diff --git a/lib/good_job/cron_manager.rb b/lib/good_job/cron_manager.rb
index a4973bde..6d72ad63 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/cron_manager.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/cron_manager.rb
@@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ def self.task_observer(time, output, thread_error) # rubocop:disable Lint/Unused
     # Execution configuration to be scheduled
-    # @return [Hash]
+    # @return [Array<CronEntry>]
     attr_reader :cron_entries
     # @param cron_entries [Array<CronEntry>]
     # @param start_on_initialize [Boolean]
+    # @param graceful_restart_period [ActiveSupport::Duration, nil]
+    # @param executor [Concurrent::Executor]
     def initialize(cron_entries = [], start_on_initialize: false, graceful_restart_period: nil, executor: Concurrent.global_io_executor)
       @executor = executor
       @running = false
@@ -82,16 +84,26 @@ def shutdown?
     # Enqueues a scheduled task
     # @param cron_entry [CronEntry] the CronEntry object to schedule
-    # @param previously_at [Date, Time, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, nil] the last, +in-memory+, scheduled time the cron task was intended to run
-    def create_task(cron_entry, previously_at: nil)
-      cron_at = cron_entry.next_at(previously_at: previously_at)
-      delay = [(cron_at - Time.current).to_f, 0].max
-      future = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.new(delay, args: [self, cron_entry, cron_at], executor: @executor) do |thr_scheduler, thr_cron_entry, thr_cron_at|
-        # Re-schedule the next cron task before executing the current task
-        thr_scheduler.create_task(thr_cron_entry, previously_at: thr_cron_at)
-        Rails.application.executor.wrap do
-          cron_entry.enqueue(thr_cron_at) if thr_cron_entry.enabled?
+    # @param at [Time, nil] When a task needs to optionally be rescheduled because of clock-drift or other inaccuracy
+    # @param previously_at [Time, nil] the last +in-memory+ scheduled time the cron task was intended to run
+    def create_task(cron_entry, at: nil, previously_at: nil)
+      cron_at = at || cron_entry.next_at(previously_at: previously_at)
+      # ScheduledTask runs immediately if delay is <= 0.01; avoid ever scheduling the task before the intended time
+      # https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby/blob/56227a4c3ebdd53b8b0976eb8296ceb7a093496f/lib/concurrent-ruby/concurrent/executor/timer_set.rb#L97
+      delay = cron_at <= Time.current ? 0.0 : [(cron_at - Time.current).to_f, 0.02].max
+      future = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.new(delay, args: [self, cron_entry, cron_at, previously_at], executor: @executor) do |thr_manager, thr_cron_entry, thr_cron_at|
+        if thr_cron_at && thr_cron_at > Time.current
+          # If clock drift or other inaccuracy, reschedule the task again
+          thr_manager.create_task(thr_cron_entry, at: thr_cron_at, previously_at: previously_at)
+        else
+          # Re-schedule the next cron task before executing the current task
+          thr_manager.create_task(thr_cron_entry, previously_at: thr_cron_at)
+          Rails.application.executor.wrap do
+            cron_entry.enqueue(thr_cron_at) if thr_cron_entry.enabled?
+          end
@@ -108,7 +120,7 @@ def create_graceful_tasks(cron_entry)
       time_period = @graceful_restart_period.ago..Time.current
       cron_entry.within(time_period).each do |cron_at|
-        future = Concurrent::Future.new(args: [self, cron_entry, cron_at], executor: @executor) do |_thr_scheduler, thr_cron_entry, thr_cron_at|
+        future = Concurrent::Future.new(args: [self, cron_entry, cron_at], executor: @executor) do |_thr_manager, thr_cron_entry, thr_cron_at|
           Rails.application.executor.wrap do
             cron_entry.enqueue(thr_cron_at) if thr_cron_entry.enabled?