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PBTS: Algorithm Specification

Proposal Time

PBTS computes, for a proposed value v, the proposal time v.time with bounded difference to the actual real-time the proposed value was generated. The proposal time is read from the clock of the process that proposes a value for the first time, which is its original proposer.

With PBTS, therefore, we assume that processes have access to synchronized clocks. The proper definition of what it means can be found in the system model, but essentially we assume that two correct processes do not simultaneously read from their clocks time values that differ by more than PRECISION, which is a system parameter.

Proposal times are definitive

When a value v is produced by a process, it also assigns the associated proposal time v.time. If the same value v is then re-proposed in a subsequent round of consensus, it retains its original time, assigned by its original proposer.

A value v should re-proposed when it becomes locked by the network, i.e., when it receives 2f + 1 PREVOTES in a round r of consensus. This means that processes with 2f + 1-equivalent voting power accepted both v and its associated time v.time in round r. Since the originally proposed value and its associated time were considered valid, there is no reason for reassigning v.time.

In the first version of this specification, proposals were defined as pairs (v, time). In addition, the same value v could be proposed, in different rounds, but would be associated with distinct times each time it was re-proposed. Since this possibility does not exist in this second specification, the proposal time became part of the proposed value. With this simplification, several small changes to the arXiv algorithm are no longer required.

Time Monotonicity

Values decided in successive heights of consensus must have increasing times, so:

  • Monotonicity: for any process p and any two decided heights h and h', if h > h' then decision_p[h].time > decision_p[h'].time.

To ensure time monotonicity, it is enough to ensure that a value v proposed by process p at height h_p has v.time > decision_p[h_p-1].time. So, if process p is the proposer of a round of height h_p and reads from its clock a time now_p <= decision_p[h_p-1], it should postpone the generation of its proposal until now_p > decision_p[h_p-1].

Although it should be considered, this scenario is unlikely during regular operation, as from decision_p[h_p-1].time and the start of height h_p, a complete consensus instance need to be concluded.

Notice that monotonicity is not introduced by this proposal, as it is already ensured by BFT Time. In BFT Time, the Timestamp field of every Precommit message of height h_p sent by a correct process is required to be larger than decision_p[h_p-1].time. As one of such Timestamp fields becomes the time assigned to a value proposed at height h_p, time monotonicity is observed.

The time monotonicity of values proposed in heights of consensus is verified by the valid() predicate, to which every proposed value is submitted. A value rejected by valid() is not accepted by any correct process.

Timely Predicate

PBTS introduces a new requirement for a process to accept a proposal: the proposal time must be timely. It is a temporal requirement, associated with the following synchrony assumptions regarding the behavior of processes and the network:

  • Synchronized clocks: the values simultaneously read from clocks of any two correct processes differ by at most PRECISION;
  • Bounded transmission delays: the real time interval between the sending of a proposal at a correct process and the reception of the proposal at any correct process is upper bounded by MSGDELAY.
    • With the introduction of adaptive message delays, the MSGDELAY parameter should be interpreted as MSGDELAY(r), where r is the current round, where it is expected MSGDELAY(r+1) > MSGDELAY(r).


Let now_p be the time, read from the clock of process p, at which p receives the proposed value v of round r. The proposal time is considered timely by p when:

  1. now_p >= v.time - PRECISION
  2. now_p <= v.time + MSGDELAY + PRECISION

The first condition derives from the fact that the generation and sending of v precedes its reception. The minimum receiving time now_p for v.time be considered timely by p is derived from the extreme scenario when the clock of p is PRECISION behind of the clock of the proposer of v, and the proposal's transmission delay is 0 (minimum).

The second condition derives from the assumption of an upper bound for the transmission delay of a proposal. The maximum receiving time now_p for v.time be considered timely by p is derived from the extreme scenario when the clock of p is PRECISION ahead of the clock of the proposer of v, and the proposal's transmission delay is MSGDELAY (maximum).

Updated Consensus Algorithm

The following changes are proposed for the algorithm in the arXiv paper.

Updated StartRound function

There are two additions to operation of the proposer of a round:

  1. To ensure time monotonicity, the proposer does not propose a value until its current local time, represented by now_p in the algorithm, becomes greater than the previously decided value's time
  2. When the proposer produce a new proposal it sets the proposal's time to its current local time
    • No changes are made to the logic when a proposer has a non-nil validValue_p, which retains its original proposal time.


function StartRound(round) {
   if proposer(h_p, round_p) = p {
      if validValue_p != nil {
         proposalvalidValue_p // proposal.time unchanged
      } else {
         wait until now_p > decision_p[h_p-1].time // time monotonicity
         proposal.timenow_p // proposal time set to current local time
      broadcastPROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, proposal, validRound_p⟩
   } else {
      schedule OnTimeoutPropose(h_p,round_p) to be executed after timeoutPropose(round_p)

Updated upon clause of line 22

The rule on line 22 applies to values v proposed for the first time, i.e., for proposals not backed by 2f + 1 PREVOTEs for v in a previous round. The PROPOSAL message, in this case, has a valid round vr = -1.

The new rule for issuing a PREVOTE for a proposed value v requires the proposal time to be timely:


uponPROPOSAL, h_p, round_p, v, −1from proposer(h_p, round_p) while step_p = propose do {
   if timely(v.time) ∧ valid(v) ∧ (lockedRound_p =1lockedValue_p = v) {
      broadcastPREVOTE, h_p, round_p, id(v)⟩ 
   else {
      broadcastPREVOTE, h_p, round_p, nil⟩ 

The timely predicate considers the time at which the PROPOSAL message is received. Although not represented above, for the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the PROPOSAL receive time is registered and provided to the timely predicate.

Unchanged upon clause of line 28

The rule on line 28 applies to values v re-proposed in the current round because its proposer received 2f + 1 PREVOTEs for v in a previous round vr, therefore updating its validValue_p to v and validRound_p to vr.

This means that there was a round r <= vr in which 2f + 1 processes accepted a PROPOSAL for v, proposed at round r for the first time, with vr = -1. These processes executed the line 22 of the algorithm and broadcast a PREVOTE for v, indicating in particular, that they have judged v.time as timely in round r.

Since v.time was considered timely by 2f + 1 processes in a previous round, and provided that v.time cannot be updated when v is re-proposed, the evaluation of timely predicate is not necessary in this case.

For a more formal explanation and a proof of this assertion, refer to the properties section.

All other rules remain unchanged.

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