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"prefix" : "+",
"notFound":"Sorry, I do not recognize that command. Use ‘+help’ for a list of commands available to you. If something is broken, please @mention a Developer or other Staff Member on our main server for further assistance.",
"help":"Here is a list of commands currently available:\n\n+help - show available commands\n+ping - check for connection\n+say - echo arguments\n+stat - statistics on users's current text channel\n+whoisthegreatest - who is the greatest?\n\nServer-only commands:\n+addRole <@mentionUsername> - give a user an additional role\n+ban <@mentionUsername> <reason> - ban a user\n+create <name> - create channel of given name\n+createCat <name> - create a new channel category of given name\n+delete - delete current channel\n+demote <@mentionUsername> - remove a users's server roles\n+kick <@mentionUsername> <reason> kick a user\n+leave - remove me from the server\n+setWelcome <newWelcomeMessage> - set the welcome message to DM new guild members (use with no parameters to turn off DMing new guild members).\n+setWelcomeChannel <channel-name> returns the name of the channel used to welcome new guild members \n+welcome - returns the welcome message for this server\n",
"devHelp":"Developer Commands:\n+dev - check if you have developer access\n+dev guilds - view connected guilds\n+dev help - get a list of dev commands\n+dev leave <server name> - leave a server\n\n+dev ping - return user information"