, value):
- """Return an RcsError object with the given error string set to
- value."""
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- """Return this object's error string."""
- return repr(self.value)
-# Lexer class
-class Lexer:
- """Lexer class used by ParseRcs() and other utility functions."""
- # Lexer remembers the current position
- def __init__(self, text):
- """Return a lexer object initialised with the given string."""
- self.text = text
- self.textlen = len(text)
- self.offset = 0
- self.whitespace = " \b\t\n\v\f\r"
- self.special = "$,.:;@"
- idchars = ""
- for i in range(0, 255):
- if 0x21 <= i <= 0x7E or 0xA0 <= i <= 0xFF:
- c = chr(i)
- if c not in self.special:
- idchars += chr(i)
- self.idchar_re = "[%s]"%idchars
- def error(self, text):
- """Raise an RcsError with text and the current offset as context"""
- raise RcsError("Syntax error: %s at offset %d"%(text, self.offset))
- def expectedError(self, text):
- """Raise an RcsError saying text was expected and the current offset
- as context."""
- self.error("expected %s"%text)
- def getRE(self, regexp, must_have, err_tok):
- """Try to parse the regular expression regexp. If it can't and
- must_have is True, then raise an error saying err_tok was expected.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- #print "%s -> %s"%(regexp, self.text[self.offset:])
- skip_whitespace = "([%s]*)"%self.whitespace
- res = re.search("^" + skip_whitespace + regexp,
- self.text[self.offset:],
- re.DOTALL)
- if res == None:
- if must_have:
- self.expectedError("'%s'"%err_tok)
- tok = None
- else:
- (ws, tok,) = res.groups()
- self.offset += len(ws) + len(tok)
- #print "%s -> %d"%(tok, self.offset)
- return tok
- def getNum(self, must_have = True):
- """Try to get an RCS num. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- return self.getRE('([0-9.]+)', must_have, "")
- def getSym(self, must_have = True):
- """Try to get an RCS sym. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- # In the grammar, "sym ::= {digit}* idchar {idchar|digit}". I don't
- # see the difference between that and "sym ::= {idchar}*" - perhaps I'm
- # missing something but "rcs -a2 foo" works.
- # ... In fact the 5.9.2 version of the manpage has exactly that!
- return self.getRE('(%s+)'%self.idchar_re, must_have, "")
- def getId(self, must_have = True):
- """Try to get an RCS id. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- # In the grammar, "id ::= {num} idchar {idchar|num}*". I don't see
- # the difference between that and "id ::= {.|idchar}*" - perhaps I'm
- # missing something but "rcs -n5:1.1 foo" works.
- # ... In fact the 5.9.2 version of the manpage has exactly that!
- return self.getRE('((?:\.|%s)+)'%self.idchar_re, must_have, "")
- def getKw(self, kw, must_have = True):
- """Try to get the given RCS keyword. Error if it can't and must_have
- is True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- return self.getRE('(%s)(?:[%s%s]|$)'%(kw,
- self.whitespace,
- self.special),
- must_have,
- "'%s'"%kw)
- def getString(self, must_have = True):
- """Try to get an RCS at-quoted string. Error if it can't and must_have
- is True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- return self.getRE('(@(?:[^@]|@@)*@)(?:[^@]|$)', must_have, "")
- def getSemicolon(self, must_have = True):
- """Try to get a semi-colon. Error if it can't and must_have is
- True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- return self.getRE('(;)', must_have, "';'")
- def getColon(self, must_have = True):
- """Try to get a colon. Error if it can't and must_have is True.
- Return the matching token as a string if it succeeded and None if
- it failed and must_have is False."""
- return self.getRE('(:)', must_have, "':'")
- def checkNewlineTerm(self):
- """Try to get a newline and end-of-string, as required by the RCS file
- format. Error if it can't."""
- self.getRE('(\n)$',
- True,
- "file to end with a newline ('\\n') character");
-# RcsDelta class
-class RcsDelta:
- """Class representing the structure of a delta in an RCS file"""
- def __init__(self, revision):
- """Return an uninitialised RcsDelta object. The caller is responsible
- for filling in the fields."""
- self.__revision = revision
- self.__commitid = None
- self.__date = None
- self.__author = None
- self.__state = None
- self.__branches = None
- self.__next = None
- self.__log = None
- self.__text = None
- self.__text_is_diff = None
- def setRevision(self, value):
- """Set the revision number for this delta. This is an RCS dotted
- number with an even number of components.
- See the rcsfile(5) manpage for how revision numbers are used. EditRCS
- doesn't (currently) enforce this but different numbering schemes will
- probably break other tools."""
- self.__revision = value
- def getRevision(self):
- """Get the revision number for this delta. This is an RCS dotted
- number with an even number of components.
- See the rcsfile(5) manpage for how revision numbers are used. EditRCS
- doesn't (currently) enforce this but different numbering schemes will
- probably break other tools."""
- return self.__revision
- def setCommitId(self, value):
- """Get the commitid field, a value unique in the RCS file used to
- identify a commit operation applied to a set of RCS files."""
- self.__commitid = value
- def getCommitId(self):
- """Get the commitid field, a value unique in the RCS file used to
- identify a commit operation applied to a set of RCS files."""
- return self.__commitid
- def setDate(self, value):
- """Set the date field, giving the date and time at which this delta
- was checked in."""
- self.__date = value
- def getDate(self):
- """Get the date field, giving the date and time at which this delta
- was checked in."""
- return self.__date
- def setAuthor(self, value):
- """Set the author field, giving the identity of the user who checked
- in this delta."""
- self.__author = value
- def getAuthor(self):
- """Get the author field, giving the identity of the user who checked
- in this delta."""
- return self.__author
- def setState(self, value):
- """Set the state field. RCS defaults this to Exp ("experimental") but
- it can be changed to a user-defined value such as "stable" or
- "released". CVS sets it to "dead" for deleted files."""
- if value == None:
- value = ""
- self.__state = value
- def getState(self):
- """Get the state field. RCS defaults this to Exp ("experimental") but
- it can be changed to a user-defined value such as "stable" or
- "released". CVS sets it to "dead" for deleted files."""
- return self.__state
- def setBranches(self, value, from_list = True):
- """Set the branches field. This is a list of the first nodes of
- all branches from this delta."""
- if value == None:
- value = ""
- elif from_list:
- self.__branches = ListToStringNums(value)
- else:
- self.__branches = value
- def getBranches(self, to_list = True):
- """Get the branches field. This is a list of the first nodes of
- all branches from this delta."""
- if to_list:
- return StringNumsToList(self.__branches)
- else:
- return self.__branches
- def setNext(self, value):
- """Set the next field, pointing to the next revision. For the trunk
- this is a *previous* revision but for branches it is a *subsequent*
- revision. See the diagram in the rcsfile(5) manpage."""
- if value == None:
- value = ""
- self.__next = value
- def getNext(self):
- """Get the next field, pointing to the next revision. For the trunk
- this is a *previous* revision but for branches it is a *subsequent*
- revision. See the diagram in the rcsfile(5) manpage."""
- return self.__next
- def setLog(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the log field given by the user for this revision.
- If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
- is assumed to have been quoted already."""
- if handle_quoting:
- self.__log = AddAtQuoting(value)
- else:
- self.__log = value
- def getLog(self, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the log field given by the user for this revision. If
- handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
- if handle_quoting:
- return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__log)
- else:
- return self.__log
- def setText(self, value, text_is_diff, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the text field to value. If text_is_diff then it is to be
- regarded as a diff, otherwise it is to be regarded as a revision.
- (In an RCS file the head should be a revision and the other deltas
- are diffs.)
- If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
- is assumed to have been quoted already."""
- self.__text_is_diff = text_is_diff
- if handle_quoting:
- self.__text = AddAtQuoting(value)
- else:
- self.__text = value
- def getTextIsDiff(self):
- """Return True if the text field is currently a diff or False
- otherwise (a revision)."""
- return self.__text_is_diff
- def getText(self, handle_quoting = True):
- """Return the text field. If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting
- will be removed."""
- if handle_quoting:
- return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__text)
- else:
- return self.__text
- def textToDiff(self, prev_rev):
- """If the text field is currently a revision then, using prev_rev as
- the previous revision, set the text field to the resulting diff.
- Otherwise, raise a RcsError."""
- if self.__text_is_diff:
- raise RcsError("revision %s is already a diff!"%self.__revision)
- if prev_rev.getTextIsDiff():
- raise RcsError("previous revision %s is a diff!"%prev_rev.getRevision())
- self.setText(TextToDiff(prev_rev.getText(),
- self.getText()),
- True)
- def textFromDiff(self, prev_rev):
- """If the text field is currently a diff then, using prev_rev as the
- previous revision, set the text field to the resulting revision.
- Otherwise, raise a RcsError."""
- if not self.__text_is_diff:
- raise RcsError("revision %s is not a diff!"%self.__revision)
- self.setText(TextFromDiff(prev_rev.getText(),
- self.getText()),
- False)
- def validate(self):
- """Validate the RcsDelta object for missing phrases and other
- problems. If a problem is found then raise an RcsError."""
- # This implicitly checks that there is a delta and a delta text for
- # every revision.
- if self.getDate() == None:
- raise RcsError("date is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getAuthor() == None:
- raise RcsError("author is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getState() == None:
- raise RcsError("state is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getBranches() == None:
- raise RcsError("branches is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getNext() == None:
- raise RcsError("next is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getLog() == None:
- raise RcsError("log is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getText() == None:
- raise RcsError("text is not set (and is not optional)")
- def deltaToString(self):
- """Return a string representation of the "delta" part of the RCS
- grammar for this RcsDelta object. This assumes that validate() has
- already been checked in the containing Rcs object."""
- s = ("%s\n"%self.__revision
- + textOrNone("date", self.__date)
- + textOrNone("author", self.__author)
- + textOrNone("state", self.__state)
- + textOrNone("branches", self.__branches)
- + textOrNone("next", self.__next)
- + textOrNone("commitid", self.__commitid)
- + "\n")
- return s
- def deltaTextToString(self):
- """Return a string representation of the "deltatext" part of the RCS
- grammar for this RcsDelta object. This assumes that validate() has
- already been checked in the containing Rcs object."""
- # This assumes that Rcs.validate() has been checked
- s = ("%s\n"%self.__revision
- + textOrNone("log", self.__log, False)
- + textOrNone("text", self.__text, False)
- + "\n")
- return s
-# Rcs class
-class Rcs:
- """Class representing the structure of an RCS file"""
- def __init__(self):
- """Return an uninitialised Rcs object. The caller is responsible for
- filling in the fields."""
- # These are stored as strings as they appear in the rcs file. The
- # getters and setters do conversion and validation.
- self.__deltas = []
- self.__head = None
- self.__branch = None
- self.__access = None
- self.__symbols = None
- self.__locks = None
- self.__strict = None
- self.__integrity = None
- self.__comment = None
- self.__expand = None
- self.__desc = None
- self.revisionsAreDiffs = True
- def setHead(self, revision):
- """Set the head revision. This is the RCS dotted number of the latest
- revision on the trunk."""
- if revision == None:
- revision = ""
- self.__head = revision
- def getHead(self):
- """Get the head revision. This is the RCS dotted number of the latest
- revision on the trunk."""
- return self.__head
- def setBranch(self, revision):
- """Set the default branch (or revision) for RCS operations."""
- if revision == None:
- revision = ""
- self.__branch = revision
- def getBranch(self):
- """Get the default branch (or revision) for RCS operations."""
- return self.__branch
- def setAccess(self, value):
- """Set the access field. This is a whitespace-separated list of ids
- for the users who are allowed to modify the RCS file. If it is empty
- then any user can modify the file."""
- if value == None:
- value = ""
- self.__access = value
- def getAccess(self):
- """Get the access field. This is a whitespace-separated list of ids
- for the users who are allowed to modify the RCS file. If it is empty
- then any user can modify the file."""
- return self.__access
- def setSymbols(self, value, from_map = True):
- """Set the symbols field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
- mappings from symbolic names to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the
- form :). The symbolic names can be used as tags, possibly
- across multiple RCS files."""
- if value == None:
- value = ""
- elif from_map:
- self.__symbols = MapToStringColonMap(value)
- else:
- self.__symbols = value
- def getSymbols(self, to_map = True):
- """Get the symbols field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
- mappings from symbolic names to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the
- form :). The symbolic names can be used as tags, possibly
- across multiple RCS files."""
- if to_map:
- return StringColonMapToMap(self.__symbols)
- else:
- return self.__symbols
- def setLocks(self, value, from_map = True):
- """Set the locks field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
- mappings from user ids to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the form
- :). This is used to identify which revisions have been locked
- by users."""
- if value == None:
- value = ""
- elif from_map:
- self.__locks = MapToStringColonMap(value)
- else:
- self.__locks = value
- def getLocks(self, to_map = True):
- """Get the locks field. This is a whitespace-separated list of
- mappings from user ids to RCS dotted revision numbers (of the form
- :). This is used to identify which revisions have been locked
- by users."""
- if to_map:
- return StringColonMapToMap(self.__locks)
- else:
- return self.__locks
- def setStrict(self, value, from_bool = True):
- """Set the strict field. If set then RCS requires a user to hold
- a lock on a revision before being allowed to check in the next
- revision.
- This function expects value to be a boolean (unless from_bool is
- False)."""
- if from_bool:
- if value:
- value = ""
- else:
- value = None
- else:
- if value not in [None, ""]:
- raise RcsError("struct can only be None or \"\"")
- self.__strict = value
- def getStrict(self, to_bool = True):
- """Get the strict field. If set then RCS requires a user to hold
- a lock on a revision before being allowed to check in the next
- revision.
- This function expects value to be a boolean (unless from_bool is
- False)."""
- if to_bool:
- if value not in [None, ""]:
- raise RcsError("struct can only be None or \"\"")
- return self.__strict == ""
- else:
- return self.__strict
- def setIntegrity(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the integrity field. This was added in RCS 5.8 for RCS and
- implementation-defined extensions.
- If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
- is assumed to have been quoted already."""
- if handle_quoting:
- self.__integrity = AddAtQuoting(value)
- else:
- self.__integrity = value
- def getIntegrity(self, handle_quoting = True):
- """Get the integrity field. This was added in RCS 5.8 for RCS and
- implementation-defined extensions.
- If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
- if handle_quoting:
- return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__integrity)
- else:
- return self.__integrity
- def setComment(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the comment field. This is an obsolete option used by old
- RCS versions for $Log$.
- If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
- is assumed to have been quoted already."""
- if handle_quoting:
- self.__comment = AddAtQuoting(value)
- else:
- self.__comment = value
- def getComment(self, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the comment field. This is an obsolete option used by old
- RCS versions for $Log$.
- If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
- if handle_quoting:
- return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__comment)
- else:
- return self.__comment
- def setExpand(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the expand field.
- If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
- is assumed to have been quoted already."""
- if handle_quoting:
- self.__expand = AddAtQuoting(value)
- else:
- self.__expand = value
- def getExpand(self, handle_quoting = True):
- """Get the expand field.
- If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
- if handle_quoting:
- return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__expand)
- else:
- return self.__expand
- def addDelta(self, revision, delta):
- """Add the given delta as the given revision number."""
- for d in self.__deltas:
- if d.getRevision() == revision:
- raise RcsError("Revision %s already in deltas"%(revision))
- self.__deltas.append(delta)
- def getDelta(self, revision):
- """Return the delta for the given revision number."""
- for d in self.__deltas:
- if d.getRevision() == revision:
- return d
- raise RcsError("Revision %s not found in deltas"%(revision))
- def delDelta(self, revision):
- """Delete the delta for the given revision number."""
- for d in self.__deltas:
- if d.getRevision() == revision:
- del self.__deltas[self.__deltas.index(d)]
- raise RcsError("Revision %s not found in deltas"%(revision))
- def mapDeltas(self, apply_fn):
- """Apply the function apply_fn() to each delta in turn."""
- for d in self.__deltas:
- apply_fn(d)
- def setDesc(self, value, handle_quoting = True):
- """Set the description field given by the user for this RCS file.
- If handle_quoting then RCS at quoting is to be added, otherwise value
- is assumed to have been quoted already."""
- if handle_quoting:
- self.__desc = AddAtQuoting(value)
- else:
- self.__desc = value
- def getDesc(self, handle_quoting = True):
- """Get the description field given by the user for this RCS file.
- If handle_quoting then the RCS at quoting will be removed."""
- if handle_quoting:
- return RemoveAtQuoting(self.__desc)
- else:
- return self.__desc
- def validate(self):
- """Validate the Rcs object for missing phrases and other problems.
- If a problem is found then raise an RcsError."""
- for d in self.__deltas:
- d.validate()
- # TODO Check that d's next is in self.__deltas
- # TODO Check that head, branch, etc. are in self.__deltas
- if self.getHead() == None:
- raise RcsError("head is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getAccess() == None:
- raise RcsError("access is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getSymbols(False) == None:
- raise RcsError("symbols is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getLocks(False) == None:
- raise RcsError("locks is not set (and is not optional)")
- if self.getDesc() == None:
- raise RcsError("desc is not set (and is not optional)")
- def toString(self):
- """Return a string representation of the RCS file for this object.
- This performs validation using validate()."""
- self.validate()
- s = (textOrNone("head", self.__head)
- + textOrNone("branch", self.__branch)
- + textOrNone("access", self.__access)
- + textOrNone("symbols", self.__symbols)
- + textOrNone("locks", self.__locks)
- + textOrNone("strict", self.__strict)
- + textOrNone("comment", self.__comment)
- + textOrNone("expand", self.__expand)
- + "\n"
- + "".join(map(lambda d: d.deltaToString(), self.__deltas))
- + textOrNone("desc", self.__desc, False)
- + "\n"
- + "".join(map(lambda d: d.deltaTextToString(), self.__deltas)))
- return s
-# ParseRcs function
-def ParseRcs(text):
- """Parse a string in RCS format and return a corresponding Rcs object"""
- # RCS file format is a regular expression!
- rcs = Rcs()
- lex = Lexer(text)
- lex.getKw("head")
- rcs.setHead(lex.getNum())
- lex.getSemicolon()
- if lex.getKw("branch", False) != None:
- rcs.setBranch(lex.getNum())
- lex.getSemicolon()
- t = lex.getKw("access")
- access_list = []
- while True:
- t = lex.getId(False)
- if t == None:
- break
- access_list.append(t)
- rcs.setAccess(" ".join(access_list))
- lex.getSemicolon()
- lex.getKw("symbols")
- symbols_list = []
- while True:
- t1 = lex.getSym(False)
- if t1 == None:
- break
- lex.getColon()
- t2 = lex.getNum()
- symbols_list.append("%s:%s"%(t1, t2))
- rcs.setSymbols(" ".join(symbols_list), False)
- lex.getSemicolon()
- lex.getKw("locks")
- locks_list = []
- while True:
- t1 = lex.getId(False)
- if t1 == None:
- break
- lex.getColon()
- t2 = lex.getNum()
- locks_list.append("%s:%s"%(t1, t2))
- rcs.setLocks(" ".join(locks_list), False)
- lex.getSemicolon()
- if lex.getKw("strict", False) != None:
- rcs.setStrict("", False)
- lex.getSemicolon()
- if lex.getKw("integrity", False) != None:
- rcs.setIntegrity(lex.getString(False), False)
- lex.getSemicolon()
- if lex.getKw("comment", False) != None:
- rcs.setComment(lex.getString(False), False)
- lex.getSemicolon()
- if lex.getKw("expand", False) != None:
- rcs.setExpand(lex.getString(False), False)
- lex.getSemicolon()
- # Haven't implemented from rcs 5.6, which would go here.
- # We might need a better parser (or at least backtracking) because
- # is ';' terminated and we can't otherwise distinguish the
- # keywords from in .
- # But actually rcs 5.7 source code assumes that if a token contains an
- # idchar that isn't a digit or a special then it's an ID; and it doesn't
- # distinguish between SYM and ID.
- while True:
- rev = lex.getNum(False)
- if rev == None:
- break
- delta = RcsDelta(rev)
- rcs.addDelta(rev, delta)
- lex.getKw("date")
- delta.setDate(lex.getNum())
- lex.getSemicolon()
- lex.getKw("author")
- delta.setAuthor(lex.getId())
- lex.getSemicolon()
- lex.getKw("state")
- delta.setState(lex.getId(False))
- lex.getSemicolon()
- lex.getKw("branches")
- branches_list = []
- while True:
- t = lex.getNum(False)
- if t == None:
- break
- branches_list.append(t)
- delta.setBranches(" ".join(branches_list))
- lex.getSemicolon()
- lex.getKw("next")
- delta.setNext(lex.getNum(False))
- lex.getSemicolon()
- if lex.getKw("commitid", False) != None:
- delta.setCommitId(lex.getId(True))
- lex.getSemicolon()
- # Haven't implemented from rcs 5.6, which would go here.
- lex.getKw("desc")
- rcs.setDesc(lex.getString(), False)
- while True:
- rev = lex.getNum(False)
- if rev == None:
- break
- delta = rcs.getDelta(rev)
- lex.getKw("log")
- delta.setLog(lex.getString(), False)
- lex.getKw("text")
- delta.setText(lex.getString(), (rcs.getHead() != rev), False)
- lex.checkNewlineTerm()
- return rcs
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 1d516fa..812cb6e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- version='0.5.0',
+ version='0.5.1',
author='Ben Cohen',