Unit tests verify individual components and functions in isolation. The project uses pytest as the testing framework.
# Testing entity validation (test_entities.py)
def test_model_config():
config = ModelConfig(
assert config.model_name == "gpt-4"
assert config.api_key == "test-key"
# Testing utility functions (test_client.py)
async def test_run_with_string_output(mock_client):
mock_response = MagicMock()
mock_response.data = "test response"
result = await mock_client.run("test prompt", use_cache=False)
assert result == "test response"
# Testing data validation (test_entities.py)
def test_emphasis_validation():
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Emphasis(technical_skills_weight=101) # Over 100
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Emphasis(soft_skills_weight=-1) # Under 0
# Testing score parsing (test_analysis.py)
def test_criteria_evaluator_parse_score():
evaluator = CriteriaEvaluator(mock_client)
assert evaluator._parse_score("85", "Test") == 85
assert evaluator._parse_score("Score is 85", "Test") == 85
Integration tests verify the interaction between different components of the system.
# Testing API endpoints (test_routers.py)
async def test_analyze_resume_success(sample_files, mock_service):
with open(resume_path, "rb") as resume_file, open(job_desc_path, "rb") as job_desc_file:
response = client.post(
"resume_file": ("test_resume.pdf", resume_file, "application/pdf"),
"job_description_file": ("job_description.txt", job_desc_file, "text/plain"),
assert response.status_code == 200
assert result["overall_score"] == 85
# Testing full analysis flow (test_analysis.py)
async def test_job_analyzer_full_flow(mock_client, sample_resume_text, sample_job_description):
analyzer = JobAnalyzer(mock_client)
result = await analyzer.match_resume(
assert isinstance(result, DetailedMatchResult)
assert result.overall_score > 0
# Testing cache functionality (test_client.py)
async def test_cache_functionality(mock_client):
result1 = await mock_client.run(prompt, system_prompt=system_prompt)
result2 = await mock_client.run(prompt, system_prompt=system_prompt)
assert result2 == result1
assert mock_agent.run.call_count == 1
# Testing service initialization (test_server.py)
def test_app_initialization():
test_app = init_app()
assert test_app.title == test_app.title
assert "/metrics" in [route.path for route in test_app.routes]
Tests that verify the REST API endpoints and their responses.
# Testing health check endpoint (test_routers.py)
def test_ping_endpoint():
response = client.get("/ping")
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.json() == {"ping": "pong"}
# Testing file upload validation (test_routers.py)
async def test_analyze_resume_invalid_file():
with pytest.raises(FileConversionException):
"resume_file": ("test.pdf", b"invalid content", "application/pdf"),
"job_description_file": ("job.txt", b"invalid content", "text/plain"),
# Testing missing file handling (test_routers.py)
async def test_analyze_resume_missing_file():
with pytest.raises(RequestValidationError):
"resume_file": ("test.pdf", b"some content", "application/pdf"),
# Missing job description file
# Testing metrics endpoint (test_server.py)
def test_metrics_endpoint(client):
response = client.get("/metrics")
assert response.status_code == 200
Tests that use mocking to isolate components and simulate dependencies.
# Mocking AI client responses (test_analysis.py)
def mock_client():
client = MagicMock()
client.run = AsyncMock()
return client
# Mocking service responses (test_routers.py)
def mock_service():
with patch("src.routers.ResumeAnalysisService") as mock:
service_instance = Mock()
service_instance.process_files.return_value = ("resume content", "job description content")
yield service_instance
# Mocking cache directory (test_client.py)
def mock_cache_dir(tmp_path):
return tmp_path / "cache"
# Mocking settings (test_client.py)
def mock_client(mock_cache_dir):
with patch("src.client.settings") as mock_settings:
mock_settings.cache_dir = str(mock_cache_dir)
mock_settings.anthropic_api_key = "test_key"
return AIClient(ModelType.ANTHROPIC)
Description: Tests the complete resume analysis process from file upload to score generation. Contribution: Ensures the core functionality of matching resumes against job descriptions works correctly.
async def test_job_analyzer_full_flow(mock_client, sample_resume_text, sample_job_description):
analyzer = JobAnalyzer(mock_client)
result = await analyzer.match_resume(
assert isinstance(result, DetailedMatchResult)
assert result.overall_score > 0
assert len(result.criteria_scores) == 6
assert result.match_reasons == "Match reasons"
Description: Tests the AI response caching mechanism to optimize performance. Contribution: Verifies that repeated requests use cached responses, reducing API calls and improving response times.
async def test_cache_functionality(mock_client):
result1 = await mock_client.run(prompt, system_prompt=system_prompt)
result2 = await mock_client.run(prompt, system_prompt=system_prompt)
assert result2 == result1
assert mock_agent.run.call_count == 1
Description: Tests the validation of scoring criteria and weights. Contribution: Ensures that scoring remains within valid ranges and prevents incorrect weight distributions.
def test_emphasis_validation():
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Emphasis(technical_skills_weight=101) # Over 100
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
Emphasis(soft_skills_weight=-1) # Under 0
Description: Tests various error scenarios in file processing and API requests. Contribution: Ensures the system gracefully handles invalid inputs and provides appropriate error messages.
async def test_analyze_resume_invalid_file():
with pytest.raises(FileConversionException):
"resume_file": ("test.pdf", b"invalid content", "application/pdf"),
"job_description_file": ("job.txt", b"invalid content", "text/plain"),
The project uses the following test configuration:
- pytest Configuration:
python_files = tests.py test_*.py *_tests.py
addopts = --cov-report=term-missing --cov-config=setup.cfg --cov=src
mock_traceback_monkeypatch = false
- Coverage Configuration:
omit = *tests*
- Test Command:
$(UV) run \
$(PYTEST) --disable-warnings $(TEST_DIR) $(PROJECT_PATH) -x -s --cov-report=term-missing --cov-config=setup.cfg --cov=src