CopyFileAsync |
Copies a file from one S3 bucket to another. |
Provide the source bucket name, source object key, destination bucket name, destination object key, and a cancellation token. |
await fileOperations.CopyFileAsync("source-bucket", "source-object-key", "destination-bucket", "destination-object-key", cancellationToken); |
DeleteFileAsync |
Deletes a file from an S3 bucket. |
Provide the bucket name, object key, and a cancellation token. |
await fileOperations.DeleteFileAsync("bucket-name", "object-key", cancellationToken); |
DoseFileExistAsync |
Checks if a file exists in an S3 bucket. |
Provide the bucket name, object key, and a cancellation token. Returns a boolean indicating whether the file exists. |
var fileExists = await fileOperations.DoseFileExistAsync("bucket-name", "object-key", cancellationToken); |
GetFileAsync |
Gets a file from an S3 bucket as a stream. |
Provide the bucket name, object key, and a cancellation token. Returns a stream containing the file contents. |
var fileStream = await fileOperations.GetFileAsync("bucket-name", "object-key", cancellationToken); |
ListObjectsAsync |
Lists objects in an S3 bucket. |
Provide the bucket name, prefix, delimiter, max keys, and a cancellation token. Returns an enumerable of object keys. |
var objectKeys = await fileOperations.ListObjectsAsync("bucket-name", "prefix", "delimiter", 1000, cancellationToken); |
UploadFileStreamAsync |
Uploads a file to an S3 bucket from a stream. |
Provide the bucket name, object key, stream containing the file contents, content type, and a cancellation token. |
await fileOperations.UploadFileStreamAsync("bucket-name", "object-key", fileStream, "text/plain", cancellationToken); |
UploadSingleFileAsync |
Uploads a file to an S3 bucket from a file path. |
Provide the bucket name, source file path, destination object key, and a cancellation token. Returns a boolean indicating whether the upload was successful. |
var uploadSuccessful = await fileOperations.UploadSingleFileAsync("bucket-name", "source-file-path", "destination-object-key", cancellationToken); |