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File metadata and controls

85 lines (56 loc) · 5.66 KB


Pupular is a fun game built using NYC's open data set of licensed dogs, where you have to guess correctly how many dogs have the same name within one minute.

Play Screen Round Correct Answer Game Over

It's built on Remix, and hosted on Netlify. Animation is handled by Motion, with future support for translation through remix-i18next.

How it was built

The licenses dataset is a bit of a mess, with historical entries for long expired licenses, some dogs with names like "Unknown" and "Name not provided", and others with multiple entries for currently valid licenses.

With some processing the data has been filtered to only include reasonably unique individual entries, and reduced to a set of counts for each name, along with additional metadata for individual breed counts for each name, and gender counts.

For example the CSV contains the following data, with some noticeable commonalities;

AnimalName,AnimalGender,AnimalBirthYear,BreedName,ZipCode,LicenseIssuedDate,LicenseExpiredDate,Extract Year
SACHEL,M,2008,Shih Tzu Crossbreed,10016,01/14/2016,01/14/2017,2016
SACHEL,M,2007,Shih Tzu,10016,12/28/2016,12/28/2021,2016
SACHEL,M,2007,Shih Tzu,10016,04/09/2022,12/28/2024,2023
SACHEL,M,2007,Shih Tzu,10016,10/19/2023,12/28/2025,2023
SACHEL,M,2007,Shih Tzu,10016,10/19/2023,12/28/2025,2023

This data is processed via a Node script, and the processing logic and input/outputs for this can be found in the lib folder. Don't use it to cheat!

Filtering data Reducing data
Filtering Data Reducing Data

This results in the following output, where the expired licenses have been omitted, and the three currently valid licenses have been combined to a single entry, as there are obvious matches in the name, gender, birth year, breed and ZIP code fields.

  "name": "Sachel",
  "count": 1,
  "breeds": {
    "Shih Tzu": 1
  "genders": {
    "M": 1

In total there are 616,890 entries in the original data, which reduce down to 43,066 individual 'valid' dogs with 9,397 unique name records; 1,622 of which belong to only one dog.

This data is then queried by a Netlify Edge Function acting as a REST api endpoint. The correct answer is combined with two other randomly generated values with some logic to keep them feasibly similar and returned to the user, alongside an image pulled from the Dog API.

The user then submits their answer and it is checked against the correct count and returned for the user's score to be updated.

The state and gameplay functionality is handled in a central React context provider, and new high scores are persisted to a cookie for later use.

Data storage

This initially used Redis to store the base data for the game, which was incredibly quick and responsive, however came at some trade-offs;

  • RANDOMKEY sometimes returned the same key again in a short timeframe, and Upstash sometimes had issues where it got 'stuck' on a key, so the same dog would be returned for every round.
  • No ability to use queries to make gameplay more interesting, eg. If you get a dog with a count of 1, make sure the next dog has a different count, to avoid the situation where multiple dogs in a row have the same answer, which is frequent given this accounts for 17% of the data set.

There is an example branch with a migration to use Mongo Atlas, however it was far too slow on the free tier and would need the game to be refactored to pull a batch of dogs intermittently to load up a cache, rather than just getting them in real time. Answers were also too slow to respond.

In the end the data set is small enough once processed to allow it to be simply queried as a blob of JSON by the edge function. This allows for some filtering, and the ability (in future) to ensure that users don't see entries they already have.

There is some small delay in occasional cases, but this is negligible (and faster than Mongo).

Future functionality

  • Present interesting facts from breed/gender data on the answer screen
  • Generate images for social sharing of high scores
  • Hard mode; limit time user has to select an answer, options are all within 1 of the correct count
  • Impossible mode; no options presented, just a number input to guess the correct count

Fork and contribute

If you want to fork this and see what other weird cool stuff you can build with the data, I'd love to see it.

Equally if you have ideas for functionality or fixes and want to contribute, pull requests are welcomed.

Please ensure your development environment is set up to use Biome for formatting and linting.