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Getting Started With GRPC in .NET


  1. What is gRPC?
    • RPC Framework
    • vs. REST
      • Binary vs. human-readable serialization
      • No HTTP verb nomenclature
      • Shared contract
      • Requires special tooling
  2. HTTP2
    • multiplexing / streaming
    • One connection, multiple bi-directional requests/responses
  3. Companies that use it:
    • Uber, Netflix, Spotify, DropBox
  4. Cross-platform


Creating Server

  1. Run Server Setup Script

  2. Open sln

  3. Add to appsettings.json (this adds verbosity to logging, making it more clear when GRPC service is invoked):

        "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting": "Information",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware": "Information"
  4. Show greet.proto

    • Explain.
    • Show Properties.
  5. Show GreeterService.cs

    • Show Generated class
    • Demonstrate updating
  6. Run

    • Demonstrate trying to access in browser

Creating Client

  1. Run Client Setup Script

  2. Open sln

  3. Copy Protos folder from Server

  4. Open Greet.proto, change namespace

  5. Add to .csproj (need to unload and reload)

        <Protobuf Include="Protos\greet.proto" GrpcServices="Client" />
  6. Run, demonstrating communication with server.

  7. Add Greet Client Program.cs

New Service

Create new Service On Server

  1. Create order.proto
  2. Create a C# OrderService
    • Try to inherit from OrderProtoService.
    • It doesn't work, why not?
    • Need to change compile options.
  3. Add to Program.cs

Update Client to Consume New Service

  1. Copy order.proto from server to client.
  2. Add to .csproj
  3. Add order-client-program-v1.cs
  4. Demonstrate

Using Streams

  1. Add delay to order provider to simulate server latency.
  2. Demonstrate how latency creates inefficicies with unary calls.
  3. Update order.proto with order-v2.proto, which adds a streaming method.
  4. Update order service with OrderService-v2.cs.
  5. Update client with order-client-program-v2.cs.
  6. Re-run server and client.
  7. Demonstrate how streaming method is more performant.

Client Side Load Balancing / Transient Fault Handling

  1. Update client with order-client-program-v3

  2. Explain DNS service discovery

    • Can use DNS service (SRV) records.
  3. Start multiple instances of server, demonstrating load balancing / failover:

    dotnet run --no-build --urls="http://localhost:5126/" --project "S:\Projects\Grpc.Demo\Server\Grpc.Demo.Server\Grpc.Demo.Server.csproj"
    dotnet run --no-build --urls="http://localhost:5127/" --project "S:\Projects\Grpc.Demo\Server\Grpc.Demo.Server\Grpc.Demo.Server.csproj"
    dotnet run --no-build --urls="http://localhost:5128/" --project "S:\Projects\Grpc.Demo\Server\Grpc.Demo.Server\Grpc.Demo.Server.csproj"
  4. Switch round robin config to PickFirstConfig.

.NET Framework Support

  1. Requiress 4.6.1 or later
  2. Requires Grpc.Core, a maintenance mode project
  3. Doesn't support outbound streams


Authentication and authorization in gRPC for ASP.NET Core | Microsoft Docs

  • Supported:
    • Simplest -- bearer token
    • Certificate
    • JWT Tokens
    • OAuth
    • OpenId Connect
  • Similar to securing a Web API app (authorization attributes, etc.)

Sample Projects

Links / Additional Reading

