diff --git a/lib/teiserver/microblog/schemas/post.ex b/lib/teiserver/microblog/schemas/post.ex
index b9e353c05..e3b1447e2 100644
--- a/lib/teiserver/microblog/schemas/post.ex
+++ b/lib/teiserver/microblog/schemas/post.ex
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ defmodule Teiserver.Microblog.Post do
field :summary, :string
field :contents, :string
field :view_count, :integer, default: 0
+ field :poster_alias, :string
belongs_to :discord_channel, Teiserver.Communication.DiscordChannel
field :discord_post_id, :integer
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ defmodule Teiserver.Microblog.Post do
|> cast(
- ~w(poster_id title summary contents view_count discord_channel_id discord_post_id)a
+ ~w(poster_id title summary contents view_count discord_channel_id discord_post_id poster_alias)a
|> cast_assoc(:post_tags, tag_ids)
|> validate_required(~w(poster_id title contents)a)
diff --git a/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/admin/post/post_form_component.ex b/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/admin/post/post_form_component.ex
index 18c30772f..e87c2cb7a 100644
--- a/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/admin/post/post_form_component.ex
+++ b/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/admin/post/post_form_component.ex
@@ -29,6 +29,23 @@ defmodule TeiserverWeb.Microblog.PostFormComponent do
<.input field={@form[:title]} type="text" autofocus="autofocus" phx-debounce="100" />
+ Edit this if your contributor name is different from your in-game name. Your user id will still be linked to this blog post in the database.
+ <.input
+ id="poster_alias"
+ field={@form[:poster_alias]}
+ type="text"
+ phx-debounce="100"
+ placeholder={@current_user.name}
+ />
@@ -99,7 +116,7 @@ defmodule TeiserverWeb.Microblog.PostFormComponent do
in a public room and the server will send you a one time code to send the bridge.
- You can still post microblog messages to discord but it will not include your name/profile in them.
+ You can still post microblog messages to discord but it will not include your name/profile in them. It will use your contributor alias if provided.
<% end %>
@@ -330,14 +347,19 @@ defmodule TeiserverWeb.Microblog.PostFormComponent do
defp create_discord_text(post) do
user = Account.get_user_by_id(post.poster_id)
+ host = Application.get_env(:teiserver, TeiserverWeb.Endpoint)[:url][:host]
+ create_discord_text(user, post, host)
+ end
+ def create_discord_text(user, post, host) do
discord_tag =
if user.discord_id do
" - Posted by <@#{user.discord_id}>"
- " - Posted by #{user.name}"
+ username = post.poster_alias || user.name
+ " - Posted by #{username}"
- host = Application.get_env(:teiserver, TeiserverWeb.Endpoint)[:url][:host]
url = "https://#{host}/microblog/show/#{post.id}"
diff --git a/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/blog/index.html.heex b/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/blog/index.html.heex
index 6bb1589fc..5dd7674c6 100644
--- a/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/blog/index.html.heex
+++ b/lib/teiserver_web/live/microblog/blog/index.html.heex
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
<%= post.title %>
- <%= post.poster.name %>
+ <%= post.poster_alias || post.poster.name %>
Posted at <%= date_to_str(post.inserted_at, format: :ymd_hms) %>
diff --git a/priv/repo/migrations/20241229013049_add_microblog_poster_alias.exs b/priv/repo/migrations/20241229013049_add_microblog_poster_alias.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..908c51014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/priv/repo/migrations/20241229013049_add_microblog_poster_alias.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+defmodule Teiserver.Repo.Migrations.AddMicroblogPosterAlias do
+ use Ecto.Migration
+ def change do
+ alter table("microblog_posts") do
+ add :poster_alias, :string
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/teiserver_web/live/microblog/post_form_component_test.exs b/test/teiserver_web/live/microblog/post_form_component_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..399a11113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/teiserver_web/live/microblog/post_form_component_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+defmodule TeiserverWeb.Microblog.PostFormComponentTest do
+ @moduledoc false
+ use TeiserverWeb.ConnCase
+ alias TeiserverWeb.Microblog.PostFormComponent
+ alias Teiserver.Microblog
+ test "create_post works with or without poster_alias" do
+ post_params = %{
+ "contents" => "test",
+ "discord_channel_id" => "",
+ "poster_alias" => "",
+ "poster_id" => 4,
+ "summary" => "test",
+ "title" => "test"
+ }
+ {:ok, result} = Microblog.create_post(post_params)
+ assert result.poster_alias == nil
+ post_params = %{
+ "contents" => "test",
+ "discord_channel_id" => "",
+ "poster_alias" => "Jenny",
+ "poster_id" => 4,
+ "summary" => "test",
+ "title" => "test"
+ }
+ {:ok, result} = Microblog.create_post(post_params)
+ assert result.poster_alias == "Jenny"
+ end
+ test "Get discord text when discord id present" do
+ post_params = %{
+ "contents" => "test",
+ "discord_channel_id" => "",
+ "poster_alias" => "contributor alias",
+ "poster_id" => 4,
+ "summary" => "test",
+ "title" => "test"
+ }
+ {:ok, post} = Microblog.create_post(post_params)
+ user = %{
+ discord_id: "mydiscordname",
+ name: "ign"
+ }
+ host = "localhost"
+ result = PostFormComponent.create_discord_text(user, post, host)
+ assert String.contains?(result, "Posted by <@mydiscordname>")
+ end
+ test "Get discord text when discord id not present and alias is present" do
+ post_params = %{
+ "contents" => "test",
+ "discord_channel_id" => "",
+ "poster_alias" => "contributoralias",
+ "poster_id" => 4,
+ "summary" => "test",
+ "title" => "test"
+ }
+ {:ok, post} = Microblog.create_post(post_params)
+ user = %{
+ discord_id: nil,
+ name: "ign"
+ }
+ host = "localhost"
+ result = PostFormComponent.create_discord_text(user, post, host)
+ assert String.contains?(result, "Posted by contributoralias")
+ end
+ test "Get discord text when discord id not present and alias not present" do
+ post_params = %{
+ "contents" => "test",
+ "discord_channel_id" => "",
+ "poster_alias" => "",
+ "poster_id" => 4,
+ "summary" => "test",
+ "title" => "test"
+ }
+ {:ok, post} = Microblog.create_post(post_params)
+ user = %{
+ discord_id: nil,
+ name: "ingame_name"
+ }
+ host = "localhost"
+ result = PostFormComponent.create_discord_text(user, post, host)
+ assert String.contains?(result, "Posted by ingame_name")
+ end