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MATLAB scripts to evaluate the Adaptive Real Time Exploration and Optimization (ARTEO) algorithm using a simulated refrigeration plant.

The refrigeration plant is simulated in Simulink. It has 5 parallel compressors, as shown in the diagram below.

Refrigeration plant diagram

The model was developed by Mehmet Mercangöz and coworkers at Imperial College, London, based on work by K. N. Widell, and T. Eikevik (2010) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

This work is part of a research project supervised by Dr. Mercangöz. The results here have been submitted as a conference paper proposal (accepted) with the following title:

  • Using Prior Knowledge to Improve Adaptive Real Time Exploration and Optimization

To reproduce the results in the paper

After downloading the code, I recommend running the unittests first (MATLAB command line from the main repository directory):


Note: There are two tests which may fail. test_run_simulation.m always fails when executed by runtests because it runs a Simulink model. To do this test, open the script and run it the normal way (not as a unit test) in MATLAB. The test_ens_model.m fails because this model has not been implemented yet.

First, run this script to compute the optimal machine loads for all machines (warning: This takes about 15 minutes):


Once this script has finished, the optimum load solutions are saved on file so it shouldn't need to be run again.

Then, generate the random simulation input sequences:


Then, open the script run_simulations.m. In the top part of this script you can choose from a set of test simulations to run:

% Choose simulation sub-directory name where config files, data,
% are located and results will be stored
% sim_name = "test_sim_gpr";  % Gaussian process models
% sim_name = "test_sim_fp1";  % Simple first-principles model
% sim_name = "test_sim_lin";  % Linear model
sim_name = "test_sim_true";  % test optimizer with true system models

The sim_name variable refers to a sub-directory in the 'simulations' directory which contains a config file that defines the simulation and load optimizer setup.

If you run the above simulation, you should get the following output:

Starting single simulation...
      Start time: 11:18:55
Loading simulation configuration from 'simulations/test_sim_true/sim_specs/sim_spec.yaml'
Loading system configuration from 'simulations/test_sim_true/sim_specs/sys_config.yaml'
Loading optimizer configuration from 'simulations/test_sim_true/sim_specs/opt_config.yaml'
Starting simulation...
    0  2.128e+06 +6.637e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.128e+06 [   93   537   403   795   403]
  250  2.128e+06 +6.637e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.128e+06 [   93   537   403   795   403]
  500  2.128e+06 +6.637e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.128e+06 [   93   537   403   795   403]
  750  2.128e+06 +6.637e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.128e+06 [   93   537   403   403   795]
 1000  2.071e+06 +6.232e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.071e+06 [   89   537   387   387   795]
 1250  2.071e+06 +6.232e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.071e+06 [   89   537   795   387   387]
 1500  2.071e+06 +6.232e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.071e+06 [   89   537   387   795   387]
 1750  2.071e+06 +6.232e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.071e+06 [   89   537   387   387   795]
 2000  2.496e+06 +1.461e+08 -0.000e+00 =  1.486e+08 [   92   367   399   795   795]
 2250  2.496e+06 +1.461e+08 -0.000e+00 =  1.486e+08 [   92   367   399   795   795]
 2500  2.496e+06 +1.461e+08 -0.000e+00 =  1.486e+08 [   92   367   399   795   795]
 2750  2.496e+06 +1.461e+08 -0.000e+00 =  1.486e+08 [   92   367   795   795   399]
 3000  1.935e+06 +6.277e+02 -0.000e+00 =  1.935e+06 [   98   376   421   421   795]
 3250  1.935e+06 +6.277e+02 -0.000e+00 =  1.935e+06 [   98   376   421   421   795]
 3500  1.935e+06 +6.277e+02 -0.000e+00 =  1.935e+06 [   98   376   421   421   795]
 3750  1.935e+06 +6.277e+02 -0.000e+00 =  1.935e+06 [   98   376   795   421   421]
 4000  2.049e+06 +6.081e+02 -0.000e+00 =  2.050e+06 [   88   537   381   795   381]
Simulation finished.
Simulation results saved to 'simulations/test_sim_true/results/sim_out.mat'.
Max. power limit exceedance: 1 kW
Avg. power limit exceedance: 0 kW
Avg. load tracking errors vs. target: 97 kW
Avg. load tracking errors vs. max.: 1 kW
Avg. excess power used: 0.523976 kW
Avg. excess power used: 0.0% (of total)
Final total model uncertainty: 0.0
Final overall model prediction error (RMSE): 0.0 kW
Number of times optimizer failed: 0
Summary saved to file:

After running run_simulations.m, you may run plot_model_preds.m to make various plots of the simulation results and the fitted models.

Plot figures are saved to a sub-directory called 'plots' within the simulation sub-directory.

The outputs of the simulation are written to a sub-directory called 'results' in the simulation sub-directory.

Details of every simulation (configuration, optimizer parameters, evaluation results etc.) are appended to a summary file named 'sims_summary.csv'. Note that this file is not over-written, so it is useful for accumulating and comparing results from multiple simulations. To delete past simulation results, just delete all files in the results sub-folder of the simulation directory.

If everything appears to be working, you can try running the main evaluation simulations.

Before running these, you need to generate the simulation specification files, which will be saved in simulations/sim_all_eval/sim_specs/queue by running


Then, set sim_name = "sim_all_eval" in run_simulations.m and run it. Warning: There are 110 simulations which take about 5 hours to complete.

Once complete, you can run the following script to produce the box-plot shown in Fig. 10 in the paper:


Scripts to make plots in paper

Main functions

Other files

Simulink model file:

Other scripts:

  • evaluate_models.m - runs Monte Carlo experiments to evaluate the extrapolation behaviour of each model type when trained on small samples of random training points

Utility functions:

Unit testing

To run the unit tests, execute the following command in the main directory from MATLAB.

