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StepLineSeries #1744

JuanSilili opened this issue Dec 26, 2024 · 2 comments

StepLineSeries #1744

JuanSilili opened this issue Dec 26, 2024 · 2 comments


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I want to implement StepLineSeries' step-drawing inversion. For example, for two points of the same data source, now the X-axis line is drawn first and then the Y-axis line, can you add an attribute to control the Y-axis line first and then the X-axis line when drawing.

I add an attribute 'IsReverse ',then I modified part of the code in the function Invalidate to reverse the order of the coordinate sequence,This will achieve the effect I want.
` private bool _isReverse = false;

/// Reverse step line

public bool IsReverse { get => _isReverse; set => SetProperty(ref _isReverse, value); }
public override void Invalidate(Chart chart)
var cartesianChart = (CartesianChart)chart;
var primaryAxis = cartesianChart.YAxes[ScalesYAt];
var secondaryAxis = cartesianChart.XAxes[ScalesXAt];

var drawLocation = cartesianChart.DrawMarginLocation;
var drawMarginSize = cartesianChart.DrawMarginSize;
var secondaryScale = secondaryAxis.GetNextScaler(cartesianChart);
var primaryScale = primaryAxis.GetNextScaler(cartesianChart);
var actualSecondaryScale = secondaryAxis.GetActualScaler(cartesianChart);
var actualPrimaryScale = primaryAxis.GetActualScaler(cartesianChart);

var gs = _geometrySize;
var hgs = gs / 2f;
var sw = Stroke?.StrokeThickness ?? 0;
var p = primaryScale.ToPixels(pivot);

// see note #240222
var segments = _enableNullSplitting
    ? Fetch(cartesianChart).SplitByNullGaps(point => DeleteNullPoint(point, secondaryScale, primaryScale))
    : [Fetch(cartesianChart)];

var stacker = (SeriesProperties & SeriesProperties.Stacked) == SeriesProperties.Stacked
    ? cartesianChart.SeriesContext.GetStackPosition(this, GetStackGroup())
    : null;

var actualZIndex = ZIndex == 0 ? ((ISeries)this).SeriesId : ZIndex;
var clipping = GetClipRectangle(cartesianChart);

if (stacker is not null)
    // see note #010621
    actualZIndex = 1000 - stacker.Position;
    if (Fill is not null) Fill.ZIndex = actualZIndex;
    if (Stroke is not null) Stroke.ZIndex = actualZIndex;

var dls = (float)DataLabelsSize;

var segmentI = 0;
var pointsCleanup = ChartPointCleanupContext.For(everFetched);

if (!_strokePathHelperDictionary.TryGetValue(chart.Canvas.Sync, out var strokePathHelperContainer))
    strokePathHelperContainer = [];
    _strokePathHelperDictionary[chart.Canvas.Sync] = strokePathHelperContainer;

if (!_fillPathHelperDictionary.TryGetValue(chart.Canvas.Sync, out var fillPathHelperContainer))
    fillPathHelperContainer = [];
    _fillPathHelperDictionary[chart.Canvas.Sync] = fillPathHelperContainer;

var uwx = secondaryScale.MeasureInPixels(secondaryAxis.UnitWidth);
uwx = uwx < gs ? gs : uwx;
var hasSvg = this.HasVariableSvgGeometry();

var isFirstDraw = !chart._drawnSeries.Contains(((ISeries)this).SeriesId);

foreach (var segment in segments)
    var hasPaths = false;
    var isSegmentEmpty = true;
    VectorManager<StepLineSegment, TDrawingContext>? strokeVector = null, fillVector = null;

    double previousPrimary = 0, previousSecondary = 0;

    **//Reverse cooordinate for step line
    List<ChartPoint> Reversepoint = new();
    foreach (var point in segment)
    if (_isReverse)

    //    foreach (var point in segment) //old code
    foreach (var point in Reversepoint)**
        if (!hasPaths)
            hasPaths = true;

            var fillLookup = GetSegmentVisual(segmentI, fillPathHelperContainer, VectorClosingMethod.CloseToPivot);
            var strokeLookup = GetSegmentVisual(segmentI, strokePathHelperContainer, VectorClosingMethod.NotClosed);

            if (fillLookup.Path.Commands.Count == 1)
                Fill?.RemoveGeometryFromPainTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, fillLookup.Path);

                fillLookup = GetSegmentVisual(segmentI, fillPathHelperContainer, VectorClosingMethod.CloseToPivot);

            if (strokeLookup.Path.Commands.Count == 1)
                Stroke?.RemoveGeometryFromPainTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, strokeLookup.Path);

                strokeLookup = GetSegmentVisual(segmentI, strokePathHelperContainer, VectorClosingMethod.NotClosed);

            var isNew = fillLookup.IsNew || strokeLookup.IsNew;
            var fillPath = fillLookup.Path;
            var strokePath = strokeLookup.Path;

            strokeVector = new VectorManager<StepLineSegment, TDrawingContext>(strokePath);
            fillVector = new VectorManager<StepLineSegment, TDrawingContext>(fillPath);

            if (Fill is not null)
                Fill.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, fillPath);
                Fill.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.1;
                Fill.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, clipping);
                fillPath.Pivot = p;
                if (isNew)
                    fillPath.Animate(EasingFunction ?? cartesianChart.EasingFunction, AnimationsSpeed ?? cartesianChart.AnimationsSpeed);
            if (Stroke is not null)
                Stroke.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, strokePath);
                Stroke.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.2;
                Stroke.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, clipping);
                strokePath.Pivot = p;
                if (isNew)
                    strokePath.Animate(EasingFunction ?? cartesianChart.EasingFunction, AnimationsSpeed ?? cartesianChart.AnimationsSpeed);

            strokePath.Opacity = IsVisible ? 1 : 0;
            fillPath.Opacity = IsVisible ? 1 : 0;

        var coordinate = point.Coordinate;

        isSegmentEmpty = false;
        var s = 0d;
        if (stacker is not null)
            s = coordinate.PrimaryValue > 0
                ? stacker.GetStack(point).Start
                : stacker.GetStack(point).NegativeStart;

        var visual = (StepLineVisualPoint<TDrawingContext, TVisual>?)point.Context.AdditionalVisuals;
        var dp = coordinate.PrimaryValue + s - previousPrimary;
        var ds = coordinate.SecondaryValue - previousSecondary;

        if (!IsVisible)
            if (visual is not null)
                visual.Geometry.X = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue);
                visual.Geometry.Y = p;
                visual.Geometry.Opacity = 0;
                visual.Geometry.RemoveOnCompleted = true;

                visual.StepSegment.Xi = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue - ds);
                visual.StepSegment.Xj = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue);
                visual.StepSegment.Yi = p;
                visual.StepSegment.Yj = p;

                point.Context.Visual = null;



        if (visual is null)
            var v = new StepLineVisualPoint<TDrawingContext, TVisual>();
            visual = v;

            if (isFirstDraw)
                v.Geometry.X = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue);
                v.Geometry.Y = p;
                v.Geometry.Width = 0;
                v.Geometry.Height = 0;

                //v.StepSegment.Xi = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue - ds);
                //v.StepSegment.Xj = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue);
                //v.StepSegment.Yi = p;
                //v.StepSegment.Yj = p;

                v.StepSegment.Yi = primaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.PrimaryValue + s - dp);
                v.StepSegment.Yj = primaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.PrimaryValue + s);
                v.StepSegment.Xi = p;
                v.StepSegment.Xj = p;

            point.Context.Visual = v.Geometry;
            point.Context.AdditionalVisuals = v;

        visual.Geometry.Opacity = 1;

        if (hasSvg)
            var svgVisual = (IVariableSvgPath<TDrawingContext>)visual.Geometry;
            if (_geometrySvgChanged || svgVisual.SVGPath is null)
                svgVisual.SVGPath = GeometrySvg ?? throw new Exception("svg path is not defined");

        _ = everFetched.Add(point);

        GeometryFill?.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, visual.Geometry);
        GeometryStroke?.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, visual.Geometry);

        visual.StepSegment.Id = point.Context.Entity.MetaData!.EntityIndex;

        if (Fill is not null) fillVector!.AddConsecutiveSegment(visual.StepSegment, !isFirstDraw);
        if (Stroke is not null) strokeVector!.AddConsecutiveSegment(visual.StepSegment, !isFirstDraw);

        visual.StepSegment.Xi = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue - ds);
        visual.StepSegment.Xj = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue);
        visual.StepSegment.Yi = primaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.PrimaryValue + s - dp);
        visual.StepSegment.Yj = primaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.PrimaryValue + s);

        var x = secondaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.SecondaryValue);
        var y = primaryScale.ToPixels(coordinate.PrimaryValue + s);

        visual.Geometry.TranslateTransform = new LvcPoint(-hgs, -hgs);

        visual.Geometry.Width = gs;
        visual.Geometry.Height = gs;
        visual.Geometry.RemoveOnCompleted = false;

        visual.FillPath = fillVector!.AreaGeometry;
        visual.StrokePath = strokeVector!.AreaGeometry;

        var hags = gs < 8 ? 8 : gs;

        if (point.Context.HoverArea is not RectangleHoverArea ha)
            point.Context.HoverArea = ha = new RectangleHoverArea();

        _ = ha
            .SetDimensions(x - uwx * 0.5f, y - hgs, uwx, gs)

        _ = coordinate.PrimaryValue >= pivot
            ? ha.StartYToolTip()
            : ha.EndYToolTip().IsLessThanPivot();


        if (DataLabelsPaint is not null)
            var label = (TLabel?)point.Context.Label;

            if (label is null)
                var l = new TLabel { X = x - hgs, Y = p - hgs, RotateTransform = (float)DataLabelsRotation, MaxWidth = (float)DataLabelsMaxWidth };
                l.Animate(EasingFunction ?? cartesianChart.EasingFunction, AnimationsSpeed ?? cartesianChart.AnimationsSpeed);
                label = l;
                point.Context.Label = l;

            DataLabelsPaint.AddGeometryToPaintTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, label);
            label.Text = DataLabelsFormatter(new ChartPoint<TModel, TVisual, TLabel>(point));
            label.TextSize = dls;
            label.Padding = DataLabelsPadding;

            if (isFirstDraw)
                    nameof(label.TextSize), nameof(label.X), nameof(label.Y), nameof(label.RotateTransform));

            var m = label.Measure(DataLabelsPaint);
            var labelPosition = GetLabelPosition(
                x - hgs, y - hgs, gs, gs, m, DataLabelsPosition,
                SeriesProperties, coordinate.PrimaryValue > Pivot, drawLocation, drawMarginSize);
            if (DataLabelsTranslate is not null) label.TranslateTransform =
                new LvcPoint(m.Width * DataLabelsTranslate.Value.X, m.Height * DataLabelsTranslate.Value.Y);

            label.X = labelPosition.X;
            label.Y = labelPosition.Y;


        previousPrimary = coordinate.PrimaryValue + s;
        previousSecondary = coordinate.SecondaryValue;


    if (GeometryFill is not null)
        GeometryFill.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, clipping);
        GeometryFill.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.3;
    if (GeometryStroke is not null)
        GeometryStroke.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, clipping);
        GeometryStroke.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.4;

    if (!isSegmentEmpty) segmentI++;

var maxSegment = fillPathHelperContainer.Count > strokePathHelperContainer.Count
    ? fillPathHelperContainer.Count
    : strokePathHelperContainer.Count;

for (var i = maxSegment - 1; i >= segmentI; i--)
    if (i < fillPathHelperContainer.Count)
        var segmentFill = fillPathHelperContainer[i];
        Fill?.RemoveGeometryFromPainTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, segmentFill);

    if (i < strokePathHelperContainer.Count)
        var segmentStroke = strokePathHelperContainer[i];
        Stroke?.RemoveGeometryFromPainTask(cartesianChart.Canvas, segmentStroke);

if (DataLabelsPaint is not null)
    DataLabelsPaint.SetClipRectangle(cartesianChart.Canvas, clipping);
    DataLabelsPaint.ZIndex = actualZIndex + 0.5;

    everFetched, cartesianChart.View, primaryScale, secondaryScale, SoftDeleteOrDisposePoint);

_geometrySvgChanged = false;


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Hello and thanks for the issue!

Sorry I am afraid i don't completely understand, what is the problem you are facing?

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two point (1900,5) (1910,10),This is what it looks like now。

two point (1900,5) (1910,10), This is what I want to achieve

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