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Little Shop

Welcome to Little Shop, a template of an e-commerce platform that's ready for you to build into the real thing. Here's a brief tour of the functionality built out for different types of users: visitors, customers, merchants, and admins.

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As a visitor to the site, you can browse items, place items into your cart, register*, check out**, and view your order. You can even view statistics!

*you're now a customer! We solemnly swear not to sell your email address, though, the way our database is set up nothing is really stops that from happening. Your password, however, is protected by b-crypt. ** payment handling is not included in this template

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(oooh statistics dropdown! nice!!)

As merchant user, your view of the site is a little different:

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Instead of a profile and a cart, you have a dashboard. There you can fulfill all your pending orders, add and adjust your items (name, description, picture, price, quantity), and view analytics about your item sales:

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Aren't statistics great? There's also statistics available to all users about you, the merchant:

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Don't worry, it's not a competition.

(Worry. It is 100% a competition.)

Luckily, as the owner of the site you won't have to worry about competing, you'll just be raking in a large but fair percentage from all the awesome commerce your platform is hosting. But what if a merchant user starts ruining your site's reputation by selling less than the hippest, most organic, artisanal wares? That's why we've built in a third type of user, admin users.

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(a view of true power!)

Admin users can deactivate merchant and customer accounts, as well as reactivate them.They can upgrade customers into merchants, and downgrade them. They can also view a merchant's dashboard and do anything that merchant would: add and edit items, even fulfill orders. They are simply put:

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Database Schema

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Getting Started

If you'd like to explore this application on your local computer, please find an appropriate local directory and clone down the application utilizing the following directions:

git clone
cd little_shop


You will need Rails installed. Please verify it is version 5.1 and NOT version 5.2 .

To check your version using the terminal, run: rails -v. If you have not installed rails, in terminal, run: gem install rails -v 5.1.


Navigate to the little_shop directory in your terminal. Run the following commands:

bundle update
rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
rails s

Open a new tab in your favorite browser. (Preferably your favorite browser is Google Chrome)

Navigate to localhost:3000. The application will load to the page. Enjoy!

Running The Test Suite

Note: Before running RSpec, ensure you're in the project root directory (little_shop).

From terminal run: rspec

After RSpec has completed, you should see all tests passing as GREEN. Any tests that have failed or thrown an error will display RED. Any tests that have been skipped will be displayed as YELLOW.

Feature Tests

Feature tests are tests that check content in the page at a view level. Capybara was utilized to make assertions. FactoryBot was utilized to create test objects. The following are examples of such:

describe 'user index page' do
  context 'as an admin' do

    it "shows all registered users" do
      user_1 = FactoryBot.create(:user)
      user_2 = FactoryBot.create(:user, enabled: false)
      merchant = FactoryBot.create(:merchant)
      admin = FactoryBot.create(:admin)

      allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:current_user).and_return(admin)

      visit root_path
      within ".nav-link-container" do
        click_on 'Users'

      expect(current_path).to eq("/admin/users")
      within "#user-#{}" do
        expect(page).to have_content(
        expect(page).to have_content("Registered at #{user_1.created_at.to_date}")
        expect(page).to have_button("Disable")
      within "#user-#{}" do
        expect(page).to have_content(
        expect(page).to have_content("Registered at #{user_2.created_at.to_date}")
        expect(page).to have_button("Enable")

      expect(page).to_not have_css("#user-#{}")
      expect(page).to_not have_css("#user-#{}")

Model Tests

Little Shop has 100% coverage on all model testing. Validation and relationship testing was also included in the application. The following is an example of a model test that was utilized:

RSpec.describe Order, type: :model do
  describe 'validations' do
    it {should validate_presence_of :status}
  describe 'relationships' do
    it {should belong_to :user}
    it {should have_many :order_items}

  describe 'instance methods' do
    it 'should add cart contents on to an order' do
      item_1 = FactoryBot.create(:item)
      item_2 = FactoryBot.create(:item)
      item_3 = FactoryBot.create(:item)
      cart ={})
      user = FactoryBot.create(:user)
      order = Order.create(user: user, status: 'pending')
      expect(order.items).to eq([item_1, item_2, item_3])

    it '.total_quantity' do
      item_1 = FactoryBot.create(:item)
      item_2 = FactoryBot.create(:item)
      item_3 = FactoryBot.create(:item)

      order = FactoryBot.create(:pending, items: [item_1,item_2,item_3])

      item_1.order_items.first.update(quantity: 1)
      item_2.order_items.first.update(quantity: 2)
      item_3.order_items.first.update(quantity: 3)

      expect(order.total_quantity).to eq(6)


Our version of the Little Shop Application is hosted on Heroku.

You can also deploy it on your own server by following these steps:

  1. Have all prequisites installed (postrgres, pum, the pg gem)

  2. In your terminal, in your little shop directory, run:

  • $ createuser -s -r little_shop
  • $ RAILS_ENV=production rake db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}
  • $ rake assets:precompile
  1. Instead of running rails s which would start your server in development mode, run: rails s -e production

Tools Utilized


We used GitHub for versioning. We used as a project management tool.





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Contributors 4
