- Use the OneFlow model of development:
- Both new features and bug fixes should be developed in branches based on
. - Hotfixes (critical bugs that need to be released fast) should be developed in a branch based on the latest tagged release.
- Both new features and bug fixes should be developed in branches based on
For matching NVIDIA drivers to particular CUDA versions, see CUDA Toolkit and Compatible Driver Versions. Which GPUs are supported by the latest NVIDIA drivers and how to install the latest driver on Ubuntu 18.04.
$ sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
$ sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
$ sudo apt install cuda-drivers-fabricmanager-455
$ sudo systemctl unmask nvidia-fabricmanager
$ sudo systemctl enable nvidia-fabricmanager
$ wget https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ bash Mambaforge-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p $HOME/software/pkg/miniforge3pic
$ mkdir -p $HOME/MyModules/miniforge3pic
$ cd $HOME/MyModules/miniforge3pic
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CHPC-UofU/anaconda-modules/master/miniconda3/latest.lua
# change myanapath to software/pkg/miniforge3pic inside latest.lua
# ~/custom.sh
module use $HOME/MyModules
module load miniforge3pic/latest
$ git clone [email protected]:berceanu/fbpic.git
$ cd fbpic/
$ git checkout dev
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/fbpic/fbpic.git
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull --ff-only upstream dev
$ git push origin dev
$ source ~/custom.sh
$ mamba install -c conda-forge six wheel fastrlock python-dateutil unyt numba scipy matplotlib pandas h5py openpmd-api mkl cupy pyopencl ocl-icd-system mpi4py signac signac-flow signac-dashboard pylint black rope pynvml schedule colorcet zarr xarray
$ cd Development/fbpic/
$ git checkout dev
$ python -m pip install .