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Materials about Autonomous Driving from Zhihu.rst

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Materials about Autonomous Driving

What follows is a list of papers in Autonomous Driving that are worth reading. This is far from comprehensive, but should provide a useful starting point for someone looking to do research in the field. Comes from

[1]Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree Program
[2]University of Toronto CSC2541 Visual Perception for Autonomous Driving
[3]INRIA ` Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles <>`_
[4]Universty of Glasgow ENG5017 Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Systems
[5]David Silver - Udacity How to Land An Autonomous Vehicle Job: Coursework
[6]Stanford CS221 Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
[7]MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars
[8]MIT 2.166 Duckietown
[9]2016 Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning and Safety Based Control for Autonomous Driving
[10]2015 An Empirical Evaluation of Deep Learning on Highway Driving
[11]2015 Self-Driving Vehicles: The Challenges and Opportunities Ahead
[12]2014 Making Bertha Drive - An Autonomous Journey on a Historic Route.
[13]2014 Towards Autonomous Vehicles.
[14]2013 Towards a viable autonomous driving research platform
[15]2013 An ontology-based model to determine the automation level of an automated vehicle for co-driving
[16]2013 Autonomous Vehicle Navigation by Building 3d Map and by Detecting Human Trajectory Using Lidar
[17]2012 Autonomous Ground Vehicles - Concepts and a Path to the Future.
[18]2011 Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Based on Visual Memory and Image-Based Visual Servoing
[19]2011 Learning to Drive: Perception for Autonomous Cars
[20]2017 Explaining How a Deep Neural Network Trained with End-to-End Learning Steers a Car
[21]2016 A Self-Driving Robot Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Neuromorphic Hardware
[22]2016 End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars
[23]2016 A Survey of Motion Planning and Control Techniques for Self-driving Urban Vehicles.
[24]2016 A Convex Optimization Approach to Smooth Trajectories for Motion Planning with Car-Like Robots
[25]2016 Routing Autonomous Vehicles in Congested Transportation Networks: Structural Properties and Coordination Algorithms
[26]2016 Machine Learning for Visual Navigation of Unmanned Ground Vehicles
[27]2016 Real-time self-driving car navigation and obstacle avoidance using mobile 3D laser scanner and GNSS
[28]2016 Watch this: Scalable cost-function learning for path planning in urban environments
[29]2015 DeepDriving: Learning Affordance for Direct Perception in Autonomous Driving
[30]2015 Automatic Driving on Ill-defined Roads: An Adaptive, Shape-constrained, Color-based Method
[31]2015 A Framework for Applying Point Clouds Grabbed by Multi-Beam LIDAR in Perceiving the Driving Environment
[32]2015 How Much of Driving Is Preattentive
[33]2015 Map-building and Planning for Autonomous Navigation of a Mobile Robot
[34]2014 A Multiple Attribute-based Decision Making model for autonomous vehicle in urban environment.
[35]2014 A prediction-based reactive driving strategy for highly automated driving function on freeways
[36]2014 An RRT-based navigation approach for mobile robots and automated vehicles
[37]2014 Image Feature-based Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robot Navigation in Outdoor Environment
[38]2014 Speed Daemon: Experience-Based Mobile Robot Speed Scheduling
[39]2014 Toward human-like motion planning in urban environments
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