A convenient Django development tool based on the great Django Debug Toolbar
but aimed towards rest API development. It collects and displays information on requests, responses, SQL queries, headers, Django settings and more.
Django Requests Tracker registers every request sent to your Django application and displays them in a tidy list. Each element in the list contains information about the request's HTTP method, path, Django view, status code, database information and query count and execution time and duration.
The requests list can be:
- Searched by path, Django view, sql and headers. The search is quite simple and a request is only filtered from the list if the search term does not exist in any of theses elements.
- Ordered in ascending and descending order by time, duration, Django view, query count, similar query count and duplicate query count.
- Auto-refreshed so that new requests will automatically show up in the list.
- Manually refreshed.
- Cleared.
Each list element can be clicked where further information collected about the request such as SQL queries and headers can be found.
In request details, every SQL query executed in the context of the Django request should be shown, along with the execution time and a timeline bar that shows how big a chunk of the total time belongs to the given query. A stacktrace is shown for each query that helps with finding the origin of it.
Some queries are labelled with a tag X similar queries
or X duplicate queries
this can often indicate a problem and can be very handy when debugging or in development.
Similar Queries
means that the same query is executed more than once but with different parameters. This can for example happen when iterating over a list of IDs and fetching one item by ID at a time.Duplicate Queries
means that the exact same query with the same parameters is executed more than once. This can for example happen when iterating over a list child items and fetching same parent multiple times. Also known as an N-plus-1 query which is quite common problem with ORMs.
Django settings very often contain some logic, and usage of environment variables and can even be spread out over multiple files. So it can be very beneficial to be able to see the current computed settings being used in the running process. Django Requests Tracker offers a simple way to view this. The view can be accessed by clicking on Django settings
in the right corner of the requests tracker view.
All information determined to be sensitive, such as keys and passwords, are masked in the displayed settings.
This repository includes an example project to try out the package and see how it works. It can also be a great reference when adding the package to your project. To try it out, clone this project and follow the instructions on the example project README
If any of the following steps are unclear, check out the Example Project for reference.
pip install requests-tracker
or install with you're chosen package tool, e.g. poetry, pipenv, etc.
First, ensure that django.contrib.staticfiles
setting and configured properly:
# ...
# ...
STATIC_URL = "static/"
Second, ensure that your TEMPLATES
setting contains a DjangoTemplates
backend whose APP_DIRS
options is set to True:
"BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
"APP_DIRS": True,
# ...
- Add
setting. - Add
setting. - Add your internal IP addresses to
INSTALLED_APPS += ["requests_tracker"]
MIDDLEWARE += ["requests_tracker.middleware.requests_tracker_middleware"]
import socket # only if you haven't already imported this
hostname, _, ips = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
INTERNAL_IPS = [ip[: ip.rfind(".")] + ".1" for ip in ips] + ["", ""]
🚨 ️ It's recommended to only configure these settings in DEBUG mode. Even though Django Requests Tracker will only track requests in DEBUG mode it's still a good practice to only have it installed in DEBUG mode.
Add Django Requests Tracker URLs to your project's URLconf:
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += [path("__requests_tracker__/", include("requests_tracker.urls"))]
🚨️ Again it's recommended to only add the URLs in DEBUG mode.
# 🚨 Your project might not include BASE_DIR setting but likely some variation of it 🚨
BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
urlpatterns += static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)
python manage.py collectstatic
Django Requests Tracker provides a few very simple settings. The settings are applied by setting REQUESTS_TRACKER_CONFIG
setting in your settings.py
takes a dictonary. Example:
# settings.py
"IGNORE_PATHS_PATTERNS": (".*/api/keep-alive.*",),
Takes a tuple of strings. Each string is a regular expression pattern. If a SQL query matches any of the patterns it will be ignored and not shown in the requests list or request details.
Default: ()
r"^SELECT .* FROM django_migrations WHERE app = 'requests_tracker'",
r"^SELECT .* FROM django_migrations WHERE app = 'auth'",
Takes a tuple of strings. Each string is a regular expression pattern. If a request path matches any of the patterns it will be ignored and not tracked.
Default: ()
Represents the threshold in milliseconds after which a SQL query is considered slow and will be marked with a warning label in the SQL list.
Default: 500
(500 milliseconds)
If set to False
stacktraces will not be shown in the request details view.
Default: True
Takes a tuple of strings. Each string represents a module name. If a module name is found in a stacktrace that part of the stacktrace will be hidden.
If set to False
SQL queries will not be tracked.
Default: True