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없습니다.","You_can_no_longer_change_the_currency_because_you've_made_a_first-time_deposit_":"귀하께서는 첫 예금을 하셨기 때문에 더이상 통화를 변경하실 수 없습니다.","This_is_your_[_1]_account_":"이것은 귀하의 [_1] 계좌입니다.","Your_fiat_account's_currency_is_currently_set_to_[_1]_":"귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화는 현재 [_1]으로 설정되었습니다.","Your_fiat_account's_currency_is_set_to_[_1]_":"귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화는 [_1]으로 설정되었습니다.","Don't_want_to_trade_in_[_1]?_You_can_open_another_cryptocurrency_account_":"[_1]로 거래하고 싶지 않으신가요? 귀하께서는 다른 암호화폐 계좌를 개설하실 수 있습니다.","You_can_[_1]set_a_new_currency[_2]_before_you_deposit_for_the_first_time_or_create_an_MT5_account_":"귀하께서는 처음으로 입금하시거나 또는 MT5 계좌를 생성하기 이전에 [_1]새로운 통화[_2]를 설정하실 수 있습니다.","Withdraw":"인출하기","Deposit":"예금","Town/City":"타운/도시","First_line_of_home_address":"집주소의 첫째 줄","Postal_Code/ZIP":"우편번호","State/Province":"주/지역","Email_address":"이메일 주소","Telephone":"전화","Country_of_Residence":"거주국가","details":"세부사항","Yes_I'm_sure":"네 저는 확신합니다","Cancel":"취소","Are_you_sure_you_want_to_deposit_in_[_1]?":"귀하께서는 [_1]에 예금하시기를 확실히 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바랍니다.","More_information_can_be_found_in_an_email_sent_to_you_":"귀하에게 전송된 이메일에서 더 많은 정보를 찾으실 수 있습니다.","I_want_to_reapply":"재신청하고 싶습니다","In_the_EU,_financial_binary_options_are_only_available_to_professional_investors_":"유럽연합에서는, 금융 바이너리 옵션은 전문적인 투자자들만 이용 가능합니다.","Apply_now_as_a_professional_investor":"전문 투자자로써 지금 지원하세요","Try_our_[_1]Synthetic_Indices[_2]_":"우리의 [_1]종합 지수[_2]를 활용해보세요.","Try_our_other_markets_":"다른 시장을 이용해보세요.","Please_complete_the_[_1]Real_Account_form[_2]_to_verify_your_age_as_required_by_the_[_3]UK_Gambling[_4]_Commission_(UKGC)_":"[_3]영국 도박[_4]위원회 (UKGC)에 의해 요구됨에 따라 귀하의 나이를 확인하기 위해 [_1]실제 계좌 서류[_2]를 완료해주시기 바랍니다.","Account_access_is_temporarily_limited__Please_check_your_inbox_for_more_details_":"계좌 접근이 일시적으로 제한되었습니다. 더 자세한 사항을 위해 귀하의 수신함을 확인해주세요.","Contract_Confirmation":"계약확인","Your_transaction_reference_is":"귀하의 거래 참조는","Total_Cost":"총 비용","Potential_Payout":"잠재적인 지불금","Potential_Profit":"잠재적인 이익","View":"보기","This_contract_won":"이 계약은 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합니다.","Time_out_cannot_be_more_than_6_weeks_":"타임아웃은 6주보다 더 길수 없습니다.","Time_out_cannot_be_in_the_past_":"타임아웃은 과거형으로 있을 수 없습니다.","Please_select_a_valid_time_":"유효시간을 선택해주세요.","Exclude_time_cannot_be_less_than_6_months_":"제외 시간은 6개월보다 더 적을 수는 없습니다.","Exclude_time_cannot_be_for_more_than_5_years_":"제외 시간은 5년보다 더 길 수 없습니다.","When_you_click_\"OK\"_you_will_be_excluded_from_trading_on_the_site_until_the_selected_date_":"\"OK\"를 클릭하시면 귀하께서는 선택되어 있는 날짜까지 본 사이트상에서의 거래에서 제외될 것입니다.","Your_changes_have_been_updated_":"귀하의 변경이 업데이트되었습니다.","Disable":"비활성화","Enable":"활성화","You_have_successfully_enabled_two-factor_authentication_for_your_account_":"귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌에 성공적으로 이중 인증을 활성화시켰습니다.","You_have_successfully_disabled_two-factor_authentication_for_your_account_":"귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌에 이중인증을 성공적으로 비활성화하셨습니다.","You_do_not_need_to_authenticate_your_account_at_this_time_[_1]We_will_inform_you_when_your_account_needs_to_be_authenticated_":"귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌를 지금 인증을 하지 않으셔도 됩니다. 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주세요.","Sign_up":"가입","Trading_contracts_for_difference_(CFDs)_on_Synthetic_Indices_may_not_be_suitable_for_everyone__Please_ensure_that_you_fully_understand_the_risks_involved,_including_the_possibility_of_losing_all_the_funds_in_your_MT5_account__Gambling_can_be_addictive_–_please_play_responsibly_":"종합지수에서 차액거래 (CFDs)는 모두에게는 적합하지 않을수도 있습니다. 귀하께서는 귀하의 MT5 계좌에 있는 모든 자금을 잃을 수 있는 가능성을 포함하여 관련되어 있는 모든 위험을 완전히 이해해주시기 바랍니다. 도박은 중독적일 수 있습니다 – 책임감있게 진행해주세요.","Do_you_wish_to_continue?":"Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?","{SPAIN_ONLY}You_are_about_to_purchase_a_product_that_is_not_simple_and_may_be_difficult_to_understand:_Contracts_for_difference_and_forex__As_a_general_rule,_the_CNMV_considers_that_such_products_are_not_appropriate_for_retail_clients,_due_to_their_complexity_":"{SPAIN ONLY}귀하께서는 단순하지 않고 이해하기 어려울 수 있는 상품을 구매할 예정입니다: 차액거래 및 외환입니다. 일반적인 규칙으로, CNMV는 이러한 상품들이 이들의 복잡성때문에 소매고객들에게는 적합하지 않다고 여깁니다.","{SPAIN_ONLY}This_is_a_product_with_leverage__You_should_be_aware_that_losses_may_be_higher_than_the_amount_initially_paid_to_purchase_the_product_":"{SPAIN ONLY}이것은 레버리지가 있는 상품입니다. 귀하께서는 손실이 상품을 구매하기 위해 처음에 지불한 금액보다 더 높은 손실이 발생될 수 있다는 것을 아셔야 합니다.","{SPAIN_ONLY}However,_Binary_Investments_(Europe)_Ltd_has_assessed_your_knowledge_and_experience_and_deems_the_product_appropriate_for_you_":"{SPAIN ONLY} 그렇지만, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd는 귀하의 지식과 경험 및 귀하에게 적합한 상품을 평가하였습니다.","Acknowledge":"인정합니다","Change_Password":"비밀번호 바꾸기","The_[_1]_password_of_account_number_[_2]_has_been_changed_":"계좌번호 [_2]의 [_1] 비밀번호가 변경되었습니다.","Reset_Password":"비밀번호 재설정","Verify_Reset_Password":"재설정 암호를 확인해주세요","Please_check_your_email_for_further_instructions_":"추가적인 지시사항을 위해 귀하의 이메일을 확인해주시기 바랍니다.","[_1]_deposit_from_[_2]_to_account_number_[_3]_is_done__Transaction_ID:_[_4]":"[_2]에서 [_1]예금이 계좌번호 [_3]로 완료되었습니다. 트랜잭션 아이디: [_4]","[_1]_withdrawal_from_account_number_[_2]_to_[_3]_is_done__Transaction_ID:_[_4]":"계좌번호 [_2]에서 [_3]으로 [_1] 인출이 완료되었습니다. 트랜잭션 아이디: [_4]","You_have_insufficient_funds_in_your_Binary_account,_please_add_funds_":"귀하의 Binary 계좌에 자금이 충분하지 않습니다. 자금을 충전해주세요.","Sorry,_this_feature_is_not_available_in_your_jurisdiction_":"죄송합니다, 귀하의 관할권에서는 이 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다.","[_1]_has_been_credited_into_your_MT5_Demo_Account:_[_2]_":"[_1]이 귀하의 MT5 Demo Account에 입금되었습니다: [_2].","Demo_Accounts":"뎨모 계좌들","Real-Money_Accounts":"실제-자금 계좌","Demo_Account":"데모 계좌","Real-Money_Account":"실제-자금 계좌","for_account_[_1]":"계좌 [_1]를 위한","[_1]_Account_[_2]":"[_1] 계좌 [_2]","Your_demo_account_balance_is_currently_[_1]_or_less__You_may_top_up_your_account_with_an_additional_[_2]_":"귀하의 데모 계좌 잔액은 현재 [_1] 또는 그보다 적습니다. 귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌를 [_2]만큼 추가로 충전할 수 있습니다.","You_can_top_up_your_demo_account_with_an_additional_[_1]_if_your_balance_is_[_2]_or_less_":"귀하께서는 귀하의 잔액이 [_2] 또는 그보다 적을 경우 귀하의 데모계좌에 추가적인 [_1]만큼 추가로 넣을 수 있습니다.","Yes,_I'm_sure":"네, 저는 확신합니다","Are_you_sure?":"확실한가요?","You_will_not_be_able_to_change_your_fiat_account's_currency_after_creating_this_MT5_account__Are_you_sure_you_want_to_proceed?":"귀하께서는 이 MT5 계좌를 생성한 후에 귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화를 변경할 수 없게 됩니다. 정말 그대로 진행하시기를 원하십니까?","Your_token_has_expired_or_is_invalid__Please_click_here_to_restart_the_verification_process_":"귀하의 토큰은 만기되었거나 유효하지 않습니다. 인증절차를 재시작하기 위해 여기를 클릭하세요.","The_email_address_provided_is_already_in_use__If_you_forgot_your_password,_please_try_our_password_recovery_tool_or_contact_our_customer_service_":"입력하신 이메일 주소는 이미 사용중입니다. 만약 비밀번호를 잊으셨다면, 비밀번호 복구 도구 또는 저희 고객 서비스부서에 연락바랍니다.","Password_is_not_strong_enough_":"비밀번호가 취약합니다.","Upgrade_now":"지금 업그레이드하세요","[_1]_days_[_2]_hours_[_3]_minutes":"[_1]일 [_2]시간 [_3]분","Your_trading_statistics_since_[_1]_":"[_1]때부터 귀하의 거래 통계.","[_1]_Please_click_the_link_below_to_restart_the_password_recovery_process_":"[_1]비밀번호 복구 절차를 위해 아래의 링크를 클릭하세요.","Your_password_has_been_successfully_reset__Please_log_into_your_account_using_your_new_password_":"귀하의 비밀번호가 성공적으로 재설정되었습니다. 새 비밀번호를 이용하여 귀하의 계정에 로그인 바랍니다.","Please_select_the_currency_for_this_account:":"이 계좌를 위한 통화를 선택해주시기 바랍니다:","Do_you_want_this_to_be_a_fiat_account_or_crypto_account?_Please_choose_one:":"귀하께서는 이것이 피앗 계좌가 되기를 희망하십니까? 또는 암호화폐 계좌로 되기를 원하십니까? 한가지를 선택해주세요:","Are_you_sure_you_want_to_create_your_[_1]_account_now?":"귀하께서 [_1] 계좌를 지금 만드는것을 희망하는것이 확실합니까?","Note:":"각주:","You_may_open_one_account_for_each_supported_cryptocurrency_":"귀하께서는 지원되는 각 암호화폐당 하나의 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다.","Are_you_sure_you_want_to_create_a_fiat_account_in_[_1]?":"귀하께서는 [_1] 피앗 계좌를 개설하기를 확실히 희망하십니까?","You_are_limited_to_one_fiat_account__You_can_change_the_currency_of_your_fiat_account_anytime_before_you_make_a_first-time_deposit_or_create_an_MT5_account_":"귀하께서는 하나의 피앗 계좌로 제한되어 있습니다. 귀하께서는 MT5 계좌를 생성하거나 예금을 처음하시기 전에 그 언제든지 귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화를 변경하실 수 있습니다.","Yes":"네","Create_[_1]_account":"[_1] 계좌 생성하기","You_have_successfully_changed_your_account_currency_from_[_1]_to_[_2]_":"귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌 통화를 [_1]에서 [_2]으로 성공적으로 변경하셨습니다.","Please_choose_a_currency":"화폐를 선택해주시기 바랍니다","Asian_Up":"아시안 업","Asian_Down":"아시안 다운","Higher":"상승","Lower":"하락","Digit_Matches":"맞는 숫자","Digit_Differs":"다른 숫자","Digit_Odd":"홀수","Digit_Even":"짝수","Digit_Over":"오버되는 숫자","Digit_Under":"언더되는 숫자","Close-Low":"종가-저가","High-Close":"고가-종가","High-Low":"고가-저가","Reset_Call":"리셋 콜","Reset_Put":"리셋 풋","Does_Not_Touch":"터치되지 않습니다","Call_Spread":"콜 스프레드","Put_Spread":"풋 스프레드","High_Tick":"하이 틱","Low_Tick":"낮은 틱","Only_Ups":"오직 Ups","Only_Downs":"오직 Downs","Multiplier_Up":"승수 업","Multiplier_Down":"승수 다운","Not":"아님","Buy":"매수","Sell":"매도","Waiting_for_contract_settlement_":"계약 정산을 기다리는중입니다.","Contract_has_not_started_yet":"계약이 아직 시작되지 않았습니다.","This_contract_is_only_available_on_DTrader_[_1][_2]Go_to_Dtrader[_3]_to_close_or_cancel_this_contract_":"이 컨트랙트는 오직 DTrader상에서만 가능합니다. 이 컨트랙트를 종료하거나 취소하기 위해 [_1][_2]Dtrader[_3]로 가세요.","Contract_result":"계약 결과","Profit/loss":"이익/손실","Exit_time":"엑싯 타임","Close_time":"종료 시간","Exit_spot_time":"엑싯 스팟 시간","Audit":"감사","View_chart":"차트 보기","Contract_starts":"계약이 시작됩니다","Contract_ends":"계약이 종료됩니다","Contract_details":"계약 세부사항","Low_barrier":"낮은 장벽","High_barrier":"높은 장벽","Target":"목표","Contract_information":"계약 정보","Contract_type":"계약 종류","Transaction_ID":"거래 ID","Remaining_time":"남은 시간","Maximum_payout":"최대 지불금","Potential_payout":"잠재적인 지불금","Purchase_price":"구매가격","Barrier_change":"장벽 변동","Current":"현재","Spot_time":"스팟 타임","Current_time":"현재 시간","Indicative":"직설","Potential_profit/loss":"잠재적인 이익/손실","Deal_cancel__fee":"딜 취소. 비용","Total_profit/loss":"총 이익/손실","You_can_close_this_window_without_interrupting_your_trade_":"귀하께서는 귀하의 거래를 방해하지않고 이 윈도우 창을 닫으실 수 있습니다.","There_was_an_error":"오류가 있었습니다","Sell_at_market":"시장에서 판매하세요","Note":"공지","Contract_will_be_sold_at_the_prevailing_market_price_when_the_request_is_received_by_our_servers__This_price_may_differ_from_the_indicated_price_":"우리의 서버에 의해 요구사항이 접수되면 우세한 시장 가격으로 계약이 판매될것입니다. 이 가격은 표시된 가격과 다를 수 있습니다.","You_have_sold_this_contract_at_[_1]_[_2]":"귀하께서는 이 계약을 [_1][_2]로 판매하셨습니다","Your_transaction_reference_number_is_[_1]":"귀하의 거래 참조번호는 [_1]입니다","Thank_you_for_signing_up!_Please_check_your_email_to_complete_the_registration_process_":"가입해주셔서 감사합니다! 등록절차를 완료하기 위해 회원님의 이메일을 확인 해주세요.","All_markets_are_closed_now__Please_try_again_later_":"현재 모든 시장이 마감되었습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주십시오.","Withdrawal":"인출","login":"로그인","logout":"로그아웃","Asians":"아시안","Call_Spread/Put_Spread":"콜 스프레드/풋 스프레드","Digits":"숫자","Ends_Between/Ends_Outside":"사이에서 종료/외부에서 종료","Even/Odd":"짝/홀","High/Low_Ticks":"높은/낮은 틱","Higher/Lower":"하이어/로우어","In/Out":"인/아웃","Lookbacks":"룩백","Matches/Differs":"맞춤/다름","Over/Under":"오버/언더","Reset_Call/Reset_Put":"리셋 콜/리셋 풋","Rise/Fall":"상승/하락","Stays_Between/Goes_Outside":"사이에서 머무름/외부로 나감","Touch/No_Touch":"터치/노 터치","Up/Down":"업/다운","Christmas_Day":"성탄절","Closes_early_(at_18:00)":"조기 마감됩니다 (18:00시)","Closes_early_(at_21:00)":"조기 마감 (21:00시)","Fridays":"매주 금요일","New_Year's_Day":"새해 첫날","today":"오늘","today,_Fridays":"오늘, 매 금요일","There_was_a_problem_accessing_the_server_":"해당 서버에 접근하면서 문제가 있었습니다.","There_was_a_problem_accessing_the_server_during_purchase_":"구매하는 동안에 서버에 접근하면서 문제가 있었습니다."}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/translations/ar_SA.po b/src/translations/ar_SA.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c6f082a82af --- /dev/null +++ b/src/translations/ar_SA.po @@ -0,0 +1,3015 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Arabic\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5);\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 397380\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: ar\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 196\n" +"Language: ar_SA\n" + +msgid "404" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Region added)" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Temporarily unavailable)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Account %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Please click the link below to restart the password recovery process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 and %2 cannot be the same." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1No, change my fiat account's currency now%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1. This link was sent by you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Your desktop window stays open" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A word by itself is easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "AM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account Authenticated" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account access is temporarily limited. Please check your inbox for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account authentication" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account balance:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Acknowledge" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Action" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add +/– to define a barrier offset. For example, +0.005 means a barrier that's 0.005 higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add Deriv account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Adjust trade parameters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Agree and accept" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All details must be clear — nothing blurry" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow camera access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Already have an account?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "An error occurred while loading the component" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently revoke access to the application" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create a fiat account in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create your %1 account now?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to deposit in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asians" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ask me later" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit Page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Aug" +msgstr "" + +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Authenticate your account now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Available Markets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid recent years" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid repeated words and characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid sequences" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Back to trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Balance" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier change" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Basket Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binance USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binary Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bitcoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Blurry photo detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"Close-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1close%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1close%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera access is denied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Capitalization doesn't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change API Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart is not available for this underlying." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check back here to finish the submission" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that your number is correct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your connection." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checked" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Choose document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Christmas Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click OK to proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Gaming account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close identity verification screen" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closed Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 18:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 21:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commodities" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Common names and surnames are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Complete details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Compressing Image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm changes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connected to your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connecting to server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connection lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue with the verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract Confirmation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract ends" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract has not started yet" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract period" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract result" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract starts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts bought" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts sold" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your mobile browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counterparty" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country not found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country of Residence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create %1 account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Credit/Debit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Crypto" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cut-off image detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date and Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dates are often easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deal cancel. fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dec" +msgstr "" + +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposits and withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deriv Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Even" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Matches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Over" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dismiss alert" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you wish to continue?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document example" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents you can use to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Does Not Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't refresh this page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driver's license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driving licence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Due to an issue on our server, some of your MT5 accounts are unavailable at the moment. %1Please bear with us and thank you for your patience." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Email address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enlarge image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter mobile number" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter your mobile number:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ether Classic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ethereum" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a blurry document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a cut-off document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a document with glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Excluded from the website until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Explanation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Feb" +msgstr "" + +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fiat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File not uploaded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File size exceeded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File type not supported" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Final price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "" + +msgid "First line of home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Follow these steps to recover camera access:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Forex" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "From account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front and back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get link via SMS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get your secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Glare detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go To Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go to statement" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Grant access to your camera from your browser settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Great, that's everything we need" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Guide" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hence, your withdrawable balance is only up to %1%2, subject to your account’s available funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Here's how to do it:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier must be higher than low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High, Low and Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High/Low Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "How to scan a QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I want to reapply" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I'm interested" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ID number is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "IDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identity card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Higher\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Lower\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Call\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Put\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Rises\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Touches\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"High Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1highest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Low Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1lowest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Downs\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Ups\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time of \"Now\", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In/Out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicates required field" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicative" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Insufficient balance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid app id" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid document format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid verification code." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Investment" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may take a few minutes to arrive" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It must be an official photo ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It will only take a couple of minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jan" +msgstr "" + +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jul" +msgstr "" + +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jun" +msgstr "" + +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jurisdiction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Keep this window open while using your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Language settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Stats" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Linked to your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Litecoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Live chat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in here" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login at:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lookbacks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Looks like you took too long" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure all of the document is in the photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure everything is clear" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure full document is visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device has a working camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device's camera works" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure§" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mar" +msgstr "" + +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Matches/Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum of %1 characters required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light — no glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multi-Collateral" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple faces found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Must be under 10MB." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Net profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Network status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New Year's Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New token created." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No authentication required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency assigned" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency selected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No document detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No face found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No thanks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not announced for this currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Nov" +msgstr "" + +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Number of ticks:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "OAuth App ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online trading platform" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only %1 are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Downs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Ups" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and these special characters are allowed: %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, comma, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for ID number (%1)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only your face can be in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a free account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open positions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link and complete the tasks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open your new bank account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Opens" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Our classic “drag-and-drop” tool for creating trading bots, featuring pop-up trading charts, for advanced users." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "PM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password is not strong enough." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Paxos Standard" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pay-out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payment Agent services are not available in your country or in your preferred currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payments" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Percentage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Permissions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Place of birth" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please choose a currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1Real Account form%2 to verify your age as required by the %3UK Gambling%4 Commission (UKGC)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1financial assessment form%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete your Personal Details before you proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that all the information above is true and complete." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that you are not a politically exposed person." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please ensure that you have the Telegram app installed on your device." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please note that the selected currency is allowed for limited accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reload the page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a reason." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a valid time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select at least one scope" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the checkbox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set the currency of your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify your preferred interval reality check in minutes:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please try again" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Point your phone’s camera at the QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit / Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit table" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Provide the whole document page for best results" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase request sent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Read" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ready to trade?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reality Check" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recent years are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recover camera access to continue face verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recovery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Redo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ref." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reference ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remaining time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove deposit limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove your glasses, if necessary" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resale not offered" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resend link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call/Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset the balance of your virtual account to %1 anytime." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset to original settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Residence permit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart process on a different device" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Safari" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Return" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reverse Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Revoke access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "STASIS Euro" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sa" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan the QR code with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scans and photocopies are not accepted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scopes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search for country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Trade Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select a %{country} document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select issuing country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select market:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select payment agent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your market and underlying asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your trade type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selected tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Self-exclusion" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell at market" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send a secure link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send this one-time link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sep" +msgstr "" + +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set account currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Settles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be a valid number." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be between %1 and %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be less than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be more than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "SmartTrader" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Something's gone wrong" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your financial account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, deposits for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, no mobile phone bills" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, options trading isn’t available in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, withdrawals for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time (GMT)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stake" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "State/Province" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Statements" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Steps required to continue verification on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stock Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stocks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Su" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of your passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie showing your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Target" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20 (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is hosted on the Ethereum platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni (USDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is built on the Bitcoin blockchain." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Th" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you, we'll get back to you within 24 hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1end time%2 is the selected number of minutes/hours after the %1start time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1exit spot%2 is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1high%2 is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1low%2 is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 begins when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 is when the contract has been processed by our servers and the %1entry spot%2 is the %1next tick%2 thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password, please try our password recovery tool or contact our customer service." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The link only works on mobile devices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The photo should clearly show your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reason should be between 5 and 250 characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reset time is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "These are the documents most likely to show your current home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is excluded until %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on %1DTrader%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on DTrader.%1%2Go to Dtrader%3 to close or cancel this contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract won" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This field is required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-10 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-100 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a very common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is similar to a commonly used password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is your %1 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This password is on the blacklist" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time is in the wrong format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be in the past." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out must be after today." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Timed out until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips to take a good selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "To open a bank account, we will need to verify your identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Too many failed attempts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top up error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top-up successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Cost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets in your Deriv accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Town/City" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade FX and CFDs on a customisable, easy-to-use trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade digital options on the world’s markets with SmartTrader, a powerful, user-friendly online trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade on Deriv MetaTrader 5 (DMT5), the all-in-one FX and CFD trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade the world's markets with our popular user-friendly platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading Information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading statistics report" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "True USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our %1Synthetic Indices%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our other markets." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using a JPG or PNG file" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using another file type." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Turnover" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USD Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unable to read file %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unavailable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Understood" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unknown OS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unsupported browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up/Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upcoming Events" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upgrade now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload a selfie from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload anyway" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Uploads successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a few words, avoid common phrases" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification complete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View from camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Virtual" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for entry tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for exit tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We cannot verify you without using your camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'll compare it with your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're now ready to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We've sent a secure link to %{number}" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We’ll update your limits. Click %1Agree and accept%2 to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Winning the contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdraw" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal and trading limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Would you like to check your statement first? %1Check Statement%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes, I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a professional client." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a retail client. Apply to be treated as a professional trader." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are limited to one fiat account. You can change the currency of your fiat account anytime before you make a first-time deposit or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can %1set a new currency%2 before you deposit for the first time or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can close this window without interrupting your trade." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've created an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've made a first-time deposit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can now return to your computer to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You did not change anything." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You do not need to authenticate your account at this time.%1We will inform you when your account needs to be authenticated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your Binary account, please add funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit. Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift your withdrawal limit and proceed with your withdrawal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have sold this contract at %1 %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully disabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully set your account currency to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have yet to receive any notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should enter %1 characters." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will be redirected to a third-party website which is not owned by Binary.com." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after creating this MT5 account. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after making this deposit. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You'll need to restart your verification on your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You've made no transactions of this type up to this date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account has no Login/Logout activity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is fully authenticated and your withdrawal limits have been lifted." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your application to be treated as a professional client is being processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your cashier is locked." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your computer may take a few seconds to update" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your demo account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your face is needed in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is currently set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your mobile link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password cannot be the same as your email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password has been successfully reset. Please log into your account using your new password." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your preferred time interval between each report:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to transfer %1 %2 from %3 to %4 has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to withdraw %1 %2 from your account %3 to Payment Agent %4 account has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your session duration limit will end in %1 seconds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your settings have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click %1here%2 to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click here to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your trading statistics since %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference is" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your virtual balance has been reset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading stock indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "days" +msgstr "" + +msgid "details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. United States" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgstr "" + +msgid "for account %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "including Deal Cancel. Fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "logout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "numbers" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or upload photo – no scans or photocopies" +msgstr "" + +msgid "second" +msgstr "" + +msgid "seconds" +msgstr "" + +msgid "space" +msgstr "" + +msgid "tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today, Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "virtual money credit to account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for difference and forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." +msgstr "" + diff --git a/src/translations/bn_BD.po b/src/translations/bn_BD.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7d92c5b9e05 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/translations/bn_BD.po @@ -0,0 +1,3015 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Bengali\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 397380\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: bn\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 196\n" +"Language: bn_BD\n" + +msgid "404" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Region added)" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Temporarily unavailable)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Account %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Please click the link below to restart the password recovery process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 and %2 cannot be the same." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1No, change my fiat account's currency now%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1. This link was sent by you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Your desktop window stays open" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A word by itself is easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "AM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account Authenticated" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account access is temporarily limited. Please check your inbox for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account authentication" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account balance:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Acknowledge" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Action" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add +/– to define a barrier offset. For example, +0.005 means a barrier that's 0.005 higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add Deriv account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Adjust trade parameters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Agree and accept" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All details must be clear — nothing blurry" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow camera access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Already have an account?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "An error occurred while loading the component" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently revoke access to the application" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create a fiat account in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create your %1 account now?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to deposit in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asians" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ask me later" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit Page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Aug" +msgstr "" + +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Authenticate your account now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Available Markets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid recent years" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid repeated words and characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid sequences" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Back to trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Balance" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier change" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Basket Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binance USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binary Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bitcoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Blurry photo detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"Close-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1close%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1close%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera access is denied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Capitalization doesn't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change API Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart is not available for this underlying." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check back here to finish the submission" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that your number is correct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your connection." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checked" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Choose document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Christmas Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click OK to proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Gaming account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close identity verification screen" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closed Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 18:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 21:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commodities" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Common names and surnames are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Complete details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Compressing Image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm changes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connected to your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connecting to server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connection lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue with the verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract Confirmation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract ends" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract has not started yet" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract period" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract result" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract starts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts bought" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts sold" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your mobile browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counterparty" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country not found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country of Residence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create %1 account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Credit/Debit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Crypto" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cut-off image detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date and Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dates are often easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deal cancel. fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dec" +msgstr "" + +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposits and withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deriv Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Even" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Matches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Over" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dismiss alert" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you wish to continue?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document example" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents you can use to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Does Not Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't refresh this page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driver's license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driving licence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Due to an issue on our server, some of your MT5 accounts are unavailable at the moment. %1Please bear with us and thank you for your patience." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Email address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enlarge image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter mobile number" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter your mobile number:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ether Classic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ethereum" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a blurry document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a cut-off document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a document with glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Excluded from the website until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Explanation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Feb" +msgstr "" + +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fiat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File not uploaded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File size exceeded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File type not supported" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Final price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "" + +msgid "First line of home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Follow these steps to recover camera access:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Forex" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "From account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front and back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get link via SMS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get your secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Glare detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go To Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go to statement" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Grant access to your camera from your browser settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Great, that's everything we need" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Guide" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hence, your withdrawable balance is only up to %1%2, subject to your account’s available funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Here's how to do it:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier must be higher than low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High, Low and Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High/Low Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "How to scan a QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I want to reapply" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I'm interested" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ID number is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "IDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identity card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Higher\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Lower\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Call\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Put\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Rises\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Touches\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"High Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1highest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Low Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1lowest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Downs\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Ups\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time of \"Now\", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In/Out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicates required field" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicative" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Insufficient balance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid app id" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid document format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid verification code." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Investment" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may take a few minutes to arrive" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It must be an official photo ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It will only take a couple of minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jan" +msgstr "" + +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jul" +msgstr "" + +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jun" +msgstr "" + +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jurisdiction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Keep this window open while using your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Language settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Stats" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Linked to your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Litecoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Live chat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in here" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login at:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lookbacks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Looks like you took too long" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure all of the document is in the photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure everything is clear" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure full document is visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device has a working camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device's camera works" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure§" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mar" +msgstr "" + +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Matches/Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum of %1 characters required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light — no glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multi-Collateral" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple faces found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Must be under 10MB." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Net profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Network status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New Year's Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New token created." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No authentication required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency assigned" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency selected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No document detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No face found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No thanks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not announced for this currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Nov" +msgstr "" + +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Number of ticks:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "OAuth App ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online trading platform" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only %1 are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Downs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Ups" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and these special characters are allowed: %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, comma, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for ID number (%1)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only your face can be in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a free account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open positions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link and complete the tasks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open your new bank account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Opens" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Our classic “drag-and-drop” tool for creating trading bots, featuring pop-up trading charts, for advanced users." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "PM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password is not strong enough." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Paxos Standard" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pay-out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payment Agent services are not available in your country or in your preferred currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payments" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Percentage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Permissions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Place of birth" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please choose a currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1Real Account form%2 to verify your age as required by the %3UK Gambling%4 Commission (UKGC)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1financial assessment form%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete your Personal Details before you proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that all the information above is true and complete." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that you are not a politically exposed person." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please ensure that you have the Telegram app installed on your device." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please note that the selected currency is allowed for limited accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reload the page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a reason." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a valid time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select at least one scope" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the checkbox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set the currency of your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify your preferred interval reality check in minutes:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please try again" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Point your phone’s camera at the QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit / Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit table" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Provide the whole document page for best results" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase request sent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Read" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ready to trade?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reality Check" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recent years are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recover camera access to continue face verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recovery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Redo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ref." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reference ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remaining time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove deposit limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove your glasses, if necessary" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resale not offered" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resend link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call/Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset the balance of your virtual account to %1 anytime." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset to original settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Residence permit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart process on a different device" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Safari" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Return" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reverse Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Revoke access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "STASIS Euro" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sa" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan the QR code with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scans and photocopies are not accepted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scopes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search for country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Trade Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select a %{country} document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select issuing country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select market:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select payment agent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your market and underlying asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your trade type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selected tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Self-exclusion" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell at market" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send a secure link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send this one-time link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sep" +msgstr "" + +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set account currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Settles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be a valid number." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be between %1 and %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be less than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be more than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "SmartTrader" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Something's gone wrong" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your financial account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, deposits for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, no mobile phone bills" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, options trading isn’t available in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, withdrawals for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time (GMT)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stake" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "State/Province" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Statements" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Steps required to continue verification on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stock Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stocks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Su" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of your passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie showing your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Target" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20 (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is hosted on the Ethereum platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni (USDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is built on the Bitcoin blockchain." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Th" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you, we'll get back to you within 24 hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1end time%2 is the selected number of minutes/hours after the %1start time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1exit spot%2 is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1high%2 is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1low%2 is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 begins when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 is when the contract has been processed by our servers and the %1entry spot%2 is the %1next tick%2 thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password, please try our password recovery tool or contact our customer service." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The link only works on mobile devices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The photo should clearly show your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reason should be between 5 and 250 characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reset time is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "These are the documents most likely to show your current home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is excluded until %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on %1DTrader%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on DTrader.%1%2Go to Dtrader%3 to close or cancel this contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract won" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This field is required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-10 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-100 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a very common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is similar to a commonly used password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is your %1 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This password is on the blacklist" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time is in the wrong format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be in the past." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out must be after today." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Timed out until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips to take a good selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "To open a bank account, we will need to verify your identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Too many failed attempts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top up error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top-up successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Cost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets in your Deriv accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Town/City" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade FX and CFDs on a customisable, easy-to-use trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade digital options on the world’s markets with SmartTrader, a powerful, user-friendly online trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade on Deriv MetaTrader 5 (DMT5), the all-in-one FX and CFD trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade the world's markets with our popular user-friendly platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading Information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading statistics report" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "True USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our %1Synthetic Indices%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our other markets." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using a JPG or PNG file" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using another file type." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Turnover" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USD Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unable to read file %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unavailable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Understood" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unknown OS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unsupported browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up/Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upcoming Events" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upgrade now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload a selfie from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload anyway" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Uploads successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a few words, avoid common phrases" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification complete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View from camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Virtual" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for entry tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for exit tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We cannot verify you without using your camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'll compare it with your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're now ready to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We've sent a secure link to %{number}" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We’ll update your limits. Click %1Agree and accept%2 to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Winning the contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdraw" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal and trading limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Would you like to check your statement first? %1Check Statement%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes, I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a professional client." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a retail client. Apply to be treated as a professional trader." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are limited to one fiat account. You can change the currency of your fiat account anytime before you make a first-time deposit or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can %1set a new currency%2 before you deposit for the first time or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can close this window without interrupting your trade." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've created an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've made a first-time deposit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can now return to your computer to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You did not change anything." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You do not need to authenticate your account at this time.%1We will inform you when your account needs to be authenticated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your Binary account, please add funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit. Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift your withdrawal limit and proceed with your withdrawal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have sold this contract at %1 %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully disabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully set your account currency to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have yet to receive any notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should enter %1 characters." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will be redirected to a third-party website which is not owned by Binary.com." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after creating this MT5 account. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after making this deposit. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You'll need to restart your verification on your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You've made no transactions of this type up to this date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account has no Login/Logout activity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is fully authenticated and your withdrawal limits have been lifted." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your application to be treated as a professional client is being processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your cashier is locked." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your computer may take a few seconds to update" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your demo account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your face is needed in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is currently set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your mobile link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password cannot be the same as your email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password has been successfully reset. Please log into your account using your new password." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your preferred time interval between each report:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to transfer %1 %2 from %3 to %4 has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to withdraw %1 %2 from your account %3 to Payment Agent %4 account has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your session duration limit will end in %1 seconds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your settings have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click %1here%2 to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click here to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your trading statistics since %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference is" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your virtual balance has been reset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading stock indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "days" +msgstr "" + +msgid "details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. United States" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgstr "" + +msgid "for account %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "including Deal Cancel. Fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "logout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "numbers" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or upload photo – no scans or photocopies" +msgstr "" + +msgid "second" +msgstr "" + +msgid "seconds" +msgstr "" + +msgid "space" +msgstr "" + +msgid "tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today, Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "virtual money credit to account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for difference and forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." +msgstr "" + diff --git a/src/translations/de_DE.po b/src/translations/de_DE.po index 99618b0ffcc..4c27d5de380 100644 --- a/src/translations/de_DE.po +++ b/src/translations/de_DE.po @@ -1,13501 +1,2807 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" -"X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-04 06:25\n" -"Last-Translator: binarycom\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: German\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 397380\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: de\n" "X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 196\n" "Language: de_DE\n" -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -msgid "5" -msgstr "5" - -msgid "10" -msgstr "10" - msgid "404" -msgstr "404" +msgstr "" -msgid " All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes." -msgstr " Alle Anrufe werden zu Trainings- und Kontrollzwecken aufgezeichnet." +msgid " (Region added)" +msgstr "" -msgid " means %1." +msgid " (Temporarily unavailable)" msgstr "" -msgid " means Monday to Friday (UTC+8)." +msgid "%1 Account %2" msgstr "" -msgid " means a client's trading account opened with Binary in accordance with the account procedure provided on %1." +msgid "%1 Please click the link below to restart the password recovery process." msgstr "" -msgid " means all laws including rules of common law, principles of equity, statutes, regulations, proclamations, ordinances, by-laws, rules, regulatory principles and requirements, policy statements, practice notes, mandatory codes of conduct, writs, orders, injunctions, judgments, determinations, and statutory licence conditions." +msgid "%1 and %2 cannot be the same." msgstr "" -msgid " means all of the information about the client, including but not limited to their name, address, contact details, account details and trading history." +msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" msgstr "" -msgid " means an arrangement where Binary devotes its time and resources to identify prospective clients in a specified manner." +msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" msgstr "" -msgid " means any content, whether in electronic or hard copy form, created by or under Binary's direction, for the purpose of marketing the Binary business or services, and incorporating the Binary Trademarks." +msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." msgstr "" -msgid " means any manipulations of Binary's systems and business in ways which resulted in any adverse, special, incidental, punitive or consequential loss or damages to Binary." +msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." msgstr "" -msgid " means any organisation, whether governmental or not, or physical person or any type of legal person or entity or body of persons and any executor, administrator, or representative of such Competent Authority located in any jurisdiction that has legally delegated or invested authority, capacity, power, or competence to perform a designated function." +msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" msgstr "" -msgid " means any physical person or any type of legal person or entity or body of persons which has business, commercial, financial, entrepreneurial, employment, agency, family, personal, and other links or bonds with the Introducing Broker and includes any person who has the same personal information, IP address, physical or mailing address, telephone number, email address, or passport details as the Introducing Broker." +msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" msgstr "" -msgid " means any potential individual or entity willing to provide Binary with IB services." +msgid "%1No, change my fiat account's currency now%2" msgstr "" -msgid " means any trademarks, signs, logos, designs, expressions, and trading names owned by or licensed to Binary, whether registered or not registered, and any subsequent trademark created." +msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" msgstr "" -msgid " means any written notarisation, certificate, license, approval, permission, Authority, exemptions, registration, filing, agreement, consent, notice, or notice of non-objection." +msgid "1. This link was sent by you" msgstr "" -msgid " means organisation, whether governmental or not, or physical person or any type of legal person or entity or body of persons and any executor, administrator, or representative of such Competent Authority located in any jurisdiction that has legally delegated or invested authority, capacity, power, or competence to perform a designated function." +msgid "2. Your desktop window stays open" msgstr "" -msgid " means the commencement date of this Agreement." +msgid "A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform." msgstr "" -msgid " means the commission payable by Binary to the Introducing Broker as set out in the Appendix below." +msgid "A word by itself is easy to guess" msgstr "" -msgid " means this agreement and includes all appendices, schedules and annexures as amended, supplemented, replaced, or novated." +msgid "AM" msgstr "" -msgid "\"%1 API\" means the %1 proprietary set of programmatic routines, protocols, tools, and resources created and maintained by %1 that allows the Programmer to use a registered Application to interface with the %1 trading platform." +msgid "Account" msgstr "" -msgid "\"Account\" means Client Trading Account opened with Binary (V) Ltd." -msgstr "\"Konto\" bezeichnet das mit Binary (V) Ltd eröffnete Kunden-Handels-Konto." +msgid "Account Authenticated" +msgstr "" -msgid "\"Binary\" or \"digital\" options are options that pay a pre-determined, fixed amount, depending on whether or not an event occurs at the time the Binary Option expires. binary options can have only one of two possible outcomes and allow the client to take a simple \"Yes or No\" approach. Like traditional options, binary options are based on an underlying asset such as currencies, commodities, or indices; however, one of the most significant differences between binary options and traditional options, among others, is that there can only be two outcomes for the option, either the client is paid the return upon the occurrence of the event, or the client loses the investment amount as determined in each option." +msgid "Account access is temporarily limited. Please check your inbox for more details." msgstr "" -msgid "\"Client Agreement\" means the Agreement between the Client and the Company including but not limited to the Terms and Conditions, Order Execution Policy, and Slippage Policy." -msgstr "\"Kunden-Vereinbarung\" bezeichnet die Vereinbarung zwischen dem Kunden und dem Unternehmen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf die Bestimmungen und Bedingungen, Order Execution Politik und Slippage-Politik." +msgid "Account authentication" +msgstr "" -msgid "\"Commencement Date of this Agreement\" shall mean the date on which an appointment of a Money Manager is made by the Client." -msgstr "\"Anfangsdatum dieser Vereinbarung\" bezeichnet das Datum, an dem ein Termin eines Vermögensverwalters durch den Kunden ausgemacht wurde." +msgid "Account balance:" +msgstr "" -msgid "\"Company\" means Binary (V) Ltd, operating under the brand or trademark of %1, incorporated and registered in the Republic of Vanuatu, under the International Companies Act Cap. 222 and Financial Dealers Licensing Act (Cap. 70), licensed to provide Investment services and dealing with Securities." -msgstr "\"Unternehmen\" bezeichnet Binary (V) Ltd, das unter der Marke, oder dem Warenzeichen von %1 arbeitet, in der Republik Vanuatu aufgenommen und registriert ist, und im Rahmen des International Companies Act Kap. 222 und Financial Dealers Licensing Act (Kap. 70) dazu lizensiert ist, um Wertpapierdienstleistungen anzubieten und mit Wertpapieren umzugehen." +msgid "Acknowledge" +msgstr "" -msgid "\"Content\" means any data or content either from the Company's Website or accessed via the API. The Company's \"Website\" means %1's website at www.binary.com and any other website or service owned or operated by %1." +msgid "Action" msgstr "" -msgid "\"Money Manager\" means any physical person including any executor, representative, administrator or successor in law, authorised to manage the Account on behalf of the Client in accordance with this Agreement." -msgstr "\"Vermögensverwalter\" bezeichnet jede physische Person, einschließlich jedes Testamentsvollstreckers, Vertreters, Verwalters oder Rechtsnachfolgers, der dazu ermächtigt ist, das Konto im Namen des Kunden gemäß dieser Vereinbarung zu verwalten." +msgid "Add +/– to define a barrier offset. For example, +0.005 means a barrier that's 0.005 higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "\"Orders\" means any Order or Orders for any transaction, under the Client Agreement and this Multi-Account Manager (MAM) Agreement." -msgstr "\"Orders\" bezeichnet jede Order oder Orders für jede Transaktion, unter der Kundenvereinbarung und dieser Multi-Account Manager (MAM) Vereinbarung." +msgid "Add Deriv account" +msgstr "" -msgid "\"Third-party Provider(s)\" means the third party (non-affiliated) entity that makes available features and functions through use of the %1 API." +msgid "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." msgstr "" -msgid "\"Transaction\" means any purchase or sale of any financial Instrument including but not limited to CFDs, Rolling Spot FX, Commodities and any other securities or products may be offered by the Company to the Client, from time to time in accordance with the Client Agreement." -msgstr "\"Transaktion\" bezeichnet jeden Kauf oder Verkauf jedes finanziellen Instruments, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf CFDs, Rolling Spot FX, Rohstoffe und andere Wertpapiere oder Produkte, die vom Unternehmen an den Kunden von Zeit zu Zeit, im Einklang mit der Kundenvereinbarung angeboten werden können." +msgid "Adjust trade parameters" +msgstr "" -msgid "$ per USD 100,000 of turnover" -msgstr "$ pro 100.000 USD Umsatz" +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" -msgid "$0 - $20,000" +msgid "Agree and accept" msgstr "" -msgid "$100,000 - $250,000" -msgstr "100.000 $ - 250.000 $" +msgid "All details must be clear — nothing blurry" +msgstr "" -msgid "$100,001 - $500,000" -msgstr "100.001 $ - 500.000 $" +msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." +msgstr "" -msgid "$12M+" -msgstr "12M+ $" +msgid "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" +msgstr "" -msgid "$20,001 and above" +msgid "Allow camera access" msgstr "" -msgid "$25,000 - $50,000" -msgstr "25.000 $ - 50.000 $" +msgid "Allow equals" +msgstr "" -msgid "$250,001 - $500,000" -msgstr "250.001 $ - 500.000 $" +msgid "Already have an account?" +msgstr "" -msgid "$50,001 - $100,000" -msgstr "50.001 $ - 100.000 $" +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "" -msgid "$500,001 - $1,000,000" -msgstr "500.001 $ - 1.000.000 $" +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 (Toll Free)" -msgstr "%1 (Gebührenfrei)" +msgid "An error occurred while loading the component" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Academy" -msgstr "%1 Akademie" +msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Account" -msgstr "%1 Konto" +msgid "Apr" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Account %2" -msgstr "%1 Konto %2" +msgid "April" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Application Programming Interface (\"API\") terms and conditions" +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the token" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Graduate Programme" -msgstr "%1 Graduate Programm" +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently revoke access to the application" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Please click the link below to restart the password recovery process." -msgstr "%1 klicken Sie bitte auf den unterstehenden Link, um den Passwort-Wiederherstellungsprozess neu zu starten." +msgid "Are you sure you want to create a fiat account in %1?" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Quantitative Analytics team is responsible for the pricing of our binary options. You will join them in managing the risk and profitability of the company's options book." -msgstr "Das %1 Quantitative Analytik-Team ist für die Preisgestaltung unserer binären Optionen verantwortlich. Sie werden sich ihm im Management des Risikos und der Rentabilität des Optionen-Buches des Unternehmens anschließen." +msgid "Are you sure you want to create your %1 account now?" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 Shop introduced" -msgstr "%1 Shop eingeführt" +msgid "Are you sure you want to deposit in %1?" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 account" -msgstr "%1 Konto" +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 affiliate partners who wish to support a big group of Clients" -msgstr "%1 Geschäftspartner, die eine große Gruppe von Kunden unterstützen möchten" +msgid "Asian Down" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 also provides links to an online quiz to assess a potential gambling problem and an online gambling calculator to see how much you can really spend." -msgstr "%1 bietet auch einen Link zu einem online Fragebogen, um ein potentielles Glücksspielproblem zu beurteilen und zu einem online Glücksspielrechner, der anzeigt, wie viel Sie wirklich ausgeben können." +msgid "Asian Up" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 and %2 cannot be the same." -msgstr "%1 und %2 können nicht gleich sein." +msgid "Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 and the bull/bear logo are registered trademarks." -msgstr "%1 und das Bulle/Bär Logo sind eingetragene Warenzeichen." +msgid "Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 assesses the choice of external execution venues regularly (at least once a year) with the intention of achieving a better result for the client based on the Company's best execution obligation." -msgstr "%1 bewertet die Wahl von externen Handelsplätzen regelmäßig (zumindest einmal pro Jahr) in der Absicht, ein besseres Ergebnis für den Kunden, auf Grund der Verpflichtung des Unternehmens zur besten Ausführung, zu erzielen." +msgid "Asians" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 clients can trade Forex from Sunday 21:00 GMT to Friday 21:00 GMT." -msgstr "%1 Kunden können Forex von Sonntag 21:00 Uhr GMT bis Freitag 21:00 Uhr GMT handeln." +msgid "Ask me later" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 continues to innovate and grow" -msgstr "%1 führt weiter Neuerungen ein und wächst" +msgid "Asset" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" -msgstr "%1 Tage %2 Stunden %3 Minuten" +msgid "At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" -msgstr "%1 Einzahlung von %2 zu Kontonummer %3 ist erledigt. Überweisungs-ID: %4" +msgid "Audit" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 desktop app" -msgstr "%1 Desktop App" +msgid "Audit Page" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 does not charge any transfer fees." -msgstr "%1 berechnet keine Überweisungsgebühren." +msgid "Aug" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 gives everyone an easy way to participate in the financial markets. Trade with as little as $1 USD on major currencies, indices, commodities, and volatility indices." -msgstr "%1 bietet jedem einen einfachen Weg, um an den Finanzmärkten teilzunehmen. Sie können schon ab 1 EURO die wichtigsten Weltwährungen, Indizes, Rohstoffe und Volatilität Indizes handeln." +msgid "August" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." -msgstr "%1 wurden Ihrem MT5 Demo-Konto %2 gutgeschrieben." +msgid "Authenticate your account now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." -msgstr "%1 wurden Ihrem virtuellen Konto %2 gutgeschrieben." +msgid "Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 has earned an enviable reputation for our commitment to high ethical standards and the quality of the trading experience we provide." -msgstr "%1 hat sich einen beneidenswerten Ruf für unsere Verpflichtung zu hohen ethischen Normen und der Qualität des von uns gebotenen Trading-Erlebnis erarbeitet." +msgid "Available Markets" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 has over 800,000 clients in its database and reaches the US$ 2 billion milestone in our 15th year, making us one of the leading binary options providers." -msgstr "%1 hat über 800.000 Kunden in der Datenbank und hat seinen Meilenstein von 2 Milliarden US$ in nur 15 Jahren erreicht, was uns zu den führenden Anbietern von Binären Optionen macht." +msgid "Average" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 has updated its Terms & Conditions. By clicking OK, you confirm that you have read and accepted the updated Terms & Conditions." -msgstr "%1 hat seine Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedinungen aktualisiert. Wenn Sie auf OK klicken, bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die aktualisierten Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zur Kenntnis genommen haben und ihnen zustimmen." +msgid "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 hits 1 million users, reaching a historic milestone. The company continues to see exponential growth and this reconfirms its position as an industry leader." -msgstr "%1 hat 1. Million Benutzer und somit einen historischen Meilenstein erreicht. Das Unternehmen sieht weiterhin ein exponentiales Wachstum voraus und dieses bestätigt erneut seine Position als Branchenführer." +msgid "Avoid recent years" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 in Numbers" -msgstr "%1 in Zahlen" +msgid "Avoid repeated words and characters" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 introduces an %2auto-trader programming tool%3, allowing clients to develop their own automated trading robots with “drag-and-drop” simplicity." -msgstr "%1 stellt ein %2Auto-Trader Programmiertool%3 zur Verfügung, was den Kunden ermöglicht, ihre eigenen Trading-Robots mit einfachem „drag-and-drop” zu entwickeln." +msgid "Avoid sequences" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is a dynamic and flexible workplace. As well as our offices, we have employees who choose to telecommute from their home offices in countries around the world. If that suits you, we're open to it." -msgstr "%1 ist ein dynamischer und flexibler Arbeitsplatz. Wir verfügen sowohl über Firmensitze als auch über Angestellte, die aus ihren Homeoffices in Ländern rund um die Welt arbeiten. Wenn das zu Ihnen passt, sind Sie bei uns willkommen." +msgid "Avoid years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is a licensed and regulated binary options trading platform that's been operating since 2000. It has:" -msgstr "%1 ist eine lizenzierte und regulierte binäre Optionen Handelsplattform, die seit 2000 in Betrieb ist. Sie hat:" +msgid "Back to trading" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is a licensed and regulated trading platform that serves over 1,000,000 customers globally. We hold multiple licenses to comply with regulations around the world. Since 1999, we've served our clients with a constant and unwavering commitment to integrity and reliability. We always hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, in addition to our regulatory requirements." -msgstr "%1 ist eine lizensierte und überprüfte Handelsplattform, die mehr als 1.000 000 Kunden weltweit dient. Wir besitzen zahlreiche Lizenzen, die den Bestimmungen rund um den Globus entsprechen. Seit 1999, haben wir unseren Kunden mit einer konstanten und unerschütterlichen Verpflichtung zu Integrität und Beständigkeit gedient. Zusätzlich zu unseren regulatorischen Anforderungen, halten wir uns jederzeit an die höchsten Standards." +msgid "Balance" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is always looking to add experienced professionals to its talented team of administrators, technical contributors, and managers. To support our continued growth, we've developed a number of exciting career opportunities in the following areas:" -msgstr "%1 versucht laufend, seinem talentierten Team von Administratoren, technischen Mitarbeitern und Mangern erfahrene Fachleute hinzuzufügen. Wir haben eine Anzahl von spannenden Karrieremöglichkeiten in folgenden Bereichen entwickelt, um unser weiteres Wachstum zu unterstützen:" +msgid "Barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is an active member of the Perl community and is in the process of uploading a number of its internal utility modules to %2CPAN%3. If you are a Perl enthusiast, contribute by reviewing these modules, and submitting pull-requests on %4github%3." -msgstr "%1 ist ein aktives Mitglied der Perl Community und ist dabei, eine Anzahl seiner internen Dienstprogramm-Module auf %2CPAN%3 hochzuladen. Wenn Sie ein Pearl-Fan sind, können Sie beitragen, indem Sie diese Module bewerten und Pull-Anfragen bei %4github%3 einreichen." +msgid "Barrier change" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is an active proponent of the open-source movement and is in the process of open-sourcing a number of components of its codebase." -msgstr "%1 ist ein aktiver Vertreter der Open-Source-Bewegung und ist dabei, eine Anzahl an Komponenten seiner Codebase offen zur Verfügung zu stellen." +msgid "Barrier offset" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is an award-winning online trading provider that helps its clients to trade on financial markets through binary options and CFDs. Trading binary options and CFDs on Volatility Indices is classified as a gambling activity. Remember that gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly. Learn more about %2Responsible Trading%3. Some products are not available in all countries. This website's services are not made available in certain countries such as the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, or to persons under age 18." -msgstr "%1 ist ein preisgekrönter online Anbieter von binären Optionen und CFDs auf den Finanzmärkten. Der Handel mit binären Optionen und CFDs auf Volatilitätsindizes wird als Glücksspiel eingestuft. Beachten Sie, Glücksspiel kann süchtig machen – spielen Sie bitte verantwortungsbewusst. Erfahren Sie mehr über den %2verantwortungsbewussten Handel%3. Einige Produkte sind nicht in allen Ländern verfügbar. Die Dienstleistungen dieser Website sind in einigen Ländern wie den USA, Kanada, Costa Rica, Hongkong oder für Personen unter 18 Jahren nicht zugänglich." +msgid "Basket Indices" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is awarded 'Best Trading Platform in Asia' by Global Brands Magazine. The Global Brands Awards honours excellence in performance and exceptional service delivery. " -msgstr "%1 wurde vom Global Brands Magazine als \"Beste Handelsplattform in Asien\" ausgezeichnet. Die Brands Awards ehren herausragende Leistung und außergewöhnliche Dienstlistungserbringung. " +msgid "Bid" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is awarded Best Binary Options Broker by the UK-based Online Personal Wealth Awards 2017, as voted by investors worldwide." -msgstr "%1 wird als Best Binary Options Broker von den UK-basierten Online Personal Wealth Awards 2017 ausgezeichnet, sowie von Investoren weltweit ausgewählt." +msgid "Binance USD" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is honoured as the world's \"Best Binary Options Broker\" at the 16th annual MENA International Financial Conference and Exhibition, hosted in Dubai." -msgstr "%1 wurde auf der 16. jährlichen MENA Internationalen Konferenz und Messe, die in Dubai stattfand, als der „Best Binary Options Broker\" der Welt ausgezeichnet." +msgid "Binary Coin" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is not affiliated with any of the Payment Agents listed above. Each Payment Agent operates as an independent service provider and is not endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise approved by %1. CUSTOMERS DEAL WITH PAYMENT AGENTS AT THEIR SOLE RISK AND PERIL. Customers are advised to check the credentials of Payment Agents before sending them any money. %1 shall not in any circumstance be held responsible for transactions made between customers and Payment Agents." -msgstr "%1 ist kein Geschäftspartner einer der oben aufgeführten Zahlungsagenten Jeder Zahlungsagent arbeitet als eigenständiger Dienstleister und wird nicht von %1 empfohlen, garantiert oder anderweitig genehmigt. DIE KUNDEN HANDELN MIT ZAHLUNGSAGENTEN AUF IHR EIGENES RISIKO UND IHRE EIGENE GEFAHR. Den Kunden wird empfohlen, die Angaben der Zahlungsagenten zu überprüfen, bevor sie Geld überweisen. %1 kann für Transaktionen zwischen Kunden und Zahlungsagenten nicht haftbar gemacht werden." +msgid "Bitcoin" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is not affiliated with any of the payment agents listed above. Each payment agent operates as an independent service provider and is not endorsed, guaranteed or otherwise approved by %1. CUSTOMERS DEAL WITH PAYMENT AGENTS AT THEIR SOLE RISK AND PERIL. Customers are advised to check the credentials of payment agents before sending them any money. %1 shall not in any circumstance be held responsible for transactions made between customers and payment agents." -msgstr "%1 ist kein Geschäftspartner einer der oben aufgeführten Zahlungsagenten. Jeder Zahlungsagent arbeitet als eigenständiger Dienstleister und wird nicht von %1 empfohlen, garantiert oder anderweitig genehmigt. DIE KUNDEN HANDELN MIT ZAHLUNGSAGENTEN AUF IHR EIGENES RISIKO UND EIGENE GEFAHR. Den Kunden wird empfohlen, die Angaben der Zahlungsagenten zu überprüfen, bevor sie Geld überweisen. %1 kann für Transaktionen zwischen Kunden und Zahlungsagenten nicht haftbar gemacht werden." +msgid "Blurry photo detected" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is owned and operated by the Binary Group Ltd. group of companies. For more information, %2visit our history page%3." -msgstr "%1 ist Eigentum der Binary Group Ltd. Firmengruppe und wird von dieser betrieben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf %2unserer Geschichtsseite%3." +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 is the award-winning industry pioneer in online options trading. We boast:" -msgstr "%1 ist der preisgekrönte Branchenpionier im Bereich des Online-Handels mit Optionen. Wir bieten:" +msgid "Buy" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 launches an %2e-commerce site for branded merchandise%3 – enabling clients, affiliates, and developers to buy and sell %1 products." -msgstr "%1 führt eine %2eCommerce Site für Markenartikel%3 ein, die es Kunden, Geschäftspartnern und Entwicklern ermöglicht, %1 Produkte zu kaufen und zu verkaufen." +msgid "Buy price" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 lots" -msgstr "%1 Lots" +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"Close-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1close%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 may have access to information that is not available to the client, may have acquired trading positions at prices that are not available to the client, and may have interests different from the client's interests. %1 does not undertake any obligation to provide the client with market or other information that the Company possesses, nor to alter or refrain from the Company's own trading." +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1close%2 over the duration of the contract." msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers a variety of MT5 Real Accounts depending on the jurisdiction to which a client’s %1 account has been attached subject to any verification or authentication requirements." +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers a variety of account types to cater to the diverse needs of traders everywhere, whether you are an experienced trader or just starting out. Each account has been tailored to provide you with a unique opportunity to trade financial instruments." -msgstr "%1 bietet eine Vielzahl von Konto-Typen, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen von Händlern überall gerecht zu werden; egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Trader sind, oder gerade erst anfangen. Jedes Konto wurde darauf angepasst, Ihnen eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für den Handel von Finanzinstrumenten zur Verfügung zu stellen." +msgid "Call Spread" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers a variety of account types to cater to the diverse needs of traders everywhere, whether you're an experienced trader or just starting out." -msgstr "%1 bietet eine Vielzahl von Kontoarten, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen von Tradern überall gerecht zu werden; egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Trader sind, oder gerade erst anfangen." +msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers forex and contracts for differences via a series of models - either solely dealing on own account (dealing desk), or wholly hedging client orders with the Company's liquidity providers (no-dealing desk), or a hybrid model, depending on the company with which the client has a contract. For the hybrid model, client orders are typically hedged when the total transaction volume exceeds a predefined threshold of risk tolerance level. For these execution models, %1 acts as the contractual counterparty to the transactions that the client enters into with the Company, as opposed to entering into a contractual counterparty with a central clearing house as would be the case with exchange-traded financial instruments. As such, counterparty risk exists. Counterparty risk refers to the risk of loss for clients resulting from the fact that the counterparty to the forex and/or contract-for-difference transaction that the client has entered into may default on its obligations prior to the final settlement of the transaction's cash flow." +msgid "Camera access is denied" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers forex and contracts for differences via the hybrid model, i.e. dealing on own account (dealing desk – B-book) or partially hedging client orders with the Company's liquidity providers (no-dealing desk – A-book)." +msgid "Camera not detected" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers new ways to trade" -msgstr "%1 bietet neue Wege des Handelns an" +msgid "Camera not working" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers the following trade types that will help you execute your market view or strategy:" -msgstr "%1 bietet die folgenden Handelstypen an, die Ihnen dabei helfen werden, Ihre Markteinschätzung oder Strategie auszuüben:" +msgid "Camera not working?" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 offers the world's financial markets in a simple, user-friendly platform." -msgstr "%1 bietet die weltweiten Finanzmärkte auf einer einfachen, anwenderfreundlichen Plattform an." +msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 open-source projects" -msgstr "%1 Open-Source Projekte" +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 opens a new office at the world-class Jumeirah Lake Towers free zone to expand our reach in the region." +msgid "Capitalization doesn't help very much" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 opens an office in the QSentral office building in central Kuala Lumpur to further expand its IT development team." -msgstr "%1 eröffnet ein Büro im QSentral Bürogebäude im Zentrum von Kuala Lumpur, um sein IT Entwicklungsteam zu erweitern." +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 opens new hub of operations in the capital of Paraguay to drive our growth in South America." -msgstr "%1 eröffnet ein neues Betriebszentrum in Paraguays Hauptstadt, um unser Wachstum in Südamerika anzukurbeln." +msgid "Cashier disabled" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 opens new office in the island of Labuan as part of our business expansion." -msgstr "%1 eröffnet im Rahmen unserer Geschäftserweiterung ein neues Büro auf der Insel Labuan." +msgid "Change API Endpoint" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 owes the client a duty of best execution when executing orders on the client's behalf, i.e. when the client places a legitimate reliance on the Company to safeguard the client's interest in relation to the execution of the client's order." -msgstr "Wenn Order im Namen des Kunden ausgeführt werden, hat %1 ihm gegenüber die Verpflichtung zur besten Ausführung; d.h., wenn der Kunde ein rechtmäßiges Vertrauen in das Unternehmen legt, um das Interesse des Kunden im Verhältnis zur Ausführung seiner Order zu schützen." +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 property" -msgstr "%1 eigentum" +msgid "Change currency" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 provides business partnership services via the following programs." -msgstr "%1 bietet Geschäftspartnerschaft-Dienstleistungen über folgende Programme." +msgid "Chart" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 provides institutional clients around the world with market quotes and trade execution across a wide range of assets, including major currency pairs, spot metals, CFD indices and popular cryptocurrencies." -msgstr "%1 bietet institutionellen Kunden auf der ganzen Welt Börsenkurse und Handelsausführungen über eine breite Palette von Vermögenswerten, einschließlich der wichtigsten Währungspaare, Edelmetalle, CFD Indizes und beliebte Kryptowährungen an." +msgid "Chart is not available for this underlying." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 provides the client with best execution by utilising a smart aggregation method when managing incoming orders. The smart aggregation method works by" -msgstr "%1 bietet dem Kunden beim Verwalten eingehender Order die beste Ausführung, indem eine schlaue Aggregations-Methode angewandt wird. Die schlaue Aggregations-Methode funktioniert indem" +msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 provides virtual-money facilities to practise your trading strategy with virtual funds. Switch to your virtual-money account using the drop-down box in the top-right corner of the screen." -msgstr "%1 bietet virtuelles Geld, damit Sie Ihre Handelsstrategie mit virtuellen Mitteln üben können. Wechseln Sie über das Dropdown-Feld in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms zu Ihrem virtuellen Geldkonto." +msgid "Check back here to finish the submission" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 provides you with the opportunity to either self-exclude or %2set limits on your trading activities%3 on this website. You may also %4contact us%3 to state the limits you wish to set via email or phone. Available limits are:" -msgstr "%1 bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit Ihre Handelstätigkeiten auf dieser Webseite entweder auszuschließen oder %2ihnen Limits zu setzen%3. Sie können %4uns kontaktieren%3, um die gewünschten Limits via E-mail oder Telefon anzugeben. Verfügbare Limits sind:" +msgid "Check selfie" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 reaches $2 billion turnover since starting in 1999" -msgstr "Seit dem Start in 1999 hat %1 einen Umsatz von 2 Milliarden US$ erwirtschaftet" +msgid "Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 reaches 1 million registered users" -msgstr "%1 erreicht 1 Million registrierte Benutzer" +msgid "Check that your number is correct" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." -msgstr "%1 erfordert, dass der Webspeicher Ihres Browsers aktiviert ist, um richtig zu funktionieren. Bitte aktivieren Sie ihn, oder verlassen Sie den Private-Browsing-Modus." +msgid "Check your connection." +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 reserves the right to void or amend the contractual terms of any transactions that the Company reasonably believes are entered into at prices that do not reflect fair market prices or that are entered into at an abnormally low level of risk due to an obvious or palpable error (a \"Manifest Error\"). In deciding whether an error is a Manifest Error, the Company may take into account any relevant information, including the state of the underlying market at the time of the error and any error within, or lack of clarity of, any information source or pronouncement. The client has a duty to report to the Company any such problems, errors, or suspected system inadequacies that The client may experience and may not abuse or arbitrage such system problems or errors for profit. The Company will endeavour to resolve any such difficulties in the shortest time possible." +msgid "Check your image" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 rows displayed:" -msgstr "%1 Zeilen angezeigt:" +msgid "Check your mobile" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 shall act purely on an execution-only basis." +msgid "Checked" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 shall also act at times as a principal and at other times as an agent on the client's behalf for all transactions entered into by the client, depending on the company that the client has opened their account with." +msgid "Checking" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 supports %2 which is the leading charity in Britain committed to minimising gambling-related harm. The charity funds education, prevention and treatment services and commissions research to help people understand more about gambling-related harm. It also offers a national gambling helpline to offer confidential advice and emotional support to those that seek help about their gambling." -msgstr "%1 fördert %2, der in Großbritannien eine führende Wohltätigkeitsorganisation ist, der die Gefahren des Glücksspiels minimieren möchte. Die Wohltätigkeitsorganisation finanziert Ausbildungs-, Vorbeugungs- und Behandlungsmaßnahmen und lässt Forschungen durchführen, um Menschen zu helfen, mehr über die mit dem Glücksspiel verbunden Gefahren zu erfahren. Er bietet auch ein nationales Glücksspiel Sorgentelefon, um denjenigen vertrauliche Ratschläge und emotionale Unterstützung zu bieten, die Hilfe wegen ihres Spielverhaltens suchen." +msgid "Choose document" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 takes home first prize in the Financial Trading Operator category at the prestigious 2015 EGR Operator Awards ceremony, hosted in London." +msgid "Christmas Day" msgstr "" -msgid "%1 tries to maintain a reasonable relation between the quoted prices of each underlying asset that a Binary Option refers to and the actual market prices of such an asset. %1 makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that the quoted prices represent prevailing market prices." +msgid "Click OK to proceed." msgstr "" -msgid "%1 wins 'Best Binary Company Asia Pacific' in the Global Banking & Finance Awards 2018. This reflects our expertise and leadership in innovation and strategy." -msgstr "%1 gewinnt \"Best Binary Company Asia Pacific\" in den Global Banking & Finance Awards 2018. Dies spiegelt unsere Fach- und Führungskompetenz in Innovation und Strategie wider." +msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" -msgstr "%1 Auszahlung von Kontonummer %2 bis %3 ist erledigt. Überweisungs-ID: %4" +msgid "Click here to open a Gaming account" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1 would like to team up with potential payment agents worldwide so we can offer local payment processing services to our clients in their respective regions." -msgstr "%1 würde gerne mit potentiellen Zahlungsagenten auf der Welt zusammenarbeiten, damit wir unseren Kunden in ihren entsprechenden Regionen nationale Zahlungsagentendienste anbieten können." +msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our high-traffic networks. As our PostgreSQL Database Administrator, you will plan, implement, and manage the database systems that are essential to the architecture of our high-traffic binary options trading platform." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb unserer hochfrequentierten Netzwerke verantwortlich. Als unser PostgreSQL Datenbank-Administrator, planen, implementieren und verwalten Sie die Datenbank-Systeme, die wesentlich für die Architektur unserer stark frequentierten binären Optionen Handelsplattform sind." +msgid "Close" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's Affiliate Programme terms and conditions" +msgid "Close identity verification screen" msgstr "" -msgid "%1's CPAN contributions" -msgstr "Die CPAN Beiträge von %1" +msgid "Close time" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development and operation of our high-traffic web applications." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb von unseren hochfrequentierten Webanwendungen verantwortlich." +msgid "Close-Low" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our high- traffic networks. As our Perl Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of writing robust, high-quality, and production-ready code. Your work will greatly contribute to the architecture that drives our high-traffic binary options trading website." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb unserer hochfrequentierten Netzwerke verantwortlich. Als unser Perl-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, robuste, qualitativ hochwertige und Serienreife Codes zu schreiben. Ihre Arbeit trägt zur Architektur, die unsere stark frequentierte binäre Optionen Handelswebsite antreibt, bei." +msgid "Closed Bid" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our high-traffic networks. As our Back-End Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of writing robust, high-quality, and production-ready code. Your work will greatly contribute to the architecture that drives our high-traffic binary options trading website." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb unserer hochfrequentierten Netzwerke verantwortlich. Als unser Back-End-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, robuste, qualitativ hochwertige und Serienreife Codes zu schreiben. Ihre Arbeit trägt zur Architektur, die unsere stark frequentierte binäre Optionen Handelswebsite antreibt, bei." +msgid "Closes" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our high-traffic web applications. As our Security Researcher, we expect you to stay informed about the latest security bulletins and findings, and actively monitor our software development pipeline to find and raise potential security issues." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb von unseren hochfrequentierten Webanwendungen verantwortlich. Als unser Sicherheitsexperte erwarten wir von Ihnen, dass Sie sich über die neuesten Sicherheits-Bulletins und Erkenntnisse auf dem Laufenden halten, und dass Sie unsere Software-Entwicklungs-Pipeline aktiv überwachen, um mögliche Sicherheitsprobleme zu finden und aufzuzeigen." +msgid "Closes early (at 18:00)" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our system infrastructure and high-traffic networks. As our Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of revamping our existing cashier system and infrastructure for our ICO launch. You will also drive all our future blockchain-based projects. Your work will greatly contribute to the architecture that drives our high-traffic binary options trading website." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb unserer Systeminfrastruktur und hochfrequentierten Netzwerke verantwortlich. Als unser Kryptowährungs- bzw. Blockchain-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, existierende Kassensysteme für unsere ICO Markteinführung umzugestalten. Sie werden ebenfalls alle unsere zukünftigen Blockchain-Projekte steuern. Ihre Arbeit trägt zur Architektur, die unsere stark frequentierte binäre Optionen Handelswebsite antreibt, bei." +msgid "Closes early (at 21:00)" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our websites, applications, and high-traffic networks. As our Front-End Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of developing and maintaining advanced applications and interfaces that connect clients with our patented trading system." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb unserer Websites, Anwendungen und stark frequentierten Netzwerke verantwortlich. Als unser Front-End-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, anspruchsvolle Anwendungen und Schnittstellen, die Kunden mit unserem patentierten Handelssystem verbinden zu entwickeln und zu warten." +msgid "Commodities" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's IT team is responsible for the design, development, and operation of our websites, applications, and high-traffic networks. As our Software Tester, we rely on you to run high-quality tests to ensure the stability, quality, and usability of our website and codebase with each software release." -msgstr "%1s IT-Team ist für die Gestaltung, Entwicklung und den Betrieb unserer Websites, Anwendungen und stark frequentierten Netzwerke verantwortlich. Als unser Software-Tester verlassen wir uns darauf, dass Sie qualitativ hochwertige Tests durchführen, um die Stabilität, Qualität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Website und Codebasis mit jedem Softwarerelease zu gewährleisten." +msgid "Common names and surnames are easy to guess" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's Marketing team oversees all our marketing and advertising initiatives, such as our affiliate programme, social media presence, webinars, and emails. As our Copywriter, you will help us to craft copy and content that engages our audiences - both online and offline." -msgstr "%1s Marketing-Team betreut unsere Marketing und Werbung Initiativen, sowie unser Partnerprogramm, soziale Medien-Präsenz, Webinare und E-Mails. Als unser Werbetexter werden Sie uns helfen, Kopien und Inhalte zu erstellen, die unser Publikum - sowohl online als auch offline engagieren." +msgid "Complete details" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's Quantitative Analytics team is responsible for the pricing of our binary options. You will join them in managing the risk and profitability of the company's options book." -msgstr "Das %1 Quantitative Analytik-Team ist für die Preisgestaltung unserer binären Optionen verantwortlich. Sie werden sich ihm im Management des Risikos und der Rentabilität des Optionen-Buches des Unternehmens anschließen." +msgid "Compressing Image" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's UI/UX team explores the many ways that we can design better product experiences for our users. As our Graphic Designer, you will develop high-impact graphics and visual elements such as images and icons for our websites and applications. You will play an essential role in creating user interface assets that bring our products and users closer together." -msgstr "%1s UI/UX-Team erforscht die vielen Möglichkeiten, mit denen wir bessere Produkterfahrungen für unsere Nutzer entwerfen können. Als unsere Grafiker entwickeln Sie eindrucksvolle Grafiken und visuelle Elemente wie Bilder und Symbole für unsere Websites und Anwendungen. Sie werden bei der Schaffung von Benutzeroberflächen, die unsere Produkte und Benutzer näher zusammenbringen, eine wichtige Rolle spielen." +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's UI/UX team explores the many ways that we can design better product experiences for our users. As our UI/UX Designer, you will play a key role in conceptualising and defining user experience and interaction across multiple websites and applications." -msgstr "%1s UI/UX-Team erforscht die vielen Möglichkeiten, mit denen wir bessere Produkterfahrungen für unsere Nutzer entwerfen können. Als unser UI/UX-Designer spielen Sie bei der Konzeptualisierung und Definition von Benutzererfahrung und Interaktion über mehrere Websiten und Anwendungen eine Schlüsselrolle." +msgid "Confirm changes" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's Volatility Indices are synthetic indices that mimic real-world market volatility and are available for trading 24/7. They are based on a cryptographically secure random number generator audited for fairness by an independent third party." -msgstr "%1s Volatilitätsindizes sind synthetische Indizes, die die reale Marktvolatilität imitieren und für den Handel rund um die Uhr verfügbar sind. Sie basieren auf einem kryptographisch sicheren Zufallszahlen-Generator, der auf Fairness von einem unabhängigen Dritten geprüft wird." +msgid "Connected to your mobile" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's patented pricing technology allows you to benefit from the same rates of return as traders in the interbank market." -msgstr "Die patentierte Kursermittlungstechnologie von %1 erlaubt es Ihnen, die gleichen Renditen wie Händler auf dem Interbankenmarkt zu erreichen." +msgid "Connecting to server" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's remarkable history" -msgstr "Die bemerkenswerte Geschichte von %1" +msgid "Connection lost" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1's systems are now processing in excess of 1 million transactions/day (including virtual accounts)." -msgstr "Die Systeme von %1 verarbeiten jetzt über 1 Millionen Transaktionen/Tag (einschließlich virtueller Konten)." +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1Authenticate your account%2 now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." -msgstr "Bitte %1Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Konto%2 jetzt, um von allen Zahlungsmethoden Gebrauch zu machen." +msgid "Continue on phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1Contact us%2 to arrange a date and time for the video call." -msgstr "%1Kontaktieren Sie uns%2, um ein Datum und eine Uhrzeit für den Videoanruf festzulegen." +msgid "Continue on your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1Download MAM for Windows%2 after you've set up your master account. Your login credentials will be provided" -msgstr "%1Laden Sie MAM für Windows%2 herunter, nachdem Sie Ihr Masterkonto eingerichtet haben. Ihre Login-Daten werden angegeben werden" +msgid "Continue trading" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1Founded%2 October 1999" -msgstr "%1Gegründet%2 im Oktober 1999" +msgid "Continue with the verification" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1In regard to customers of Binary (IOM) Ltd, online gambling debts are enforceable by law in the Isle of Man.%2" -msgstr "%1Anmerkung für Kunden der Binary (IOM) Ltd, online Spielschulden sind auf der Isle of Man gerichtlich durchsetzbar.%2" +msgid "Contract" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" -msgstr "%1Verwalten Sie Ihre Konten%2" +msgid "Contract Confirmation" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1No, change my fiat account's currency now%2" +msgid "Contract details" msgstr "" -msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" -msgstr "%1Zurück zur Handelsseite%2" +msgid "Contract ends" +msgstr "" -msgid "%1Your Proof of Identity or Proof of Address%2 did not meet our requirements. Please check your email for further instructions." -msgstr "%1Ihr Identitäts- oder Adressnachweis%2 hat unseren Anforderungen nicht entsprochen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für weitere Anweisungen." +msgid "Contract has not started yet" +msgstr "" -msgid "'Best Customer Communication Firm' award by Investors Chronicle" -msgstr "Vom Investors Chronicle als 'Beste Kundenkommunikationsfirma' ausgezeichnet" +msgid "Contract information" +msgstr "" -msgid "'Best Fixed-Odds Broker' silver award by Trade2Win" -msgstr "'Bester Fixed-Odds Makler' Auszeichnung in Silber von Trade2Win" +msgid "Contract period" +msgstr "" -msgid "'Best Fixed-Odds Financial Provider' award by Financial Times and Investors Chronicle UK" -msgstr "Von der Financial Times und dem Investors Chronicle GB als 'Bester Fixed-Odds Finanzdienstleister' ausgezeichnet" +msgid "Contract result" +msgstr "" -msgid "'Best Fixed-Odds Financial Trading Provider' award by Shares Magazine UK" -msgstr "Vom Shares Magazine GB als 'Bester Fixed-Odds Finanzhandelsdienstleister' ausgezeichnet" +msgid "Contract starts" +msgstr "" -msgid "'Best Fixed-Odds Firm 2012' award by Global Banking and Finance Review" -msgstr "Auszeichung als 'Beste Fixed-Odds Firma 2012' durch die Global Banking and Finance Review" +msgid "Contract type" +msgstr "" -msgid "'Financial Trading Operator of the Year' award by eGaming Review" +msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." msgstr "" -msgid "(One) Touch trades" -msgstr "(Einmalige) Zielkontrakte" +msgid "Contracts bought" +msgstr "" -msgid "(This limit may vary depending on current exchange rates.)" +msgid "Contracts sold" msgstr "" -msgid "(a) Price and cost" -msgstr "(a) Preise und Kosten" +msgid "Copied" +msgstr "" -msgid "(a) The nature of the client's Contracts" +msgid "Copy" msgstr "" -msgid "(b) Speed" -msgstr "(b) Geschwindigkeit" +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "" -msgid "(b) The priorities that the client has identified for the Company in relation to entering into those Contracts" +msgid "Copy the link to your mobile browser" msgstr "" -msgid "(c) Likelihood of execution" -msgstr "(c) Wahrscheinlichkeit der Ausführung" +msgid "Copy the link to your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "(c) The practices relating to the market in question, with the aim of producing a result that provides, in the Company's view, the best balance across a range of sometimes conflicting factors" +msgid "Counterparty" msgstr "" -msgid "(d) Likelihood of settlement" -msgstr "(d) Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Beilegung" +msgid "Country not found" +msgstr "" -msgid "(e) Size and nature" -msgstr "(e) Größe und Natur" +msgid "Country of Residence" +msgstr "" -msgid "0 – 19.999%" -msgstr "0 – 19.999%" +msgid "Create %1 account" +msgstr "" -msgid "0%" -msgstr "0%" +msgid "Create account" +msgstr "" -msgid "0-1 year" -msgstr "0-1 Jahre" +msgid "Credit/Debit" +msgstr "" -msgid "0-5 transactions in the past 12 months" -msgstr "0-5 Transaktionen in den letzten 12 Monaten" +msgid "Crypto" +msgstr "" -msgid "0.20" -msgstr "0.20" +msgid "Currency" +msgstr "" -msgid "0.25%" -msgstr "0.25%" +msgid "Current" +msgstr "" -msgid "0.3%" -msgstr "0.3%" +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" -msgid "0.30" +msgid "Current time" msgstr "" -msgid "0.5%" -msgstr "0.5%" +msgid "Current time:" +msgstr "" -msgid "0.75%" -msgstr "0.75%" +msgid "Cut-off image detected" +msgstr "" -msgid "1 million transactions/day" -msgstr "1 Millionen Transaktionen/Tag" +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" -msgid "1%" -msgstr "1%" +msgid "Date and Time" +msgstr "" -msgid "1-2 years" -msgstr "1-2 Jahre" +msgid "Dates are often easy to guess" +msgstr "" -msgid "1. Proof of identity" -msgstr "1. Identitätsnachweis" - -msgid "1.25%" -msgstr "1.25%" - -msgid "1.50" -msgstr "1.50" - -msgid "10.00" -msgstr "10.00" - -msgid "11-39 transactions in the past 12 months" -msgstr "11-39 Transaktionen in den letzten 12 Monaten" +msgid "Deal cancel. fee" +msgstr "" -msgid "15.00" -msgstr "15.00" +msgid "Dec" +msgstr "" -msgid "150+" -msgstr "150+" +msgid "December" +msgstr "" -msgid "16th MENA Financial Forum & Expo" -msgstr "16. MENA Finanzforum & Expo" +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" -msgid "1M+" -msgstr "1M+" +msgid "Demo" +msgstr "" -msgid "2 * (6,000 – 5,200) = $1600" -msgstr "2 * (6.000 – 5.200) = 1600 $" +msgid "Demo Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "2-way pricing" -msgstr "2-Wege Kursermittlung" +msgid "Demo Accounts" +msgstr "" -msgid "2. Proof of address" -msgstr "2. Adressnachweis" +msgid "Demo Financial" +msgstr "" -msgid "20 – 39.999%" -msgstr "20 – 39.999%" +msgid "Demo Financial STP" +msgstr "" -msgid "3. Selfie with proof of ID" +msgid "Demo Synthetic" msgstr "" -msgid "3.50" -msgstr "3.50" +msgid "Deposit" +msgstr "" -msgid "30%" -msgstr "30%" +msgid "Deposits and withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" -msgid "30-day limit on losses" -msgstr "30-Tage Limit für Verluste" +msgid "Deriv Accounts" +msgstr "" -msgid "30-day turnover limit" -msgstr "30-Tage Umsatzlimit" +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" -msgid "40 transactions or more in the past 12 months" -msgstr "40 Transaktionen, oder mehr, in den letzten 12 Monaten" +msgid "Details" +msgstr "" -msgid "40 – 59.999%" -msgstr "40 – 59.999%" +msgid "Digit" +msgstr "" -msgid "40K+" -msgstr "40K+" +msgid "Digit Differs" +msgstr "" -msgid "45%" +msgid "Digit Even" msgstr "" -msgid "6-10 transactions in the past 12 months" -msgstr "6-10 Transaktionen in den letzten 12 Monaten" +msgid "Digit Matches" +msgstr "" -msgid "6-digit code" -msgstr "6-stelliger Code" +msgid "Digit Odd" +msgstr "" -msgid "60 – 79.999%" -msgstr "60 – 79.999%" +msgid "Digit Over" +msgstr "" -msgid "7-day limit on losses" -msgstr "7-Tage Limit für Verluste" +msgid "Digit Under" +msgstr "" -msgid "7-day turnover limit" -msgstr "7-Tage Umsatzlimit" +msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" -msgid "7.50" -msgstr "7.50" +msgid "Digits" +msgstr "" -msgid "80 – 94.999%" -msgstr "80 – 94.999%" +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "" -msgid "95%+" -msgstr "95%+" +msgid "Dismiss alert" +msgstr "" -msgid "<< Back to job descriptions" -msgstr "<< Back to job Beschreibungen" +msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Appropriateness Test: WARNING: In providing our services to you, we are required to obtain information from you in order to assess whether a given product or service is appropriate for you (that is, whether you possess the experience and knowledge to understand the risks involved)." -msgstr "Eignungstest: ACHTUNG: Damit wir Ihnen unsere Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung stellen können, müssen wir einige Informationen von Ihnen erhalten, um festzustellen, ob ein Produkt oder Service für Sie geeignet ist (ob Sie die Erfahrung und das Wissen besitzen, die verbundenen Risiken zu erkennen)." +msgid "Do you wish to continue?" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative contract that allows you to profit by speculating on the rise or fall of an underlying asset. Your profit and loss is calculated through the difference in the buy and sell prices of the underlying asset." -msgstr "Ein Differenzkontrakt (Contract for Difference - CFD) ist ein Finanzderivat, mit dem Sie auf Steigen oder Fallen eines Basiswerts spekulieren können. Ihr Gewinn oder Verlust errechnet sich aus dem Unterschied zwischen Kauf- und Verkaufspreis des Basiswerts." +msgid "Document example" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a financial derivative that allows you to potentially profit by speculating on the rise or fall of an underlying asset, without actually owning that asset." -msgstr "Ein Differenzkontrakt (Contract for Difference - CFD) ist ein Finanzderivat, das Ihnen durch Spekulation auf einen steigenden oder fallenden Basiswert erlaubt, potentiell davon zu profitieren, ohne tatsächlich diesen Vermögenswert zu besitzen." +msgid "Document uploaded" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Diploma in Financial Crime, Risk Management and Compliance (ICA) will be an advantage" -msgstr "Ein Diplom in Wirtschaftskriminalität, Risikomanagement und Compliance (ICA) ist von Vorteil" +msgid "Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Forex trader always has one objective in mind when trading: to exchange one currency for another in order to make a profit." -msgstr "Eine Forex Trader hat beim Handel immer ein Ziel im Auge: eine Währung gegen eine andere zu tauschen, um einen Gewinn zu machen." +msgid "Documents uploaded" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Forex trader has one objective in mind when trading which is:" -msgstr "Eine Forex Trader hat beim Handel ein Ziel im Auge, und das ist:" +msgid "Documents you can use to verify your identity" +msgstr "" -msgid "A MAM account can be assigned to a money manager who will trade on your behalf. You can view all the trades executed by a money manager." -msgstr "Ein MAM-Konto kann einem Vermögensverwalter, der in Ihrem Namen handeln wird, zugewiesen werden. Sie können alle Geschäfte, die von einem Vermögensverwalter ausgeführt werden, einsehen." +msgid "Does Not Touch" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Market Order is an Order to buy or sell at the available market price, which results from the aggregation of prices and volumes received from third-party liquidity providers." +msgid "Don't refresh this page" msgstr "" -msgid "A PEP is an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function. This status extends to a PEP's relatives and close associates." -msgstr "Eine PEP ist eine Einzelperson, die mit einem wichtigen, öffentlichen Amt betraut ist oder betraut war. Dieser Status weitet sich auf Verwandte und nahe Kollegen des PEPs aus." +msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." +msgstr "" -msgid "A Payment Agent acts like an exchange between the Client (that is, our customer) and %1. The Payment Agent processes deposits and withdrawals for Clients who wish to use a specific e-wallet method or local currency that is not offered by %1. The transfer fees are borne by the Client." -msgstr "Ein Zahlungsagent handelt als ein Mittler zwischen dem Kunden (das heißt, unserem Kunden) und %1. Der Zahlungsagent führt für Kunden, die eine besondere e-Wallet Methode oder nationale Währung verweden, die nicht von %1 angebotet wird, Einzahlungen und Abhebungen durch. Die Überweisungsgebühren werden vom Kunden getragen." +msgid "Driver's license" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Pending Order is the trader's instruction to a brokerage company to buy or sell a security in future, under pre-defined conditions, when price reaches a specific level." +msgid "Driving licence" msgstr "" -msgid "A Professional Client receives a lower degree of client protection due to the following:" -msgstr "Ein professioneller Kunde erhält einen geringeren Kundenschutz aus den folgenden Gründen:" +msgid "Due to an issue on our server, some of your MT5 accounts are unavailable at the moment. %1Please bear with us and thank you for your patience." +msgstr "" -msgid "A Settlement occurs when the client's account with the Company is credited or charged with the net amount of the results of a transaction." +msgid "Duration" msgstr "" -msgid "A Stays Between trade pays out if the market stays between (does not touch) BOTH the high barrier or the low barrier at any time during the period chosen by a trader. A Goes Outside trade pays out if the market touches EITHER the high barrier or the low barrier at any time during the period chosen by a trader." -msgstr "Ein Bleibt-Zwischen-Kontrakt wird ausgezahlt, wenn der Kurs in der Zeitspanne, die vom Händler ausgewählt wurde, zwischen dem oberen UND unteren Schwellenwert bleibt (diesen aber nicht erreicht). Ein Übersteigt-Kontrakt wird ausgezahlt, wenn der Kurs während der vom Händler ausgewählten Zeitspanne ENTWEDER den oberen oder unteren Schwellenwert über- bzw. untersteigt." +msgid "Email address" +msgstr "" -msgid "A Stop Loss Order is intended for minimising losses when the financial instrument price moves in an unprofitable direction. The execution of this Order results in the complete closing of the whole position. It is always connected to an Open Position or a Pending Order." +msgid "Enable" msgstr "" -msgid "A Take Profit Order is intended for gaining profit when the financial instrument price has reached a certain level. Execution of this Order results in the complete closing of the whole position. It is always connected to an Open Position or a Pending Order." +msgid "Enable camera" msgstr "" -msgid "A bachelor's degree in commerce or any business-related field, IT-related field, or criminology" +msgid "End Time" msgstr "" -msgid "A bachelor's degree in commerce or any business-related field, law, or risk management" -msgstr "Ein Bachelor-Abschluss im Handelsgewerbe oder einem geschäftlichen Bereich, in einem IT-bezogenen Feld oder in Risikomanagement" +msgid "End time" +msgstr "" -msgid "A binary option is a contract in which one party undertakes to pay the other party a specified amount if the value of a given asset changes in a specific direction within a predetermined period. The three major underlying asset classes for binary options offered by the Company are" -msgstr "Eine binäre Option ist ein Kontrakt, bei dem eine Partei sich dazu verpflichten, der anderen Partei einen bestimmten Betrag zu bezahlen, wenn sich der Wert eines bestimmten Vermögenswertes in eine bestimmte Richtung innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Frist ändert. Die drei wichtigsten Basiswert-Klassen für binäre Optionen, die vom Unternehmen angeboten werden, sind" +msgid "Endpoint" +msgstr "" -msgid "A binary option is a contract purchased by a trader, which pays a pre-determined amount if their prediction is correct." -msgstr "Eine Binäre Option ist ein Kontrakt, der von einem Händler gekauft wurde und der einen im Voraus festgelegten Betrag auszahlt, wenn seine Voraussage korrekt ist." +msgid "Ends Between" +msgstr "" -msgid "A binary option is a type of option with a fixed payout in which you predict the outcome from two possible results. If your prediction is correct, you receive the agreed payout. If not, you lose your initial stake, and nothing more. It's called 'binary' because there can be only two outcomes – win or lose." -msgstr "Eine binäre Option ist eine Art von Option mit einer festen Auszahlung, bei der Sie den Ausgang aus zwei möglichen Resultaten vorhersagen. Wenn Ihre Voraussage richtig ist, erhalten Sie die festgelegte Auszahlung. Anderenfalls verlieren Sie Ihren ursprünglichen Einsatz, und nichts weiter. Es wird „binär\" genannt, da es nur zwei Ergebnisse geben kann - gewinnen oder verlieren." +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside" +msgstr "" -msgid "A broad foundation in HTML, CSS, Websocket API or MQL programming to develop solutions and answer queries" -msgstr "Eine breite Grundlage in HTML, CSS, Websocket API oder MQL Programmierung, um Lösungen zu entwickeln und Fragen zu beantworten" +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" -msgid "A clear understanding of the OSI model, TCP/IP, and other industry-standard network defense concepts" -msgstr "Ein klares Verständnis des OSI-Modells, TCP/IP und anderen branchenüblichen Netzwerk-Sicherheitskonzepten" +msgid "Ends Outside" +msgstr "" -msgid "A client may only open an account on this site on the following conditions:" +msgid "Enlarge image" msgstr "" -msgid "A client should not use the client's account as a banking facility, and deposits should only be made with a view to using funds to place contracts. The Company is not a financial institution, and the client will not receive interest on deposits. Should a client make repeated deposits and withdrawals without placing commensurate contracts, the Company reserves the right to pass on to the client's account, without prior notice, any bank charges the Company has incurred before closing the account." +msgid "Enter mobile number" msgstr "" -msgid "A competitive and flexible affiliate programme that can be adapted to your needs" -msgstr "Ein wettbewerbsfähiges und flexibles Partnerprogramm, das an Ihre Bedürfnisse angepasst werden kann" +msgid "Enter your mobile number:" +msgstr "" -msgid "A derivative is a financial instrument whose value is determined by reference to an underlying market. Derivatives are commonly traded in the inter-bank market, and binaries are one of the simplest forms of derivatives." -msgstr "Ein Derivat ist ein Finanzinstrument, dessen Wert durch Bezugnahme auf einen zugrunde liegenden Kurs bestimmt wird. Derivate werden häufig im Interbankenmarkt gehandelt und Binäre Optionen sind eine der einfachsten Formen von Derivaten." +msgid "Entry Spot" +msgstr "" -msgid "A diploma or degree in Computer Science or Information Technology, or good experience in the field of IT operations/administration" -msgstr "Ein Diplom oder abgeschlossenes Studium der Informatik, oder Informationstechnik, oder gute Erfahrung im Bereich IT-Operationen/Administration" +msgid "Entry spot" +msgstr "" -msgid "A firm grasp of AML-CTF regulations, typologies, and red flags, as well as fraud processes and applications" -msgstr "Einen guten Überblick über AML-CTF Vorschriften, Typologien und rote Fahnen, sowie Betrugsprozesse und Anwendungen" +msgid "Equals" +msgstr "" -msgid "A force majeure event, if and when determined, means, (i) the Company, by reason of force majeure or act of state, is prevented from, hindered, or delayed in delivering or receiving, or is unable to deliver or receive, any quotation of the Bids and Asks of a market in one or more of the instruments in which the Company ordinarily deals in transactions; (ii) an excessive movement in the market of the instrument or the Company's reasonable anticipation of the potential occurrence of market disruption." +msgid "Ether Classic" msgstr "" -msgid "A glossary of the capitalised terms can be found in paragraph R, entitled \"Interpretation of terms\"." +msgid "Ethereum" msgstr "" -msgid "A good understanding of attacks and mitigations such as timing, injection (e.g. form parameter/SQL), side-channel, DoS, buffer overflows and DNS cache poisoning" -msgstr "Ein gutes Verständnis von Angriffen und Abwehrmaßnahmen wie Timing, Injektion (z.B. Formular Parameter/SQL), Seitenkanal, DoS, Pufferüberläufen und DNS Cache Poisoning" +msgid "Even/Odd" +msgstr "" -msgid "A good understanding of, and keen interest in corporate, legal or regulatory compliance" -msgstr "Ein gutes Verständnis von, und großes Interesse an Gesetzeskonformität oder der Einhaltung der Gesetze" +msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" -msgid "A high level of integrity, reliability, and work ethic" -msgstr "Ein hohes Maß an Integrität, Zuverlässigkeit und Arbeitsmoral" +msgid "Example of a blurry document" +msgstr "" -msgid "A higher price (Ask), at which a client can buy, and a lower price (Bid), at which a client can sell, are quoted for each financial instrument, and they are referred to as Company Prices. The difference between the Bids and Asks is called the Spread." +msgid "Example of a cut-off document" msgstr "" -msgid "A keen eye to identify new trends in marketing, evaluate new technologies and ensure the brand is at the forefront of industry developments" -msgstr "Ein wachsames Auge, um neue Trends im Marketing zu identifizieren, Bewertung von neuen Technologien und die Gewährleistung, dass die Marke an der Spitze der Entwicklungen in der Branche ist" +msgid "Example of a document with glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "A lifelong interest in accounting, and an aptitude for numbers" -msgstr "Ein lebenslanges Interesse an Buchhaltung und eine Begabung für Zahlen" +msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." +msgstr "" -msgid "A list of accepted payment methods" +msgid "Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months." msgstr "" -msgid "A list of payment methods you will accept from Clients" -msgstr "Eine Liste der Zahlungsmethoden, die Sie von Ihren Kunden akzeptieren werden" +msgid "Excluded from the website until" +msgstr "" -msgid "A lookback contract has a payout that depends on the optimum high or low achieved by the market. The option allows the holder to \"look back\" over time to determine the payout." -msgstr "Ein Lookback-Kontrakt verfügt über eine Auszahlung, die von einem optimalen Hoch oder Tief, das durch den Markt erreicht wird, abhängt. Die Option erlaubt dem Inhaber auf einen Zeitablauf \"zurückzublicken\" (\"look back\"), um die Auszahlung zu bestimmen." +msgid "Exit Spot" +msgstr "" -msgid "A panel featuring industry leaders awards BetOnMarkets.com 'Financial Trading Operator of the Year' over two other finalists. It's a major victory for our brand and further recognition of our world-beating service. Ten years on, and going from strength to strength." +msgid "Exit spot" msgstr "" -msgid "A politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function. Family members and close associates of such individuals are also considered as PEPs. A PEP who has ceased to be entrusted with a prominent public function for at least 12 months no longer qualifies as a PEP." -msgstr "Eine politisch exponierte Person (PEP) ist eine Person, die entweder mit einem wichtigen öffentlichen Amt betraut ist, oder anvertraut wurde. Familienmitglieder und enge Mitarbeiter solcher Personen gelten auch als PEP. Eine PEP, die aufgehört hat, für mindestens 12 Monate nicht mehr mit einem wichtigen öffentlichen Amt betraut zu ein, qualifiziert sich nicht mehr als PEP." +msgid "Exit spot time" +msgstr "" -msgid "A proactive approach in problem-solving" -msgstr "Ein proaktiver Ansatz bei der Problemlösung" +msgid "Exit time" +msgstr "" -msgid "A referred client is someone who has been referred through your unique affiliate link and who has deposited money into their %1 account. They must fulfil the following criteria:" -msgstr "Ein angeworbener Kunde ist jemand, der über Ihren einzigartigen Partner-Link gewonnen wurde, und der Geld auf sein %1 Konto eingezahlt hat. Kunden müssen folgende Kriterien erfüllen:" +msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." +msgstr "" -msgid "A strong background in statistics, mathematics or engineering." +msgid "Explanation" msgstr "" -msgid "A strong understanding of internal controls and business processes" -msgstr "Ein eingehendes Verständnis von internen Kontrollen und Geschäftsprozessen" +msgid "Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible" +msgstr "" -msgid "A tick is the minimum upward or downward movement in the price of a market." -msgstr "Ein Tick ist die minimalste Aufwärts- oder Abwärtsbewegung eines Marktkurses." +msgid "Face photo page" +msgstr "" -msgid "A trade is opened by either executing a \"Buy\" or a \"Sell\" Order based on a specified number of lots (volume) that constitute the Underlying Instrument of the relevant market." +msgid "Failed" msgstr "" -msgid "A university degree in Accounting/Finance or its equivalent" -msgstr "Ein Universitätsabschluss in Rechnungswesen/Finanzen oder dessen Äquivalent" +msgid "Feb" +msgstr "" -msgid "A university degree in marketing or computer science is a plus" -msgstr "Ein Universitätsabschluss in Marketing oder Computerwissenschaften ist von Vorteil" +msgid "February" +msgstr "" -msgid "A university degree with a major in accounting, or other relevant professional qualifications" -msgstr "Ein Universitätsabschluss in Buchhaltung oder andere relevante Berufsqualifikationen" +msgid "Fiat" +msgstr "" -msgid "A university degree, or other relevant professional qualifications" -msgstr "Ein Universitätsabschluss oder andere relevante Berufsqualifikationen" +msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" +msgstr "" -msgid "A whole new easy-to-use platform that's rich with features." -msgstr "Eine ganz neue, einfach zu benutzende Plattform mit vielen Funktionen." +msgid "File not uploaded." +msgstr "" -msgid "A. Introduction" -msgstr "A. Einführung" +msgid "File size exceeded." +msgstr "" -msgid "A. Introduction and scope of agreement" +msgid "File type not supported" msgstr "" -msgid "A. Spot FX" -msgstr "A. Devisen Kassageschäft (Spot FX)" +msgid "Final price" +msgstr "" -msgid "AM" -msgstr "morgens" +msgid "Financial" +msgstr "" -msgid "API" -msgstr "API" +msgid "Financial Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "API Token" -msgstr "API Token" +msgid "Financial STP" +msgstr "" -msgid "API token for third party applications." -msgstr "API Token für Drittanwender Anwendungen." +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "" -msgid "AUD Index – Measures the value of the Australian Dollar against a basket of five global currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD), each weighted by 20%" -msgstr "AUD-Index - Misst den australischen Dollar gegen einen Korb von 5 Weltwährungen (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD), wobei jede mit 20 % berücksichtigt ist" +msgid "First line of home address" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to communicate and present your ideas and work in a clear, descriptive manner" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit Ihre Ideen zu kommunizieren und zu präsentieren und in einer klaren, anschaulichen Weise zu arbeiten" +msgid "Follow these steps to recover camera access:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to conduct end-to-end UX research, including usability testing, and A/B testing" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit zur Durchführung von End-to-End-UX-Forschung, einschließlich Brauchbarkeitsprüfung, und A / B-Tests" +msgid "Forex" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to present data using various tools to help the team to make informed business decisions." +msgid "Fr" msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to produce high-quality, self-documenting code by using test-driven development (TDD) techniques" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, unter Verwendung von testbasierten (TDD) Entwicklungstechniken qualitativ hochwertigen, selbstdokumentierenden Code zu entwickeln" +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to quickly learn new (proprietary) systems and procedures" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, schnell neue (proprietäre) Systeme und Verfahren zu lernen" +msgid "Fridays" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to quickly learn new systems and procedures" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, schnell neue Systeme und Verfahren zu lernen" +msgid "From account: " +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to speak multiple languages is preferred" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, mehrere Sprachen zu sprechen ist bevorzugt" +msgid "Front Side" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to translate complex, technical information into clear, attractive benefits" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, komplexe, technische Informationen in klare, attraktive Vorteile zu übersetzen" +msgid "Front and back" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to work independently" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit selbstständig zu arbeiten" +msgid "Gaming" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ability to write high-quality, self-documenting code using test-driven development techniques" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, unter Verwendung von testbasierten Entwicklungstechniken qualitativ hochwertigen, selbstdokumentierenden Code zu schreiben" +msgid "Gaming Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "Able to assess the security impact of bugs and API inconsistencies" -msgstr "In der Lage, die Auswirkungen von Fehlern auf die Sicherheit und API Inkonsistenzen zu beurteilen" +msgid "Get %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "About BIEL and BIEL's regulator" +msgid "Get link via SMS" msgstr "" -msgid "About Us" -msgstr "Über uns" +msgid "Get secure link" +msgstr "" -msgid "About the Company and these Terms" +msgid "Get your secure link" msgstr "" -msgid "Abusively or fraudulently use, for any purpose, the Application Programme Interface (API) of %1" +msgid "Glare detected" msgstr "" -msgid "Academy" -msgstr "Akademie" +msgid "Go To Reports" +msgstr "" -msgid "Accept" -msgstr "Annehmen" +msgid "Go back" +msgstr "" -msgid "Accept local bank wires" -msgstr "Annahme von nationalen Banküberweisungen" +msgid "Go to statement" +msgstr "" -msgid "Acceptance" -msgstr "Akzeptanz" +msgid "Goes Outside" +msgstr "" -msgid "Acceptance of Agreement" +msgid "Grant access to your camera from your browser settings" msgstr "" -msgid "Access MT5 dashboard" -msgstr "Zugang zum MT5 Dashboard" +msgid "Great, that's everything we need" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access all available tools and features for trading on MT5, including Expert Advisors (EAs), charts, and order types" -msgstr "Greifen Sie auf alle verfügbaren Tools und Funktionen für den Handel auf MT5, einschließlich Expert Advisors (EAs), Diagrammen, und Auftragsarten, zu" +msgid "Guide" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access market quotes and trade execution from top-tier liquidity providers, including banks and non-banks." -msgstr "Haben Sie Zugang zu Börsenkursen und handeln Sie die Ausführung von erstklassigen Liquiditätsanbietern, darunter Banken und Nichtbanken." +msgid "Hence, your withdrawable balance is only up to %1%2, subject to your account’s available funds." +msgstr "" -msgid "Access multi-asset liquidity from top-tier institutions." -msgstr "Haben Sie Zugang zu Multi-Asset-Liquidität aus erstklassigen Einrichtungen." +msgid "Here's how to do it:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access our products and services from a single app." -msgstr "Alle unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen in einer einzigen App." +msgid "High" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access the markets anytime, anywhere from your Android device." -msgstr "Greifen Sie jederzeit, von überall, über Ihr Android Gerät auf die Märkte zu." +msgid "High Barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access the markets anytime, anywhere from your iOS device." -msgstr "Greifen Sie jederzeit, von überall, über Ihr iOS Gerät auf die Märkte zu." +msgid "High Tick" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access the markets anytime, anywhere using native apps for your iOS or Android devices." -msgstr "Greifen Sie jederzeit, von überall aus, auf die Märkte zu, in dem Sie native Apps für iOS oder Android Geräte verwenden." +msgid "High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks." +msgstr "" -msgid "Access to Advanced trading" -msgstr "Zugriff auf fortgeschrittenen Handel" +msgid "High barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access to multi-asset liquidity and back-office functionality via margin accounts" -msgstr "Zugang zu Multi-Asset-Liquidität und Back-Office-Funktionalität über Margin-Konten" +msgid "High barrier must be higher than low barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "Access to personal data" +msgid "High barrier offset" msgstr "" -msgid "Access to the client's personal data is strictly prohibited, with the exception of key %1 personnel and only as needed for the performance of their duties." +msgid "High, Low and Close" msgstr "" -msgid "Access your account with full trading permission." -msgstr "Greifen Sie mit voller Handelserlaubnis auf Ihr Konto zu." +msgid "High-Close" +msgstr "" -msgid "Accomplished writing and editing skills with at least five years editorial experience in digital advertising or online media" -msgstr "Versierte Schreib- und Bearbeitungsfähigkeiten mit mindestens fünf Jahren redaktioneller Erfahrung in digitaler Werbung oder Online-Medien" +msgid "High-Low" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account" -msgstr "Konto" +msgid "High/Low Ticks" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Authenticated" -msgstr "Konto authentifiziert" +msgid "Higher" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Balance" -msgstr "Kontostand" +msgid "Higher or equal" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Categorisation" -msgstr "Konto-Kategorisierung" +msgid "Higher/Lower" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Deposit Currency" -msgstr "Buchgeld-Konto" +msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Equity" -msgstr "Kapitalkonto" +msgid "Hour" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Free Margin" -msgstr "Freies Margen Konto" +msgid "How to scan a QR code" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Limits" -msgstr "Kontolimits" +msgid "I want to reapply" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account Password" -msgstr "Konto-Passwort" +msgid "I'm interested" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account access is temporarily limited. Please check your inbox for more details." +msgid "ID number is required for %1." msgstr "" -msgid "Account balance:" -msgstr "Kontostand:" +msgid "IDK" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account balance: " -msgstr "Kontostand: " +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account closure" +msgid "Identity card" msgstr "" -msgid "Account comparison" -msgstr "Kontovergleich" +msgid "If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store" +msgstr "" -msgid "Account currency" -msgstr "Kontowährung" +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account management" -msgstr "Kontoverwaltung" +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account management and tracking" -msgstr "Kontoverwaltung und Verlauf" +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account needs age verification, please contact %1customer support%2 for more information." -msgstr "Das Konto benötigt einen Altersnachweis, bitte kontaktieren %1Sie die Kundenbetreuung%2, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten." +msgid "If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account opening" -msgstr "Kontoeröffnung" +msgid "If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Higher\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Lower\"." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account opening reason" -msgstr "Kontoeröffnung-Grund" +msgid "If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account security" -msgstr "Kontosicherheit" +msgid "If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" -msgid "Account statistics" -msgstr "Konto-Statistiken" +msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts" -msgstr "Konten" +msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts And Payments Executive" -msgstr "Buchhaltungs- & Zahlungsverkehrsleiter" +msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts List" -msgstr "Kontenliste" +msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts and Payments Executive" -msgstr "Buchhaltungs- & Zahlungsverkehrsleiter" +msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts with Open Positions being rolled over shall be credited or debited with an amount referred to as the Roll-over Credit/Debit, which is determined by the Company." +msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts with debit balance (i.e. credit exposure to %1)" -msgstr "Konten mit Schuldsaldo (d.h. Kreditengagement bis %1)" +msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts with debit balances are required to settle the full amount immediately by making a payment to %1." +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts/ Payments" -msgstr "Konten/Zahlungen" +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accounts/Payments" -msgstr "Konten/Zahlungen" +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accumulation of Income/Savings" -msgstr "Ansammlung von Einnahmen/Einsparungen" +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "Accuracy of information" +msgid "If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction." msgstr "" -msgid "Acknowledge" -msgstr "Anerkennen" +msgid "If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)." +msgstr "" -msgid "Acquisition of financial contracts through this site must be effected in accordance with the terms and conditions presented on the pages of this site. Acquisition of a financial contract is completed when the financial contract has been customised, the premium (or the payout, as the case may be) has been calculated, and payment has been verified." -msgstr "Der Abschluss von Finanzkontrakten über diese Site muss unter Einhaltung der Geschäftsbedingungen erfolgen, die auf dieser Site veröffentlicht sind. Der Abschluss eines Finanzkontrakts ist vollendet, wenn der Kontrakt angepasst, die Prämie (gegebenenfalls die Auszahlung) berechnet und die Bezahlung bestätigt wurde." +msgid "If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction." +msgstr "" -msgid "Act as first and second level support for our traders by offering them solutions through basic coding and troubleshooting techniques" -msgstr "Fungieren Sie für unsere Händler als Support erster und zweiter Stufe, indem Sie Lösungen durch grundlegende Kodierung und Problembehandlungsverfahren anbieten" +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Call\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Handlung" +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Put\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" -msgid "Activate the VPN service on the app" -msgstr "Aktivieren Sie den VPN-Dienst in der App" +msgid "If you select \"Rises\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "Active trading clients" -msgstr "Aktive Handelskunden" +msgid "If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" -msgid "Actual trading results may not correspond to optimised or back-tested results." +msgid "If you select \"Touches\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." msgstr "" -msgid "Adapt affiliate marketing tactics and promotional materials as needed to localise all content for maximum effectiveness" -msgstr "Anpassen von Geschäftspartner Werbetaktiken und des erforderlichen Werbematerials, um alle Inhalte auf eine maximiale Wirksamkeit zu lokalisieren" - -msgid "Adapt brand messaging, voice, and tone of content as needed to suit specific audiences, business objectives, and the channel of delivery" -msgstr "Passen Sie Markendarstellung, Stimme und Ton der Inhalte, je nach Bedarf für bestimmte Zielgruppen, Unternehmensziele und Kanäle der Lieferung entsprechend an" - -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Hinzufügen" - -msgid "Add +/– to define a barrier offset. For example, +0.005 means a barrier that's 0.005 higher than the entry spot." -msgstr "Fügen Sie + / – hinzu, um eine Schwellenverschiebung zu definieren. +0.005 bedeutet beispielsweise eine Schwelle, die 0.005 höher als der Einstiegskurs ist." - -msgid "Add funds" -msgstr "Fonds hinzufügen" - -msgid "Additional business exposure:" -msgstr "Zusätzliche Geschäftsrisiken:" - -msgid "Address" -msgstr "Adresse" - -msgid "Adhere to internal policies, procedures, and guidelines on all matters that concern risk management" -msgstr "Hält sich an interne Regeln, Verfahren und Richtlinien im Bezug auf alle Angelegenheiten, die Risikomanagement betreffen" - -msgid "Adjust trade parameters" -msgstr "Anpassen von Handelsparametern" - -msgid "Admin" -msgstr "Admin" - -msgid "Administer key human resource activities such as performance appraisals" -msgstr "Verwalten Sie wichtige Personalaktivitäten, wie z. B. Leistungsbeurteilungen" - -msgid "Administer overall payment systems, including monitoring and reporting clients activity as well as success rates" +msgid "If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction." msgstr "" -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Fortgeschritten" - -msgid "Advanced Account" -msgstr "Fortgeschrittenes Konto" - -msgid "Advanced account" -msgstr "Fortgeschrittenes Konto" - -msgid "Advanced binary options trading interface" -msgstr "Fortgeschrittenes Binäre Optionen Handels-Interface" - -msgid "Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office" -msgstr "Fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in Microsoft Office" - -msgid "Advanced multi-asset trading platform" -msgstr "Fortgeschrittene Multi-Asset Handelsplattform" - -msgid "Advanced referral tools" -msgstr "Erweiterte Anwerbe-Tools" - -msgid "Advantages of CFD trading" -msgstr "Vorteile des CFD-Handels" - -msgid "Advantages of binary options trading" -msgstr "Vorteile des binären Optionenhandels" - -msgid "Affiliate" -msgstr "Geschäftspartner" - -msgid "Affiliate Arrangement" +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." msgstr "" -msgid "Affiliate FAQ" -msgstr "Partner-FAQ" - -msgid "Affiliate and IB Programme" -msgstr "Partner- und Maklerprogramme" - -msgid "Affiliate and IB Programmes" -msgstr "Partner- und Maklerprogramme" - -msgid "Affiliate/Country Manager" -msgstr "Partner/Landesleiter" - -msgid "Affordable cost of living" -msgstr "Günstige Lebenshaltungskosten" - -msgid "After you have decided which position you want to take whether long or short you are well on your way to buying your first currency pair." -msgstr "Nachdem Sie entschieden haben, welche Position Sie wollen, egal, ob lang oder kurz, sind Sie auch auf Ihrem Weg Ihr erstes Währungspaar zu kaufen." +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "After you purchase one lot of XAU/USD at a price of USD 1,255.06, the price of gold increases and you decide to sell when it reaches USD 1,255.80. Your profit or loss comes down to the price difference multiplied by the total lots you purchased." -msgstr "Nach dem Kauf eines Lots von XAU/USD zu einem Preis von 1 255,06 USD, steigt der Goldpreis und Sie entscheiden, es zu verkaufen, wenn es 1 255,80 USD erreicht. Ihr Gewinn oder Verlust kommt auf die Preisdifferenz an, multipliziert mit den gesamten Lots, die Sie erworben haben." +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "After you've decided which position you want to take, your next step is to purchase that currency pair on MetaTrader 5" -msgstr "Nachdem Sie entschieden haben welche Position Sie nehmen wollen, ist Ihr nächster Schritt, das Währungspaar auf MetaTrader 5 zu kaufen" +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "After your analysis, you have come to the conclusion that the British economy will outperform its U.S. counterpart. Thus, you decide to go long and buy into the GBP/USD, expecting the GBP to rise in value." -msgstr "Nach Ihrer Analyse sind Sie zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass die britische Wirtschaft ihr US-Pendant übertreffen wird. So entscheiden Sie sich dazu, weit zu gehen und kaufen in den GBP/USD, und erwarten, dass der GBP im Wert steigen wird." +msgid "If you select %1\"High Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1highest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" -msgid "Aged 18 years old and above" -msgstr "Sie müssen 18 Jahre oder älter sein" +msgid "If you select %1\"Low Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1lowest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" -msgid "Agency or partnership" +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Downs\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." msgstr "" -msgid "Agent's obligations" +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Ups\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." msgstr "" -msgid "Agreement" +msgid "If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time." msgstr "" -msgid "Agreement restrictions" +msgid "If you select a start time of \"Now\", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." msgstr "" -msgid "Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers" -msgstr "Landwirtschaftliche, Forstwirtschaftliche und Fischerei-Arbeiter" +msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time." +msgstr "" -msgid "Agriculture" -msgstr "Landwirtschaft" +msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." +msgstr "" -msgid "Alerting clients of a potential trading opportunity" +msgid "In/Out" msgstr "" -msgid "All %1's registered or unregistered proprietary rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, trade secrets, domain names, URL, pricing information or other proprietary rights materials, ideas, concepts, formats, suggestions, developments, arrangements, programmes, techniques, methodologies, knowhow, equipment, processes, procedures whatsoever shall solely remain with the Company." +msgid "Indicates required field" msgstr "" -msgid "All Partnership Options" -msgstr "Alle Partnerschaftsoptionen" +msgid "Indicative" +msgstr "" -msgid "All affiliate activities must be conducted in a professional and proper manner. The Affiliate shall be expected to act with good faith and integrity in relationship with the Affiliate's referrals and always act in the best interests of the Affiliate's referrals." +msgid "Insufficient balance." msgstr "" -msgid "All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes" -msgstr "Alle Anrufe werden zu Trainings- und Kontrollzwecken aufgezeichnet" +msgid "Invalid app id" +msgstr "" -msgid "All client orders are processed on a first in, first out basis without any manual intervention. When executing client order, %1 will seek to fill client order transaction as promptly as possible at the instructed price (or at a better price, if available). Exposure limits are established based on internal governance arrangements and risk management framework, which both commensurate with the size, nature, complexity, and risk profile of the Company's activities. These exposure limits are used as benchmarks to distinguish orders that are auto-accepted from orders that will be worked in the market with fill level passed on to the client." -msgstr "Alle Kundenorder werden, ohne jegliches manuelles Eingreifen, wie eingetroffen bearbeitet. Wenn eine Kundenorder ausgeführt wird, versucht %1 die Ordertransaktion des Kunden so schnell wie möglich, zum angewiesenen Kurs (oder zu einem besseren Kurs, wenn möglich) zu erfüllen. Expositionsgrenzen werden auf internen Führungsregelungen und Risikomanagement-Framework, das der Größe, Natur, Komplexität und dem Risikoprofil der Aktivitäten des Unternehmens entspricht, gegründet. Diese Expositionsgrenzen werden als Maßstäbe dazu verwendet, um Order, die automatisch akzeptiert werden, und um Order die im Markt mit einem Füllstand zum Kunden weitergeleitet werden, zu unterscheiden." +msgid "Invalid document format." +msgstr "" -msgid "All conditions and durations" -msgstr "Alle Konditionen und Zeitspannen" +msgid "Invalid email address." +msgstr "" -msgid "All credit card details are submitted directly to the Visa/Mastercard network using the latest SSL encryption technology, in accordance with bank policies." -msgstr "Es werden alle Kreditkartendaten direkt an das Visa/Mastercard Netzwerk weitergeleitet. Dabei kommt in Übereinstimmung mit den Richtlinien der Bank die neuste SSL-Verschlüsselungstechnologie zur Anwendung." +msgid "Invalid verification code." +msgstr "" -msgid "All durations" -msgstr "Alle Zeiträume" +msgid "Investment" +msgstr "" -msgid "All four precious metals, plus energy." -msgstr "Alle vier Edelmetalle, sowie Energie." +msgid "It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead." +msgstr "" -msgid "All fund transfers from the client's %1 account to their MT5 Real Account must be made by the client." +msgid "It may take a few minutes to arrive" msgstr "" -msgid "All information/documentations provided by the Introducing Broker when applying for Binary's Introducing Broker programme is true and accurate." +msgid "It must be an official photo ID" msgstr "" -msgid "All intellectual property rights in the MT5 trading platform are owned by the licensor and shall remain the exclusive property of the licensor. Nothing in this agreement intends to transfer any such rights or to vest any such rights in the client." +msgid "It will only take a couple of minutes." msgstr "" -msgid "All major worldwide stock indices sourced from the over-the-counter market" -msgstr "Alle wichtigen weltweiten vom Direktmarkt bezogenen Aktienindizes" +msgid "It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it" +msgstr "" -msgid "All market conditions" -msgstr "Alle Marktbedingungen" +msgid "Jan" +msgstr "" -msgid "All markets" -msgstr "Alle Märkte" +msgid "January" +msgstr "" -msgid "All markets and conditions" -msgstr "Alle Märkte und Bedingungen" +msgid "Jul" +msgstr "" -msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." -msgstr "Alle Börsen sind derzeit geschlossen. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut." +msgid "July" +msgstr "" -msgid "All opinions, news, research, analysis, prices, or other information contained on this website are provided as general market commentary and do not constitute investment advice. %1 will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including, but without limitation to, any loss of profit that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of, or reliance on, such information." +msgid "Jun" msgstr "" -msgid "All payouts" -msgstr "Alle Auszahlungen" +msgid "June" +msgstr "" -msgid "All prices for financial instruments quoted on the Company website are real market prices and are hereby regarded as firm prices. Any slippage from the shown price during the execution of the Order is considered as consequential. Slippage may increase significantly at the daily bank rollovers. The client acknowledges that, by accepting this agreement, no frivolous quote is being offered to the client by the Company." +msgid "Jurisdiction" msgstr "" -msgid "All products traded on Margin carry a high degree of risk and can result in losses that exceed the client's initial deposit. The Margin trading services described in this agreement are not suitable for everyone. The client acknowledges that the Margin trading services described in this agreement are designed for the clients who are knowledgeable and experienced in the types of transactions described in this agreement, and the client fully understands the associated risks before entering into this agreement with the Company." +msgid "Keep this window open while using your mobile" msgstr "" -msgid "All reasonable steps are taken to comply with the law or any rules applicable to the jurisdiction in which the Agent resides." +msgid "Language settings" msgstr "" -msgid "All software is to be used at the client's own risk. The Company will not be liable for any financial losses incurred using a third-party software. The Company is not associated with the development of the automated trading software or the Expert Advisors because they are exclusively developed and supported by third parties and not by the Company. The Company does not receive any form of financial and/or other benefits from permitting Expert Advisors to be used." +msgid "Last Digit Prediction" msgstr "" -msgid "All the information that the Company obtains about the client assists the Company in servicing the client and the client's account. The Company knows that the client may be concerned about what the Company does with this information." +msgid "Last Digit Stats" msgstr "" -msgid "All times are in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)." -msgstr "Alle Zeitangaben sind in GMT (Greenwich-Zeit)." +msgid "Last Login" +msgstr "" -msgid "All unforeseen openings or closings of positions initiated by the Expert Advisor, whether relevant to system error or otherwise, are out of the scope of the Company's responsibility; hence the Company is not liable for such actions or results." +msgid "Last Used" msgstr "" -msgid "All versions for Android" -msgstr "Alle Versionen von Android" +msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" +msgstr "" -msgid "All versions for iOS" -msgstr "Alle Versionen von iOS" +msgid "Linked to your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "All your deposits and withdrawals are processed by %1 within 24 hours. However, there may be additional processing time required by your bank or money transfer service." -msgstr "Alle Ihre Einzahlungen und Abhebungen werden von %1 innerhalb von 24 Stunden bearbeitet. Jedoch kann es dazu kommen, dass zusätzliche Bearbeitungszeit von Ihrer Bank oder Ihrem Geldüberweisungsdienst beansprucht wird." +msgid "Litecoin" +msgstr "" -msgid "Allow Clients to deposit with lower amounts (via local currency)" -msgstr "Den Kunden ermöglichen, kleinere Beträge (in Landeswährung) einzuzahlen" +msgid "Live chat" +msgstr "" -msgid "Allow Clients to use e-wallets, which are not available directly on %1" -msgstr "Den Kunden ermöglichen, e-Wallets zu verwenden, die nicht direkt auf %1 zur Verfügung stehen" +msgid "Loading" +msgstr "" -msgid "Allow equals" -msgstr "Gleiche erlauben" +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" -msgid "Already have an account?" -msgstr "Haben Sie schon ein Konto?" +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" -msgid "Already have an account? %1Log in%2 here" -msgstr "Sie haben bereits ein Konto? %1Loggen Sie sich%2 hier ein" +msgid "Log in here" +msgstr "" -msgid "Also known as counter currency" -msgstr "Auch bekannt als Gegenwährung" +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" -msgid "Also known as counter money" -msgstr "Auch bekannt als Zählgeld" +msgid "Login ID" +msgstr "" -msgid "Also known as transaction currency" -msgstr "Auch bekannt als Transaktionswährung" +msgid "Login at:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Alter the normal trading times for the affected instrument" +msgid "Lookbacks" msgstr "" -msgid "Although the Company has and retains all rights to refuse or to close a client's account, the Company does warrant that all contractual obligations already made, shall be honoured." +msgid "Looks like you took too long" msgstr "" -msgid "Always keep your web browser up-to-date. We recommend using the latest version of %1Google Chrome%2." -msgstr "Halten Sie Ihren Web-Browser immer auf dem neuesten Stand. Wir empfehlen die neueste Version von %1Google Chrome%2." +msgid "Loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "Amend or change all or any part of the Marketing Material without Binary's prior written consent" +msgid "Low" msgstr "" -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Betrag" +msgid "Low Barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "Amount in" +msgid "Low Tick" msgstr "" -msgid "An Ends Between trade pays out if the market exit price is strictly higher than the low price target AND strictly lower than the high price target. An Ends Outside binary pays out if the market exit price is EITHER strictly higher than the high price target OR strictly lower than the low price target." -msgstr "Ein Schließt-Zwischen Kontrakt wird ausgezahlt, wenn der Kurs zum Vertragsende grundsätzlich höher als die niedrige Kursschwelle UND grundsätzlich niedriger als die hohe Kursschwelle ist. Eine Schließt-Oberhalb Binäre Option wird ausgezahlt, wenn der Kurs zum Ende des Kontrakts ENTWEDER grundsätzlich höher als die hohe Kursschwelle oder grundsätzlich niedriger als die niedrige Kursschwelle ist." +msgid "Low barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "An Open Position may be closed by clicking the button \"x\"." +msgid "Low barrier offset" msgstr "" -msgid "An Open Position may be partially closed by double clicking the position, selecting the volume to be partially closed from the context menu, and then clicking \"Close\"." +msgid "Lower" msgstr "" -msgid "An additional password can be used to restrict access to the cashier." -msgstr "Es darf ein zusätzliches Passwort verwendet werden, um den Zugang zum Kassensabschnitt zu beschränken." +msgid "Lower or equal" +msgstr "" -msgid "An advanced university degree in Physics, Financial Engineering or Mathematics" -msgstr "Einen Hochschulabschluss in Physik, Finanzierungstechnik oder Mathematik" +msgid "MT5" +msgstr "" -msgid "An advanced university degree in physics, financial engineering, or mathematics is preferred" -msgstr "Ein Hochschulabschluss in Physik, Finanzierungstechnik oder Mathematik ist von Vorteil" +msgid "MT5 withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" -msgid "An advanced/higher/graduate diploma or bachelor's degree" -msgstr "Ein akademischer Grad, Graduiertendiplom oder Bachelor-Abschluss" +msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" -msgid "An aptitude to handle thrilling challenges as well as repetitive tasks as might be needed" -msgstr "Eine Begabung spannende Herausforderungen, sowie sich wiederholende Aufgaben - je nach Bedarf, zu handhaben" +msgid "Make sure all of the document is in the photo" +msgstr "" -msgid "An assertive, sales-driven personality, able to adapt quickly and achieve powerful results" -msgstr "Eine durchsetzungsfähige und verkaufsorientierte Persönlichkeit, die die Fähigkeit hat, sich schnell anzupassen und starke Ergebnisse zu erreichen" +msgid "Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "An eagerness for robust risk management to keep up with the increasing pace of information exchange" -msgstr "Bereitschaft für robustes Risikomanagement, um mit dem immer rascheren Informationsaustausch mitzuhalten" +msgid "Make sure everything is clear" +msgstr "" -msgid "An excellent command of spoken and written English" -msgstr "Hervorragende Beherrschung der gesprochenen und geschriebenen englischen Sprache" +msgid "Make sure full document is visible" +msgstr "" -msgid "An intermediate understanding of the interaction of information technology and client servicing aspects within the B2B and B2C environments" -msgstr "Ein intermediates Verständnis der Interaktion von Informationstechnologie und Kundendienstleistungs- Aspekten innerhalb der B2B und B2C Umfelder" +msgid "Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "An international appeal with multilingual support in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian, Thai, Polish, and Russian" -msgstr "Eine internationale Attraktivität mit mehrsprachiger Unterstützung in Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Chinesisch, Italienisch, Thailändisch, Polnisch und Russisch" +msgid "Make sure your device has a working camera" +msgstr "" -msgid "An intuitive, web-based platform that's instantly available to traders of all levels – anytime, anywhere" -msgstr "Eine intuitive, webbasierte Plattform, die für Händler aller Stufen jederzeit und überall sofort verfügbar ist" +msgid "Make sure your device's camera works" +msgstr "" -msgid "Analyse and test the domains and subdomains listed in the scope." -msgstr "Analysieren und testen Sie die Domains und Subdomains, die im Geltungsbereich aufgelistet sind." +msgid "Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "Analyse the financial markets using beautiful visualisations and unique trading tools, powered by a fast and intuitive interface." -msgstr "Analysieren Sie die Finanzmärkte mit schönen Visualisierungen und einzigartigen Handels-Tools, angetrieben durch eine schnelle und intuitive Schnittstelle." +msgid "Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "Analyse the markets with an extensive range of indicators, price bands, and overlays." -msgstr "Analysieren Sie die Märkte mit einer umfangreichen Reihe an Indikatoren, Preisspannen, und Overlays." +msgid "Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "Android" -msgstr "Android" +msgid "Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face" +msgstr "" -msgid "Another major award. This time we're nominated by the online readers of Global Banking and Finance Review and judged by a panel of industry experts and analysts who recognise our 13 years of platform reliability, range of trades, pricing, customer service and extensive knowledge." -msgstr "Eine weitere bedeutende Auszeichnung. Dieses Mal wurden wir von den online Lesern des Global Banking and Finance Review nominiert und von einer Branchenexpertengruppe und Analytikern bewertet, die unsere 13 Jahre an Plattform-Zuverlässigkeit, Trading-Möglichkeiten, Preisgestaltung, Kundenbetreuung und umfassendes Wissen ausgezeichnet haben." +msgid "Make sure§" +msgstr "" -msgid "Answer to secret question" -msgstr "Antwort auf die Geheimfrage" +msgid "Mar" +msgstr "" -msgid "Anti-corruption policy" +msgid "March" msgstr "" -msgid "Anti-money laundering policy" +msgid "Matches/Differs" msgstr "" -msgid "Anticipated account turnover" -msgstr "Erwarteter Kontoumsatz" +msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." +msgstr "" -msgid "Any amendments to the contractual terms of Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be reasonable and fair and may involve closing and/or opening of positions, placing/deleting Orders without the client's involvement, making changes in Open Positions, deleting trades from trading history, etc. Monies exchanged between the client and the Company in connection with the Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be returned to the recipient according to the amendments made to the contractual terms and conditions of this agreement." +msgid "Maximum payout" msgstr "" -msgid "Any changes in the Company's privacy policy or security statement will be posted on this website. For any material changes that directly affect the economic use of the client's personal information, the Company will request the client's prior authorisation in writing before effecting such changes on the client's account." +msgid "May" msgstr "" -msgid "Any client that is employed in the banking and/or finance sector must only conduct trades through the website with the knowledge of his/her employer and in accordance with the employer's policies." +msgid "Menu" msgstr "" -msgid "Any disputes, controversy, or claims that arise out of or relating to this Agreement against the Company will be referred to, and finally determined by, an arbitration firm selected by the Company. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings will be English. Judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The Affiliate is also responsible for any and all costs related to such arbitration." +msgid "Minimum of %1 characters required." msgstr "" -msgid "Any event capable to have a material adverse effect on the Agent's ability to perform any of their duties and obligations in accordance with this agreement" +msgid "Minimum:" msgstr "" -msgid "Any failure on the Programmer's part to maintain the security of any security devices or procedures used in or in association with the %1 API" +msgid "Minute" msgstr "" -msgid "Any form of spam will result in the Affiliate's account being placed under review and all funds due being withheld pending an investigation into the Affiliate's account. The Affiliate needs to be aware that %1 is liable to incur expenses in dealing with spam generated mail and these same expenses will be deducted from the Affiliate's account. In this instance, the amount determined will be fair and deemed final and acceptable based on good faith, and such amount will be collectable by law and deemed to have been accepted by the Affiliate as fair and reasonable and as agreed to by registration as an affiliate of %1." +msgid "Mo" msgstr "" -msgid "Any information given on these pages, and/or emails or newsletters sent by the Company related thereto, is not intended as financial or investment advice and the Company will not accept any liability in this respect." +msgid "Monday" msgstr "" -msgid "Any information that the Agent provided or will provide to the Company in relation to the Agent's financial position, domicile, or other matters is accurate and not misleading." +msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." msgstr "" -msgid "Any information which the client provides or have provided to the Company in respect of their financial position, domicile, or other matters is accurate and not misleading in any material respect." +msgid "Move away from direct light" msgstr "" -msgid "Any instance where the Company believes that that person's activities at this site may be illegal in that person's country or state" -msgstr "wenn Grund besteht anzunehmen, dass die Aktivitäten der Person auf der Site illegal im Land oder dem Staat der Person sind" +msgid "Move away from direct light — no glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "Any instance where the Company may be approached or contacted by legal authorities or regulators from that person's country or state" -msgstr "wenn das Unternehmen von der Justiz- oder Regulierungsbehörde des Landes oder Staates der Person dazu aufgefordert werden könnte" +msgid "Multi-Collateral" +msgstr "" -msgid "Any instance where the Company may suffer any pecuniary, fiscal, or regulatory disadvantage by virtue of that person's activities at this site" -msgstr "wenn das Unternehmen finanzielle, steuerliche oder behördliche Nachteile erleiden könnte" +msgid "Multiple faces found" +msgstr "" -msgid "Any notice given or made under this Agreement to the Company shall be by email to %1. The Company shall send the Affiliate any notices given or made under this Agreement to the email address supplied on the Affiliate's application form or such other email addresses as notified by the Affiliate to the Company." +msgid "Multiplier" msgstr "" -msgid "Any notice required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be emailed to the following addresses:" +msgid "Multiplier Down" msgstr "" -msgid "Any other consideration relevant to the execution of the transaction" -msgstr "Jede andere die Ausführung der Transaktion betreffende Berücksichtigung" +msgid "Multiplier Up" +msgstr "" -msgid "Any other information as requested by the Company" +msgid "Must be under 10MB." msgstr "" -msgid "Any restriction to its clients from purchasing any contracts during certain hours" -msgstr "um den Handel zu bestimmten Tageszeiten einzuschränken" +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" -msgid "Any third-party claims arising out of, or relating to, the Programmer's use of, or inability to use, the %1 API" +msgid "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" msgstr "" -msgid "Any trade opened by the client must be within the available balance or limits in effect with respect to MT5 Real Account or any transactions." +msgid "Net profit" msgstr "" -msgid "Anyone aged 18 years old and above who is not the resident of a \"restricted country\" (as listed in our %1Terms & Conditions%2) can become a %3 client." -msgstr "Jeder im Alter von 18 Jahren und darüber, der nicht ein Einwohner eines \"eingeschränkten Landes\" ist (wie in unseren %1Geschäftsbedingungen%2 aufgeführt), kann ein Kunde bei %3 werden." +msgid "Network status" +msgstr "" -msgid "Anyone who has potential to grow or increase traffic to %1" -msgstr "Jemand, der das Potential hat, den Traffic um %1 zu erhöhen oder zu vermehren" +msgid "Never" +msgstr "" -msgid "Appendix - Product specific policies" -msgstr "Anhang - Produkt-spezifische Richtlinien" +msgid "Never Used" +msgstr "" -msgid "Applicant's rights" -msgstr "Rechte des Bewerbers" +msgid "New Year's Day" +msgstr "" -msgid "Applications" -msgstr "Anwendungen" +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" -msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" +msgid "New token created." msgstr "" -msgid "Apply to become a %1 %2payment agent%3." -msgstr "Bewerben Sie sich als %2Zahlungsagent%3 von %1." +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" -msgid "Apply to become a Payment Agent" -msgstr "Bewerben Sie sich als Zahlungsagent" +msgid "No authentication required" +msgstr "" -msgid "Apply to become a contributor" -msgstr "Bewerben Sie sich als Beitragender" +msgid "No currency assigned" +msgstr "" -msgid "Approaching even the smallest task with an open mind and learning new skills." +msgid "No currency selected" msgstr "" -msgid "Appropriateness" -msgstr "Angemessenheit" +msgid "No document detected" +msgstr "" -msgid "Appropriateness test" +msgid "No face found" msgstr "" -msgid "Apr" -msgstr "Apr" +msgid "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" +msgstr "" -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" +msgid "No notifications" +msgstr "" -msgid "Architecture" -msgstr "Architektur" +msgid "No thanks" +msgstr "" -msgid "Are there any minimum client or volume conditions that I need to meet before I can withdraw my commissions?" -msgstr "Gibt es Mindestkunden- oder Volumen-Bedingungen, die ich erzielen muss, bevor ich meine Provisionen beheben kann?" +msgid "Not" +msgstr "" -msgid "Are you a Payment Agent, or interested in acting as one?" -msgstr "Sind Sie ein Zahlungsagent oder möchten Sie einer werden?" +msgid "Not announced for this currency." +msgstr "" -msgid "Are you a money manager who wants to easily manage multiple client accounts? Our %1Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM)%2 application gives you the ability to view, track, and trade on behalf of all MT5 client accounts under your control." -msgstr "Sind Sie ein Vermögensverwalter, der leicht mehrere Kundenkonten verwalten will? Unsere %1Multiple Account Manager (MAM)%2 Anwendung gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit im Namen aller MT5 Kundenkonten diese unter Ihrer Kontrolle einzusehen, zu verfolgen und zu handeln." +msgid "Note" +msgstr "" -msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the token" -msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Token endgültig löschen möchten" +msgid "Note:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently revoke access to the application" -msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Zugang zur Anwendung endgültig widerrufen möchten" +msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" -msgid "Are you sure you want to create a fiat account in %1?" +msgid "Notifications" msgstr "" -msgid "Are you sure you want to create your %1 account now?" +msgid "Nov" msgstr "" -msgid "Are you sure?" +msgid "November" msgstr "" -msgid "Armed Forces" -msgstr "Streitkräfte" +msgid "Now" +msgstr "" -msgid "As a Professional Client, you must keep us informed about any changes that may affect your status." -msgstr "Als professioneller Kunde müssen Sie uns über Änderungen, die Ihren Status beeinflussen könnten auf dem Laufenden halten." +msgid "Number of ticks:" +msgstr "" -msgid "As a first step, please send us an application with:" -msgstr "Als ersten Schritt müssen Sie uns eine Bewerbung senden mit:" +msgid "OAuth App ID" +msgstr "" -msgid "As a high-tech knowledge hub, Cyberjaya enjoys the presence of several multinational companies and private universities. This has created a vibrant, thriving community thanks to the many expats and international students who call Cyberjaya home." -msgstr "Als eine High-Tech-Wissensplattform genießt Cyberjaya das Vorhandensein mehrerer multinationaler Unternehmen und privater Universitäten. Dank der vielen Expats und internationalen Studierenden, die Cyberjaya Zuhause nennen, hat dies eine lebendige, blühende Gemeinschaft geschaffen." +msgid "Oct" +msgstr "" -msgid "As a result, the client's trades are executed at market as follows:" +msgid "October" msgstr "" -msgid "As a strong proponent of open source, we encourage publication of findings, methods, and tools via GitHub and our technical blog at %1 You will also assist our developers in understanding and patching the bugs that you find." -msgstr "Als ein starker Befürworter von Open Source, fördern wir die Veröffentlichung von Erkenntnissen, Methoden und Werkzeugen über GitHub und unseren technischen Blog unter %1 Sie werden unsere Entwickler auch dabei unterstützen, Fehler, die Sie finden, zu verstehen und zu patchen." +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "" -msgid "As an EU resident, you are also required to verify the above documents by %1video call%2." -msgstr "Als Einwohner der EU sind Sie auch dazu verpflichtet, die oben genannten Dokumente durch ein %1Videogespräch%2 zu überprüfen." +msgid "Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step" +msgstr "" -msgid "As an example, Expert Advisors might be able to be programmed for" -msgstr "Expert Advisors können zum Beispiel für Folgendes programmiert werden" +msgid "Online" +msgstr "" -msgid "As between the Programmer and the Company, the Company owns all rights, title, and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to, the %1 API and all elements, components, and executables of the %1 API." +msgid "Online trading platform" msgstr "" -msgid "As conclusion, keeping up with market news and trends in a certain sector can help you always " -msgstr "Als Schlussfolgerung, hilft es Ihnen immer, sich mit Marktnews und Trends in einem bestimmten Sektor informiert zu halten " +msgid "Only %1 are allowed." +msgstr "" -msgid "As expected, the seafood is affordable and simply amazing. Locals absolutely adore crayfish which they refer to as 'satak'. Despite being a small island, Labuan still offers so much in terms of culture; you can explore the island's rich history at the Labuan Museum, Peace Park, the Chimney, and Labuan Square. The island also has a vibrant nightlife." -msgstr "Wie man es sich erwartet, sind die Meeresfrüchte erschwinglich und einfach großartig. Einheimische lieben Krebse, die sie als 'Satak' bezeichnen. Obwohl sie eine sehr kleine Insel ist, bietet Labuan sehr viel im Bereich Kultur; Sie können die reiche Geschichte der Insel im historischen Museum von Labuan, im Friedenspark, dem Schornstein und im Labuan Square erkunden. Die Insel hat auch ein pulsierendes Nachtleben." +msgid "Only Downs" +msgstr "" -msgid "As long as the Programmer follows these Terms, the Company grants the Programmer a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, terminable licence to use the %1 API to develop, test, and support the Programmer's Application and to let the Programmer's customers use the Programmer's integration of the %1 API within the Programmer's Application." +msgid "Only Ups" msgstr "" -msgid "As our Accounts & Payments Executive, you will be able to contribute to all these key areas and increase the efficiency of our financial operations." -msgstr "Als unser Konten & Zahlungsleiter werden Sie zu diesen zentralen Bereichen beitragen und die Effizienz unserer finanziellen Transaktionen steigern." +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Back-End Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of writing robust, high-quality, and production-ready code. Your work will greatly contribute to the architecture that drives our high-traffic binary options trading website." -msgstr "Als unser Back-End-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, robuste, qualitativ hochwertige und Serienreife Codes zu schreiben. Ihre Arbeit trägt zur Architektur, die unsere stark frequentierte binäre Optionen Handelswebsite antreibt, bei." +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and these special characters are allowed: %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Compliance Executive, you must ensure that our group of companies worldwide conduct their business operations in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations - both national and international." -msgstr "Als unser Compliance-Leiter müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass unsere Unternehmensgruppe weltweit ihre Geschäftstätigkeit unter voller Einhaltung der relevanten Gesetze und Vorschriften- sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene durchführt." +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Copywriter, you will help us to craft copy and content that engages our audiences - both online and offline." -msgstr "Als unser Werbetexter werden Sie uns helfen, Kopien und Inhalte, die unser Publikum sowohl online als auch offline anspricht, zu erstellen." +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, comma, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of revamping our existing cashier system and infrastructure for our ICO launch. You will also drive all our future blockchain-based projects. Your work will greatly contribute to the architecture that drives our high-traffic binary options trading website." -msgstr "Als unser Kryptowährungs- bzw. Blockchain-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, existierende Kassensysteme für unsere ICO Markteinführung umzugestalten. Sie werden ebenfalls alle unsere zukünftigen Blockchain-Projekte steuern. Ihre Arbeit trägt zur Architektur, die unsere stark frequentierte binäre Optionen Handelswebsite antreibt, bei." +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for ID number (%1)." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Customer Support Executive, you will serve as the voice of the company, and help our customers resolve and reduce the issues they're facing with our products and services. The frontline is essential to our business and you are expected to deliver world-class customer service that creates customer loyalty and promotes business growth." -msgstr "Als unser Kundendienstleiter werden Sie als die Stimme des Unternehmens fungieren, und unseren Kunden dabei helfen, Probleme, die sie mit unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen haben, zu lösen und zu reduzieren. Die Frontlinie ist wesentlich für unser Geschäft, und es wird erwartet, dass Sie einen Weltklasse Kundenservice liefern, der Kundenbindung schafft und Wachstum fördert." +msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our DevOps Engineer, you will have a critical role in our approach to our infrastructure and operations. The stability and scalability of our applications have a direct impact on our bottom line. This means that you will be taking on a mission critical role." -msgstr "Als unser DevOps Engineer haben Sie eine entscheidende Rolle im Umgang mit unserer Infrastruktur und unserem Betrieb. Die Stabilität und Skalierbarkeit unserer Anwendungen haben einen direkten Einfluss auf unser Endergebnis. Das heißt, dass Sie eine entscheidende Rolle einnehmen werden." +msgid "Only your face can be in the selfie" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Front-End Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of developing and maintaining advanced applications and interfaces that connect clients with our patented trading system." -msgstr "Als unser Front-End-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, anspruchsvolle Anwendungen und Schnittstellen, die Kunden mit unserem patentierten Handelssystem verbinden, zu entwickeln und zu verwalten." +msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Graphic Designer, you will develop high-impact graphics and visual elements such as images and icons for our websites and applications. You will play an essential role in creating user interface assets that bring our products and users closer together." -msgstr "Als unsere Grafiker entwickeln Sie eindrucksvolle Grafiken und visuelle Elemente wie Bilder und Symbole für unsere Websites und Anwendungen. Sie werden bei der Schaffung von Benutzeroberflächen, die unsere Produkte und Benutzer näher zusammenbringen, eine wichtige Rolle spielen." +msgid "Open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Human Resource Operations Executive, you will be counted on to lead, execute, and support a wide range of HR-related and administrative tasks to ensure the smooth operations of our offices worldwide." -msgstr "Als unser Human Ressource Geschäftsvorstand, wird von Ihnen erwartet, dass Sie eine breite Palette von HR-bezogenen und administrativen Aufgaben leiten, ausführen und unterstützen, um den reibungslosen Betrieb unserer Büros weltweit zu garantieren." +msgid "Open a Real Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Marketing Executive, you will coordinate and execute marketing campaigns across a variety of channels, and continuously identify the best ways to reach current and prospective customers." -msgstr "Als unser Marketing Executive werden Sie Marketing-Kampagnen für eine Vielzahl von Kanälen koordinieren und ausführen, und kontinuierlich nach den besten Wegen suchen, um bestehende und potenzielle Kunden zu erreichen." +msgid "Open a free account" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Perl Developer, you will be taking on the challenge of writing robust, high-quality, and production-ready code. Your work will greatly contribute to the architecture that drives our high-traffic binary options trading website." -msgstr "Als unser Perl-Entwickler nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an, robuste, qualitativ hochwertige und Serienreife Codes zu schreiben. Ihre Arbeit trägt zur Architektur, die unsere stark frequentierte binäre Optionen Handelswebsite antreibt, bei." +msgid "Open positions" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our PostgreSQL Database Administrator, you will plan, implement, and manage the database systems that are essential to the architecture of our high-traffic binary options trading platform." -msgstr "Als unser PostgreSQL Datenbank-Administrator, werden Sie Datenbank-Systeme, die wesentlich für die Architektur unserer stark frequentierten binäre Optionen Handelsplattform sind, planen, implementieren und verwalten." +msgid "Open the link and complete the tasks" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Risk Management Executive, we will depend on you to devise and execute effective analyses to identify potential risks to the Company and design and implement measures to eliminate such risks." -msgstr "Als unser Risiko Management Executive verlassen wir uns darauf, dass Sie effektive Analysen konzipieren und ausführen, um mögliche Risiken für das Unternehmen und das Design zu identifizieren und Maßnahmen umzusetzen, um solche Risiken zu beseitigen." +msgid "Open the link on your mobile" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Risk Management Executive, we will depend on you to identify, analyse, and take necessary measures to reduce or eliminate risks faced by the organisation." -msgstr "Als unser Risiko Management Executive verlassen wir uns darauf, dass Sie Risiken für das Unternehmen identifizieren und analysieren und Maßnahmen zu deren Verringerung oder Beseitigung ergreifen." +msgid "Open your new bank account" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Security Researcher, we expect you to stay informed about the latest security bulletins and findings, and actively monitor our software development pipeline to find and raise potential security issues." -msgstr "Als unser Sicherheitsexperte erwarten wir von Ihnen, dass Sie sich über die neuesten Security Bulletins und Erkenntnisse auf dem Laufenden halten, sowie unsere Software-Entwicklungs-Pipeline aktiv zu überwachen, um mögliche Sicherheitsprobleme zu finden und vorzubringen." +msgid "Opens" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Senior Financial Markets Analyst, you will manage the day-to-day risk of our trading books, conduct complex quantitative analysis, carry out performance testing, develop advanced data analytics tools, and support other related operations that have a direct impact on the profitability and future growth of our company." -msgstr "Als unser Senior Finanzmarkt-Analyst, werden Sie die täglichen Risiken unserer Handelsbücher verwalten, komplexe Quantitative-Analysen durchführen, Performance-Tests durchführen, erweiterte Daten-Analyse-Tools entwickeln und andere verwandte Vorgänge unterstützen, die eine direkte Auswirkung auf die Rentabilität und das Wachstum unseres Unternehmens haben." +msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Software Tester, we rely on you to run high-quality tests to ensure the stability, quality, and usability of our website and codebase with each software release." -msgstr "Als unsere Software-Tester setzen wir drauf, dass Sie qualitativ hochwertige Tests durchführen, um die Stabilität, Qualität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Website und Codebasis mit jedem Softwarerelease zu gewährleisten." +msgid "Our classic “drag-and-drop” tool for creating trading bots, featuring pop-up trading charts, for advanced users." +msgstr "" -msgid "As our Technical Marketing Executive, you will act on data-driven information and assist in troubleshooting issues to further nurture and grow our client base." -msgstr "Als unser Technischer Marketing Executive werden Sie auf datengestützte Informationen reagieren und dabei helfen, Fehler zu beheben, um unseren Kundenstamm weiter zu nähren und zu vergrößern." +msgid "Over/Under" +msgstr "" -msgid "As our UI/UX Designer, you will play a key role in conceptualising and defining user experience and interaction across multiple websites and applications." -msgstr "Als unser UI/UX-Designer werden Sie eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Konzeptualisierung und Definition der Benutzererfahrung und Interaktion über mehrere Websites und Anwendungen, spielen." +msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" -msgid "As soon as you click on the 'PURCHASE' button, your trade registers in your account. The price of your trade continues to update in real time." -msgstr "Sobald Sie den „KAUF\" Knopf klicken, wird Ihr Kontrakt in Ihrem Konto registriert. Der Preis Ihres Kontrakts wird weiterhin in Echtzeit aktualisiert." +msgid "PM" +msgstr "" -msgid "As the country's cultural heartbeat and economic centre, Asunción is undergoing an impressive economic boom that's resulting in widespread development across the city. Today, you'll find charming colonial buildings intermingling with modern office buildings, bustling shopping malls, and trendy eateries." -msgstr "Als kulturelles und wirtschaftliches Zentrum des Landes erlebt Asunción gerade einen beachtlichen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung und einen Bauboom, der sich quer durch die Stadt zieht. Heute finden Sie charmante Gebäude aus der Kolonialzeit neben modernen Bürogebäuden, geschäftigen Einkaufszentren und trendigen Restaurants." +msgid "Passport" +msgstr "" -msgid "Asian Down" -msgstr "Asiatisches Tief" +msgid "Passport photo page" +msgstr "" -msgid "Asian Up" -msgstr "Asiatisches Hoch" - -msgid "Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." -msgstr "Wenn der Kontrakt nicht innerhalb von 5 Minuten endet, werden asiatische Kontrakte zum Kaufpreis erstattet." - -msgid "Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period." -msgstr "Asiatische Optionen werden abgewickelt, indem der letzte Tick mit dem durchschnittlichen Kassakurs während des Zeitraums verglichen wird." - -msgid "Asians" -msgstr "Asiaten" - -msgid "Aside from the simplicity of its 'yes or no' proposition, binary options trading is also very flexible. It gives you the ability to trade:" -msgstr "Abgesehen von der Einfachheit seiner \"Ja\" oder \"Nein\" Proposition, ist der Handel mit binären Optionen auch sehr flexibel. Er gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit Folgendes zu handeln:" - -msgid "Aside from the three main trade types above, you also get Asians and Digits trade types exclusively with our Volatility Indices." -msgstr "Neben den drei wichtigsten Handels-Typen oben, erhalten Sie auch Asiaten und Ziffern- Trade-Arten ausschließlich mit unseren Volatilitätsindizes." - -msgid "Ask" -msgstr "Fragen Sie" - -msgid "Ask me later" -msgstr "Fragen Sie mich später" - -msgid "Ask price" -msgstr "Briefkurs" - -msgid "Ask the right questions to identify potential problems to be solved, the scope involved and the availability of relevant data." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Aspects of a client order not affected by specific instructions are subject to the application of %1's order execution policy. In the absence of specific instructions from clients, the Company will exercise its own discretion in determining the factors that are required to be taken into account for the purpose of providing clients with best execution, paying regard to the execution criteria listed below:" -msgstr "Aspekte einer Kundenorder, die von spezifischen Anweisungen nicht betroffen sind, unterliegen der Anwendung von %1s Order-Ausführungspolitik. Mangels spezifischer Anweisungen von Kunden, wird das Unternehmen die Faktoren nach eigenem Ermessen bestimmen, die erforderlich sind, um dem Kunden eine bestmögliche Ausführung unter Berücksichtigung der unten angeführten Ausführungskriterien zur Verfügung zu stellen:" - -msgid "Assessment of appropriateness" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Assessment of appropriateness of the requested service or product as BIEL assumes that the client appreciates the risks associated with such investment services and products offered by the Company" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Assessment of appropriateness of the requested service or product, as BIEL assumes that the client appreciates risk disclosures associated with the requested investment services and products offered by the Company" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Asset" -msgstr "Kapital" - -msgid "Asset Index" -msgstr "Vermögensindex" - -msgid "Asset index is unavailable in this country. If you have an active %1 account, please %2log in%3 for full access." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Assign and manage multiple sub-accounts seamlessly via one interface – the Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM)." -msgstr "Übertragen und verwalten Sie mehrere Sub-Konten nahtlos über eine einzige Schnittstelle - dem Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM)." - -msgid "Assigned manager's account ID:" -msgstr "Zugewiesene Manager Konto-ID:" - -msgid "Assignment" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Assist and participate in recruitment activities including career fairs and campus recruitment" -msgstr "Unterstützen Sie und beteiligen Sie sich an Recruiting Aktivitäten, einschließlich Karrieremessen und Campus-Rekrutierung" - -msgid "Assist backend developers in writing production-ready SQL code" -msgstr "Unterstützen Sie Backend-Entwickler dabei, Serienreifen SQL-Code zu schreiben" - -msgid "Assist cashier providers in setting up new payment systems and risk management settings" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Assist in management accounting for all companies within the Binary Ltd. group" -msgstr "Unterstützung in der Betriebsbuchführung für alle Unternehmen innerhalb der Binary Ltd. Gruppe" - -msgid "Assist in organizing online technical tests" -msgstr "Unterstützung bei der Organisation von technischen Onlinetests" - -msgid "Assist in preparing audit plans and programmes which includes functions, activities, objectives, scopes, and methodology" -msgstr "Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Revisionsplänen und Programmen, welche Funktionen, Aktivitäten, Ziele, Bereiche und Methodik umfassen" - -msgid "Assist in the daily IT requirements of our offices" -msgstr "Unterstützung bei den täglichen IT Anforderungen unserer Büros" - -msgid "Assist with regulatory audits and annual statutory audits of group companies worldwide" -msgstr "Unterstützung bei Aufsichtsprüfungen und gesetzlichen Jahresabschlussprüfungen von Konzerngesellschaften weltweit" - -msgid "Assisting to prepare monthly/yearly recruitment analytics and hiring status report" -msgstr "Unterstützung beim Vorbereiten von monatlichen/jährlichen Recruiting-Analysen und Einstellungs-Statusberichten" - -msgid "Associate" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Asunción" -msgstr "Asunción" - -msgid "Asunción has one of the lowest costs of living in the world, being ranked 386th out of 441 cities by Numbeo, the world's largest database of crowdsourced consumer data. International schools with a bilingual curriculum (Spanish and English) are popular among foreigners with children. You'll also have easy access to quality healthcare with well-equipped private hospitals staffed with English-speaking doctors." -msgstr "Asunción hat mit die niedrigsten Lebenshaltungskosten der Welt. Es wird auf Platz 386 von 441 in der Numbeo-Liste, der weltweit größten Crowdsourcing-Datenbank für Verbraucherdaten, geführt. Internationale Schulen mit zweisprachigem Unterricht (Spanisch und Englisch) sind bei Ausländern mit Kindern beliebt. Das Gesundheitssystem ist mit gut ausgestatteten privaten Kliniken mit Englisch sprechendem Personal exzellent." - -msgid "Asunción is the capital city of Paraguay and one of the oldest settlements in South America. In the past, colonial expeditions departed from Asunción to establish other important cities, leading to its nickname as the ‘Mother of Cities'." -msgstr "Asunción ist die Hauptstadt von Paraguay und eine der ältesten Siedlungen Südamerikas. Von hier aus starteten koloniale Expeditionen, um andere wichtige Städte zu gründen. So verdiente sich Asunción den Spitznamen \"Mutter aller Städte\"." - -msgid "Asunción, Paraguay" -msgstr "Asunción, Paraguay" - -msgid "At any time and for any reason or no reason, the Company, in its sole discretion, may do either of the following immediately:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "At bank rollover, liquidity in the Forex market is reduced and may increase the spread and processing time for client orders. This happens around 21:00 GMT during daylight saving time, and 22:00 GMT during non-daylight saving time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "At least 5 years of experience in affiliate marketing, growth hacking, business development, and other closely-related skills" -msgstr "Mindestens 5 Jahre Erfahrung im Geschäftspartner Marketing, Growth Hacking, in Geschäftsentwicklung und andere eng verwandte Fähigkeiten" - -msgid "At least one year of work experience in a similar role" -msgstr "Mindestens ein Jahr Berufserfahrung in einer ähnlichen Rolle" - -msgid "At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot." -msgstr "Wenn der Kurs zur Nachstellzeit in die entgegengesetzte Richtung Ihrer Vorhersage geht, wird die Schwelle auf diesen Kurs zurückgesetzt." - -msgid "Audit" -msgstr "Audit" - -msgid "Audit Page" -msgstr "Audit-Seite" - -msgid "Aug" -msgstr "Aug" - -msgid "August" -msgstr "August" - -msgid "Australia" -msgstr "Australien" - -msgid "Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar" -msgstr "Australischer Dollar gegen Kanadischen Dollar" - -msgid "Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Australischer Dollar gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar" -msgstr "Australischer Dollar gegen Neuseeländischen Dollar" - -msgid "Australian Dollar vs Singapore Dollar" -msgstr "Australischer Dollar gegen Singapur-Dollar" - -msgid "Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc" -msgstr "Australischer Dollar gegen Schweizer Franken" - -msgid "Australian Dollar vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Australischer Dollar gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Authenticate" -msgstr "Authentifizieren" - -msgid "Authenticate your account by verifying your identity and address." -msgstr "Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Konto, indem Sie Ihre Identität und Adresse bestätigen." - -msgid "Authenticate your account by video conference call. Follow these steps to proceed:" -msgstr "Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Konto durch eine Videokonferenz. Gehen Sie folgendermaßen vor um fortzufahren:" - -msgid "Authentication" -msgstr "Authentifizierung" - -msgid "Authorisation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Authorised Applications" -msgstr "Erlaubte Anwendungen" - -msgid "Authorised payment agents are exempted from paying any transfer fees." -msgstr "Zugelassene Zahlungsagenten sind von Überweisungsgebühren befreit." - -msgid "Authority" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Auto-trader programming tool" -msgstr "Auto-Handels Programmierwerkzeug" - -msgid "Automate your trading strategies with our simple, \"drag-and-drop\" bot creation tool." -msgstr "Automatisieren Sie Ihre Handelsstrategien mit unserem einfachen „ziehen und ablegen” Bot Gestaltungstool." - -msgid "Automatic adjustments of Take Profit levels" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Available 24/7" -msgstr "24/7 verfügbar" - -msgid "Available Currencies" -msgstr "Verfügbare Währungen" - -msgid "Available Markets" -msgstr "Vorhandene Märkte" - -msgid "Available markets" -msgstr "Vorhandene Märkte" - -msgid "Available payment methods" -msgstr "Vorhandene Zahlungsmethoden" - -msgid "Available trade types:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Average" -msgstr "Durchschnitt" - -msgid "Avoid the need to have an e-wallet" -msgstr "Vermeiden Sie die Notwendigkeit, ein e-Wallet haben zu müssen" - -msgid "Award-winning online trading platform" -msgstr "Ausgezeichnete Online-Handelsplattform" - -msgid "Award-winning trading excellence" -msgstr "Preisgekrönte Handelsspitzenleistung" - -msgid "B. Commencement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "B. Scope" -msgstr "B. Geltungsbereich" - -msgid "BETA" -msgstr "BETA" - -msgid "BIEL RTS28 for 2017" -msgstr "BIEL RTS28 für 2017" - -msgid "BIEL RTS28 for 2018" -msgstr "BIEL RTS28 für 2018" - -msgid "BIEL forms part of %1the Investor Compensation Scheme%2 (the \"Scheme\"), which is a rescue fund for investors that are clients of failed investment firms licensed by the MFSA. The Scheme covers 90% of the Company's net liability to a client in respect of investments that qualify for compensation under the Investment Services Act subject to a maximum payment to any one person of €20,000. The Scheme is based on EC Directive 97/9." -msgstr "" - -msgid "BIEL is a company established in Malta under registration number C70156 and having its registered office at W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta." -msgstr "" - -msgid "BIEL is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (\"MFSA\") under the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370, Laws of Malta) (the \"Act\") to carry on investment business. BIEL is authorised by the MFSA to deal on own account (i.e. offer and act as counterparty to trades) and to execute orders on behalf of other clients; both services are in relation to financial derivative products relating to foreign exchange, indices and other financial products or assets (\"Financial Products\"). BIEL is not authorised to and does not offer investment, financial, legal, tax, regulatory, and/or other types of advice or state an opinion in relation to a Transaction under any circumstances. Clients should get independent advice from an investment adviser if they have any doubts about dealing in financial products." -msgstr "" - -msgid "BIEL is entitled under the Rules to rely upon information provided by clients. Clients should ensure that they provide BIEL with accurate and complete information and notify BIEL in the event that any information supplied to BIEL changes. Clients should note that if they provide BIEL with inaccurate information, or if they fail to notify BIEL of any changes to information previously supplied by them, this may adversely affect the quality of the services that BIEL can provide." -msgstr "" - -msgid "BIEL is required to do so in accordance with any relevant law or regulation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "BIEL reserves the right to accept or refuse any requests for change in classification." -msgstr "" - -msgid "BIEL shall not be obliged to provide professional clients with the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "BTC" -msgstr "BTC" - -msgid "Bachelor's degree in computer science, or an equivalent combination of technical education, training, and work experience" -msgstr "Ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Computerwissenschaft oder eine gleichwertige Kombination aus technischer Ausbildung, Training und Berufserfahrung" - -msgid "Bachelor's degree in graphic design, interaction design, visual communication, multimedia, or equivalent" -msgstr "Ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Graphikdesign, interaktivem Design, visueller Kommunikation, Multimedia, oder einem Äquivalent" - -msgid "Bachelor's degree in graphic design, visual communication, multimedia, or equivalent" -msgstr "Ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Graphikdesign, visueller Kommunikation, Multimedia, oder einem Äquivalent" - -msgid "Bachelor's degree in marketing, business administration, or related discipline" -msgstr "Ein Bachelor-Abschluss in Marketing, Betriebswirtschaft oder einer ähnlichen Disziplin" - -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Zurück" - -msgid "Back to IB programme" -msgstr "Zurück zum IB Programm" - -msgid "Back to affiliate programme" -msgstr "Zurück zum Partnerprogramm" - -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Zurück zum Menü" - -msgid "Back to statement" -msgstr "Zurück zum Kontoauszug" - -msgid "Back-End Developer" -msgstr "Back-End Entwickler" - -msgid "Back-office support" -msgstr "Back-Office-Support" - -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Guthaben" - -msgid "Balance:" -msgstr "Guthaben:" - -msgid "Bank statement" -msgstr "Kontoauszug" - -msgid "Bank wire, credit card, e-wallet" -msgstr "Banküberweisung, Kreditkarte, e-Wallet" - -msgid "Bank wire/Money transfer" -msgstr "Banküberweisung/Geldtransfer" - -msgid "Bank your way" -msgstr "Bankgeschäfte nach Wunsch" - -msgid "Banking" -msgstr "Banking" - -msgid "Barrier" -msgstr "Schwelle" - -msgid "Barrier Change" -msgstr "Grenzänderung" - -msgid "Barrier offset" -msgstr "Schwellenverschiebung" - -msgid "Barrier(s)" -msgstr "Schwelle(n)" - -msgid "Base currency" -msgstr "Basiswährung" - -msgid "Based currency" -msgstr "Basiswährung" - -msgid "Based on the table below, can you tell what is the spread for the EUR/USD currency pair?" -msgstr "Auf der unten stehenden Tabelle basierend, wissen Sie, was die Spanne des Währungspaars EUR/USD ist?" - -msgid "Be involved in every phase of product development, from concept to execution to launch to give the product a distinct and consistent visual identity, as well as ensure that it fully serves the needs of the end user" -msgstr "Seien Sie in jeder Phase der Produktentwicklung dabei, vom Konzept, über die Ausführung bis hin zum Launch, um dem Produkt eine unverwechselbare und konsistente visuelle Identität zu geben, sowie sicherzustellen, dass es die Bedürfnisse des Endverbrauchers erfüllt" - -msgid "Be part of a 24/7 rotating shift schedule, alternating with Customer Support team members around the world" -msgstr "Werden Sie Teil eines 24/7 rotierenden Schichtplans, der sich mit Kunden-Support-Team-Mitgliedern auf der ganzen Welt abwechselt" - -msgid "Because of the leverage effect, the Margin required in Margined Transactions, and price changes in the Underlying Instruments, the client may suffer significant losses." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Become our partner" -msgstr "Werden Sie unser Partner" - -msgid "Before the Company opens an account for the client in which the client can trade or invest in Investment Products with BIEL, the Company is required to make an assessment of whether products or services that the client has chosen are appropriate for the client and to warn the client if, on the basis of the information that the client has provided to the Company, any such product or service is deemed not appropriate for the client. Any decision to open an account and to use the Company's products or services is the client's. It is the client's responsibility to understand the risks involved with the Company's products or services." -msgstr "Bevor wir für Sie ein Konto zum Handel mit den BIEL Anlageprodukten eröffnen können, sind wir verpflichtet zu beurteilen, ob diese Anlageprodukte oder Dienstleistungen für Sie geeignet sind. Auf Grundlage der von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen werden wir Sie warnen, wenn die Produkte nicht geeignet erscheinen. Jegliche Entscheidung, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu benutzen, liegt bei Ihnen. Sie sind verantwortlich, die damit verbundenen Risiken zu verstehen." - -msgid "Before using the trading robots or Expert Advisors and forward trade, the client should test it on a demo account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Beginner" -msgstr "Anfänger" - -msgid "Being in touch with the latest tools and technology related to your role." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Benefits" -msgstr "Vorteile" - -msgid "Benefits of being a Payment Agent" -msgstr "Die Vorteile, ein Zahlungsagent zu sein" - -msgid "Best execution factors" -msgstr "Beste Ausführungsfaktoren" - -msgid "Best execution is the requirement to take all sufficient steps to obtain, when executing orders, the best possible result for the client, taking into account price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, nature, or any other consideration relevant (hereinafter referred to as the \"Execution Factors\") to the execution of the order." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Best execution policy" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Best execution requirements" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Best of all, there is no minimum deposit requirement." -msgstr "Und das Beste ist, dass keine Mindesteinlage erforderlich ist." - -msgid "Best of all, your commissions are credited into your account instantly." -msgstr "Und das Beste ist, dass Ihre Provisionen sofort Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben werden." - -msgid "BetOnMarkets goes live" -msgstr "BetOnMarkets geht online" - -msgid "BetOnMarkets.com has over 400,000 clients in its database and reach the US$ 1 billion milestone in only our 13th year, making us one of the leading fixed-odds trading providers." -msgstr "BetOnMarkets.com hat über 400.000 Kunden in der Datenbank und hat den Meilenstein von US$ 1 Milliarde in nur 13 Jahren erreicht, was uns zu den führenden Anbietern im Handel von Fixed-Odds gemacht hat." - -msgid "BetOnMarkets.com increases payouts to 100,000 USD, EUR, GBP and AUD" -msgstr "BetOnMarkets.com erhöht die Auszahlungen auf 100.000 USD, EUR, GBP und AUD" - -msgid "BetOnMarkets.com is successfully rebranded %1" -msgstr "BetOnMarkets.com wurde erfolgreich zu %1 umfirmiert" - -msgid "BetOnMarkets.com reaches $1 billion turnover since starting in 1999" -msgstr "BetOnMarkets.com erreicht seit der Gründung in 1999 einen Umsatz von 1 Miliarde $" - -msgid "Betting system and method" -msgstr "Wettsystem und Methode" - -msgid "Bid" -msgstr "Gebot" - -msgid "Bid and Ask Price(s) of each financial instrument in the transaction system, quoted at market price at the moment of pricing" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Bid price" -msgstr "Gebotspreis" - -msgid "Binary (BVI) Ltd" -msgstr "Binary (BVI) Ltd" - -msgid "Binary (BVI) Ltd," -msgstr "Binary (BVI) Ltd," - -msgid "Binary (BVI) Ltd, Kingston Chambers, P.O. Box 173, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Licensed and regulated by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission - %1view licence%2." -msgstr "Binary (BVI) Ltd, 2nd Floor, O’Neal Marketing Associates Building, Wickham’s Cay II, P.O. Box 3174, Road Town, Tortola VB1110, British Virgin Islands ist lizensiert und reguliert von der British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission - %1Lizenz anzeigen%2." - -msgid "Binary (Europe) Limited" -msgstr "Binary (Europe) Limited" - -msgid "Binary (Europe) Limited, W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta. Licensed and regulated (for gambling products only - %1's Volatility Indices) by the Malta Gaming Authority in Malta (licence no. %2) - %3view licence%4 and also maintains an Irish licence. For UK clients by the UK Gambling Commission - %5view licence%4." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary (Europe) Ltd & Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033" -msgstr "Binary (Europe) Ltd & Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033" - -msgid "Binary (Europe) Ltd," -msgstr "Binary (Europe) Ltd," - -msgid "Binary (Europe) Ltd, or" -msgstr "Binary (Europe) Ltd, oder" - -msgid "Binary (FX) Ltd" -msgstr "Binary (FX) Ltd" - -msgid "Binary (FX) Ltd," -msgstr "Binary (FX) Ltd," - -msgid "Binary (FX) Ltd, Lot No. F16, First Floor, Paragon Labuan, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87000 Federal Territory of Labuan" -msgstr "Binary (FX) Ltd, Lot No. F16, First Floor, Paragon Labuan, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87000 Federal Territory of Labuan" - -msgid "Binary (FX) Ltd, or" -msgstr "Binary (FX) Ltd, oder" - -msgid "Binary (FX) Ltd., Lot No. F16, First Floor, Paragon Labuan, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87000 Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Licensed and regulated by the Labuan Financial Services Authority to carry on a money-broking business %1(licence no. MB/18/0024)%2." -msgstr "Binary (FX) Ltd., Lot Nr. F16, First Floor, Paragon Labuan, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87000 Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Lizenziert und reguliert von der Labuan Financial Services Authority, um ein Geldmaklergeschäft zu betreiben %1(Lizenznr.: MB/18/0024)%2." - -msgid "Binary (IOM) Limited" -msgstr "Binary (IOM) Limited" - -msgid "Binary (IOM) Limited, First Floor, Millennium House, Victoria Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 4RW. Licensed and regulated by the Gambling Supervision Commission in the Isle of Man (current online gambling licence granted on the 31 August 2017) - %1view licence%2 and for UK clients by the UK Gambling Commission - %3view licence%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary (IOM) Ltd, First Floor, Millennium House, Victoria Road, Douglas, IM2 4RW" -msgstr "Binary (IOM) Ltd, First Floor, Millennium House, Victoria Road, Douglas, IM2 4RW" - -msgid "Binary (IOM) Ltd, or" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary (IOM) Ltd." -msgstr "Binary (IOM) Ltd." - -msgid "Binary (SVG) Ltd" -msgstr "Binary (SVG) Ltd" - -msgid "Binary (SVG) Ltd," -msgstr "Binary (SVG) Ltd," - -msgid "Binary (SVG) Ltd, Hinds Buildings, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; company number 25299 BC 2019." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary (V) Ltd" -msgstr "Binary (V) Ltd" - -msgid "Binary (V) Ltd," -msgstr "Binary (V) Ltd," - -msgid "Binary (V) Ltd, Govant Building, Port Vila, PO Box 1276, Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu. Licensed and regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission - %1view licence%2." -msgstr "Binary (V) Ltd, Govant Building, Port Vila, PO Box 1276, Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu. Lizensiert und reguliert von der Vanuatu Financial Services Commission - %1Lizenz anzeigen%2." - -msgid "Binary Bot" -msgstr "Binärer Bot" - -msgid "Binary Bot released" -msgstr "Binärer Bot freigegeben" - -msgid "Binary Coin" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary Grid" -msgstr "Binary Grid" - -msgid "Binary Grid is currently only available on Android devices." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary Group (hereinafter referred to as 'Binary Group companies', 'the Company') is commited to protecting the privacy and security of the applicant's personal information. This privacy notice sets out the types of data that the Company collects on the applicant. It also sets out how the Company collect and use the applicant' personal data, and how long it keeps them and other relevant information about the applicant's data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereafter referred to as 'GDPR') and Data Protection Act 2018." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary Group Services Sdn. Bhd., C-13, iTech Tower, Jalan Impact, Cyber 6, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan" -msgstr "Binary Group Services Sdn. Bhd., C-13, iTech Tower, Jalan Impact, Cyber 6, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan" - -msgid "Binary Group members are sometimes referred to collectively as \"%1\" or \"the Company\"." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Limited is entitled to provide services in another EU Member State through EU passporting rights. Refer to the map below for the list of EU countries that have access to %1 via EU passporting rights - freedom to provide cross border services." -msgstr "Binary Investments (Europe) Limited ist dazu berechtigt, Dienstleistungen in einem anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat durch mit einem EU-Pass verbundene Rechte anzubieten. Für eine Liste der EU-Länder, die Zugang zu %1 über mit einem EU-Pass verbundene Rechte haben, beziehen Sie sich auf die untenstehende Karte - Freiheit grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungen anzubieten." - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd" -msgstr "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd" - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd aggregates the Bid and Ask prices from a pool of liquidity providers to determine and offer the client the best available price of the instrument. The Company is always the final counterparty to the client's Transactions. The Company may execute Orders on behalf of its client, wherein the Company will act as a broker and pass on the Order to the liquidity provider for execution. Alternatively, the Company may also keep the client's Order on its own account, wherein the Company will take the other side of the client's trade. It is further noted that the Company may make a profit as a result of the client's losses and vice-versa. Further details can be found under Conflicts of interest policy and Order execution policy." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta. Licensed and regulated as a Category 3 Investment Services provider by the Malta Financial Services Authority (%1licence no. IS/70156%2)." -msgstr "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta. Lizenziert und reguliert als Wertpapierdienstleister der Kategorie 3 durch die Malta Financial Services Authority (%1Lizenznummer IS/70156%2)." - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, or" -msgstr "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd oder" - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd." -msgstr "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd." - -msgid "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. is required to collect your tax information." -msgstr "Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. ist dazu verpflichtet, Ihre Steuerinformationen zu sammeln." - -msgid "Binary KK granted Japan license" -msgstr "Binary KK wurde eine Lizenz für Japan erteilt" - -msgid "Binary Limited" -msgstr "Binary Limited" - -msgid "Binary Limited, with registered office at 47 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE1 0BD, Channel Islands, is the holding company for the subsidiaries listed below." -msgstr "Binary Limited, mit eingetragenem Firmensitz in 47 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, JE1 0BD Kanalinseln, ist die Holdinggesellschaft für die unten angeführten Tochtergesellschaften." - -msgid "Binary Options" -msgstr "Binäre Optionen" - -msgid "Binary Options Trading has been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." -msgstr "Der Handel mit binären Optionen wurde auf Ihrem Konto deaktiviert. Bitte %1kontaktieren Sie den Kundensupport%2, um Unterstützung zu erhalten." - -msgid "Binary Shop" -msgstr "Binary Shop" - -msgid "Binary WebTrader" -msgstr "Binary WebTrader" - -msgid "Binary granted Investment Services license" -msgstr "Binary wurde eine Lizenz für Investmentdienstleistungen erteilt" - -msgid "Binary in Numbers" -msgstr "Binary in Zahlen" - -msgid "Binary may assign any or all of its rights under this Agreement to a third party." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary opens Japan office" -msgstr "Binary eröffnet eine Zweigstelle in Japan" - -msgid "Binary option" -msgstr "Binäre Option" - -msgid "Binary options" -msgstr "Binäre Optionen" - -msgid "Binary options allow you to trade on a wide range of underlying markets. One of the advantages of trading binary options is that you are not buying or selling an actual asset, only a contract that determines how that asset performs over a period of time. This limits your risk and makes it easy for anyone to start trading." -msgstr "Sie können binäre Optionen auf einer Vielzahl von zugrundeliegenden Märkten handeln. Einer der Vorteile des Handels mit binären Optionen ist, dass Sie eine tatsächliche Anlage weder kaufen noch verkaufen, sondern nur einen Kontrakt, der bestimmt wie diese Anlage über einen bestimmten Zeitraum hinweg performt. Dies schränkt Ihr Risiko ein und macht es für jedermann leicht, mit dem Handel zu beginnen." - -msgid "Binary options trading experience" -msgstr "Binäre Optionen Handelserfahrung" - -msgid "Binary options trading frequency" -msgstr "Binäre Optionen Handelshäufigkeit" - -msgid "Binary options trading is relatively easy. You can purchase a contract in just three steps:" -msgstr "Der Handel mit binären Optionen ist relativ einfach. Sie können einen Kontrakt in nur drei Schritten erwerben:" - -msgid "Binary options transactions fall out of the scope of this Multi-Account Manager (MAM) Agreement." -msgstr "Transaktionen mit binären Optionen fallen aus dem Geltungsbereich dieser Multi-Account Manager (MAM) Vereinbarung." - -msgid "Binary shall have the absolute discretionary power to accept or reject an application to open an Account by a client introduced by the Introducing Broker." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary shall pay Commissions for any trades placed by clients prior to the date of termination but shall not be liable to pay Commissions for any trades placed by clients on or after the date of termination. In the case of the Introducing Brokers who are contracted with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, any pending Commission from the CPA deal prior to the date of termination shall be paid in full." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary will pay the Commission to the Introducing Broker before or on the 15th day of the month following the calendar month in which the trades were made (Due Date)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Binary's Japanese subsidiary Binary KK is licensed by the KLFB as a Type 1 Financial Instruments Business in Japan." -msgstr "Binarys japanische Tochtergesellschaft Binary KK, ist von der KLFB (Kanto Local Finance Bureau) als ein Typ 1 Finanzinstrumente-Unternehmen in Japan lizensiert." - -msgid "Binary's Japanese subsidiary Binary KK opens an office in Tokyo and starts the process of applying for relevant licenses." -msgstr "Binary KK, die japanische Tochtergesellschaft von Binary, eröffnet ein Büro in Tokio und beginnt, die erforderlichen Lizenzen zu beantragen." - -msgid "Binary's Maltese subsidiary Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. is granted a Category 3 Investment Services license by the Malta Financial Services Authority." -msgstr "Der Binary Tochtergesellschaft Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. wurde von der Maltesischen Finanzdienstleistungsaufsichtsbehörde eine Kategorie 3 Investmentdienstleistungen Lizenz erteilt." - -msgid "Binary's platform transacts on average %1 %2transactions%3 per second, 24/7" -msgstr "Auf der Binary Platform werden im Durchschnitt %1 %2Transaktionen%3 pro Sekunde, rund um die Uhr, abgewickelt" - -msgid "Binary.com Graduate Program" -msgstr "Binary.com Graduate Programm" - -msgid "Binary.com recommends" -msgstr "Binary.com empfiehlt" - -msgid "Bitcoin" -msgstr "Bitcoin" - -msgid "Bitcoin Cash vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Bitcoin Cash gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Bitcoin is the world's first decentralised cryptocurrency, created in 2009. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "Bitcoin ist die weltweit erste dezentrale Kryptowährung, im Jahr 2009 erstellt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "Bitcoin vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Bitcoin gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Blockchain technology – All cryptocurrencies use a variation of blockchain technology (a kind of public ledger) to score records of each transaction. " -msgstr "Blockchain Technologie – Alle Kryptowährungen verwenden eine Variante der Blockchain-Technologie (eine Art öffentlicher Ledger), um Aufzeichnungen über jede Transaktion zu erhalten. " - -msgid "Blogger and vlogger" -msgstr "Blogger und Vlogger" - -msgid "Boom 1000 Index" -msgstr "Boom 1000 Index" - -msgid "Boom 500 Index" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Both the deposit and the bonus amounts are clearly displayed when this type of promotion is available. By way of example, if the client chooses to participate in a \"Get $25 when you deposit $100\" promotion, the Company will add an additional $25 to the client's account when the client deposits $100, AND when the client has purchased at least $125 worth of trades ($25 * 5= $125). The bonus will only be credited to the client's account when both of these conditions are met." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Brand of first car" -msgstr "Marke des ersten Autos" - -msgid "Browse and trade securely on your preferred device" -msgstr "Browsen und handeln Sie sicher auf Ihrem bevorzugten Gerät" - -msgid "Browser" -msgstr "Browser" - -msgid "Build a rewarding and long-term business relationship with an industry pioneer" -msgstr "Bauen Sie eine einträgliche langfristige Geschäftsverbindung mit einem Pionier der Branche auf" - -msgid "Build our applicant database by researching and contacting various sources (eg: universities and job portals)" -msgstr "Entwickeln Sie unsere Bewerberdatenbank, durch die Erforschung und Kontaktaufnahme mit verschiedenen Quellen (z. B.: Universitäten und Job-Portale)" - -msgid "Build security tools and processes for critical infrastructure monitoring, protection, and mitigation" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie sicherheits-Tools und Prozesse, um kritische Infrastrukturen zu überwachen, zu schützen und zu minimieren" - -msgid "Build, maintain, and optimise the technology that powers our servers, applications, and Databases" -msgstr "Erstellen, pflegen und optimieren Sie die Technologie, die unsere Server, Anwendungen und Datenbanken mit Energie versorgt" - -msgid "Build, maintain, and optimise the technology that powers our servers, applications, and databases" -msgstr "Erstellen, pflegen und optimieren Sie die Technologie, die unsere Server, Anwendungen und Datenbanken mit Energie versorgt" - -msgid "Builds trading applications and interfaces using the %1 API" -msgstr "Erstellt Applikationen, die das %1 API nutzen" - -msgid "Business Day" -msgstr "" - -msgid "But if you are new to Forex or financial trading of any kind, there is still a long way to go before you even purchase your first contract. This is why we have come up with a basic, step-by-step tutorial to help you bridge that gap and make your first trade." -msgstr "Aber wenn Sie neu bei Forex oder beim Finanzhandel jeglicher Art sind, haben Sie noch einen langen Weg vor sich, bevor Sie Ihren ersten Kontrakt kaufen. Deshalb haben wir uns eine einfache Schritt für Schritt Anleitung ausgedacht, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, diese Lücke zu überbrücken und Ihren ersten Handel zu tätigen." - -msgid "Buy" -msgstr "Kaufen" - -msgid "Buy = go long" -msgstr "Kaufen = lang gehen" - -msgid "Buy or sell all four available precious metals – depending on your market view. Also, learn what factors affect prices." -msgstr "Kaufen oder verkaufen Sie alle vier verfügbaren Edelmetalle – je nach Ihrem Blick auf den Markt. Erfahren Sie außerdem, welche Faktoren die Preise beeinflussen." - -msgid "Buy price" -msgstr "Kaufpreis" - -msgid "Buy the contract or re-define your position." -msgstr "Kaufen Sie den Kontrakt oder definieren Sie Ihre Position neu." - -msgid "Buy your first currency pairs" -msgstr "Kaufen Sie Ihre ersten Währungspaare" - -msgid "By accepting this Agreement, you agree to authorise the Money Manager to manage your Account on your behalf in accordance with the Client Agreement." -msgstr "Mit Annahme dieses Vertrages, stimmen Sie zu, den Vermögensverwalter dazu zu ermächtigen, Ihr Konto in Ihrem Namen gemäß der Kundenvereinbarung zu verwalten." - -msgid "By adhering to the following measures, the Company is committed to making sure that the client's personal data and transactions are secure:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "By clicking Accept below and proceeding with the Account Opening you should note that you may be exposing yourself to risks (which may be significant, including the risk of loss of the entire sum invested) that you may not have the knowledge and experience to properly assess or mitigate." -msgstr "Wenn Sie nachfolgend auf Annehmen klicken und mit der Kontoeröffnung fortfahren, müssen Sie beachten, dass Sie sich selbst Risiken aussetzen können (die erheblich sind, einschließlich des Verlusts des gesamten investierten Betrags), wenn Sie nicht das Wissen und die Erfahrung haben, diese richtig zu beurteilen oder abzuschwächen." - -msgid "By clicking OK, you confirm that you have read and accepted Terms & Conditions." -msgstr "Wenn Sie auf OK klicken, bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die aktualisierten allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zur Kenntnis genommen haben." - -msgid "By clicking buy or sell, the client's Order will be filled at the best possible price with either one of the Company's liquidity providers or on the Company's own books (according to the best streaming price at the time of the client's Order placement)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By default, all %1 clients are retail clients but anyone can request to be treated as a professional client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By default, the intelligent order routing system ensures that the top of the book is always comprised of the best Bids and Asks quoted by the competing liquidity providers. However, during times of market illiquidity, this may change with likelihood of execution being the primary execution factor." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By entering into an agreement with BIEL, the client understands that CFDs are highly speculative, complex products and carry a high degree of risk, especially those traded on Margin. Whilst the client may generate profit and increase their capital, they may also expose themselves to losing the entire sum invested, and their loss may exceed their deposit. The products referred to in this agreement are not appropriate for everyone. The client acknowledges that the trading services described in this agreement are designed for clients who are knowledgeable and experienced in the types of Transactions described in this agreement, and the client fully understands the associated risks before entering into this agreement with BIEL." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By indicating acceptance of these terms and conditions and continuing with application to join the Company's Affiliate Programme, the Affiliate is agreeing to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. If the Affiliate does not agree with the terms and conditions (or is not authorised to do so), the Affiliate should not continue with the application." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By indicating the acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and continuing with the Introducing Broker application to join the Company's Introducing Broker programme, the Introducing Broker is hereby agreeing with all the terms and provisions stated herein." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By opening an MT5 Real Account with %1, the client represents, warrants, and undertakes the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "By opting to be treated as a Professional Client, we shall not presume that you possess market knowledge and experience as defined by the term 'Professional Client'. We will contact you with the relevant form to complete and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your request for this Categorization meets the aforementioned criteria, including, but not limited to copies of:" -msgstr "Mit der Entscheidung als professioneller Kunde behandelt zu werden, werden wir nicht davon ausgehen, dass Sie über Marktkenntnisse und Erfahrung verfügen, wie es durch den Begriff \"Professioneller Kunde\" definiert ist. Wir werden Sie kontaktieren, um das relevante Formular auszufüllen, und wir werden alle angemessenen Maßnahmen unternehmen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Anfrage für diese Kategorisierung den oben erwähnten Kriterien entspricht, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Kopien von:" - -msgid "By purchasing the %1\"Close-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1close%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." -msgstr "Durch den Kauf des %1\"Schluss-Tief\"%2 Kontrakts, gewinnen Sie den Multiplikator mal dem Unterschied zwischen dem %1Schluss%2 und %1Tief%2 über die Dauer des Kontrakts." - -msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1close%2 over the duration of the contract." -msgstr "Durch den Kauf des %1\"Hoch-Schluss\"%2 Kontrakts, gewinnen Sie den Multiplikator mal dem Unterschied zwischen dem %1Hoch%2 und %1Schluss%2 über die Dauer des Kontrakts." - -msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." -msgstr "Durch den Kauf des %1\"Hoch-Tief\"%2 Kontrakts, gewinnen Sie den Multiplikator mal dem Unterschied zwischen dem %1Hoch%2 und %1Tief%2 über die Dauer des Kontrakts." - -msgid "By registering a software application, website, or product that the Programmer creates or a service that the Programmer offers (an \"Application\"), the Programmer acknowledges that the Programmer has read and understood and agreed to be bound by these Terms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By submitting suggestions or other feedback regarding the %1 API to the Company (\"Contributions\"), the Programmer acknowledges and agrees to the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "By using or interacting with the %1 website, the client is giving permission to the use of the Google Analytics User ID Feature, which allows Google to capture the client's %1 login ID such as VRTC1234 and MT1234. When this feature is enabled, no personally identifiable information other than the client's %1 login ID, or other data that can be linked to such information by Google, is shared with or disclosed to Google." -msgstr "" - -msgid "By using the electronic trading system, including the MT5 trading platform, clients accept full responsibility for using such platforms and for any Orders transmitted via such platforms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "C. Definition of best execution" -msgstr "C. Definition der besten Ausführung" - -msgid "C. Provision of services" -msgstr "" - -msgid "CFD" -msgstr "CFD" - -msgid "CFD contract specifications" -msgstr "CFD Kontraktspezifikationen" - -msgid "CFD margin policy" -msgstr "CFD-Margin Richtlinie" - -msgid "CFD trading experience" -msgstr "CFD Handelserfahrung" - -msgid "CFD trading frequency" -msgstr "CFD Handelshäufigkeit" - -msgid "CFDs" -msgstr "CFDs" - -msgid "CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 78.6% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money." -msgstr "" - -msgid "CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money." -msgstr "CFDs sind komplexe Instrumente und kommen mit einem hohen Risiko des Geldverlustes, aufgrund der Hebelwirkung. Zwischen 74-89 % der Einzelhändler- Konten verlieren Geld beim Handel mit CFDs. Sie sollten sich überlegen, ob Sie verstehen, wie CFDs funktionieren, und ob Sie sich das hohe Risiko, Ihr Geld zu verlieren, leisten können." - -msgid "CFDs on commodities" -msgstr "" - -msgid "CFDs on indices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "CFH Clearing Limited" -msgstr "" - -msgid "CPA (EU only)" -msgstr "CPA (nur in der EU)" - -msgid "Call Spread" -msgstr "Call Spread" - -msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" -msgstr "Call Spread/Put Spread" - -msgid "Can I offer my referrals an incentive to sign up through my unique affiliate link rather than sign up directly?" -msgstr "Kann ich meinen empfohlenen Kunden ein Incentive anbieten, wenn sie sich über meinen einzigartigen Partner-Link, und nicht direkt anmelden?" - -msgid "Can be used to buy and sell contracts, renew expired purchases, and top-up virtual-money accounts." -msgstr "Kann verwendet werden, um Kontrakte zu kaufen und zu verkaufen, abgelaufene Kontrakte zu erneuern, und um virtuelle Konten aufzustocken." - -msgid "Can be used to open accounts, set settings, manage token usage, and more." -msgstr "Kann verwendet werden, um Konten zu eröffnen, Einstellungen vorzunehmen, die Token-Verwendung zu verwalten, und mehr." - -msgid "Can be used to view account activity, including settings, limits, balance sheets, trade purchase history, and more." -msgstr "Kann zur Anzeige der Kontenaktivität, einschließlich Einstellungen, Limits, Guthaben, Handelsverlauf, und mehr verwendet werden." - -msgid "Can be used to withdraw to payment agents, transfer funds between accounts, and set / clear cashier passwords." -msgstr "Kann verwendet werden, um Auszahlungen an Zahlungsagenten zu machen, Geld zwischen Konten zu transferieren und um Kassenpasswörter einzurichten oder zu löschen." - -msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" -msgstr "Können Sie 15 Minuten erübrigen?" - -msgid "Can't figure it out on when to buy and sell? Here is a simple way of looking at it:" -msgstr "Sie wissen nicht, wann Sie kaufen oder verkaufen sollten? Hier ist eine einfache Art es zu betrachten:" - -msgid "Can't find what you're searching for?" -msgstr "Sie finden nicht, wonach Sie suchen?" - -msgid "Can't make heads or tails of currency pairs? Here is a simple way of looking at it:" -msgstr "Die Währungspaare ergeben keinen Sinn? Hier ist eine einfache Art es zu betrachten:" - -msgid "Can't miss in Asunción" -msgstr "Nicht zu übersehen in Asunción" - -msgid "Can't miss in Cyberjaya" -msgstr "Können Sie in Cyberjaya nicht verpassen" - -msgid "Can't miss in Dubai " -msgstr "Nicht zu übersehen in Dubai " - -msgid "Can't miss in Labuan" -msgstr "Können Sie in Labuan nicht verpassen" - -msgid "Can't miss in Malta" -msgstr "Können Sie in Malta nicht verpassen" - -msgid "Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Kanadischer Dollar gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc" -msgstr "Kanadischer Dollar gegen Schweizer Franken" - -msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "Abbrechen" - -msgid "Capacity to multitask, balance deadlines, and reliably deliver high-quality content" -msgstr "Fähigkeit zum Multitasking, Einhaltung von Abgabeterminen und zuverlässige Ablieferung von qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten" - -msgid "Careers" -msgstr "Karrieren" - -msgid "Careers - Asunción" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Careers - Cyberjaya" -msgstr "Karriere - Cyberjaya" - -msgid "Careers - Dubai" -msgstr "Karriere - Dubai" - -msgid "Careers - Labuan" -msgstr "Karriere - Labuan" - -msgid "Careers - Malta" -msgstr "Karriere - Malta" - -msgid "Carefully handpicked network of liquidity providers allow us to pass on tight spreads and competitive margins to both retail and institutional clients" -msgstr "Ein sorgfältig ausgesuchtes Netzwerk von Liquiditätsanbietern ermöglicht es uns, enge Spreads und wettbewerbsfähige Margen an Einzelhandels- und institutionelle Kunden weiterzugeben" - -msgid "Cash Business" -msgstr "Cash-Geschäft" - -msgid "Cash Indices" -msgstr "Cash Indizes" - -msgid "Cashier" -msgstr "Kasse" - -msgid "Cashier Password" -msgstr "Kasse Passwort" - -msgid "Cashier password" -msgstr "Kasse Passwort" - -msgid "Cashier session expired" -msgstr "Kassierer-Sitzung abgelaufen" - -msgid "Certain limits are imposed as to the acceptable levels for barrier/strike prices of contracts. Typically, the barrier/strike may not be too close nor too far from the current underlying market level." -msgstr "Für die Schwellen-/Ausübungskurse von Kontrakten werden angemessene Quotierungen festgelegt. Normalerweise darf die Schwelle/Ausübung weder zu weit weg noch zu nah am zugrundeliegenden aktuellen Marktkurs liegen." - -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Veränderung" - -msgid "Change API Endpoint" -msgstr "API Endpoint ändern" - -msgid "Change MT5 password" -msgstr "MT5 Passwort ändern" - -msgid "Change Password" -msgstr "Passwort ändern" - -msgid "Change password" -msgstr "Passwort ändern" - -msgid "Change the Margin rate in relation to both Open Positions and new Orders" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Change the password used for deposits and withdrawals." -msgstr "Ändern Sie das für Einzahlungen und Auszahlungen verwendete Passwort." - -msgid "Change your main login password." -msgstr "Ändern Sie Ihr Login-Passwort." - -msgid "Changes to this privacy policy" -msgstr "Änderungen dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie" - -msgid "Chart" -msgstr "Diagramm" - -msgid "Chart is not available for this underlying." -msgstr "Für diesen Basiswert gibt es kein Diagramm." - -msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" -msgstr "Die grafische Darstellung für diesen Basiswert ist verzögert" - -msgid "Charting platforms" -msgstr "Charting-Plattformen" - -msgid "Check address" -msgstr "Adresse prüfen" - -msgid "Check our systems against the latest attacks, vulnerabilities, and mitigations" -msgstr "Prüfen Sie unsere Systeme gegen die jüngsten Angriffe, Schwachstellen und Gegenmaßnahmen" - -msgid "Check out some technical terms before you start." -msgstr "Bevor Sie beginnen, sollten Sie sich einige technische Begriffe ansehen." - -msgid "Check out the payment methods accepted by the payment agents in the list below." -msgstr "Sehen Sie sich in der nachfolgenden Liste die Zahlungsmethoden an, die von den Zahlungsagenten angenommen werden." - -msgid "Checked" -msgstr "Überprüft" - -msgid "Checking" -msgstr "Überprüfung" - -msgid "Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators" -msgstr "Vorstandsvorsitzende, leitende Beamte und Gesetzgeber" - -msgid "Choose a duration from 10 seconds to 365 days." -msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Laufzeit von 10 Sekunden bis zu 365 Tagen aus." - -msgid "Choose a password" -msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Passwort aus" - -msgid "Choose a payout and our system will calculate the stake required to purchase the contract." -msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Auszahlung und unser System wird den Einsatz, den Sie zum Kauf des Kontrakts benötigen, errechnen." - -msgid "Choose a payout from $1 to $50,000." -msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Auszahlung von 1$ bis 50.000$ aus." - -msgid "Choose an account" -msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Konto" - -msgid "Choose from 100+ tradable instruments, backed by award-winning technology and innovation since 2000." -msgstr "Wählen Sie aus 100 + handelbaren Instrumenten, unterstützt durch preisgekrönte Technologie und Innovation seit dem Jahr 2000." - -msgid "Choose from four available markets:" -msgstr "Wählen Sie aus vier verfügbaren Märkten:" - -msgid "Choose from over one million possible trade variations at any time, and customise your trades according to your preferred strategy" -msgstr "Wählen Sie jederzeit aus über 1 Million möglicher Handels-Variationen und passen Sie Ihre Geschäfte Ihrer bevorzugten Strategie an" - -msgid "Choose from three main trade types:" -msgstr "Wählen Sie aus drei der wichtigsten Handels-Typen:" - -msgid "Choose scopes:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Choose the market, trade type, duration, barrier, and payout." -msgstr "Wählen Sie den Markt, die Handelsart, Dauer, Barriere und Auszahlung." - -msgid "Choose the payment method you'd like to use." -msgstr "Wählen Sie die gewünschte Zahlungsmethode aus." - -msgid "Choose the payout you wish to receive from correctly predicting this contract." -msgstr "Wählen Sie die Auszahlung, die Sie durch die richtige Vorhersage dieses Kontrakts erhalten möchten." - -msgid "Choose the platforms and accounts you need, based on your personal trading style" -msgstr "Wählen Sie die Plattformen und die Konten, die Sie benötigen, basierend auf Ihrem persönlichen Handelsstil" - -msgid "Choose the specific type of API token that you need, based on the capabilities that you wish to make available." -msgstr "Wählen Sie auf der Grundlage der Möglichkeiten, die Sie gerne zur Verfügung stellen möchten, die spezifische Art des von Ihnen benötigten API-Tokens aus." - -msgid "Choose timeframes from 10 seconds to 365 days" -msgstr "Wählen Sie Zeitrahmen von 10 Sekunden bis zu 365 Tage aus" - -msgid "Choose your own strike." -msgstr "Wählen Sie Ihren eigenen Ausübungspreis aus." - -msgid "Choose your preferred programme, complete the application form, and receive your affiliate link upon approval." -msgstr "Wählen Sie Ihr Programm und füllen Sie das Bewerbungsformular aus. Nach Genehmigung erhalten Sie dann Ihren Partnerlink." - -msgid "Christmas Day" -msgstr "Weihnachtstag" - -msgid "Citizenship" -msgstr "Staatsbürgerschaft" - -msgid "City of Gold" -msgstr "Eine Stadt aus Gold" - -msgid "Classes of instruments" -msgstr "Klassen von Instrumenten" - -msgid "Cleaners and Helpers" -msgstr "Reinigungskräfte und Helfer" - -msgid "Clerks" -msgstr "Angestellter" - -msgid "Click OK to proceed." -msgstr "Klicken Sie OK, um fortzufahren." - -msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" -msgstr "Klicken Sie hier, um ein Finanzkonto zu eröffnen" - -msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" -msgstr "Klicken Sie hier, um ein Echtgeldkonto zu eröffnen" - -msgid "Click here to retry" -msgstr "Hier klicken, um es erneut zu versuchen" - -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Client classification" -msgstr "Kundenkategorisierung" - -msgid "Client money" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Client reporting" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Client withdrawals" -msgstr "Kundenauszahlungen" - -msgid "Client withdrawals prior to this year amounted to almost USD 500 million. More than USD 140 million worth of client withdrawals is expected this year." -msgstr "Vor Ablauf dieses Jahres beliefen sich Kunden-Auszahlungen auf fast 500 Millionen US-Dollar. In diesem Jahr werden Kunden-Auszahlungen im Wert von mehr als 140 Millionen US-Dollar erwartet." - -msgid "Client's Representation" -msgstr "Darstellung des Kunden" - -msgid "Client's deposits or withdrawals are immediately reflected in the corresponding master account balance in real time" -msgstr "Die Ein- oder Auszahlungen des Kunden spiegeln sich unmittelbar im entsprechenden Master-Kontostand in Echtzeit wider" - -msgid "Client's liability" -msgstr "Kundenhaftung" - -msgid "Clients" -msgstr "Kunden" - -msgid "Clients agree that the Company may use personal information provided by them in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. The personal information that clients provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients agree to be fully and personally liable for the due settlement of every transaction entered into under their account with the Company. This includes any transactions entered into by members of the client's family or entourage who have gained access to the account. Clients are responsible for ensuring that they alone control access to the account, and that no minors are granted access to trading on the website. In any case, clients remain fully liable for any and all positions traded on their account and for any credit card transactions entered into the site for their account. Each client also indemnifies the Company against all costs and losses of any kind whatsoever, as may be incurred by the Company as a result, direct or indirect, of the client's failure to perform or settle such a transaction." -msgstr "Der Kunde ist vollumfänglich und persönlich für die Begleichung einer jeden mit dem Unternehmen über sein Kundenkonto eingegangenen Transaktion haftbar. Dies umfasst auch Transaktionen, die von Familienmitgliedern des Kunden oder seinem Umfeld getätigt wurden, die Zugang zum Konto erlangt haben. Die Zugangskontrolle zum Kundenkonto liegt in der alleinigen Verantwortung des Kunden. Minderjährigen ist der Zugang zu verwehren. Der Kunde ist in jedem Fall für alle auf seinem Konto gehandelten Positionen, sowie für alle über sein Konto erfolgten Kreditkartentransaktionen vollumfänglich haftbar. Der Kunde ist gegenüber dem Unternehmen auch in Bezug auf alle Kosten und Verluste schadenersatzpflichtig, die dem Unternehmen aufgrund von direktem oder indirektem Fehlverhalten des Kunden bei der Durchführung oder Schließung einer solchen Transaktion entstehen." - -msgid "Clients agree to comply with the reasonable requests made by the Company for the purpose of verifying compliance with this term." -msgstr "die Kunden erklären, dass sie mit den angemessenen Forderungen, die vom Unternehmen zum Zweck einer Verifizierung der Einhaltung dieser Bedingung gestellt werden, einverstanden sind." - -msgid "Clients are also advised that their rights may be prejudiced if they provide the wrong information as the Company would not be in a position to act in their best interests." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients from the rest of the world (excluding certain countries such as the USA, Canada, Hong Kong) will have their FX and CFD Metatrader 5 account opened with Binary (BVI) Ltd. %1 is not available in the British Virgin Islands." -msgstr "Kunden aus dem Rest der Welt (mit Ausnahme bestimmter Länder wie den USA, Kanada, Hongkong) haben ihr FX und CFD Metatrader 5 Konto mit Binary (BVI) Ltd eröffnet. %1 ist auf den British Virgin Islands nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Clients from the rest of the world (excluding certain countries such as the USA, Canada, Hong Kong) will have their FX and CFD Metatrader 5 account opened with Binary (V) Ltd. %1 is not available in the Republic of Vanuatu." -msgstr "Kunden aus dem Rest der Welt (mit Ausnahme bestimmter Länder wie den USA, Kanada, Hongkong) haben ihr FX und CFD Metatrader 5 Konto mit Binary (V) Ltd eröffnet. %1 ist in der Republik Vanuatu nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Clients from the rest of the world (excluding certain countries such as the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong) will have their account opened with Binary (SVG) Ltd." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients from the rest of the world (excluding certain jurisdictions such as the USA, Canada, Japan, and the European Union) who wish to trade CFDs will have their MetaTrader 5 account opened with Binary (FX) Ltd. %1 is not available in Malaysia." -msgstr "Kunden aus dem Rest der Welt (mit Ausnahme von bestimmten Ländern wie den USA, Kanada, Japan und der Europäischen Union), die CFDs handeln möchten, bekommen ihr MetaTrader 5 Konto mit Binary (FX) Ltd eröffnet. %1 ist in Malaysia nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Clients have the opportunity to consider whether to ask for more information by sending an email to compliance@binary.com, in which case further details of the conflicts of interest policy will be made available." -msgstr "Kunden haben die Möglichkeit sich zu überlegen, ob sie weitere Informationen erhalten möchten, indem sie eine E-Mail an compliance@binary.com senden, in welchem Fall weitere Details der Interessenkonflikt-Richtlinie zur Verfügung gestellt werden." - -msgid "Clients hereby declare that they are dealing with BIEL outside the scope of their economic or professional activity, and BIEL will therefore treat the client as an individual retail client for the purposes of EMIR compliance, unless advised otherwise." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients may utilise this bonus only when a real money account is opened." -msgstr "Kunden können diesen Bonus nur verwenden, wenn sie ein Echtgeldkonto eröffnet haben." - -msgid "Clients must be aware that underage gambling is an offence. If a client, upon age verification, is proven to be underage, they will be deprived of any winnings and only deposits made shall be refunded." -msgstr "Kunden müssen sich bewusst sein, dass das Glücksspiel Minderjähriger eine Straftat ist. Wenn ein Kunde sich bei der Altersüberprüfung als minderjährig herausstellt, werden seine Gewinne einbehalten und nur Einsätze werden zurückerstattet." - -msgid "Clients must fill into the account opening form all requested details that establish their identity. Clients must give a valid identification, address, contact email address, and personal telephone number." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients must register personally." -msgstr "Kunden müssen sich in eigener Person anmelden." - -msgid "Clients need to satisfy at least two of the following criteria in order to receive Professional Client status:" -msgstr "Kunden müssen mindestens zwei der folgenden Kriterien erfüllen, um einen professionellen Kunden-Status zu erhalten:" - -msgid "Clients registered with Binary (IOM) Ltd can formally submit a complaint to their local Supervisory Authority." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients registered with Binary (IOM) Ltd or Binary (Europe) Ltd can raise their unresolved disputes with the alternative dispute resolution entity IBAS by filling the adjudication form on the ADR entity's %1website%2. Alternatively, they can make use of the European Commission's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform available %3here%4." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients registered with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd can raise their unresolved disputes with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services. Contact details and guidance on making a complaint with the Arbiter's Office can be found %1here%2." -msgstr "Kunden die mit Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd registriert sind, können ihre ungelösten Streitfälle mit dem Amt des Vermittlers für Finanzdienstleistungen (Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services) erheben. Kontaktdaten und eine Anleitung zur Einreichung einer Beschwerde mit dem Vermittler-Büro finden Sie %1hier%2." - -msgid "Clients shall not hold or pool third-party funds into their own account held with the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients should read these ST&Cs carefully as well as the Summary order execution policy and Summary conflicts policy, the applicable Contract details together with the Risk disclosure notice and any other documents that BIEL has supplied or in the future supplies to clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Clients who do not wish to renew the self-exclusion and make a request to begin trading again, shall be given one day to cool off before being allowed access to the website. It is important to note that contact must be made to our customer services via telephone. Email contact is not sufficient." -msgstr "Den Kunden, die ihren Selbstausschluss nicht erneuern möchten und bitten, wieder handeln zu können, muss ein Tag Bedenkzeit gegeben werden, bevor es ihnen ermöglicht wird, auf die Website zuzugreifen. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass der Kontakt mit unserem Kundendienst telefonisch erfolgen muss. Ein E-Mail Kontakt ist in diesem Fall nicht ausreichend." - -msgid "Clients who wish to self-exclude should be aware that the self-exclusion period is a minimum of six months and are given the option to extend it to a total of at least five years, immediately without any cooling-off period. When the self-exclusion period is set, the balance of funds in the client's account will be refunded to the client. At the end of the self-exclusion period, the self-exclusion remains in place, unless positive action is taken by the client in order to trade again." -msgstr "Kunden, die sich selbst ausschließen möchten, müssen beachten, dass der Zeitraum für den Selbstausschluss, ohne Widerrufsfrist und mit sofortiger Wirkung, mindestens sechs Monate beträgt, der bis auf mindestens fünf Jahre verlängert werden kann. Wenn der Zeitraum für den Selbstausschluss eingerichtet ist, wird eventuelles Guthaben auf dem Kundenkonto an den Kunden ausgezahlt. Nach Ablauf des Zeitraums für den Selbstausschluss bleibt dieser so lange in Kraft, bis der Kunde eine positive Reaktion zeigt, um wieder am Handel teilzunehmen." - -msgid "Clients with insider knowledge of any financial market or instrument are prohibited from trading at this website." -msgstr "Kunden mit Insiderwissen über einen Finanzmarkt oder ein Instrument, ist es untersagt, auf dieser Website zu handeln." - -msgid "Clients' money" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Schluss" - -msgid "Close Time" -msgstr "Schlusszeit" - -msgid "Close all or any of the client's Open Positions at a closing level that is reasonably available" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Close-Low" -msgstr "Schluss-Tief" - -msgid "Closed Bid" -msgstr "Geschlossenes Angebot" - -msgid "Closed trades made by clients introduced by an Introducing Broker and duly approved by Binary" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Closed/complete trades" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Closes" -msgstr "Schließt" - -msgid "Closes early (at 18:00)" -msgstr "Schließt früh (um 18:00)" - -msgid "Closes early (at 21:00)" -msgstr "Schließt früh (um 21:00)" - -msgid "Closing a trade" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Closing an account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Closing or partly closing all, or any, of the client's Open Positions based on the prevailing prices available in the relevant markets" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Closing price" -msgstr "Schlusskurs" - -msgid "Cloudflare's public DNS service gives you more secure and faster web browsing." -msgstr "Cloudflares öffentlicher DNS-Dienst bietet Ihnen sichereres und schnelleres Surfen." - -msgid "Collaborate with a team of world-class, Linux-based Devops Engineers" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie mit einem Team von Weltklasse, Linux-basierten Devops Ingenieuren" - -msgid "Collaborate with members of our IT team to identify new ways to improve our products and services for customers" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie mit den Mitgliedern unseres IT-Teams, um neue Wege zur Verbesserung unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen für Kunden zu identifizieren" - -msgid "Collaborate with the Customer Support, Compliance, and Payments teams" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Collaborate with the marketing and design team to create recruitment branding materials" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie mit dem Marketing- und Design-Team, um Rekrutierungs-Branding Materialien zu erstellen" - -msgid "Come up with cohesive design solutions that can achieve our business/product goals and satisfy user needs" -msgstr "Denken Sie sich Design-Lösungen aus, die unsere Geschäfts/Produkt-Ziele erreichen und die Bedürfnisse der Endnutzer erfüllen" - -msgid "Commencement Date" -msgstr "Beginndatum" - -msgid "Commision structure" -msgstr "Provisionsstruktur" - -msgid "Commission" -msgstr "Provision" - -msgid "Commission and swap scheme" -msgstr "Provision und Swap-Schema" - -msgid "Commission on deposits" -msgstr "Provision auf Einzahlungen" - -msgid "Commission on withdrawals" -msgstr "Provision auf Auszahlungen" - -msgid "Commission per round trade" -msgstr "Provision pro Handelsrunde" - -msgid "Commission per side trade" -msgstr "Provision pro Seitenhandel" - -msgid "Commission rates" -msgstr "Provisionssätze" - -msgid "Commission shall only be paid where the following are met cumulatively:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Commission will not be paid for Accounts that have been opened or traded by an Associate of the Introducing Broker." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Commission-free" -msgstr "Provisionsfrei" - -msgid "Commissions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Commissions will be earned throughout the life of the client, on all transactions the client undertakes with the Company, for as long as the Affiliate remains a member of this affiliate programme. The Company reserves the right to cancel the commissions that are not reclaimed after 2 years." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Commissions:" -msgstr "Provisionen:" - -msgid "Commodities" -msgstr "Rohstoffe" - -msgid "Commodities are resources that are grown or extracted from the ground, such as silver, gold and oil. On %1, they are priced in US dollars." -msgstr "Rohstoffe sind Ressourcen, die im Boden gewachsen sind oder aus dem Boden gewonnen werden, wie zum Beispiel Silber, Gold und Öl. Bei %1 werden diese in US Dollar ausgezeichnet." - -msgid "Communicate and collaborate effectively with members of different teams across the organisation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Communicate solutions to customer issues in a clear, concise, friendly, and timely manner" -msgstr "Vermitteln Sie klare, prägnante, freundliche und zeitnahe Lösungen für Kundenprobleme" - -msgid "Communicate with a wide range of technical and non-technical teams to understand the unique selling points of our products, concepts, user flows, and usage scenarios" -msgstr "Setzen Sie sich mit einer weiten Reihe an technischen und nicht-technischen Teams auseinander, um die einzigartigen Verkaufsargumente unserer Produkte, Konzepte, Nutzerflüsse und Nutzungsszenarien zu verstehen" - -msgid "Company Ownership" -msgstr "Firmeneigentum" - -msgid "Company addresses" -msgstr "Firmenanschriften" - -msgid "Company or Binary" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Company's Representation" -msgstr "Darstellung des Unternehmens" - -msgid "Company's obligations" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Company's rights" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Compare MetaTrader 5 accounts" -msgstr "MetaTrader 5 Konten vergleichen" - -msgid "Compensation under Investor Compensation Scheme" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Competence" -msgstr "Kompetenz" - -msgid "Competent Authority" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Competitive and transparent pricing" -msgstr "Wettbewerbsfähige und transparente Preispolitik" - -msgid "Competitive spreads" -msgstr "Wettbewerbsfähige Spreads" - -msgid "Complaints" -msgstr "Reklamationen" - -msgid "Complaints and Disputes" -msgstr "Beschwerden und Streitfälle" - -msgid "Complaints and disputes" -msgstr "Beschwerden und Streitfälle" - -msgid "Complete your %1Tax Information%2." -msgstr "Geben Sie Ihre %1Steuerinformationen%2 an." - -msgid "Compliance Executive" -msgstr "Compliancebeauftragter" - -msgid "Compliance and Payments Analyst" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Compliance and Risk Management" -msgstr "Compliance- und Risikomanagement" - -msgid "Compliance with and amendments to these Terms" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Comply with any Competent Authorities' requests or directions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Comprehensive" -msgstr "Umfassend" - -msgid "Compressing Image" -msgstr "Bild wird komprimiert" - -msgid "Computer system and method for speculating on a financial market" -msgstr "Computersystem und Methode zur Spekulation auf einem Finanzmarkt" - -msgid "Computer trading system for offering custom financial market speculations" -msgstr "Computer Handelssystem zum Angebot von eigenen Finanzmarktspekulationen" - -msgid "Conduct disaster and recovery planning, as well as their execution" -msgstr "Erstellung von Katastrophen- und Wiederherstellungsplänen sowie deren Durchführung" - -msgid "Conduct full lifecycle analysis that include requirements, activities, and design." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Conduct performance testing including backtesting, stress testing analysis, and benchmarking" -msgstr "Führen Sie Performance-Tests, einschließlich Backtesting, Stress-Test-Analyse und Benchmarking durch" - -msgid "Conduct research on competitors and industry trends to identify new products and potential markets" -msgstr "Forschen Sie Konkurrenten und Trends der Branche aus, um neue Produkte und potentielle Märkte zu identifizieren" - -msgid "Conduct research using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods" -msgstr "Forschen Sie mit einer Vielzahl von qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden" - -msgid "Conduct security reviews of production infrastructure" -msgstr "Führen Sie Sicherheitsüberprüfungen der Produktionsinfrastruktur durch" - -msgid "Conducts trading discussions and interactive sessions online with trading enthusiasts" -msgstr "Führt online Diskussionen und interaktive Veranstaltungen mit Trading-Liebhabern durch" - -msgid "Confidential information" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Confidentiality" -msgstr "Geheimhaltung" - -msgid "Configure your PC and mobile phone to use the Cloudflare DNS by following the instructions at %1." -msgstr "Konfigurieren Sie Ihren PC und Ihr Handy, um Cloudflare DNS zu verwenden, indem Sie den Anweisungen bei %1 folgen." - -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Bestätigen" - -msgid "Confirm New Password" -msgstr "Neues Passwort bestätigen" - -msgid "Conflicts Policy" -msgstr "Konfliktregeln" - -msgid "Congratulations!" -msgstr "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!" - -msgid "Congratulations! We'll make you a fair and competitive offer, and we don't make you negotiate in order to eliminate salary inequities and stress." -msgstr "Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wir machen Ihnen ein faires und wettbewerbsfähiges Angebot, und Sie brauchen mit uns nicht zu verhandeln, um Gehalt-Ungleichheit und Stress zu beseitigen." - -msgid "Connecting to server" -msgstr "Verbindung zum Server" - -msgid "Connection error: Please check your internet connection." -msgstr "Verbindungsfehler: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung." - -msgid "Consent" -msgstr "Zustimmung" - -msgid "Considerable knowledge in creating meaningful analytics from raw data, with the goal of influencing clients to take action" -msgstr "Beträchtliche Kenntnisse im Erstellen von aussagekräftigen Analysen aus Rohdaten, mit dem Ziel Kunden zum Reagieren zu beeinflussen" - -msgid "Consolidating liquidity from several providers into a single stream of blended feed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Constant, open and honest communication." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Constantly liaise with all internal departments such as Customer Support and Marketing on account and payment matters" -msgstr "Haben Sie in Konto- und Zahlungsangelegenheiten ständig Kontakt mit allen internen Abteilungen wie der Kundenbetreuung und Marketing" - -msgid "Construction" -msgstr "Bau" - -msgid "Contact Us" -msgstr "Kontaktieren Sie uns" - -msgid "Contact the payment agent directly for more information on how to transfer money to them." -msgstr "Setzen Sie sich mit dem Zahlungsagenten in Verbindung, wenn Sie mehr Informationen zur Geldüberweisung an ihn benötigen." - -msgid "Contact us" -msgstr "Kontaktieren Sie uns" - -msgid "Continue trading" -msgstr "Handel fortsetzen" - -msgid "Continuous Indices – Choose from the Volatility 10 Index, Volatility 25 Index, Volatility 50 Index, Volatility 75 Index, and Volatility 100 Index. These indices correspond to simulated markets with constant volatilities of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% respectively" -msgstr "Laufende Indizes - Wählen Sie vom Volatilität 10 Index, Volatilität 25 Index, Volatilität 50 Index, Volatilität 75 Index und dem Volatilität 100 Index. Diese Indizes entsprechen den simulierten Kursen mit konstanten Volatilitäten von 10% 25%, 50%, 75% und 100%" - -msgid "Contract" -msgstr "Kontrakt" - -msgid "Contract Confirmation" -msgstr "Vertragsbestätigung" - -msgid "Contract Details" -msgstr "Kontraktdaten" - -msgid "Contract Ends" -msgstr "Kontrakt endet" - -msgid "Contract Information" -msgstr "Kontraktinformation" - -msgid "Contract Result" -msgstr "Kontraktergebnis" - -msgid "Contract Starts" -msgstr "Kontrakt beginnt" - -msgid "Contract Type" -msgstr "Kontrakttyp" - -msgid "Contract duration" -msgstr "Kontraktlaufzeit" - -msgid "Contract has not started yet" -msgstr "Kontrakt ist noch nicht gestartet" - -msgid "Contract payouts" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Contract payouts shall be determined by the Company by reference to the market quotes as displayed on the website relevant to the underlying index(ices) of the contract(s) or from the interbank trading data received by the Company for forex quotes or commodity prices as displayed on the website, provided that the Company has the right to make corrections to such data in the event of mispriced or typographically incorrect data. Clients should note that different markets may close at different times during the day due to local trading hours and time zones." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Contract period" -msgstr "Kontraktzeitraum" - -msgid "Contract risks" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Contract specifications" -msgstr "Vertragsspezifikationen" - -msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." -msgstr "Der Kontrakt wird, sobald der Auftrag von unseren Servern empfangen wurde, zum dann geltenden Marktkurs verkauft. Dieser Kurs kann von den angegebenen Kursen abweichen." - -msgid "Contracts" -msgstr "Kontrakte" - -msgid "Contracts are not usually offered in the last hour of trade of any given market (for foreign exchange markets, the restriction may be extended up to 3 hours)." -msgstr "Normalerweise werden Verträge in der letzten Stunde des Handelstages nicht mehr angeboten (für Devisenmärkte kann diese Einschränkung auf bis zu drei Stunden ausweitet werden)." - -msgid "Contracts bought" -msgstr "Gekaufte Kontrakte" - -msgid "Contracts for Difference (CFDs) are financial derivatives that allow you to trade on the movement of underlying assets without owning them." -msgstr "Differenzkontrakte (CFDs) sind derivative Finanzinstrumente, mit denen Sie auf die Bewegung von Basiswerten handeln können, ohne diese zu besitzen." - -msgid "Contracts for difference (CFDs) allow you to speculate on a number of markets, including indices, shares, and commodities. At %1, we offer popular cash indices, cryptocurrencies, as well as proprietary Volatility Indices that simulate market movement." -msgstr "Mit Differenzkontrakten (CFDs) können Sie auf eine Reihe von Märkten, einschließlich Indizes, Aktien und Rohstoffe spekulieren. Bei %1 bieten wir beliebte Bar Indizes, Kryptowährungen, sowie proprietäre Volatilitätsindizes, die Marktbewegung simulieren, an." - -msgid "Contracts may not expire on a weekend; therefore, the expiry date of a contract may be pushed back to the following Monday in the event of a contract expiry date falling on a Saturday or a Sunday." -msgstr "Kontrakte dürfen nicht an einem Wochenende auslaufen. Aus diesem Grund wird das Ablaufdatum auf den folgenden Montag verschoben, sofern das Ablaufdatum eines Kontrakts auf einen Samstag oder Sonntag fällt." - -msgid "Contracts offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd have a minimum purchase price of USD/GBP/EUR 5." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Contracts sold" -msgstr "Verkaufte Kontrakte" - -msgid "Contracts will not usually be offered at odds under 0.05 to 1 (i.e. payouts of under USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 1.05 for each USD/GBP/EUR/AUD 1 staked)." -msgstr "Es werden normalerweise keine Kontrakte mit einer Gewinnquote von weniger als 0,05 zu 1 angeboten (z. B. Auszahlungen von weniger als 1,05 USD/GBP/EUR/AUD je eingesetztem 1 USD/GBP/EUR/AUD)." - -msgid "Contracts will not usually be offered during the first 10 minutes of market trade." -msgstr "Während der ersten zehn Minuten des Börsenhandelstages werden normalerweise keine Kontrakte angeboten." - -msgid "Contracts will not usually be offered when the underlying market is at its intraday high or intraday low." -msgstr "Wenn der Basiskurs auf seinem Intraday-Hoch oder Intraday-Tief steht, werden hierfür normalerweise keine Kontrakte angeboten." - -msgid "Contribute creative ideas to further the company's dynamic branding effort" -msgstr "Tragen Sie kreative Ideen bei, um die dynamische Markenpflege des Unternehmens voranzutreiben" - -msgid "Contribute ideas, energy, and creativity to further the company's dynamic branding efforts" -msgstr "Tragen Sie Ideen, Elan und Kreativität bei, um die dynamische Markenpflege voranzutreiben" - -msgid "Contribute to %1's open-source projects." -msgstr "Tragen Sie zu den Open-Source Projekten von %1 bei." - -msgid "Contributions to the %1 API" -msgstr "Beiträge zum %1 API" - -msgid "Contributors" -msgstr "Beitragende" - -msgid "Controlled risk" -msgstr "Kontrolliertes Risiko" - -msgid "Convert raw data into an easy-to-understand format for analysis and reporting purposes." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Converting data into actionable insights that contribute to business strategies." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Cookies and device information" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Cookies are small text files stored on computer drives and are widely used in order to make websites work and to improve the user experience. All recent versions of browsers give the client a level of control over cookies. The client can delete all cookies that are already on the client's computer, and the browser can be set to prevent them from being placed. However, if the client chooses not to receive the Company's cookies, the full usability of the Company's website may be adversely affected." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Coordinate business development activities and generate high-quality partnership leads" -msgstr "Koordination von Geschäftsentwicklungsaktivitäten und Generierung von hochwertigen Partnerschaftskontakten" - -msgid "Coordinate with payment system service providers in offering cryptocurrencies and digital wallets as a payment method" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -msgid "Copywriter" -msgstr "Copywriter" - -msgid "Cost per acquisition (CPA) for EU Affiliates only" -msgstr "Kosten pro Akquisition (CPA), nur für ihre EU-Partner" - -msgid "Costs - the costs of executing client order, predominantly comprising of spread, i.e. the difference between the Company's Bid and the Company's Ask" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Costs and charges" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Counterparty" -msgstr "Gegenpartei" - -msgid "Countries" -msgstr "Länder" - -msgid "Countries report: Displays a list of countries where your clicks are coming from" -msgstr "Länderbericht: Zeigt eine Liste der Länder an, aus denen Ihre Klicks kommen" - -msgid "Country of Residence" -msgstr "Wohnsitzland" - -msgid "Country of residence" -msgstr "Wohnsitzland" - -msgid "Cover is made available on the basis of the depositor rather than on the basis of the number of deposits, meaning that if an individual has multiple accounts, they will only be covered up to €20,000 on the global amount. Any other amount exceeding such a threshold is not protected and will thus have to be borne by the investor." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Craft, Metal, Electrical and Electronics Workers" -msgstr "Handwerks-, Metall-, Elektrische- und Elektronische-Arbeiter" - -msgid "Crash 1000 Index" -msgstr "Crash 1000 Index" - -msgid "Crash 500 Index" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Crash/Boom Indices" -msgstr "Crash/Boom Indizes" - -msgid "Create" -msgstr "Erstellen" - -msgid "Create %1 account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Create Account" -msgstr "Konto einrichten" - -msgid "Create MAM account" -msgstr "MAM Konto einrichten" - -msgid "Create MetaTrader 5 account" -msgstr "MetaTrader 5 Konto einrichten" - -msgid "Create New Virtual-money Account" -msgstr "Neues virtuelles Echtgeldkonto erstellen" - -msgid "Create account" -msgstr "Konto einrichten" - -msgid "Create an MT5 account now" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie jetzt ein MT5 Konto" - -msgid "Create and maintain wireframes and mockups for new and existing products" -msgstr "Erstellen und verwalten Sie Wireframes und Prototypen für neue und bestehende Produkte" - -msgid "Create and update style guides to establish and maintain a consistent visual identity across our product ecosystem" -msgstr "Erstellen und aktualisieren Sie Style-Guides, um ein einheitliches Erscheinungsbild über unser Produkt-Ökosystem hinweg aufzubauen und zu pflegen" - -msgid "Create clear, concise, and engaging content for the company's website, email newsletters, blog, social media channels, and other marketing materials" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie klare, prägnante und ansprechende Inhalte für die Website des Unternehmens, E-Mail Newsletter, Blogs, Social-Media-Kanäle und andere Marketingmaterialien" - -msgid "Create data analytics tools for trading/quantitative analysis" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie Daten-Analyse-Tools für Handels/quantitative Analyse" - -msgid "Create free account" -msgstr "Gratis konto eröffnen" - -msgid "Create free account with" -msgstr "Gratis konto eröffnen mit" - -msgid "Create mathematical/statistical models for pricing, analyse fat tails to assess margin requirements, and manage the risk for exotic options, Forex, and CFDs" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie mathematische/statistische Modelle für die Preisfindung, analysieren Sie 'Fat Tails', um Margin-Anforderungen zu beurteilen und leiten Sie das Risiko für exotische Optionen, Forex und CFDs" - -msgid "Create new token" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Create new virtual-money account" -msgstr "Neues virtuelles Echtgeldkonto erstellen" - -msgid "Create or Manage Accounts" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Create strategies against potential risks that might arise due to disruptive innovation" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie Strategien gegen mögliche Risiken, die durch disruptive Innovation entstehen können" - -msgid "Create user personas; define user task flows and UI specifications; and run A/B tests to understand user behaviours and their most pressing needs" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie Persona; definieren Sie Benutzer-Auftrags-Flüsse und UI Spezifikationen; und führen Sie A / B-Tests durch, um Benutzer-Verhaltensweisen und ihre dringendsten Bedürfnisse zu verstehen" - -msgid "Create visual elements for websites and applications, including icons and images" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie visuelle Elemente für Websites und Anwendungen, einschließlich Symbole und Bilder" - -msgid "Create, execute, and update manual and automated test plans" -msgstr "Kreation, Ausführung und Aktualisierung von manuellen und automatisierten Testplänen" - -msgid "Creative and analytical thinking that leads to actionable solutions and outcomes" -msgstr "Kreatives und analytisches Denken, das zu umsetzbaren Lösungen und Ergebnissen führt" - -msgid "Creative and analytical thinking that leads to actionable tactics and measurable results" -msgstr "Kreatives und analytisches Denken, das zu klagbaren Taktiken und messbaren Ergebnissen führt" - -msgid "Creative and analytical thinking that leads to actionable tactics and results" -msgstr "Kreatives und analytisches Denken, das zu klagbaren Taktiken und Ergebnissen führt" - -msgid "Creative flair and versatility in developing concepts, graphics, and layouts for a wide range of media" -msgstr "Kreativität und Vielseitigkeit bei der Entwicklung von Konzepten, Grafiken und Layouts für eine Vielzahl von Medien" - -msgid "Credit/Debit" -msgstr "Gutschrift/Lastschrift" - -msgid "Credit/Debit Card" -msgstr "Kredit-/Debitkarte" - -msgid "Crypto" -msgstr "Krypto" - -msgid "Cryptocurrencies" -msgstr "Kryptowährungen" - -msgid "Cryptocurrencies commission per round trade. For example, a round trade of 1 lot of BTC/USD with spot price of USD 10,000 will pay USD 30 on standard accounts." -msgstr "Kryptowährungs-Provision pro Handelsrunde. Beispiel: Eine Handelsrunde mit 1 Lot an BTC/USD mit einem Kassakurs von 10.000, zahlt 30 USD auf ein Standardkonto." - -msgid "Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are decentralised digital assets that enable instant payments to anywhere in the world." -msgstr "Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum sind dezentrale digitale Anlagen, die sofortige Zahlungen an jeden Ort der Welt ermöglichen." - -msgid "Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are decentralised digital currencies on the blockchain." -msgstr "Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum sind dezentrale digitale Währungen auf der Blockchain." - -msgid "Cryptocurrencies**" -msgstr "Kryptowährungen**" - -msgid "Cryptocurrency" -msgstr "Kryptowährung" - -msgid "Cryptocurrency contract specifications and commission scheme" -msgstr "Kryptowährung-Kontraktspezifikationen und Provisionsplan" - -msgid "Cryptocurrency margin policy" -msgstr "Kryptowährungs-Margin Richtlinie" - -msgid "Cryptocurrency pairs including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin." -msgstr "Kryptowährungspaare, einschließlich Bitcoin, Ethereum und Litecoin." - -msgid "Cryptocurrency trading" -msgstr "Kryptowährungs-Handel" - -msgid "Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Developer" -msgstr "Kryptowährung/Blockchain-Entwickler" - -msgid "Cultural diversity" -msgstr "Kulturelle Vielfalt" - -msgid "Currencies" -msgstr "Währungen" - -msgid "Currency" -msgstr "Währung" - -msgid "Currency pairs are categorised as follows:" -msgstr "Währungspaare sind in folgende Kategorien unterteilt:" - -msgid "Current" -msgstr "Derzeit" - -msgid "Current MT5 password" -msgstr "Aktuelles MT5 Passwort" - -msgid "Current Time" -msgstr "Aktuelle Zeit" - -msgid "Current balance" -msgstr "Aktueller Kontostand" - -msgid "Current password" -msgstr "Aktuelles Passwort" - -msgid "Current time:" -msgstr "Aktuelle Zeit:" - -msgid "Customer Support" -msgstr "Kundendienst" - -msgid "Customer Support Executive" -msgstr "Kundenbetreuungsvorstand" - -msgid "Customer focus" -msgstr "Kundenorientiert" - -msgid "Customer funds" -msgstr "Kundenkapital" - -msgid "Customer-centric partnership" -msgstr "Kundenorientierte Partnerschaft" - -msgid "Cyberjaya" -msgstr "Cyberjaya" - -msgid "Cyberjaya Office" -msgstr "Niederlassung in Cyberjaya" - -msgid "Cyberjaya expertly combines green lungs and modern amenities to give you the ultimate work-life balance." -msgstr "Cyberjaya verbindet gekonnt \"grüne Lungen\" und moderne Annehmlichkeiten, um Ihnen die ultimative Work-Life-Balance zu geben." - -msgid "Cyberjaya is a pioneer tech hub that lies 30 minutes away from Kuala Lumpur. Established in 1997, Cyberjaya is the heartbeat of the Multimedia Super Corridor — a government-designated zone that aims to accelerate Malaysia's push to achieve Vision 2020." -msgstr "Cyberjaya ist ein Pionier Tech-Hub, der 30 Minuten vom Kuala Lumpur entfernt liegt. 1997 gegründet, ist Cyberjaya der Herzschlag des Multimedia Super Corridors – eine von der Regierung bestimmte Zone, die darauf abzielt, Malaysias Push um die Vision 2020 zu erreichen." - -msgid "Cyberjaya is also a pioneer green township that is designed for sustainable living. It has an urban environment where almost half of its total development area is reserved for public amenities and greenery. It has also taken measures to cut carbon emissions based on a low carbon city framework, becoming a model for sustainable future cities." -msgstr "Cyberjaya ist auch ein Pionier grüner Gemeinden, die für nachhaltiges Wohnen ausgelegt sind. Sie hat ein urbanes Umfeld, wo fast die Hälfte ihres gesamten Entwicklungsbereiches für öffentliche Einrichtungen und viel Grün reserviert ist. Sie hat auch Maßnahmen zur Senkung der CO2-Emissionen auf Basis eines kohlenstoffarmen Stadt-Frameworks, das zu einem Modell für nachhaltige Städte der Zukunft wird." - -msgid "Cyberjaya, Malaysia" -msgstr "Cyberjaya, Malaysia" - -msgid "D. Account management" -msgstr "" - -msgid "D. Client instructions" -msgstr "D. Kundenanweisungen" - -msgid "Daily Reset Indices – Daily Reset Indices replicate markets with a bullish and bearish trend with a constant volatility. The Bull Market and Bear Market indices start at 00:00 GMT each day, replicating bullish and bearish markets respectively" -msgstr "Tägliche Reset-Indizes – Tägliche Reset-Indizes replizieren Märkte mit einem Hausse und Baisse Trend mit einer konstanten Volatilität. Die Hausse Markt- und Baisse Markt-Indizes beginnen morgens um 00:00 GMT, jeweils Hausse und Baisse Märkte replizierend" - -msgid "Daily limit on losses" -msgstr "Tageslimit für Verluste" - -msgid "Daily turnover limit" -msgstr "Tägliches Umsatzlimit" - -msgid "Dash vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Dash gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Data Analytics" -msgstr "Datenanalyse" - -msgid "Data Controller" -msgstr "Datenverantwortlicher" - -msgid "Data Feed" -msgstr "Dateneinspeisung" - -msgid "Data Protection Act (DPA)" -msgstr "Datenschutzgesetz (DSG)" - -msgid "Data Scientist" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Data Subject" -msgstr "Betroffene Person" - -msgid "Data feed" -msgstr "Dateneinspeisung" - -msgid "Data protection officer" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Data retention" -msgstr "Datenspeicherung" - -msgid "Data will be stored in a range of different places, including on the applicant's application record, in HR management systems, and on other IT systems (including email)." -msgstr "Die Daten werden an verschiedenen Orten, einschließlich auf dem Antrag des Bewerbers, in HR-Management-Systemen und auf anderen IT-Systemen (einschließlich E-Mail) gehalten." - -msgid "Database Setup," -msgstr "Datenbank-Setup" - -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Datum" - -msgid "Date and Time" -msgstr "Datum und Zeit" - -msgid "Date of Birth" -msgstr "Geburtsdatum" - -msgid "Date of birth" -msgstr "Geburtsdatum" - -msgid "Dated within the last six months" -msgstr "Innerhalb der letzten sechs Monate" - -msgid "Debt-free" -msgstr "Schuldenfrei" - -msgid "Dec" -msgstr "Dez" - -msgid "December" -msgstr "Dezember" - -msgid "Decentralisation – The decentralised nature of cryptocurrencies means that no single government body or financial authority has control over them" -msgstr "Dezentralisierung – Die dezentralisierte Natur der Kryptowährungen bedeutet, dass kein alleiniger Regierungskörper oder alleinige Finanzbehörde Kontrolle über sie hat" - -msgid "Decline" -msgstr "Ablehnen" - -msgid "Deep Perl expertise" -msgstr "Umfassende Perl Kenntnisse" - -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Vorgabe" - -msgid "Define your position" -msgstr "Definieren Sie Ihre Position" - -msgid "Definitions" -msgstr "Definitionen" - -msgid "Degree in Finance, Economics, Law, Risk Management, Criminology, Business Studies, or Management" -msgstr "Abschluss in Finanzen, Wirtschaft, Recht, Risikomanagement, Kriminologie, BWL oder Management" - -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "Löschen" - -msgid "Demand – Driven by industrial and commercial applications, including new technological products or fashion trends" -msgstr "Nachfrage – Durch industrielle und gewerbliche Anwendungen, einschließlich neuer technischer Produkte oder Modetrends angetrieben" - -msgid "Demo" -msgstr "Demo" - -msgid "Demo Account" -msgstr "Demo-Konto" - -msgid "Demo Accounts" -msgstr "Demo-Konten" - -msgid "Demo Advanced" -msgstr "Fortgeschrittenes Demo" - -msgid "Demo Standard" -msgstr "Demo-Standard" - -msgid "Demo Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Depending on the jurisdiction to which a client's account has been attached in accordance with the account opening procedures of the website and as detailed in the About us section of the website and the type of products offered, the term \"the Company\" shall denote," -msgstr "Je nach rechtlicher Zuständigkeit, der Ihr Konto im Laufe der Eröffnung auf der Website und wie detailliert im Abschnitt 'Über uns' der Website beschrieben, zugeordnet wurde, sowie nach der Art der angebotenen Produkte, bezeichnet der Begriff \"das Unternehmen'' entweder" - -msgid "Depending on the jurisdiction to which a client's account has been attached in accordance with the account opening procedures of the website, the terms 'the Company' and '%1' shall denote either" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Depending on the level of risk that the Company is exposed to while acting as the client's counterparty, the Company acts largely in a principal capacity of the client's trades. As such, the execution venue will usually be %1. However, the Company may transmit the client's order to third-party liquidity providers, in which case the Company will determine the execution venue on the basis described above." -msgstr "Abhängig von der Höhe des Risikos, dem das Unternehmen als Gegenpartner des Kunden ausgesetzt ist, agiert das Unternehmen weitgehend in einer wesentlichen Kapazität der Geschäfte der Kunden. Als solches ist der Ausführungsplatz in der Regel %1. Aber das Unternehmen kann die Bestellung des Kunden an Liquidität-Drittanbieter übertragen, in welchem Fall das Unternehmen den Ausführungsplatz anhand der oben beschriebenen Basis selbst bestimmt." - -msgid "Depending on what you do, you can apply as our Affiliate or Introducing Broker, or both. More new clients from you means higher potential commissions." -msgstr "Abhängig davon, was Sie können, können Sie Geschäftspartner oder Makler oder beides werden. Je mehr Kunden Sie werben, desto höher ist Ihre potentielle Provision." - -msgid "Depending on your broker or trading platform, you can start trading from the time the Sydney market opens on Monday morning to the time the New York market closes on Friday evening – up to 24 hours a day, five days a week." -msgstr "Je nach Ihrem Broker oder Ihrer Handelsplattform, können Sie ab dem Zeitpunkt zu dem der Sydney Markt am Montagmorgen eröffnet, bis zu der Zeit, zu der der New Yorker Markt am Freitagabend schließt – bis zu 24 Stunden pro Tag, fünf Tage die Woche zu handeln beginnen." - -msgid "Deposit" -msgstr "Einzahlung" - -msgid "Deposit and withdraw your funds via international bank wire transfer." -msgstr "Beheben Sie und zahlen Sie Ihre Gelder via internationaler Banküberweisung ein." - -msgid "Deposit as little as USD 5 to start trading" -msgstr "Zahlen Sie so wenig wie 5 USD ein, um mit dem Handel zu beginnen" - -msgid "Deposit bonus" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Deposit or withdraw below" -msgstr "Unten einzahlen oder abheben" - -msgid "Deposit or withdraw to your account via bank wire, credit card, or e-wallet." -msgstr "Ein- oder Auszahlung von, oder auf Ihr Konto mittels Banküberweisung, Kreditkarte oder e-Wallet." - -msgid "Deposit: %1 blockchain confirmations" -msgstr "Einzahlung: %1 Blockchain Bestätigungen" - -msgid "Deposit: %1 working day" -msgstr "Einzahlung: %1 Werktag" - -msgid "Deposit: Instant" -msgstr "Einzahlung: Sofort" - -msgid "Deposits and withdrawals for your MetaTrader 5 account always pass through your binary options account." -msgstr "Ein- und Auszahlungen für Ihr MetaTrader 5 Konto laufen immer über Ihr binäres Optionen Konto." - -msgid "Deposits and withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." -msgstr "Ein- und Auszahlungen wurden auf Ihrem Konto deaktiviert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail für weitere Details." - -msgid "Deposits and/or payments due are to be made in the currency chosen by the client from the ones specified by BIEL from time to time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Deriv" -msgstr "Deriv" - -msgid "Deriv — an all-new trading experience" -msgstr "Deriv — ein völlig neues Trading Erlebnis" - -msgid "Derivative" -msgstr "Derivate" - -msgid "Derivative investment instruments such as binary options and related markets can be highly volatile. The prices of the underlying instrument that a Binary Option refers to may fluctuate rapidly and over wide ranges and may reflect unforeseeable events or changes in conditions, none of which can be controlled by the client or %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Beschreibung" - -msgid "Design and develop applications and platforms based on blockchain technology" -msgstr "Entwerfen und entwickeln Sie Anwendungen und Plattformen basierend auf Blockchain-Technologie" - -msgid "Design logos, icons, and other visuals for our websites and applications" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie Logos, Icons und Grafiken für unsere Websiten und Anwendungen" - -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Angaben" - -msgid "DevOps Engineer" -msgstr "DevOps Engineering" - -msgid "Develop and implement databases; collect, design, process, analyse, and present data in a meaningful way." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Develop and maintain advanced features, tools, and applications according to best practices in UI/UX, front-end development and hybrid mobile application development" -msgstr "Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung von erweiterten Funktionen, Tools und Anwendungen nach den besten Praktiken in UI/UX, Frontend-Entwicklung und Hybrid-Entwicklung mobiler Anwendungen" - -msgid "Develop and maintain world-class web applications" -msgstr "Entwickeln und pflegen Sie Weltklasse Webanwendungen" - -msgid "Develop and update job descriptions and specifications" -msgstr "Entwicklung und Aktualisierung von Berufsbeschreibungen und Spezifikationen" - -msgid "Develop derivatives pricing, risk management models, and algorithms using C/C++, R, MATLAB, Perl, Python, and Java" -msgstr "Entwicklung von Derivatebewertungs- Risikomanagement-Modellen und Algorithmen mit C/C++, R, MATLAB, Perl, Python und Java" - -msgid "Develop mathematical/statistical models for pricing and risk management for all products" -msgstr "Entwickeln Sie mathematische/statistische Modelle für die Preisgestaltung und das Risikomanagement für alle Produkte" - -msgid "Develop risk management models and algorithms using MATLAB/Python/R/C++" -msgstr "Entwickeln Sie Risikomanagement Modelle und Algorithmen, in Verwendung von MATLAB/Python/R/C++" - -msgid "Develop your own trading application with our APIs." -msgstr "Entwickeln Sie mit unseren APIs Ihre eigene Trading-Anwendung." - -msgid "Develop, implement, and test database backup and recovery plans" -msgstr "Entwickeln, implementieren und testen Sie Datenbanken Backups und Sanierungspläne" - -msgid "Differences with other data feeds" -msgstr "Unterschiede zu anderen Daten-Feeds" - -msgid "Digit" -msgstr "Ziffer" - -msgid "Digit Differs" -msgstr "Kommast. vd." - -msgid "Digit Even" -msgstr "Kommast. gleich" - -msgid "Digit Matches" -msgstr "Kommast. gleich" - -msgid "Digit Odd" -msgstr "Kommast. ungerade" - -msgid "Digit Over" -msgstr "Kommast. über" - -msgid "Digit Under" -msgstr "Kommast. unter" - -msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." -msgstr "Kommastellen-Kontrakte werden zum Kaufpreis erstattet, wenn der Kontrakt nicht innerhalb von 5 Minuten endet." - -msgid "Digits" -msgstr "Ziffern" - -msgid "Disable" -msgstr "Deaktivieren" - -msgid "Disaster Recovery," -msgstr "Notfallplan," - -msgid "Disclaimer" -msgstr "Rechtlicher Hinweis" - -msgid "Disclaimers" -msgstr "Rechtliche Hinweise" - -msgid "Display your proof of address when prompted." -msgstr "Zeigen Sie Ihren Adressnachweis, wenn Sie aufgefordert werden." - -msgid "Display your proof of identity when prompted." -msgstr "Zeigen Sie Ihren Identitätsnachweis, wenn Sie aufgefordert werden." - -msgid "Diverse platforms and account types" -msgstr "Diverse Plattformen und Kontoarten" - -msgid "Diversify your portfolio with all four types of precious metals that are widely known as \"safe haven\" investments: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium." -msgstr "Diversifizieren Sie Ihr Portfolio mit allen vier Arten von Edelmetallen, die als \"sicherer Hafen\" Investitionen bekannt sind: Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium." - -msgid "Diversify your portfolio with some of the most popular commodities in the world including gold and silver." -msgstr "Diversifizieren Sie Ihr Portfolio mit einigen der beliebtesten Rohstoffe in der Welt, einschließlich Gold und Silber." - -msgid "Diversity" -msgstr "Vielfalt" - -msgid "Divorce Settlement" -msgstr "Scheidungsvereinbarung" - -msgid "Do not trade when you are tired or are under the influence of alcohol." -msgstr "Beteiligen Sie sich nicht am Handel, wenn Sie müde sind oder unter Alkoholeinfluss stehen." - -msgid "Do you have a real money account?" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Do you manage a social media page that's dedicated to online trading? Partner with us and convert your audience into potential profit." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Do you offer any referral tools to your IBs?" -msgstr "Bieten Sie Anwerbe-Tools zu Ihren IBs an?" - -msgid "Do you offer any tools to manage my clients' trades?" -msgstr "Bieten Sie Tools zum Verwalten meiner Kundengeschäfte an?" - -msgid "Do you run a website that promotes Forex or binary options? Join our global network of affiliates and turn your online traffic into revenue." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Do you want to learn more about the markets and how to trade them? Check out the resources below." -msgstr "Möchten Sie mehr über die Märkte oder den Börsenhandel erfahren lernen? Sehen Sie sich die unten angegebenen Quellen an." - -msgid "Do you want to see %1 in other languages, or can you suggest improvements to our current translations?" -msgstr "Möchten Sie %1 in anderen Sprachen sehen, oder können Sie Verbesserungsvorschläge zu unseren aktuellen Übersetzungen vorschlagen?" - -msgid "Do you want to top up for another %1? If not, you can do this later on the %2Cashier page%3, too." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Do you wish to continue?" -msgstr "Möchten Sie fortfahren?" - -msgid "Document Type" -msgstr "Dokumenttyp" - -msgid "Document and administer database policies, procedures, and standards" -msgstr "Dokumentieren und verwalten Sie Datenbank-Politiken, Verfahren und Standards" - -msgid "Document submission status" -msgstr "Dokument Abgabestatus" - -msgid "Does Not Touch" -msgstr "Erreicht Nicht" - -msgid "Doing great work and inspiring others to do the same." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Don't have a %1 account yet?" -msgstr "Sie haben noch keinen %1 account?" - -msgid "Don't share your %1 account or payment methods with any other person." -msgstr "Teilen Sie Ihr %1 Konto- oder Zahlungsmethoden mit keiner anderen Person." - -msgid "Don't show again" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Don't worry, you can simply %1reset your password%2." -msgstr "Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen, Sie können einfach Ihr %1Passwort zurücksetzen%2." - -msgid "Dormant and inactive accounts" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Download Binary VPN app For Android" -msgstr "Laden Sie die Binary VPN-App für Android herunter" - -msgid "Download Binary VPN app for Windows Desktop" -msgstr "Laden Sie die Binary VPN-App für Windows Desktop herunter" - -msgid "Download CSV" -msgstr "CSV herunterladen" - -msgid "Download MAM" -msgstr "MAM herunterladen" - -msgid "Download MT5 for Linux" -msgstr "MT5 für Linux herunterladen" - -msgid "Download MT5 for Mac" -msgstr "MT5 für Mac herunterladen" - -msgid "Download MT5 for Windows" -msgstr "MT5 für Windows herunterladen" - -msgid "Download MT5 for your desktop or laptop to access the powerful tools and features enjoyed by millions of traders." -msgstr "Laden Sie MT5 für Ihren Desktop oder Laptop herunter, um auf die leistungsfähigen Tools und Features, die von Millionen von Händlern genossen werden, zuzugreifen." - -msgid "Download Tick Trade App" -msgstr "Tick Trade App herunterladen" - -msgid "Download for Android" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Download our VPN app for your preferred device" -msgstr "Laden Sie unsere VPN-App für Ihr bevorzugtes Gerät herunter" - -msgid "Download our VPN app now" -msgstr "Laden Sie jetzt unsere VPN-App herunter" - -msgid "Download the %1desktop app%2 for the most secure way to access the %3 website." -msgstr "Laden Sie die %1Desktop App%2 herunter, für den sichersten Weg, um auf die %3 Website zuzugreifen." - -msgid "Download your statement" -msgstr "Laden Sie Ihren Auszug herunter" - -msgid "Drive rapid growth and business development to support the company's sales and marketing objectives" -msgstr "Treiben Sie das rasche Wachstum und die Geschäftsentwicklung voran, um die Verkaufs- und Werbeziele des Unternehmens zu unterstützen" - -msgid "Driving licence" -msgstr "Führerschein" - -msgid "Dubai" -msgstr "Dubai" - -msgid "Dubai is an independent city-state and one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is the largest and most advanced emirate; it has rapidly evolved from a humble port city into a global metropolis well-known for its futuristic architecture." -msgstr "Dubai ist ein unabhängiger Stadt-Staat und eines von sieben Emiraten, die die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate bilden. Es ist das größte und fortgeschrittenste. Aus einer einfachen Hafenstadt erlebte es eine rasante Entwicklung zu einer globalen Metropole, weitaus bekannt für seine futuristische Architektur." - -msgid "Dubai offers a cosmopolitan experience like no other with residents from over 200 countries speaking over 140 languages." -msgstr "Mit Einwohnern aus über 200 Ländern, die über 140 Sprachen sprechen, bietet Dubai eine weltoffene Atmosphäre wie sonst nirgends." - -msgid "Dubai offers an excellent quality of life, from safety and education to childcare and healthcare, befitting its reputation as a global, modern city with sunny weather all year round. Expats make up over 90% of Dubai's total population; you may never need to learn a word of Arabic since English is so widely spoken." -msgstr "Ihrem Ruf als moderne Stadt gerecht werdend bietet Dubai exzellente Lebensqualität, von Sicherheit und Bildung zu Kinderbetreuung und Gesundheitswesen und all das mit Sonne das ganze Jahr über. 90% der Einwohner Dubais sind Ausländer. Sie werden nicht ein Wort Arabisch lernen müssen, so verbreitet ist Englisch." - -msgid "Dubai offers world-class entertainment with numerous events, places, and natural attractions to enjoy." -msgstr "Dubai bietet weltklasse Unterhaltung mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen, Plätzen und Naturschönheiten." - -msgid "Dubai's iconic architecture includes the world's tallest building, artificial islands, gigantic malls, and more." -msgstr "Dubais Wahrzeichen umfassen den höchsten Wolkenkratzer der Welt, künstliche Inseln, gigantische Einkaufszentren und mehr." - -msgid "Dubai, United Arab Emirates" -msgstr "Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate" - -msgid "Due to market volatility and gold's reputation as a safe-haven asset, you predict that the price of gold will rise." -msgstr "Aufgrund der Volatilität des Marktes und dem Ruf von Gold als sichere Hafen Anlage, sagen Sie voraus, dass der Goldpreis steigen wird." - -msgid "Due to regulatory requirements, we are required to ask our clients to complete the following Financial Assessment." -msgstr "Aufgrund gesetzlicher Bestimmungen sind wir verpflichtet, Sie zu bitten, die folgende Finanzielle Einstufung auszufüllen." - -msgid "Due to the high degree of risk involved, which could result in the loss of the entire investment, the Company has adequate internal procedures in place to ensure that the client is in all cases treated fairly and that the risk of damage to client interests will be mitigated." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Due to the nature of the Company's business as a trading counterparty, the Company's profits are tied to the net revenue generated by clients through trading. However, the Company aims to establish, maintain, and operate effective organisational and administrative arrangements with a view to taking all reasonable steps to prevent conflicts of interest from constituting or giving rise to a material risk of damage to the interests of clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Due to the online nature of the business and instruments, there is a small delay between an order being entered and the same order being executed on the server. Any significant delay can have negative impacts on clients; therefore, the Company monitors the latency between the entering and execution of client orders. Should this delay exceed the established threshold, then the system administrators will be notified so that they can investigate any possible issue." -msgstr "Aufgrund des Online-Charakters des Geschäfts und der Instrumente, gibt es eine kleine Verzögerung zwischen der Eingabe einer Bestellung und der Ausführung derselben auf dem Server. Erhebliche Verzögerungen können negative Auswirkungen auf Kunden haben; deshalb überwacht das Unternehmen die Wartezeit zwischen der Eingabe und Ausführung von Kundenaufträgen. Sollte diese Verzögerung den festgelegten Schwellenwert übersteigen, werden die System-Administratoren benachrichtigt, so dass sie mögliche Probleme untersuchen können." - -msgid "Due to the responsibilities under responsible gaming, %1 reserves the right to assess and safeguard the client's account by excluding the client definitely or indefinitely, based on the company's client assessment." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Due to the responsibilities under responsible gaming, %1 reserves the right to assess and safeguard the client's account by setting limits to the client's activity as deemed proportionate and necessary for their protection." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Due to the responsibilities under responsible gaming, the Company reserves the right to assess and safeguard the client's account by setting limits to the client's activity as deemed proportionate and necessary for their protection." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Laufzeit" - -msgid "During fast markets (i.e. periods of very fast market movements), contracts may be offered at prices more unfavourable than those offered in usual market conditions." -msgstr "Bei instabilen Märkten (z. B. besonders in Zeiträumen schneller Marktbewegungen) können Verträge, entgegen der üblichen Marktkonditionen, zu ungünstigeren Kursen angeboten werden." - -msgid "During the application process, the Company may ask the client for information about the client's background, experience, and investment assets and earnings. The Company does not monitor on the client's behalf whether the amount of money that the client has sent to the Company or the client's profits or losses are consistent with that information. It is up to the client to assess whether the client's investment resources are adequate for the client's investment activity with the Company and the client's risk appetite in the products and services that the client uses." -msgstr "" - -msgid "During the term of this Agreement, the Programmer grants the Company a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable right, under all of the Programmer's intellectual property rights, to do the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "During volatile markets, the Company's trading platform runs across a high number of concurrent online users, high volumes of client orders, and a high number of imported price ticks. As part of the Company's best execution delivery to its clients, the Company ensures that its platform runs smoothly under such stressed conditions and takes all reasonable steps to safeguard the continuity and regularity in the performance of investment activities." -msgstr "In volatilen Märkten bearbeitet die Handelsplattform des Unternehmens eine hohe Anzahl gleichzeitiger Online-Benutzer, große Mengen an Kundenaufträgen und eine hohe Anzahl von importierten Preis-Ticks. Als Teil der besten Ausführungslieferung an seine Kunden stellt das Unternehmen sicher, dass seine Plattform unter diesen Stressbedingungen reibungslos läuft und unternimmt alle angemessenen Maßnahmen zur Sicherstellung der Kontinuität und Regelmäßigkeit in der Ausführung von Investitionsaktivitäten." - -msgid "E-wallet" -msgstr "E-Wallet" - -msgid "E. Best execution obligation" -msgstr "E. Verpflichtung zur besten Ausführung" - -msgid "E. Orders" -msgstr "" - -msgid "EGR Operator Award" -msgstr "EGR Operator Award" - -msgid "EGR Operator Awards" -msgstr "EGR Operator Awards" - -msgid "EOS vs US Dollar" -msgstr "EOS gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "EU Passport Rights" -msgstr "EU Pass-Rechte" - -msgid "EUR" -msgstr "EUR" - -msgid "EUR 1 per point" -msgstr "1 EUR je Punkt" - -msgid "EUR Index – Measures the value of the Euro against a basket of five global currencies (USD, AUD, GBP, JPY, CAD), each weighted by 20%" -msgstr "EUR Index - Misst den Wert von Euro gegen einen Korb von 5 Weltwährungen (USD, AUD, GBP, JPY, CAD), wobei jede mit 20 % berücksichtigt ist" - -msgid "EUR/GBP" -msgstr "EUR/GBP" - -msgid "Each Party shall do anything reasonably required by the other Party to give effect to the provisions of this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Each Party shall do anything reasonably required by the other Party to give effect to the terms of this Agreement." -msgstr "Jede Partei soll alles machen, was angemessener Weise von der anderen Partei gefordert wird, um den Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung Wirkung zu verleihen." - -msgid "Each binary option is a prediction on the future movement of an underlying market." -msgstr "Jede Binäre Option ist eine Voraussage über die zukünftigen Bewegungen eines bestimmten Kurses." - -msgid "Each of the following events constitute an \"Event of Default\":" -msgstr "Jedes der folgenden Ereignisse stellt einen \"Verzugsfall\" dar:" - -msgid "Each of the following events constitutes an \"Event of Default\":" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Each party shall do anything reasonably required by the other party to give effect to the provisions and terms of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants to the other that it has, and will retain throughout the term of this Agreement, all right, title, and authority to enter into this Agreement, to grant to the other party the rights and licences granted in this Agreement, and to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Each party will" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Each time you open a position on a cryptocurrency pair, you can start with a minimum volume as indicated in the table above." -msgstr "Bei jedem Öffnen einer Position auf ein Kryptowährungspaar, können Sie mit einem Mindestvolumen, wie in der obigen Tabelle angezeigt, beginnen." - -msgid "Each time you open a position on an index symbol, you can start with a minimum volume transaction as indicated in the table above." -msgstr "Bei jedem Öffnen einer Position auf ein Index-Symbol, können Sie mit einem Mindestvolumen, wie in der obigen Tabelle angezeigt, eine Transaktion vornehmen." - -msgid "Each time you send us an order, you are charged a commission, which is equal to the asset price multiplied by the percentage seen in the above table." -msgstr "Jedes Mal, wenn Sie uns eine Order senden, wird Ihnen eine Provision berechnet, die sich aus der Multiplikation des Vermögenspreises mit dem Prozentsatz in der oben angezeigten Tabelle ergibt." - -msgid "Each transfer is subject to a %1 transfer fee or a minimum fee of %2, whichever is higher." -msgstr "Jede Übertragung unterliegt einer Ablösesumme von %1, oder eine Mindestgebühr von %2, je nachdem, welche höher ist." - -msgid "Earn" -msgstr "Verdienen Sie" - -msgid "Earn USD 100 in commission for each successful referral. Your referred client must open a %1real money investment account%2 through your unique affiliate link and deposit a total of USD 100 or more (one-time or accumulative) in the account. This commission plan is only available to Affiliates based in the EU." -msgstr "Verdienen Sie 100 USD Provision, für jede erfolgreiche Empfehlung. Ihre angeworbenen Kunden müssen ein %1Echtgeld-Investitions-Konto%2 durch Ihren einzigartigen Partnerlink öffnen und insgesamt 100 USD oder mehr (einmalig oder kumulativ) auf dem Konto einzahlen. Dieser Provisionsplan steht nur für Partner-Unternehmen mit Sitz in der EU zur Verfügung." - -msgid "Earn a monetary reward for any verifiable issues that you find, with a bounty worth up to USD 1,000 for high-risk security vulnerabilities." -msgstr "Verdienen Sie eine finanzielle Entlohnung für alle Probleme die Sie finden, mit einer Belohnung von bis zu 1 000 USD für Hochsicherheits-Schwachstellen." - -msgid "Earn additional income with us as you grow your community of potential and existing online traders through useful trading insights and mentorship." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Earn daily commissions on the trading activities of the clients you refer to the %1 MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform. Your total commissions will be credited into your account by the end of the day." -msgstr "Verdienen Sie jeden Tag Provision von den Handelsaktivitäten der von Ihnen auf die %1 MetaTrader 5 (MT5) gebrachten Kunden. Die Gesamtprovision wird am Ende des Tages auf Ihr Konto überwiesen." - -msgid "Earn money for any verifiable errors that you find." -msgstr "Verdienen Sie Geld für jeden nachweisbaren Fehler, den Sie gefunden haben." - -msgid "Earn payouts up to USD 50,000. Losses are limited to your initial stake and nothing more." -msgstr "Verdienen Sie Auszahlungen bis zu 50.000 US-Dollar. Verluste sind beschränkt auf Ihren ursprünglichen Einsatz und nichts mehr." - -msgid "Earn the same proportional return on stakes of all values" -msgstr "Verdienen Sie die gleiche proportionale Rendite auf Einsätze aller Werte" - -msgid "Earn up to 45% in commission based on the total net revenue generated by your clients. Commissions are credited into your account after the 15th of every month." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Easily monitor your open positions" -msgstr "Ihre offenen Positionen immer im Blick" - -msgid "Easy to use and feature-rich." -msgstr "Einfach zu benutzen und reich an Funktion." - -msgid "Ebooks, videos, and more" -msgstr "E-Books, Videos und mehr" - -msgid "Economic Calendar" -msgstr "Wirtschaftskalender" - -msgid "Edit, proofread, and improve content from other team members" -msgstr "Bearbeitung, Korrekturlesung und Verbesserung von Inhalten anderer Teammitglieder" - -msgid "Education" -msgstr "Bildung" - -msgid "Educational material" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Effect of termination" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Effective Date" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving a seven-day (7) advanced written notice to the other party." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Either party may terminate this Agreement forthwith on written notice if a receiver, examiner, or administrator is appointed of the whole or any part of the other party's assets or the other party is struck off the Register of Companies in the jurisdiction where it was incorporated or an order is made or a resolution passed for winding up of the other party (unless such order or resolution is part of a voluntary scheme for the reconstruction or amalgamation of that party as a solvent corporation and the resulting corporation if a different legal person undertakes to be bound by this Agreement)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Either party may terminate this Agreement on the delivery of one week's prior written notice to the other party." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Eligible counterparties" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Email" -msgstr "E-Mail" - -msgid "Email address" -msgstr "E-Mail Adresse" - -msgid "Email preference" -msgstr "E-Mail Einstellungen" - -msgid "Email:" -msgstr "E-Mail:" - -msgid "Emercoin vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Emercoin gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Employed" -msgstr "Beschäftigt" - -msgid "Employee handbook" -msgstr "Mitarbeiter-Handbuch" - -msgid "Employment status" -msgstr "Beschäftigungsstatus" - -msgid "Enable" -msgstr "Aktivieren" - -msgid "Enable %1two-factor authentication%2 on your account." -msgstr "Aktivieren Sie die %1Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung%2 auf Ihrem Konto." - -msgid "Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security." -msgstr "Aktivieren Sie die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung für zusätzliche Sicherheit." - -msgid "End Time" -msgstr "Endzeit" - -msgid "Endpoint" -msgstr "Endpunkt" - -msgid "Ends Between" -msgstr "Schließt Zwischen" - -msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside" -msgstr "Schließt Innerhalb/Schließt Außerhalb" - -msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." -msgstr "Schließt Innerhalb/Schließt Außerhalb Kontrakte werden zum Kaufkurs erstattet, wenn weniger als 2 Ticks zwischen der Start- und der Endzeit liegen." - -msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside trades" -msgstr "Schließt zwischen/Schließt außerhalb Kontrakte" - -msgid "Ends Outside" -msgstr "Endet Außerhalb" - -msgid "Engage in market development to grow the client base for existing products and platforms of the company" -msgstr "Nehmen Sie an der Marktentwicklung teil, um den Kundenstamm für existierende Produkte und Plattformen des Unternehmens zu erweitern" - -msgid "Engage in misleading or deceptive conduct or illusory or deceptive advertising" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Engage in misleading, illusory, or deceptive advertising or promises" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Engage in misleading, illusory, or deceptive conduct" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enhanced performance. Intuitively simple." -msgstr "Spitzenleistung intuitiv einfach." - -msgid "Enjoy a trading platform that's easy to navigate and use" -msgstr "Genießen Sie eine Handelsplattform, die leicht zu navigieren und zu verwenden ist" - -msgid "Enjoy an award-winning online trading platform with trading conditions that are ideal for new and experienced traders." -msgstr "Genießen Sie eine preisgekrönte Online-Handelsplattform mit Handelsbedingungen, die ideal für neue und erfahrene Trader sind." - -msgid "Enjoy exciting opportunities to trade indices with the benefit of real-time charts and pricing." -msgstr "Genießen Sie aufregende Möglichkeiten, Indizes mit dem Vorteil von Echtzeit Diagrammen und Bepreisungen zu handeln." - -msgid "Enjoy our fastest type of trading with our Tick Trade app, wherever you are." -msgstr "Haben Sie Freude an unserer schnellsten Art des Handels mit unserer Tick Trade App, wo immer Sie auch sind." - -msgid "Enjoy the simplicity of online banking to fund your %1 account." -msgstr "Genießen Sie die Einfachheit des Online-Banking, um auf Ihr %1 -Konto einzuzahlen." - -msgid "Ensure that your original documents are ready when the video call starts" -msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Originaldokumente bereit haben, wenn Sie das Video-Gespräch starten" - -msgid "Ensure the design and development of each page or product is consistent with our style guide, and that everything works as planned with each release" -msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Design und die Entwicklung der einzelnen Seiten oder Produkte mit unserem Styleguide übereinstimmen und, dass alles so funktioniert, wie es mit jedem neuen Release geplant ist" - -msgid "Ensure the integrity of releases by coordinating testing activities" -msgstr "Gewährleisten Sie die Integrität der Veröffentlichungen durch die Koordination von Testaktivitäten" - -msgid "Enter payment agent ID" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Enter the authentication code generated by the app below:" -msgstr "Geben Sie den von der App unten generierten Authentifizierungscode an:" - -msgid "Enter your email" -msgstr "Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail ein" - -msgid "Entertainment" -msgstr "Unterhaltung" - -msgid "Entry Spot" -msgstr "Startkurs" - -msgid "Entry spot" -msgstr "Startkurs" - -msgid "Entry spot price" -msgstr "Einstiegskurs" - -msgid "Equals" -msgstr "Gleicht" - -msgid "Equity is the sum of your balance and floating profit and loss (PnL). Margin level is the ratio of equity to margin. When that ratio reaches a specified percentage (usually 100%), your account will be placed under margin call. This does not affect your ability to open new positions; it serves to alert you that your floating PnL is moving lower. However, it is recommended to add funds to your account in order to keep your positions open. Alternatively, you may close losing positions." -msgstr "Eigenkapital ist die Summe Ihres Kontostandes und des gleitenden Gewinns und Verlusts (PnL). Das Margin-Level ist das Verhältnis von Eigenkapital zu Marge. Wenn dieses Verhältnis einen bestimmten Prozentsatz (in der Regel 100 %) erreicht, wird Ihr Konto unter eine Margin-Forderung platziert werden. Dies hat keinen Einfluss auf Ihre Fähigkeit, neue Positionen zu öffnen; es dient dazu, Sie davor zu warnen, dass Ihr gleitender PnL nach unten rückt. Es wird jedoch empfohlen, Gelder auf Ihr Konto hinzuzufügen, um Ihre Positionen offen halten zu können. Alternativ können Sie verlierende Positionen schließen." - -msgid "Establish a secure Internet connection and protect your privacy." -msgstr "Bestimmen Sie eine sichere Internetverbindung und schützen Sie Ihre Privatsphäre." - -msgid "Establish a secure, encrypted connection to a virtual private network (VPN) server using our VPN app to protect your data and privacy." -msgstr "Bestimmen Sie eine sichere, verschlüsselte Verbindung zu einem virtuellen, privaten Netzwerk (VPN) Server, indem Sie unsere VPN App verwenden, um Ihre Daten und Privatsphäre zu schützen." - -msgid "Estimated net worth" -msgstr "Geschätztes Vermögen" - -msgid "Ether" -msgstr "Ether" - -msgid "Ether Classic" -msgstr "Ether-Classic" - -msgid "Ether is a cryptocurrency that is used to pay for transactions on the Ethereum platform. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Ethereum vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Ethereum gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Euro vs Australian Dollar" -msgstr "Euro gegen Australischen Dollar" - -msgid "Euro vs Canadian Dollar" -msgstr "Euro gegen Kanadischen Dollar" - -msgid "Euro vs Great Britain Pound" -msgstr "Euro gegen Britisches Pfund" - -msgid "Euro vs Hong Kong Dollar" -msgstr "Euro gegen Hongkong-Dollar" - -msgid "Euro vs Israeli New Shekel" -msgstr "Euro gegen Israelischer Neuer Schekel" - -msgid "Euro vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Euro gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Euro vs Mexican Peso" -msgstr "Euro gegen Mexikanischer Peso" - -msgid "Euro vs New Zealand Dollar" -msgstr "Euro gegen Neuseeländischen Dollar" - -msgid "Euro vs Norwegian Krone" -msgstr "Euro gegen Norwegische Krone" - -msgid "Euro vs Polish Zloty" -msgstr "Euro gegen Polnischen Zloty" - -msgid "Euro vs Singapore Dollar" -msgstr "Euro gegen Singapur-Dollar" - -msgid "Euro vs South African Rand" -msgstr "Euro gegen Südafrikanischen Rand" - -msgid "Euro vs Swedish Krona" -msgstr "Euro gegen Schwedische Krone" - -msgid "Euro vs Swiss Franc" -msgstr "Euro gegen Schweizer Franken" - -msgid "Euro vs Turkish Lira" -msgstr "Euro gegen Türkische Lira" - -msgid "Euro vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Euro gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "European Union residents who wish to trade gambling products will have their accounts opened with Binary (Europe) Limited." -msgstr "Einwohner der Europäischen Union, die Handel mit Glücksspielprodukten betreiben möchten, bekommen ihre Konten mit Binary (Europe) Limited eröffnet." - -msgid "European Union residents who wish to trade investment products will have their accounts opened with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd." -msgstr "Einwohner der Europäischen Union, die Handel mit Investitionsprodukten betreiben möchten, bekommen ihre Konten mit Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd eröffnet." - -msgid "Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of internal controls, risk management, regulatory compliance, financial and operational processes" -msgstr "Bewerten und verbessern Sie die Wirksamkeit der internen Kontrollen, des Risikomanagements, der Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften, finanzieller und operativer Prozesse" - -msgid "Evaluate existing procedures and policies with respect to risk management and suggest improvements" -msgstr "Evaluieren Sie bestehende Verfahren und Richtlinien im Hinblick auf Risikomanagement und schlagen Sie Verbesserungen vor" - -msgid "Even/Odd" -msgstr "Gerade/Ungerade" - -msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." -msgstr "Gerade/Ungerade Kontrakte werden zum Kaufpreis erstattet, wenn der Kontrakt nicht innerhalb von 5 Minuten endet." - -msgid "Event" -msgstr "Event" - -msgid "Event examples include circumstances whereby the type of transaction, to which the client's Order is related, ceases to be offered, or a Corporate Event, or the insolvency of a company whose shares are related to the subject matter of the Order, and others." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Event-driven programming in Perl" -msgstr "Ereignisgesteuerte Programmierung in Perl" - -msgid "Events of Default" -msgstr "Verzugsfälle" - -msgid "Everyone else can use the FIX API to connect to our One Zero bridge – subject to a conformance test." -msgstr "Alle anderen können die FIX-API verwenden, um sich mit unserer One Zero-Brücke zu verbinden – vorbehaltlich eines Conformance-Tests." - -msgid "Example:" -msgstr "Beispiel:" - -msgid "Example: XAU/USD (Gold vs US Dollar) symbol pair" -msgstr "Beispiel: XAU/USD (Gold gegen US Dollar) Symbolpaar" - -msgid "Excellent English language skills, both oral and written" -msgstr "Ausgezeichnete englische Sprachkenntnisse, mündlich wie schriftlich" - -msgid "Excellent communication (both oral and written) and interpersonal skills" -msgstr "Hervorragende Kommunikationsfähigkeiten (mündlich und schriftlich), sowie soziale Kompetenzen" - -msgid "Excellent communication and interpersonal skills" -msgstr "Hervorragende Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und soziale Kompetenzen" - -msgid "Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Bahasa Malaysia" -msgstr "Ausgezeichnete schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sowohl in Englisch als auch in Bahasa Malysia" - -msgid "Excellent proficiency in spoken and written English" -msgstr "Hervorragende Kenntnisse von gesprochenem und geschriebenem Englisch" - -msgid "Excellent understanding of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies" -msgstr "Hervorragendes Verständnis von Bitcoin oder anderen Kryptowährungen" - -msgid "Except for the licence granted in this Agreement, the Company does not grant the Programmer any right, title, or interest in the %1 API. The Programmer agrees to take such actions as the Company may reasonably request to perfect the Company's rights to the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Except to the extent that the Programmer's Application contains the %1 API, the Company claims no ownership or control over the Programmer's Application." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Exceptional English communication skills (both oral and written)" -msgstr "Außergewöhnliche englische Kommunikationsfähigkeiten (mündlich wie schriftlich)" - -msgid "Exchange rate risk: Exchange rates between foreign currencies can change rapidly due to a wide range of economic, political, and other conditions, exposing the client to the risk of exchange rate losses in addition to the inherent risk of loss from trading the underlying Investment Product. If the client deposits funds in a currency to trade contracts denominated in a different currency, the client's gains or losses on the underlying investment may be affected by changes in the exchange rate between the currencies." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Exclude me from the website until" -msgstr "Schließen Sie mich von der Website aus, bis" - -msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." -msgstr "Die Ausschlusszeit darf nicht länger als 5 Jahre sein." - -msgid "Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months." -msgstr "Die Ausschlusszeit darf nicht kürzer als 6 Monate sein." - -msgid "Excluded from the website until" -msgstr "Von der Website ausgeschlossen bis" - -msgid "Exclusive binary trading technology." -msgstr "Exklusive Technologie für den Handel mit Binären Optionen." - -msgid "Execute your trade in seconds." -msgstr "Ihre Handelsgeschäfte in Sekunden abwickeln." - -msgid "Execution model and counterparty risk" -msgstr "Ausführungsmodel und Risiko der Gegenpartei" - -msgid "Execution of trades automatically on their behalf" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Exit Spot" -msgstr "Schlusskurs" - -msgid "Exit Spot Time" -msgstr "Schlusskurszeit" - -msgid "Exit spot" -msgstr "Schlusskurs" - -msgid "Exit your trades before expiry" -msgstr "Verlassen Sie Ihre Geschäfte vor ihrem Ablauf" - -msgid "Exotic pairs" -msgstr "Exotische Paare" - -msgid "Exotic pairs – Consist of one non-USD major currency that's paired with the currency of an emerging economy. For example: GBP/HKD" -msgstr "Exotische Paare – Bestehen aus einer nicht-USD Hauptwährung, die mit der Währung einer aufstrebenden Wirtschaft gekoppelt ist. Zum Beispiel: GBP/HKD" - -msgid "Expat handbook" -msgstr "Expat-Handbuch" - -msgid "Expats and international students make up more than 10% of Cyberjaya's vibrant population." -msgstr "Expats und internationale Studierende bilden mehr als 10 % von Cyberjayas lebhafter Bevölkerung." - -msgid "Experience as a Postgres DBA, with advanced hands-on knowledge of" -msgstr "Erfahrung als Postgres DBA, mit guten praktischen Kenntnissen von" - -msgid "Experience designing and executing test plans (both automated and manual)" -msgstr "Erleben Sie das Design und die Ausführung von Testplänen (sowohl automatisch als auch manuell)" - -msgid "Experience designing and working with high-availability web service architecture" -msgstr "Erleben Sie die Gestaltung und Zusammenarbeit mit Hochverfügbarkeit Web-Service-Architektur" - -msgid "Experience in ARUBA or similar enterprise WiFi AP management is a plus" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit ARUBA oder ähnlichem Unternehmens-WiFi-AP-Management ist ein Plus" - -msgid "Experience in Chef, Ansible, SaltStack, or similar configuration management tools" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Chef, Ansible, SaltStack oder ähnlichen Konfiguration Management-Tools" - -msgid "Experience in Forex spot trading or exotic options pricing, volatility forecasts, high-frequency trading, and the analysis of market inefficiencies" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Forex Spot-Handel, oder exotischer Options-Preisgestaltung, Volatilitätsvoraussagen, hochfrequentem Trading und der Analyse von Marktleistungsschwächen" - -msgid "Experience in IT auditing or in-depth knowledge of computer systems is an advantage" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit IT-Revision oder vertiefte Kenntnisse von EDV-Systemen sind von Vorteil" - -msgid "Experience in application containerization" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Anwendungs-Containerisierung" - -msgid "Experience in content strategy - i.e. planning, creating, publishing, and updating content for small and large websites" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Content-Strategie - d.h. Planung, Erstellung, Veröffentlichung und Aktualisierung von Inhalten für kleine und große Websites" - -msgid "Experience in content writing is welcome" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Content-Schreiben ist willkommen" - -msgid "Experience in cybersecurity and data protection" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Experience in data visualisation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Experience in end-user device security audit and policy implementation is a plus" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Endbenutzer-Gerät-Sicherheits-Prüfung und Politikumsetzung ist ein Plus" - -msgid "Experience in exotic options pricing, volatility forecasts, high-frequency trading, and the analysis of market inefficiencies" -msgstr "Erfahrung in der exotischen Optionen Preisgestaltung, Volatilitätsvoraussagen, hochfrequentem Trading und der Analyse von Marktleistungsschwächen" - -msgid "Experience in interpreting complex concepts and processes to create design solutions that help our users achieve their goals" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit der Interpretation von komplexen Konzepten und Prozessen, um Design-Lösungen, die unseren Kunden dabei helfen ihre Ziele zu erreichen, zu erstellen" - -msgid "Experience in interpreting complex concepts and processes to develop intuitive and logical user flows and usage scenarios" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit der Interpretation komplexer Konzepte und Prozesse, um intuitive und logische Anwenderflüsse und Nutzerszenerien zu erstellen" - -msgid "Experience in managing round-the-clock operations for incident resolution, including alerts, rotations, and escalations" -msgstr "Erfahrung in der Verwaltung von rund um die Uhr Betrieben für Problemlösung, einschließlich Warnungen, Rotationen und Eskalationen" - -msgid "Experience in site reliability engineering (SRE)" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Website-Zuverlässigkeitstechnik" - -msgid "Experience in the financial services industry" -msgstr "Erfahrung in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche" - -msgid "Experience in the financial services industry is preferred" -msgstr "Erfahrung in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche bevorzugt" - -msgid "Experience in using financial information sources such as Bloomberg and Reuters" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit der Verwendung von Finanzinformationsquellen wie Bloomberg und Reuters" - -msgid "Experience in writing custom code and scripts to investigate security threats" -msgstr "Erfahrung im Schreiben von benutzerdefiniertem Code und Skripten, um Sicherheitsbedrohungen zu untersuchen" - -msgid "Experience the great outdoors like never before with incredible lakes, waterfalls, mountains, caverns, and more." -msgstr "Naturwunder wie nie zuvor gesehen mit bezaubernden Seen, Wasserfällen, Bergen, Höhlen und mehr." - -msgid "Experience with +DRAC is a plus" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit +DRAC ist ein Plus" - -msgid "Experience with Bitcoin or Geth RPC APIs is a plus" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Bitcoin oder Geth RPC APIs ist ein Plus" - -msgid "Experience with Linux and open-source applications such as rsyslog, DHCP, iptables, Postfix, NGINX, and initialization systems such as systemd and SysVinit" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Linux und Open-Source-Anwendungen wie Rsyslog, DHCP, Iptables, Postfix, NGINX und Initialisierungssystemen wie Systemd und SysVinit" - -msgid "Experience with MDX query language" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Experience with Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is an advantage" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit multidimensionalen Ausdrücken (MDX) ist von Vorteil" - -msgid "Experience with Postgres or another RDBMS is a plus" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Postgres oder anderen RDBMS ist von Vorteil" - -msgid "Experience with Solidity and the development of Dapps" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Solidity und Dapps Entwicklung" - -msgid "Experience with agile development methods such as Scrum or Kanban" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit agilen Entwicklungsmethoden wie Scrum oder Kanban" - -msgid "Experience with data extraction and reporting for data warehouse/cube" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Datenentnahme und Berichterstattung für Datenbanken/Datenwürfel" - -msgid "Experience with database testing tools such as pgTAP" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Datenbankprüfungswerkzeugen wie pgTAP" - -msgid "Experience with fuzzing and finding edge cases in validation" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Fuzzing und dem Finden von Grenzfällen in der Validierung" - -msgid "Experience with languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, C/C++, Go, or Ruby, and a willingness to become highly proficient with Perl" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Sprachen wie Perl, Python, PHP, C/C++, Go, oder Ruby und Bereitschaft mit Perl äußerst kompetent zu werden" - -msgid "Experience with machine learning algorithms, decision trees, neural networks, clustering, etc." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Experience with package managers (npm), task runners (Gulp, Webpack, Grunt), CSS processors (Sass, Stylus), and APIs (WebSocket)" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Paketmanager (npm), Task-Runner (Gulp, Webpack, Grunt), CSS Prozessoren (Sass, Stylus), und APIs (Websocket)" - -msgid "Experience with relational database design, and/or open-source RDBMS systems such as MySQL and PostgreSQL" -msgstr "Erfahrung im Design von relationalen Datenbanken und/oder Open-Source RDBMS Systemen wie MySQL und PostgreSQL" - -msgid "Experience with reporting packages, SQL, programming (Python/R) and ETL frameworks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Experience with statistical and data mining techniques like GLM/Regression, Random Forest, Boosting, text mining, social media analysis, etc." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Experience with trading other financial instruments" -msgstr "Erfahrung im Handel mit anderen Finanzinstrumenten" - -msgid "Experience with web application security and testing, security monitoring, and intrusion detection" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Web-Anwendungsicherheit und Prüfung, Sicherheitsüberwachung und Eindringungserkennung" - -msgid "Expert Advisors" -msgstr "Expert Advisors" - -msgid "Expert Advisors, including any additional functions/plug-ins of trading operations provided by or developed using Expert Advisors, are applications developed using the MetaQuotes Language which can be used to analyse price charts and automate the client's trades." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Expert Advisors, made available on the MT5 trading platform, are owned by MetaQuotes Software Corporation (the MT5 trading platform licensor) and shall remain the exclusive property of MetaQuotes Software Corporation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Expert analysis and learning resources." -msgstr "Expertenanalyse und Lernressourcen." - -msgid "Expertise in Linux system administration" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Linux Systemverwaltung" - -msgid "Expertise in cloud solutions and infrastructure virtualization, including AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and KVM" -msgstr "Erfahrung mit Cloud-Solutions und Infrastruktur-Virtualisierung, einschließlich AWS, Google, Cloud Plattform und KVM" - -msgid "Expertise in the application of object-oriented programming languages (C++, Perl, and Java), coupled with the ability to produce high-quality code" -msgstr "Kenntnis in der Anwendung von objektorientierten Programmiersprachen (C++, Perl und Java), gepaart mit der Fähigkeit, qualitativ hochwertigen Code zu generieren" - -msgid "Expiry date" -msgstr "Ablaufdatum" - -msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." -msgstr "Ablaufdatum wird für %1 benötigt." - -msgid "Expiry price" -msgstr "Ablaufkurs" - -msgid "Explanation" -msgstr "Erläuterung" - -msgid "Explore all the trading platforms, apps, and tools we offer" -msgstr "Erkunden Sie alle Handelsplattformen, Anwendungen und Tools, die wir anbieten" - -msgid "Explore our HackerOne bounty programme" -msgstr "Erkunden Sie unser HackerOne Belohnungsprogramm" - -msgid "Explore ways to enhance your account security and manage your trading risk." -msgstr "Entdecken Sie Möglichkeiten, um die Sicherheit Ihres Kontos zu verbessern und Ihr Handelsrisiko zu verwalten." - -msgid "Extensive experience in Microsoft Office applications, as well as popular HR management and payroll systems" -msgstr "Umfangreiche Erfahrung mit Microsoft Office Anwendungen, sowie populären HR-Management- und Gehaltssystemen" - -msgid "Extensive experience in bug bounty programmes such as HackerOne, Bugcrowd, and Cobalt" -msgstr "Umfangreiche Erfahrung mit Fehler-Bounty-Programmen wie HackerOne, Bugcrowd und Cobalt" - -msgid "Extensive experience in creating interactive UI elements for web and mobile apps" -msgstr "Umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Erstellung von interaktiven UI Elementen für Web- und mobile Anwendungen" - -msgid "Extensive experience of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX, and JSON" -msgstr "Umfassende Erfahrung mit JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AJAX und JSON" - -msgid "Extensive experience with TCP/IP networking, VPNs, and IPsec" -msgstr "Umfassende Erfahrung mit TCP/IP Netzwerken, VPNs und IPSec" - -msgid "Extensive knowledge in advanced coding techniques, cross-platform development, and hybrid mobile app development" -msgstr "Umfangreiche Kenntnisse in fortgeschrittener Programmierungstechnik, Cross-Plattform-Entwicklung und in der Entwicklung von hybriden, mobilen Anwendungen" - -msgid "Extensive knowledge of JavaScript , AJAX, JSON, CSS" -msgstr "Umfassendes Wissen in JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, CSS" - -msgid "External forces" -msgstr "Externe Kräfte" - -msgid "Extra revenue stream:" -msgstr "Zusätzliche Einnahmequelle:" - -msgid "F. Execution venues" -msgstr "F. Handelsplätze" - -msgid "F. Margin and Leverage" -msgstr "" - -msgid "FIX API" -msgstr "FIX API" - -msgid "FX" -msgstr "FX" - -msgid "FXOpen" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Facility that allows you to set limits on your account." -msgstr "Einrichtung, mit der Sie Limits für Ihr Konto einrichten können." - -msgid "Factors that affect metal prices" -msgstr "Faktoren, die Metallpreise beeinflussen" - -msgid "Factors that affect precious metal prices" -msgstr "Faktoren, die Edelmetallpreise beeinflussen" - -msgid "Failed" -msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen" - -msgid "Fairly and accurately describe Binary's business and services in a transparent manner to the clients" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Fairly and accurately describe the Agent's services to the clients" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Familiarity with Git" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mit Git" - -msgid "Familiarity with Perl DBI, Moose, PSGI/Plack, NGINX, JavaScript, Redis, and Git" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mir Perl DBI, Moose, PSGI/Plack, NGINX, JavaScript, Reis und Git" - -msgid "Familiarity with Perl DBI, Moose, PSGI/Plack, nginx, JavaScript, Redis, and Git" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mir Perl DBI, Moose, PSGI/Plack, nginx, JavaScript, Reis und Git" - -msgid "Familiarity with concepts such as blockchain confirmations, multisig, and HD wallets" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mit Konzepten wie Blockchain Bestätigungen, MultiSig und HD-Wallets" - -msgid "Familiarity with industry standard tools such as Burp Suit and Metasploit" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mit Industriestandardwerkzeugen wie Burp Suit und Metasploit" - -msgid "Familiarity with testing and debugging processes, including unit testing and UI testing" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mit der Prüfungs- und Debugging-Prozessen, einschl. Unit-Tests und UI Tests" - -msgid "Familiarity with various JavaScript standards, libraries, frameworks, compilers, and transpilers including ES6, TypeScript, Babel, SystemJS, Web Workers, jQuery, React, and Angular" -msgstr "Vertrautheit mit verschiedenen JavaScript Normen, Bibliotheken, Frameworks, Compiler und Transpilers einschließlich ES6, TypeScript, Babel, SystemJS, Web Workers, jQuery, React und Angular" - -msgid "Family name" -msgstr "Nachname" - -msgid "FasaPay enables electronic money transfers for individuals and payment gateways for merchants. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "FasaPay ermöglicht elektronische Geldüberweisungen für Einzelpersonen und Zahlungs-Gateways für Kaufleute. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "Fascinating culture" -msgstr "Faszinierende Kultur" - -msgid "Favourite artist" -msgstr "Lieblingskünstler" - -msgid "Favourite dish" -msgstr "Lieblingsgericht" - -msgid "Feb" -msgstr "Feb" - -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februar" - -msgid "Feel free to contact our friendly and helpful customer service experts. They're always available to answer your questions. You can contact us via email and telephone." -msgstr "Sie können gerne unsere freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Kundenbetreuer fragen. Sie sind immer dazu bereit, Ihre Fragen zu beantworten. Sie können sich mit uns über E-Mail und Telefon in Verbindung setzen." - -msgid "Feel free to get in touch with us at %1. We'd love to hear from you." -msgstr "Zögern Sie nicht uns über %1 zu kontaktieren. Wir würden gerne von Ihnen hören." - -msgid "Feel right at home with the extremely warm and friendly locals who always receive new faces with open arms." -msgstr "Neue Gesichter werden von den extrem warmherzigen und freundlichen Einheimischen mit offenen Armen empfangen." - -msgid "Festivals galore" -msgstr "Festivals in Hülle und Fülle" - -msgid "Fiat" -msgstr "Fiat" - -msgid "Fiat Currency" -msgstr "Fiat-Währung" - -msgid "Fifteen years on, and we're still innovating, growing and working on new ways to serve our customers better. For the first time, we offer short-term touch/no-touch trades and introduce a new charting application. We believe we have the most competitive and comprehensive digital options platform available to the retail public." -msgstr "Seit fünfzehn Jahren auf dem Markt und wir führen immer noch Neuerungen ein, wachsen und arbeiten an neuen Wegen, um unsere Kunden besser zu bedienen. Wir bieten zum ersten Mal kurzfristige Ziel/Kein Ziel Kontrakte an und führen eine neue Charting Anwendung ein. Wir sind uns sicher, dass wir über die wettbewerbsfähigste Plattform für digitale Optionen für das private Publikum verfügen." - -msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" -msgstr "Dateigröße (%1) überschreitet den zulässigen Grenzwert. Maximal zulässige Dateigröße: %2" - -msgid "File Name" -msgstr "Dateiname" - -msgid "File records and documents of customer interactions according to existing guidelines" -msgstr "Datei-Aufzeichnungen und Unterlagen von Kundeninteraktionen nach gültigen Richtlinien" - -msgid "Filtering Controls" -msgstr "Filtersteuerungen" - -msgid "Final price" -msgstr "Schlusskurs" - -msgid "Finance" -msgstr "Finanzen" - -msgid "Financial Account" -msgstr "Finanzkonto" - -msgid "Financial Account Opening" -msgstr "Eröffnung eines Finanzkontos" - -msgid "Financial Assessment" -msgstr "Finanzielle Einstufung" - -msgid "Financial Markets Analyst" -msgstr "Finanz Marktanalyst" - -msgid "Financial Risk approval is required. Please contact %1customer support%2 for more information." -msgstr "Dem Finanzrisiko muss zugestimmt werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die %1Kundenbetreuung%2, um mehr Informationen zu erhalten." - -msgid "Financial assessment" -msgstr "Finanzielle Einstufung" - -msgid "Financial derivatives that allow you to trade on the movement of underlying assets." -msgstr "Derivative Finanzinstrumente, die Ihnen erlauben, die Bewegung der Basiswerte zu handeln." - -msgid "Financial information" -msgstr "Finanzinformationen" - -msgid "Find a trading platform that suits your experience and preferred strategy – whether you're a new or seasoned trader." -msgstr "Finden Sie eine Handelsplattform, die mit Ihren Bedürfnissen und Ihrer bevorzugten Strategie übereinstimmt - egal, ob Sie ein neuer oder erfahrener Händler sind." - -msgid "Find out more about the costs and details of each CFD asset we offer." -msgstr "Lernen Sie mehr über die Kosten und Details jeder CFD Anlage, die wir anbieten." - -msgid "Find out more about the costs and details of every cryptocurrency pair we offer." -msgstr "Lernen Sie mehr über die Kosten und Details jedes Kryptowährungspaares, das wir anbieten." - -msgid "Find out more about the costs and details of every currency pair we offer." -msgstr "Lernen Sie mehr über die Kosten und Details jedes Währungspaares, das wir anbieten." - -msgid "Find out more about the costs and details of every metal pair we offer." -msgstr "Lernen Sie mehr über die Kosten und Details jedes Metallpaares, das wir anbieten." - -msgid "Find the right trade for every market condition." -msgstr "Finden Sie für jede Marktkondition den richtigen Kontrakt." - -msgid "Finish" -msgstr "Beenden" - -msgid "Firm grasp of advanced risk management concepts, including hedging, Greeks (first and second generation), Value at Risk models, etc." -msgstr "Ausgeprägtes Verständnis von erweiterten Risiko-Management-Konzepten, einschließlich Deckungsgeschäften, Greeks (erste und zweite Generation), Value at Risk- Model, etc." - -msgid "First line" -msgstr "Erste Zeile" - -msgid "First line of home address" -msgstr "Erste Adresszeile" - -msgid "First name" -msgstr "Vorname" - -msgid "First, define your position..." -msgstr "Zunächst müssen Sie Ihre Position bestimmen..." - -msgid "First-class client service." -msgstr "Erstklassige Kundenbetreuung." - -msgid "Fixed spreads" -msgstr "Fixierte Spreads" - -msgid "Fixed/Variable" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Fixing problems and providing feedback for improvement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Flexible" -msgstr "Flexibel" - -msgid "Flexible trades" -msgstr "Flexible Geschäfte" - -msgid "Focusing on customer's needs in everything that you do." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Follow established workflows for content deliverables" -msgstr "Folgen Sie etablierten Workflows für Inhalts-Leistungen" - -msgid "Follow the law and these Terms" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Follow up on the recommendations and timeline for corrective actions with department heads" -msgstr "Folgen Sie den Empfehlungen und der Timeline für Korrekturmaßnahmen mit Abteilungsleitern" - -msgid "Follow, comply, and implement with all business-related directions, policies, and procedures of the Company as amended or re-enacted or replaced from time to time" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Food Services" -msgstr "Lebensmitteldiesnte" - -msgid "For Binary (IOM) Ltd, the applicable Jurisdiction shall be the Isle of Man." -msgstr "Die zuständige Gerichtsbarkeit für Binary (IOM) Ltd. befindet sich auf den Britischen Inseln." - -msgid "For Binary (SVG) Ltd, the applicable Jurisdiction shall be St. Vincent and the Grenadines." -msgstr "Die zuständige Gerichtsbarkeit für Binary (SVG) Ltd. befindet sich auf St. Vincent und den Grenadinen." - -msgid "For Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd and Binary (Europe) Ltd, the applicable Jurisdiction shall be Malta." -msgstr "Die zuständige Gerichtsbarkeit für Investments (Europe) Ltd und Binary (Europe) Ltd, befindet sich in Malta." - -msgid "For affiliate, partnership, and other marketing-related queries:" -msgstr "Für Partner, Partnerschaft und andere Marketing-bezogene Anfragen:" - -msgid "For details on submitting a complaint to the Company's lead supervisory authority on data processing practices, the client is encouraged to check %1's %2Complaints and disputes%3 section." -msgstr "" - -msgid "For e-wallets or local currencies not supported by %1." -msgstr "Für e-Wallets oder nationale Währungen, die nicht von %1 unterstützt werden." - -msgid "For example, a round trade (i.e. open and close position) of 1 lot of Vol 75 Index for a price of USD 125,000 would pay USD 12.5." -msgstr "Beispiel: eine Handelsrunde, d.h. eine geöffnete und später geschlossene Position, von einem Lot des Vol 75 Indexes zu einem Preis von 125.000 USD würde 12,5 USD ergeben." - -msgid "For example, if you buy a US 100 contract and it's not going as planned, you just need to sell it to cut your losses at the current market price." -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie einen US 100 Kontrakt kaufen, und es läuft nicht wie geplant, genügt es, ihn zu verkaufen, um Ihre Verluste auf den aktuellen Marktpreis zu begrenzen." - -msgid "For example, if you buy one lot of an underlying asset at a price of USD 20,000 and a margin rate of 0.01, the margin required to purchase that one lot will be calculated as follows:" -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie ein Lot eines Basiswertes zum Preis von 20.000 USD und einer Zinnspanne von 0,01 kaufen, wird die Marge, um dieses eine Lot zu kaufen wie folgt berechnet:" - -msgid "For example, if you buy one lot of the EUR/USD pair with a contract size of 100,000 and leverage of 100:1, the margin that you need to purchase one lot of EUR/USD will be calculated as follows:" -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie ein Lot des EUR/USD Paars mit einer Kontraktgröße von 100.000 und einem Leverage von 100:1 kaufen, wird das Margin, das benötigt wird, um dieses eine Lot aus EUR/USD zu kaufen, wie folgt berechnet:" - -msgid "For example, if you buy one lot of the XAU/USD pair at 300:1 leverage and a market price of USD 1,250.15, the margin required to purchase that one lot will be calculated as follows:" -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie ein Lot eines XAU/USD Paars zu einer 300:1 Leverage und einem Marktpreis von 1.250,15 kaufen, wird die Marge, die benötigt wird, um dieses eine Lot zu erwerben, wie folgt berechnet:" - -msgid "For example, if you see that the EUR/USD has an ask price of 1.05382, you'll sell USD 1.05382 (quote currency) for every EUR 1 (base currency) you buy." -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie sehen, dass der EUR/USD einen Briefkurs von 1,05382 hat, werden Sie 1,05382 USD (Kurswährung) für jeden 1 Euro (Basiswährung), den Sie kaufen, verkaufen." - -msgid "For example, if you wanted to buy one volume of the BTC/EUR cryptocurrency pair at a price of USD 4831.400 and at a margin rate of 10%, the margin that you need to purchase one lof of BTC/EUR will be calculated as follows:" -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie ein Volumen des BTC/EUR Kryptowährungspaars zu einem Preis von 4831,400 USD und mit einer Zinsspanne von 10 % kaufen möchten, wird die Marge, die Sie benötigen um ein Lot von BTC/EUR zu kaufen, wie folgt berechnet:" - -msgid "For example, if you wanted to purchase 100 units of a particular asset that's trading at USD 50 per unit through a traditional broker, it would typically cost you USD 5,000 for this transaction." -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie 100 Einheiten eines bestimmten Handelsgeschäfts zu 50 USD je Einheit mittels eines traditionellen Brokers kaufen wollten, würde Sie diese Transaktion normalerweise 5.000 US kosten." - -msgid "For example, if you wanted to purchase 100 units of a particular asset trading at USD 50 per unit through a traditional broker, it would cost you USD 5,000 for this transaction." -msgstr "Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie 100 Einheiten eines bestimmten Handelsgeschäfts zu 50 USD je Einheit mittels eines traditionellen Brokers kaufen wollten, würde Sie diese Transaktion 5.000 USD kosten." - -msgid "For example, let's say the market has a low of 5,200 and a close of 6,000 over the contract duration, then a \"Close-Low\" lookback with a multiplier of $2 would have a payout of:" -msgstr "Angenommen, der Markt hat einen Tiefstand von 5.200 und einen Schluss von 6.000 über die Kontraktlaufzeit, dann hätte ein \"Schluss-Tief\" Lookback mit einem Multiplikator von 2 $ eine Auszahlung von:" - -msgid "For features and trading illustration of Spot FX offered by %1, refer to the Product disclosure statement. This policy is an appendix to, and should be read in conjunction with, the overarching %1's order execution policy." -msgstr "Funktionen und eine Handels-Illustration des Spot FX, der von %1 angeboten wird, finden Sie unter der Produkt-Offenlegungserklärung. Diese Richtlinie ist ein Anhang zur- und sollte in Verbindung mit der übergreifenden %1 Orderausführungs-Politik gelesen werden." - -msgid "For forex quotes, the closing times are defined by the Company as shown in the market opening times section of the website. In the event of any dispute regarding market or settlement values, the decision of the Company shall be final and binding. Clients should note that certain markets (such as indices) are not open throughout the day and that trading may not be available when the markets are closed." -msgstr "" - -msgid "For forex: The forex market is an OTC (over the counter) market, where banks and other major financial institutions trade currencies amongst themselves without there being any central clearing house. Accordingly, there is no 'official' price source for forex quotes. Different data feeds will contain quotes from a different sub-set of international banks. Accordingly, prices may differ among providers, depending on which bank(s) they obtain prices from." -msgstr "" - -msgid "For full contact details of %1, the client is encouraged to check %1's %2Contact us%3 page." -msgstr "" - -msgid "For fully covered accounts, no Margin will be charged on open positions. However, swaps and other applicable fees can cause the client's Account Equity to turn negative. In that case, the Stop Out process will be triggered." -msgstr "" - -msgid "For further assistance, email us at %1affiliates@binary.com%2" -msgstr "Für weitere Fragen senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an %1affiliates@binary.com%2" - -msgid "For general support:" -msgstr "Für allgemeine Unterstützung:" - -msgid "For information about Forex leverage refer to our %1Margin Policy%2." -msgstr "Für Informationen über Forex-Leverage beziehen Sie sich bitte auf unsere %1Margin-Richtlinie%2." - -msgid "For payments-related queries:" -msgstr "Für auf Zahlungen bezogene Fragen:" - -msgid "For the purposes of this Agreement, the following shall mean:" -msgstr "Zum Zwecke dieser Vereinbarung, soll das Folgende heißen, dass:" - -msgid "For the third straight year, BetOnMarkets.com is voted 'Best Fixed-Odds Financial Trading Provider' by Shares Magazine UK. It's the last time we win it because Shares Magazine stops awarding in this category." -msgstr "BetOnMarkets.com wurde schon für das dritte aufeinanderfolgendende Jahr von dem Shares Magazine UK zum besten 'Best Fixed-Odds Financial Trading Provider (deutsch: Bester Finanzhandelsdienstleister für feste Gewinnquoten)' gewählt. Leider ist dies das letzte Mal, da das Shares Magazine die Preisvergabe in dieser Kategorie eingestellt hat." - -msgid "Force majeure event" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Force majeure events" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Force majeure events must be confirmed by an authority or government authority of the Party's residence." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Forex" -msgstr "Devisenhandel" - -msgid "Forex and contract-for-difference transactions involve a high degree of risk and are speculative because they allow the client to speculate on the short-term price movements of the underlying financial instruments. The client should not enter into forex and/or contract-for-difference transactions unless the client is able to sustain losses that exceed the client's deposited funds. It is important for the client to understand that in order to realise any value from the client's open positions, the client would have to enter into a corresponding transaction to close the client's open positions and may find it difficult or impossible to do so under certain market conditions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Forex and metals*" -msgstr "Forex und Metalle*" - -msgid "Forex contract specifications" -msgstr "Forex Kontraktspezifikationen" - -msgid "Forex margin policy" -msgstr "Foren-Margin Richtlinie" - -msgid "Forex trading experience" -msgstr "Devisenhandelserfahrung" - -msgid "Forex trading frequency" -msgstr "Devisenhandelshäufigkeit" - -msgid "Forex trading involves buying one currency and selling another currency at the same time. This is why you always see them quoted in pairs. For example: EUR/USD and GBP/USD." -msgstr "Der Handel mit Forex umfasst den Kauf einer Währung und den Verkauf einer anderen Währung zur gleichen Zeit. Deshalb sehen Sie diese immer paarweise zitiert. Zum Beispiel: EUR/USD und GBP/USD." - -msgid "Forex trading involves buying or selling these \"currency pairs\". When you buy a currency pair such as EUR/USD, it means that you are buying the EURO and selling the USD at the same time." -msgstr "Der Handel mit Forex umfasst den Kauf oder Verkauf dieser \"Kryptowährungspaare\". Wenn Sie ein Währungspaar wie z. B. EUR/USD kaufen, bedeutet dies, dass Sie den EURO kaufen und den USD zur gleichen Zeit verkaufen." - -msgid "Forex*" -msgstr "Forex*" - -msgid "Founded in 1999, %1 is one of the oldest and most respected names in online binary trading." -msgstr "In 1999 gegründet, ist %1 eine der ältesten und respektabelsten Marken im online Handel mit binären Optionen." - -msgid "Fr" -msgstr "Fr" - -msgid "Fraud and money laundering" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Free bonus" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Free training sessions by professional traders." -msgstr "Kostenfreie Schulungen von professionellen Händlern." - -msgid "Freedom" -msgstr "Freiheit" - -msgid "Frequency of trading other financial instruments" -msgstr "Häufigkeit des Handels mit anderen Finanzinstrumenten" - -msgid "Frequently asked questions" -msgstr "Häufig gestellte Fragen" - -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Freitag" - -msgid "Fridays" -msgstr "Freitag" - -msgid "Friendly locals" -msgstr "Freundliche Einheimische" - -msgid "From" -msgstr "Von" - -msgid "From account: " -msgstr "" - -msgid "From time to time, BIEL may decide to provide the client with written or video information, which BIEL may publish on its website or provide to the client in any other manner. BIEL will endeavour to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information, but it will not constitute independent investment research or investment advice provided by BIEL to the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Front Side" -msgstr "Vorderseite" - -msgid "Front and reverse side photos of %1 are required." -msgstr "Fotos der Vorder-und Rückseite des %1 sind erforderlich." - -msgid "Front side" -msgstr "Vorderseite" - -msgid "Front-End Developer" -msgstr "Front-End Entwickler" - -msgid "Fund transfers" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Fund transfers between accounts are unavailable." -msgstr "Überweisungen zwischen Konten sind nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Funding of MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "Finanzierung eines MT5 Echtgeldkontos" - -msgid "Funding of the MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Further information" -msgstr "Weitere Informationen" - -msgid "Further instructions" -msgstr "Weitere Anweisungen" - -msgid "Further, the Company, under the above circumstances, or any other, reserves the right to adjust a client's account should any trade result in disruption or in a miscarried or aborted trade." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Furthermore, the Company disclaims all liability for any malfunctioning, impossibility of access, or poor use conditions of the %1 API due to inappropriate equipment, disturbances related to Internet service providers, the saturation of the Internet network, and any other reason." -msgstr "" - -msgid "G. Order handling" -msgstr "G. Order Abwicklung" - -msgid "G. Regulatory provisions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "GAMSTOP is a free service that enables you to self-exclude from all online gambling companies licensed in Great Britain." -msgstr "GAMSTOP ist ein kostenloser Service, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich aus allen Online-Glücksspiel-Unternehmen, die in Großbritannien zugelassen sind, selbst auszuschließen." - -msgid "GBE Brokers" -msgstr "GBE Brokers" - -msgid "GBP Index – Measures the value of the British Pound against a basket of five global currencies (USD, EUR, AUD, JPY, CAD), each weighted by 20%" -msgstr "GBP-Index - Misst den Wert des Britischen Pfunds gegen einen Korb von 5 Weltwährungen (USD, EUR, AUD, JPY, CAD), wobei jede mit 20 % berücksichtigt ist" - -msgid "GBP/USD currency pair and its bid-ask price." -msgstr "GBP/USD Währungspaar und sein Geld-Briefkurs." - -msgid "GDPR" -msgstr "DSGVO" - -msgid "GMT" -msgstr "GMT" - -msgid "GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time, the official time used in the UK during winter. In summer, the UK changes to British Summer Time, which is GMT + 1 hour. All times on the %1 site use GMT all year round." -msgstr "GMT bedeutet Greenwich Mean Time, während des Winters die offizielle Zeit in Großbritannien. Im Sommer wechselt Großbritannien zur britischen Sommerzeit, die GMT +1 Stunde beträgt. Alle Zeiten auf %1 Site sind ganzjährig GMT." - -msgid "GamCare" -msgstr "GamCare" - -msgid "Gaming" -msgstr "Spiele" - -msgid "General" -msgstr "Allgemein" - -msgid "General disclosure" -msgstr "" - -msgid "General provisions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "General risks" -msgstr "Allgemeine risiken" - -msgid "Generally the Company will communicate with the client through this website or by email to the email address given by the client upon account opening. The Company will communicate with the client in English or, if another preferred language is selected at account opening, in that language." -msgstr "Wir werden Sie generell über die Website oder die E-Mail Adresse ansprechen, die Sie bei der Kontoeröffnung angegeben haben. Es wird English oder die zur Kontoeröffnung festgelegte Sprache benutzt." - -msgid "Generate periodic and special reports on client trading activity and significant trends that impact our client behaviour" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie regelmäßig spezielle Berichte über die Kunden-Handels-Aktivität und bedeutende Entwicklungen, die das Verhalten unserer Kunden beeinflussen" - -msgid "Generate periodic and special reports that summarise client trading trends" -msgstr "Erstellung von periodischen und speziellen Berichten, die die Handelstrends der Kunden zusammenfassen" - -msgid "Generated verification code:" -msgstr "Generierter Bestätigungs-Code:" - -msgid "Generous commissions" -msgstr "Großzügige Provision" - -msgid "Get %1" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Get Started" -msgstr "Erste Schritte" - -msgid "Get USD 10,000.00" -msgstr "Sie erhalten 10.000,00 USD" - -msgid "Get out of the city centre and enjoy the serenity of island life free from the excesses of commercialisation. Friendly, helpful locals are also never far off." -msgstr "Kommen Sie raus aus der Innenstadt und genießen Sie die Ruhe des Insellebens, frei von den Exzessen der Kommerzialisierung. Freundliche, hilfsbereite Einheimische sind auch nie weit weg." - -msgid "Get started with MT5" -msgstr "Legen Sie los mit MT5" - -msgid "Get your price" -msgstr "Holen Sie sich Ihren Kurs" - -msgid "Getting Started" -msgstr "Erste Schritte" - -msgid "Getting started" -msgstr "Erste Schritte" - -msgid "Given the Company's role as a Margin trading service provider as described in this agreement, the Company seeks to avoid undue market influence to the extent consistent with the client's trading needs and the Company's risk management policies and procedures. By continuing to use the Margin trading services described in this agreement, the client acknowledges that they are aware of the potential conflict of interest disclosed that may arise and cannot be completely eliminated, and they consent to the Company acting notwithstanding such potential conflict of interests." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Global Banking & Finance Awards" -msgstr "Globale Banking & Finanz Auszeichnungen" - -msgid "Global Banking & Finance Awards 2018" -msgstr "Globale Banking & Finanz Auszeichnungen 2018" - -msgid "Global Banking and Finance Review" -msgstr "Globale Banking & Finanz Review" - -msgid "Global Brands Awards 2018" -msgstr "Global Brands Awards 2018" - -msgid "Global Brands Magazine" -msgstr "Global Brands Magazine" - -msgid "Glossary" -msgstr "Glossar" - -msgid "Go" -msgstr "Los" - -msgid "Go ahead, experience it for yourself." -msgstr "Nur zu, probieren Sie es aus." - -msgid "Go long = buy" -msgstr "Lang gehen = kaufen" - -msgid "Go long and short" -msgstr "Gehen Sie lang und kurz" - -msgid "Go short = sell" -msgstr "Kurz gehen = verkaufen" - -msgid "Go to MT5 download page" -msgstr "Gehen Sie zur MT5-Download-Seite" - -msgid "Go to MetaTrader 5 dashboard" -msgstr "Zum MetaTrader 5 Dashboard gehen" - -msgid "Go to statement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Go with the leader" -msgstr "Mit dem Marktführer gehen" - -msgid "Goes Outside" -msgstr "Geht Außerhalb" - -msgid "Gold vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Gold gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Good reporting skills with a keen eye for detail" -msgstr "Gute Berichterstattung-Fähigkeiten und Liebe zum Detail" - -msgid "Good to have:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Good understanding of payments functionality and a keen interest in cryptocurrencies" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Governing law" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Governing law and jurisdiction" -msgstr "Geltendes Recht und Gerichtsbarkeit" - -msgid "Governing laws and jurisdiction" -msgstr "Geltendes Recht und Gerichtsbarkeit" - -msgid "Government Officers" -msgstr "Regierungsbeamte" - -msgid "Graphics Designer" -msgstr "Grafikdesigner" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Australian Dollar" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Australischen Dollar" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Canadian Dollar" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Kanadischen Dollar" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs New Zealand Dollar" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Australischen Dollar" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Norwegian Krone" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Norwegische Krone" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Singapore Dollar" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Singapur-Dollar" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Swedish Krona" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Schwedische Krone" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Swiss Franc" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen Schweizer Franken" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs Turkish Lira" -msgstr "Großbritannien Pfund gegen Türkische Lira" - -msgid "Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Britisches Pfund gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Group History" -msgstr "Konzerngeschichte" - -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Leitfaden" - -msgid "H. Monitoring and review" -msgstr "H. Überwachung und Bewertung" - -msgid "H. Quotes" -msgstr "" - -msgid "HF Volatility 10 Index" -msgstr "HF Volatilität 10 Index" - -msgid "HF Volatility 100 Index" -msgstr "HF Volatilität 100 Index" - -msgid "HF Volatility 50 Index" -msgstr "HF Volatilität 50 Index" - -msgid "HR Operations Executive" -msgstr "HR Operations Executive" - -msgid "Handle chargeback disputes and review regulatory complaints" -msgstr "Bearbeiten Sie Rückbuchungs-Streitigkeiten und überprüfen Sie regulatorische Beschwerden" - -msgid "Hands-on experience in systems and network security. Experience with Fortigate or similar devices (e.g.Cisco, Mikrotik)" -msgstr "Praktische Erfahrung in System- und Netzwerk-Sicherheit. Erfahrung mit Fortigate oder ähnlichen Geräten (e.g.Cisco, Mikrotik)" - -msgid "Hands-on experience in troubleshooting computer software, hardware, and a variety of internet applications and networks" -msgstr "Praktische Erfahrung in der Behebung von Fehlern in Computer-Software, Hardware und einer Vielzahl von Internet-Anwendungen und Netzwerken" - -msgid "Have not previously been a %1 customer" -msgstr "Sie waren zuvor noch kein Kunde bei %1" - -msgid "Health" -msgstr "Gesundheitssystem" - -msgid "Hedge your portfolio" -msgstr "Sichern Sie Ihr Portfolio ab" - -msgid "Hedging" -msgstr "Hedging" - -msgid "Help in developing advanced risk management tools for various markets (forex, equities, commodities)" -msgstr "Hilfe bei der Entwicklung von fortschrittlichen Risiko-Management-Tools für verschiedene Märkte (Forex, Aktien, Rohstoffe)" - -msgid "Here is some information about the data feeds used by the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Here's an example of the EUR/USD currency pair and its bid-ask price:" -msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für das Währungspaar EUR/USD und dessen Geld-Briefkurs:" - -msgid "High" -msgstr "Hoch" - -msgid "High Barrier" -msgstr "Hohe Schwelle" - -msgid "High Tick" -msgstr "Höchster Tick" - -msgid "High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks." -msgstr "Hoher Tick/Niedriger Tick Kontrakte haben eine strenge Laufzeit von fünf Ticks." - -msgid "High Ticks/Low Ticks" -msgstr "" - -msgid "High barrier" -msgstr "Hohe Schwelle" - -msgid "High barrier must be higher than low barrier" -msgstr "Die hohe Schwelle muss höher als die niedrige Schwelle sein" - -msgid "High barrier offset" -msgstr "Hohe Schwellenverschiebung" - -msgid "High conversions" -msgstr "Hohe Umsätze" - -msgid "High level of security – Each cryptocurrency transaction is secured through advanced cryptographic techniques that make it almost impossible to counterfeit" -msgstr "Hohes Maß an Sicherheit – Jede Kryptowährungstransaktion ist durch fortgeschrittene kryptographische Techniken gesichert, die eine Fälschung fast unmöglich machen" - -msgid "High, Low and Close" -msgstr "Hoch, Tief und Schluss" - -msgid "High-Close" -msgstr "Hoch-Schluss" - -msgid "High-Low" -msgstr "Hoch-Tief" - -msgid "High-tech green township" -msgstr "High-Tech Green Township" - -msgid "High/Low Ticks" -msgstr "Hohe/Niedrige Ticks" - -msgid "Higher" -msgstr "Höher" - -msgid "Higher or equal" -msgstr "Höher oder gleich" - -msgid "Higher/Lower" -msgstr "Höher/Tiefer" - -msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." -msgstr "Höher/Tiefer Kontrakte werden zum Kaufkurs erstattet, wenn weniger als 2 Ticks zwischen der Start- und der Endzeit liegen." - -msgid "Higher/Lower trades" -msgstr "Höhere/Tiefere Stände" - -msgid "Highlights" -msgstr "Highlights" - -msgid "Hint: it would take approximately %1%2 to crack this password." -msgstr "Tipp: Es würde ungefähr %1%2 dauern, um dieses Passwort zu knacken." - -msgid "Historical Mediterranean island" -msgstr "Historische Mittelmeerinsel" - -msgid "Hits & Impression report: Displays your hit rate and click through rates" -msgstr "Treffer & Eindrucksbericht: Zeigt Ihre Trefferquote und Durchklickrate an" - -msgid "Hone your security testing skills." -msgstr "Verfeinern Sie Ihre Sicherheitsprüfungs-Fähigkeiten." - -msgid "Hong Kong Dollar vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Hong Kong Dollar gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Hour" -msgstr "Stunde" - -msgid "How and when will I receive my affiliate earnings?" -msgstr "Wie und wann bekomme ich meine Geschäftspartner-Verdienste?" - -msgid "How can I become an affiliate?" -msgstr "Wie werde ich Geschäftspartner?" - -msgid "How can I change my payment method?" -msgstr "Wie kann ich meine Zahlungsmethode ändern?" - -msgid "How can I withdraw my commissions?" -msgstr "Wie kann ich meine Provisionen beheben?" - -msgid "How can we help?" -msgstr "Wie können wir helfen?" - -msgid "How do I know how much I have earned?" -msgstr "Wie erfahre ich, wie viel ich verdient habe?" - -msgid "How do I register to become a %1 IB?" -msgstr "Wie melde ich mich an, um ein %1 IB zu werden?" - -msgid "How does it work?" -msgstr "Wie funktioniert es?" - -msgid "How it works" -msgstr "Wie es funktioniert" - -msgid "How much do I get paid if I refer clients onto your MT5 platform?" -msgstr "Wie viel bekomme ich bezahlt, wenn ich Kunden auf Ihre MT5 Plattform verweise?" - -msgid "How to Trade in MetaTrader 5" -msgstr "Wie man mit MetaTrader 5 handelt" - -msgid "How to calculate margin" -msgstr "Wie man die Marge berechnet" - -msgid "How to calculate your profit and losses?" -msgstr "Wie berechnen Sie Ihre Gewinne und Verluste?" - -msgid "How to calculate your profits and losses" -msgstr "Wie Sie Ihre Gewinne und Verluste berechnen" - -msgid "How to close a position" -msgstr "Wie eine Position geschlossen wird" - -msgid "How to manage your funds" -msgstr "Wie Sie Ihr Guthaben verwalten" - -msgid "How to read the commission and swap scheme table" -msgstr "Wie man die Kommission- und Swap-Schema Tabelle liest" - -msgid "How to read the contract specifications table" -msgstr "Wie man die Kontrakt-Spezifikationstabelle liest" - -msgid "How to read the table above" -msgstr "Wie man die oberstehende Tabelle liest" - -msgid "How to setup two-factor authentication for your %1 account:" -msgstr "Wie Sie die Zwei-Faktor- Authentifizierung für Ihr %1 Konto einrichten können:" - -msgid "How to trade CFDs" -msgstr "Wie man CFDs handelt" - -msgid "How to trade Forex" -msgstr "Wie man Forex handelt" - -msgid "How to trade Metals?" -msgstr "Wie handelt man Metalle?" - -msgid "How to trade binary options" -msgstr "Wie man binäre Optionen handelt" - -msgid "How to trade cryptocurrencies" -msgstr "Wie man Kryptowährungen handelt" - -msgid "How to trade metals" -msgstr "Wie man Metalle handelt" - -msgid "How to use a payment agent?" -msgstr "Wie verwendet man einen Zahlungsagenten?" - -msgid "However, Introducing Brokers contracted with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd shall be paid on a Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) deal only, whereby the Introducing Broker shall become eligible for payment of a set amount only upon the introduction of a client to Binary and as long as the Introducing Broker is providing an enhanced service to the clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "However, if the asset price falls by 10 points, that represents a USD 10 loss for you." -msgstr "Wenn der Vermögenswert um 10 Punkte fällt, stellt dies einen Verlust von 10 USD für Sie dar." - -msgid "However, we will require further documentation to authenticate your account in the future." -msgstr "" - -msgid "However, with leverage you can purchase those 100 units at a fraction of the typical cost – depending on the leverage afforded to you by your broker or trading platform." -msgstr "Mit einer Leverage können Sie jedoch diese 100 Einheiten zu einem Bruchteil der typischen Kosten – abhängig von der Leverage, die Sie von Ihrem Broker oder Ihrer Handelsplattform gewährt bekommen, erwerben." - -msgid "Human Resource" -msgstr "Personalabteilung" - -msgid "Human Resources" -msgstr "Personalabteilung" - -msgid "I acknowledge that I am not a politically exposed person (PEP)." -msgstr "Ich bestätige hiermit, dass ich keine politisch exponierte Person (PEP) bin." - -msgid "I forgot my password, what should I do?" -msgstr "Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Was soll ich machen?" - -msgid "I have read and agree to the %1terms and conditions%2 of the site." -msgstr "Ich habe die %1Geschäftsbedingungen%2 dieser Seite gelesen und diesen zugestimmt." - -msgid "I hereby confirm that the tax information I provided is true and complete. I will also inform Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. about any changes to this information." -msgstr "Hiermit bestätige ich, dass die von mir angegebenen Steuerinformationen wahr und vollständig sind. Ich werde Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. auch über Änderungen dieser Angaben informieren." - -msgid "I understand the risks involved and agree to the %1Terms & Conditions of the MAM facility%2" -msgstr "Ich verstehe die damit verbundenen Risiken und stimme den %1Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der MAM-Anlage%2 zu" - -msgid "I want to reapply" -msgstr "" - -msgid "I would like to be treated as a professional client." -msgstr "Ich möchte als professioneller Kunde behandelt werden." - -msgid "I'm interested" -msgstr "Ich bin interessiert" - -msgid "I. Trading" -msgstr "" - -msgid "IB commissions are credited directly into your MT5 account. You can transfer funds from your MT5 account to your %1 Real Account, then withdraw the funds using your preferred withdrawal method." -msgstr "IB Kommissionen werden direkt auf Ihr MT5-Konto gutgeschrieben. Sie können Gelder von Ihrem MT5 Konto zu Ihrem %1 Echtgeldkonto überweisen, und dann mittels Ihrer bevorzugten Auszahlungsmethode abheben." - -msgid "IB earnings from your MT5 referrals are credited daily into your MT5 account." -msgstr "IB Gewinne Ihrer MT5-Empfehlungen werden täglich Ihrem MT5-Konto gutgeschrieben." - -msgid "IB programme FAQ" -msgstr "IB Programm FAQ" - -msgid "ID number" -msgstr "ID-Nummer" - -msgid "ID number is required for %1." -msgstr "ID-Nummer ist für %1 erforderlich." - -msgid "IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER" -msgstr "WICHTIGER RECHTLICHER HINWEIS" - -msgid "IP Address" -msgstr "IP-Adresse" - -msgid "IT" -msgstr "IT" - -msgid "IT knowledge or experience is preferred" -msgstr "IT-Kenntnisse oder Erfahrung wird bevorzugt" - -msgid "Ideal for new and experienced traders" -msgstr "Ideal für Anfänger und erfahrene Trader" - -msgid "Ideas" -msgstr "Ideen" - -msgid "Ideas, opinions and insights from the people behind %1" -msgstr "Ideen, Meinungen und Erkenntnisse von den Menschen hinter %1" - -msgid "Identify attack vectors" -msgstr "Angriffsvektoren identifizieren" - -msgid "Identify new marketing opportunities through customer feedback and contribute ideas to expand our global customer base" -msgstr "Identifizieren Sie neue Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten durch Kundenfeedback und tragen Sie eigene Ideen bei, um unsere globale Kundenbasis zu erweitern" - -msgid "Identity card" -msgstr "Identitätskarte" - -msgid "If %1 is legally required to disclose the client's personal or financial information by law, regulation, or pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction or a governmental agency, the Company will promptly notify the client, as it deems appropriate, to give the client the opportunity to seek protection for the information. The Company will do so unless legally prohibited. Such required disclosure shall not be interpreted as a breach of this terms and conditions agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If BIEL decides to introduce a new trading platform, it shall provide the client with a relevant notice within 30 days before it introduces the new trading platform or the additional trading platform. In such a notice, BIEL will outline information including, but not limited to, features and operations of the new trading platform. Thus, using its backup database on the MT5 trading platform, BIEL shall integrate all data to the new trading platform, including but not limited to open trades, historical trades/data, and accounts." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If an error is made in the calculation of the Affiliate's share of the revenue share, the Company reserves the right to correct such calculation at any time, and to reclaim from the Affiliate any overpayment made by the Company to the Affiliate (including, without limitation, by way of reducing future payments earned, revenue to cover any processed chargebacks) before the Affiliate can start earning revenue again. In special cases, the Company reserves the right to exclude revenue sharing on promotional funds deposited into the client's account by the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If any of the parties is a physical person, this Agreement shall be terminated in the event of death or physical or mental incapacity of such parties. " -msgstr "" - -msgid "If any provision of these Terms is found to be illegal, void, or unenforceable, the unenforceable provision will be modified so as to render it enforceable to the maximum extent possible in order to effect the intention of the provision; if a term cannot be so modified, it will be severed and the remaining provisions of these Terms will not be affected in any way." -msgstr "Sollte eine der Bestimmungen dieser Bedingung als unrechtmäßig, ungültig oder undurchsetzbar erachtet werden, dann soll diese undurchsetzbare Bestimmung so geändert werden, dass sie so weit wie möglich der Regelungsabsicht dieser Bestimmung nahe kommt; sofern eine Bedingung nicht geändert werden kann, wird sie suspendiert und die restlichen Bedingungen werden hiervon in keiner Weise berührt." - -msgid "If any provision of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, the impugned provision (or part thereof) shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement and the remaining provisions (including the remainder of the affected provision) shall continue to be valid and applicable." -msgstr "Falls eine Klausel dieser Vereinbarung für ungültig erachtet wird oder ganz oder teilweise nicht durchsetzbar ist, wird die angefochtene Klausel (oder ein Teil davon) aus dieser Vereinbarung gestrichen und die verbleibenden Bestimmungen (ggf. der Rest der betroffenen Klausel) sind weiterhin gültig und anwendbar." - -msgid "If any provision of this agreement is held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable in any way by any court, arbitration, regulatory body, competent authority, or any other authority or law whatsoever in any jurisdiction in which the Agent provides their services, the remainder of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If any provision of this agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by a court or regulatory body of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If any terms of this Agreement be held invalid, void, or unenforceable by any relevant authority or regulatory body, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect." -msgstr "Im Fall, dass Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung von einer relevanten Autorität oder Regulierungsbehörde für ungültig, unwirksam oder undurchführbar bestimmt werden, soll der Rest der Vereinbarung in voller Kraft und Wirkung bleiben." - -msgid "If force majeure events last for more than 30 business days, the Party not suffering force majeure events may terminate this agreement immediately." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If such documents expire, the Company reserves the right to request updated documentation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." -msgstr "Wenn der Schlusskurs entweder der niedrigen Schwelle oder der hohen Barriere entspricht, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung nicht." - -msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout." -msgstr "Wenn der Schlusskurs der Schwelle oder der neuen Schwelle (wenn eine Zurücksetzung erfolgt) entspricht, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung nicht." - -msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout." -msgstr "Wenn der Schlusskurs der Barriere entspricht, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung nicht." - -msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you only win the payout for \"Higher\" contracts" -msgstr "Wenn der Schlusskurs der Barriere entspricht, gewinnen Sie nur die Auszahlung für ¨höhere¨Kontrakte" - -msgid "If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout." -msgstr "Wenn der letzte Tick dem Durchschnitt der Ticks entspricht, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung nicht." - -msgid "If the Company (in its sole discretion) is not satisfied that a client is complying with these terms, or if a client does not comply with a reasonable request for information made by the Company, the Company may cancel the client's account and withhold any funds accumulated therein." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Company believes that unauthorised persons are using an account, it reserves the right to suspend the client's right to use the trading facility without prior notice." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Company considers, on the basis of the information provided by the client, that the client does not possess the knowledge and experience to appreciate the risks associated with an investment in the proposed instrument, the Company will issue a warning to the client. Such a warning shall be displayed on the website." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Company determines that a force majeure event exists, the Company shall promptly give notice thereof to the client. Subsequently, the Company may, at its absolute discretion, take one or more steps, including but not limited to the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Introducing Broker breaches any of the provisions or terms of this Agreement, the Company shall have the discretion to suspend any or all payments to the Introducing Broker." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Introducing Broker engages in Malicious Activity, Binary, in its absolute discretion, may" -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Margin Level for the client's MT5 Real Account reaches or falls below the Stop Out Level, this will be classified as an Event of Default. In such circumstances, Open Positions are automatically closed in the following order: (i) the server analyses those Orders that are not under execution at the moment; (ii) the server deletes Orders with the largest Margin; (iii) if the client's Margin Level is still under the Stop Out Level, the next Order is deleted (Orders without Margin Requirements are not deleted); (iv) if the client's Margin Level is still under the Stop Out Level, the server closes a position with the largest loss; (v) Open Positions are closed until the client's Margin Level becomes higher than the Stop Out Level. Additionally, for fully hedged positions, Stop Out will be performed on accounts having Open Positions, zero Margin (positions are covered), and negative equity." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Programmer is an affiliate of %1, the Programmer must also comply with %1's Affiliate Programme terms and conditions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Programmer is developing on the Company's API on behalf of a company or other entity, the Programmer represents and warrants that the Programmer has full legal authority to register an Application on behalf of that entity and bind it to these Terms. If the Programmer is not authorised, the Programmer may not accept these Terms or register an Application for someone else." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the Programmer is entering into this Agreement on behalf of the Programmer's employer or other entity, the Programmer represents and warrants that the Programmer has full legal authority to bind the Programmer's employer or such entity to this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the bid price is 1.05229, you'll buy USD 1.05229 for every EUR 1 you sell." -msgstr "Wenn der Angebotspreis 1,05229 ist, kaufen Sie 1,05229 USD für jeden 1 EUR den Sie verkaufen." - -msgid "If the client asks to be treated as a professional client, they need to meet certain specified quantitative and qualitative criteria. On the basis of the client's request to be categorised as professional, the Company undertakes an assessment of the client's expertise, knowledge, and experience to determine whether they fall within this category and whether they are able to make their own investment decisions and understand the risks involved. If the relevant criteria are not met, the Company reserves the right to choose whether to provide its services under this requested classification." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client chooses to close the client's %1 account, the client's data will be kept only until the Company's legal and regulatory obligations on data retention are met. The Company will delete the client's data once the applicable retention period expires." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client chooses to enter into a contract with the Company, it is important that the client remains aware of the risks involved, that the client has adequate investment resources to bear such risks, and that the client monitors the client's positions carefully." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client fails to immediately make a full settlement of the sum due to the Company in accordance with this agreement, the Company reserves the right to accrue interest on the sums due from the client to the Company in respect of any transaction that the client fails to pay on the relevant due date. Interest will accrue on a daily basis from the relevant due date until the date on which payment is received in full at the bank's official base rate for short term funds determined by the Company and will be payable on demand." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client has a positive balance in their MT5 Real Account, they may transfer such balance from their MT5 Real Account into their %1 account and then request a withdrawal as necessary for any amount available on their %1 account. The Company may withhold, deduct, or refuse to make any such transfer or withdrawal, in whole or in part, if" -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client is an individual, they are over 18 years old and they have full capacity to enter into this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client wishes to withdraw funds from their MT5 Real Account and close their MT5 Real Account, they may notify the Company by contacting %1 helpdesk %2. The client's MT5 Real Account may be closed if they do not have any Open Positions and all the amounts that were due to the Company have been settled." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client wishes to withdraw funds from their MT5 Real Account and/or close their MT5 Real Account, the client may notify the Company by contacting the helpdesk at %1. The client's MT5 Real Account may be closed if the client does not have any Open Positions and all amounts due to the Company have been settled." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client would like to file a complaint with regards to the Company's service, the client can contact the Company at %1, providing any relevant details relating to the client's complaint. The Company will investigate each inquiry and provide a final response in the shortest time possible." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client's %1 account is closed, their MT5 Real Account will be automatically closed as well." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client's complaint relates to an outcome of a trade or a transaction and remains unresolved, it will turn into a dispute. Should clients be unsatisfied with the Company's response, they can choose to escalate their complaint to the regulator or to an alternative dispute resolution entity." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client's complaint relates to the Company's data processing practices, the client may formally submit a complaint to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner (Malta) on the entity's %1website%2. Alternatively, the client can make a complaint to any Supervisory Authority within the European Union." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the client's usable Margin drops below 100%, a Margin Call mode will be triggered and maintained till the level of 50%. In the event that the client's Margin Level is equal to, or drops below 50%, the Company will initiate the closing of the client's current Open Positions, starting from the most unprofitable, until the required Margin Level is achieved. In such events, the positions will be automatically closed at the current market price at that point in time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If the payment agent is not listed, type in the payment agent ID. For example: CR000000." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, the Programmer must permanently delete all Content, except when doing so would cause the Programmer to violate any law or obligation imposed by a governmental authority." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If we decide to extend an offer, we'll conduct background and reference checks." -msgstr "Wenn wir uns dazu entscheiden, ein Angebot zu unterbreiten, führen wir Hintergrund- und Referenzprüfungen durch." - -msgid "If we have reason to believe that your tax information is incomplete, we may contact you for clarification." -msgstr "Wenn wir Grund dazu haben, zu glauben, dass Ihre Steuerinformationen unvollständig sind, können wir Sie zur Aufklärung kontaktieren." - -msgid "If you are considering self-exclusion, you may wish to register with GAMSTOP." -msgstr "Wenn Sie einen Selbstausschluss erwägen, können Sie sich bei GAMSTOP registrieren." - -msgid "If you are not located in the above-mentioned countries, simply dial any of our contact numbers for help." -msgstr "Wenn Sie nicht in einem der genannten Ländern ansässig sind, wählen Sie einfach eine unserer Kontaktnummern für Hilfe." - -msgid "If you are unable to scan the QR code, you can manually enter this code instead:" -msgstr "Wenn Sie den QR Code nicht scannen können, können Sie diesen Code stattdessen manuell eingeben:" - -msgid "If you call yourself a foodie, you'll be blown away by the sheer number of choices in town. From Middle Eastern, Indian, Japanese, and international cuisine to essential local fare such as Malay, Chinese, and mamak — you can expect to satisfy any cravings you may have." -msgstr "Wenn Sie sich selbst als 'Foodie' bezeichnen, werden Sie von der schieren Anzahl an Auswahl hin und weg sein. Von orientalischer, indischer, japanischer und internationaler Küche bis hin zu lokalen Köstlichkeiten wie malaysischer, chinesischer und mamak Küche - Sie können davon ausgehen, alle möglichen Gelüste, die Sie haben könnten, zu befriedigen." - -msgid "If you choose to be treated as a Professional Client, we'll regard you as having the required market knowledge and experience. As such, we'll take steps to ensure that your request for Professional Client status meets the above criteria, including a request for the following:" -msgstr "Wenn Sie als professioneller Kunde behandelt werden möchten, nehmen wir an, dass Sie die erforderliche Marktkenntnis und Erfahrung besitzen. Deshalb ergreifen wir Maßnahmen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Anfrage für einen professionellen Kunden-Status die oben genannten Kriterien erfüllt, einschließlich einer Anfrage für Folgendes:" - -msgid "If you decide to buy or 'go long' on the US 100 index, your profit will continue to increase as long as the price of the US 100 index keeps rising. However, if the price falls, the losses you incur will also increase." -msgstr "Wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden zu kaufen oder \"lange\" auf den US 100 Index zu gehen, wird Ihr Gewinn solange weiter steigen, wie der Kurs für den US 100 Index ansteigt. Allerdings, wenn der Kurs fällt, werden sich die Verluste, die Ihnen entstehen, auch erhöhen." - -msgid "If you decide to buy or 'go long' on the XAU/USD, you will profit if the price of the XAU/USD rises, and incur losses if the price falls." -msgstr "Wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden XAU/USD zu kaufen oder „lange zu gehen”, profitieren Sie davon, wenn der Kurs des XAU/USD steigt, und erleiden Verluste, wenn der Kurs fällt." - -msgid "If you decide to sell or 'go short' on XAU/USD, you will profit if the price of the XAU/USD falls, and incur losses if the price rises." -msgstr "Wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden, XAU/USD zu verkaufen oder \"kurz zu gehen\", profitieren Sie davon, wenn der Kurs des XAU/USD fällt, und erleiden Verluste, wenn der Kurs steigt." - -msgid "If you decided that the British economy will underperform instead, then you will go short on the GBP/USD." -msgstr "Wenn Sie entschieden würden, dass die britische Wirtschaft stattdessen die Erwartungen nicht erfüllen werde, dann würden Sie kurz auf GBP/USD gehen." - -msgid "If you do not have a %1 Real Account yet, please %2create one%3." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If you do not have a %1 financial account yet, please create one." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If you don't receive the email within the next few minutes, please check your junk/spam folder." -msgstr "Wenn Sie innerhalb der nächsten Minuten keine E-Mail erhalten sollten, sehen Sie bitte in Ihrem Werbemail/Spamordner nach." - -msgid "If you find any vulnerabilities in our %1open-source code%2, feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub." -msgstr "Senden Sie eine Pull-Anforderung auf GitHub, wenn Sie irgendwelche Schwachstellen in unserem %1Open-Source Code%2 finden." - -msgid "If you keep any positions open overnight, an interest adjustment will be made to your trading account as indication of the cost required to keep your position open." -msgstr "Wenn Sie Positionen über Nacht offen halten, wird eine Zinsanpassung auf Ihr Handelskonto als Hinweis auf die Kosten, die erforderlich sind, um Ihre Position offen zu halten, erfolgen." - -msgid "If you need assistance feel free to contact our %1Customer Support%2." -msgstr "Sollten Sie Hilfe benötigen, können Sie sich gerne mit unserer %1Kundenbetreuung%2 in Verbindung setzen." - -msgid "If you score well in the hackathon or talent test, we'll send you a Self-Assessment Topgrading Interview (SATI) questionnaire. Do well on the SATI and we'll invite you for an interview with a member of our recruitment team." -msgstr "Wenn Sie im Hackathon oder Talenttest gut abschneiden, senden wir Ihnen einen Topgrading-Interview (SATI) Fragebogen zur Selbstbeurteilung. Schneiden Sie gut ab beim SATI, und wir laden Sie zu einem Gespräch mit einem Mitglied unseres Rekrutierungs-Teams ein." - -msgid "If you score well on the talent test, we'll send you a Self-Assessment Topgrading Interview (SATI) questionnaire. Do well on the SATI and we'll invite you for an interview with a member of our recruitment team." -msgstr "Wenn Sie im Talenttest gut abschneiden, senden wir Ihnen einen Topgrading-Interview (SATI) Fragebogen zur Selbstbeurteilung. Schneiden Sie gut ab beim SATI, und wir laden Sie zu einem Gespräch mit einem Mitglied unseres Rekrutierungs-Teams ein." - -msgid "If you see EUR/USD has a bid price of 1.05229, you will buy USD 1.05229 for every EUR 1 that you sell." -msgstr "Wenn Sie sehen, dass EUR/USD einen Briefkurs von 1,05229 hat, werden Sie 1,05229 USD für jeden 1 Euro kaufen, den Sie verkaufen." - -msgid "If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Higher\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Lower\"." -msgstr "Wenn Sie ¨Gleiche erlauben¨auswählen, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs höher oder gleich mit dem Startkurs für ¨Höher¨ist. Sie können die Auszahlung ebenso gewinnen, wenn der Schlusskurs niedriger oder gleich mit dem Startkurs für ¨Niedriger¨ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Asiatischer Fall\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der letzte Tick niedriger als der Durchschnitt der Ticks ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Asiatischer Anstieg\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der letzte Tick höher als der Durchschnitt der Ticks ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Verschieden\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn die letzte Stelle des letzten Ticks nicht mit Ihrer Voraussage übereinstimmt." - -msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Erreicht nicht\" wählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs die Schwelle während der Kontraktdauer zu keinem Zeitpunkt berührt." - -msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Schließt zwischen\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs genau über der Unteren Schwelle UND genau unter der Oberen Schwelle verharrt." - -msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Schließt außerhalb\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs ENTWEDER genau über der Oberen Schwelle ODER genau unter der Unteren Schwelle bleibt." - -msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Gerade\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn die letzte Stelle des letzten Ticks eine gerade Zahl (z.B. 2, 4, 6, 8 oder 0) ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Fällt\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs genau unter dem Anfangskurs liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Geht außerhalb\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurst während der Kontraktlaufzeit zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt entweder die ObereSchwelle oder die Untere Schwelle berührt." - -msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is higher than the barrier." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Höher\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs höher als die Schwelle ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Höher\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs zum Vertragsende genau über der Schwelle liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie \"Höher\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs zum Auslauf des Kontrakts genau über dem Kurs bei Beginn des Kontrakts liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier." -msgstr "Wenn Sie \"Tiefer\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs zum Ende des Kontrakts genau unter der Schwelle liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Niedriger\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs genau unter dem Startkurs liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Gleich\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn die letzte Stelle des letzten Ticks gleich Ihrer Voraussage ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Ungerade\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn die letzte Stelle des letzten Ticks eine ungerade Zahl (z.B. 1, 3, 5, 7, oder 9) ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Über\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn die letzte Stelle des letzten Ticks größer als Ihre Voraussage ist." - -msgid "If you select \"Reset-Call\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." -msgstr "Wenn Sie \"Reset-Call\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, entweder dann, wenn der Kurs zum Auslauf des Kontrakts genau über dem Kurs zu Beginn des Kontrakts liegt, oder wenn er über dem Kurs der Nachstellzeit liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Reset-Put\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." -msgstr "Wenn Sie \"Reset-Put\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, entweder dann, wenn der Kurs zum Auslauf des Kontrakts genau unter dem Kurs zu Beginn des Kontrakts liegt, oder wenn er zum Kurs der Nachstellzeit liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Rises\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie \"Steigt\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs zum Auslauf des Kontrakts genau über dem Kurs bei Beginn des Kontrakts liegt." - -msgid "If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Bleibt zwischen\" wählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt während der Kontraktlaufzeit zwischen der Oberen Schwelle oder der Unteren Schwelle bleibt (ohne sie zu berühren)." - -msgid "If you select \"Touches\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Berührt\" wählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Kurs die Schwelle zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt während der Kontraktlaufzeit berührt." - -msgid "If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Unter\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn die letzte Stelle des letzten Ticks weniger als Ihre Voraussage ist." - -msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „Fällt\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Marktpreis niedriger als der Kurs bei Kontraktbeginn ist." - -msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „fällt\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Marktpreis niedriger als der Kurs bei Kontraktbeginn ist." - -msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „steigt\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Marktpreis höher als der Kurs bei Kontraktbeginn ist." - -msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." -msgstr "Wenn Sie „steigt\" auswählen, erhalten Sie eine Auszahlung, wenn der Marktpreis höher als der Kurs bei Kontraktbeginn ist." - -msgid "If you select %1\"High Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1highest among the next five ticks%2." -msgstr "Wenn Sie %1\"Hoher Tick\"%2 auswählen, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung, wenn der ausgewählte Tick der %1höchste unter den nächsten fünf Ticks%2 ist." - -msgid "If you select %1\"Low Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1lowest among the next five ticks%2." -msgstr "Wenn Sie %1\"Niedriger Tick\"%2 auswählen, gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung, wenn der ausgewählte Tick der %1niedrigste unter den nächsten fünf Ticks%2 ist." - -msgid "If you select %1\"Only Downs\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If you select %1\"Only Ups\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time." -msgstr "Wenn Sie eine Startzeit in der Zukunft auswählen, ist die Startzeit des Kontrakts die ausgewählte Zeit und der Einstiegskurs ist der Kurs, der zu dieser Zeit gültig ist." - -msgid "If you select a start time of \"Now\", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." -msgstr "Wenn Sie als Startzeit „Jetzt\" wählen, ist die Endzeit die ausgewählte Anzahl an Minuten/Stunden nach Beginn (sofern sie weniger als einen Tag dauert) oder das Ende des Börsentages (sofern sie einen Tag oder länger dauert)." - -msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time." -msgstr "Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Endzeit auswählen, ist die ausgewählte Zeit die Endzeit." - -msgid "If you would like more information on becoming a Payment Agent, please contact us at %1" -msgstr "Wenn Sie mehr Informationen haben möchten, wie man ein Zahlungsagent werden kann, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns über %1 in Verbindung" - -msgid "If you're a broker we'd like to work with you. You will be introducing your clients to a unique and innovative product: the %1 trading platform. Your clients will love the %1 trading platform because we offer a complete binary options trading experience tailored to the needs of an exceptionally wide range of traders." -msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Makler sind, möchten wir gerne mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten. Sie werden Ihren Kunden ein einzigartiges und innovatives Produkt vorstellen: die %1 Handelsplattform. Ihre Kunden werden die %1 Handelsplattform lieben, da wir eine komplette binäre Handelserfahrung anbieten, die auf die Bedürfnisse eines außergewöhnlich breiten Spektrums von Händlern angepasst ist." - -msgid "If you're shortlisted, we'll invite you to a hackathon or send you a talent test." -msgstr "Wenn Sie in die engere Auswahl kommen, laden wir Sie zu einem Hackathon ein, oder senden Ihnen einen Talenttest." - -msgid "If you're shortlisted, we'll send you a talent test to be completed." -msgstr "Wenn Sie in die engere Auswahl kommen, senden wir Ihnen einen Talent-Test zum Ausfüllen." - -msgid "If your account currency is EUR or GBP, your commission will be converted based on the current forex rate." -msgstr "Wird Ihr Konto in EUR oder GBP geführt, wird Ihre Provision gemäß dem aktuellen Kurs umgerechnet." - -msgid "If your account is placed under margin call for an extended period of time, it will reach the stop out level where it is unable to sustain an open position. This will lead to your pending orders being cancelled and your open positions being forcibly closed (also known as “forced liquidation”)." -msgstr "Ihr Konto wird das Stop Out Level, bei dem es nicht mehr fähig ist, eine offene Position aufrecht zu erhalten, erreichen, wenn es für einen ausgeweiteten Zeitraum unter eine Margin-Forderung gestellt ist. Dies wird dazu führen, dass ausstehende Order storniert, und Ihre offenen Positionen zwangsweise geschlossen werden (auch als Zwangsliquidation bekannt)." - -msgid "If your documents cannot be verified over video call for any reason, you will be required to send your documents to %1" -msgstr "Wenn Ihre Dokumente aus irgendeinem Grund nicht über ein Videogespräch überprüft werden können, werden Sie aufgefordert, Ihre Unterlagen an %1 zu senden" - -msgid "If your margin level is still under the stop out level, we will close an open position with the largest loss" -msgstr "Wir werden eine offene Position mit dem größten Verlust schließen, wenn sich Ihr Margin Level noch immer unter dem Stop Out Level befindet" - -msgid "If your margin level is still under the stop out level, your next order will be deleted. However, orders without margin requirements will not be deleted" -msgstr "Ihre nächste Order wird gelöscht, wenn sich Ihr Margin Level noch immer unter dem Stop Out Level befindet. Allerdings werden Order ohne Margin Anforderungen nicht gelöscht" - -msgid "If your margin level reaches an even lower level (usually 50%), it will reach the stop out level where it is unable to sustain an open position. This will lead to some, or all your open positions being forcibly closed (also known as \"forced liquidation\")." -msgstr "Wenn Ihr Margin Level ein noch niedrigeres Level erreicht (normalerweise 50 %), wird es das Stop Out Level erreichen, bei dem es nicht mehr fähig ist, eine offene Position aufrecht zu erhalten. Dies wird dazu führen, dass alle Ihre offenen Positionen zwangsweise geschlossen werden (auch als Zwangsliquidation bekannt)." - -msgid "Imagine" -msgstr "Stellen Sie sich vor" - -msgid "Imagine a workplace where your individuality, creativity and sense of adventure are valued and rewarded." -msgstr "Stellen Sie sich einen Arbeitsplatz vor, bei dem Ihre Individualität, Kreativität und Ihre Abenteuerlust geschätzt und belohnt werden." - -msgid "Implement and comply with all business-related directions, policies, and procedures of Binary as enacted, amended, or replaced from time to time" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Important" -msgstr "Wichtig" - -msgid "Important notes on our swap rates (overnight funding)" -msgstr "Wichtige Hinweise zu Ihren Swapsätzen (Overnight Gelder)" - -msgid "Improve %1's front-end content" -msgstr "Verbessern Sie %1s Front-End-Inhalte" - -msgid "Improve our automation (Chef, etc.)" -msgstr "Verbesserung unserer Automatisierung (Koch, etc..)" - -msgid "Improvements" -msgstr "Verbesserungen" - -msgid "In April, %1Betonmarkets.com%2 (formerly known as %3Xodds.com%2) goes live, establishing a round-the-clock financial trading service on a variety of financial indices. Business grows quickly, and we soon become the market leader in fixed-odds financial trading." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In Dubai, you'll be earning a tax-free salary. Furthermore, health insurance coverage is provided by your employer and there are numerous dining options to suit all types of budgets. Accommodation and your children's education are likely to be your biggest expenses, but you will have numerous, first-rate options to choose from." -msgstr "In Dubai ist Einkommen steuerfrei. Krankenversicherung wird vom Arbeitgeber gestellt und verschiedenste Essgelegenheiten passen zu jedem Geldbeutel. Wohnraum und Bildung sind wahrscheinlich die größten Ausgabeposten. Sie haben jedoch viele erstklassige Angebote zur Auswahl." - -msgid "In October 1999, Regent Markets receives US$ 2 million investment funding from Jim Mellon through his Regent Pacific Group, a Hong Kong based fund management company." -msgstr "Im Oktober 1999 erhält Regent Markets von Jim Mellon über seine Regent Pacific Gruppe, ein Fondsverwaltungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Hongkong, einen Anlagebetrag von 2 Mio. US $." - -msgid "In a nutshell, when you go long on the BTC/USD with %1, you are not purchasing bitcoin directly. Instead, you're taking a position that the BTC/USD will rise in value whereby you will make a profit. If you go long on the BTC/USD and its value falls, then you will make a loss." -msgstr "Kurzum, wenn Sie lange auf BTC/USD mit %1 gehen, erwerben Sie Bitcoin nicht direkt. Stattdessen nehmen Sie die Position ein, dass BTC/USD im Wert ansteigen wird, wobei Sie einen Gewinn machen werden. Wenn Sie lange auf BTC/USD gehen und sein Wert fällt, werden Sie einen Verlust erleiden." - -msgid "In accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, if the Company does not manage to obtain sufficient information to assess the appropriateness of the product or service for the client, the Company will similarly inform the client that %1 is not in a position to assess appropriateness." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In all circumstances, the Company reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions. If the Company elects to make any material changes to these terms and conditions, clients will be notified in advance and shall either accept or decline to agree. Declining to agree shall result in a material breach of this agreement and the client's account may be frozen, suspended, or cancelled. However, the client shall be allowed to withdraw any pending balance on account subject to KYC verification." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In any event of an error in current prices, published odds, or trading software" -msgstr "" - -msgid "In any event, an email notice shall be presumably and sufficiently served upon the completion of sending the email. Should the email be sent on a non-Business Day, it shall be presumably and sufficiently served on the next Business Day." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In business since 2000, %1 is the world's leading binary options company." -msgstr "Im Geschäft seit 2000, ist %1 das weltweit führende Unternehmen für binäre Optionen." - -msgid "In case of the Agent's death, incapacity, or mental unsoundness" -msgstr "" - -msgid "In cases where the client uses excessive anti-spam filtering which requires the Company to pay a fee in order to send a reply or a notification to the client, the Company will try to find an alternative way to communicate with the client but will not pay the requested fees to do so." -msgstr "Sollte der Kunde übertriebene SPAM-Filter benutzen, die eine Gebühr von seiten des Unternehmens erfordern, um eine Antwort oder eine Benachrichtigung zuzustellen, werden wir nach alternativen Wegen suchen, Sie zu erreichen. Wir werden jedoch keine Gebühr bezahlen." - -msgid "In classic Silicon Valley style, Hong Kong based hedge fund manager and entrepreneur, Jean-Yves Sireau, starts Regent Markets in his Hong Kong bedroom. He develops the systems, methods and algorithms for implementing a fixed-odds financial trading system. Jean-Yves's vision is to create a market in the simplest of all derivatives contracts - the fixed-odds trade - and to offer ordinary investors the chance to make small trade. Until his innovation, binary options are normally only traded in large quantities." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In connection with this agreement and all transactions contemplated by this agreement, the client agrees to execute and deliver such additional documents and instruments and to perform such additional acts as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate, carry out, and perform all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of this agreement. The client shall cooperate fully with any investigation by any regulatory authority and promptly provide the regulatory authority with such information and records as may be requested in compliance with any law, ordinance, charter, by-law, or rule applicable to the client or the jurisdiction in which they are resident." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In exceptional circumstances, where there is a price change in the underlying that is sufficiently large and sudden, gapping can occur. In such cases, the automatic Margin close-out protection might fail, causing the client's Account Balance to fall below zero. For this purpose, a Negative Balance Protection mechanism has been introduced. Negative Balance Protection provides a 'backstop' in case of extreme market conditions and ensures that the client's maximum losses from trading CFDs, including all related costs, are limited to the balance available on the client's CFD account. Therefore, the client can never lose more money than the total sum invested for trading CFDs; if the client's CFD account balance falls below zero, the Company will compensate the negative balance as soon as possible without any additional cost to the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In executing orders on the client's behalf, %1 takes into consideration the following to achieve the best possible result for the client:" -msgstr "Bei der Ausführung von Ordern im Namen des Kunden, berücksichtigt %1 Folgendes, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis für den Kunden zu erreichen:" - -msgid "In foreign exchange markets, traders can enter contracts based on the change in price of one currency as it relates to another currency. For example if a trader selects Rise in the EUR/USD market, they are predicting that the value of the Euro will rise in relation to the value of the US dollar." -msgstr "Die Händler können auf ausländischen Devisenmärkten Kontrakte auf der Grundlage der Änderung des Wechselkurses einer Währung in eine andere abschließen. Wenn beispielsweise ein Händler den Anstieg des EUR/USD Wechselkurses auswählt, sagt er voraus, dass der Wert des Euro im Verhältnis zum Wert des US-Dollar steigen wird." - -msgid "In light of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act 2018, the applicant is entitled to a number of rights with regards to the applicant's personal data; namely, the following rights:" -msgstr "Im Lichte der allgemeinen EU Datenschutzverordnung 2016/679 und dem Datenschutzgesetz 2018, hat der Bewerber Anspruch auf eine Reihe von Rechten in Bezug auf persönliche Daten des Bewerbers; nämlich die folgenden Rechte:" - -msgid "In order for a UK resident to make use of the virtual account, the client will first have to be age-verified. The client will also need to be fully verified before making use of the real money account. Verification can be done electronically or through submission of KYC documents." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In order to access Telegram Bot, please %1generate an API Token%2 and enter it in the input box below." -msgstr "Um auf Telegramm Bot zugreifen zu können, erzeugen %1Sie bitte einen API-Token%2 und geben Sie ihn in das Eingabefeld unten ein." - -msgid "In order to access our mobile apps and other third-party applications, you'll first need to generate an API Token." -msgstr "Um Zugang zu unseren mobilen Apps und anderen Drittanbieteranwendungen zu haben, müssen Sie erst einen API Token erzeugen." - -msgid "In order to access the cashier, we kindly request that you set a 30-day turnover limit for your account. Turnover is the total aggregate amount that is used to open trades. Therefore, this limit should be set to the total volume that you wish to trade with over 30 days." -msgstr "Um auf die Kasse zugreifen zu können, ersuchen wir Sie ein 30-Tage-Umsatzlimit für Ihr Konto festzulegen. Der Umsatz ist die Gesamtsumme, die verwendet wird, um Geschäfte zu eröffnen. Daher sollte diese Grenze auf das Gesamtvolumen festgelegt werden, mit dem Sie über 30 Tage handeln möchten." - -msgid "In order to profit from trading rate, it is necessary to close the position. To close a position, a trade operation opposite to the first one is executed." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In providing IB services, the Introducing Broker shall" -msgstr "" - -msgid "In providing the Agent's services, the Agent shall do the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "In providing these services, BIEL is bound by the Act, any applicable regulations, by-laws, licence conditions, guidelines, exchange requirements, and other provisions or market practices (the \"Rules\"). In the event of conflict between these ST&Cs and the Rules, the latter should prevail." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In relation to 5.2, the Company also reserves the right to exclude the client definitely or indefinitely, based on the Company's client assessment." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In relation to Contracts that the client enters into with the Company, the Company acts as principal and not as agent on the client's behalf; therefore, the Company acts as the sole execution venue for the execution of the client's Contracts." -msgstr "In Bezug auf Kontrakte, die der Kunde mit dem Unternehmen eingeht, fungiert das Unternehmen als Auftraggeber und nicht als Agent im Auftrag des Kunden; daher fungiert das Unternehmen als der einzige Ausführungsplatz für die Ausführung der Kontrakte des Kunden." - -msgid "In such an event, the Company may at its sole discretion (with or without notice) close out the client's open financial contracts at prices it considers fair and reasonable." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the 'Further Instructions' field please specify the payment method and account number to which the Agent will send the funds to." -msgstr "Geben Sie im Feld \"Weitere Anweisungen\" bitte die Zahlungmethode und Kontonummer an, auf die der Abwickler die Gelder überweisen soll." - -msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." -msgstr "In der EU gibt es finanzielle binäre Optionen nur für professionelle Anleger." - -msgid "In the EU, financial products are offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd., W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta, licensed and regulated as a Category 3 Investment Services provider by the Malta Financial Services Authority (%1licence no. IS/70156%2)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the EU, financial products are offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd., W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta, regulated as a Category 3 Investment Services provider by the Malta Financial Services Authority (%1licence no. IS/70156%2)." -msgstr "In der EU werden Finanzprodukte von Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd, W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta angeboten, einem Unternehmen, das als Kategorie 3 Investment Dienstleistungsanbieter von der Malta Financial Services Authority (%1Lizenz Nr. IS/70156%2) reguliert wird." - -msgid "In the Isle of Man and the UK, Volatility Indices are offered by Binary (IOM) Ltd., First Floor, Millennium House, Victoria Road, Douglas, IM2 4RW, Isle of Man, British Isles; licensed and regulated respectively by (1) the Gambling Supervision Commission in the Isle of Man (current licence issued on 31 August 2017) and by (2) the Gambling Commission in the UK (licence %1reference no: 39172%2)." -msgstr "Auf der Isle of Man und in Großbritannien werden Volatilität Indizes von Binary (IOM) Ltd., First Floor, Millennium House, Victoria Road, Douglas, IM2 4RW, Isle of Man; lizensiert und reguliert von (1) der Gambling Supervision Commission (Glücksspielbehörde) (die aktuelle Lizenz wurde am 31. August 2017 ausgestellt), und von der (2) Gambling Commission in Großbritannien (Lizenz %1Referenznummer 39172%2)." - -msgid "In the UK, our clients trade through Binary (IOM) Ltd and Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. In the Isle of Man, they trade through Binary (IOM) Ltd. In the European Union (except UK), they trade through Binary (Europe) Ltd and Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd. In the rest of the world, they trade through Binary (SVG) Ltd, Binary (V) Ltd, Binary (BVI) Ltd and Binary (FX) Ltd." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the case of a Limit Order, the client acknowledges that the Company will endeavour to fill the Order at a level that is the same or better than the Limit the client has specified, subject to the availability of the Limit Price." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the case of a Stop Order, the client acknowledges that the Company will endeavour to fill the Order at a price equal to the one that the client has specified. However, if the specified price is unavailable, a less favourable price may be quoted. In other words, the Order is executed either at the price equal to the specified one or worse than that (slippage). The execution of Stop Orders is guaranteed." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the case of some Contracts, there may be no functioning or open market or exchange on which the reference product is traded at the time of the client order. In such cases, the Company sets out to determine a fair underlying price based on a number of factors, such as price movements on associated markets and other market influences and information about the client order." -msgstr "Bei einigen Kontrakten, gibt es manchmal keine funktionierende oder offene Börse oder Devisenbörse, auf der das Referenzprodukt zum Zeitpunkt der Kundenorder gehandelt wird. In solchen Fällen legt das Unternehmen den Kurs auf der Grundlage einer Anzahl von Faktoren, wie Kursbewegungen auf entsprechenden Börsen oder anderen Markteinflüssen und Daten über die Kundenorder, fest." - -msgid "In the course of providing services, the Company may, where applicable, conduct an appropriateness test, in accordance with the Company's regulatory obligations, in order to determine whether the client, in the Company's view and on the basis of the information provided by the client, possesses the necessary knowledge and experience in the investment field to understand the risks involved in the specific type of product or service offered or demanded." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the course of provision of services, BIEL shall, where applicable, conduct an appropriateness test in order to determine whether, in BIEL's view and on the basis of the information provided by the client, the client has the necessary knowledge and experience in the investment field to understand the risks involved in the specific type of product or service offered or demanded." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the event of any conflict between the content in this document and the above documents, this document controls the Programmer's use of the %1 API. If the Programmer disagrees with any of the provisions in these Terms, the Programmer must not access or use the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the event of the client failing to transfer funds to the client's MT5 Real Account, the Company may, at its absolute discretion, allow the client's Open Positions to remain open and allow the client to place new Orders to open a transaction. The client acknowledges that, when their Open Positions are allowed to remain open, they may incur further losses." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the event that the Company does not receive Orders from the client to close an Open Position by the close of a business day, the Company will roll over the said Open Position to the following business day." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the event that the Company is aware of an Affiliate who is in breach of any of the above provisions, the Company shall have the right, in addition to any other right or remedy available to it under this Agreement or applicable law, to immediately block the Affiliate's access to this programme. The Affiliate hereby irrevocably waives their rights to, and shall indemnify the Company and any member of the Binary group of companies for, any claims or demands made against the Company or any member of the Binary group of companies, their directors, officers, shareholders, or employees or against the %1 website if the Company revokes the Affiliate's access to the programme." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the new, exciting Binary Grid, win whenever the trade ends outside your selected cell." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In the rest of the EU, Volatility Indices are offered by Binary (Europe) Ltd., W Business Centre, Level 3, Triq Dun Karm, Birkirkara, BKR 9033, Malta; licensed and regulated by (1) the Malta Gaming Authority in Malta (%1licence no. MGA/B2C/102/2000%4 issued on 01 August 2018), for UK clients by (2) the UK Gambling Commission (licence %2reference no: 39495%4), and for Irish clients by (3) the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland (Remote Bookmaker's Licence no. 1010285 issued on 1 July 2017). View complete %3Regulatory Information%4." -msgstr "" - -msgid "In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions hold:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "In this case, you predict that the price will fall. This is also known as 'going short'." -msgstr "In diesem Fall sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs fallen wird. Dies ist auch bekannt als \"kurz gehen\"." - -msgid "In this case, you predict that the price will rise. This is also known as 'going long'." -msgstr "In diesem Fall sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs steigen wird. Dies ist auch bekannt als \"lang gehen\"." - -msgid "In-depth knowledge of accounting principles, best practices, standards, and regulations" -msgstr "Vertiefte Kenntnisse der Bilanzierungsgrundsätze, beste Praktiken, Normen und Vorschriften" - -msgid "In/Out" -msgstr "Innerhalb/Außerhalb" - -msgid "In/Out trades" -msgstr "Innerhalb/Außerhalb Kontrakte" - -msgid "Include a disclaimer and/or notice that any intellectual property rights, including any trademark or slogan whatsoever, belong to the Company, and any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Include a disclaimer or notice that the intellectual property rights of the Trademark solely belong to Binary and any use of it is strictly prohibited unless Binary has given such authorisation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Income earning" -msgstr "Einkommen" - -msgid "Incorporate our brand identity into new products, pages, and features" -msgstr "Integrieren Sie unsere Markenidentität in neue Produkte, Seiten und Funktionen" - -msgid "Increase your HackerOne reputation to build up credibility and profile visibility." -msgstr "Steigern Sie Ihren HackerOne Ruf, um Glaubwürdigkeit und Profilsichtbarkeit aufzubauen." - -msgid "Indemnification" -msgstr "Schadenersatz" - -msgid "Indemnity and liability" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Indicate that Binary or the Introducing Broker and their Associates will guarantee a client's profit or loss or limit the losses of any client" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Indicates required field" -msgstr "Pflichtfeld" - -msgid "Indicates the availability of cryptocurrency trading on a particular account." -msgstr "Gibt die Verfügbarkeit des Kryptowährungshandels für ein bestimmtes Konto an." - -msgid "Indicative" -msgstr "Indikativ" - -msgid "Indices" -msgstr "Indizes" - -msgid "Industrial metals" -msgstr "Industriemetalle" - -msgid "Industrial metals – also known as base metals – are abundant, but oxidise or corrode easily. Industrial metals feature heavily across a wide range of industrial and commercial applications, including electrical wiring, automobiles, and batteries." -msgstr "Industriemetalle – auch bekannt als unedle Metalle – sind reichlich vorhanden, aber oxidieren oder korrodieren leicht. Industriemetalle sind in einem breiten Spektrum von industriellen und kommerziellen Anwendungen, einschließlich elektrischer Verdrahtung, Automobile und Batterien, stark vertreten." - -msgid "Industry of employment" -msgstr "Beschäftigungsbranche" - -msgid "Inform any clients introduced to Binary of any matter that the Company may reasonably consider necessary in order to comply with any legal/regulatory requirements " -msgstr "" - -msgid "Inform any clients introduced to Binary that the trading services and products are offered by or through Binary and not the Introducing Broker" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Information & Communications Technology" -msgstr "Informations- & Kommunikationstechnologie" - -msgid "Information of the previous performance of any underlying instrument or asset does not guarantee its current and/or future performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results." -msgstr "Die Informationen über die frühere Performance eines zugrundeliegenden Instruments oder einer Anlage garantiert nicht ihre aktuelle und/oder zukünftige Performance. Die Performance aus der Vergangenheit ist kein zuverlässiger Indikator für zukünftige Ergebnisse." - -msgid "Inheritance" -msgstr "Vererbung" - -msgid "Install antivirus software (such as Avast Free Antivirus for %1Windows%2 and %3Mac%4) on your computer." -msgstr "Installieren Sie Antivirus-Software (z. B. Avast Free Antivirus für %1Windows%2 und %3Mac%4) auf Ihrem Computer." - -msgid "Instant access" -msgstr "Sofortiger Zugriff" - -msgid "Insufficient balance." -msgstr "Unzureichendes Guthaben." - -msgid "Integrity" -msgstr "Integrität" - -msgid "Intellectual property rights" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Intelligently routing incoming orders to different types of execution modes based on configurations and algorithms established using best execution factors" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Interactive charting tool" -msgstr "Interaktives Charting-Tool" - -msgid "Interactive webinars" -msgstr "Interaktive Webinare" - -msgid "Interest in IT or software development" -msgstr "Interesse an IT oder Softwareentwicklung" - -msgid "Interested in our MAM tool for MetaTrader 5? Contact us at %1 for more info." -msgstr "Interesse an unserem MAM Tool für MetaTrader 5? Kontaktieren Sie uns unter %1 für weitere Informationen." - -msgid "Interested in our MAM tool? %1Contact us%2 for more information on setting up your master account" -msgstr "Sind Sie an unserem MAM-Tool interessiert? %1Kontaktieren Sie uns%2, um weitere Informationen zur Einrichtung Ihres Masterkontos zu erhalten" - -msgid "Interested in our liquidity solutions? Contact us at %1 for more info." -msgstr "Sie interessieren sich für unsere Liquiditätslösungen? Kontaktieren Sie uns unter %1 für weitere Informationen." - -msgid "Interested, so what's next? If you can offer our Clients a specific e-wallet method or a local payment option that is not already provided by %1, and you have a good track record in the market, then we would love to %2hear from you!%3" -msgstr "Interessiert? Was sollten Sie als nächstes tun? Wenn Sie unseren Kunden eine spezielle e-Wallet Methode oder nationale Zahlungsoption anbieten können, die von %1 nicht schon angeboten wird, und Sie eine gute Erfolgsbilanz im Markt aufweisen können, würden wir gerne von %2Ihnen hören!%3" - -msgid "Internal Audit" -msgstr "Interne Prüfung" - -msgid "Internal Audit Executive" -msgstr "Interner Prüfungsvorstand" - -msgid "International currency or commodity prices are highly volatile and very difficult to predict. Due to such volatility, plus the bias in the pricing system favouring the website (as described in more detail below), no financial contract purchased in our system (whether or not the payout exceeds the premium amount) can be considered a safe contract." -msgstr "Internationale Währungs-, oder Rohstoffpreise sind hoch volatil und sehr schwer vorauszusagen. Aufgrund dieser Volatilität, plus der Tendenz des Preissystems, das die Website bevorzugt (wird nachfolgend genauer beschrieben), kann kein Finanzkontrakt, der in unserem System erworben wurde (ganz gleich, ob die Auszahlung den Kaufpreis übersteigt oder nicht), als sicherer Vertrag angesehen werden." - -msgid "International support" -msgstr "Internationaler Support" - -msgid "Internet trading risks" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Interpretation" -msgstr "Interpretation" - -msgid "Interpretations" -msgstr "Interpretationen" - -msgid "Introduce %1" -msgstr "Vorstellung von %1" - -msgid "Introducing Broker" -msgstr "Makler (IB)" - -msgid "Introducing Broker (IB)" -msgstr "Makler (IB)" - -msgid "Introducing Broker warranties" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Introducing USB" -msgstr "Einführung von USB" - -msgid "Introduction" -msgstr "Einführung" - -msgid "Introduction of clients and instructions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Invalid document format." -msgstr "Ungültiges Dokumentformat." - -msgid "Invalid email address." -msgstr "Ungültige E-Mail Adresse." - -msgid "Invalid verification code." -msgstr "Ungültiger Verifikationscode." - -msgid "Investigate client accounts that have been flagged by existing fraud controls and processes" -msgstr "Untersuchen Sie Kundenkonten, die von bestehenden Betrugskontrollen und Prozessen markiert wurden" - -msgid "Investigate, reproduce, identify, document, and resolve issues reported by our clients and the customer support team" -msgstr "Untersuchen, reproduzieren, identifizieren, dokumentieren, und beheben Sie Probleme, die von unseren Kunden und dem Kunden-Support-Team berichtet werden" - -msgid "Investing in complex products, such as CFDs and FX may incur losses as well as gains. Prices may vary and/or fluctuate due to changes in current market prices and conditions, which may impact the return on your investment. Before making an Investment decision, you should refer to our %1Key Information Documents%2 on our website, in particular, the amount of Margin required for particular instruments that we offer. The Products offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd fall under the category of 'complex products' and may not be suitable for retail clients." -msgstr "Die Investition in komplexe Produkte sowie CFDs und FX kann Verluste, sowohl als auch Gewinne mit sich ziehen. Preise können, auf Grund von Änderungen in den aktuellen Marktpreisen und Konditionen, variieren oder schwanken, was die Rendite auf Ihre Inventionen beeinflussen kann. Bevor Sie eine Investitionsentscheidung treffen, sollten Sie unsere %1Schlüsseldokumente%2 auf unserer Website einsehen, insbesondere über den Betrag an Marge, der für bestimmte Instrumente, die wir anbieten, erforderlich ist. Die Produkte, die von Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd angeboten werden, fallen in die Kategorie 'komplexe Produkte' und eignen sich möglicherweise nicht für Einzelhandelskunden." - -msgid "Investing or trading in contracts exposes the client to the performance of the underlying or reference instrument or asset to which the Binary contract refers, including foreign exchange, indices, and commodities, each of which have their own features and risks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Investment" -msgstr "Investition" - -msgid "Investment Income" -msgstr "Erträge aus Kapitalanlagen" - -msgid "Investment Products to EEA residents are provided by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd (\"BIEL\"), which is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Malta Investment Services Act to deal on own account in Investment Products." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Investments & Dividends" -msgstr "Investitionen & Dividenden" - -msgid "Investor" -msgstr "Investor" - -msgid "Investor Compensation Scheme" -msgstr "Anlegerentschädigungsplan" - -msgid "Investor password" -msgstr "Investoren Passwort" - -msgid "Investor password (read-only access)" -msgstr "Investor Passwort (nur-lesen Zugriff)" - -msgid "Ireland" -msgstr "Irland" - -msgid "Is there a cost for joining?" -msgstr "Kostet die Teilnahme etwas?" - -msgid "Is there a fee to join the %1 IB Programme?" -msgstr "Gibt es eine Gebühr, um dem %1 IB Programm beizutreten?" - -msgid "Isle of Man" -msgstr "Isle of Man" - -msgid "Issued under your own name" -msgstr "In Ihrem eigenen Namen ausgestellt" - -msgid "It is agreed and understood that any of the Parties may terminate this agreement by giving seven days written notice to the other Party." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is agreed and understood that the Company may unilaterally terminate this agreement if any of the events mentioned in the paragraphs above occurs" -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is agreed that Confidential Information shall be considered as confidential even after the termination of the business relationship established under this agreement or any other agreement or arrangement between the Parties." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is agreed that any deposits through the Agent shall be made as follows:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is agreed that any withdrawals through the Agent shall be made as follows:" -msgstr "Es wird vereinbart, dass alle Auszahlungen über den Agenten wie folgt vorgenommen werden sollen:" - -msgid "It is agreed that on the Commencement Date of this agreement and on the date of each transaction, the Agent represents and warrants the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is agreed that the Company shall not be responsible or liable for any matter arising out of or in relation to the use and operation of any website owned or used by the Agent. It is understood that the Agent shall indemnify the Company for all and any losses that the Company may suffer arising out of, or in relation to the use or operations of any website used or owned by the Agent." -msgstr "Es wird vereinbart, dass das Unternehmen für jegliche Anliegen, die durch, oder im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung und dem Betrieb von jeglichen Websiten im Besitz, oder in Verwendung durch den Agenten entstehen, weder verantwortlich noch haftbar ist. Es versteht sich, dass der Agent das Unternehmen für jegliche Verluste, die das Unternehmen durch, order im Zusammenhang mit, oder im Bezug auf die Nutzung, oder den Betrieb der Website, die sich im Besitz des Agenten befindet oder von diesem verwendet wird, erleiden könnte, schadlos halten wird." - -msgid "It is further agreed and understood that the Agent shall not use any domain name that includes the name %1 and any derivation or variation of this name that might give the impression that the Company and the Agent are the same person." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is further noted that the Company shall be the sole owner of all rights, titles, or interests whatsoever of data and other information generated or produced and distributed by or through %1 electronic systems and other electronic systems used by %1, along with any modifications." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is hereby agreed as follows: " -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is important that clients refer their disputes to the appropriate ADR for the claims to be valid." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is important that the client monitors all of the client's positions closely. It is the client's responsibility to monitor the client's positions, and during the period that the client has any open contracts, the client should always have the ability to access the client's accounts." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is noted that immediately upon the termination of the relationship between the Company and the Agent, the Agent shall return to the Company any documents pertaining to the Company's business whatsoever which are in the Agent's possession." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is prohibited to sell, transfer, and/or acquire accounts to/from other clients. Transfer of funds among other clients is also prohibited." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is sometimes possible to sell an option before the expiry of a trade, but only if a fair price can be determined. If this option is available, you will see a 'Sell' button inside the popup window, after clicking on the 'View' button next to your trade in the portfolio." -msgstr "Es ist manchmal möglich, eine Option vor Ablauf eines Kontrakts zu verkaufen, aber nur, wenn ein fairer Kurs angewendet werden kann. Wenn diese Option verfügbar ist, werden Sie im Portfolio nachdem Sie auf den ''Anzeigen'' Button geklickt haben, neben Ihrem Kontrakt einen ''Verkaufen'' Button im Pop-up Fenster sehen." - -msgid "It is the Company's commitment to safeguard the client's privacy online at all times. The Company only uses the client's personal information to help the Company service the client's account, to improve the Company's services to the client, and to provide the client with products that the client has requested. The Company does not sell the client's personal information to third parties, but the Company may provide it to payment providers to facilitate transactions on the client's account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is the client's responsibility to keep their password and login ID confidential. The client agrees not to disclose their password and login ID to any other person." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It is the responsibility of each client to read and understand this legal notice and the terms and conditions pursuant to which an acquisition of financial contracts via this site is governed." -msgstr "Es liegt in der Verantwortung jedes einzelnen Kunden, diesen rechtlichen Hinweis und die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, die den Erwerb von Finanzkontrakten über diese Website regeln, zu lesen und zu verstehen." - -msgid "It will be released to the client's account upon approval." -msgstr "" - -msgid "It's completely free to join our IB programme. We've never charged a fee and we never will." -msgstr "Der Beitritt zu unserem IB Programm ist kostenfrei. Wir haben niemals eine Gebühr berechnet und werden dies auch niemals tun." - -msgid "It's easy. Just go to the signup page and complete the %1affiliate registration form%2. We'll review your application and get back to you if your application is successful." -msgstr "Es ist ganz einfach. Gehen Sie einfach zur Anmeldeseite und füllen Sie das %1Partner-Anmeldeformular%2 aus. Wir werden Ihre Bewerbung prüfen und uns umgehend bei Ihnen melden, wenn Ihre Bewerbung erfolgreich ist." - -msgid "It's time to expand. We set up a programming center in Cyberjaya - the Silicon Valley of Kuala Lumpur - to maintain and improve BetOnMarkets.com." -msgstr "Es ist Zeit, sich zu vergrößern. Wir planen ein Programmierzentrum in Cyberjaya - das Silicon Valley von Kuala Lumpur - um BetOnMarkets.com zu pflegen und zu verbessern." - -msgid "Item" -msgstr "Posten" - -msgid "J. Electronic trading platform and transactions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Jan" -msgstr "Jan" - -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januar" - -msgid "Jeton is an international e-wallet for money transfers and online payments. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Job Applicant Privacy Policy" -msgstr "Job-Bewerber-Datenschutzrichtlinie" - -msgid "Job Details" -msgstr "Jobdetails" - -msgid "Job applicant privacy policy" -msgstr "Job-Bewerber-Datenschutzrichtlinie" - -msgid "Join our global network of partners now" -msgstr "Werden Sie jetzt Teil unseres Partner-Netzes" - -msgid "Jul" -msgstr "Jul" - -msgid "July" -msgstr "Juli" - -msgid "Jun" -msgstr "Jun" - -msgid "June" -msgstr "Juni" - -msgid "Jurisdiction" -msgstr "Zuständigkeit" - -msgid "Jurisdiction and Choice of Law" -msgstr "Zuständigkeit und Rechtswahl" - -msgid "K. Event of Default" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Keep Safe" -msgstr "Sicher verwahren" - -msgid "Keep our infrastructure up-to-date with current cutting edge developments" -msgstr "Halten Sie unsere Infrastruktur mit hochmodernen Entwicklungen auf dem neuesten Stand" - -msgid "Keep safe" -msgstr "Sicher verwahren" - -msgid "Keep track of all ongoing contracts." -msgstr "Behalten Sie Ihre laufenden Verträge im Auge." - -msgid "Keep track of your authorised applications." -msgstr "Verfolgen Sie Ihre genehmigten Anwendungen." - -msgid "Keep up with breaking news and events on global markets." -msgstr "Halten Sie sich mit aktuellen Nachrichten und Ereignissen auf den Weltmärkten auf dem Laufenden." - -msgid "Keep up with the latest developments in IT and maintain knowledge relevant to the requirements of the business" -msgstr "Halten Sie sich mit den neuesten Entwicklungen in IT auf dem Laufenden und halten Sie Wissen bei, das für die Anforderungen des Unternehmens relevant ist" - -msgid "Keep up with the latest trends and techniques in design, UI, and UX" -msgstr "Halten Sie sich mit den neuesten Trends und Techniken in Design, UI und UX auf dem Laufenden" - -msgid "Keeping up with market news and trends in a certain sector can help you tremendously, especially if you're just starting out." -msgstr "Sich mit Marktnachrichten und Trends in einem bestimmten Sektor auf dem Laufenden zu halten, kann Ihnen immens helfen, vor allem dann, wenn Sie gerade erst anfangen." - -msgid "Key Information Documents" -msgstr "Schlüsseldokumente" - -msgid "Key facts" -msgstr "Wichtige Fakten" - -msgid "Key features" -msgstr "Hauptmerkmale" - -msgid "Kick back with beautiful beaches, islands, and mountains just a short flight away. From Malta, you have Europe, the Mediterranean, and North Africa. And from Malaysia, the whole of Asia awaits." -msgstr "Entspannen Sie sich auf wunderbaren Stränden, Inseln und Gebirgen, die nur einen kurzen Flug entfernt liegen. Von Malta aus haben Sie Europa, das Mittelmeer und Nordafrika. Und von Malaysia aus, ganz Asien." - -msgid "Know how much you will win or lose before you purchase the contract" -msgstr "Sie wissen, wie viel Sie gewinnen oder verlieren, bevor Sie den Kontrakt kaufen" - -msgid "Know what you stand to win or lose" -msgstr "Wissen Sie was Sie gewinnen oder verlieren" - -msgid "Knowing when to buy and sell metals largely depends on how well you know the factors that influence market prices. The most common influencing factors are:" -msgstr "Zu wissen, wann Sie Metalle kaufen und verkaufen, hängt weitgehend davon ab, wie gut Sie die Faktoren kennen, die Marktpreise beeinflussen. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Einflussgrößen sind:" - -msgid "Knowing when to buy and sell precious metals largely depends on how well you know the factors that influence market prices. The most common influencing factors are:" -msgstr "Zu wissen, wann Sie Edelmetalle kaufen und verkaufen, hängt weitgehend davon ab, wie gut Sie die Faktoren kennen, die Marktpreise beeinflussen. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Einflussgrößen sind:" - -msgid "Knowledge and experience in the financial services industry and/or binary options trading" -msgstr "Kenntnisse und Erfahrung in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche und/oder dem Handel mit Binären Optionen" - -msgid "Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for rapid prototyping of websites and apps" -msgstr "Kenntnisse von HTML, CSS und JavaScript für eine schnelle Prototypentwicklung von Websites und Apps" - -msgid "Knowledge of Linux system administration, including configuration and automation tools such as Chef as well as Shell scripting is preferred" -msgstr "Kenntnisse von Linux-Systemadministration, einschließlich Konfiguration und Automatisierungstools, wie Chef und Shell-scripting werden bevorzugt" - -msgid "Knowledge of Mac or Linux Technologies and associated security risks" -msgstr "Kenntnisse von Mac- oder Linux-Technologien und den damit verbundenen Sicherheitsrisiken" - -msgid "Knowledge of VPN concepts and prior experience of setting up site-to-site networks" -msgstr "Kenntnisse der VPN-Konzepte und Erfahrung mit der Einrichtung von Site-to-Site- Netzwerken" - -msgid "Knowledge of affiliate marketing, email marketing, and basic HTML" -msgstr "Kenntnisse von Affiliate-Marketing, E-Mail Marketing und grundlegende HTML-Kenntnisse" - -msgid "Knowledge of coloured coins and Ethereum tokens, including ERC20/23/223" -msgstr "Kenntnisse über Coloured Coins und Ethereum Token, einschließlich ERC20/23/223" - -msgid "Knowledge of hardware and software firewalls, intrusion detection methods, security systems, and DDoS protection" -msgstr "Kenntnisse über Hardware- und Software-Firewalls, Verfahren zur Entdeckung von Eindringungen, Sicherheitssysteme und DDoS-Schutz" - -msgid "Knowledge of hashing algorithms, including SHA and scrypt" -msgstr "Wissen über Hashing-Algorithmen, einschließlich SHA und Scrypt" - -msgid "Knowledge of payment transaction analysis, in particular e-wallets and cryptocurrencies" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Knowledge of probability theory, stochastic calculus, numerical methods, Monte-Carlo simulation, differential equations, econometrics, and statistical modelling" -msgstr "Kenntnisse über die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Stochastische Analyse, numerische Methoden, die Monte-Carlo Simulation, Differentialgleichungen, Ökonometrie und statistische Modellierung" - -msgid "Knowledge of scripting language and Perl in particular is a plus" -msgstr "Kenntnisse der Skriptsprache und Perl ist ein besonderes Plus" - -msgid "Knowledge of the latest industry trends and best practices in information security" -msgstr "Kenntnisse über die neuesten Trends der Branche und beste Praktiken im Bereich der Informationssicherheit" - -msgid "Kuala Lumpur Office" -msgstr "Niederlassung in Kuala Lumpur" - -msgid "L. Manifest Error" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Labuan" -msgstr "Labuan" - -msgid "Labuan has several national schools and one international school. It also has the only matriculation college in East Malaysia. Pre-university students from Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan are required to attend this matriculation college before they continue their studies at a public university." -msgstr "Labuan hat mehrere nationale Schulen und eine internationale Schule. Es hat auch das einzige Immatrikulation College in Ost-Malaysia. Voruniversitäre Studenten aus Sabah, Sarawak und Labuan sind verpflichtet, dieses Immatrikulation College zu besuchen, bevor sie ihr Studium an einer öffentlichen Hochschule fortsetzen können." - -msgid "Labuan is a federal territory made up of the main island, Labuan Island, and six other small islands off the coast of Sabah. Its name comes from the Malay word, 'labuhan' which means harbour. Formerly a part of the Brunei Sultanate, it was ceded to the British Crown in 1846, before joining Malaysia in 1963." -msgstr "Labuan ist ein Bundesgebiet bestehend aus der Hauptinsel, Labuan Island und sechs anderer kleiner Inseln vor der Küste von Sabah. Sein Name stammt aus dem malaiischen Wort, \"Labuhan\" d.h. Hafen. Früher ein Teil des Sultanats Brunei, wurde es der britischen Krone im Jahre 1846 abgetreten, bevor es im Jahr 1963 Malaysia beitrat." - -msgid "Labuan, Malaysia" -msgstr "Labuan, Malaysia" - -msgid "Languages" -msgstr "Sprachen" - -msgid "Last Digit Prediction" -msgstr "Voraussage der Letzten Stelle" - -msgid "Last Digit Stats" -msgstr "Statistiken der Letzten Stelle" - -msgid "Last Login" -msgstr "Letztes Log-In" - -msgid "Last Used" -msgstr "Zuletzt verwendet" - -msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" -msgstr "Letzte Stellen Statistik der letzten %1 Ticks von %2" - -msgid "Latest bank statement or any government-issued letter which contains your name and address" -msgstr "Neuester Kontoauszug oder ein amtlicher Brief der Ihren Namen und Ihre Adresse enthält" - -msgid "Law" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Laws regarding financial contracts vary throughout the world, and it is the responsibility of clients accessing this site to ensure that they understand and fully comply with any laws or regulations relevant to themselves in their own country. This site does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. Access to this site and the offering of financial contracts via this site in certain jurisdictions may be restricted and, accordingly, clients accessing this site are required to inform themselves about, and to observe, such restrictions." -msgstr "Die Gesetzgebung zu Finanzverträge variiert weltweit. Es liegt in Ihrer Verantwortung, alle Gesetze und Vorschriften Ihres Land zu verstehen und einzuhalten. Diese Site stellt kein Angebot oder Aufforderung an eine Person dar, in deren Rechtsraum ein solches Angebot oder Aufforderung unberechtigt wäre, oder gegenüber der das Erstellen eines solchen unrechtmäßig wäre, und darf nicht zum Zwecke eines solchen Angebots oder Aufforderung benutzt werden. Der Zugang zu dieser Site und zu den angebotenen Finanzverträgen kann in bestimmten Rechtsräumen eingeschränkt sein. Bitte informieren Sie sich über solche Einschränkungen bevor Sie die Site besuchen und beachten Sie diese." - -msgid "Lay out mockups and wireframes for app screens and web pages" -msgstr "Legen Sie Mockups und Wireframes für App-Bildschirme und Web-Seiten aus" - -msgid "Learn about the types of trades that can help you execute your trading strategy on rising, falling, and even sideways markets." -msgstr "Erfahren Sie mehr über die Arten von Geschäften, die Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Handelsstrategie auf steigenden, fallenden und sogar seitwärtigen Märkten auszuführen." - -msgid "Learn from us" -msgstr "Lernen Sie von uns" - -msgid "Learn how to read currency pairs, when to go long or short, and how to buy your first currency pair." -msgstr "Erfahren Sie, wie man Währungspaare liest, wann man lang oder kurz geht, und wie Sie Ihr erstes Währungspaar kaufen." - -msgid "Learn how to trade with our award-winning binary options platform in this simple step-by-step guide." -msgstr "Erfahren Sie in dieser Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung, wie man mit unserer preisgekrönten binären Optionen Plattform handelt." - -msgid "Learn more" -msgstr "Mehr erfahren" - -msgid "Learn more about our Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM) facility for money managers" -msgstr "Lernen Sie mehr über unsere Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM) Anlage für Vermögensverwalter" - -msgid "Learn more about our corporate culture" -msgstr "Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Unternehmenskultur" - -msgid "Learn more about submitting essential documents with our handy infographic:" -msgstr "Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Einreichen von essentiellen Dokumenten mit unserer handlichen Infografik:" - -msgid "Learn more." -msgstr "Mehr erfahren." - -msgid "Learn the basic concepts of trading Meta assets on MetaTrader 5." -msgstr "Lernen Sie die grundlegenden Konzepte des Handels mit Meta-Anlagen auf MetaTrader 5." - -msgid "Learn the basic concepts of trading metal pairs on our MetaTrader 5 platform." -msgstr "Lernen Sie die grundlegenden Konzepte des Handels mit Metallpaaren auf unserer MetaTrader 5 Plattform kennen." - -msgid "Learn the basics of metals trading and the categories of metals available." -msgstr "Lernen Sie die Grundlagen des Handels mit Metallen und die Kategorien der zur Verfügung stehenden Metalle." - -msgid "Learn to be a better trader and keep up with the latest news and trends in financial trading - all for free." -msgstr "Lernen Sie, ein erfolgreicherer Händler zu sein und halten Sie sich mit den neuesten Nachrichten und Entwicklungen im Finanzhandel auf dem Laufenden - alles kostenlos." - -msgid "Learn to read currency pairs" -msgstr "Währungspaare lesen lernen" - -msgid "Legal" -msgstr "Rechtliches" - -msgid "Legal compliance" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Less than $100,000" -msgstr "Weniger als 100.000$" - -msgid "Less than $25,000" -msgstr "Weniger als 25.000$" - -msgid "Let's calculate the spread for EUR/USD:" -msgstr "Berechnen wir nun die Spanne für EUR/USD:" - -msgid "Let's compare the differences between buying and selling, using the BTC/USD as an example:" -msgstr "Vergleichen wir nun die Unterschiede zwischen Kauf und Verkauf, mit BTC/USD als Beispiel:" - -msgid "Let's compare the differences between buying and selling, using the EUR/USD as an example:" -msgstr "Vergleichen wir nun die Unterschiede zwischen Kauf und Verkauf, mit EUR/USD als Beispiel:" - -msgid "Let's say a US 100 contract is worth USD 1 per point in the underlying asset. If you decide to 'go long' on the US 100, and the asset price rises by 10 points, that represents a USD 10 profit for you." -msgstr "Nehmen wir an, ein 100 US Kontrakt ist 1 USD pro Punkt im Basiswert, wert. Wenn Sie sich dazu entschließen \"lang\" auf den US 100 zu gehen, und der Vermögenswert um 10 Punkte steigt, stellt dies einen Gewinn von 10 USD für Sie da." - -msgid "Let's use the US 100 index as an example:" -msgstr "Nehmen wir den US 100 Index als Beispiel:" - -msgid "Let's use the XAU/USD (Gold vs US dollar) metal pair as an example." -msgstr "Nehmen wir das XAU/USD (Gold gegen US Dollar) Metallpaar zum Beispiel." - -msgid "Let's use the XAU/USD metal pair again as an example." -msgstr "Nehmen wir das XAU/USD Metallpaar nochmals als Beispiel." - -msgid "Level of education" -msgstr "Ausbildungsgrad" - -msgid "Leverage" -msgstr "Leverage" - -msgid "Leverage can be used to generate returns that are of multiple times higher than the amount set aside from the client's account balance to open and maintain a transaction (the client's margin). However, investments that have the potential to deliver greater investment returns carry higher levels of risk. This means that if the price movement is against the client's favour, the client will suffer losses that are multiple times higher than the amount set aside from the client's account balance to open and maintain a transaction (the client's margin)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Leverage gives you the ability to trade a larger position using your existing capital." -msgstr "Leverage gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, eine größere Position mit Ihrem vorhandenen Kapital zu handeln." - -msgid "Leverage up to %1" -msgstr "Hebelwirkung bis zu %1" - -msgid "Leverage, in the context of margin trading, refers to the use of margin to increase/amplify the value of a trade. Leverage is expressed as a ratio. A 50:1 leverage, for example, means that the client would be able to enter into a trade position that is of 50 times higher than the client's margin. When the client invests in a leveraged product, the client's profit or loss is based on the leveraged position, i.e. the increased/amplified value of the client's trade is determined based on the leverage ratio that the client has set for the client's account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Liability" -msgstr "Haftung" - -msgid "Liaise with external suppliers to ensure purchases are made at the most cost-efficient rate" -msgstr "Setzen Sie sich mit externen Lieferanten in Verbindung, um sicherzustellen, dass Käufe zur kosteneffizientesten Tarif gemacht werden" - -msgid "Liaise with governmental authorities such as the Immigration Department, and Inland Revenue Board on a regular basis on behalf of the company and employees" -msgstr "Setzen Sie sich mit Behörden, wie der Einwanderungsbehörde und dem Inland Revenue Board in regelmäßigen Abständen im Auftrag vom Unternehmen und den Mitarbeitern, in Verbindung" - -msgid "Licensed and regulated in Malta, the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, and Ireland. %1Learn more%2" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Licensed, trusted, and secure" -msgstr "Zugelassen, vertrauenswürdig, und sicher" - -msgid "Life in Malta moves at a slower pace with a number of colourful festivities and religious holidays that you can look forward to every year. Some of the most popular ones include the Notte Bianca, the Malta Jazz Festival, Christmas, and Easter. Malta has no shortage of museums, archaeological sites, and other places of interest if you're looking for a culture fix." -msgstr "Das Leben in Malta bewegt sich in einem langsameren Tempo, mit einer Reihe von bunten Festen und Feiertagen, über die Sie sich jedes Jahr freuen können. Einige der populärsten sind die Notte Bianca, das Malta Jazz Festival, Weihnachten und Ostern. Malta hat keinen Mangel an Museen, archäologischen Stätten und anderen Orten von Interesse, wenn Sie sich für Kultur interessieren." - -msgid "Likelihood of execution and settlement - the depth of liquidity of the market to which client order is related" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Limit" -msgstr "Limit" - -msgid "Limit Order" -msgstr "Limit Order" - -msgid "Limit/Limit Price" -msgstr "Limit/Limitkurs" - -msgid "Limitation of liability" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Limitations on liability" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Limited license grant" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Limits" -msgstr "Limits" - -msgid "Limits 1 to 3 may only be removed or increased after 24 hours after receiving the notice and the client reconfirms that they wish to amend such limit." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Link to and direct the Company's clients to the Programmer's Application." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Links" -msgstr "Links" - -msgid "Linux" -msgstr "Linux" - -msgid "Liquidity solutions" -msgstr "Liquidität-Lösungen" - -msgid "Litecoin" -msgstr "Litecoin" - -msgid "Litecoin is a cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin, but capable of a higher transaction volume and faster confirmation times. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Litecoin vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Litecoin gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Live chat" -msgstr "Live-Chat" - -msgid "Living in Asunción" -msgstr "Leben in Asunción" - -msgid "Living in Cyberjaya" -msgstr "Leben in Cyberjaya" - -msgid "Living in Dubai" -msgstr "Leben in Dubai" - -msgid "Living in Labuan" -msgstr "Leben in Labuan" - -msgid "Living in Malta" -msgstr "Leben auf Malta" - -msgid "Living on an island paradise has its perks. Labuan is one of those rare gems that has yet to undergo excessive commercialisation, thus retaining its small-town charm and tight-knit community vibe. Labuan welcomes tourists throughout the year as the island enjoys good weather all year round, with average daily temperature between 28 and 32 degrees Celsius." -msgstr "Das Leben auf einer paradiesischen Insel hat seine Vorteile. Labuan ist eines jener seltenen Edelsteine, die noch nicht übermäßig kommerzialisiert sind, wobei es seinen kleinstädtischen Charme und seine eingeschworene Gemeinschafts-Atmosphäre erhält. Labuan begrüßt Touristen das ganze Jahr über, da die Insel das ganze Jahr hindurch durchschnittliche Tagestemperaturen zwischen 28 und 32 Grad Celsius genießt." - -msgid "Located 10 minutes away, Malaysia's intelligent garden city offers stunning greenery and exquisite structures." -msgstr "Nur 10 Minuten entfernt gelegen, bietet Malaysias intelligente Garten-Stadt atemberaubende Grünanlagen und exquisite Strukturen." - -msgid "Lock Cashier" -msgstr "Kasse blockieren" - -msgid "Log in" -msgstr "Log-in" - -msgid "Log in here" -msgstr "Melden Sie sich hier an" - -msgid "Log in to your %1 affiliate account and go to: Finances → Payment instructions." -msgstr "Loggen Sie sich in Ihr %1 Partner-Konto ein und gehen Sie zu: Finanzen → Zahlungsanweisungen." - -msgid "Log in to your %1 affiliate account and go to: Reports → Detailed activity report" -msgstr "Melden Sie sich auf Ihrem %1 Partner-Konto an und gehen Sie zu: Berichte → Detaillierter Tätigkeitsbericht" - -msgid "Log out" -msgstr "Abmelden" - -msgid "Login History" -msgstr "Login-Verlauf" - -msgid "Login ID" -msgstr "Login ID" - -msgid "Login ID of money manager who will trade on your behalf" -msgstr "Login ID für den Vermögensverwalter, der in Ihrem Namen Handel treiben wird" - -msgid "Login time:" -msgstr "Login Uhrzeit:" - -msgid "Long-term partnership:" -msgstr "Langfristige Partnerschaft:" - -msgid "Long:" -msgstr "Lang:" - -msgid "Lookbacks" -msgstr "Lookbacks" - -msgid "Lookbacks options are currently only available for %1Volatility Indices%2." -msgstr "Lookbacks Optionen stehen derzeit nur für %1Volatilitätsindizes%2 zur Verfügung." - -msgid "Looking for %1 app?" -msgstr "Auf der Suche nach der %1 App?" - -msgid "Looking for %1 or %2 Desktop apps?" -msgstr "Auf der Suche nach %1 oder %2 Desktop-Apps?" - -msgid "Loss" -msgstr "Verlust" - -msgid "Lot" -msgstr "Lot" - -msgid "Lot size" -msgstr "Lotgröße" - -msgid "Lot units" -msgstr "Lot Einheiten" - -msgid "Low" -msgstr "Tief" - -msgid "Low Barrier" -msgstr "Untere Schwelle" - -msgid "Low Tick" -msgstr "Niedriger Tick" - -msgid "Low barrier" -msgstr "Untere Schwelle" - -msgid "Low barrier offset" -msgstr "Verschiebung der unteren Schwelle" - -msgid "Low minimum stakes" -msgstr "Niedrige minimale Einsätze" - -msgid "Lower" -msgstr "Niedriger" - -msgid "Lower or equal" -msgstr "Niedriger oder gleich" - -msgid "Lush living" -msgstr "Üppige Lebensweise" - -msgid "M. Force majeure events" -msgstr "" - -msgid "MAM" -msgstr "MAM" - -msgid "MAM Accounts" -msgstr "MAM Konten" - -msgid "MAM Advanced" -msgstr "MAM Fortgeschritten" - -msgid "MAM Advanced account" -msgstr "MAM Fortgeschrittenes Konto" - -msgid "MAM Advanced*" -msgstr "MAM Fortgeschritten*" - -msgid "MAM Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "MAM Synthetic Indices Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "MAM Synthetic Indices*" -msgstr "" - -msgid "MENA FFXPO Award" -msgstr "MENA FFXPO Auszeichnung" - -msgid "MT4 and MT5 brokers can connect directly to our liquidity on the One Zero bridge by using built-in plugins." -msgstr "MT4 und MT5 Broker können sich direkt mit unserer Liquidität auf der One Zero-Brücke verbinden, indem Sie die integrierten Plugins verwenden." - -msgid "MT5 Account:" -msgstr "MT5 Konto:" - -msgid "MT5 Demo" -msgstr "MT5 Demo" - -msgid "MT5 Financial" -msgstr "MT5 Finanzen" - -msgid "MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "MT5 Echtgeldkonto" - -msgid "MT5 Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "MT5 Web platform" -msgstr "MT5 Web-Plattform" - -msgid "MT5 for Android" -msgstr "MT5 für Android" - -msgid "MT5 for Linux" -msgstr "MT5 für Linux" - -msgid "MT5 for Mac" -msgstr "MT5 für Mac" - -msgid "MT5 for Mobile" -msgstr "MT5 für Mobile" - -msgid "MT5 for Windows" -msgstr "MT5 für Windows" - -msgid "MT5 for iOS" -msgstr "MT5 für iOS" - -msgid "MT5 for web platform" -msgstr "MT5 für Web-Plattform" - -msgid "MT5 real-money account for Forex and CFDs." -msgstr "MT5 Echtgeldkonto für Forex und CFDs." - -msgid "MT5 real-money account for Synthetic Indices only." -msgstr "" - -msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." -msgstr "MT5 Auszahlungen wurden auf Ihrem Konto deaktiviert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail für weitere Details." - -msgid "Mac" -msgstr "Mac" - -msgid "Made an impression in the first interview? We'll invite you to a second interview with our CEO and/or hiring manager." -msgstr "Haben Sie im ersten Interview Eindruck gemacht? Dann laden wir Sie zu einem zweiten Gespräch mit unserem CEO und/oder Personalchef ein." - -msgid "Maestro is an international debit card service by Mastercard. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Main" -msgstr "Haupt" - -msgid "Main password" -msgstr "Hauptpasswort" - -msgid "Main password (trading access)" -msgstr "Hauptpasswort (Handelszugang)" - -msgid "Maintain accurate system pricing parameters" -msgstr "Pflege von präzisen System-Kursgestaltungsparametern" - -msgid "Maintain relationships with clients and partners to drive retention and loyalty" -msgstr "Pflegen Sie Beziehungen mit Kunden und Partnern, um Retention und Loyalität zu fördern" - -msgid "Maintain trackable records of investigations in AML-CTF-related matters" -msgstr "Pflegen Sie verfügbare Aufzeichnungen von Untersuchungen bei AML-CTF-Angelegenheiten" - -msgid "Maintaining a page or video channel about online trading? Get rewarded when you refer your followers and viewers to trade on our award-winning binary options platform." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Maintains a page or video channel about online trading" -msgstr "Betreibt eine Seite oder einen Videokanal über Online-Handel" - -msgid "Major and minor pairs, plus Smart FX indices" -msgstr "Wichtige und kleine Paare, plus Smart FX Indizes" - -msgid "Major commodities such as gold, silver, and oil" -msgstr "Wichtige Rohstoffe wie Gold, Silber und Öl" - -msgid "Major pairs" -msgstr "Wichtige Paare" - -msgid "Major pairs – Consist of the world's most widely traded currency pairs" -msgstr "Wichtige Paare - Bestehen aus den in der Welt am häufigsten gehandelten Währungspaaren" - -msgid "Major pairs, minor pairs, and Smart FX indices." -msgstr "Wichtige Paare, kleine Paare, und Smart FX Indizes." - -msgid "Major worldwide stock indices sourced from the OTC market." -msgstr "Die wichtigsten weltweiten vom OTC-Markt bezogenen Aktienindizes." - -msgid "Major, minor and exotic currency pairs." -msgstr "Wichtige, kleine und exotische Währungspaare." - -msgid "Make a Deposit" -msgstr "Eine Einzahlung vornehmen" - -msgid "Make a deposit" -msgstr "Eine Einzahlung vornehmen" - -msgid "Make another transfer" -msgstr "Nehmen Sie einen anderen Transfer vor" - -msgid "Make your trade" -msgstr "Führen Sie Ihr Geschäft aus" - -msgid "Malaysia" -msgstr "Malaysia" - -msgid "Malaysia's lower cost of living compared to most western countries means that you can enjoy a high quality of life. You'll also find easy access to world-class healthcare, plus several international schools, colleges, and universities that offer globally-recognised programmes." -msgstr "Malaysias niedrigere Lebenshaltungskosten - im Vergleich zu den meisten westlichen Ländern - bedeutet, dass Sie ein hohes Maß an Lebensqualität genießen können. Sie finden auch einfachen Zugang zu erstklassiger medizinischer Versorgung, sowie mehreren internationalen Schulen, Colleges und Universitäten, die weltweit anerkannte Programme anbieten." - -msgid "Malicious Activity" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Malta" -msgstr "Malta" - -msgid "Malta celebrates a large number of religious festivities and cultural events every year, filling the streets with carts laden with traditional sweets and delicacies." -msgstr "Malta feiert jedes Jahr eine große Anzahl an religiösen Festivitäten und kulturellen Veranstaltungen, die die Strassen mit Wägen füllen, die mit traditionellen Süßigkeiten und Delikatessen beladen sind. " - -msgid "Malta is one of the most densely-populated countries in the world with the smallest capital (Valletta) in the European Union. Maltese and English are the country's official languages, while Italian is also widely spoken. Malta has plenty of sunshine throughout the year and enjoys a mild climate." -msgstr "Malta gehört zu den am dichtesten besiedelten Ländern der Welt, mit der kleinsten Hauptstadt (Valletta) in der Europäischen Union. Maltesisch und Englisch sind die offiziellen Landessprachen; Italienisch ist ebenfalls weit verbreitet. Malta hat das ganze Jahr über viel Sonnenschein und genießt ein mildes Klima." - -msgid "Malta's natural attractions are absolutely breathtaking, from its sheer cliffs and lush valleys to its golden sandy beaches and underwater structures in clear blue seas." -msgstr "Maltas natürliche Attraktionen sind absolut traumhaft, von seinen steilen Felsen und üppigen Tälern zu seinen goldenen Sandstränden und Unterwasserstrukturen in blauen, klaren Meeren." - -msgid "Malta's strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea saw it occupied by a number of foreign powers, including the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, French, and most recently, the British. It gained independence from the British in 1964, and joined the European Union in 2004. Today, Malta is a popular tourist destination and a high-income country powered by an industrialised, service-based economy." -msgstr "Maltas strategische Lage im Mittelmeer führte dazu, dass es durch eine Reihe von ausländischen Mächten, einschl. der Griechen, Römer, Araber, Franzosen, und zuletzt den Briten besetzt war. Es gewann Unabhängigkeit von den Briten im Jahre 1964 und trat 2004 der Europäischen Union bei. Malta ist heute ein beliebtes Touristenziel und ein Hocheinkommensland, das von einer industrialisierten, dienstleistungsorientierten Wirtschaft angetrieben wird." - -msgid "Manage IT assets and maintain an up-to-date asset registry" -msgstr "Verwalten Sie IT Vermögen und pflegen Sie eine aktuelles Asset-Register" - -msgid "Manage MAM account" -msgstr "MAM Konto verwalten" - -msgid "Manage MT5 password" -msgstr "MT5 Passwort verwalten" - -msgid "Manage and maintain all software, hardware, and associated peripherals including printers, copiers, and phones" -msgstr "Verwalten und pflegen Sie alle Software-, Hardware- und zugehörigen Peripheriegeräte, einschließlich Drucker, Kopierer und Telefone" - -msgid "Manage database security by controlling access to data through authentication, authorisation, and auditing" -msgstr "Verwalten Sie Datenbank-Sicherheit durch die Steuerung des Zugriffs auf Daten durch Authentifizierung, Autorisierung und Überwachung" - -msgid "Manage day-to-day risk of our trading books" -msgstr "Verwalten Sie das tägliche Risiko unserer Handelsbücher" - -msgid "Manage funds" -msgstr "Fonds verwalten" - -msgid "Manage our bug bounty programme" -msgstr "Veralten Sie unser Bug-Bounty-Programm" - -msgid "Manage security, intrusion detection, DDoS protection, and PCI compliance measures for each deployed server" -msgstr "Sicherheitsverwaltung, Eindringungsentdeckung, DDos-Schutz und PCI Compliance-Maßnahmen bezüglich jedes eingesetzten Servers" - -msgid "Manage sub accounts" -msgstr "Unterkonten verwalten" - -msgid "Manage the funds in your cryptocurrency account." -msgstr "Verwalten Sie die Guthaben auf Ihrem Kryptowährungskonto." - -msgid "Manage your authorised applications." -msgstr "Verwalten Sie Ihre genehmigten Anwendungen." - -msgid "Manager ID" -msgstr "Manager ID" - -msgid "Manager successfully revoked" -msgstr "Manager erfolgreich widerrufen" - -msgid "Managers" -msgstr "Manager" - -msgid "Manages a social media page dedicated to online trading" -msgstr "Engagiert sich in sozialen Medien für den Online-Handel" - -msgid "Managing of various aspects of online trading such as sending Orders to the platform" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Manufacturing" -msgstr "Herstellung" - -msgid "Mar" -msgstr "Mär" - -msgid "March" -msgstr "März" - -msgid "Margin" -msgstr "Margin" - -msgid "Margin Call" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Margin Call occurs when the Margin Level is less than the Margin Level set for the client's account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Margin Level" -msgstr "Marginlevel" - -msgid "Margin Payments are due immediately and shall be received in full by the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Margin Requirement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Margin Requirement and calculation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Margin Requirement is the amount that the client needs to have in their account prior to entering into a trade and it is a percentage of the value of that trade. Margin Requirement will continue to increase/decrease in accordance with the volume and direction of the Open Positions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Margin allows you to trade on leverage – giving you the same level of market exposure using much less capital." -msgstr "Margin erlaubt Ihnen auf Leverage zu handeln, indem es Ihnen das selbe Level von Marktrisiko in Verwendung von viel weniger Kapital, gibt." - -msgid "Margin allows you to trade on leverage – meaning your existing capital can give you a much higher level of market exposure." -msgstr "Marge erlaubt Ihnen auf Leverage zu handeln - d.h. Ihr vorhandenes Kapital kann Ihnen ein viel höheres Level an Marktrisiko geben." - -msgid "Margin call" -msgstr "Margin-Forderung" - -msgid "Market" -msgstr "Markt" - -msgid "Market Order" -msgstr "Marktorder" - -msgid "Market Orders" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Market execution" -msgstr "Marktausführung" - -msgid "Market exit price" -msgstr "Kurs zum Vertragsende" - -msgid "Market opinions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Market prices are updated at most once per second. For any given second, the market price will be updated to the first tick, if any, received in that particular second on the Company data feed." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Market volatility – Political, economic, or social instability may lead to more volatile financial markets that affect the prices of certain metals" -msgstr "Volatilität des Marktes – Politische, wirtschaftliche oder soziale Instabilität können zu mehr Volatilität der Finanzmärkte, die die Preise für bestimmte Metalle beeinflussen, führen" - -msgid "Market-closing times: The client is asked to refer to %1Trading times%2 page for the exact time of settlement for all contracts. Other websites may adopt a different convention (for example, some websites choose 4 o'clock NY time or 5 o'clock London time). As a result, the open, high, low, and closing prices displayed on the Company's website may differ from those on other websites, due to the market-closing time convention." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Marketing" -msgstr "Marketing" - -msgid "Marketing Executive" -msgstr "Marketingleiter" - -msgid "Marketing Materials" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Marketing and promotion" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Mastercard and Maestro withdrawals are only available for UK Clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Mastercard is an international company that processes payments made with Mastercard-branded credit and debit cards. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "MasterCard ist ein internationales Unternehmen, das Zahlungen mit Mastercard Kredit- und Debit-Karten bearbeitet. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "Matches/Differs" -msgstr "Gleich/Verschieden" - -msgid "Maximum Payout" -msgstr "Maximale Auszahlung" - -msgid "Maximum Profit" -msgstr "Maximaler Gewinn" - -msgid "Maximum account cash balance" -msgstr "Maximales Kontoguthaben" - -msgid "Maximum aggregate contract purchases over a 30-day period." -msgstr "Maximaler Gesamtkontrakterwerb über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen." - -msgid "Maximum aggregate contract purchases over a 7-day period." -msgstr "Maximaler Gesamtkontrakterwerb über einen Zeitraum von 7 Tagen." - -msgid "Maximum aggregate contract purchases per day." -msgstr "Maximaler Gesamterwerb von Kontrakten pro Tag." - -msgid "Maximum aggregate loss over a 30-day period." -msgstr "Maximaler angesammelter Verlust über einen Zeitraum von 30 Tagen." - -msgid "Maximum aggregate loss over a 7-day period." -msgstr "Maximaler angesammelter Verlust über einen Zeitraum von 7 Tagen." - -msgid "Maximum aggregate loss per day." -msgstr "Maximal aufgelaufener Verlust pro Tag." - -msgid "Maximum aggregate payouts on open positions" -msgstr "Maximale Gesamtauszahlungen auf offene Positionen" - -msgid "Maximum daily turnover" -msgstr "Maximaler Tagesumsatz" - -msgid "Maximum deposit limit" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Maximum deposit limit expiry" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Maximum leverage" -msgstr "Maximale Leverage" - -msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." -msgstr "Maximaler Multiplikator von 1000." - -msgid "Maximum number of contracts that can be open at the same time." -msgstr "Maximale Anzahl von Kontrakten, die gleichzeitig geöffnet sein können." - -msgid "Maximum number of open positions" -msgstr "Maximale Anzahl offener Positionen" - -msgid "Maximum payout" -msgstr "Maximale Auszahlung" - -msgid "Maximum ticket size" -msgstr "Maximale Ticket-Größe" - -msgid "Maximum upload size for each file is %1" -msgstr "Maximale Upload-Größe für jede Datei ist %1" - -msgid "May" -msgstr "Mai" - -msgid "Memorable date" -msgstr "Denkwürdiges Datum" - -msgid "Memorable town/city" -msgstr "Denkwürdige/r Ort/Stadt" - -msgid "MetaTrader" -msgstr "MetaTrader" - -msgid "MetaTrader 5" -msgstr "MetaTrader 5" - -msgid "MetaTrader 5 dashboard" -msgstr "MetaTrader 5 Dashboard" - -msgid "MetaTrader account management" -msgstr "MetaTrader Kontenverwaltung" - -msgid "Metal – a hard commodity" -msgstr "Metall – ein harter Rohstoff" - -msgid "Metals" -msgstr "Metalle" - -msgid "Metals are also known as \"hard\" commodities as they are natural resources that must be mined or extracted." -msgstr "Metalle sind auch bekannt als \"harte\" Rohstoffe, da sie natürliche Ressourcen sind, die abgebaut oder extrahiert werden müssen." - -msgid "Metals are categorised into two types:" -msgstr "Metalle sind in zwei Arten eingeteilt:" - -msgid "Metals contract specifications" -msgstr "Metall Kontraktspezifikationen" - -msgid "Metals margin policy" -msgstr "Metall-Margin Richtlinie" - -msgid "Metals trading lets you speculate on the price movement of a particular metal asset in order to profit from the price difference when the asset value rises or falls." -msgstr "Der Metall-Handel lässt Sie auf die Kursentwicklung einer bestimmten Metall-Anlage spekulieren, um vom Preisunterschied zu profitieren, wenn der Anlagenwert steigt oder fällt." - -msgid "Method" -msgstr "Methode" - -msgid "Meticulous English language skills, with keen eye for detail when it comes to punctuation, spelling, grammar, and syntax" -msgstr "Akribische Englischkenntnisse mit Auge fürs Detail, wenn es um Zeichensetzung, Rechtschreibung, Grammatik und Syntax geht" - -msgid "Micro-trading on the go" -msgstr "Micro-trading für unterwegs" - -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -msgid "Min / Max withdrawal" -msgstr "Min/Max Auszahlung" - -msgid "Min Deposit" -msgstr "Min Einzahlung" - -msgid "Min Withdrawal" -msgstr "Min Auszahlung" - -msgid "Min-Max Deposit" -msgstr "Min-Max Einzahlung" - -msgid "Min-Max Withdrawal" -msgstr "Min-Max Auszahlung" - -msgid "Minimum deposit" -msgstr "Mindesteinlage" - -msgid "Minimum eight characters. Must contain numbers, and mix of upper and lower case letters." -msgstr "Zumindest acht Zeichen. Muss Zahlen, und einen Mix aus Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben enthalten." - -msgid "Minimum of %1 characters required." -msgstr "Mindestens %1 Zeichen sind erforderlich." - -msgid "Minimum of six lower and uppercase letters with numbers" -msgstr "Mindestens sechs Klein- und Großbuchstaben mit Zahlen" - -msgid "Minimum of six months validity" -msgstr "Mindestens sechs Monate Gültigkeit" - -msgid "Minimum qualifications:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Minimum ticket size" -msgstr "Minimale Ticket-Größe" - -msgid "Minimum two years experience in a software or web application testing role" -msgstr "Mindestens zwei Jahre Erfahrung in einer Software- oder Web-Anwendungs- Tester-Rolle" - -msgid "Minimum volume" -msgstr "Mindestvolumen" - -msgid "Minimum:" -msgstr "Minimum:" - -msgid "Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Transport Workers" -msgstr "Bergbau-, Bau-, Herstellungs- und Transport-Arbeiter" - -msgid "Minor pairs" -msgstr "Kleine Paare" - -msgid "Minor pairs – Consist of less liquid currency pairs" -msgstr "Kleine Paare – Bestehen aus weniger liquiden Währungspaaren" - -msgid "Minute" -msgstr "Minute" - -msgid "Misrepresent Binary or the services that are offered by Binary" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Misrepresent the services that the Agent provides to the clients" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Miss" -msgstr "Verpasst" - -msgid "Mo" -msgstr "Mo" - -msgid "Mobile number" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Modification/amendment" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Montag" - -msgid "Monetise your online trading discussions with your audience of trading enthusiasts while helping them improve their trading experience." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Money collected from clients is not invested in any securities, futures, currencies, derivatives or other investments, on behalf of clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Monies deposited by clients with BIEL in advance of a trade or pending withdrawal is treated by BIEL as clients' money. BIEL holds such monies in pooled or omnibus clients' money bank accounts opened with banks or other institutions (\"Institutions\"), segregated from BIEL's own money. Such clients' money bank accounts may be opened with EEA Institutions or Institutions outside the EEA. Where clients' money is held with non-EEA Institutions, this means that such accounts will be subject to laws other than those of an EEA member state and clients' rights may differ accordingly." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Monitor and manage your client list, adjust settings for individual sub accounts, and more" -msgstr "Überwachen und verwalten Sie Ihre Kundenliste, legen Sie Einstellungen für einzelne Unterkonten fest, und vieles mehr" - -msgid "Monitor campaigns using key metrics and submit reports on campaign performance" -msgstr "Überwachen Sie Kampagnen mithilfe von Kennzahlen und senden Sie Berichte über Kampagnen-Performance" - -msgid "Monitor hardware and software deployment, including our worldwide network of servers and office networks" -msgstr "Überwachung des Hardware- und Softwareeinsatzes, einschl. unseres globalen Netzwerks an Servern und Niederlassungsnetzwerken" - -msgid "Monitor our automated security scripts and utilise them to identify threats" -msgstr "Überwachen Sie unsere automatisierten Sicherheitsskripte und nutzen Sie sie, um Bedrohungen zu identifizieren" - -msgid "Monitor recent logins to your account using the %1login history%2 facility." -msgstr "Überwachen Sie die letzten Logins in Ihr Konto mithilfe der %1Login Geschichte%2 Einrichtung." - -msgid "Monitor the movements of your favourite assets and markets at the same time." -msgstr "Beobachten Sie die Bewegungen Ihrer ausgewählten Anlagen und Kurse gleichzeitig." - -msgid "Monitor website trading activity and minimise abuse" -msgstr "Überwachen Sie die Handelsaktivität auf der Website und verringern Sie so den Missbrauch" - -msgid "Monitor your portfolio in real time." -msgstr "Überwachen Sie Ihr Portfolio in Echtzeit." - -msgid "Monitoring and review of this policy" -msgstr "Beobachtung und Bewertung dieser Regel" - -msgid "More benefits" -msgstr "Mehrere Vorteile" - -msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." -msgstr "" - -msgid "More specifically, when the Company enters into a Binary Option trade with the client (each, a \"Contract\"), the Company has a duty to provide the client with 'best execution'. Best execution means that the Company must take reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for the client when executing a client order. This document provides a summary of the Company's best execution policy." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Most brokers typically charge a commission for each trade that you place. %1 currently charges no commission across all account types, except for cryptocurrencies." -msgstr "Die meisten Broker berechnen in der Regel eine Provision für jede Transaktion, die Sie platzieren. %1 erhebt derzeit keine Provision auf Kontoarten, ausgenommen für Kryptowährungen." - -msgid "Mother of Cities" -msgstr "Die Mutter aller Städte" - -msgid "Mother's maiden name" -msgstr "Mädchenname der Mutter" - -msgid "Mr" -msgstr "Herr" - -msgid "Mrs" -msgstr "Frau" - -msgid "Ms" -msgstr "Frl." - -msgid "Multi award-winning trading platform." -msgstr "Mehrfach ausgezeichnete Handelsplattform." - -msgid "Multi-Account Manager (MAM) Agreement" -msgstr "Multi-Account Manager (MAM) Vereinbarung" - -msgid "Multi-asset Liquidity Solutions" -msgstr "Multi-Asset-Liquiditäts-Lösungen" - -msgid "Multi-asset execution" -msgstr "Multi-Asset-Ausführung" - -msgid "Multi-asset liquidity solutions" -msgstr "Multi-Asset-Liquiditäts-Lösungen" - -msgid "Multilingual platforms" -msgstr "Mehrsprachige Plattform" - -msgid "Multiple Accounts Manager" -msgstr "Multiple Accounts Manager" - -msgid "Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM)" -msgstr "Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM)" - -msgid "Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM) for MetaTrader 5 (MT5)" -msgstr "Multiple Accounts Manager (MAM) für MetaTrader 5 (MT5)" - -msgid "Multiple income opportunities" -msgstr "Vielfältige Verdienstmöglichkeiten" - -msgid "Multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplikator" - -msgid "Must be a clear, colour photo" -msgstr "Muss ein eindeutig erkennbares Farbfoto sein" - -msgid "Must be a clear, colour photo or scanned image" -msgstr "Muss ein klares Farbfoto oder gescanntes Bild sein" - -msgid "My Players report: Displays a list of your clients according to their IDs and the date they signed up" -msgstr "Mein Spielerbericht: Zeigt eine Liste Ihrer Kunden nach deren IDs und dem Datum, zu dem sie sich angemeldet haben, an" - -msgid "N. Representations and warranties" -msgstr "" - -msgid "N/A" -msgstr "NV" - -msgid "NEED HELP?" -msgstr "HILFE gefällig?" - -msgid "NETELLER provides businesses and individuals with a fast, simple, and secure way to transfer money online. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "NETELLER bietet Unternehmen und Privatpersonen einen schnellen, einfachen und sicheren Weg, Geld online zu überweisen. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen bitte %1." - -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Name" - -msgid "Name of first love" -msgstr "Name der ersten Liebe" - -msgid "Name of your pet" -msgstr "Name Ihres Haustiers" - -msgid "Name, email address, and contact number" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Name:" -msgstr "Name:" - -msgid "National ID card, ID book or any government-issued document which contains a photo, your name, and date of birth" -msgstr "Personalausweis, ID Buch oder ein von der Regierung ausgestelltes Dokument, das ein Foto, Ihren Namen und Ihr Geburtsdatum enthält" - -msgid "Natural wonders" -msgstr "Naturwunder" - -msgid "Need more information?" -msgstr "Brauchen Sie zusätzliche Informationen?" - -msgid "Need to monitor positions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Negative Balance Protection" -msgstr "Negativ Saldo-Versicherung" - -msgid "Negative Balance Protection does not apply to the clients categorised as Professional Traders, who can still lose more money than their available balance." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Negative balance protection" -msgstr "Negativ Saldo-Versicherung" - -msgid "Negotiate competitive rates with new payment system providers" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Neither party shall, without the prior written consent of the other, disclose any details or information acquired directly or indirectly as a result of the relationship contemplated by this Agreement to any person or use the same for their own benefit, other than as contemplated in this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Neither the Affiliate, the Affiliate's direct relatives, nor any clients controlled by the Affiliate are eligible to become clients, and the Affiliate shall not be entitled to any share of net revenue or any other remuneration from the Company in relation to such relatives, friends, or controlled clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage, or debt to the client arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, this agreement. The client agrees to indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents from, and against, any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred arising out of the client's failure to comply with any and all of their obligations set forth in this agreement and/or the Company's enforcement against the client of any and all of its rights under this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Net annual income" -msgstr "Jahresnettoeinkommen" - -msgid "Net deposits" -msgstr "Netto-Einlagen" - -msgid "Net of any other money credited to the client's MT5 Real Account and debited from their MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Net of fund transfers between the client's %1 account and their MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Net of realised profits credited to the client's MT5 Real Account and realised losses debited from their MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Net profit" -msgstr "Nettogewinn" - -msgid "Network Status" -msgstr "Netzwerkstatus" - -msgid "Network status" -msgstr "Netzwerkstatus" - -msgid "Never" -msgstr "Nie" - -msgid "Never Used" -msgstr "Nie verwendet" - -msgid "New MT5 password" -msgstr "Neues MT5 Passwort" - -msgid "New Password" -msgstr "Neues Passwort" - -msgid "New Year's Day" -msgstr "Neujahrstag" - -msgid "New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar" -msgstr "Neuseeländischer Dollar gegen Kanadischen Dollar" - -msgid "New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Neuseeländischer Dollar gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar" -msgstr "Neuseeländischer Dollar gegen Singapur-Dollar" - -msgid "New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Franc" -msgstr "Neuseeländischer Dollar gegen Schweizer Franken" - -msgid "New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Neuseeländischer Dollar gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "New account" -msgstr "Neues Konto" - -msgid "New office in Asunción, Paraguay" -msgstr "" - -msgid "New office in Dubai, UAE" -msgstr "" - -msgid "New office in Labuan, Malaysia" -msgstr "" - -msgid "New password" -msgstr "Neues Passwort" - -msgid "New to CFD trading? We explain a few basics that all CFD traders need to know before they start trading." -msgstr "Neu beim CFD-Handel? Wir erklären ein paar Grundlagen, die alle CFD-Händler wissen müssen, bevor sie mit dem Handel beginnen." - -msgid "New to Forex? We explain the basics of the world's largest and most liquid market." -msgstr "Neu bei Forex? Wir erklären die Grundlagen des weltweit größten und am meisten liquiden Markts." - -msgid "New token created." -msgstr "Neuer Token generiert." - -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Weiter" - -msgid "Next Available Price" -msgstr "Nächst verfügbarer Kurs" - -msgid "No" -msgstr "Nein" - -msgid "No Party shall be deemed liable for a partial or complete failure to meet its obligations, under this agreement, in case of force majeure events, including but not limited to civil war, unrest, insurrection, international intervention, any governmental actions, exchange controls, nationalisations, devaluations, forfeitures, natural disasters, act of God, and other inevitable, unforeseeable, unanticipated, or unpredicted events that are not depending on the will of the Parties." -msgstr "" - -msgid "No Touch trades" -msgstr "Kein-Ziel Kontrakte" - -msgid "No advice" -msgstr "" - -msgid "No commission" -msgstr "Keine Provision" - -msgid "No commission (excluding cryptocurrencies)" -msgstr "Keine Provision (ausgenommen Kryptowährungen)" - -msgid "No delay, neglect, or forbearance on the part of either party in enforcing any term or condition of this Agreement against the other party shall either be, or be deemed to be, a waiver or in any way prejudice any right of that party under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "No fiduciary duty" -msgstr "Keine Treuhandverpflichtung" - -msgid "No hidden fees" -msgstr "Keine versteckten Gebühren" - -msgid "No hidden fees or commissions." -msgstr "Keine versteckten Gebühren oder Provisionen." - -msgid "No limit" -msgstr "Kein Limit" - -msgid "No modification or amendment of any or all clauses or provisions of this agreement shall be valid without the clear and unequivocal acceptance of such amendments by both Parties." -msgstr "" - -msgid "No open positions." -msgstr "Keine offenen Positionen." - -msgid "No party shall be deemed liable for a partial or complete failure to meet its obligations under this Agreement, in case of force majeure events, including but not limited to civil war, unrest, insurrection, international intervention, any governmental actions, exchange controls, nationalisations, devaluations, forfeitures, natural disasters, act of God, and other inevitable or unforeseeable, unanticipated, and unpredicted events not depending on the will of the parties." -msgstr "" - -msgid "No payout if exit spot is above or equal to the upper barrier." -msgstr "Keine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs über oder gleich mit der oberen Schwelle ist." - -msgid "No payout if exit spot is below or equal to the lower barrier." -msgstr "Keine Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs unter oder gleich mit der unteren Schwelle ist." - -msgid "No person shall abuse this site for the purpose of money laundering. The Company employs best-practice anti-money laundering procedures. All transactions are checked to prevent money laundering, which may have several effects on clients. The Company reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the transactions of clients who do not accept or adhere to these anti-money laundering processes. Acceptable funds should not originate from criminal activity. The Company is bound to report suspicious transactions to relevant authorities." -msgstr "" - -msgid "No thanks" -msgstr "Nein, danke" - -msgid "No, there are no minimum requirements to withdraw your IB commissions." -msgstr "Nein, es gibt keine Mindestanforderungen, um Ihre IB Kommissionen zu beheben." - -msgid "Non-technical roles" -msgstr "Nicht-technische Rollen" - -msgid "Non-trading hours (e.g. the hours over the weekend during which trading of certain transactions are not possible)" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Not" -msgstr "Nicht" - -msgid "Not announced for this currency." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Not at all. Joining our affiliate programme is completely free and always will be." -msgstr "Überhaupt nicht. Unser Partnerprogramm ist völlig kostenlos und wird es immer bleiben." - -msgid "Not sure how margin works? Read our margin policy and learn how to calculate the margin for our CFDs." -msgstr "Sie sind sich nicht sicher, wie Marge funktioniert? Lesen Sie unsere Margin Richtlinie und lernen Sie, wie man die Marge für unsere CFDs berechnet." - -msgid "Not sure how margin works? Read our margin policy and learn how to calculate the margin for our cryptocurrency pairs." -msgstr "Sie sind sich nicht sicher, wie Marge funktioniert? Lesen Sie unsere Margin Richtlinie und lernen Sie, wie man die Marge für unsere Kryptowährungspaare berechnet." - -msgid "Not sure how margin works? Read our margin policy and learn how to calculate the margin for our currency pairs." -msgstr "Sie sind sich nicht sicher, wie Marge funktioniert? Lesen Sie unsere Margin Richtlinie und lernen Sie, wie man die Marge für unsere Währungspaare berechnet." - -msgid "Not sure how margin works? Read our margin policy and learn how to calculate the margin for our metal pairs." -msgstr "Sie sind sich nicht sicher, wie Marge funktioniert? Lesen Sie unsere Margin Richtlinie und lernen Sie, wie man die Marge für unsere Metallpaare berechnet." - -msgid "Note" -msgstr "Anmerkung" - -msgid "Note:" -msgstr "Anmerkung:" - -msgid "Note: A no deposit bonus worth USD 10 will be credited into your account within 24 hours after registration." -msgstr "Hinweis: Ein keine-Einzahlung-Bonus im Wert von USD 10 wird innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Registrierung auf Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben." - -msgid "Note: For any enquiries regarding disabled or excluded accounts, please contact %1Customer Support%2." -msgstr "Hinweis: Kontaktieren Sie bitte für alle Anfragen bezüglich deaktivierter oder ausgeschlossener Konten den %1Kundenbetreuungs%2." - -msgid "Note: Payment Agent transfers are only available for accounts registered with Binary (SVG) Ltd. Transactions are accepted only in US dollars." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Note: You can only have one fiat currency account and one of each cryptocurrency account." -msgstr "Hinweis: Sie können nur ein Fiat-Währungskonto und ein Konto je Kryptowährung haben." - -msgid "Note: You may decline and continue as a Retail Client." -msgstr "Hinweis: Sie können zurückgehen und als Einzelhandelskunde fortfahren." - -msgid "Notes:" -msgstr "Anmerkungen:" - -msgid "Nothing in this section on force majeure events shall be taken as indicating that they constitute an Event of Default." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Notices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Notification of changes" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Nov" -msgstr "Nov" - -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -msgid "Novice traders can use our intuitive platform to learn about trading, practise trading, and gain trading experiences. Seasoned traders can use the %1 platform and take full advantage of the wide range of trading and analysis tools we have to offer." -msgstr "Einsteiger können unsere intuitive Plattform nutzen, um mehr über den Handel zu erfahren, um den Handel zu üben und um Handelserfahrungen zu sammeln. Erfahrene Trader können von der %1 Plattform Gebrauch machen und die Vielzahl von Handels- und Analyse-Tools, die wir anbieten, in vollem Umfang ausnutzen." - -msgid "Now" -msgstr "Jetzt" - -msgid "Number of assets" -msgstr "Anzahl von Vermögenswerten" - -msgid "Number of employees and contractors" -msgstr "Anzahl der Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer" - -msgid "Number of ticks:" -msgstr "Anzahl der Ticks:" - -msgid "Number of transactions" -msgstr "Anzahl der Transaktionen" - -msgid "Nurtures a community of potential and existing online traders through insight and mentorship" -msgstr "Pflegt durch Einsicht und Anleitung eine Gemeinschaft von Online-Händlern und solchen, die es werden wollen" - -msgid "O. Indemnification" -msgstr "" - -msgid "OAuth App ID" -msgstr "OAuth App-ID" - -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -msgid "OSCP, CEH, Security+, CISSP, or any GIAC certification is an advantage" -msgstr "OSCP, CEH, Security+, CISSP, oder andere GIAC-Zertifizierung ist von Vorteil" - -msgid "Occupation" -msgstr "Beschäftigung" - -msgid "Oct" -msgstr "Okt" - -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -msgid "Offices in Malaysia, Malta, Paraguay and UAE" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Offline" -msgstr "Offline" - -msgid "Offset potential losses to your investment portfolio by hedging with CFDs." -msgstr "Gleichen Sie potenzielle Verluste in Ihrem Investment-Portfolio durch Absicherung mit CFDs aus." - -msgid "On termination of this Agreement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "On the MT5 trading platform, the client will benefit from direct market access that gives the client the opportunity to receive the best possible price in the market at a specified time, without having to use a dealing desk." -msgstr "" - -msgid "On the basis of the information provided in relation to your knowledge and experience, we consider that the investments available via this website are not appropriate for you." -msgstr "Auf der Grundlage der von Ihnen bezüglich Ihrer Kenntnis und Erfahrung zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen, sehen wir die über diese Website möglichen Anlagegeschäfte als für Sie nicht geeignet an." - -msgid "On the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Company may exercise its rights under this clause, at any time and without prior notice:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "On-boarding policy" -msgstr "" - -msgid "On-time payments" -msgstr "Pünktliche Zahlungen" - -msgid "Once the bonus is credited to the client's account, the client may withdraw the bonus and any winnings generated from it at any time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Once this limit is reached, you may no longer deposit." -msgstr "Wenn dieses Limit erreicht wurde, können Sie keine weiteren Einzahlungen vornehmen." - -msgid "Once we receive your application, one of our affiliate managers will contact you to follow up with the next steps in the application process (this will include asking you to submit several documents)." -msgstr "Nachdem wir Ihren Antrag erhalten haben, wird sich einer unserer Kundenbetreuer mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um den nächsten Schritt des Antragsprozesses einzuleiten (dies umfasst auch die Aufforderung, einige Dokumente einzusenden)." - -msgid "Once you click the 'Submit' button the funds will be withdrawn from your account and will be sent to the Payment Agent you have chosen." -msgstr "Wenn Sie auf \"Abschicken\" klicken, wird das Geld von Ihrem Konto abgebucht und an den von Ihnen ausgewählten Zahlungsagenten geschickt." - -msgid "Once you click the 'Submit' button, the funds will be withdrawn from your account and transferred to your Client's account." -msgstr "Wenn Sie auf \"Abschicken\" klicken, wird der Betrag von Ihrem Konto abgebucht und auf Ihr Kundenkonto überwiesen." - -msgid "One Zero" -msgstr "One Zero" - -msgid "One of the first things most Forex traders learn is how to read a currency pair. There are two parts to a currency pair" -msgstr "Eines der ersten Dinge, das die meisten Devisenhändler lernen, ist, wie man ein Währungspaar liest. Ein Währungspaar hat zwei Teile" - -msgid "One simple platform" -msgstr "Eine einfache Plattform" - -msgid "Online" -msgstr "Online" - -msgid "Online Personal Wealth Awards" -msgstr "Online Personal Wealth Awards" - -msgid "Online Trading platform for binary options on Forex, Indices, Commodities and Smart Indices" -msgstr "Online Handelsplattform für Binäre Optionen auf Devisen, Indizes, Rohstoffe und Smart Indizes" - -msgid "Online Trading with %1" -msgstr "Online-Handel mit %1" - -msgid "Online currency exchangers" -msgstr "Online Devisenwechsler" - -msgid "Online trading can be addictive. Self-exclusion is a facility to limit your online trading activity, should you need it. You can set limits in your account to help prevent unwanted losses. You may adjust these limits any time, but remove them only after 24 hours. %1Contact us%2 to remove or adjust your limits." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Only %1 are allowed." -msgstr "Es sind nur %1 erlaubt." - -msgid "Only Downs" -msgstr "Stetig Fallend" - -msgid "Only JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG and PDF formats are accepted" -msgstr "Nur JPEG, GIF, PNG, JPG und PDF-Formate werden akzeptiert" - -msgid "Only JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats are accepted" -msgstr "Nur JPG, JPEG, GIF und PNG-Formate werden akzeptiert" - -msgid "Only Ups" -msgstr "Stetig Steigend" - -msgid "Only Ups/Only Downs" -msgstr "Stetig Steigend/Stetig Fallend" - -msgid "Only five years after inception, we pick up this major award for our online trading services. The award recognises BetOnMarkets.com's reliable, fast and secure online trading for novice and expert traders. At this time, our website has received over 15 million trades." -msgstr "Nur fünf Jahre nach der Gründung erhalten wir diese bedeutende Auszeichnung für unsere Online Trading Dienstleistungen. Die Auszeichnung erkennt das zuverlässige, schnelle und sichere Online Trading für Einsteiger und Trading Experten an. Bis jetzt hat unsere Website über 15 Millionen Trades durchgeführt." - -msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." -msgstr "Es sind nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Abstände und Bindestriche erlaubt." - -msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and these special characters are allowed: %1" -msgstr "Nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen und diese Sonderzeichen sind erlaubt: %1" - -msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." -msgstr "Nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Abstände, Bindestriche, Punkte, und Apostrophe sind erlaubt." - -msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for ID number (%1)." -msgstr "Für ID-Nummer dürfen nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen, Unterstrich und Bindestrich verwendet werden (%1)." - -msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." -msgstr "Es sind nur Buchstaben, Leerzeichen, Bindestriche, Punkte und Apostrophe erlaubt." - -msgid "Only numbers, hyphens, and spaces are allowed." -msgstr "Es sind nur Zahlen, Bindestriche und Abstände erlaubt." - -msgid "Only one account is allowed per person. No withdrawals and/or refunds may be collected on accounts opened in false names or on multiple accounts opened by the same person." -msgstr "Es ist nur ein Konto pro Person erlaubt. Auf Konten, die unter falschem Namen eröffnet wurden oder mehrere Konten, die von der gleichen Person eröffnet wurden, können keine Behebungen und/oder Erstattungen eingesammelt werden." - -msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" -msgstr "Hoppla... Seite nicht vorhanden" - -msgid "Open Position" -msgstr "Offene Position" - -msgid "Open Positions" -msgstr "Offene Positionen" - -msgid "Open Source" -msgstr "Quelle öffnen" - -msgid "Open a %1 account through BIEL's website %2" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Open a Financial Account" -msgstr "Eröffnen Sie ein Finanzkonto" - -msgid "Open a Real Account" -msgstr "Eröffnen Sie ein Echtgeldkonto" - -msgid "Open a free account" -msgstr "Eröffnen Sie ein kostenloses Konto" - -msgid "Open account" -msgstr "Konto eröffnen" - -msgid "Open an account and start trading in minutes" -msgstr "Eröffnen Sie ein Konto und beginnen Sie in Minuten zu handeln" - -msgid "Open an account now" -msgstr "Eröffnen Sie jetzt ein Konto" - -msgid "Open contracts" -msgstr "Offene Kontrakte" - -msgid "Open positions" -msgstr "Offene Positionen" - -msgid "Open-Source Projects" -msgstr "Open-Source Projekte" - -msgid "Open-source projects" -msgstr "Open-Source Projekte" - -msgid "Opening a trade" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Opening an MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "Ein MT5 Echtgeld-Konto eröffnen" - -msgid "Opening an account" -msgstr "Ein Konto eröffnen" - -msgid "Opening price" -msgstr "Eröffnungskurs" - -msgid "Opens" -msgstr "Öffnet" - -msgid "Options that let you “look back” on the optimum high or low achieved by the market to determine the payout." -msgstr "Optionen, mit denen Sie auf das optimale Hoch oder Tief, das vom Kurs erreicht wurde, um eine Auszahlung zu bestimmen, \"zurück blicken\" können." - -msgid "Options that offer a fixed payout based on a simple yes/no proposition." -msgstr "Optionen, die eine feste Auszahlung auf einer einfachen Ja/Nein Aussage basierend anbieten." - -msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." -msgstr "Der Optionshandel kann zu einer wirklichen Abhängigkeit führen, so wie jede andere Aktivität, die bis zu ihren Grenzen ausgeübt wird. Um die Gefahr einer solchen Äbhängigkeit zu vermeiden, bieten wir einen Realitätscheck an, der Ihnen eine regelmäßige Zusammenfassung Ihrer Geschäfte und Konten gibt." - -msgid "Order" -msgstr "Order" - -msgid "Order Execution" -msgstr "Orderausführung" - -msgid "Order execution" -msgstr "Orderausführung" - -msgid "Order execution policy" -msgstr "Regeln der Orderausführung" - -msgid "Order execution typically comes in two varieties: market execution and instant execution. With market execution, you will place an order at the broker's price. You agree on the price in advance. There are no requotes with market execution." -msgstr "Order-Ausführung kommt in der Regel in zwei Varianten: Marktausführung und sofortige Ausführung. Mit Marktausführung werden Sie eine Order zum Broker Kurs platzieren. Sie vereinbaren den Kurs im Voraus. Mit Marktausführung gibt es keine erneuten Angebote." - -msgid "Order execution/cancellation/modification" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Orders will generally be auto-accepted if they do not take the Company over exposure limits and the client has enough remaining balance in their account. With every contract purchased, the Company has systems in place that automatically carry out a large exposure check, and, in case the new total exposure result is greater than or equal to 25% of the eligible capital, the contract cannot be sold to the client." -msgstr "Order werden in der Regel automatisch akzeptiert, wenn sie das Unternehmen nicht über Grenzwerte führen und der Kunde genug Guthaben auf seinem Konto hat. Mit jedem gekauften Kontrakt, hat das Unternehmen Systeme bereit, die automatisch eine große Exposition-Prüfung durchführen, und für den Fall, dass das neue Gesamtexposition-Ergebnis größer als, oder gleich 25 % des anrechenbaren Eigenmittels ist, kann der Kontrakt nicht an den Kunden verkauft werden." - -msgid "Organisational skills and the ability to work proactively" -msgstr "Organisationstalent und die Fähigkeit, proaktiv zu arbeiten" - -msgid "Other Partnership Options" -msgstr "Andere Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit" - -msgid "Other Warnings & Regulatory Disclosures" -msgstr "Andere Warnungen & Rechtliche Angaben" - -msgid "Other best execution factors, such as speed of execution, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, nature, or any other considerations relevant to the execution of a particular order, may also be applied by BIEL in order to obtain the best possible results for the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Other obligations" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Other risks: There are other risks related to trading Investment Products and foreign currencies that cannot be described in detail in this document. Generally, however, securities, options, and currency transactions involve exposure to a combination of the following risk factors: market risk, credit risk, settlement risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and legal risk. For example, there can be serious market disruptions if local or overseas economic, political, or other unforeseen events affect the market. In addition to these types of risk, there may be other factors such as accounting and tax treatment issues that the client should consider." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Other than the payment of Commissions, Binary is not liable to the Introducing Broker or their Associates or any other person for any matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement whether under the law of tort, contract, or equity or otherwise for any loss." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Our Accounting & Payments team manages our wide range of bank accounts and e-currency systems, as well as the huge volume of transactions that take place every day." -msgstr "Unser Buchhaltung- & Zahlungs-Team verwaltet unsere breite Palette von Bankkonten und e-Währung-Systemen, sowie das große Volumen der Transaktionen, die täglich stattfinden." - -msgid "Our Company" -msgstr "Unser Unternehmen" - -msgid "Our MAM Advanced account can be assigned to a money manager who will trade on your behalf with more competitive spreads than the regular Advanced account." -msgstr "Unser fortgeschrittenes MAM Konto kann einem Vermögensverwalter zugewiesen werden, der in Ihrem Namen mit mehr wettbewerbsfähigen Spreads als das reguläre fortgeschrittene Konto handeln wird." - -msgid "Our MAM Synthetic Indices account can be assigned to a money manager who will trade on your behalf with the same specifications as the regular Synthetic Indices account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Our MetaTrader 5 Advanced account provides you with tight spreads, higher ticket size and offers more products." -msgstr "Unser fortgeschrittenes MetaTrader 5 Konto stellt Ihnen enge Spreads und höhere Ticket-Größen zur Verfügung und bietet mehrere Produkte an." - -msgid "Our MetaTrader 5 Standard account is suitable for both new and experienced traders." -msgstr "Unser MetaTrader 5 Standard Konto eignet sich für neue und erfahrene Trader." - -msgid "Our New Mobile Trading App" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Our Synthetic Indices account allows you to trade CFDs on Synthetic Indices - our proprietary synthetic assets that simulate market forces." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Our active client base is expected to reach over 100,000 total clients this year." -msgstr "Unser aktiver Kundenstamm wird voraussichtlich insgesamt mehr als 100.000 Kunden in diesem Jahr erreichen." - -msgid "Our commission structure is a simple 2-tiered plan." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Our commitment to integrity and reliability means that we always strive to give you access to the best pricing and liquidity possible." -msgstr "Unsere Verpflichtung zur Integrität und Zuverlässigkeit bedeutet, dass wir stets bemüht sind, Ihnen den Zugriff auf die best möglichen Preise und Liquidität zu geben." - -msgid "Our company continues to thrive and obtains a license in the Isle of Man to better service our UK clients." -msgstr "Unser Unternehmen ist weiterhin erfolgreich und erhält auf der Isle of Man eine Lizenz, damit wir unsere britischen Kunden besser bedienen können." - -msgid "Our customers clearly like us. In mid-2014, %1 has over 100 million historical transactions and over 130,000 new daily transactions." -msgstr "Es ist eindeutig, dass unsere Kunden uns mögen. Mitte 2014 hat %1 über 100 Millionen historische Überweisungen und mehr als 130.000 neue Überweisungen täglich abgewickelt." - -msgid "Our fast organic growth is supplemented by the acquisition of the client base of BetsForTraders, one of our main competitors." -msgstr "Unser schnelles Wachstum wird durch die Übernahme des Kundenstammes von BetsForTraders, einer unserer Hauptkonkurrenten, verstärkt." - -msgid "Our indices are sourced from the over-the-counter (OTC) market – sources outside of the centralised exchanges. Please note that due to their OTC nature, the prices of our indices may differ from their counterparts on centralised exchanges." -msgstr "Unsere Indizes stammen aus dem außerbörslichen Markt (OTC) – Quellen außerhalb der zentralen Börsen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Kurse für unsere Indizes aufgrund ihrer OTC- Natur, von ihren Pendants auf zentralisierten Börsen abweichen können." - -msgid "Our locations" -msgstr "Unsere Standorte" - -msgid "Our metal pairs are typically traded in lots. One standard lot is equivalent to 100 units except silver where 1 lot equals 5,000 units. Each time you open a position on a symbol, you can start with a minimum transaction of 0.01 lots." -msgstr "Unsere Metallpaare werden in der Regel in Lots gehandelt. Ein Standard-Lot entspricht 100 Einheiten, ausgenommen Silber, wo 1 Lot 5.000 Einheiten entspricht. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Position auf einem Symbol öffnen, können Sie mit einer Mindest-Transaktion von 0,01 Lots beginnen." - -msgid "Our office in Dubai is located at the world-class Jumeirah Lake Towers (JLT) free zone. JLT is home to universities, commercial and residential towers, parks, and over 500 retail outlets, giving you exceptional convenience and a quality of life that you won't find anywhere else." -msgstr "Unser Office in Dubai befindet sich in der Jumeirah Lake Towers (JLT) Free Zone. Die JLT mit ihren Universitäten, Bürotürme und Wohnhäuser, Parkanlagen und über 500 Einkaufsgelegenheiten bietet hervorragenden Komfort und eine Lebensqualität, die nirgendwo sonst zu finden ist." - -msgid "Our proprietary synthetic indices that simulate market forces" -msgstr "Unsere proprietären synthetischen Indizes, die Marktkräfte simulieren" - -msgid "Our site can be filtered using a number of filtering systems available on the market which could be used to restrict one's access to our site." -msgstr "Unsere Site kann mithilfe einer Anzahl von auf dem Markt erhältichen Filtersystemen gefiltert werden, die für die Beschrängkung des Zugangs einer Person zu unserer Site verwendet werden können." - -msgid "Our site does not charge any transfer fees." -msgstr "Unsere Site berechnet keine Überweisungsgebühren." - -msgid "Our swap rate may also be adjusted to take holidays into account." -msgstr "Unser Swapsatz kann auch darauf angepasst werden, Feiertage zu berücksichtigen." - -msgid "Our turnover-based commission plan depends on the payout probability for each contract. Contracts with higher returns for the client offer you lower commissions." -msgstr "Unser auf Umsatz basierender Provisionsplan hängt von der Gewinnwahrscheinlichkeit für jeden Kontrakt ab. Kontrakte mit höheren Renditen für den Kunden haben niedrigere Provisionen für Sie." - -msgid "Our values" -msgstr "Unsere Werte" - -msgid "Our website uses cookies to give you the best user experience. For more information, %1view our policy%2." -msgstr "Unsere Website verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter %1unsere Richtlinien%2." - -msgid "Outside the EU, financial products are offered by Binary (SVG) Ltd, Hinds Building, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Binary (V) Ltd, Govant Building, Port Vila, PO Box 1276, Vanuatu, regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (%1view licence%2); Binary (BVI) Ltd, Kingston Chambers, P.O. Box 173, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, regulated by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (%3licence no. SIBA/L/18/1114%4); and Binary (FX) Ltd., Lot No. F16, First Floor, Paragon Labuan, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87000 Labuan, Malaysia, regulated by the Labuan Financial Services Authority to carry on a money-broking business (%5licence no. MB/18/0024%6)." -msgstr "Außerhalb der EU werden unsere Finanzprodukte vertrieben von Binary (SVG) Ltd, Hinds Building, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, sowie von Binary (V) Ltd, Govant Building, Port Vila, PO Box 1276, Vanuatu, als auch von Binary (BVI) Ltd, 2nd Floor, O'Neal Marketing Associates Building, Wickhams Cay II, P.O. Box 3174, Road Town, Tortola VB1110, British Virgin Islands und Binary (FX) Ltd., Lot No. F16, Forst Floor, Paragon Labuan, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87000 Labuan, Malaysia. Binary (V) Ltd unterliegt den Regeln der Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (%1Lizenz ansehen%2). Binary (BVI) Ltd ist reguliert von British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (%3Lizenz Nr. SIBA/L/18/1114%4). Binary (FX) Ltd ist als Geld-Makler bei der Labuan Financial Services Authority registriert (%5Lizenz Nr. MB/18/0024%6)." - -msgid "Over $1,000,000" -msgstr "Über 1.000.000$" - -msgid "Over $500,000" -msgstr "Über 500.000$" - -msgid "Over %1 %2staff%3 and contractors worldwide" -msgstr "Über %1 %2Beschäftigte%3 und vertraglich befristete Mitarbeiter" - -msgid "Over 1 million registered accounts worldwide" -msgstr "Weltweit über 1 Million angemeldeter Konten" - -msgid "Over 3 years" -msgstr "Über 3 Jahre" - -msgid "Over 50 FX pairs, plus spot metals, CFD indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies." -msgstr "Über 50 FX-Paare plus Edelmetalle, CFD Indizes, Rohstoffe und Kryptowährungen." - -msgid "Over 70 available assets" -msgstr "Über 70 verfügbare Anlagen" - -msgid "Over two billion dollars in trades to date." -msgstr "Bis heute über zwei Milliarden Dollar Handelsvolumen." - -msgid "Over/Under" -msgstr "Über/Unter" - -msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." -msgstr "Über/Unter Kontrakte werden zum Kaufpreis erstattet, wenn der Kontrakt nicht innerhalb von 5 Minuten endet." - -msgid "Oversee incident responses for our production servers" -msgstr "Überwachen Sie Vorfallsreaktionen für unsere Produktions-Server" - -msgid "Ownership" -msgstr "Eigentum" - -msgid "Ownership and content of the %1 website remains the Company's respective properties and shall not be deemed to have been transferred to the Affiliate through any act or omission in respect of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Ownership, content, and liability of the Affiliate's websites are the sole responsibility of the Affiliate. The Affiliate will be solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of the Affiliate's website and for all materials that appear on the Affiliate's website. The Affiliate will indemnify and hold the Company harmless from all claims, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation to, attorneys' fees) relating to the development, operation, maintenance, and contents of the Affiliate's website." -msgstr "" - -msgid "P. Miscellaneous" -msgstr "" - -msgid "PEP Declaration" -msgstr "PEP Erklärung" - -msgid "PM" -msgstr "nachmittags" - -msgid "Palladium vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Palladium gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Paraguay's cost of living is among the lowest in South America and allows you to enjoy a high quality of life." -msgstr "Die Lebenshaltungskosten in Paraguay gehören zu den niedrigsten in Südamerika und ermöglichen ein hohes Maß an Lebensqualität." - -msgid "Paraguay's unique cultural melange is a direct result of the intermarriage between Spanish settlers and the native Guaranís." -msgstr "Paraguays einzigartiger kultureller Mix ist eine direkte Folge der Mischehen zwischen spanischen Siedlern und einheimischen Guaranís." - -msgid "Paraguayan cuisine mostly consists of meat, mandioca, corn, milk, and cheese. Must-tries include chipá, a bagel-shaped bread; mbejú, a type of pancake made from mandioca and cheese; and tereré, a cold-brewed tea that's an integral part of everyday life. Paraguayans are generally happy and relaxed; get-togethers with family and friends are the norm on weekends, especially over a hearty barbecue." -msgstr "Paraguayische Küche besteht hauptsächlich aus Fleisch, Mandioca, Mais, Milch und Käse. Zu den Gerichten, die man probiert haben muss, gehören Chipá, ein Bagel-förmigen Brot, Mbejú, eine Art Pfannkuchen aus Mandioca und Käse, und Tereré, ein kalt gebrauter Tee, der fester Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens ist. Paraguayer sind in der Regel freundlich und entspannt. Sich mit Freunden und Familie zu treffen, ist am Wochenende die Norm, vor allem mit einem herzhaften Barbecue." - -msgid "Participate in all aspects of the product lifecycle" -msgstr "Nehmen Sie an allen Aspekten des Produktlebenszyklus teil" - -msgid "Partner With Us" -msgstr "Schließen Sie sich uns an" - -msgid "Partner earnings" -msgstr "Partner-Gewinn" - -msgid "Partners" -msgstr "Partner" - -msgid "Parts of this clause may not apply to Volatility Indices." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Passion for Linux and other open-source platforms" -msgstr "Leidenschaft für Linux und andere Open-Source-Plattformen" - -msgid "Passion for Linux, and other open-source platforms" -msgstr "Leidenschaft für Linux und andere Open-Source-Plattformen" - -msgid "Passion for advertising and marketing" -msgstr "Leidenschaft für Werbung und Marketing" - -msgid "Passionate about people, culture, management, and software development? Explore what we do, what matters to us, and how we bring our ideas to life." -msgstr "Begeistert von Menschen, Kultur, Management und Software-Entwicklung? Entdecken Sie, was wir tun, was uns wichtig ist, und wie wir unsere Ideen zum Leben erwecken." - -msgid "Passport" -msgstr "Pass" - -msgid "Password Reset" -msgstr "Passwort Zurücksetzung" - -msgid "Password is not strong enough." -msgstr "Passwort ist nicht stark genug." - -msgid "Password reset" -msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase letters with numbers." -msgstr "Das Passwort muss Klein- und Großbuchstaben sowie Zahlen enthalten." - -msgid "Password type" -msgstr "Passwortart" - -msgid "Patented technology" -msgstr "Patentierte Technologie" - -msgid "Patents" -msgstr "Patente" - -msgid "Pay no commission on all metal contracts." -msgstr "Zahlen Sie keine Provision auf Metall-Kontrakte." - -msgid "Pay-out" -msgstr "Auszahlung" - -msgid "Payment Agent" -msgstr "Zahlungsagent" - -msgid "Payment Agent Deposit" -msgstr "Zahlungsagent Einzahlung" - -msgid "Payment Agent Transfer" -msgstr "Zahlungsagent Überweisung" - -msgid "Payment Agent Withdrawal" -msgstr "Zahlungsagent Auszahlung" - -msgid "Payment Agent services are not available in your country or in your preferred currency." -msgstr "Zahlungsagenten-Dienste sind in Ihrem Land oder in Ihrer bevorzugten Währung nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Payment Agent transfer" -msgstr "Zahlungsagent Überweisung" - -msgid "Payment Agents" -msgstr "Zahlungsagenten" - -msgid "Payment Methods" -msgstr "Zahlungsarten" - -msgid "Payment agents terms and conditions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Payment methods" -msgstr "Zahlungsmethoden" - -msgid "Payment of commission earned for the previous calendar month will be made as soon as practicable after the 15th day of each month." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Payments" -msgstr "Zahlungen" - -msgid "Payments & withdrawals" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Payments and Compliance Analyst" -msgstr "Zahlungs- und Compliance Analyst" - -msgid "Payments made to BIEL will only be deemed to have been received once BIEL receives cleared funds." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Payout" -msgstr "Ausz" - -msgid "Payout Range" -msgstr "Auszahlungsbereich" - -msgid "Paytrust88 is a payment facility that allows online bank transfers for clients across Southeast Asia. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Pending" -msgstr "Ausstehend" - -msgid "Pending Orders" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Pension" -msgstr "Rente/Pension" - -msgid "Pensioner" -msgstr "Pensionär" - -msgid "Percentage" -msgstr "Prozentsatz" - -msgid "Perfect Money allows individuals to make instant payments and money transfers securely on the Internet. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "Perfect Money ermöglicht es Privatpersonen sofortige Bezahlungen und Geldüberweisungen sicher im Internet zu machen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "Perform IB services and other obligations mentioned here at their own cost and risk" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Perform audit assignments and identify control gaps and opportunities for improvement" -msgstr "Führen Sie Prüfungsaufträge durch und identifizieren Sie Kontrolllücken und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten" - -msgid "Perform data mining using SQL databases, R/S-Plus, OLAP, and other analytical tools" -msgstr "Führen Sie Data-Mining mit SQL Datenbanken, R/S-Plus, OLAP und anderen Analysewerkzeugen durch" - -msgid "Perform market research and analysis to uncover trends, prospects, partners, and competitors" -msgstr "Führen Sie Marktforschung und Analysen durch, um Trends, Interessenten, Partner und Konkurrenten ausfindig zu machen" - -msgid "Perform market research and analysis to uncover trends, prospects, partners, and competitors for our client base" -msgstr "Führen Sie Marktforschung und Analysen durch, um Trends, Interessenten, Partner und Konkurrenten für unseren Kundenstamm ausfindig zu machen" - -msgid "Perform reconciliations of all transactions that take place through third-party payment services and banks" -msgstr "Führen Sie Abstimmungen aller Transaktionen, die über Drittanbieter-Zahlungsdienste und Banken stattfinden, durch" - -msgid "Perform regular pentesting of our web applications" -msgstr "Führen Sie regelmäßiges Pentesting von unseren Web-Applikationen durch" - -msgid "Perform tests to ensure database performance and security, as well as data integrity" -msgstr "Führen Sie Tests durch, um die Datenbank-Performance und Sicherheit, sowie die Integrität der Daten zu gewährleisten" - -msgid "Perform the Agent's services and other obligations hereunder at their own cost and risk" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Performance Tuning," -msgstr "Performance-Tuning," - -msgid "Perl Developer" -msgstr "Perl Entwickler" - -msgid "Perl modules" -msgstr "Perl Module" - -msgid "Permissions" -msgstr "Berechtigungen" - -msgid "Personal Care, Sales and Service Workers" -msgstr "Persönliche Pflege-, Verkaufs- und Service-Arbeiter" - -msgid "Personal Data" -msgstr "Persönliche Daten" - -msgid "Personal Details" -msgstr "Persönliche Angaben" - -msgid "Personal Wealth Awards 2017" -msgstr "Personal Wealth Awards 2017" - -msgid "Personal details" -msgstr "Persönliche angaben" - -msgid "Pillar 3 Disclosures" -msgstr "Pillar 3 Offenlegung" - -msgid "Pillar 3 disclosure report" -msgstr "Pillar 3 Offenlegungsbericht" - -msgid "Pip" -msgstr "Pip" - -msgid "Pip stands for 'percentage in point' which is generally the fourth decimal place (i.e. 0.0001)." -msgstr "Pip steht für „Basispunkt\", was in der Regel die vierte Dezimalstelle (z.B. 0,0001) ist." - -msgid "Place of birth" -msgstr "Geburtsort" - -msgid "Plan and carry out the upgrade and migration of databases as needed" -msgstr "Planung und Durchführung der Aktualisierung und Migration von Datenbanken nach Bedarf" - -msgid "Plan and direct internal programmes and policies to empower all departments with the knowledge, awareness, and practices of regulatory compliance" -msgstr "Planen und leiten Sie interne Programme und Politiken, um alle Abteilungen mit dem Wissen, Bewusstsein und den Praktiken der Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften zu befähigen" - -msgid "Plan and execute data extraction for efficient loading in data warehouse, and ensure extracted data is useful and properly formatted" -msgstr "Planen Sie und führen Sie die Extraktion für das effiziente Laden in Datenbanken durch und versichern Sie, dass die entnommenen Daten nützlich und ordentlich formatiert sind" - -msgid "Plan and implement IT solutions to achieve desired results" -msgstr "Planen Sie und implementieren Sie IT Lösungen, um gewünschte Resultate zu erreichen" - -msgid "Plan and implement methods of best practices in IT security" -msgstr "Planen Sie und implementieren Sie die Methoden der besten Praktiken in IT-Sicherheit" - -msgid "Plan and integrate various types of testing into our existing workflow" -msgstr "Planen und integrieren Sie verschiedene Arten von Tests in unseren bestehenden Workflow" - -msgid "Plan to start trading CFDs? Learn when to buy and sell, how to calculate your profits and losses, and how to close a position." -msgstr "Möchten Sie CFDs handeln? Erfahren Sie, wann man kauft und verkauft, wie Sie Ihre Gewinne und Verluste berechnen, und wie man eine Position schließt." - -msgid "Plan, coordinate, and execute a wide range of promotional campaigns" -msgstr "Planen Sie, koordinieren Sie und führen Sie eine breite Palette von Promotion-Aktionen aus" - -msgid "Plan, install, and configure world-class database systems that meet business objectives and the needs of end users" -msgstr "Planen, installieren und konfigurieren Sie Weltklasse-Datenbanksysteme, die Unternehmenszielen und den Bedürfnissen der Endbenutzer entsprechen" - -msgid "Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers" -msgstr "Anlage- und Maschinenbetreiber und Monteure" - -msgid "Platform Tour" -msgstr "Plattformtour" - -msgid "Platforms" -msgstr "Plattformen" - -msgid "Platinum vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Platinum gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Please %1accept the updated Terms and Conditions%2 to lift your deposit and trading limits." -msgstr "Bitte %1akzeptieren Sie die aktualisierten allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen%2, um Ihre Einzahlungs- und Handelslimits aufzuheben." - -msgid "Please %1accept the updated Terms and Conditions%2." -msgstr "Bitte %1akzeptieren Sie die aktualisierten Geschäftsbedingungen%2." - -msgid "Please %1authenticate your account%2 before creating an MT5 account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please %1authenticate%2 your account to continue trading." -msgstr "Bitte %1authentifizieren%2 Sie Ihr Konto um mit dem Handel fortzufahren." - -msgid "Please %1authenticate%2 your account." -msgstr "Bitte %1authentifizieren%2 Sie Ihr Konto." - -msgid "Please %1complete the financial assessment%2 to open an MT5 account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please %1complete the trading experience section%2 in the financial assessment to open an MT5 account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." -msgstr "Bitte %1vervollständigen Sie Ihr Kontoprofil%2, um Ihre Abhebe- und Handelslimits aufzuheben." - -msgid "Please %1deposit%2 before transferring to client." -msgstr "Bitte %1einzahlen%2, bevor Sie an den Kunden überweisen." - -msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." -msgstr "Bitte auf Ihr Konto %1einzahlen%2." - -msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." -msgstr "Bitte %1melden%2 Sie sich an, oder %3registrieren%4 Sie sich, um diese Seite einzusehen." - -msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." -msgstr "Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Geschäftsbedingungen." - -msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." -msgstr "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail für weitere Anweisungen." - -msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." -msgstr "Für den Passwortrücksetzungs-Link, überprüfen Sie bitte Ihre E-Mail." - -msgid "Please check your email for the verification code to complete the process." -msgstr "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail für den Bestätigungs-Code, um den Vorgang abzuschließen." - -msgid "Please check your email for the verification link to complete the process." -msgstr "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail für den Bestätigungs-Link, um den Vorgang abzuschließen." - -msgid "Please check your inbox for details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please choose a currency" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie eine Währung" - -msgid "Please complete the %1Real Account form%2 to verify your age as required by the %3UK Gambling%4 Commission (UKGC)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please complete the %1financial assessment form%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." -msgstr "Füllen Sie bitte das %1finanzielle Beurteilungsformular%2 aus, um Ihre Abhebe- und Handelslimits aufzuheben." - -msgid "Please complete the Real Account form to verify your age as required by the %1UK Gambling%2 Commission (UKGC)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please complete your %1personal details%2 before you proceed." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre %1persönlichen Daten%2 an, bevor Sie fortfahren." - -msgid "Please complete your personal details before you proceed." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten an, bevor Sie fortfahren." - -msgid "Please confirm that all the information above is true and complete." -msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass die oben genannten Informationen wahr und vollständig sind." - -msgid "Please confirm that you are not a politically exposed person." -msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie keine politisch exponierte Person sind." - -msgid "Please confirm the transaction details in order to complete the transfer:" -msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie die Transaktionsdaten, um den Transfer zu vervollständigen:" - -msgid "Please do not share your bank account, credit card, or e-wallet with another client, as this may cause delays in your withdrawals." -msgstr "Bitte vermeiden Sie die gemeinsame Benutzung eines Bankkontos, einer Kreditkarte oder einer e-wallet mit anderen Kunden. Dies kann zu Verzögerungen bei Ihren Auszahlungen führen." - -msgid "Please ensure that you have the Telegram app installed on your device." -msgstr "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Telegramm-App auf Ihrem Gerät installiert haben." - -msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Login-ID ein." - -msgid "Please enter date in the format DD MMM, YYYY HH:mm (local time)." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie das Datum im folgenden Format ein TT MM, JJJJ HH:mm (Ortszeit)." - -msgid "Please enter date in the format DD MMM, YYYY." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie das Datum im folgenden Format ein: TT MM, JJJJ." - -msgid "Please enter your %1tax information%2 below to continue." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre %1Steuerinformationen%2 unten ein, um fortzufahren." - -msgid "Please enter your full address to avoid authentication delays." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihre vollständige Adresse an, um Authentifizierungsverzögerungen zu vermeiden." - -msgid "Please enter your full home address to avoid authentication delays." -msgstr "Um Verzögerungen bei der Authentifizierung zu vermeiden, geben Sie bitte Ihre vollständige Adresse an." - -msgid "Please fill in the Login ID and Amount you wish to transfer to your Client in the form below:" -msgstr "Bitte tragen Sie im nachfolgenden Formular die Login ID und den Betrag ein, den Sie Ihrem Kunden überweisen möchten:" - -msgid "Please make sure that you first agree with the Agent on the terms of payment before submitting your request." -msgstr "Bevor Sie Ihren Antrag absenden können, müssen Sie zuerst den Zahlungsbedingungen des Abwicklers zustimmen." - -msgid "Please note that Asians, Digits, Reset Call/Reset Put, High Ticks/Low Ticks, and Only Ups/Only Downs are available exclusively with our Volatility Indices." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please note that one lot is equivalent to 100 units, based on our %1contract specifications%2." -msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie, dass ein Lot, auf unseren %1Kontrakt Spezifikationen%2 basierend, 100 Einheiten entspricht." - -msgid "Please note that one lot is equivalent to 100 units, based on our contract specifications. Your profit or loss will be calculated as follows:" -msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie, dass ein Lot, auf unseren Kontraktspezifikationen basierend, 100 Einheiten entspricht. Ihr Gewinn oder Verlust wird wie folgt berechnet:" - -msgid "Please provide the tax identification number for the country where you are a tax resident. If you cannot provide this information, kindly contact our customer support team." -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die Steuer-Identifikationsnummer für das Land an, in dem Sie steuerlich ansässig sind. Wenn Sie diese Informationen nicht bereitstellen können, kontaktieren Sie bitte unser Support-Team." - -msgid "Please provide us with the following information:" -msgstr "Bitte stellen Sie uns die folgenden Informationen zur Verfügung:" - -msgid "Please read this %1privacy policy%2 before submitting your application." -msgstr "Bitte lesen Sie diese %1Datenschutzrichtlinie%2, bevor Sie Ihre Bewerbung einreichen." - -msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please refer to the %1asset index%2 for each asset's minimum and maximum contract durations based on trade type." -msgstr "Bitte beziehen Sie sich auf den %1Anleger Index%2 für die minimalen und maximalen Kontraktlaufzeiten einer jeden Anlage, auf deren Handelsart basierend." - -msgid "Please reload the page" -msgstr "Bitte laden Sie die Seite erneut" - -msgid "Please remember at all times that trading binary options can be an exciting activity, but we have a moral duty to remind you of the risks you may run. Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. We kindly ask you to engage in a careful self-analysis to check if you are at risk. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, it is important that you follow some basic principles and guidelines." -msgstr "Bitte denken Sie stets daran, dass der Handel mit binären Optionen eine spannende Tätigkeit sein kann. Allerdings sehen wir es als unsere moralische Pflicht an, Sie auf die möglichen Risiken hinzuweisen. Der Handel mit Optionen kann, wie jede andere extrem gehandhabte Tätigkeit, zu echter Abhängigkeit führen. Wir bitten Sie, sich einer sorgfältigen Selbstanalyse zu unterziehen, um Ihr Gefährdungspotential zu erkennen. Daher ist es, um eine solche Abhängigkeit zu vermeiden, erforderlich, dass Sie einige Grundprinzipien und Richtlinien befolgen." - -msgid "Please resolve all pending issues to continue" -msgstr "Bitte klären Sie alle offenen Fragen, um fortzufahren" - -msgid "Please select" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie" - -msgid "Please select a country" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie ein Land" - -msgid "Please select a valid time." -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie eine gültige Uhrzeit aus." - -msgid "Please select at least one scope" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie zumindest einen Bereich aus" - -msgid "Please select the checkbox." -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie das Kontrollkästchen." - -msgid "Please select the country where you are a tax resident. If you have any doubts, kindly consult your tax advisor." -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie das Land aus, in dem Sie steuerlich ansässig sind. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Zweifel hegen, konsultieren Sie bitte Ihren Steuerberater." - -msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Please select the date range of your statement:" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie eine Zeitspanne für Ihren Auszug aus:" - -msgid "Please set %1country of residence%2 before upgrading to a real-money account." -msgstr "Bitte legen Sie ein %1Wohnsitzland%2 fest, bevor Sie auf ein Echtgeldkonto aufrüsten." - -msgid "Please set the %1currency%2 of your account." -msgstr "Bitte legen Sie die %1Währung%2 für Ihr Konto fest." - -msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to access the cashier." -msgstr "Bitte legen Sie Ihr %130-Tage-Umsatzlimit fest%2, um auf die Kasse zugreifen zu können." - -msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." -msgstr "Bitte legen Sie Ihren %130-Tage-Umsatz Grenzwert%2 fest, um Einzahlungslimits zu entfernen." - -msgid "Please specify your preferred reality-check interval in minutes" -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihren bevorzugten Reality-Check Intervall in Minuten an" - -msgid "Please submit the above information to %1." -msgstr "Bitte senden Sie die oben genannte Information an %1." - -msgid "Please take note that our swap rate also depends on the time and days you hold your positions open." -msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Swapsatz auch von der Zeit abhängt und von den Tagen, an denen Sie Ihre Positionen offen halten." - -msgid "Please take note that our swap rate also depends on the time and days you hold your positions open:" -msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Swapsatz auch von der Zeit und den Tagen, die Sie Ihre Positionen offen halten, abhängig ist:" - -msgid "Please wait for confirmation. Our customer support team will get back to you regarding your account status via email within four hours." -msgstr "Bitte warten Sie auf Bestätigung. Unser Support-Team wird Ihnen hinsichtlich Ihres Kontostatuses innerhalb von vier Stunden per E-Mail Bescheid geben." - -msgid "Portfolio" -msgstr "Portfolio" - -msgid "Positions that are still open on Wednesday at 23:59:59 GMT will be charged three times the swap rate to account for weekends – a standard practice for all Forex brokers." -msgstr "Positionen die an einem Mittwoch um 23:59:59 GMT noch offen sind, wird der Swapsatz dreimal in Rechnung gestellt, um für Wochenenden aufzukommen - eine gängige Praxis für alle Broker." - -msgid "Positions that are still open on Wednesday at 23:59:59 GMT will be charged three times the swap rate to account for weekends – a standard practice for all brokers." -msgstr "Positionen die an einem Mittwoch um 23:59:59 GMT noch offen sind, wird der Swapsatz dreimal in Rechnung gestellt, um für Wochenenden aufzukommen - eine gängige Praxis für alle Broker." - -msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" -msgstr "Postleitzahl/PLZ" - -msgid "Postal/ZIP code" -msgstr "PLZ" - -msgid "PostgreSQL Database Administrator (DBA)" -msgstr "PostgreSQL Datenbank Administrator (DBA)" - -msgid "Potential Payout" -msgstr "Mögliche Auszahlung" - -msgid "Potential Profit" -msgstr "Möglicher Gewinn" - -msgid "Potential Profit/Loss" -msgstr "Möglicher Gewinn/Verlust" - -msgid "Potential conflicts of interest" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Potential profit" -msgstr "Potentielle Rendite" - -msgid "Power & simplicity" -msgstr "Stärke & Bescheidenheit" - -msgid "Powerful and intuitive" -msgstr "Leistungsstark und intuitiv" - -msgid "Powerful charting and technical analysis" -msgstr "Leistungsfähiges Charting und leistungsfähige Analyse" - -msgid "Practice account with replenishable USD 10,000 virtual credit." -msgstr "Übungskonto mit einem nachwachsenden 10.000 USD virtuellen Kredit." - -msgid "Practice your trading strategies in a risk-free environment by using virtual funds." -msgstr "Üben Sie Ihre Handelsstrategien in einer risikofreien Umgebung mit virtuellen Geldern." - -msgid "Practise with virtual funds" -msgstr "Üben Sie mit virtuellen Mitteln" - -msgid "Practise your trading strategy with virtual funds in a risk-free environment." -msgstr "Üben Sie Ihre Handelsstrategie mit virtuellen Fonds in einer risikofreien Umgebung." - -msgid "Precious metal pairs including gold and platinum." -msgstr "Edelmetallpaare, einschließlich Gold und Platin." - -msgid "Precious metals" -msgstr "Edelmetalle" - -msgid "Precious metals are harder to come by and are more valuable than industrial metals. Because precious metals are softer and less reactive, they are widely used in jewellery, medical devices, and electronics." -msgstr "Edelmetalle sind schwerer zu bekommen und sind wertvoller als Industriemetalle. Da Edelmetalle weicher und weniger reaktiv sind, werden sie weitläufig für Schmuck, medizinische Geräte und Elektronik verwendet." - -msgid "Predict if the market will rise or fall from its current level, or if it will end higher or lower than a price target" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, ob der Kurs von seinem aktuellen Level steigen oder fallen wird, oder höher oder niedriger als ein Kursziel enden wird" - -msgid "Predict if the market will stay between or go outside two price targets" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, ob der Kurs zwischen oder außerhalb zweier Kursziele sein wird" - -msgid "Predict if the market will touch or not touch a price target" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, ob der Kurs einen Zielkurs erreichen oder nicht erreichen wird" - -msgid "Predict market movement using up/down, touch/no touch, and in/out trade types." -msgstr "Sagen Sie Marktbewegungen mittels auf/ab, Ziel/kein Ziel, und innerhalb/außerhalb Handelstypen vorher." - -msgid "Predict that the last digit is an even number or odd number after the last tick" -msgstr "Sagen voraus, dass die letzte Ziffer eine gerade oder ungerade Zahl nach dem letzten Tick ist" - -msgid "Predict that the last digit is higher or lower" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass die letzte Stelle darüber oder darunter liegt" - -msgid "Predict that the last digit will match or not match" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass die letzte Stelle gleich oder verschieden ist" - -msgid "Predict that the market stays inside or goes outside two price targets any time during the contract period" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs sich innerhalb oder außerhalb zwischen zwei Zielkursen zu jeder Zeit während der Kontraktlaufzeit bewegt" - -msgid "Predict that the market stops inside or outside two price targets at the end of the time period" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs zum Ende eines Zeitraums innerhalb oder außerhalb zweier Kursziele schließt" - -msgid "Predict that the market will end higher or lower than a price target" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs höher oder niedriger als der Zielkurs enden wird" - -msgid "Predict that the market will end higher or lower than the average price." -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs höher oder niedriger als der Durchschnittskurs enden wird." - -msgid "Predict that the market will end up higher than either the current level or the level at a predetermined time (reset time)" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs höher als das aktuelle Level oder als eine vorbestimmte Zeit (Nachstellzeit) sein wird" - -msgid "Predict that the market will end up lower than either the current level or the level at a predetermined time (reset time)" -msgstr "Sagen voraus, dass der Kurs niedriger als das aktuelle Level oder als die vorbestimmte Zeit (Nachstellzeit) sein wird" - -msgid "Predict that the market will rise or fall from its current level" -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, dass der Kurs von seinem aktuellen Level steigen oder fallen wird" - -msgid "Predict that the market will touch or not touch a target any time during the contract period." -msgstr "Sagen Sie voraus, ob der Kurs ein Ziel erreichen oder nicht erreicht wird, zu jeder Zeit während der Kontraktlaufzeit." - -msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" -msgstr "Sagen Sie die Richtung voraus
und kaufen Sie" - -msgid "Predict the last decimal digit of the spot price with Digits. There are three types of Digits trades:" -msgstr "Sagen Sie die letzte Dezimalstelle des Kassakurses voraus. Es gibt drei Typen von Ziffern-Geschäften:" - -msgid "Preferences:" -msgstr "Präferenzen:" - -msgid "Preferred qualifications:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Premier binary options trading platform" -msgstr "Erste binäre Optionen Handelsplattform" - -msgid "Prepare and present proposals for the provisioning of IT-related systems and services" -msgstr "Bereiten Sie Vorschläge für die Bereitstellung von IT-Systemen und Dienstleistungen vor und präsentieren Sie diese" - -msgid "Prepare and publish any content or place any advertisements that refer to Binary and its relationship with Binary without the prior written consent of Binary" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Prepare and publish any material or place any advertisements that refer to the Company and the Agent's relationship with the Company without an authorisation being given by the Company" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Prepare daily, weekly, and monthly financial reports" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie tägliche, wöchentliche und monatliche Finanzberichte" - -msgid "Prepare reports expressing audit opinions on the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal controls and operational efficiency" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie Berichte, die Prüfungsvermerke ausdrücken, die der Angemessenheit und Wirksamkeit interner Kontrollen und der operativen Effizienz entsprechen" - -msgid "Prepare reports on investigations and resolved issues" -msgstr "Erstellen Sie Berichte über Untersuchungen und gelöste Probleme" - -msgid "Presents the maximum aggregate payouts on outstanding contracts in your portfolio. If the maximum is attained, you may not purchase additional contracts without first closing out existing positions." -msgstr "Stellt die maximalen Gesamtauszahlungen ausstehender Verträge Ihres Portfolios dar. Wenn das Maximum erreicht ist, können Sie keine zusätzlichen Verträge erwerben, ohne zunächst bestehende Positionen zu schließen." - -msgid "Previous" -msgstr "Vorige" - -msgid "Previous work experience in a customer service and/or marketing role" -msgstr "Vorhandene Arbeitserfahrung in einer Kundendienst- und/oder Marketingposition" - -msgid "Price - the price at which the transaction in relation to the client's order is executed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Price(s)/Pricing Data" -msgstr "Kurs(e)/Kursdaten" - -msgid "Primary" -msgstr "Primär" - -msgid "Prior to placing an Order, which results in opening a position, the client acknowledges that it is their responsibility to ensure that their Account Free Margin is sufficient to cover the Margin required in relation to the opening of the position (the \"Margin Requirement\"), and to continuously meet the Margin Requirement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Probability of returns" -msgstr "Gewinnwahrscheinlichkeit" - -msgid "Proceed" -msgstr "Fortfahren" - -msgid "Process applications and customer documentation according to relevant policies and regulations" -msgstr "Prozess-Anwendungen und Kundendokumentation nach relevanten Richtlinien und Verordnungen" - -msgid "Process client payments, as well as handle and resolve client payment queries" -msgstr "Verarbeiten Sie Kundenzahlungen und behandeln und lösen Sie Kundenzahlung-Fragen" - -msgid "Process transactions for clients who make deposits and withdrawals using a wide range of third-party payment services, including bank wire, credit card, and e-currency" -msgstr "Bearbeiten Sie Transaktionen für Kunden, die Einzahlungen und Behebungen mittels einer weiten Reihe von Drittanbieter-Zahlungsdiesntleistern, einschließlich Banküberweisung, Kreditkarte und E-Währung vornehmen" - -msgid "Processing" -msgstr "In Bearbeitung" - -msgid "Processing Time" -msgstr "Bearbeitungszeit" - -msgid "Produce content for websites, blogs, social media, and marketing materials" -msgstr "Erstellung von Inhalten für Websiten, Blogs, Soziale Medien und Werbematerialien" - -msgid "Professional Client" -msgstr "Professioneller Kunde" - -msgid "Professional Clients" -msgstr "Professionelle Kunden" - -msgid "Professional clients" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Professional clients and eligible counterparties do not fall within the scope of the Investor Compensation Scheme." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Professional clients are offered the possibility to request reclassification, and thus increase the level of regulatory protection afforded, at any time during the relationship." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Professionals" -msgstr "Fachmann" - -msgid "Proficiency in Excel and big data analysis" -msgstr "Kenntnisse in Excel und Datenmasseanalyse" - -msgid "Proficiency in Microsoft Excel" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketch, and other design and wireframing software" -msgstr "Kenntnisse in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Sketch und anderem Design und anderer Wireframing Software" - -msgid "Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, and other design and wireframing software" -msgstr "Kenntnisse in Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch und anderem Design und anderer Wireframing Software" - -msgid "Proficiency in a second language (both oral and written) is preferred" -msgstr "Kenntnis einer weiteren Sprache (mündlich und schriftlich) ist erwünscht" - -msgid "Proficiency in designing intuitive and cohesive screens, pages, and visual elements that work as intended" -msgstr "Kenntnisse im Entwurf intuitiver und kohäsiver Bildschirme, Seiten und visuellen Elementen, die wie beabsichtigt funktionieren" - -msgid "Proficiency in spoken and written English" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Proficiency with one or more scripting languages, such as Python, PHP or C/C++. Perl is preferred" -msgstr "Kenntnisse im Umgang mit einem oder mehreren Skriptsprachen wie Python, PHP oder C/C++. Perl wird bevorzugt" - -msgid "Proficiency with popular office applications such as Microsoft Excel, accounting software, and databases" -msgstr "Kenntnisse im Umgang mit gängigen Office-Anwendungen wie Microsoft Excel, Buchhaltung-Software und Datenbanken" - -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -msgid "Profiling and categorisation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Profit" -msgstr "Rendite" - -msgid "Profit / Loss" -msgstr "Gewinn/Verlust" - -msgid "Profit Table" -msgstr "Gewinntab." - -msgid "Profit or Loss" -msgstr "Gewinn oder Verlust" - -msgid "Profit/Loss" -msgstr "Gewinn/Verlust" - -msgid "Prohibited trades" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Proof of address – such as bank statements/ building society statement or utility bills (mobile phone bills are unacceptable)" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Proof of identity in your selfie must be clear, identifiable, and same as the one you submitted previously" -msgstr "Identitätsnachweis in Ihrem Selfie muss eindeutig erkennbar sein, und dasselbe, das Sie zuvor schon eingereicht haben" - -msgid "Proof of identity – such as ID card, passport or driving licence" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Proof of wealth / Source of funds – such as payslips or bank statements" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Proof of your employment" -msgstr "Nachweis Ihrer Erwerbstätigkeit" - -msgid "Proof of your portfolio held elsewhere" -msgstr "Nachweis Ihres Portfolios, das Sie anderswo halten" - -msgid "Protect your account with two-factor authentication. Each time you sign into your account, you will need to enter your password, plus an authentication code generated by an app on your smartphone." -msgstr "Schützen Sie Ihr Konto mit der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie sich bei Ihrem Konto anmelden möchten, müssen Sie Ihr Passwort sowie einen Authentifizierungscode, der von einer App auf Ihrem Smartphone generiert wird, eingeben." - -msgid "Protect your profits" -msgstr "Schützen Sie Ihre Gewinne" - -msgid "Proven UI and UX experience with a strong portfolio of work" -msgstr "Bewährte UI und UX Erfahrung mit einem starken Arbeits-Portfolio" - -msgid "Proven graphic design experience with a strong portfolio of work in branding, advertising, and marketing" -msgstr "Bewährte Grafikdesign-Erfahrung mit einem starken Arbeits-Portfolio in Branding, Werbung und Marketing" - -msgid "Provide Binary with any information that they have become aware of which may result in an adverse or harmful consequence for Binary and its reputations" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provide a web-link from their own website to %1" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provide additional assistance to team when needed" -msgstr "Stellen Sie dem Team bei Bedarf zusätzliche Unterstützung zur Verfügung" - -msgid "Provide any financial/investment trading advice to clients (Binary shall not be liable to the Introducing Broker and the client for any misrepresentation or fraudulent or negligent misstatement made by the Introducing Broker. The Introducing Broker shall also hold Binary harmless and shall indemnify Binary and its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents from and against any liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including all and any legal fees incurred arising out of the failure of the Introducing Brokers to comply with any or all of their obligations set forth in this Agreement.)" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provide guidance to the Company's operational teams and act as internal second line support for AML-CTF, anti-fraud, and authentication purposes" -msgstr "Stellen Sie den operativen Teams des Unternehmens Leitlinien zur Verfügung und agieren Sie als sekundärer interner Support für AML-CTF, Betrugsbekämpfung und Authentifizierungszwecke" - -msgid "Provide information to clients only on technical and educational matters" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provide onsite support to all employees with the necessary hardware and software required for their jobs" -msgstr "Unterstützen Sie vor Ort alle Mitarbeiter mit der notwendigen Hard- und Software, die für deren Arbeit erforderlich ist" - -msgid "Provide technical leadership on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology" -msgstr "Bieten Sie eine technische Führungsrolle auf Kryptowährungen und Blockchain-Technologie an" - -msgid "Provide the Company with all and any information whatsoever that the Agent may become aware of that may be harmful, adverse, or detrimental to the Company and its reputation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provide the customer support agent with the four-digit verification code below for confirmation." -msgstr "Geben Sie dem Kunden-Support-Mitarbeiter den unten stehenden vierstelligen Bestätigungscode zur Bestätigung an." - -msgid "Provision of service" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provision of services" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Provisions of Agreement" -msgstr "Bestimmungen der Vereinbarung" - -msgid "Publish the Programmer's name and logo (with or without a link to the Programmer's Application) on the Company's website, in press releases, and in promotional materials without additional consent." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Published in Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese" -msgstr "Auf Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Indonesisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Thailändisch und Vietnamesisch herausgegeben." - -msgid "Purchase" -msgstr "Kauf" - -msgid "Purchase High Tick/Low Tick contracts to predict the highest or lowest tick among the next five ticks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Purchase Price" -msgstr "Kaufpreis" - -msgid "Purchase Time" -msgstr "Kaufuhrzeit" - -msgid "Purchase request sent" -msgstr "Kaufanfrage wurde gesendet" - -msgid "Purpose of collecting Personal Data" -msgstr "Zweck der Erhebung personenbezogener Daten" - -msgid "Put Spread" -msgstr "Put Spread" - -msgid "Put a limit on your winnings. Once you have reached it put some aside and trade with the rest of the money." -msgstr "Richten Sie für Ihre Gewinne ein Limit ein. Wenn Sie es erreicht haben, legen Sie einen Teil auf die Seite und handeln Sie mit dem restlichen Geld weiter." - -msgid "Putrajaya" -msgstr "Putrajaya" - -msgid "Q. Introducing Brokers" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Q1 2019" -msgstr "Q1 2019" - -msgid "Q3 2018" -msgstr "Q3 2018" - -msgid "Q4 2018" -msgstr "Q4 2018" - -msgid "Qiwi is a payment service provider that was founded in 2007. It provides individuals with a simple way to transfer money, receive payments, and pay online. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "Qiwi ist ein Zahlungsservice, der in 2007 gegründet wurde. Er ermöglicht Privatpersonen einfach Geld zu überweisen, Zahlungen zu erhalten und online zu zahlen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "Quality Assurance" -msgstr "Qualitätssicherung" - -msgid "Quantitative Analysis" -msgstr "Quantitative Analyse" - -msgid "Quantitative Analyst" -msgstr "Quantitativer Analyst" - -msgid "Quick access to your favourite markets" -msgstr "Schneller Zugang zu Ihren Lieblingsmärkten" - -msgid "Quote currency" -msgstr "Notierungswährung" - -msgid "Quote provision" -msgstr "" - -msgid "R. Interpretation of terms" -msgstr "" - -msgid "RTS 27 2018" -msgstr "RTS 27 2018" - -msgid "RTS 27 2019" -msgstr "RTS 27 2019" - -msgid "RTS 28" -msgstr "RTS 28" - -msgid "Range of markets" -msgstr "Auswahl an Märkten" - -msgid "Re-enter password" -msgstr "Passwort erneut eingeben" - -msgid "Re-enter your password" -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort erneut ein" - -msgid "Read" -msgstr "Lesen" - -msgid "Read and understand our HackerOne bug bounty programme policy." -msgstr "Lesen und verstehen Sie unsere HackerOne Belohnungsprogramm-Richtlinie." - -msgid "Read more." -msgstr "Lesen Sie mehr." - -msgid "Read our simple introduction to this popular derivative instrument to find out what you can trade with CFDs and their advantages." -msgstr "Lesen Sie unsere einfache Einführung in dieses beliebte Derivat-Instrument, um herauszufinden, was Sie mit CFDs und deren Vorteilen handeln können." - -msgid "Read the %1 company blog" -msgstr "Lesen Sie den %1 Unternehmens-Blog" - -msgid "Read the %1 tech blog" -msgstr "Lesen Sie den %1 Tech-Blog" - -msgid "Ready to trade?" -msgstr "Bereit zum Handel?" - -msgid "Real" -msgstr "Echt" - -msgid "Real Account" -msgstr "Echtes Konto" - -msgid "Real Advanced" -msgstr "Echt fortgeschritten" - -msgid "Real Estate" -msgstr "Immobilien" - -msgid "Real Money Account Opening" -msgstr "Echtgeldkonto Eröffnung" - -msgid "Real Standard" -msgstr "Echter Standard" - -msgid "Real Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Real-Money Account" -msgstr "Echtgeldkonto" - -msgid "Real-Money Accounts" -msgstr "Echtgeldkonten" - -msgid "Real-money accounts with your choice of fiat and crypto currency." -msgstr "Echtgeldkonten mit Ihrer Wahl an Fiat- und Kryptowährung." - -msgid "Real-time prices, benchmarked against interbank options markets." -msgstr "Echtzeit-Kurse werden im Verhältnis zu Interbank-Optionsmärkten bestimmt." - -msgid "Reality Check" -msgstr "Realitätscheck" - -msgid "Receive back-office support for post-trade risk management and real-time trade/position monitoring." -msgstr "Erhalten Sie Back-Office-Support für Post-Trade-Risikomanagement und Echtzeit Handel/Position Überwachung." - -msgid "Receive commission when you bring in new clients through trading applications and interfaces you build using the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Receive emails on %1 products, services, and events." -msgstr "Ich möchte E-Mails über %1 Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Veranstaltungen erhalten." - -msgid "Receive instant prices based on your position." -msgstr "Erhalten Sie sofortige Kurse auf Ihrer Position basierend." - -msgid "Receive news and special offers" -msgstr "Erhalten Sie Nachrichten und spezielle Angebote" - -msgid "Receive prices that are benchmarked against interbank rates" -msgstr "Erhalten Sie Kurse, die gegen Interbankensätze gemessen werden" - -msgid "Receive quotes for a trade and countertrade, so you always get unbiased, transparent rates" -msgstr "Erhalten Sie Notierungen für ein Geschäft und Gegengeschäft, so dass Sie immer unvoreingenommene, transparente Tarife bekommen" - -msgid "Receive the approval of the Company to include any information in relation to Binary" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Receive the approval of the Company to include any information in relation to the Company" -msgstr "Erhalten Sie die Genehmigung des Unternehmens, um jede Information im Zusammenhang mit dem Unternehmen miteinzubeziehen" - -msgid "Receive your earnings through your favourite payment method" -msgstr "Erhalten Sie Ihre Verdienste mittels Ihrer bevorzugten Zahlungsmethode" - -msgid "Recommend alternatives to redundant or obsolete systems" -msgstr "Empfehlen Sie Alternativen zu überflüssigen oder veralteten Systemen" - -msgid "Recruit, train, and nurture affiliates and IBs in countries where Binary Group is active, leveraging your direct knowledge and experience of the local market" -msgstr "Rekrutieren, schulen und fördern Sie Partner und IBs in Ländern, in denen Binary Group aktiv ist, indem Sie Ihr unmittelbares Wissen und Ihre Erfahrung des lokalen Marktes nutzen" - -msgid "Recruitment Process" -msgstr "Bewerbungsprozess" - -msgid "Ref." -msgstr "Ref." - -msgid "Refer clients to Binary with the knowledge, or with a reasonably expected knowledge, that these clients engage in such conduct that constitutes Malicious Activity" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Refer new clients to our MetaTrader 5 platform and earn a commission on their Forex and CFD trading activity." -msgstr "Verweisen Sie neue Kunden zu unserer MetaTrader 5 Plattform und verdienen Sie eine Kommission auf deren Forex und CFD Handelsaktivität." - -msgid "Refer new clients to trade with us. Receive commissions based on your chosen partnership programme." -msgstr "Empfehlen Sie neuen Kunden mit uns zu handeln und verdienen Sie entsprechend dem gewählten Partnerprogramm." - -msgid "Reference" -msgstr "Referenz" - -msgid "Reference ID" -msgstr "Referenz ID" - -msgid "Referral tools" -msgstr "Anwerbe-Tools" - -msgid "Refers to the maximum volume or lots per order. Subject to change in respect to market conditions." -msgstr "Bezieht sich auf das maximale Volumen oder Lots pro Bestellung. Vorbehalt in Bezug auf Marktbedingungen." - -msgid "Refuse to pay any Commission to the Introducing Broker engaged in the Malicious Activity" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Regent Markets Group Ltd. renames to Binary Ltd." -msgstr "Regent Markets Group Ltd. ist in Binary Ltd. umbenannt." - -msgid "Regent Markets Group Ltd. renames to Binary Ltd., harmonising company and website branding throughout the organisation." -msgstr "Die Regent Markets Group Ltd. ist in Binary Ltd. umbenannt worden, um das Unternehmen und das Website-Branding innerhalb des Konzerns zu harmonisieren." - -msgid "Regent Markets acquires BetsForTraders client base" -msgstr "Regent Markets kauft den Kundenstamm von BetsForTraders" - -msgid "Regent Markets files for a patent in March 2000 on the basis of our unique position as the sole serious competitor in the business of fixed-odds financial trading. In May, we register the trading name BetOnMarkets and move to Malta to receive an online licence." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Regent Markets files for patent, and registers BetOnMarkets trading name" -msgstr "Regent Markets beantragt ein Patent und lässt den BetOnMarkets Markennamen eintragen" - -msgid "Regent Markets granted US patent" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Regent Markets granted two new US patents" -msgstr "Regent Markets erhält zwei neue US Patente" - -msgid "Regent Markets is founded by Jean-Yves Sireau" -msgstr "Regent Markets wurde von Jean-Yves Sireau gegründet" - -msgid "Regent Markets obtains a licence in the Isle of Man" -msgstr "Regent Markets erhält auf der Isle of Man eine Lizenz" - -msgid "Regent Markets receives funding to provide on-line financial trading services" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Regent Markets sets up a programming centre in Cyberjaya, Malaysia" -msgstr "Regent Markets eröffnet in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, ein Programmierzentrum" - -msgid "Regent Pacific Group Ltd., the Hong Kong-listed founding shareholder of %1, %2disposes of its stake%3 at a valuation of US$ 50.5 million." -msgstr "Die Regent Pacific Group Ltd., der an der Hongkonger Börse gehandelte Gründungsaktionär von Binary.com, %2veräußert seinen Anteil%3, der mit 50,5 Mio. US $ bewertet ist." - -msgid "Regent Pacific transaction" -msgstr "Regent Pacific Transaktion" - -msgid "Regular monitoring of open positions" -msgstr "Regelmäßige Kontrolle offener Positionen" - -msgid "Regulation" -msgstr "Verordnung" - -msgid "Regulator:" -msgstr "Regulierungsbehörde:" - -msgid "Regulatory Information" -msgstr "Regulierungsinformationen" - -msgid "Relationship between margin and leverage" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Relevant experience in the use of quant programming libraries and frameworks (QuantLib, Pricing Partners, FINCAD, and Numerix), and quant pricing platforms (SuperDerivatives and FENICS) would be a plus" -msgstr "Entsprechende Erfahung in der Verwendung von Quant Programmierbibliotheken und Frameworks (Quantlib, PricingPartners, FINCAD und NumeriX), sowie Quant Kursgestaltungsplattformen (SuperDerivatives und FENICS) wäre vorteilhaft" - -msgid "Relevant work experience in a related field, such as managing and onboarding expats, processing work permits, and dealing with Malaysian governmental authorities will be a plus" -msgstr "Einschlägige Berufserfahrung in einem verwandten Bereich, wie z. B. die Verwaltung und Einstellung von Expats, die Verarbeitung von Arbeitsgenehmigungen, und der Umgang mit malaysischen Behörden ist ein Plus" - -msgid "Remaining Time" -msgstr "Verbleibende Zeit" - -msgid "Replication," -msgstr "Replikation," - -msgid "Represent themselves as a representative of the Company or as an authorised person by the Company in their advertising activities" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Representation or Warranty" -msgstr "Erklärung oder Gewährleistung" - -msgid "Representations and warranties" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Represents the amount in base currency per round trade. For example, a round trade of 1 lot of EUR/USD would pay EUR 10 on standard accounts. A round trade of 1 lot of USD/CAD would pay USD 5 on advanced accounts." -msgstr "Stellt den Betrag in Basiswährung pro Handelsrunde dar. Beispiel: Eine Handelsrunde mit 1 Lot an EUR/USD, würde 10 EUR auf ein Standardkonto zahlen. Eine Handelsrunde mit 1 Lot an USD/CAD, würde 5 USD auf ein fortgeschrittenes Konto zahlen." - -msgid "Represents the maximum amount of cash that you may hold in your account. If the maximum is reached, you will be asked to withdraw funds." -msgstr "Stellt den maximalen Bargeldbetrag dar, den Sie auf Ihrem Konto haben dürfen. Wenn das Maximum erreicht wird, werden Sie gebeten, Gelder abzuheben." - -msgid "Represents the maximum number of outstanding contracts in your portfolio. Each line in your portfolio counts for one open position. Once the maximum is reached, you will not be able to open new positions without closing an existing position first." -msgstr "Stellt die maximale Anzahl an ausstehenden Verträgen Ihres Portfolios dar. Jede Linie Ihres Portfolios steht für eine offene Position. Wenn das Maximum erreicht wird, können Sie keine neuen Positionen öffnen, ohne zuvor eine bereits bestehende Position zu schließen." - -msgid "Represents the maximum volume of contracts that you may purchase in any given trading day." -msgstr "Stellt das maximale Volumen an Kontrakten dar, die Sie an einem einzelnen Börsentag erwerben können." - -msgid "Request your statement" -msgstr "Ihre Abrechnung anfordern" - -msgid "Requested KYC documentation could include" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Require its Associates, employees, and agents not to disclose or copy any of the other party's confidential information for any purpose except as permitted under this Agreement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Requirements" -msgstr "Voraussetzungen" - -msgid "Resale not offered" -msgstr "Wiederverkauf wird nicht angeboten" - -msgid "Resale price" -msgstr "Wiederverkaufspreis" - -msgid "Research and evaluate blockchain technologies and solutions to identify use cases and implementation" -msgstr "Recherchieren Sie und bewerten Sie Blockchain Technologien und Lösungen, um Anwendungsfälle und die Umsetzung zu identifizieren" - -msgid "Research new payment systems that are available in the market" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Reset Barrier" -msgstr "Schwelle zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset Call" -msgstr "Call zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset Call/Reset Put" -msgstr "Call/Put zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset MT5 password" -msgstr "MT5 Passwort zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset Password" -msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset Put" -msgstr "Put zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset Time" -msgstr "Zeit zurückstellen" - -msgid "Reset password" -msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Reset to original settings" -msgstr "Auf Originaleinstellungen zurücksetzen" - -msgid "Residents of countries that have been identified by the FATF as having strategic deficiencies shall be restricted from opening an account with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Resolve complex customer care issues through careful investigation and in keeping with existing policies and procedures" -msgstr "Lösen Sie komplexe Kundenanliegen durch sorgfältige Untersuchung und im Einklang mit bestehenden Richtlinien und Verfahren" - -msgid "Resources" -msgstr "Quellen" - -msgid "Respond to customer enquiries by phone, email, social media, and live chat daily" -msgstr "Beantworten Sie täglich Kundenfragen per Telefon, E-Mail, über soziale Medien und Livechat" - -msgid "Responsibilities:" -msgstr "Verantwortlichkeiten:" - -msgid "Responsible Trading" -msgstr "Verantwortungsbewusstes Handeln" - -msgid "Rest assured that your information will only be used for CRS/FATCA reporting purposes and will be kept safe." -msgstr "Seien Sie versichert, dass Ihre Daten nur für CRS/FATCA Berichtszwecke verwendet und sicher gehalten werden." - -msgid "Restrictions" -msgstr "Beschränkungen" - -msgid "Retail Client" -msgstr "Einzelhandelskunde" - -msgid "Retail clients" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Return" -msgstr "Rendite" - -msgid "Return to player (RTP) % for lookbacks for a multiplier of 1 and 1m duration is around 87% on average." -msgstr "Die Rückkehr zum Spieler (RTP) % für Lookbacks für einen Multiplikator von 1 und einer 1m-Dauer, beträgt durchschnittlich ca. 87 %." - -msgid "Returns above 100% on simple %1rise/fall%2 contracts." -msgstr "Renditen über 100% für einfache %1Steigen/Fallen%2 Kontrakte." - -msgid "Returns above 1000% on %1higher/lower%2 and %3touch/no-touch%2 trades." -msgstr "Rendite über 1000% bei %1Höher/Tiefer%2 und %3Ziel/Kein Ziel%2 Kontrakten." - -msgid "Revenue Share" -msgstr "Gewinnbeteiligung" - -msgid "Reverse Side" -msgstr "Auf der Rückseite" - -msgid "Reverse side" -msgstr "Auf der Rückseite" - -msgid "Review and analyse suspicious client activities" -msgstr "Überprüfen und analysieren Sie verdächtige Kundenaktivitäten" - -msgid "Review and approve KYC documents" -msgstr "Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie KYC-Dokumente" - -msgid "Review and maintain third-party services used by the company" -msgstr "Überprüfen und erhalten Sie Dienstleistungen Dritter, die vom Unternehmen verwendet werden" - -msgid "Review and monitor business contracts and agreements entered into by group companies worldwide" -msgstr "Überprüfen und überwachen Sie geschäftliche Verträge und Vereinbarungen, die von der Unternehmensgruppe weltweit eingegangen werden" - -msgid "Review, develop, and enhance Perl, C++, and R codes used in options pricing, volatility forecasts, and risk management programs" -msgstr "Überprüfung, Entwicklung und Verbesserung von Perl, C++ und R-Codes, die für Programme zur Kursgestaltung von Optionen, Volatilitätsvorausschau und das Risikomanagement verwendet werden" - -msgid "Revisions to the %1 API" -msgstr "Überarbeitungen des %1 API" - -msgid "Revoke MAM" -msgstr "MAM widerrufen" - -msgid "Revoke access" -msgstr "Zugang widerrufen" - -msgid "Revoke manager" -msgstr "Manager widerrufen" - -msgid "Right to object" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Right to terminate" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Rights on Default" -msgstr "Verzugsrechte" - -msgid "Ripple vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Ripple gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Rise/Fall" -msgstr "Steigen/Fallen" - -msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Rise/Fall trades" -msgstr "Steigen/Fallen Abschlüsse" - -msgid "Risk Disclaimer" -msgstr "Risikohinweise" - -msgid "Risk Management Executive" -msgstr "Riskomanagement Executive" - -msgid "Risk Warning" -msgstr "Risikowarnung" - -msgid "Risk acknowledgement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Risk disclaimer" -msgstr "Risikohinweise" - -msgid "Risk disclosure statement" -msgstr "Haftungsausschlusserklärung" - -msgid "Risk of slippage" -msgstr "Risiko einer \"Slippage\"" - -msgid "Risk of stop order" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Risk warnings and notices related to Transactions and investments in the proposed instruments" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Risk warnings and notices related to the client's Transactions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Risks of Investment Products" -msgstr "Risiko bei Anlageprodukten" - -msgid "Roll-over" -msgstr "Roll-Over" - -msgid "Roll-over Credit/Debit" -msgstr "Roll-Over Kredit/Debit" - -msgid "Rolling Spot Forex" -msgstr "Rollender Spot Forex" - -msgid "Runs and manages a website that promotes forex or binary options" -msgstr "Betreibt eine Website, die Forex oder binäre Optionen fördert" - -msgid "SQL," -msgstr "SQL," - -msgid "Sa" -msgstr "Sa" - -msgid "Salaried Employee" -msgstr "Abhängig Beschäftigte/r" - -msgid "Sale Date" -msgstr "Verkaufsdatum" - -msgid "Sale Price" -msgstr "Verkaufskurs" - -msgid "Sale of Property" -msgstr "Verkauf von Immobilien" - -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Samstag" - -msgid "Save in case of negligence, fraud, or default by the Company, the Company will not be liable in any way to any clients in the event of force majeure, or for the act of any government or legal authority, or for the failure of or damage or destruction to its computer systems, data, or records, or any part thereof, or for delays, losses, errors, or omissions resulting from the failure or mismanagement of any telecommunications, computer equipment, or software by the client or any damages or losses deemed or alleged to have resulted from, or been caused by, this site or its content." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Savings & Inheritance" -msgstr "Ersparnisse & Erbschaft" - -msgid "Scalable" -msgstr "Skalierbar" - -msgid "Scan the QR code below with your authentication app. We recommend %1 or %2. Please note that %3 is not supported." -msgstr "Scannen Sie den QR-Code unten mit Ihrer Authentifizierungs-App. Wir empfehlen %1 oder %2. Bitte beachten Sie, dass %3 nicht unterstützt wird." - -msgid "Schedule and coordinate interviews with candidates" -msgstr "Planen und koordinieren Sie Interviews mit Kandidaten" - -msgid "Science & Engineering" -msgstr "Wissenschaft & Engineering" - -msgid "Scope and intent" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Scope of Agreement" -msgstr "Geltungsbereich der Vereinbarung" - -msgid "Scope of agreement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Scopes" -msgstr "Geltungsbereiche" - -msgid "Screen and approve website content and marketing promotions" -msgstr "Filtern und genehmigen Sie Website-Content und Marketing-Aktionen" - -msgid "Scrutinise clients' user behaviour on our trading platform" -msgstr "Hinterfragen Sie Kunden-Nutzerverhalten auf unserer Handelsplattform" - -msgid "Search..." -msgstr "Suche..." - -msgid "Second line" -msgstr "Zweite Zeile" - -msgid "Secondary" -msgstr "Sekundäre/r" - -msgid "Secret question" -msgstr "Geheimfrage" - -msgid "Secure your internet connection in three easy steps:" -msgstr "Sichern Sie Ihre Internetverbindung in drei einfachen Schritten:" - -msgid "Security" -msgstr "Sicherheit" - -msgid "Security & Limits" -msgstr "Sich. & Limits" - -msgid "Security Researcher" -msgstr "Sicherheitsexperte" - -msgid "Security Testing" -msgstr "Sicherheitsprüfung" - -msgid "Security and Privacy" -msgstr "Sicherheit und Datenschutz" - -msgid "Security and privacy" -msgstr "Sicherheit und Datenschutz" - -msgid "Security disclaimer" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Security statement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Security testing opportunities" -msgstr "Sicherheitsprüfungs-Möglichkeiten" - -msgid "Security," -msgstr "Sicherheit," - -msgid "Select %1Citizenship%2." -msgstr "Wählen Sie %1Staatsbürgerschaft%2." - -msgid "Select Asset" -msgstr "Anlage auswählen" - -msgid "Select Trade Type" -msgstr "Handelsart auswählen" - -msgid "Select currency" -msgstr "Währung auswählen" - -msgid "Select date" -msgstr "Datum auswählen" - -msgid "Select market:" -msgstr "Wählen Sie den Markt:" - -msgid "Select payment agent" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Select your market and underlying asset" -msgstr "Wählen Sie Ihren Markt und Basiswert aus" - -msgid "Select your trade type" -msgstr "Wählen Sie Ihren Trade-Typ aus" - -msgid "Selected Tick" -msgstr "Ausgewählter Tick" - -msgid "Self Exclusion" -msgstr "Selbstausschluss" - -msgid "Self-Employed" -msgstr "Selbstständig" - -msgid "Self-Exclusion" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Self-exclusion limits" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Self-exclusion on this website only applies to your %1 account and does not include other companies or websites." -msgstr "Der Selbstausschluss auf dieser Website gilt nur für Ihr %1 Konto und enthält keine anderen Unternehmen oder Webseiten." - -msgid "Self-motivation and flexibility in task rotations" -msgstr "Eigenmotivation und Flexibilität bei Aufgaben-Rotationen" - -msgid "Selfie holding proof of identity (front)" -msgstr "Selfie enthält Identitätsnachweis (vorne)" - -msgid "Sell" -msgstr "Verkaufen" - -msgid "Sell = go short" -msgstr "Verkaufen = kurz gehen" - -msgid "Sell at market" -msgstr "Zum Börsenkurs verkaufen" - -msgid "Sell back trades at market prices." -msgstr "Verkaufen Sie Kontrakte zu Börsenkursen." - -msgid "Sell option" -msgstr "Verkaufsoption" - -msgid "Sell your long-term contracts before expiry to protect any profits you may have made or to minimise your losses" -msgstr "Verkaufen Sie Ihre langfristigen Kontrakte vor Ablauf, um etwaige Gewinne die Sie gemacht haben zu schützen, oder um Ihre Verluste zu minimieren" - -msgid "Send us your CV and cover letter. We'll compare your skills and experience with our requirements." -msgstr "Schicken Sie uns Ihren Lebenslauf und Ihr Bewerbungsschreiben. Wir werden Ihre Fähigkeiten und Erfahrung mit unseren Anforderungen vergleichen." - -msgid "Send your funds to the payment agent. The deposited funds, less the agent's commission, will show up in your account." -msgstr "Senden Sie Ihr Geld dem Zahlungsagent Die eingezahlten Gelder werden nach Abzug der Provision für den Zahlungsabwickler auf Ihrem Konto erscheinen." - -msgid "Sep" -msgstr "Sep" - -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" - -msgid "Server" -msgstr "Server" - -msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." -msgstr "Die Sitzungsdauer kann nicht mehr als 6 Wochen betragen." - -msgid "Session duration limit, in minutes" -msgstr "Limit der Sitzungsdauer in Minuten" - -msgid "Session duration:" -msgstr "Sitzungsdauer:" - -msgid "Set Currency" -msgstr "Währung einstellen" - -msgid "Set a %1cashier lock password%2 to prevent unauthorised access to your cashier." -msgstr "Bestimmen Sie ein %1Kassen-Sperre Passwort%2, um unbefugten Zugriff auf Ihre Kasse zu verhindern." - -msgid "Set barrier(s) to define your position and trigger the payout you'll receive." -msgstr "Legen Sie (eine) Schwelle(n) fest, um Ihre Position zu definieren und um die Auszahlung, die Sie erhalten werden, zu aktivieren." - -msgid "Set off any Commission paid or payable by Binary to the Introducing Broker against any amounts held in any accounts of the Company" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Set the length of your trade from 10 seconds to 365 days, whether you have a short-term or long-term view of the markets." -msgstr "Legen Sie die Länge Ihres Geschäfts von 10 Sekunden auf 365 Tage fest, unabhängig davon, ob Sie einen kurz- oder langfristigen Blick auf die Märkte haben." - -msgid "Set up %1 on your device now" -msgstr "Installieren Sie %1 jetzt auf Ihrem Gerät" - -msgid "Set up liquidity connections via bridges and gateways for MT4 and MT5 brokers" -msgstr "Richten Sie Liquidität-Verbindungen über Brücken und Gateways für MT4 und MT5 Broker ein" - -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Einstellungen" - -msgid "Settlement" -msgstr "Abrechnung" - -msgid "Settles" -msgstr "Begleicht" - -msgid "Severability" -msgstr "Trennbarkeit" - -msgid "Share access to your account without any permission to trade." -msgstr "Teilen Sie den Zugriff auf Ihr Konto, ohne Erlaubnis zum Handel." - -msgid "Sharp prices" -msgstr "Präzise Kurse" - -msgid "Sharp, benchmarked prices" -msgstr "Scharfe Benchmark-Preise" - -msgid "Short to long-term durations" -msgstr "Kurz-bis langfristige Laufzeiten" - -msgid "Short:" -msgstr "Kurz:" - -msgid "Should a disruption that cannot be readily rectified by the Company occur in the data feeds, the Company reserves the right to refund the contract purchase." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Should any client for whom the Affiliate is receiving commissions process a chargeback, the Company reserves the right to deduct the commission portion of the chargeback from the total balance due to the Affiliate for the current month. Should this deduction of the accumulated revenue exceed the Affiliate's current amount due, the Affiliate's balance will then revert to a negative balance, and the Affiliate will have to earn revenue to cover the chargeback before the Affiliate can start earning revenue again. The Company reserves the right, in special cases, to exclude revenue sharing on promotional funds deposited into the client's account by the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Should any provisions or terms of this Agreement become invalid or unenforceable, the provision or term shall be severed from the remainder of the Agreement and shall not render the remainder Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Should be %1" -msgstr "Sollte %1 sein" - -msgid "Should be a valid number." -msgstr "Sollte eine gültige Zahl sein." - -msgid "Should be between %1 and %2" -msgstr "Sollte zwischen %1 und %2 betragen" - -msgid "Should be less than %1" -msgstr "Sollte kleiner als %1 sein" - -msgid "Should be more than %1" -msgstr "Sollte mehr als %1 sein" - -msgid "Should force majeure events last for more than thirty (30) Business Days, the party not suffering force majeure events may terminate this Agreement immediately." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." -msgstr "Sollte mit Buchstaben oder Zahlen beginnen, und kann einen Bindestrich und Unterstrich enthalten." - -msgid "Should the applicant have any questions about this privacy policy or if the applicant would like to exercise any of their rights, they should contact the Company's Data Protection Officer (DPO) by %1." -msgstr "Sollte der Bewerber Fragen über diese Datenschutzrichtlinie haben, oder möchte der Bewerber seine Rechte ausüben, sollte er den Datenschutzbeauftragten des Unternehmens kontaktieren: %1." - -msgid "Should the applicant's application be successful and an employment with the Binary Group be accepted, the applicant's data will be retained until the cessation of their employment. A separate privacy policy for employees will be made available to the applicant after entering employment with the Company." -msgstr "Sollte der Antrag des Bewerbers erfolgreich sein, und eine Anstellung mit der Binary Gruppe akzeptiert werden, werden die Daten des Berwebers bis zur Beendigung seiner Anstellung gehalten werden. Eine separate Datenschutzrichtlinie für Angestellte wird dem Bewerber zugänglich gemacht, nachdem er eine Anstellung mit dem Unternehmen begonnen hat." - -msgid "Should these expenses not be covered by funds in the Affiliate's account, the Company reserves the right to investigate alternative means for obtaining payment. For example, should the Affiliate's account have generated purchasing accounts, the Company will hold payment of commission for these accounts until such a time as the account for damages has been cleared." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Show all historical transactions up to" -msgstr "Alle historischen Transaktionen anzeigen, bis zu" - -msgid "Sign out" -msgstr "Abmelden" - -msgid "Sign up" -msgstr "Melden Sie sich an" - -msgid "Sign up now" -msgstr "Bewerben Sie sich jetzt" - -msgid "Signup" -msgstr "Signup" - -msgid "Silver vs US Dollar" -msgstr "Silber gegen US Dollar" - -msgid "Similar to Forex trading, you must understand when to buy (or \"go long\") and when to sell (or \"go short\"). In Forex trading, you'll buy a certain currency pair if you think the value of the base currency will rise. The opposite is also true: you will sell a certain currency pair if you think the value of the base currency will fall." -msgstr "Ähnlich wie beim Forex-Handel, müssen Sie wissen wann man kaufen (oder \"lang gehen\") und wann man verkaufen (oder \"kurz gehen\") sollte. Im Forex-Handel kaufen Sie ein bestimmtes Währungspaar, wenn Sie glauben, dass der Wert der Basiswährung steigen wird. Das Gegenteil gilt ebenfalls: Sie werden ein bestimmtes Währungspaar verkaufen, wenn Sie glauben, dass der Wert der Basiswährung fallen wird." - -msgid "Simple and intuitive" -msgstr "Einfach und intuitiv" - -msgid "Simply change any of your parameters and the trade price instantly changes, giving you real-time knowledge of your stake. %1 ensures fair and transparent pricing by showing you both sides of the trade." -msgstr "Ändern Sie einfach irgendeinen Ihrer Parameter und der Wiederverkaufspreis ändert sich sofort. Somit erhalten Sie in Echtzeit Kenntnis über Ihren Einsatz. %1 gewährleistet eine faire und transparente Kursermittlung, indem beide Seiten des Geschäfts angezeigt werden." - -msgid "Simply click on \"Create\" to generate your token; then copy and paste it into the app." -msgstr "Klicken Sie einfach auf \"Erstellen\", um Ihren Token zu generieren, dann kopieren Sie ihn und fügen ihn in die App ein." - -msgid "Since BIEL exclusively deals on own account in Financial Products, this means that BIEL acts as the execution venue, and accordingly all transactions entered into with BIEL will be executed outside a regulated market (stock exchange) or multilateral trading facility." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Since BIEL is a member of the Malta Investor Compensation Scheme, the client is covered for the first €20,000 of any claim that the client may have in the unlikely event of BIEL suffering an investment default and not being able to meet its obligations. This protection is available only to retail clients. Neither professional clients nor eligible counterparties can benefit from this protection." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Since all transactions on the %1 website are fully automated, our pricing and risk management algorithms must fully consider critical factors such as real-time pricing parameters, data feed irregularities, and latencies." -msgstr "Da alle Transaktionen auf der %1 Website vollständig automatisiert sind, müssen unsere Kursgestaltungs- und Risikomanagement-Algorithmen Echtzeit-Kursgestaltungsparameter, Daten-Feed-Unregelmäßigkeiten und Verzögerungen vollständig prüfen." - -msgid "Since you feel the need to self-exclude, we strongly encourage you to exclude yourself from similar services that you may have signed up for." -msgstr "Da Sie das Bedürfnis haben, sich selbst auszuschließen, empfehlen wir Ihnen sich von ähnlichen Diensten, für die Sie sich eventuell angemeldet haben, abzumelden." - -msgid "Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Singapur Dollar gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Size - the size of client order determined by the volume (number of lots)" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Skrill offers global payment solutions for individuals who wish to deposit funds, shop online, and transfer money to family and friends. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "Skrill bietet globale Zahlungs-Lösungen für Personen an, die Gelder einzahlen, Online-shoppen und Geld an Freunde und Familie überweisen wollen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "Small island charm" -msgstr "Klein-Insel Charm" - -msgid "SmartCharts" -msgstr "SmartCharts" - -msgid "SmartTrader" -msgstr "SmartTrader" - -msgid "Social & Cultural" -msgstr "Sozial & Kulturell" - -msgid "Social media admin" -msgstr "Administrator für soziale Medien" - -msgid "Software Tester" -msgstr "Software Tester" - -msgid "Solving complex business problems using data-driven techniques." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Some of the things that cryptocurrencies have in common include:" -msgstr "Einige der Dinge, die Kryptowährungen gemeinsam haben, beinhalten:" - -msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." -msgstr "Leider ist die Kontoregistrierung in Ihrem Land nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." -msgstr "Es tut uns leid, bei der Bearbeitung Ihres Kontos ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." - -msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." -msgstr "Es tut uns leid, bei der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." - -msgid "Sorry, live chat is currently unavailable. Please email us at %1." -msgstr "Live-Chat ist derzeit leider nicht verfügbar. Schicken Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an %1." - -msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." -msgstr "Leider steht diese Funktion nur für virtuelle Konten zur Verfügung." - -msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." -msgstr "Leider ist dieses Feature in Ihrer Gerichtsbarkeit nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Sorry, you have entered an incorrect cashier password" -msgstr "Es tut uns leid, aber Sie haben ein ungültiges Kassen-Passwort eingegeben" - -msgid "Source of income" -msgstr "Einkommensquelle" - -msgid "Source of wealth" -msgstr "Quelle des Vermögens" - -msgid "South Africa" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Spam - The Company does not condone spam" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Spanish and Guaraní are the two official languages of the country. Most Paraguayans are comfortably bilingual, although Guaraní is more widely spoken outside urban areas. In the capital, Spanish is the dominant language but you can easily find English speakers too." -msgstr "Spanisch und Guaraní sind die beiden Amtssprachen des Landes. Die meisten Paraguayer sind zweisprachig. Jedoch ist Guaraní außerhalb städtischer Gebiete gebräuchlicher. In der Hauptstadt ist Spanisch die dominierende Sprache, aber mit Englisch kommt man auch gut zurecht." - -msgid "Specific instructions" -msgstr "Besondere Anweisungen" - -msgid "Speculate on the price movement of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin without owning them." -msgstr "Spekulieren Sie auf die Kursentwicklung von Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin, Ethereum und Litecoin, ohne sie zu besitzen." - -msgid "Speculative" -msgstr "Spekulativ" - -msgid "Speed - the speed at which client order can be executed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Spot" -msgstr "Kassakurs" - -msgid "Spot Time" -msgstr "Kassa-Zeit" - -msgid "Spot Time (GMT)" -msgstr "Spot Zeit (GMT)" - -msgid "Spot price" -msgstr "Kassakurs" - -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Spread" - -msgid "Spread the word to your audience. Use your unique referral link and our tried-and-tested referral tools to drive traffic to %1." -msgstr "Empfehlen Sie uns an Ihre Zielgruppe. Nutzen Sie Ihren Partnerlink und unsere bewährten Werbetools, um Kunden auf %1 zu führen." - -msgid "Stake" -msgstr "Einsatz" - -msgid "Standard" -msgstr "Standard" - -msgid "Standard Account" -msgstr "Standard-Konto" - -msgid "Standard account" -msgstr "Standard-Konto" - -msgid "Start Time" -msgstr "Startzeit" - -msgid "Start Trading with %1" -msgstr "Beginnen Sie den Handel mit %1" - -msgid "Start Trading with MetaTrader 5" -msgstr "Jetzt mit dem Handeln von MetaTrader 5 beginnen" - -msgid "Start time" -msgstr "Startzeit" - -msgid "Start trading" -msgstr "Beginnen Sie zu Handeln" - -msgid "Start trading MT5 on web platform" -msgstr "Beginnen Sie mit dem Handel von MT5 auf der Web-Plattform" - -msgid "State Benefits" -msgstr "Staatliche Leistungen" - -msgid "State/Province" -msgstr "Staat/Provinz" - -msgid "Stated limits are subject to change without prior notice." -msgstr "Änderungen ohne vorherige Ankündigung der genannten Limits sind vorbehalten." - -msgid "Statement" -msgstr "Abrechnung" - -msgid "Statements that reflect your transactions from the previous four quarters" -msgstr "Auszüge, die Ihre Transaktionen der vergangenen vier Quartale reflektieren" - -msgid "Static content" -msgstr "Statischer Inhalt" - -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -msgid "Stay informed. %1 offers daily market reports and market research, as well as frequent trading webinars." -msgstr "Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden. %1 bietet tägliche Marktberichte und Marktanalysen, sowie häufige Handel Webinare." - -msgid "Stay on top of the latest JavaScript frameworks, libraries, and tools in order to apply them when necessary to solve challenges related to web and mobile development" -msgstr "Bleiben Sie auf dem neuesten Stand mit JavaScript-Frameworks, Bibliotheken und Tools, um sie dann anzuwenden, wenn es notwendig ist, um die Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit Web- und Mobil-Entwicklungen zu lösen" - -msgid "Stays Between" -msgstr "Bleibt Zwischen" - -msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" -msgstr "Bleibt Innerhalb/Geht Außerhalb" - -msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." -msgstr "Bleibt Innerhalb/Geht Außerhalb Kontrakte werden zum Kaufkurs erstattet, wenn weniger als 2 Ticks zwischen der Start- und der Endzeit liegen." - -msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside trades" -msgstr "Bleibt Innerhalb/Geht Außerhalb Kontrakte" - -msgid "Step" -msgstr "Schritt" - -msgid "Step 1" -msgstr "Schritt 1" - -msgid "Step 1: Choose demo or real account" -msgstr "Schritt 1: Wählen Sie ein Demo- oder Echtgeldkonto" - -msgid "Step 1: Define your position" -msgstr "Schritt 1: Definieren Sie Ihre Position" - -msgid "Step 1: Learn to read currency pairs" -msgstr "Schritt 1: Währungspaare lesen lernen" - -msgid "Step 2" -msgstr "Schritt 2" - -msgid "Step 2: Choose account type" -msgstr "Schritt 2: Wählen Sie eine Kontoart" - -msgid "Step 2: Get your price" -msgstr "Schritt 2: Holen Sie sich Ihren Kurs" - -msgid "Step 2: Understand when to buy and when to sell" -msgstr "Schritt 2: Verstehen Sie, wann Sie kaufen oder verkaufen" - -msgid "Step 3" -msgstr "Schritt 3" - -msgid "Step 3: How to purchase your first currency pair" -msgstr "Schritt 3: Wie Sie Ihr erstes Währungspaar kaufen" - -msgid "Step 3: Make your trade" -msgstr "Schritt 3: Machen Sie Ihren Abschluss" - -msgid "Step Index" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Step outdoors and soak up the sun on one of Labuan's pristine beaches. There's also wreck diving, island hopping, kayaking, and deep sea fishing to look forward to." -msgstr "Gehen Sie raus und genießen Sie die Sonne auf einem der Strände von Labuan. Sie können sich auch auf Wracktauchen, Insel-hüpfen, Kajak fahren und Hochseeangeln freuen." - -msgid "Step size" -msgstr "Schrittgröße" - -msgid "Step size is the minimum allowable increment applied to all order types. It is the volume from which the increase of the position is based. You can only trade in the minimum ticket size or its multiples." -msgstr "Die Schrittgröße ist das minimale zulässige Inkrement, das auf alle Orderarten angewendet wird. Es ist das Volumen, auf dem die Erhöhung der Position basiert. Sie können nur in der minimalen Ticket-Größe oder deren Vielfaches handeln." - -msgid "Sticpay is a global e-wallet service for money transfers and online payments. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Stock market indices measure the value of a selection of companies in the stock market." -msgstr "Börsenindizes gewichten den Wert einer Auswahl an der Börse notierter Unternehmen." - -msgid "Stocks" -msgstr "Aktien" - -msgid "Stop Limit Orders are a combination of Stop and Limit Orders. If the price reaches (or passes) the Stop Price, a Limit Order is placed at the specified price, which will be filled at a price equal or better than the specified price. " -msgstr "" - -msgid "Stop Loss Orders" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Stop Order/Stop Loss Order" -msgstr "Stop Order/Stop Loss Order" - -msgid "Stop Out Level" -msgstr "Stop Out Höhe" - -msgid "Stop out level" -msgstr "Stop Out Level" - -msgid "Storage of content" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Stored Procedures" -msgstr "Gespeicherte Prozeduren" - -msgid "Strong analytical capabilities that have been proven in a prior capacity or a keen interest to move into this area" -msgstr "Starke analytische Fähigkeiten, die sich in einer vorherigen Kapazität bewährt haben, oder ein großes Interesse sich in diesen Bereich zu bewegen" - -msgid "Strong analytical skills and the ability to communicate your findings in a clear, concise, and effective manner" -msgstr "Ausgeprägte analytische Kompetenz und die Fähigkeit, Ihre Ergebnisse auf eine klare, präzise und effektive Wiese zu kommunizieren" - -msgid "Strong analytical skills with the ability to transform data into optimal business decisions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Strong communication skills." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Strong decision-making skills" -msgstr "Starke Entscheidungsfähigkeit" - -msgid "Strong oral and written communication skills in both the regional language(s) and English" -msgstr "Fundierte mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sowohl in der bzw. den Landessprache(n) als auch in Englisch" - -msgid "Strong understanding of colours, typography, identity design, and branding" -msgstr "Starkes Verständnis von Farben, Typographie, Identity-Design und Branding" - -msgid "Student" -msgstr "Student" - -msgid "Students" -msgstr "Studenten" - -msgid "Study financial data to forecast market movements using our charting tools." -msgstr "Studieren Sie Finanzdaten, um Marktbewegungen in Verwendung unserer Charting-Tools, vorherzusagen." - -msgid "Su" -msgstr "So" - -msgid "Subject to %1 transfer fee or %2, whichever is higher" -msgstr "Gegenstand einer %1 Überweisungsgebühr oder %2, je nachdem, welche höher ist" - -msgid "Subject to any specific instructions which may be provided by the client, when executing client orders, BIEL will take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible results for the client. The best possible results will be determined in terms of total consideration, that is, the price of the instrument and the costs related to execution, which shall include all expenses incurred by the client that are directly related to the execution of the order." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Subject to network latency, the Company endeavours to execute the client's Order within a reasonable time from the time that they trigger the Order, at the price nearest to the client's specified price. The Company does not guarantee that a transaction will be opened/closed following an Order being triggered by the client at their specified price. This can happen under certain trading conditions when there are sharp price movements in the market. In that case, the Company has the right to execute the Order at the first available price." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Subject to the applicable governing law and the Client Agreement, you represent and acknowledge that this Agreement shall be admissible as an evidence in any legal, judicial, administrative, arbitration or mediation proceedings." -msgstr "Abhängig vom geltenden anwendbaren Recht und der Kundenvereinbarung, erklären und bestätigen Sie, dass diese Vereinbarung als Beweis in einem rechtlichen, Justiz-, Verwaltungs-, Schlichtungs- oder Mediations- Verfahren zulässig sein soll." - -msgid "Subject to the availability and sufficiency of funds in their MT5 Real Account and any daily transfer limits, the client may withdraw funds from their MT5 Real Account to their %1 account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Subject to the law and the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Company shall not be liable to the Agent for any matter arising out of or in relation to this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Subject to the law and the terms of the Client Agreement, the Company shall not be liable to you or your Money Manager for any matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement." -msgstr "Abhängig vom Gesetz und den Bedingungen der Kundenvereinbarung, haftet das Unternehmen für Sie oder Ihren Vermögensverwalter für keine Angelegenheit, die sich aus, oder im Zusammenhang mit dieser Vereinbarung ergibt." - -msgid "Subject to the law, neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents shall be liable to the Agent or client for any loss, damage, or debt whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with, this agreement. The Agent agrees to indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents from, and against, any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including all and any legal fees incurred arising out of the Agent's failure to comply with any and all of the Agent's obligations set forth in this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Sublicense any of the rights granted under these Terms, other than as permitted by these Terms" -msgstr "Unterlizenzen für nach diesen Bedingungen eingeräumte Rechte, außer denen durch diese Bedingungen erlaubten" - -msgid "Submit" -msgstr "Absenden" - -msgid "Submit a report on HackerOne of any potential security issue you found, along with any suggestions you have to resolve the issue." -msgstr "Schicken Sie einen Bericht auf HackerOne, über potentielle Sicherheitsfragen, die Sie gefunden haben, gemeinsam mit jeglichen Vorschlägen das Problem zu beheben." - -msgid "Submit for review" -msgstr "Für die Überprüfung absenden" - -msgid "Submit one of the documents below" -msgstr "Eines der folgenden Dokumente einreichen" - -msgid "Submit the document below" -msgstr "Reichen Sie das folgende Dokument ein" - -msgid "Submit your CV and Cover Letter" -msgstr "Senden Sie uns Ihr Bewerbungsschreiben und Ihren Lebenslauf zu" - -msgid "Submitted" -msgstr "Eingereicht" - -msgid "Submitting" -msgstr "Einreichend" - -msgid "Successful" -msgstr "Erfolgreich" - -msgid "Such a transfer would result in the client's Account Equity dropping to less than zero." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Such a withdrawal would result in the client's Account Equity being less than zero." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Such materials may be copied and distributed on a limited basis for noncommercial purposes only, provided that any material copied remains intact and that all copies include the following notice in a clearly visible position: “Copyright 1999- Binary Ltd. All rights reserved.”" -msgstr "Solche Materialien können begrenzt und nur für nicht gewerbliche Zwecke kopiert und verteilt werden, sofern das kopierte Material unversehrt bleibt und auf jeder Kopie folgender Hinweis an eindeutig lesbarer Stelle angebracht wird: “Copyright 1999- Binary Ltd. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.”" - -msgid "Summarise audit findings and work with department heads on the proposed solutions" -msgstr "Fassen Sie Prüfungsfeststellungen zusammen und arbeiten Sie mit Abteilungsleitern an vorgeschlagenen Lösungen" - -msgid "Summary" -msgstr "Zusammenfassung" - -msgid "Summary of conflicts policy" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Summary of the order execution policy" -msgstr "Zusammenfassung der Orderausführungsrichtlinie" - -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Sonntag" - -msgid "Supplementary terms and conditions for Financial Products offered by Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Supply - Decline or increase in supply" -msgstr "Angebot - Angebotsrückgang oder Zunahme" - -msgid "Supply – Decline or increase in supply" -msgstr "Angebot – Angebotsrückgang oder Zunahme" - -msgid "Support" -msgstr "Support" - -msgid "Support our global recruitment and talent management needs" -msgstr "Unterstützen Sie unseren globalen Personalbeschaffungs- und Talentverwaltungsbedarf" - -msgid "Support our global recruitment and talent management needs, including onboarding, processing work permits, and expat management" -msgstr "Unterstützen Sie unsere globalen Recruiting- und Talentmanagementbedürfnisse, einschließlich Einstellung, Bearbeitung von Arbeitsgenehmigungen und Expat Management" - -msgid "Support overall development, planning and execution of the team's digital marketing efforts in accordance to the marketing objectives of respective projects" -msgstr "Unterstützen Sie die allgemeine Entwicklung, Planung und Ausführung von digitalen Marketing-Anstrengungen des Teams in Übereinstimmung mit Marketing-Zielen der jeweiligen Projekte" - -msgid "Support the Payments team in daily analyses when needed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Suspend the trading of the affected instrument" -msgstr "Das Handeln des betroffenen Instruments sperren" - -msgid "Suspending the client's MT5 Real Account and refusing to execute any Orders to enter into further transactions with the client" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Swaps Long (per annum)" -msgstr "Swaps Long (pro Jahr)" - -msgid "Swaps short (per annum)" -msgstr "Swaps Short (pro Jahr)" - -msgid "Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "Schweizer Franken gegen Japanischen Yen" - -msgid "Symbol" -msgstr "Symbol" - -msgid "Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Synthetic Indices Account" -msgstr "Synthetische Indices Konto" - -msgid "Synthetic indices that mimic market volatility." -msgstr "Synthetische Indizes, die Volatilität des Marktes imitieren." - -msgid "System Administrator" -msgstr "System Administrator" - -msgid "Table 1 - Type of execution venue" -msgstr "Tabelle 1 - Typ des Ausführungsplatzes" - -msgid "Table 3 - Intra-Day Price information" -msgstr "Tabelle 3 - Intra-Tageskurs Informationen" - -msgid "Table 4 - Daily Price information" -msgstr "Tabelle 4 - tägliche Kurs Informationen" - -msgid "Table 6 - Likelihood of execution information" -msgstr "Tabelle 6 - Wahrscheinlichkeit der Ausführungsinformationen" - -msgid "Take a short-term or long-term view with trade durations from 10 seconds to 365 days." -msgstr "Nehmen Sie eine kurz- oder langfristige Ansicht, mit Handelszeiten von 10 Sekunden bis zu 365 Tage." - -msgid "Take all necessary steps at all times to ensure the non-disclosure and confidentiality of other party's confidential information" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Take necessary measures to correct and enhance IT operations" -msgstr "Unternehmen Sie notwendige Maßnahmen, um IT Operationen zu korrigieren und zu verbessern" - -msgid "Taking the following measures, the Company is committed to making sure that the client's personal data and transactions are secure:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Talent Acquisition Executive" -msgstr "Talentgewinnungsvorstand" - -msgid "Talk to us" -msgstr "Sprechen Sie mit uns" - -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Ziel" - -msgid "Tax identification number" -msgstr "Steuer-Identifizierungsnummer" - -msgid "Tax information" -msgstr "Steuerinformation" - -msgid "Tax residence" -msgstr "Steuerdomizil" - -msgid "Teamwork" -msgstr "Teamarbeit" - -msgid "Technical Marketing Executive" -msgstr "Technischer Marketingleiter" - -msgid "Technical roles" -msgstr "Technische Rollen" - -msgid "Tel" -msgstr "Tel." - -msgid "Telegram Bot" -msgstr "Telegramm-Bot" - -msgid "Telephone" -msgstr "Telefon" - -msgid "Telephone:" -msgstr "Telefon:" - -msgid "Term" -msgstr "Bedingung" - -msgid "Term and termination" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Term and termination of this Agreement" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Terminate the Programmer's use of the %1 API" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Terminate this Agreement" -msgstr "Diese Vereinbarung kündigen" - -msgid "Termination" -msgstr "Kündigung" - -msgid "Termination causes" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice any rights of any party which may have arisen on or before the date of termination." -msgstr "Die Kündigung dieses Vertrags darf die Rechte keiner Partei beeinträchtigen, die am oder vor dem Kündigungsdatum entstehen können." - -msgid "Terms and Conditions" -msgstr "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" - -msgid "Terms and Conditions Approval" -msgstr "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Zustimmung" - -msgid "Terms and conditions" -msgstr "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" - -msgid "Tertiary" -msgstr "Tertiär" - -msgid "Test and debug our ever-evolving product line to improve their speed, scalability, and usability across multiple browsers, devices, and web standards" -msgstr "Testen und berichtigen Sie unsere sich ständig entwickelnde Produktlinie, um deren Geschwindigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und Verwendbarkeit über mehrere Browser, Geräte und Webstandards zu verbessern" - -msgid "Test our products and services for security vulnerabilities. In the process, you'll earn a monetary reward for any verifiable issues that you find, courtesy of our bug bounty programme." -msgstr "Testen Sie unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen auf Sicherheitsschwachstellen. In diesem Prozess, verdienen Sie eine finanzielle Entlohnung für nachprüfbare Probleme, die Sie finden, mit dem Entgegenkommen unseres Bug-Belohnungsprogramms." - -msgid "Test the %1 website, applications, backend, and back-office systems" -msgstr "Testen Sie die %1 Website, Anwendungen, Backend und Back-Office Systeme" - -msgid "Tether" -msgstr "Tether" - -msgid "Tether is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency whose cryptocoins in circulation are backed by an equivalent amount of traditional fiat currencies. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Th" -msgstr "Do" - -msgid "Thank you" -msgstr "Danke" - -msgid "Thank you for completing the Financial Assessment. You can now deposit funds and trade Forex with real money on MetaTrader 5." -msgstr "Vielen Dank für den Abschluss der finanziellen Bewertung. Jetzt können Sie auf MetaTrader 5 Guthaben hinterlegen und Forex mit echtem Geld handeln." - -msgid "Thank you for completing your Personal Details. You can now deposit funds and trade Forex with real money on MetaTrader 5." -msgstr "Vielen Dank für die Angabe Ihrer persönlichen Daten. Jetzt können Sie auf MetaTrader 5 Guthaben hinterlegen und Forex mit echtem Geld handeln." - -msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." -msgstr "Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich angemeldet haben! Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail, um den Anmeldeprozess abzuschließen." - -msgid "Thank you for your interest in partnering with us. We've made it easy for you to apply online. Just fill out the %1online application form%2 with all necessary details. If you are already registered as a %3 affiliate, you can email us at %4 instead. We will contact you directly if your application is successful." -msgstr "Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an einer Partnerschaft mit uns. Wir haben es für Sie einfach gemacht sich online zu bewerben. Füllen Sie einfach das %1Online Anmeldeformular%2 mit allen notwendigen Details aus. Wenn Sie bereits als %3 Partner registriert sind, können Sie uns stattdessen eine E-Mail an %4 schicken. Wir werden Sie direkt kontaktieren, wenn Ihre Bewerbung erfolgreich ist." - -msgid "Thank you, we'll get back to you within 24 hours" -msgstr "Vielen Dank, wir werden uns bei Ihnen innerhalb von 24 Stunden melden" - -msgid "That contravenes any laws, regulations, instruments, ordinances, or rules that govern the operation of any exchange, financial market, or financial regulatory environment" -msgstr "" - -msgid "That the parties agree in writing that both parties will be exempt from the provisions of this clause" -msgstr "" - -msgid "That the recipient is obliged by Law to disclose such information, provided that the recipient promptly advises the other party of the legal obligation to disclose such information" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1 API has usage limits enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of the %1 API. These usage limits may be changed in the future without notice. If the Programmer consistently exceeds the usage limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Company may block the Programmer's access to the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1 Affiliate Programme allows you to benefit from referring new clients to our site." -msgstr "Das %1 Partnerprogramm erlaubt Ihnen davon zu profitieren, neue Kunden auf unsere Website zu verweisen." - -msgid "The %1 order execution policy" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." -msgstr "Das %1 Passwort der Kontonummer %2 wurde geändert." - -msgid "The %1 privacy and security policy" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1 terms and conditions" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1 website is protected by certain copyrights." -msgstr "Die Website von %1 ist durch bestimmte Copyrights geschützt." - -msgid "The %1 website's static content (CSS, Javascript) is available as the %2binary-static%3 open-source project on github. Would you like to re-skin the %1 website, or improve browser compatibility, site rendering speed, or Javascript performance? Please fork the project and submit pull-requests of your suggested code changes." -msgstr "Die statischen Inhalte (CSS, Javascript) der %1 Website gibt es als %2binary-static%3 Open-Source-Projekt auf Github. Möchten Sie die %1 Website re-skinnen, oder die Browser-Kompatibilität, Website-Rendering-Geschwindigkeit oder Javascript-Leistung verbessern? Bitte teilen Sie das Projekt und schicken Sie uns Pull-Requests Ihrer vorgeschlagenen Code-Änderungen." - -msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." -msgstr "Der %1Schluss%2 ist der letzte Tick zu oder vor der %1Endzeit%2. Wenn Sie eine bestimmte %1Endzeit%2 ausgewählt haben, ist die %1Endzeit%2 die ausgewählte Zeit." - -msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." -msgstr "Der %1Kontraktzeitraum%2 ist die Zeitspanne zwischen dem %1ersten Tick%2 (nach der Startzeit) und der %1Endzeit%2." - -msgid "The %1end time%2 is the selected number of minutes/hours after the %1start time%2." -msgstr "Die %1Endzeit%2 ist die ausgewählte Anzahl von Minuten bzw. Stunden nach der %1Startzeit%2." - -msgid "The %1entry spot%2 is the next tick after the %1start time%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1exit spot%2 is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The %1high%2 is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." -msgstr "Das %1Hoch%2 ist der höchste Punkt, der jemals durch den Kurs während der Kontraktlaufzeit erreicht wird." - -msgid "The %1low%2 is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." -msgstr "Das %1Tief%2 ist der niedrigste Punkt, der jemals durch den Kurs während der Kontraktlaufzeit erreicht wird." - -msgid "The %1start time%2 begins when the contract is processed by our servers." -msgstr "Die %1Startzeit%2 beginnt, wenn der Kontrakt von unseren Servern bearbeitet wird." - -msgid "The %1start time%2 is when the contract has been processed by our servers." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time." -msgstr "Der Vertragszeitraum ist die Zeitspanne zwischen dem nächsten Tick nach der Startzeit und der Endzeit." - -msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." -msgstr "Die Endzeit ist die ausgewählte Anzahl an Minuten/Stunden nach der Startzeit (sofern sie weniger als einen Tag beträgt) oder das Ende des Börsentages (sofern sie einen Tag oder mehr beträgt)." - -msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." -msgstr "Die Endzeit ist die ausgewählte Anzahl der Minuten/Stunden nach der Startzeit." - -msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." -msgstr "Der Startkurs ist der erste Tick nachdem der Kontrakt von unseren Servern bearbeitet wird." - -msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." -msgstr "Der Schlusskurs ist der späteste Tick auf oder bevor der Endzeit." - -msgid "The remaining time is the time remaining until the contract expires." -msgstr "Die verbleibende Zeit ist die Zeit, die verbleibt, bis der Vertrag ausläuft." - -msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter." -msgstr "Die Startzeit ist der Zeitpunkt, zu dem der Auftrag von unseren Servern bearbeitet wird und der Startkurs ist der darauf folgende Tick." - -msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." -msgstr "Die Startzeit beginnt, wenn der Kontrakt von unseren Servern bearbeitet wird." - -msgid "The Advanced account provides you with tight spreads, higher ticket size and offers a variety of FX pairs from majors to exotics. It is a straight through processing (STP) account with direct access to FX liquidity from various providers." -msgstr "Das erweiterte Konto bietet Ihnen dichtere Spreads, höhere Ticket-Größen und eine Vielzahl von FX-Paaren von Majors zu Exoten. Es ist ein Straight-Through Processing (STP) Konto, mit direktem Zugang zu FX Liquidität von verschiedenen Anbietern." - -msgid "The Affiliate and the Company are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between them. The Affiliate will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on the Company's behalf. The Affiliate will not make any statement, whether on the Affiliate's website or otherwise, that would reasonably contradict anything in this paragraph." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate has not obtained and has not maintained all necessary licences and consents to operate within any laws, rules, and regulations applicable under the authority of any regulatory body of the jurisdiction(s) in which the Affiliate operates or targets business." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate has placed digital advertisements for the licensed activities on websites providing unauthorised access to copyrighted content." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate is not allowed to rebate any part of the commission payment onto the Affiliate's referrals, and should the Company realise that the Affiliate is engaged in such actions, the Affiliate's account shall be revoked immediately." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate must avoid the disclosure of any confidential information that may come to the Affiliate's knowledge or possession to third parties or external parties." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate must comply with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations (including, but not limited to, advertising, data protection, and privacy laws, rules, and regulations) of the jurisdiction(s) in which the Affiliate operates or targets business." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate must ensure that any historical trading records and performance figures presented to the Affiliate's referrals related to trading on the website %1 are accurate and not misleading." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate must ensure that the Affiliate does not place digital advertisements on websites providing unauthorised access to copyrighted content." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate must provide such information to the licensee as they may reasonably require in order to be able to comply with their information reporting and other obligations%1 to the UK Gambling Commission%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate represents, warrants, and undertakes that the Affiliate has obtained and shall maintain all necessary licences and consents to operate within any laws, rules, and regulations applicable under the authority of any regulatory body of the jurisdiction(s) in which the Affiliate operates or targets business." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate represents, warrants, and undertakes that the Affiliate's website or promotion shall contain no material that is defamatory, pornographic, unlawful, harmful, threatening, obscene, harassing, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable or discriminatory, violent, politically sensitive, or otherwise controversial or in breach of any third party rights and shall not link to any such material." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall indemnify on demand and hold the Company harmless from and against any and all losses, demands, claims, damages, costs, expenses (including, but not limited to, consequential losses, loss of profit, and reasonable legal costs, if applicable), and liabilities suffered or incurred, directly or indirectly, by the Company in consequence of any breach, non-performance, or non-observance by the Affiliate of any of the Affiliate's obligations or warranties under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not develop and implement marketing, advertising, and promotional activities that infringe any applicable laws, rules, regulations, or codes of practice relating to marketing, advertising, and promotional activities applicable under the authority of any regulatory body of the jurisdiction(s) in which the Affiliate operates or targets business." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not encourage the Affiliate's referrals to make deposits or place any trades where the purpose of that action is (whether in whole or in part) to increase affiliate commissions rather than to benefit the Affiliate's referrals' trading performance and profitability." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not encourage the Affiliate's referrals to take out any form of loans for the sake of making deposits and/or placing trades." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not hold or pool the Affiliate's referrals' funds or third-party funds into the Affiliate's own account held with %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not place trades on the Affiliate's referrals' behalf." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not purchase or register keywords, search terms, or other identifiers for use in any search engine, portal, sponsored advertising service, or other search or referral service that are identical or similar to any of the Company's trademarks or trade names that include the word \"%1\" or any variation thereof." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not resort to high-pressure sales tactics or false promises." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate shall not target any of the Affiliate's marketing, advertising, and promotional activities to any clients unless they are over 18 years old, or in case of Estonian residents over 21 years old." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Affiliate's obligations" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent agrees to indemnify the Company for all and any losses that the Company may suffer arising out of, or in connection with, the Agent's fraudulent acts or omissions, negligence, misconduct, wilful default, or breach of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent has all the necessary authority, power, consents, licences, or authorisations and has taken all necessary actions to enable themselves to lawfully enter into and perform this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent has taken all measures required to obtain and maintain in full force and effect all authority and/or powers and/or consents and/or licences and/or authorities to enter into and perform this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent may provide the Agent's services to those clients of the Company who desire to deposit and/or withdraw money using the Agent. The Agent may provide the Agent's services to clients who intend to use e-wallet or e-payment methods other than those used by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the \"e-payments\") or local currencies other than those accepted by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the \"local currencies\") and local bank wire transfers (hereinafter referred to as the \"bank wire transfers\")." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent promises to the Company that the Agent shall comply with, and the Agent's services will be performed in accordance with, any applicable anti-corruption laws." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent represents and warrants that the Agent is and will be in compliance with all laws related to anti-money laundering as well as any financial or economic sanction programmes in the jurisdiction in which the Agent operates." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall further undertake to perform all necessary due diligence on the Agent's clients, and the Company shall be entitled, at any time, to request the Agent to provide all information and documentation relating to their clients for the purposes of the Company's AML compliance. " -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall not be authorised to offer the Agent's services, under this agreement, to the clients who reside in restricted countries outlined in the Company's terms and conditions (as amended from time to time), which are published on the Company's website, %1www.binary.com%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall not do the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall not produce any copies of any Confidential Information or any content based on the concepts contained within the Confidential Information for personal use or for distribution without the Company's request." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall provide any and all information and documentation required in the context of the due diligence that the Company shall conduct from time to time. The Company, complying with the law and providing its services under this agreement, shall be entitled, at any time, to request the Agent to provide all and any due diligence information and documentation related to the Agent and any other person connected or associated with the Agent for the purposes of this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall submit an application including the following information:" -msgstr "Der Agent soll einen Antrag mit folgenden Angaben stellen:" - -msgid "The Agent shall thereinafter transfer the requested sum to the client. It is noted that these transactions fall out of the scope of this agreement, and, as a result, the Company shall not be liable against the Agent and the client or any other person, under contract, tort law, or any other applicable law, for any dispute or potential dispute arising out of or in connection with such transactions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent shall treat all information related to the Company and the client, including but not limited to client's identity, financial status, trading, or transaction performance, as well as the Company's business plans, price points, ideas, concepts, formats, suggestions, developments, arrangements, programmes, techniques, methodologies, knowhow, equipment whatsoever, as confidential (hereinafter referred to as the \"Confidential Information\")." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Agent will send you the withdrawal amount (minus the commission) via your preferred payment method." -msgstr "Der Händler wird Ihnen den Auszahlungsbetrag (abzüglich der Provision) über Ihre angegebene Zahlungsmethode zukommen lassen." - -msgid "The Average" -msgstr "Der Mittelwert" - -msgid "The Commencement Date of this agreement shall mean the date on which the Agent account is approved by the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company Prices are determined by reference to the price of the Underlying Instrument which is quoted on external exchanges or dealing facilities that %1 selects at the Company's discretion. The Company's IT infrastructure and price aggregator system facilitate the reception of quotes from shortlisted prime brokers, who act as liquidity providers for the Company and the delivery of the quotes, derived with reference against relevant benchmark and markets, to the client. The client acknowledges that the Company Prices may differ from the Bids and Asks made available by external exchanges or dealing facilities and the Company is not liable for any losses that the client might incur arising from such differences. This clause does not apply to Volatility Indices." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company aims to keep a record of the kinds of activity that the Company carries on in which a material conflict could arise or has arisen. The Company also maintains procedures to manage actual or potential conflicts. This includes procedures to maintain appropriate independence among members of the Company's staff who are involved in potentially conflicting activities. Such independence-upholding procedures can be followed, for example, through the operation of information barriers, physical separation of staff, the segregation of duties and responsibilities, and the maintenance of a policy of independence, which requires the Company's staff, when providing services to a client, to act in the best interests of the client and to disregard any conflicts of interest, or in some circumstances, to decline to act for a client or potential client in order to avoid conflicts of interest." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company also collects basic tax residence information for the purposes of CRS/FATCA compliance. The tax information that the client provides may only be disclosed to the authorities who are legally charged with collecting this information for CRS/FATCA reporting, and %1 will only do so to the extent that it is legally obliged to collect it from the clients and disclose it to the authorities. The Company does not use, disclose, or process this information in any other way at any time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company also reserves the right to request documentation pertaining to any other legal obligation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company and the Agent (hereinafter referred to as \"the Parties\") desire to enter into this agreement whereby the Company will offer to its clients local payment processing services through the Agent within a territory as specified in Section D of this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company collects and assesses the client's data to profile the client in relation to the Company's products. The Company does this manually with the assistance of automated processing. By categorisation, the Company will be able to provide the most appropriate products and services to the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company collects, stores, and processes a range of information about the applicant, such as, but not limited to:" -msgstr "Das Unternehmen sammelt, hält und bearbeitet eine Reihe von Informationen über den Bewerber, wie zum Beispiel, aber nicht ausschließlich:" - -msgid "The Company does not guarantee that the %1 API it provides will function without interruption or errors in functioning. In particular, the operation of the %1 API may be interrupted due to maintenance, updates, or system or network failures. The Company disclaims all liability for damages caused by any such interruption or errors in functioning." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen garantiert nicht, dass das von ihm zur Verfügung gestellte %1 API ohne Unterbrechung oder Fehler in seinen Funktionen ist. Insbesondere kann der Betrieb des %1 API wegen Wartung, Updates oder System- oder Netzwerkfehlern unterbrochen werden. Das Unternehmen übernimmt für Schäden, die durch solche Unterbrechungen oder Fehler der Funktion verursacht werden, keine Haftung." - -msgid "The Company does not guarantee the ability to sell a contract prior to its expiration time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company does not make any warranty, express or implied, that any pricing or other information provided through the MT5 trading platform or otherwise is correct." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company does not offer credit to its clients. The client acknowledges and agrees that they will not be dealing with the Company on credit." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company does not provide a market amongst or between clients for investments, securities, derivatives, or speculations. Each financial contract purchased by a client via this site is an individual agreement between that client and the Company and is not a security, nor is it transferable, negotiable, or assignable to, or with, any third party." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen stellt keinen Markt für Investments, Wertpapiere, Derivate oder Spekulationen zur Verfügung, auf dem die Kunden untereinander handeln können. Jeder auf dieser Site erworbene Finanzkontrakt ist eine individuelle Vereinbarung zwischen dem Kunden und dem Unternehmen. Er stellt kein Wertpapier dar und ist nicht an Dritte übertragbar, verhandelbar oder abtretbar." - -msgid "The Company does not provide and is not authorised to provide investment advice. The Company will not make personal recommendations or advise on the merits of buying and/or selling in particular investments." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen gibt keine Anlageberatung und ist dazu auch nicht befugt. Das Unternehmen wird keine persönlichen Empfehlungen machen, oder über die Vorzüge von Kauf bzw. Verkauf, insbesondere von Anlagen, beraten." - -msgid "The Company does not tolerate any form of inappropriate behaviour. This includes the usage of offensive language. The Company reserves the right to restrict or terminate the client's account if there is any form of inappropriate behaviour on the client's part." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company endeavours to open or close the transaction to which the client's Order relates at a price reasonably available to the Company, acting in accordance with the Company's duty of best execution. Best execution means that, when executing Orders, the Company must take all sufficient steps to obtain the best possible result for the client, taking into account the price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, nature, or any other consideration relevant to the execution of the Order." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has a Stop Out policy which prevents the client from losing more than they have deposited. However, in the event that the client's Open Positions are not closed when the Margin Level for their MT5 Real Account reaches the Stop Out Level, the Company, at its sole discretion, may waive the client's negative balance by crediting their account if their Account Balance goes into a negative balance. The negative balance is determined by aggregating all the negative balances incurred over a 24-hour period across all accounts held by the client. The client acknowledges that, unless they are a retail customer of Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd or a client of Binary (Europe) Ltd or Binary (IOM) Ltd, the offer of the negative balance protection by the Company to the client is at the Company's sole discretion and the Company reserves the right to change the features and eligibility criteria of the negative balance protection at any time. The provisions of the negative balance protection do not apply in the following situations:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has a general duty to conduct its business with the client honestly, fairly, and professionally and to act in the client's best interests when opening and closing binary options trades with the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has and retains the right to terminate any event or trade including, but not limited to, the occurrence of any of the above events." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has internally set appropriate controls and monitoring to verify that its aggregate return on various underlying options and durations is equal to its commission charge of 3 - 5%. Proper back-testing is conducted on a quarterly basis to certify that the Company's return does not exceed this set mark-up and hence ascertain continued fair prices to the clientele, whilst mitigating the Company's conflicts of interest." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has outlined the Company's privacy practices for the client as follows:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has the discretion to seek information from clients to verify compliance with these terms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has the right and obligation not to accept the information provided by clients if the Company knows or has a reason to believe that it is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete. In such cases, the Company may ask clients to clarify or correct the details provided." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company has various deposit methods available, each with its own timing for deposits, some of which might not be available for withdrawals. Full details of available methods for deposits and withdrawals, including settlement times, can be seen %1here%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company holds all the personal data that the Company collects from the client with due diligence and only processes them for purposes as required or allowed by law. This includes the process of obtaining and sharing of certain information with third parties for credit or identity checks to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. In certain cases, the Company may process the client's data to fulfill the Company's contractual obligations with the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company holds customer funds in bank accounts separate from the operational accounts, and arrangements have been made to ensure that the assets in the customer accounts will be distributed to the customers in the event of insolvency." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company holds customer funds in bank accounts separate from the operational accounts. Binary (IOM) Ltd & Binary (Europe) Ltd have arrangements in place so that in the event of insolvency they are able to meet their obligations to clients. These arrangements are in the form of a loan agreement between each respective company and the parent company, Binary Limited, this loan will always at minimum cover the client liabilities. This meets the Gambling Commission's requirements for the segregation of customer funds at the level of medium protection." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company is an independent legal entity and is not affiliated with the MT5 trading platform. MT5 is not owned, controlled, or operated by the Company. Therefore, the Company does not provide any warranties related to any MT5 product or service and has not reviewed or verified any performance results that may be presented and/or described on this website in relation to MT5." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company is licensed to deal in derivatives on its own account. Client orders will be executed by the Company and the Company will always be the client's sole execution venue for all of the trades a client makes in binary options. This means that the Company will always act as the client's counterparty, wherein it takes the other side of the client's trade. The clients should be aware that they are exposed to higher risks as all Binary Options contracts are traded on over-the-counter (OTC) markets, as opposed to regulated exchanges. This section of the policy will outline how the Company intends to comply with its best execution obligations." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company is not liable for loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising as a result of information or prices published on or furnished through the %1 API, or any errors or omissions of the %1 API." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen ist für Verluste oder Schäden jeglicher Art, die sich aus den Informationen oder Kursen, die über das %1 API veröffentlicht oder zur Verfügung gestellt werden oder Fehlern oder Auslassungen des %1 API, nicht haftbar." - -msgid "The Company is not under any obligation of confidentiality with respect to the Contributions." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen keine Geheimhaltungspflichten für Beiträge hat." - -msgid "The Company is required by its licence to inform clients about what happens to the funds that the Company holds on account for clients, and the extent to which funds are protected in the event of insolvency. To learn more, please refer %1here%2." -msgstr "Unsere Geschäftserlaubnis schreibt vor, dass wir unsere Kunden darüber informieren, was mit dem Geld, das wir für Sie halten, passiert und bis zu welchem Umfang es im Fall einer Insolvenz geschützt ist. Mehr zu diesem Thema finden Sie %1hier%2." - -msgid "The Company is required to do so in accordance with any relevant law or regulation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company is required to take a number of factors into account when considering how to give the client best execution, specifically:" -msgstr "Das Unternehmen ist dazu verpflichtet, eine Reihe von Faktoren zu berücksichtigen, wenn es darum geht, dem Kunden eine beste Ausführung zu geben, speziell:" - -msgid "The Company is required under data protection legislation to notify the applicant of the information contained in this privacy notice. As such, it is important that the applicant read this notice, together with any other privacy notice that the Company may provide for the applicant on specific occasions when the Company is collectiong or processing personal data about the applicant, so that the applicant is aware of how and why the Company is using such information." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen ist unter datenschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen dazu verpflichtet, dem Bewerber die in dieser Datenschutzerklärung enthaltenen Informationen mitzuteilen. Als solches ist es wichtig, dass der Bewerber diese Hinweise zusammen mit anderen Datenschutzerklärungen liest, die das Unternehmen dem Bewerber zu bestimmten Gelegenheiten vorlegt, wenn das Unternehmen persönliche Daten des Bewerbers sammelt oder bearbeitet, so dass der Bewerber weiß, wie und warum das Unternehmen diese Informationen nutzt." - -msgid "The Company is the sole owner of all rights, titles, or interests whatsoever in and to all %1 electronic systems, including but not limited to any and all software, e-mail, and email management software, along with any modifications." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company mainly provides contracts for difference (CFDs) via MT5 platform." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company maintains customer balances in cash or cash equivalent. The Company ensures that 100% of each customer's balance is available for immediate withdrawal, subject to verification." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company makes no claims that the %1 website will be uninterrupted or provide an error-free service and will not be liable for the consequences of any such errors or interruptions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may also collect personal data about the applicant from third parties, such as further references supplied by former employers and information from criminal records checks. " -msgstr "Das Unternehmen kann auch persönliche Daten über den Bewerber von Dritten erfassen, wie z. B. Referenzen von ehemaligen Arbeitgebern und Informationen von Strafregister-Kontrollen. " - -msgid "The Company may also impose volume trading limits on clients' accounts at its sole discretion. Trading volume limits can be viewed in the Security & limits section of the client's account. If the account balance exceeds the maximum account size, then withdrawals must be made to bring the balance down to under this limit." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may also transfer relevant personal and financial data to any company within the Binary Group companies. This includes any of the Company's business associates or payment providers within or outside of the EEA, including countries that might not offer an equivalent level of protection of personal data. In all instances, the Company places a contractual obligation on such third parties to offer the same level of rights and protection as stipulated in the GDPR." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may change the commission structure at any time at its sole and absolute discretion. The Company will endeavour to ensure that Affiliates are notified when changes have been made to the commission structure." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may change, suspend, terminate, or discontinue any aspect of the %1 API, including the availability of any services, information, features, or functions accessible by means of the %1 API, on no less than seven days' advance notice to the Programmer." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may collect this information in a variety of ways. Data is collected and contained in CVs or resumes, via Self-Assessment Topgrading Questionnaires/Interview (SATI), or through interviews or other forms of assessment, including online tests." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen kann diese Informationen in verschiedener Weise erfassen. Daten werden in Form von CVs oder Lebensläufen gesammelt, über Self-Assessment Topgrading Fragebögen/Interviews (SATI), oder durch Interviews, oder andere Formen der Bewertung, einschließlich Online-Tests." - -msgid "The Company may from time to time inform clients about changes on the website, new services, and promotions. If, however, the client wishes to opt out of such a service and does not wish to receive any direct marketing data, the client can either unsubscribe from the service directly or email the Company's customer support team. If the client decides to opt in again into receiving promotional material, the client can also do so by contacting the customer support team." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may impose certain rules and restrictions on the placing of market orders on this website. Such rules may change from time to time, according to market conditions and other factors. The following indicative rules are currently in place:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may modify Margin Requirements for any Open Positions or new Orders at its sole discretion. Formulas for Margin Requirements published on the website are indicative only and may be changed by the Company at its discretion at any time, due to changing market conditions or other factors." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may modify any provisions or terms of this Agreement at any time. It is the responsibility of the Introducing Broker to consistently review all modifications in the Agreement made on the website." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may release subsequent versions of the %1 API and require that the Programmer use those subsequent versions. The Programmer's continued use of the APIs following a subsequent release will be deemed the Programmer's acceptance of modifications." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may use or disclose (or choose not to use or disclose) such Contributions for any purpose, in any way, in any media worldwide." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may use the client money for the purposes of meeting obligations that are incurred by the Company in connection with the margining, guaranteeing, securing, transferring, adjusting, or settling of the client's dealings in derivatives." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may withhold payment of funds accumulated in a client's account while it takes steps to verify compliance with these terms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may, at its absolute discretion, accept a Stop Order, a Limit Order, or a Stop Limit Order from the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may, at its absolute discretion, disregard the client's Order if an Event takes place resulting in it no longer being practicable to act on the client's Order after indicating an acceptance of their Order." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may, at its sole discretion or as required by regulations in place conduct appropriate \"Know Your Customer\" (KYC) procedures and require a client to provide proof of identity and suspend an account until satisfactory evidence of identity and address, source of funds, and/or source of wealth have been provided." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company may, however, withhold the client's withdrawal request from their MT5 Real Account to their %1 account, in whole or in part, in one or more of the following cases:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company offers binary options through its online interactive platform." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen bietet binäre Optionen durch seine interaktive Onlineplattform an." - -msgid "The Company operates in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable Data Protection laws. These regulatory measures place obligations on users of personal data like the Company. They also lay down the principles for fair and lawful processing of all the information that the Company acquires." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company provides here a summary of the policy that the Company maintains in order to manage conflicts of interest in respect of the duties that the Company owes to clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company provides the %1 API on an \"as is\" and \"as available\" basis with no warranties, either express or implied, of any kind. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, the Company disclaims any and all warranties and representations, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, accuracy of data, and non-infringement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company provides the %1 website on an \"as is\" and \"as available\" basis and gives no warranty that the %1 website will be free of errors, or that errors will be corrected, or that the Company's website is free of any third-party interferences such as hackers or any other harmful components that arise outside of the Company's control." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reasonably considers that funds may be required to meet any Margin Requirement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reasonably considers that funds may be required to meet any current or future Margin Requirements on Open Positions due to the underlying market conditions." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen berücksichtig angemessen, dass Gelder verlangt werden können, um aktuelle oder zukünftige Margin-Anforderungen auf offene Positionen, aufgrund der zugrundeliegenden Marktbedingungen, zu treffen." - -msgid "The Company reasonably determines that there is an unresolved dispute between the Company and the client relating to the agreed terms and conditions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company receives a complaint which could have involved the Alternate Dispute Resolution entity, or the Company believes that the Affiliate is in breach of any laws, rules, and regulations that may be relevant or applicable to the jurisdiction(s) in which the Affiliate operates or targets business." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company recognises the importance of protecting the client's personal and financial information." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse and/or cancel services and charge deposit and/or withdrawal fees to anyone for any reasons including, but not limited to the following:" -msgstr "Das Unternehmen behält sich das Recht vor, für jedermann und im eigenen Ermessen Serviceleistungen abzulehnen und/oder zu kündigen und Einzahlungs- und/oder Auszahlungsgebühren zu erheben, insbesondere:" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to cancel/prohibit the use of this promotion at its own discretion at any time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to cancel/reverse transactions or amend the contractual terms (including, but not limited to, entry and exit spot) in the case that any contracts are acquired or sold at prices that do not reflect fair market prices or that are acquired or sold at an abnormally low level of risk due to an undetected programming error, bug, or glitch in the Company website software, market data feed or contract pricing latency, data feed error, stray quotes, incorrect pricing parameters, manifest mis-calculation of prices, or other obvious errors (\"Manifest Errors\"). Clients have a duty to report to the Company any such problems, errors, or suspected system inadequacies that they may experience and may not abuse, or arbitrage based on, such system problems or errors for profit. The Company will endeavour to resolve any such difficulties in the shortest time possible. Any amendments to the contractual terms (including, but not limited to, entry and exit spot) of Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be reasonable and fair. Monies exchanged between the client and the Company in connection with Manifestly Erroneous contracts shall be returned to the recipient according to the amendments made to the contractual terms (including, but not limited to, entry and exit spot)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to change any part of this Agreement at any time. The Company will endeavour to ensure that Affiliates are notified when changes have been made to this Agreement, but it is ultimately the Affiliate's responsibility to check these terms and conditions regularly. The Affiliate's continued participation in the Company's Affiliate Programme after the Company has posted the changes will constitute binding acceptance of such changes." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to charge the Margin per each hedged lot of a position." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to have risk limits in place, which affect the trading limits of all clients trading, and may not be limited solely to instruments and contract types." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to modify, supplement, or replace these Terms at any time. The Programmer will be notified of any material changes. The Programmer's continued registration with the %1 API and the Programmer's continued use of the %1 API will constitute binding acceptance of such changes." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to refuse the Affiliate's referrals' application to open an account (or to close the Affiliate's account), as deemed necessary, to comply with any requirements that the Company may periodically establish and/or that may be required under applicable laws, rules, and regulations." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to refuse the client's request to open an MT5 Real Account for any reason, and any MT5 Real Account may be closed at the Company's discretion at any time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the transactions of clients who engage in any trading activity" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to request further information from the client whenever deemed appropriate under the circumstances. For example, the Company may ask the client to send the Company additional acceptable documents to confirm the authenticity of the client's account details or of any withdrawal request." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to suspend the operation of this site or sections thereof in the following cases:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time and will provide the applicant with a new privacy policy when substantial amendments and updates are made. The Company may also notify the applicant in other ways from time to time about the processing of the applicant's personal information." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen behält sich vor, diese Datenschutzerklärung jederzeit zu aktualisieren und versieht den Bewerber mit einer neuen Datenschutzerklärung, wenn wesentliche Änderungen und Aktualisierungen vorgenommen werden. Das Unternehmen kann den Bewreber auch auf andere Weise von Zeit zu Zeit über die Verarbeitung seiner persönlichen Daten informieren." - -msgid "The Company reserves the right to void, delay, or withhold payment of commission fees to the Affiliate in situations involving a suspected breach of a law or a breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall be entitled to exercise any of its rights or fulfil any of its obligations hereunder (including, but not limited to, its payment obligations) through any member of the Binary group of companies." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen ist berechtigt, alle Rechte aus diesem Vertrag über ein Unternehmen der Binary Unternehmensgruppe auszuüben oder Verpflichtungen (unter anderem seine Zahlungsverpflichtungen) zu erfüllen." - -msgid "The Company shall ensure the confidentiality of all Personal Data provided by the applicant at all times and is protected against any accidental loss or disclosure, destruction, and abuse. The Company shall also ensure that such Personal Data is only processed and stored as necessary for the purposes specified in this privacy policy and all applicable Data Protection Laws." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen gewährleistet die Vertraulichkeit aller persönlichen Daten, die vom Bewerber vorgelegt werden und ist gegen versehentlichen Verlust, Offenlegung, Zerstörung und Missbrauch geschützt. Das Unternehmen stellt auch sicher, dass personenbezogene Daten nur als für die in dieser Datenschutzerklärung und allen anwendbaren Datenschutzgesetzen bearbeitet und gehalten werden." - -msgid "The Company shall further disclose information about the applicant to any third-party parties' service providers within the Binary Group. The Company shall ensure that a data sharing agreement is in place and that the applicant's data is held securely and in line with GDPR requirements. The Company shall further disclose information about the applicant when it is legally obligated to do so." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen hat weitere Informationen über den Bewerber an dritte Dienstleister innerhalb der Binary-Gruppe weiterzugeben. Das Unternehmen muss sicherstellen, dass eine Datenaustausch-Vereinbarung vorhanden ist und dass Daten des Bewebers sicher und in Übereinstimmung mit den DSGVO gehalten werden. Das Unternehmen hat weiters Informationen über den Berweber anzugeben, wenn es dazu gesetzlich verpflichtet ist." - -msgid "The Company shall have no liability arising from orders, investment decisions, or purchases of third-party goods or services (including financial instruments and currency) based on information published on or furnished through the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall have the right to suspend or terminate this agreement with immediate effect if the Company has reasonable suspicion that the Agent is undertaking any practices that are in breach of any applicable anti-corruption laws." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall not be in breach of its obligation under this agreement and shall not be held liable for any failure of or delay in performing its obligations under this agreement if such failure or delay is the result of the occurrence of a force majeure event." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall not be liable to the Affiliate in contract or otherwise (including liability for negligence) for any loss, whether direct or indirect, of the Affiliate's business, revenue or profits, anticipated savings, or wasted expenditure, corruption, or destruction of data or for any indirect or consequential loss whatsoever when such outcome is the consequence of any breach, non-performance, or non-observance by the Affiliate of any of the Affiliate's obligations or warranties under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall not be responsible or liable for any advice on financial services provided by the Agent to any client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall not be responsible or liable to the client for any fraudulent acts or omissions, negligence, misconduct, or wilful default made by the Agent. Likewise, the Company shall not be responsible or liable to the client if any terms and conditions of this agreement are breached by the Agent." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall not be responsible or liable to you for any negligence, misconduct, fraudulent acts and omissions made by you or your Money Manager." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen soll Ihnen gegenüber für keine Vernachlässigung, kein Fehlverhalten, keine betrügerischen Handlungen und Unterlassungen, die von Ihnen oder Ihrem Vermögensverwalter gemacht werden, verantwortlich oder haftbar sein." - -msgid "The Company shall not perform any supervisory function regarding any financial services whatsoever provided by the Agent." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall notify the Introducing Broker upon the successful approval of the Introducing Broker application." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall pay the Affiliate the currently published percentage of net revenues (as detailed on the Commission page of the Affiliate's account) received during the term of the Agreement. The Affiliate's commission payments due shall only be for bona fide client referrals and the Company reserves the right to disregard duplicate accounts or nominee accounts that the Company sees as non-bona fide clients, at its sole discretion." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall provide the Affiliate with statements accessible through an electronic system detailing the revenues generated by clients the Affiliate has referred, if any, which have accrued to the Affiliate over the course of the calendar month. Such statements shall be updated daily. At the end of a calendar month, the Company shall record the Affiliate's total share of net revenues, if any, during the previous calendar month. In the event that a revenue share in any calendar month is a negative amount, the Company shall be entitled but not obliged to carry forward and set off such negative amount against future revenue shares which would otherwise be payable to the Affiliate. However, the Company shall also be entitled but not obliged to zeroise the negative balance that would otherwise be carried forward." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company shall provide you with online access to the trading platform on which the balance, margin, credit, and equity is displayed so you are able to monitor the status and performance of the Account. You agree that in case of incongruity, you will immediately contact the Company at %1." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen soll Ihnen den Online-Zugriff auf die Handelsplattform, auf der der Kontostand, die Marge, der Kredit und das Eigenkapital angezeigt werden, ermöglichen, sodass Sie in der Lage sind, den Status und die Leistung des Kontos zu überwachen. Sie stimmen zu, dass Sie die Firma im Falle einer Unstimmigkeit sofort unter %1 kontaktieren werden." - -msgid "The Company shall, in its absolute discretion, determine whether the application of the Introducing Broker has been successful. The Company's decision is final and is not subject to any appeal." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company sources market data from prime brokers who act as liquidity providers, thus executing the client's transactions through a pool of aggregated liquidity from top tier banks. The services offered by the Company do not include physical delivery of foreign currency by the Company or the prime brokers to the client. The client acknowledges and agrees that such data is proprietary to the Company and any such provider, and the client will not retransmit, redistribute, publish, disclose, or display in whole or in part such data to third parties. The client represents and warrants that they will only use such data for purposes of facilitating their entry into transactions with the Company on the client's MT5 Real Account in accordance with this agreement and not for any other purpose. This clause does not apply to Volatility Indices." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company strives to ensure that all the orders placed are executed; however, this is not always possible due to material difficulty or unusual circumstances. In any instance that the Company is aware of any material difficulty relevant to the proper execution of an order, it promptly informs the client of the issue." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen ist bestrebt, sicherzustellen, dass alle Bestellungen ausgeführt werden; dies ist jedoch aufgrund von materiellen Schwierigkeiten oder ungewöhnlichen Umständen nicht immer möglich. In jedem Fall, in dem sich das Unternehmen über materielle Schwierigkeiten die für die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Auftrags relevant sind, bewusst ist, informiert es den Kunden prompt über dieses Thema." - -msgid "The Company typically collects and uses the applicant's Personal Data for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Binary Group, such as making decisions about the person to employ and the salary and other benefits to offer; and complying with our the Company's legal obligations, such as conducting necessary checks in relation to the right to work in the a specific jurisdiction and making any reasonable adjustments for disabled employees. " -msgstr "In der Regel sammelt und verwendet das Unternehmen personenbezogene Daten des Bewerbers für Zwecke legitimer Interessen der Binary-Gruppe, wie Entscheidungen darüber, die Person zu beschäftigen und welches Gehalt und andere Vorteile anzubieten sind; und die Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen des Unternehmens, wie z. B. die Durchführung von notwendigen Kontrollen in Bezug auf das Recht auf Arbeit in einer bestimmten Gerichtsbarkeit, und angemessene Anpassungen für behinderte Mitarbeiter zu machen. " - -msgid "The Company uses identity verification services and real-time fraud detection measures to help protect the client from unauthorised access to the client's account. The Company also monitors account activity for signs of unusual activity that might indicate fraud and work with collection and law-enforcement agencies to address fraud issues." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company uses identity verification services and real-time fraud detection measures to help protect the client from unauthorised access to their account. The Company also monitors account activity for signs of unusual activity that might indicate fraud and works with collection agencies and law-enforcement agencies to address fraud issues." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will act on any instructions given, or appearing to be given, by the client and received by the Company in relation to the Margin trading services provided through the MT5 trading platform, as deemed instructed by the client. However, it is not the Company's obligation to act on any instructions deemed given by the client, and the Company is not obligated to give the client any reasons for declining to do so. Instructions received by the Company from the client are deemed final and will not be revocable. It is the client's responsibility to ensure the genuineness and accuracy of the instructions given by them to the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will hold the client responsible for all their obligations under this agreement in the Company's course of providing the Margin trading services that are described in this agreement to the client even if the client notifies the Company that they are acting as the agent of an identified principal." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will mainly ensure best execution for the client by giving due consideration to the market price when calculating the Company's Bid/Ask for the underlying reference product to which the client's Contract relates. In order to ascertain the market price, the Company has access to a number of different data sources, which provide the Company with an objective view of the bids and offers available to arms' length traders." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will monitor the effectiveness of its order execution arrangements and order execution policy. The Company will assess from time to time whether the venues relied upon by the Company in pricing its Contracts on the client's behalf allow the Company to achieve best execution on a consistent basis or whether the Company needs to make changes to its execution arrangements. The Company will also review its order execution arrangements and order execution policy in respect of material changes, either regarding one of the Company's chosen pricing venues or what might otherwise affect the Company's ability to continue to achieve best execution. Should there be any material changes to the Company's order execution arrangements or order execution policy, the Company will notify the client." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen überwacht die Effektivität seiner Orderausführungsvereinbarungen und Orderausführungsregeln. Das Unternehmen beurteilt zu gegebener Zeit, ob seine Vorgänge, auf die es sich bei der Preisgestaltung der vom Kunden beauftragten Kontrakte stützt, es ihm ermöglichen, auf einer fortlaufenden Basis die beste Ausführung zu erreichen, oder ob das Unternehmen Änderungen an seinen Ausführungsvereinbarungen machen muss. Das Unternehmen wird weiters seine Orderausführungsvereinbarungen und Orderausführungsregeln hinsichtlich wichtiger Änderungen, oder hinsichtlich einer seiner Preisgestaltungsvorgänge oder die ansonsten dessen Fähigkeit beeinträchtigen, die beste Ausführung zu erreichen, überprüfen. Das Unternehmen wird den Kunden über wichtige Änderungen bei seinen Orderausführungsvereinbarungen oder den Orderausführungsregeln unterrichten." - -msgid "The Company will monitor the effectiveness of the Company's order execution arrangements and order execution policy. The Company will assess from time to time whether the venues relied upon by the Company in pricing the Company's contracts on the client's behalf allow the Company to achieve best execution on a consistent basis or whether the Company needs to make changes to the Company's execution arrangements. The Company will also review the Company's order execution arrangements and order execution policy in respect of material changes either in respect of one of the Company's chosen pricing venues or what otherwise affects the Company's ability to continue to achieve best execution. Should there be any material changes to the Company's order execution arrangements or order execution policy, the Company will notify the client." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen überwacht die Effektivität seiner Orderausführungsvereinbarungen und Orderausführungsregeln. Das Unternehmen beurteilt zu gegebener Zeit, ob seine Vorgänge, auf die es sich bei der Preisgestaltung der vom Kunden beauftragten Kontrakte stützt, es ihm ermöglichen, auf einer fortlaufenden Basis die beste Ausführung zu erreichen, oder ob das Unternehmen Änderungen an seinen Ausführungsvereinbarungen machen muss. Das Unternehmen wird weiters seine Orderausführungsvereinbarungen und Orderausführungsregeln hinsichtlich wichtiger Änderungen, oder hinsichtlich einer seiner Preisgestaltungsvorgänge oder die ansonsten dessen Fähigkeit beeinträchtigen, die beste Ausführung zu erreichen, überprüfen. Das Unternehmen wird den Kunden über wichtige Änderungen bei seinen Orderausführungsvereinbarungen oder den Orderausführungsregeln unterrichten." - -msgid "The Company will not pay interest on the client money." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will notify the Affiliate by email if the Affiliate's application has been successful." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will provide advertising collaterals with links containing affiliate IDs which may be modified by the Company from time to time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will rely on the transactions and other instructions entered into and/or given by the client's username and password, and the client is bound by any transaction or expense incurred in reliance on such Orders and/or instructions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will use reasonable endeavours within its control to ensure that all electronic data provided on the MT5 trading platform and all electronic transactions instructed by the client and accepted and executed by the Company are not subject to network latency." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company will, at its sole discretion, determine whether or not the Affiliate's application has been successful. The Company's decision is final and is not open to appeal." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's commitment to provide the client with 'best execution' does not mean that the Company owes the client any fiduciary responsibilities over and above the specific regulatory obligations placed upon the Company or as may be otherwise contracted between the Company and the client." -msgstr "Die Verpflichtung des Unternehmen, dem Kunden die 'beste Ausführung' zur Verfügung zu stellen, bedeutet nicht, dass es dem Kunden Treuhänderpflichten über oder außerhalb der ihm auferlegten gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen, oder auf andere Weise zwischen dem Unternehmen un dem Kunden vertraglich geregelt, schuldet." - -msgid "The Company's cookies are not deemed dangerous and cannot access any other information on the client's computer." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's costs and charges for depositing and withdrawing money are set out %1here%2. The client should be aware of all costs and charges that apply to the client because they will affect the client's profitability." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's data feed is designed to be one of the best and most robust available for a trading environment." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's data feed may at times differ slightly from other data feeds found on the Internet (which may themselves differ from each other). Reasons for differences in feed providers include:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's data protection officer can be contacted at %1" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's determination of the relative importance of the execution factors may differ from the client's during certain circumstances, acting in the client's interest in accordance with the Company's obligation of best execution." -msgstr "Die Festlegung des Unternehmens der relativen Bedeutung der Ausführungsfaktoren können von denen des Kunden unter bestimmten Umständen abweichen, da das Unternehmen im Interesse des Kunden, in Übereinstimmung mit seiner Verpflichtung zur besten Ausführung, agiert." - -msgid "The Company's information security policies are based on industry best practices in access control and business continuity." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's obligations" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's order execution policy (the \"Policy\") sets out the overview and approach of how %1 executes orders on behalf of the Company's clients." -msgstr "Die Order-Ausführungsrichtlinie des Unternehmens (die \"Richtlinie\") legt den Überblick und Ansatz wie %1 Bestellungen im Auftrag seiner Kunden ausführt, dar." - -msgid "The Company's order execution policy comprises a set of procedures that are designed to obtain the best possible execution result for the client, subject to and taking into account the following factors:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's policy" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's policy cannot provide a guarantee, however, that when entering into Contracts with the client, the price will always be better than one that is or might have been available elsewhere." -msgstr "Die Unternehmenspolitik kann keine Garantie geben, jedoch, wenn ein Kontrakt mit dem Kunden eingegangen wird, wird der Preis immer besser sein, als einer, der möglicherweise anderswo erhältlich ist oder gewesen wäre." - -msgid "The Company's services are provided on an execution-only basis. The Company does not provide investment advice in relation to the Company's products or services. The Company sometimes provides factual information or research recommendations about a market, information about transaction procedures, and information about the potential risks involved and how those risks may be minimised. However, any decision to use the Company's products or services is made by the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company's website contains links to other websites and may contain banner or icon advertisements related to third-party websites. These websites and their advertisements may submit cookies to the client's web browser, which is beyond the Company's control. The Company is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites. The Company encourages the client to read the privacy policies of these websites because their practices may differ from the Company's." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Company, exercising its absolute discretion, may accept or reject the Agent's application. Where the Agent's application is accepted, the Company shall include all relevant information, including but not limited to name, address, website URL (if available), email address, telephone number, commission rates, and payment methods used by the Agent, in the payment agent list which is disclosed on the Company's website, %1www.binary.com%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Country Manager is expected to acquire, service, manage, and expand our network of active affiliates in the countries where Binary Group targets to be represented. You will also contribute your energy, skills, and knowledge of the local business culture to increase our rapid growth rate worldwide." -msgstr "Der Landesleiter wird unser Netzwerk an aktiven Affiliates in den Ländern wo die Binary Group repräsentiert sein möchte, erwerben, warten, verwalten und erweitern. Sie werden auch Ihre Energie, Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse der lokalen Geschäftskultur beitragen, um unsere weltweit hohe Wachstumsrate zu erhöhen." - -msgid "The Domain Name System (DNS) allows you to access a website through a user-friendly web address such as %1, instead of a complicated IP address." -msgstr "Das Domain Name System (DNS) erlaubt Ihnen, eine Website durch eine anwenderfreundliche Webadresse wie %1, statt einer komplizierten IP Adresse zu betreten." - -msgid "The Financial Products that BIEL offers to deal in are contracts entered into between clients and BIEL. Under these contracts and subject to the specific terms of the relevant contract, in consideration for the premium or price that clients pay BIEL, BIEL promises to pay clients a certain amount if the reference assets or measurements perform in a particular manner. These contracts accordingly are not instruments that BIEL holds on clients' behalf and neither benefits from clients' assets protection in the event of BIEL's insolvency. Similarly, the premium or price that clients pay to take out a trade is not held as clients' money but as consideration for BIEL's undertaking to pay." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) is the world's largest and most liquid market – where anyone can buy, sell, and exchange currencies." -msgstr "Der Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) ist der größte der Welt und der am meisten liquide Markt – wo jeder Währungen kaufen, verkaufen und tauschen kann." - -msgid "The Forex is an over-the-counter market where trading takes place between two parties, and not with a centralised exchange or marketplace." -msgstr "Der Forex ist ein OTC-Markt, wo Handel zwischen zwei Parteien und nicht mittels einer zentralisierten Börse oder eines Marktplatzes stattfindet." - -msgid "The Forex is typically traded in lots. One standard lot is equivalent to 100,000 units. Each time you open a position on a currency symbol, you can start with a minimum transaction of 0.01 lots." -msgstr "Der Forex wird normalerweise in Lotsgehandelt. Ein standardmäßiges Lot entspricht 100.000 Einheiten. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Position auf einem Währungssymbol öffnen, können Sie mit einer Mindest-Transaktion von 0,01 Lotsbeginnen." - -msgid "The Human Resource Operations team manages essential human resource functions such as managing expats, processing work permits, onboarding, managing payroll, compiling compensation studies, and overseeing performance appraisals." -msgstr "Das HR Operations Team verwaltet wesentliche HR-Funktionen, wie das Verwalten von Expats, die Bearbeitung von Arbeitsgenehmigungen, die Einstellung, das Verwalten der Lohnabrechnung, das Erstellen von Vergütungsstudien und das Betreuen von Leistungsbeurteilungen." - -msgid "The Internal Audit team is the catalyst for improving our organisation's governance, risk management, and internal controls by providing insights and recommendations based on the audits they perform." -msgstr "Das interne Audit-Team ist der Katalysator für die Verbesserung unserer Organisationssteuerung, unser Risikomanagement und interne Kontrollen, durch Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen basierend auf den Prüfungen, die es durchführt." - -msgid "The Introducing Broker acknowledges that on termination, they have no claims against Binary whatsoever and are not entitled to any compensation or claim arising from the termination." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker acknowledges that the Commission received by the Introducing Broker pursuant to this Agreement fully compensates for its obligations under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker agrees to indemnify Binary against any loss that Binary may suffer or incur arising out of, or in connection with, any act or omission of the Introducing Broker, or as a result of any fraud, negligence, wilful default, or material breach of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker consents to the disclosure of their identity on the webpage of %1 or any publicly accessible medium managed by Binary." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker is responsible for the payment of their own taxes, duties, fees, or other governmental levies or charges. Any fees payable by Binary to the Introducing Broker in connection with this Agreement are exclusive of any such taxes, duties, fees, or levies." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker may not assign any or all of its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Binary." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker must notify the Company immediately if they cease to possess any relevant Authorisation required or cease to be competent, capable, adequate, or qualified to effectively perform all their duties and obligations undertaken and agreed to under this Agreement for any reason, including but not limited to lack of knowledge, expertise, experience, skills, and time. The Introducing Broker must also promptly notify the Company in writing upon the initiation of any proceedings in bankruptcy, dissolution, or liquidation." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker pledges that they shall not at any time" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker shall immediately cease using the Marketing Materials whether in hard copy or electronically on any website and return all Marketing Materials to Binary. They shall also cease referring to Binary and shall remove all of the Binary Trademarks, including logos, branding, and other references to Binary from their website and/or marketing materials." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker shall use their experience, knowledge, and best efforts to provide IB services to Binary, and Binary shall remunerate the Introducing Broker for IB services in accordance to the Commission structure listed on %1 Introducing Broker programme." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker warrants to the Company at all times that" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Introducing Broker's obligations" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Investor Compensation Scheme" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The MAM Advanced account can be assigned to a money manager who will trade on your behalf with more competitive spreads than the regular Advanced account. Other account specifications remain the same." -msgstr "Das fortgeschrittene MAM Konto kann einem Vermögensverwalter zugewiesen werden, der in Ihrem Namen mit mehr wettbewerbsfähigen Spreads als das reguläre fortgeschrittene Konto handeln wird. Andere Kontovorgaben bleiben gleich." - -msgid "The MAM Synthetic Indices account can be assigned to a money manager who will trade on your behalf with the same specifications as the regular Synthetic Indices account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The MAM tool is ideal for money managers who want to easily manage multiple client accounts. It gives you the ability to simultaneously view, track, and trade on behalf of all MT5 client accounts under your control." -msgstr "Das MAM-Tool ist ideal für Vermögensverwalter, die mehrere Kundenkonten einfach verwalten möchten. Es gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, im Namen aller MT5 Kundenkonten unter Ihrer Kontrolle, diese gleichzeitig einzusehen, zu verfolgen und zu handeln." - -msgid "The Margin Level of the client's MT5 Real Account reaches or falls below the Stop Out Level." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Margin trading services described in this agreement are conducted over the counter (\"OTC\"). " -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Margin used in Margin calculations will be whichever is bigger: the Margin implied by the account's Leverage or the symbol's Margin. The account has a specific Margin, but symbol's Margin may vary. " -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Marketing team oversees all our marketing and advertising initiatives, such as our affiliate programme, social media presence, webinars, and emails. As our Marketing Executive, you will coordinate and execute marketing campaigns across a variety of channels, and continuously identify the best ways to reach current and prospective customers." -msgstr "Das Marketing-Team betreut alle unsere Marketing- und Werbeinitiativen wie unser Partnerprogramm, soziale Medien-Präsenz, Webinare und E-Mails. Als unser Marketing Executive koordinieren und führen Sie Marketing-Kampagnen für eine Vielzahl von Kanälen durch und ermitteln kontinuierlich die besten Möglichkeiten, um bestehende und potenzielle Kunden zu erreichen." - -msgid "The Marketing team oversees all our marketing initiatives, such as our partnership programmes, social media presence, webinars, PPC, SEO, and email marketing. As our Technical Marketing Executive, you will act on data-driven information and assist in troubleshooting issues to further nurture and grow our client base." -msgstr "Das Marketing-Team betreut alle unsere Marketinginitiativen, wie z. B. unsere Partnerschaftsprogramme, soziale Medien-Präsenz, Webinare, PPC, SEO und E-Mail-Marketing. Als unser Technischer Marketing Executive werden Sie auf datengestützte Informationen agieren und dabei helfen Probleme zu lösen, um unseren Kundenstamm weiter zu nähren und zu erweitern." - -msgid "The MetaTrader platform will no longer support Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista after 01 October, 2017." -msgstr "Die MetaTrader Plattform wird Windows XP, Windows 2003 und Windows Vista nach dem 1. Oktober 2017 nicht mehr unterstützen." - -msgid "The Party that is not able to meet its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure events shall inform the other Party in writing within five business days after such an event has occurred. The Party shall be deprived of the right to be released from any responsibility, under this agreement, where it fails to duly notify the other Party on time." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Pearl of Borneo" -msgstr "Die Perle Borneos" - -msgid "The Pillar 3 disclosure report of Binary Investments (Europe) Limited has been prepared in accordance with the Capital Requirements Directive IV and the Capital Requirements Regulation. Read our Pillar 3 disclosure report to understand how we comply with market discipline as a market participant." -msgstr "Der Pillar 3 Offenlegungsbericht von Binary Investments (Europe) Limited wurde in Übereinstimmung mit der Eigenkapitalrichtlinie iV und der Kapitalbedarfs-Regulation vorbereitet. Lesen Sie unseren Pillar 3 Offenlegungsbericht, um zu verstehen, wie wir die Marktdisziplin als Marktteilnehmer erfüllen." - -msgid "The Policy is supplemented by Appendix A, which provides further details to the Company's considerations as they are related to differing asset classes. The accompanying Appendix A should be read in conjunction with this Policy." -msgstr "Die Richtlinie ist durch Anhang A, der weitere Details zu den Erwägungen des Unternehmens im Verhältnis zu den unterschiedlichen Anlageklassen angibt, ergänzt. Der zugehörige Anhang A sollte in Verbindung mit dieser Richtlinie gelesen werden." - -msgid "The Programmer acknowledges and agrees that the Programmer is solely and exclusively responsible for the control, operation, and security of transactions and communications made through access to or use of the %1 API. The Programmer acknowledges that there are risks associated with utilising an Internet-based deal execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and Internet connections. The Programmer acknowledges that the Company does not control signal power, its reception or routing via the Internet, the configuration of the Programmer's equipment, or the reliability of its connection, and the Company shall not be responsible for any communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions, or delays the Programmer may experience when trading via the Internet using the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer acknowledges that, in the course of dealing under these Terms, the Programmer may obtain confidential information relating to the Company and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, or other third parties. Such confidential information shall belong solely to the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer agrees that the Programmer will not" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer agrees that, by developing on the %1 API, the Programmer is entering into a legally binding agreement with the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer also acknowledges that %1 may continue to make changes to and enhance the %1 API and that those changes and enhancements will be owned by %1. The Programmer hereby assigns and transfers to the Company all of the Programmer's rights, title, and interest in and to any modifications or derivative works of the %1 API created by or for the Programmer, regardless of whether they were created in accordance with these Terms; such assignment being effective upon creation of such works, and shall include, without limitation, all rights under any intellectual property laws, including copyright. The Programmer shall not take any action to jeopardise, encumber, limit, or interface in any manner with %1's ownership of, and rights with respect to, the %1 API, or any derivative works or updates thereof or thereto. Any components, parts, or mechanics of any system or API programme derived from the %1 API, or %1's business practices shall belong solely to %1. Further, the Programmer will not, at any time, contest or assist any third party in contesting the rights of %1 in the %1 API or any other intellectual property provided in these Terms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer and the Programmer's Application must also comply with the following, which are hereby incorporated by reference:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer irrevocably and non-exclusively licenses to the Company rights to use the Programmer's Contributions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer is in default or breach of any covenant, obligation, or condition contained in this Agreement, and such default is not cured within seven days of receipt of written notice from the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer is not allowed to store any Content (such as feed data)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer is not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from the Company under any circumstances." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer may cache the Content for up to 24 hours from a request for that Content through the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer may develop Applications using the %1 API as soon as the Programmer registers an Application and agrees to follow these Terms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer may not assign rights granted in this Agreement without the Company's prior written approval." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer may store the Application-specific alphanumeric user IDs provided (\"API Tokens\") or the authentication tokens provided via Open Authorisation Standard (\"OAuth Tokens\")." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer may terminate this Agreement at any time, but only by giving the Company a minimum of seven days' written notice. \"Written notice\" here includes notice delivered by regular mail or by email." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer must comply with these Terms in order to use the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer must promptly report any security deficiencies in, or intrusions to, the Programmer's Application that the Programmer discovers to %1 by writing in to %2 or by raising a discussion thread on %3 which is part of our %4. The Programmer will work with %1 to immediately correct any security deficiency and will immediately disconnect any intrusions or intruders. In the event of any security deficiency or intrusion involving the Application, APIs, or Content, the Programmer will make no public statements (e.g. press, blogs, social media, bulletin boards, etc.) without prior written and express permission from %1 in each instance." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer or the Programmer's employees' or agents' acts or omissions, including the Programmer's or their breach or alleged breach of these Terms" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer represents and warrants to the Company that, excluding the Content, the Programmer has the right to use, reproduce, transmit, copy, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute the Programmer's Application, and that the use or promotion of the Programmer's Application will not violate the rights of any third party (e.g. copyright, patent, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other proprietary right of any person or entity) or any applicable regulation or law and the laws of any country in which the Programmer's Application is made available." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer shall be solely responsible for, and shall indemnify and hold the Company free and harmless from any and all third-party claims, damages, or lawsuits (including, but not limited to, consequential losses and loss of profit and the Company's reasonable legal costs and expenses if applicable):" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer shall discontinue the Programmer's use of all prior versions of the %1 API in favour of the revised %1 API. While it is the Company's intention that the revised %1 API shall be backward compatible with the immediately prior version of the %1 API, the Company does not guarantee or warrant that this shall be so, and the Company shall have no liability whatsoever to the Programmer for any failure of the revised %1 API to be backward compatible with any prior version of the %1 API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer's breach of any of %1's rights" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer's property" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer's use of the %1 API causes damage to the %1 trading platform; in which case then %1 may, at its option, forthwith suspend the Programmer's use of the %1 API and/or terminate this Agreement without further written notice." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer's use of the %1 API will not confer to the Programmer any title, ownership interest, or intellectual property rights that otherwise belong to the Company. The Company's trading platform is protected under patent and the Company's website, including its content, is protected by copyright laws, and will remain the Company's exclusive property, as applicable." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Programmer's violation of any applicable law, rule, or regulation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Recruitment team plays a challenging role in the company by sourcing and selecting quality applicants that will contribute to the company growth." -msgstr "Das Recruiting-Team spielt eine anspruchsvolle Rolle im Unternehmen, indem es qualitative Bewerber beschafft und auswählt, die zum Wachstum des Unternehmens beitragen werden." - -msgid "The Republic of Malta is an island country in Southern Europe — located approximately 80km south of Italy. Its rich, colourful history can be traced back thousands of years to the Neolithic period." -msgstr "Die Republik Malta ist ein Inselstaat in Südeuropa – sie liegt etwa 80 km südlich von Italien. Ihre reiche, bunte Geschichte kann Tausende von Jahren bis in die Jungsteinzeit zurückverfolgt werden." - -msgid "The Spread is subject to alteration, at the Company's absolute discretion. The client acknowledges that whilst the Company endeavours to maintain a competitive Spread, it may widen significantly in some circumstances, and such figures will be determined by the Company at its reasonable discretion. Spreads may be widened at the daily bank rollovers." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Standard account is suitable for a wide range of traders, both new and experienced. It offers you the maximum allowed leverage and variable spreads that give you a great deal of flexibility for whatever position you wish to take in the market." -msgstr "Das Standardkonto ist für eine Vielzahl von Händlern geeignet, neue und erfahrene. Es gibt Ihnen die maximal erlaubte Leverage und variable Spreads, die Ihnen ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität gibt, für welche Position auch immer, die Sie auf dem Markt einnehmen wollen." - -msgid "The Standard account is suitable for a wide range of traders, both new or experienced. It is available in EUR and GBP and offers tight and variable spreads without commissions and a minimum deposit." -msgstr "Das Standardkonto ist für eine Vielzahl von Händlern geeignet, egal ob neue oder erfahrene. Es ist in EUR und GBP verfügbar und bietet enge und variable Spreads ohne Provisionen oder eine Mindesteinlage." - -msgid "The Stop Out Level applicable to the client's MT5 Real Account may differ from the default Stop Out Level published on the Company website." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The Synthetic Indices account allows you to trade CFDs on Synthetic Indices – our proprietary synthetic assets that mimic real-world market volatility and are available for trading 24/7." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The System Administration team is responsible for the upkeep, configuration, and reliable operation of our computer software, hardware, and networks." -msgstr "Das Systemadministratoren-Team ist für die Pflege, Konfiguration und den zuverlässigen Betrieb unsrer Computersoftware, Hardware und unsere Netzwerke verantwortlich." - -msgid "The ability to absorb and understand varied compliance matters in a number of international jurisdictions" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, verschiede Compliance-Angelegenheiten in einer Vielzahl von Ländern aufzunehmen und zu verstehen" - -msgid "The ability to draft and review legal documents, and prepare licence applications" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit Rechtsdokumente zu erstellen und zu überprüfen, und Lizenzanträge vorzubereiten" - -msgid "The ability to make rational decisions even based on limited information" -msgstr "Die Fähigkeit rationale Entscheidungen zu treffen, sogar wenn nur geringe Informationen vorhanden sind" - -msgid "The anti-money laundering processes have the following effects on clients:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The applicant has the right to lodge a complaint to the Data Protection Commissioner in Malta should the applicant believe that the Company has failed to comply with the requirements of EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 or the Data Protection Act 2018 with regards to the applicant's personal data." -msgstr "Der Bewerber hat das Recht darauf, Beschwerde beim Datenschutzbeauftragten in Malta einzulegen, sollte der Bewerber glauben, dass das Unternehmen bei der Einhaltung der Anforderungen der allgemeinen EU Datenschutzverordnung 2016/679 oder des Datenschutzgesetzes 2018 in Bezug auf persönliche Daten des Bewerbers gescheitert ist." - -msgid "The applicant is further afforded the rights to:" -msgstr "Dem Bewerber wird weiterhin das Recht gewährt zu:" - -msgid "The applicant is under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide data to Binary Group during the recruitment process. However, should the applicant elect not to provide any necessary information, the Company may not be able to proceed with their application." -msgstr "Der Bewerber ist weder unter gesetzlicher noch vertraglicher Verpflichtung, der Binary Gruppe während des Bewerbungsprozesses Daten anzugeben. Wie auch immer, sollte der Bewerber sich dazu entschließen notwendige Informationen nicht vorzulegen, kann das Unternehmen eventuell nicht mit der Bewerbung fortfahren." - -msgid "The applicant's personal data shall be stored for a period of six months should the applicant be unsuccessful or decline in accepting employment with the Binary Group. At the expiry of that period, the applicant's data is deleted or destroyed unless the Company is required to further retain the applicant's information to exercise or defend any legal claims." -msgstr "Persönliche Daten des Bewerbers werden für einen Zeitraum von sechs Monaten gespeichert, sollte der Bewerber nicht erfolgreich sein, oder eine Beschäftigung mit der Binary-Gruppe nicht akzeptieren. Nach Ablauf dieser Frist werden die Bewerberdaten gelöscht oder zerstört, wenn das Unternehmen nicht dazu aufgefordert ist, die Daten des Bewerbers zur Ausübung oder Verteidigung rechtlicher Ansprüche weiter zu behalten." - -msgid "The application shall be reviewed and assessed by the Company's compliance and marketing departments. It is noted that, following and implementing the anti-money laundering policy and conducting due diligence in accordance with the law and regulations, the Company's compliance department shall request and collect all required information and documentation as per Section H." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The ask price of the currency pair indicates how much of the quote currency is required to buy one unit of base currency. This is more commonly known as the exchange rate." -msgstr "Der Briefkurs des Währungspaares gibt an, wieviel der Notierungswährung erforderlich ist, um eine Einheit der Basiswährung zu kaufen. Dies wird häufiger als Wechselkurs bezeichnet." - -msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The barrier of a binary option trade is the price target you set for the underlying. You can choose trades that stay below or go above a price target, or stay between two targets." -msgstr "Die Handelsschwelle bei den Binären Optionen ist der Zielkurs den Sie für einen Basiskurs festlegen. Sie können Kontrakte wählen, bei denen der Zielkurs nicht erreicht oder überschritten wird, oder zwischen zwei Zielwerten bleibt." - -msgid "The base currency is always equal to one unit" -msgstr "Die Basiswährung ist einer Einheit immer gleich" - -msgid "The base currency is always equal to one unit." -msgstr "Die Basiswährung ist einer Einheit immer gleich." - -msgid "The bonus code can only be entered and activated upon account opening." -msgstr "Der Bonuscode kann nur bei der Kontoeröffnung eingegeben und aktiviert werden." - -msgid "The bonus will be added to the account when the required minimum deposit has been made via a single transaction. Clients who make multiple deposits in an attempt to accumulate the required deposit amount will not be eligible for this bonus." -msgstr "Der Bonus wird Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben, wenn die erforderliche Mindesteinzahlung mit einer einzelnen Überweisung erfolgt ist. Kunden, die versuchen, den erforderlichen Einzahlungsbetrag mit mehreren Einzahlungen anzusammeln, können diesen Bonus nicht beanspruchen." - -msgid "The calculation of the price to be paid (or the payout to be received) for financial contracts on this site at the time the financial contract is purchased or sold will be based on the Company's best estimate of market price movements and the expected level of interest rates, implied volatilities and other market conditions during the life of the financial contract, and is based on complex mathematics. The calculation will include a bias in favour of the Company. The financial contract prices (or the payout amounts) offered to clients speculating on market or index prices may substantially differ from prices available in the primary markets where commodities or contracts thereupon are traded, due to the bias favouring the Company in the price calculation system referred to above." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The characteristics of financial instruments that are the subject of that order" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The characteristics of the client" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The characteristics of the execution venues to which that order can be directed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The characteristics of the order" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The charting data made available to clients by the Company is indicative only and may at times differ from the real market values. The Company's decision as to the calculation of a financial contract price will be final and binding. The Company allows the option to sell contracts before the expiry time of some contracts but will not be obliged to do so and can suspend this option depending on the current market conditions. Contracts may be amended when the underlying asset value is adjusted by corporate actions during the contract period." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The clause above shall not apply to any information to the extent" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The clauses above shall not apply in its entirety to any Introducing Brokers who are contracted to provide Introducing Broker services with Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges and accepts that a trade may be subject to market rules laid down in by-laws, rules, provisions, customs, and practices of an exchange, a market, a clearing house, a body, or any other organisation involved in the execution, clearing, and/or settlement of the said trade. Should any such organisation take decisions or measures which affect a trade or an Open Position, the Company shall be entitled to take any action (including closing any Open Position of the client) that it, at its sole discretion, considers reasonable. " -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges and agrees that the Company may, at any time without prior notice and at its discretion, change the trading rules in relation to the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges and agrees to the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that any explanations, trading recommendations, independent investment research, market commentary, or any other information provided by BIEL is provided to the client as marketing communication and/or educational material, for information purposes only, and does not construe any personal advice on the merits of investing." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that it is their responsibility to cancel the Stop or Limit Order if they do not want the Stop or Limit Order to remain valid. If the client fails to cancel the Stop or Limit Order, the Company shall be entitled, at its absolute discretion, to treat the Stop or Limit Order as an instruction to enter into a new transaction for the client if and when the Company quote reaches or goes beyond the level of the Stop or Limit Order." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that it is their responsibility to monitor their Account Balance and Margin Requirement, and the Company is not under any obligation to keep the client informed (i.e. to make a Margin Call)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that it is their responsibility to understand the features, characteristics, terms, and conditions of an Order and the implications of executing an Order before they place an Order with the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to establish a minimum and maximum transaction size, as well as a total net position size, which may be subject to alteration, and that the Company will only execute Orders that fall within the range of the minimum and maximum transaction sizes." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to void or close out one or more of the client's transactions if the Company observes any breaches of warranty given under this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges that the Company will determine, at its discretion, the transactions that will be kept in the Company's own book (known as B booking) and the transactions that will be passed through to the prime brokers who act as liquidity providers for the Company (known as A booking). For the former, the Company is the counterparty in these transactions, and a correlation exists between the profit/loss made by the client and the profit/loss made by the Company. At any point in time, the Company may be entering into or may have entered into transactions with a large number of clients, each of whose interests may diverge from those of other clients. As such, the Company may be holding Open Positions that may not be aligned with the client's objectives/interests as an individual client of the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges, recognises, and understands that" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acknowledges, understands, represents, and warrants that they are aware of the functional limitations of the MT5 trading platform (for example Wine, which is not a fully stable application, as disclosed by the MT5 trading platform licensor on their website)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client acts in breach of any warranty or representation made under this agreement, and/or any information provided to the Company in connection with this agreement is, or becomes, untrue or misleading." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client agrees that in any legal, arbitration, mediation, regulatory, administration, or any other proceedings initiated by them or by %1, the Company's records related to the client's dealings shall constitute evidence. Subject to the laws and any court, tribunal, competent authority, or government authority orders, requests, instructions, or guidelines, the client shall not object to the admission of such records on the grounds that they are not originals or in writing, or that they are produced by computers or any other electronic systems whatsoever. The client shall not rely on the Company to meet any of their disclosures or other obligations imposed by any court, tribunal, competent authority, or government authority." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client agrees to comply with the following when making payments to BIEL:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client also has the right to request copies of any personal information that the client has provided to the Company and to request that the Company transmit such information to other service providers." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client also has the right to request that the Company copy, modify, or remove the client's personal information as long as such actions do not breach any legal or regulatory obligations that the Company may have." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client also has the right to request that the Company inform the client about the personal data that the Company processes about the client and to provide its correction where necessary." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client bears the responsibility of ensuring that payments made to BIEL are correctly received with the specified client's account details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has Open Positions on the account that show a loss." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has all necessary authority, powers, consents, licences, and authorisations and have taken all necessary actions to enable the client to enter into and perform this agreement and such transactions lawfully." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has fully read and understood the (i) Risk disclosure statement, (ii) Order execution policy, and (iii) Terms and conditions attached to this agreement before requesting to open an MT5 Real Account with the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has reached a turnover that is 5 times the bonus amount." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has read the Company's privacy statement and is aware of how the Company processes information." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has read these terms and conditions in full and has understood that they will be buying and selling financial contracts subject to these terms and conditions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has read this legal Terms and conditions page in full and understood that the client will be buying and selling contracts subject to these terms and conditions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has sufficient experience and knowledge about contracts for difference to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of acquiring contracts via this site and have done so without relying on any information contained in this site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has sufficient experience and knowledge in matters of financial trading to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of acquiring financial contracts via this site and has done so without relying on any information contained on this site." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has the right to object to the direct distribution of marketing materials. This can be done by either not providing the client's consent to any marketing material before the service is rendered or revoking it at any point during the service. In both cases, the Company will refrain from distributing marketing materials to the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client has unrealised losses on their MT5 Real Account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client hereby agrees that they will not participate in any illegal, deceptive, misleading, or unethical practices including, but not limited to, disparagement of the MT5 trading platform or other practices which may be detrimental to the MT5 trading platform, the licensor, or public interest." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is acting for their sole benefit, and not for or on behalf of any other person." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is advised that the binary options offered by %1 are not traded under the rules of any recognised, designated, or regulated exchange. Consequently, engaging in binary options trading may expose the client to substantially greater risks than the investments that are so traded." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is advised to note that prices can change very quickly in the market, so the execution price may not necessarily be visible instantly once the Order has been filled." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is also reminded that their internet connection can influence what price is displayed after the trade has been executed." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is asked to note that weekend quotes are ignored for the purpose of contract settlement. During weekends, the forex markets may occasionally generate prices; however, these prices are often artificial (traders sometimes take advantage of the illiquidity of the markets during weekends to push prices up or down). To avoid settling prices based on such artificial prices, it is Company's policy not to count weekend prices towards contract settlement values (except for Volatility Indices, which are open during weekends)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is not resident in a restricted country such as Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Jersey, Malaysia, Malta, Paraguay, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, or any other restricted country that has been identified by the FATF as having strategic deficiencies." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is not trading in the actual Underlying Instrument, or the actual foreign currency; all Transactions are settled in cash only." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is over 18 years of age, unless the client is an Estonian resident whereby the client would have to be over 21." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is responsible for all third-party electronic transfer fees in respect of payments." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is responsible for keeping the client's log-in details secure, the security of any linked email address, and the security (password protection, screen locking, etc.) of any personal computer or device on which the client's account is accessible. The Company shall not be held responsible if there is unauthorised use of the account when the Company is not at fault." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is responsible for managing the client's tax and legal affairs, including making any regulatory filings and payments and complying with applicable laws and regulations. The Company does not provide any regulatory, tax, or legal advice. If the client is in any doubt as to the tax treatment or liabilities%2 of Products available through %1%3, the client may wish to seek independent advice." -msgstr "Die Erledigung jeglicher Steuer- und Rechtsangelegenheiten, einschließlich rechtlicher Anträge und Zahlungen, sowie die Einhaltung aller relevanten Gesetze und Vorschriften liegt in Ihrer eigenen Verantwortung. Wir bieten keine Beratung in behördlichen, steuerlichen oder rechtlichen Angelegenheiten an. Sollten Sie über steuerliche oder Haftungsfragen%2 bezüglich der von %1 bereit gestellten Produkte%3 im Unklaren sein, lassen Sie sich bitte unabhängig beraten." - -msgid "The client is to immediately notify the Company if they become aware of the loss, theft, or disclosure to third parties of their login details." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is warned of the following additional risks:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client is willing and financially able to sustain a total loss of funds resulting from a transaction, which may exceed the client's initial deposit unless they are a retail customer of Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may choose to contact the Company to close the client's account held with the Company. The client's account may be closed if the client does not have any open trade positions and if the client has complied with the requested \"Know Your Client\" procedures to enable the client to withdraw any pending funds in the client's account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may communicate with the Company through this website or by means of e-mail, phone or, exceptionally, by post. Details can be found in the Contact us page." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may make Margin Payments by transferring funds from their %1 account to their MT5 Real Account. In the event that there are insufficient funds in the client's %1 account to fund their MT5 Real Account, they may make Margin Payments by funding their %1 account and transferring the funds from their %1 account to their MT5 Real Account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may not cancel or amend the level of their Stop and Limit Order once the level has been reached." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may specify their instruction of a Stop Order or apply for a Limit Order for a limited duration or for an indefinite period (a \"good till cancelled\" or \"GTC\" Order)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may update the client's personal information at any time by logging in to the \"Settings\" section of the client's account. It is the client's responsibility to ensure that %1 is promptly and continually informed of any change in the client's personal information. The client should note that if the client provides the Company with inaccurate information, or if the client fails to notify the Company of any changes to the information previously supplied by the client, this may adversely affect the quality of the services that the Company can provide." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client may withdraw the bonus amount once the client has exceeded an account turnover of 25 times the bonus amount value." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client passes away, becomes incapacitated, becomes of unsound mind, is unable to pay debts as they fall due, or goes bankrupt or becomes insolvent, as defined under any bankruptcy or insolvency law applicable to the client if the client is an individual." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client promises the following:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client shall accept the risk of using any additional functions provided by the Expert Advisor on the MT5 trading platform. The Company has no responsibility for the outcome of such trading and reserves the right to accept or reject the use of such functions with absolute discretion." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client should not sign up to receive the Margin trading services described in this agreement without understanding their nature and the associated risks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client should not sign up to receive the trading services described in this agreement unless they understand the nature of these services and the associated risks." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client should not trade or invest in binary options unless the client knows and understands the products' risks involved and that the client may lose all the money invested." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client should note that the Company's duty to provide the client with best execution does not apply to any gambling products that the client places with the Company when there is no underlying financial market." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client should note that the Company's website generates log files that record the IP addresses of accesses to the client's account, login attempts, and device information such as the manufacturer, model, operating system, and browser. This information is gathered for the sole purpose of providing assistance with investigating a client's account in the unlikely event that the account is accessed by unauthorised users. Information supplied by some cookies also helps the Company understand how visitors use the website, so that the Company can improve how it presents its content." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client understands that products based on a random number generator (the \"Volatility Indices\") are gaming products whereas products based on financial market indices (forex, indices, and commodities) are financial instruments." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client using e-payments and bank wire transfers may make a deposit to the Agent. The Agent, receiving the deposit, shall thereinafter make a deposit to the Agent's %1 account (hereinafter referred to as the \"%1 Agent Account\")." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's Account Balance includes Margin Requirement. The amount of the client's Account Balance in excess of Margin Requirement is available for withdrawal. The amount set aside for Margin Requirement is not available for the client's withdrawal." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's Account Balance represents" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's Account Equity minus their Total Margin" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's Account Equity refers to the sum of their Account Balance and the net of unrealised profit and loss." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's MT5 Real Account password and login ID are unique, and passwords are hashed so that not even %1 staff can read them. This is the reason why the Company cannot retrieve the client's password and has to send a link for setting a new password to the client's email if they cannot recall their password." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's MT5 Real Account shall be funded by transferring funds from their %1 account, subject to the availability and sufficiency of funds in their %1 account and any daily transfer limits. No fund transfers shall be made to any other account in the name of any third party." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's MT5 Real Account, as well as all payments and withdrawals therefrom, must be made in the same currency as maintained in the client's %1 account; otherwise, a currency conversion fee shall be applied." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's Real Money Account opened with %1, which the client uses to trade binary options with %1 trading platform and Binary Webtrader" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's Real Money Account opened with the %1 MT5 trading platform and licensed by MetaQuotes Software Corporation" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's debts are not settled as, and when, they fall due." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's forex and contract-for-difference transactions with %1 are linked to an underlying financial instrument, and the client will be exposed to price, currency exchange, interest rate, or other volatility of the market to which the client's financial instrument is related to, especially if the market is of a jurisdiction that is foreign to the client. Forex and contract-for-difference trading over the Internet via an electronic trading platform is subject to data latency risk, which may result in delays in order execution." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's password and login ID are unique, and passwords are hashed so that not even %1 staff can read them. This is the reason why the Company cannot retrieve the client's password and has to issue the client with a new one, sent to the client's email address, if the client cannot recall it." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's personal information is used primarily as a way of validating the client as the legitimate account owner and proper recipient of withdrawal payments. The Company also uses this information to process the client's trades. The Company collects from the client all personal and financial data directly relating to the client when the client fills in the Company's account opening form. In all instances, the client has either a legal or a contractual obligation to provide the Company with the information. If such information is not provided, the Company will be unable to provide the client with its services." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's trades will be carried out on an execution-only basis through our online platform." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The client's use of the MT5 trading platform, whether accessed through or downloaded from the Company website or a third-party website, is governed by the terms of use provided by the MT5 trading platform licensor to the client. In the event of any conflict between the content of this agreement and the agreement between the client and the MT5 trading platform licensor, the terms of this agreement shall prevail. It is the client's responsibility to ensure that the information technology that they use is compatible with the required information technology to support the MT5 trading platform." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The commission you will charge Clients on deposits and withdrawals" -msgstr "Die Provision, die Sie Kunden für Einzahlungen und Abhebungen berechnen werden" - -msgid "The commissions to be charged on deposits and withdrawals" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The company holds customer funds in separate bank accounts to the operational accounts which would not, in the event of insolvency, form part of the Company's assets. This meets the Gambling Commission's requirements for the segregation of customer funds at the level: medium protection." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen unterhält Kundengelder auf von den betrieblichen Konten getrennten Bankkonten, die im Fall einer Insolvenz keinen Anteil am Firmenvermögen darstellen. Dies entspricht nach den Vorschriften der Glücksspielbehörden zur Abtrennung von Kundenvermögen dem Grad: Mittlerer Schutz." - -msgid "The company reserves the right to charge a dormant fee of up to USD/EUR/AUD/GBP 25 or equivalent of USD25 in any other currency as calculated in accordance with the current exchange rate published by www.xe.com, or any other recognised data provider, as on the date of charging of the fee, every 6 months for every client account that has had no transaction recorded for over 12 months." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The company reserves the right to charge a dormant fee of up to USD/EUR/GBP 25 every six months for every client's account that has had no transaction recorded for over 12 months. Clients will be notified before the fee is deducted from the account. Clients need to contact our helpdesk to recover funds from inactive, closed, blocked, or excluded accounts." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The content on this website is subject to change at any time without notice and is provided for the sole purpose of assisting traders in making independent investment decisions. %1 has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on the website." -msgstr "Die Inhalte auf dieser Website können jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung Änderungen unterliegen und dienen dem alleinigen Zweck unabhängige Investitionsentscheidungen der Händler zu unterstützen. %1 hat zumutbare Maßnahmen unternommen, um die Richtigkeit der Informationen auf der Website zu versichern." - -msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The contract period is the timeframe of a trade. It is also called the duration." -msgstr "Die Kontraktperiode ist der Zeitrahmen eines Geschäfts. Sie wird auch Laufzeit genannt." - -msgid "The cost of living in Malta is relatively affordable; food and public transportation are much cheaper than what you'll find in a major European city. Malta offers free healthcare but queues at public healthcare facilities are less than ideal. Fortunately, health insurance is easily affordable and provides you with access to private clinics and hospitals." -msgstr "Die Lebenshaltungskosten in Malta sind relativ erschwinglich; Essen und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel sind viel billiger als Sie sie in einer europäischen Großstadt finden könnten. Malta bietet kostenlose medizinische Versorgung, aber Schlangen an den Einrichtungen des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens sind weniger als ideal. Glücklicherweise sind Krankenversicherungen leicht erschwinglich und bieten Ihnen Zugriff auf private Kliniken und Krankenhäuser." - -msgid "The cut-off time for performing Roll-overs and any long or short position swap charges" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The default DNS services provided by your ISP can be slow and insecure. %1 recommends using Cloudflare's %2 DNS service that gives you a faster and more private way to browse the Internet." -msgstr "Standard-DNS-Dienste, die von Ihrem ISP angeboten werden, können langsam und unsicher sein. %1 empfiehlt die Verwendung von Cloudflares %2 DNS-Dienst, der Ihnen einen schnelleren und privateren Weg zum Surfen im Internet bietet." - -msgid "The default Stop Out Level applicable to the client's account is published on the Company website. However, the default Stop Out Level is subject to alteration at the Company's absolute discretion. Any changes to the Stop Out Level will take effect immediately. The Company will endeavour to notify the client of an alteration to the default Stop Out Level by publishing the revised default Stop Out Level on the Company website. It is the client's responsibility to check the Company website regularly and remain informed about the default Stop Out Level." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The duration is the length of a purchased trade (see 'contract period')." -msgstr "Die Laufzeit ist die Länge eines gekauften Kontrakts (siehe \"Kontraktperiode\")." - -msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password, please try our password recovery tool or contact our customer service." -msgstr "Die angegebene E-Mail Adresse, ist bereits in Verwendung. Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, versuchen Sie bitte unser Passwort-Wiederfindung Tool, oder kontaktieren Sie die Kundenbetreuung." - -msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." -msgstr "Der Startkurs ist der erste Tick nachdem der Kontrakt von unseren Servern bearbeitet wird." - -msgid "The entry spot price is the starting price of the trade purchased by a trader." -msgstr "Der Einstiegskurs ist der Startpreis eines von einem Händler gekauften Kontrakts." - -msgid "The execution venues are assessed, on a regular basis, as to whether they provide for the best possible result for the clients." -msgstr "Die Ausführungsplätze werden regelmäßig beurteilt, ob sie das bestmögliche Ergebnis für die Kunden erbringen." - -msgid "The execution, delivery, and performance of this agreement and each transaction will not violate any law, ordinance, charter, by-law, or rule applicable to the client or the jurisdiction in which the client is resident." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The expiry price is the price of the underlying when the contract expires." -msgstr "Der Schlusskurs ist der Kurs des Basiswertes zum Ablauf des Kontrakts." - -msgid "The factors listed above are not listed in order of priority. Ordinarily, price will merit a high relative importance in obtaining the best possible result for the client. However, the relative importance of the listed factors above may change in accordance with" -msgstr "Die oben angeführten Faktoren sind nicht nach ihrer Priorität gelistet. In der Regel wird der Kurs, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis für den Kunden zu erreichen, eine relativ hohe Wichtigkeit verdienen. Jedoch kann sich die relative Wichtigkeit der oben gelisteten Faktoren in Übereinstimmung mit Folgendem ändern" - -msgid "The financial trading services contained within this site are only suitable for clients who are able to bear the loss of all the money they invest and who understand and have experience of the risks involved in the acquisition of financial contracts." -msgstr "Die Finanzhandelsdienstleistungen auf dieser Site eignen sich nur für Kunden, die den Verlust des gesamten, investierten Geldes verkraften können, und die die Risiken verstehen, die mit dem Erwerb von Finanzverträgen im Zusammenhang stehen, und damit Erfahrung haben." - -msgid "The financial trading services contained within this site are only suitable for customers who accept the possibility of losing all the money they invest and who understand and have experience of the risk involved in the acquisition of financial contracts. Transactions in financial contracts carry a high degree of risk. If purchased contracts expire worthless, you will suffer a total loss of your investment, which consists of the contract premium." -msgstr "Die Finanzhandelsdienste auf dieser Site eignen sich nur für Kunden, die die Möglichkeit eines Totalverlusts akzeptieren und die die Risiken, die mit dem Erwerb von Finanzverträgen im Zusammenhang stehen, verstehen und damit Erfahrung haben. Transaktionen mit Finanzkontrakten tragen ein hohes Risiko. Wenn erworbene Kontrakte wertlos auslaufen, geht Ihre gesamte Investition, die aus der Kontraktprämie besteht, verloren." - -msgid "The first step is to set the parameters of your trade. There are five trade parameters you need to adjust in order to receive a price for the contract:" -msgstr "Der erste Schritt ist es, die Parameter Ihres Handels festzulegen. Es gibt fünf Handels-Parameter, die Sie anpassen müssen, um einen Preis für den Kontrakt zu erhalten:" - -msgid "The following are causes for termination:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The following are conditions of using the website:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The following terms shall have the meaning set out below and cognate terms shall be construed accordingly:" -msgstr "Die folgenden Bedingungen sollen die unten angeführte Bedeutung haben, und verwandte Begriffe sind entsprechend auszulegen:" - -msgid "The foreign exchange market (Forex) is the world's most liquid and most traded market, where trades worth trillions are completed each day." -msgstr "Der Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) ist der weltweit liquideste und am meisten gehandelte Markt, wo jeden Tag Geschäfte im Wert von Billionen abgeschlossen werden." - -msgid "The full version of BIEL's best execution policy is available on request." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The great outdoors" -msgstr "Im Freien" - -msgid "The high-risk and speculative nature of forex and CFDs" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The information outlined in Paragraph 1 of this section shall be submitted to %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The information provided during the sign-up process warranted by the Affiliate to be true and correct is determined by the Company to be false or incorrect during the term of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The instruments available on the electronic trading platform (including their availability for trading)" -msgstr "Die Instrumente, die auf der elektronischen Handelsplattform vorhanden sind (einschließlich ihrer Verfügbarkeit zum Handel)" - -msgid "The interest adjustment is calculated in 'points' – meaning we will convert the relevant interbank lending rates to 'points' in the base currency." -msgstr "Die Zinsanpassung ist in 'Punkten' berechnet, was bedeutet, dass wir die relevanten Interbank Kreditzinsen in 'Punkte' der Basiswährung umwandeln werden." - -msgid "The interest adjustment is calculated in annual base for long and short positions according to the formula: (volume in lot *specified swap size/100)/360." -msgstr "Die Zinsanpassung wird auf jährlicher Basis für long und short Positionen nach folgender Formel berechnet: (Volumen in Lot * Swapgröße/100)/360." - -msgid "The interest adjustment is calculated in points, meaning we will convert the relevant interbank lending rates to points in the base currency." -msgstr "Die Zinsanpassung ist in Punkten berechnet, was bedeutet, dass wir die relevanten Interbank Kreditzinsen in Punkte der Basiswährung umwandeln werden." - -msgid "The level of protection offered and due to each client depends on the category to which each client is assigned. Retail clients benefit from the highest degree of protection. The Company will assess the client's knowledge and experience versus the appropriateness of the requested service/investment product." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The leverage ratio refers to the number of times that the client's margin (the amount set aside from the client's account balance to open and maintain a transaction) can be \"leveraged\" to enter into a transaction. The denominator of the leverage ratio is always one. A 50:1 leverage is equivalent to a 2% margin requirement (1 divided by 50 = 2%). The leverage ratio that the Company/the client establishes will determine the amount of margin required. As leverage is inversely proportional to margin, as the leverage that the client sets for the client's account gets lower, the margin required to be set aside from the client's account balance (the client's margin requirement) gets higher." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The market conditions of the financial instruments that client orders are related to, which includes the need for timely execution, availability of price improvement, liquidity of the market, size of client order, and the potential impact on total consideration" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The market exit price is the price in effect at the end of the contract period." -msgstr "Der Schlusskurs ist der Kurs, der zum Ablauf der Kontraktlaufzeit gilt." - -msgid "The materials comprising the %1 website (including without limitation all articles, text, images, logos, compilation, systems, code, and design) are under Copyright 1999-%2 Binary Group companies with all rights reserved." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The maximum loss that may be incurred by any client is the amount of money paid by the client to the Company." -msgstr "Der maximale Verlust, den ein Kunde erleiden kann, ist der Geldbetrag, der von ihm an das Unternehmen gezahlt wurde." - -msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." -msgstr "Die Höchstzahl an Token (%1) wurde erreicht." - -msgid "The minimum required amount for using the account transfer facility is %1." -msgstr "Der erforderliche Minimalbetrag, um die Konto-Überweisungs-Funktion zu verwenden, ist %1." - -msgid "The minimum ticket size refers to the minimum volume or number of lots." -msgstr "Die minimale Ticket-Größe bezieht sich auf das minimale Volumen oder die Anzahl der Lots." - -msgid "The minimum, incremental, and maximum Order amount" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The money collected from clients is not invested in any securities, futures, or other investments on behalf of clients." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The movement of the underlying asset determines your profit or loss – depending on the position that you have taken." -msgstr "Die Bewegung eines Basiswertes bestimmt Ihren Gewinn oder Verlust – abhängig von der Position, die Sie eingenommen haben." - -msgid "The next-gen online trading experience" -msgstr "Das Online-Trading Erlebnis der nächsten Generation" - -msgid "The obligations under this clause shall survive after the termination of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The opposite is true if you decide to sell or 'go short' on the US 100 index. This means that your profit will continue to increase as long as the price of the US 100 index keeps falling. However, if the price rises, the losses you incur will also increase." -msgstr "Das Gegenteil ist der Fall, wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden zu verkaufen oder \"kurz\" auf den US 100 Index zu gehen. D. h., dass Ihr Gewinn solange weiter steigen wird, wie der Kurs für den US 100 Index fällt. Allerdings, wenn der Kurs steigt, werden sich die Verluste, die Ihnen entstehen, auch erhöhen." - -msgid "The organisational and administrative arrangements established by the Company to prevent or manage a conflict are not sufficient to ensure, with reasonable confidence, that the risk of damage to the interest of the client will be prevented. However, the Company aims to disclose the general nature or sources of conflicts of interest." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." -msgstr "Die von Ihnen gewünschte Seite konnte nicht gefunden werden. Sie ist entweder nicht mehr vorhanden oder die Adresse ist falsch. Bitte achten Sie auch Schreibfehler." - -msgid "The parties agree that nothing in this Agreement creates a relationship between them of employer/employee or principal/agent, a joint venture, or a partnership. Each party shall perform this Agreement as an independent contractor and shall solely be responsible for its own action or inaction." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The parties agree that the relationship between Binary and the Introducing Broker is not an exclusive relationship and both the Introducing Broker and Binary may enter into similar relationships with other parties." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The party that, due to force majeure events, is not able to meet their obligations under this Agreement, shall inform the other party in writing within six (6) days after the occurrence of such an event." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The password you entered is one of the world's most commonly used passwords. You should not be using this password." -msgstr "Das eingegebene Passwort ist eines der weltweit am häufigsten verwendeten Passwörter. Sie sollten dieses Passwort nicht verwenden." - -msgid "The patent means Regent Markets is the recognised pioneer of binary trading. The patent helps protect our innovations." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The payout is the amount paid to an options trader if their prediction is correct." -msgstr "Die Auszahlung ist der Betrag, der an einen Optionshändler gezahlt wird, wenn seine Voraussage korrekt ist." - -msgid "The premier platform for trading binary options in the world's financial markets" -msgstr "Die führende Plattform für den Handel mit Binären Optionen in den weltweiten Finanzmärkten" - -msgid "The price at which the client's order will be executed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The price of the client's chosen investment appears on the platform/on the client's screen." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The price of the contract is automatically calculated by our patented pricing technology based on the parameters you've defined in Step 1. Our prices are benchmarked against the interbank options market, so you always get the most competitive prices. This means that you'll always receive fair and transparent pricing, whatever your position." -msgstr "Der Preis des Kontrakts wird automatisch durch unsere patentierte Preisgestaltungs-Technologie, basierend auf den Parametern, die Sie in Schritt 1 definiert haben, berechnet. Unsere Kurse sind gegen den Interbank Optionsmarkt bewertet, so dass Sie immer die günstigsten Kurse erhalten. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie immer faire und transparente Kurse erhalten, wie auch immer Ihre Position ist." - -msgid "The price of the currency pair indicates how much of the quote currency is required to buy one unit of base currency. This is more commonly known as the exchange rate." -msgstr "Der Kurs des Währungspaares gibt an, wieviel von der Notierungswährung erforderlich ist, um eine Einheit der Basiswährung zu kaufen. Dies wird häufiger als Wechselkurs bezeichnet." - -msgid "The products offered via this website include binary options, contracts for difference (\"CFDs\") and other complex derivatives. Trading binary options may not be suitable for everyone. Trading CFDs carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, the products offered on this website may not be suitable for all investors because of the risk of losing all of your invested capital. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose, and never trade with borrowed money. Before trading in the complex products offered, please be sure to understand the risks involved and learn about %1Responsible Trading%2." -msgstr "Die auf dieser Website angebotenen Produkte beinhalten binäre Optionen, Differenzkontrakte (''CFDs'') und andere komplexe Derivate. Der Handel mit binären Optionen ist nicht für jedermann geeignet. CFDs bergen ein hohes Risiko, da die Hebelwirkung sowohl zu Ihrem Vorteil als auch zu Ihrem Nachteil wirken kann. Investoren können demzufolge das gesamte investierte Kapital verlieren. Daher sind die auf dieser Website angebotenen Produkte nicht für jedermann geeignet. Sie sollten niemals Geld investieren, das Sie sich nicht leisten können zu verlieren, und niemals mit geliehenem Geld handeln. Bevor Sie in den Handel einsteigen, informieren Sie sich bitte über die Risiken und den %1verantwortungsbewussten Handel%2." - -msgid "The profit is the difference between the purchase price (the stake) and the payout on a winning trade." -msgstr "Der Gewinn ist die Differenz zwischen dem Kaufpreis (dem Einsatz) und der Auszahlung eines erfolgreichen Kontrakts." - -msgid "The provision of the Margin trading services described in this agreement utilises a third-party system, acquired via a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and terminable licence from the third-party system provider/licensor (the \"MT5 trading platform\"). The client acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to change the third-party system provider/licensor during the course of providing the Margin trading services described in this agreement to the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The provision of the trading services described in this agreement utilises a third-party system acquired via a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, terminable licence from the third-party system provider/licensor (the \"MT5 trading platform\"). The client acknowledges that, when providing trading services described in this agreement to the client, BIEL may decide to change its third–party system provider/licensor and use a trading platform other than the MT5 trading platform. Hence, in such cases, BIEL may decide to use an entirely new third–party system provider/licensor (hereinafter referred to as the \"new trading platform\") or to introduce an additional third–party system provider/licensor (hereinafter referred to as the \"additional trading platform\")." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The provisions of this agreement or any orders and any applicable laws will not be breached or violated." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The requested transfer would reduce the client's Account Balance to less than the Margin required for the client's Open Positions." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The required minimum deposit has been made by the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The resale price indicates a contract's current market price. Resale prices are on a best-efforts basis and may not be available at all times after purchase. See 'Sell option' for more details on selling contracts before expiry." -msgstr "Der Wiederverkaufspreis gibt den aktuellen Marktpreis eines Kontrakts an. Wiederverkaufspreise beruhen auf bestem Wissen und können nach einem Kauf nicht jederzeit erzielt werden. Weitere Informationen über den Verkauf von Kontrakten vor Ablauf, finden Sie im Abschnitt „Option verkaufen\"." - -msgid "The reset time is %1" -msgstr "Die Nachstellzeit ist %1" - -msgid "The return is the money realized when the contract expires (see 'Payout')." -msgstr "Die Rendite ist der Betrag, der zum Kontraktablauf realisiert wird (siehe 'Auszahlung')." - -msgid "The right is also reserved to amend or change the rules and scope of this service from time to time. Any change to the rules made whilst the site is in operation will not apply retrospectively and will only apply to acquisitions of financial contracts made after such a change. It is the Company's responsibility to notify clients before any changes to its terms come into effect." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The right to be informed of the use of their personal data. This privacy policy is dedicated for this purpose." -msgstr "Das Recht, über die Nutzung ihrer personenbezogenen Daten informiert zu werden. Diese Datenschutzrichtlinie ist diesem Zweck gewidmet." - -msgid "The right to erase or delete their personal information subject to the data retention practice of the Binary Group." -msgstr "Das Recht deren persönliche Daten zu löschen, unterliegt der Daten-Speicherung-Praxis der Binary-Gruppe." - -msgid "The right to rectify their personal data should the Company hold any information about the applicant that is incomplete or inaccurate." -msgstr "Das Recht, deren persönliche Daten zu berichtigen, sollte das Unternehmen Informationen über den Bewerber halten, die unvollständig oder ungenau sind." - -msgid "The right to request access to their data from the Company." -msgstr "Das Recht, Zugriff auf deren Daten vom Unternehmen zu verlangen." - -msgid "The same concept applies to our cryptocurrency pairs." -msgstr "Das gleiche Konzept gilt für unsere Kryptowährungspaare." - -msgid "The section headings are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning, construction, scope, and intent of any of the provisions of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" -msgstr "Der Server Endpunkt ist: %2" - -msgid "The services offered by the Introducing Broker to the clients are offered because the Introducing Broker is approved and qualified to offer such services. Additionally, such services are offered by the Introducing Broker fairly, honestly, and in good faith and in accordance with all business-ethics rules." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The size of your instrument portfolio exceeds EUR 500,000 or its equivalent" -msgstr "Die Größe Ihres Instrumenten-Portfolios übersteigt 500.000 EUR oder dessen Gegenwert" - -msgid "The specific instructions that the Company receives from the client" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The spread is the difference between the ask and bid price." -msgstr "Der Spread ist die Differenz zwischen dem Brief- und Geldkurs." - -msgid "The spread is the difference between the buy price and sell price. A fixed spread means that the spread will remain as it is no matter the market condition except in rare cases of extreme market volatility. A variable spread means that the spread is constantly changing, depending on the market condition." -msgstr "Der Spread ist die Differenz zwischen dem Kaufpreis und Verkaufspreis. Ein festgelegter Spread bedeutet, dass der Spread, unabhängig vom Marktzustand, unverändert bleiben wird, außer in seltenen Fällen von extremer Marktvolatilität. Ein variabler Spread bedeutet, dass sich der Spread, abhängig von der Marktlage, ständig verändert." - -msgid "The spread – why it matters" -msgstr "Der Spread – Warum er wichtig ist" - -msgid "The stake is the amount that a trader must pay to enter into a trade." -msgstr "Der Einsatz ist der Betrag, den ein Händler zahlen muss, um einen Kontrakt abzuschließen." - -msgid "The sum received in the %1 Agent Account shall be subsequently transferred by the Agent to the respective client's %1 account (hereinafter referred to as the \"%1 Client Account\")." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The system fills orders on a first-in, first-out basis, i.e. based on the sequence of the order received, and this is beyond the Company's control. As a result, the client may find it difficult or impossible to close a position at the intended price stipulated in the client's stop order during certain market conditions. The placement of stop order by the client, though useful as a risk management tool, will not necessarily limit the client's losses to the client's intended amounts in the event of highly volatile trading conditions, since market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders, and there is uncertainty about the client's possible exit price. In short, a stop order is not guaranteed because it cannot operate in all market circumstances." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The terms 'the Company' and '%1' shall denote" -msgstr "Die Begriffe 'das Unternehmen' und '%1' sollen anzeigen, dass" - -msgid "The time at which the client's order will be executed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The timeframe or duration of the contract as defined by the client's order execution" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The trading services described in this agreement are OTC. This means that one or more of the Underlying Instruments in which the client transacts with BIEL, though quoted on an exchange, are not traded on an exchange when transacted through the electronic trading platform as described in this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "The transactions performed on this site and the relationship between clients and the Company are to be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the country of incorporation of the Company (the \"Jurisdiction\"). The client agrees that the Jurisdiction's courts will have sole jurisdiction to settle any disputes that may arise in relation thereto. For such purposes, the client irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Jurisdiction in relation to any such dispute and agrees that any claim the client might have against the Company shall only be brought before the courts of the Jurisdiction. For further information on complaints and disputes, kindly refer to the Company's %1Complaints and disputes%2 section." -msgstr "Die auf dieser Site ausgeführten Transaktionen und die Beziehung zwischen Kunden und dem Unternehmen unterliegen und werden nach den Gesetzen des Landes ausgelegt, in dem das Unternehmen gegründet wurde (Rechtsprechung). Sie sind damit einverstanden, dass die Gerichte dieses Landes die alleinige Rechtsprechung bezüglich solcher Streitfälle hat und, dass jeglicher Anspruch, den Sie gegenüber dem Unternehmen haben könnten, nur vor diesen Gerichten verhandelt wird. Für weitere Informationen verweisen wir auf den Abschnitt über %1Beschwerden und Streitfälle%2 des Unternehmens." - -msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." -msgstr "Die beiden Passwörter, die Sie eingegeben haben, stimmen nicht überein." - -msgid "The types of partnerships we offer" -msgstr "Wir bieten folgende Partnerprogramme" - -msgid "The use of the %1 API is at the Programmer's own risk, and the Programmer assumes full responsibility and risk of the loss it may suffer as a result of using, or accessing, the %1 API. Except to the extent that liability under any applicable law or regulation cannot be excluded, the following cases hold:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The use, operation, or combination of the %1 API with non-%1 API(s), data, equipment, or documentation if liability would have been avoided but for such use, operation, or combination" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The venue at which the client's order will be executed" -msgstr "" - -msgid "The volatility indices simulate various real market situations and provide an ideal platform for getting used to trading and testing strategies under various market conditions. These indices depend on volatility and drift, and help users to try out scenarios like - high volatility, low volatility, bullish and bearish trends." -msgstr "Die Volatilität Indizes simulieren verschiedene echte Marktsituationen und bieten eine ideale Plattform, um sich mit dem Handel vertraut zu machen, und um Strategien unter unterschiedlichen Marktbedingungen zu testen. Diese Indizes hängen von der Volatiliät und Tendenz ab und helfen den Benutzern dabei, Szenarien wie hohe Volatilität, geringe Volatilität, steigende oder fallende Trends auszuprobieren." - -msgid "The willingness to learn new skills" -msgstr "Die Bereitschaft dazu, neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen" - -msgid "The work that you do is complex, challenging, and essential to our future." -msgstr "Die Arbeit die Sie leisten ist komplex, herausfordernd, und wesentlich für unsere Zukunft." - -msgid "Then, make your trade" -msgstr "Dann führen Sie Ihr Geschäft durch" - -msgid "There are four types of Smart FX indices that you can trade:" -msgstr "Es gibt vier Arten von Smart FX Indizes, die Sie handeln können:" - -msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" -msgstr "" - -msgid "There are no charges for transferring money from the client's %1 account to their MT5 Real Account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "There are no guaranteed profits in investment trading." -msgstr "Es gibt keine garantierten Gewinne im Handel mit Anlagen." - -msgid "There are no restrictions to the use of Expert Advisors on the MT5 trading platform apart from unethical trading." -msgstr "" - -msgid "There are risks associated with utilising an Internet-based deal execution trading system, including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and Internet connection. Since %1 does not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, the configuration of the client's equipment, or the reliability of its connection, the Company cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions, or delays during online trading." -msgstr "" - -msgid "There are two types of In/Out trades:" -msgstr "Es gibt zwei Arten von Innerhalb/Außerhalb-Trades:" - -msgid "There are two types of Up/Down trades:" -msgstr "Es gibt zwei Arten von Auf/Ab-Trades:" - -msgid "There are two types of reset trades:" -msgstr "Es gibt zwei Arten von Reset-Trades:" - -msgid "There is an amount outstanding from the client to BIEL." -msgstr "" - -msgid "There is an amount outstanding from the client to the Company." -msgstr "" - -msgid "There may be times when transfers are not available because the market is closed (weekends or holidays), there is high volatility in the market or because of technical issues." -msgstr "" - -msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." -msgstr "Während des Kaufs ist ein Problem beim Zugriff auf den Server aufgetreten." - -msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." -msgstr "Es gab ein Problem beim Zugriff auf den Server." - -msgid "There was a problem validating your personal details. Please update your %1 %2here%3." -msgstr "Bei der Bestätigung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte aktualisieren Sie diese Felder %1 %2hier%3." - -msgid "There was an error" -msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten" - -msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." -msgstr "Es ist ein ungültiges Zeichen in einem Eingabefeld vorhanden." - -msgid "There will be no charges for fund transfers from the client's %1 account to their MT5 Real Account in the same currency. Should the client's %1 account and MT5 Real Account be in different currencies, the Company reserves the right to charge a currency conversion fee." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Therefore your current immediate maximum withdrawal (subject to your account having sufficient funds) is %1 %2 (or equivalent in other currency)." -msgstr "Daher ist Ihr aktuelles sofortiges Maximum für eine Abhebung (sofern Ihr Konto über ausreichend Guthaben verfügt) EUR %1 %2 (oder Gegenwert in einer anderen Währung)." - -msgid "Therefore your current immediate maximum withdrawal (subject to your account having sufficient funds) is %1 %2." -msgstr "Daher beträgt Ihre derzeitige maximale Sofortabhebung (vorausgesetzt Ihr Konto hat ein ausreichendes Guthaben) %1 %2." - -msgid "These ST&Cs are to be governed by and construed in accordance with Maltese law and the parties hereto agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Maltese courts." -msgstr "Diese ST&Cs unterliegen den Maltesischen Gesetzen und müssen nach diesen ausgelegt werden und die Parteien vereinbaren, sich der nicht ausschließlichen Rechtsprechung des Maltesischen Gerichts zu unterwerfen." - -msgid "These ST&Cs are to be governed by and construed in accordance with Maltese law, and the parties hereto agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Maltese courts." -msgstr "" - -msgid "These ST&Cs begin to apply on the date BIEL opens the client's account, and, for any new versions after that, on the date BIEL notifies the client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "These ST&Cs form part of, and need to be read together with, the general terms and conditions relating to the use of %1." -msgstr "" - -msgid "These are trades where the trader predicts if a market will finish higher or lower than a specified price target." -msgstr "Dies sind Kontrakte, bei denen der Händler voraussagt, ob ein Kurs höher oder niedriger als ein festgelegtes Kursziel schließt." - -msgid "These are trades where the trader predicts if a market will rise or fall at the end of a selected time period." -msgstr "Dies sind Kontrakte, bei denen der Händler voraussagt, ob zum Ablauf eines ausgewählten Zeitraums der Kurs gestiegen oder gefallen ist." - -msgid "These are trades where the trader selects a low and high barrier, and predicts if the market will stay within these barriers or go outside them (see also 'Stays Between/Goes Outside trades')." -msgstr "Es sind Kontrakte vorhanden, bei denen sich der Händler für eine untere und obere Schwelle entscheidet und voraussagt, ob der Kurs innerhalb dieser Schwellen verbleibt oder über sie hinaus schließt (siehe auch 'Bleibt zwischen/Geht außerhalb Kontrakte')." - -msgid "These are trades where the trader selects a price target, and predicts that the market will never touch the target before the expiry of the trade." -msgstr "Dies sind Kontrakte, bei denen der Händler ein Kursziel festlegt und voraussagt, dass der Kurs vor Ablauf des Kontrakts dieses Ziel nicht erreichen wird." - -msgid "These are trades where the trader selects a price target, and predicts that the market will touch the target before the expiry of the trade." -msgstr "Dies sind Kontrakte, bei denen der Händler ein Kursziel wählt und voraussagt, dass der Markt vor Ablauf des Kontrakts das Ziel erreichen wird." - -msgid "These documents provide you with key information about our investment products. This information is required by law to help you understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of these products and to help you compare them with other products." -msgstr "Diese Dokumente bieten Ihnen wichtige Informationen über unsere Anlageprodukte. Diese Informationen sind vom Gesetz verlangt, um Ihnen zu helfen, die Natur, Risiken, Kosten, möglichen Gewinne und Verluste dieser Produkte zu verstehen, und um Ihnen zu helfen, sie mit anderen Produkten zu vergleichen." - -msgid "These materials may not be copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind without prior written permission from a Binary Group company." -msgstr "Diese Materialien dürfen nicht zu gewerblichen Zwecken oder zum Schadenersatz jeglicher Art, ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von einer Binary Konzerngesellschaft, kopiert oder umverteilt werden." - -msgid "These supplementary terms and conditions (these \"ST&Cs\") apply solely to the client of Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd (\"BIEL\") and will govern the relationship between clients and BIEL when trading Financial Products (as defined in the Key information documents %1here%2) with BIEL." -msgstr "" - -msgid "These supplementary terms and conditions (these \"ST&Cs\") apply solely to the clients of Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd (\"BIEL\") and will govern the relationship between the client and BIEL when trading Financial Products (as defined below) with BIEL." -msgstr "" - -msgid "These terms and conditions are provided in several different languages for clients' convenience; however, these translations do reflect the same principles. The Company attempts, as much as possible, to provide a faithful translation in English of the official language of several countries. In the event of any differences between the English version of the website and any other language, the English version shall prevail." -msgstr "Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen werden zum besseren Verständnis in mehreren Sprachen bereitgestellt. Diese Übersetzungen spiegeln die selben Grundsätze wider und wir versuchen so weit wie möglich, eine sinngetreue Übersetzung des englischen Texts in die jeweilige Sprache zu erreichen. Für den Fall von Unterschieden zwischen der englischen Version der Website und einer anderen Sprache, gilt jedoch die englische Version." - -msgid "These terms and conditions may be supplemented from time to time by supplementary terms and conditions applicable to a particular Company or products." -msgstr "Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen können jeder Zeit durch Zusätzliche Bedingungen, die für ein einzelnes Unternehmen oder einzelne Produkte gelten, ergänzt werden." - -msgid "They also generate monthly management accounts, annual audited accounts, and reconcile all transactions. As our Accounts & Payments Executive, you will be able to contribute to all these key areas and increase the efficiency of our financial operations." -msgstr "Sie generieren auch monatliche Managementkonten, jährliche, überprüfte Konten, und gleichen alle Transaktionen aus. Als unser Konten & Zahlungsvorstand werden Sie dazu im Stande sein, zu all diesen Schlüsselbereichen beizutragen und die Effizienz unserer finanziellen Operationen zu steigern." - -msgid "They also manage our suppliers and contractors, as well as general administrative duties and procedures. As our Human Resource Operations Executive, you will be counted on to lead, execute, and support a wide range of HR-related and administrative tasks to ensure the smooth operations of our offices worldwide." -msgstr "Sie verwalten auch unsere Lieferanten und Auftragnehmer, sowie generelle und administrative Aufgaben und Verfahren. Als unser HR Geschäftsvorstand wird man sich auf Ihre Leitung, Ausführung und Unterstützung einer weiten Reihe an HR-bezogenen und administrativen Aufgaben verlassen, um den reibungslosen Ablauf unserer weltweiten Büros zu gewährleisten." - -msgid "They are not aware of anything that shall, or might reasonably be expected to, prevent, or obstruct them from performing all of their obligations under this Agreement, in the manner and at the times contemplated by this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "They have obtained all Authorisations and are not aware of anything that shall or might reasonably be expected to prevent them from entering and performing all of their obligations under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "They will comply with all laws when performing their obligations under this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "They will provide the Company with any information that %1 may reasonably require to fully satisfy the demands or the requirements of the applicable government authority, upon the Company's request." -msgstr "" - -msgid "They will take all reasonable steps to comply with any law, ordinance, charter, by-law, or rule applicable to the client or the jurisdiction in which the client is resident." -msgstr "" - -msgid "They will use the Margin trading services described in this agreement in good faith and will not use any software, algorithm, or any trading strategy to manipulate or take unfair advantage of the way that the Company's Bids and Asks are quoted. The client shall observe the standard of behaviour reasonably expected of persons in the client's position and not take any step which would cause %1 to fail to observe the standard of behaviour reasonably expected of persons in the Company's position." -msgstr "" - -msgid "They will, at all times, obtain, comply with, and do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect all authority, powers, consents, licences, and authorities referred to in this clause." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Think that a certain currency will go up or down? Learn when you should buy (or \"go long\") and when to sell (or \"go short\")." -msgstr "Glauben Sie, dass eine bestimmte Währung nach oben oder unten gehen wird? Lernen Sie wann Sie kaufen sollten (oder \"lang gehen\") und wann verkaufen (oder \"kurz gehen\")." - -msgid "This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties, and no earlier representation, arrangement or agreement written or oral relation to any matter dealt with in this Agreement between the Parties shall have any force or effect before the Commencement Date." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and no earlier representation or arrangement, written or oral, relating to any matter dealt with in this Agreement between the parties shall have any force or effect before the Effective Date." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all previous agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to its subject matter." -msgstr "Dieser Vertrag enthält hinsichtlich des Vertragsgegenstands die gesamte Vereinbarung zwischen den Parteien und ersetzt alle früheren Vereinbarungen und Übereinkünfte zwischen den Parteien, die bezüglich des Gegenstands der Vereinbarung getroffen wurden." - -msgid "This Agreement governs the Programmer's use of the Company's API unless the Programmer has executed another agreement with the Company that expressly governs the Programmer's use of the Company's API." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement has been duly executed and constitutes binding obligations on both parties, enforceable against it in accordance with its Terms." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement is between Binary (V) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') and Client who authorises a Multi-Account Manager (hereinafter referred to as 'Money Manager') to manage the Account on behalf of the Client, both of whom agree to bound by this Agreement as a supplement to the Client Agreement." -msgstr "Diese Vereinbarung ist zwischen Binary (V) Ltd (im Folgenden \"das Unternehmen\" genannt) und dem Kunden, der einen Multi-Account-Manager (nachfolgend als \"Vermögensverwalter\" bezeichnet) dazu ermächtigt, das Konto im Namen des Kunden zu verwalten; beide stimmen zu, der Vereinbarung, als Ergänzung zur Kundenvereinbarung, vertraglich verpflichtet zu sein." - -msgid "This Agreement is supplied to the Client in English. In the event that there is a difference between the English version and any translated versions of this document, the English version shall prevail." -msgstr "Diese Vereinbarung wird dem Kunden in englischer Sprache zur Verfügung gestellt. Für den Fall, dass es einen Unterschied zwischen der englischen Version und den übersetzten Versionen dieses Dokuments gibt, ist die englische Fassung maßgebend." - -msgid "This Agreement may be terminated forthwith by either party on written notice to the other party if the other party is in material breach of the terms of the Agreement and, in the event of a breach capable of being remedied, fails to remedy the breach within 15 days of receipt of notice in writing of such breach." -msgstr "Dieser Vertrag kann von jeder Vertragspartei durch schriftliche Mitteilung an die andere Partei gekündigt werden, wenn die andere Partei auf grobe Weise gegen die Vertragsbedingungen verstoßen hat und der Verstoß nicht innerhalb von 15 Tagen nach Aufforderung abgestellt wurde." - -msgid "This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions between %1 and the Introducing Broker in providing Introducing Broker services to the Company in accordance with the provisions and terms of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement shall be equally terminated in the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, or liquidation of either party. " -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement shall be terminated should the behaviour of the Introducing Broker constitute negligence, misconduct, or wilful default." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and will continue to be in full force and effect until this Agreement is terminated in accordance with the provisions and terms of this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement shall commence on the date that the Programmer first accepts this Agreement and shall continue unless and until terminated in accordance with the term and termination conditions set forth in this Agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the country in which the relevant subsidiary is located, and the parties shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the same courts." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This Policy applies to retail and professional clients of %1 dealing in financial products offered by %1." -msgstr "Diese Richtlinie gilt für Einzelhandels- und professionelle Kunden von %1, die Handel mit Finanzprodukten, die von %1 angeboten werden, betreiben." - -msgid "This account is disabled" -msgstr "Dieses Konto ist deaktiviert" - -msgid "This account is excluded until %1" -msgstr "Dieses Konto ist bis %1 ausgeschlossen" - -msgid "This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties, and no earlier representation, arrangement, or agreement, whether written or oral, relating to any matter dealt with in this agreement between the Parties, shall have any force or effect before the Commencement Date." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This agreement is between Binary (SVG) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as \"the Company\" or \"%1\") and Payment Agent (hereinafter referred to as \"the Agent\"), both of whom agree to be bound by this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This agreement is supplied to the Agent in English. In the event that there is a difference between the English version and any translated versions of this document, the English version shall prevail. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by an error, inaccuracy, or misspelling and, as a result, by misunderstanding or misinterpretation of any of the terms or conditions or clauses or provisions of any translated versions of this agreement." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This agreement is supplied to the client in English. In the event that there is a difference between the English version and any translated versions of this document, the English version shall prevail." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This agreement will commence on the date that the client receives their MT5 Real Account number and, for any new versions thereafter, on the date the new versions are published on the Company's website." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This agreement, as well as any and all obligations or rights deriving from this agreement, is binding and enforceable against the Agent." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This bonus is only available to new clients. Existing or former clients do not qualify. New clients are eligible for this type of bonus only once. This bonus is available only once per household." -msgstr "Dieser Bonus steht nur neuen Kunden zur Verfügung. Bereits vorhandene oder ehemalige Kunden sind nicht berechtigt. Neukunden sind zu dieser Art von Bonus nur einmal berechtigt. Dieser Bonus steht je Haushalt nur einmal zur Verfügung." - -msgid "This bonus will be processed and credited to a client's account when both of the following cases are true:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "This contract lost" -msgstr "Dieser Kontrakt verlor" - -msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" -msgstr "Dieser Kontrakttyp bietet nur 5 Ticks an" - -msgid "This contract won" -msgstr "Dieser Vertrag gewann" - -msgid "This document" -msgstr "" - -msgid "This document (the \"Agreement\") sets out the terms and conditions (\"Terms\") between Binary Services Ltd (“the Company”) and the person who registered for the %1 Application Programming Interface (“the Programmer”)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This document (the \"Agreement\") sets out the terms and conditions between \"the Company\", which is Binary Services Ltd, and the person who has applied for this programme (\"the Affiliate\"), in relation to the Affiliate's application to set up an affiliate account (and membership of the affiliate programme if the Affiliate's application is deemed successful)." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." -msgstr "Diese Funktion ist für virtuelle Geldkonten nicht relevant" - -msgid "This feature is only relevant to payment agent accounts." -msgstr "Diese Funktion ist nur für Geldkonten der Agenten relevant." - -msgid "This field is required." -msgstr "Dieses Feld ist erforderlich." - -msgid "This includes decisions on new markets to launch in, and the spreads and margins we might offer. You must also be able to analyse and interpret large volumes of data, and communicate your research and findings in a clear and concise manner - either in written reports or presentations." -msgstr "Hierunter fallen Entscheidungen über neue Märkte, in die wir einsteigen wollen, und die Spreads und Margen, die wir anbieten könnten. Sie müssen auch in der Lage sein, große Datenmengen zu analysieren und zu interpretieren, und Ihre Forschung und Erkenntnisse in einer klaren und präzisen Art und Weise zu vermitteln - entweder in schriftlichen Berichten oder als Präsentationen." - -msgid "This interest adjustment (or swap rate) is based on interbank lending rates, on top of a 2% fee." -msgstr "Diese Zinsanpassung (oder Swap-Satz) basiert auf Interbank Kreditzinsen, zusätzlich einer Gebühr von 2 %." - -msgid "This is a complete list of supported payment methods. We'll show you which payment methods are available in your location on the deposit page." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" -msgstr "Dies ist ein Staging-Server - Nur zu Testzwecken" - -msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." -msgstr "Dies ist ein Hinweis auf eine Schwelle. Die tatsächliche Schwelle wird der Kurs bei Kontraktbeginn zzgl. der Schwellenverschiebung sein." - -msgid "This is another award we really savour. Trade2win is a portal for active traders seeking to profit from stocks, futures, options and forex, and these traders award us silver (we are just pipped for gold by Betfair). It means active traders worldwide rate our trading platform extremely highly." -msgstr "Diese ist eine weitere Auszeichnung, über die wir uns wirklich freuen. Trade2win ist ein Portal für aktive Händler, die auf der Suche nach Profit aus Aktien, Termingeschäften, Optionen und Devisen sind und diese Börsianer haben uns Silber verliehen (wir haben Gold nur kurz vor Betfair verloren). Das bedeutet, dass aktive Händler aus aller Welt unsere Handelsplattform extrem gut bewerten." - -msgid "This is big. We pick up a double award from the Financial Times and Investors Chronicle, reflecting our success in improving the quality and usability of our website and products." -msgstr "Dies ist riesig. Wir haben eine doppelte Auszeichnung von der Financial Times and Investors Chronicle erhalten, die unseren Erfolg in der Verbesserung der Qualität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Website und unserer Produkte widerspiegelt." - -msgid "This is the current price at which an underlying can be bought or sold at a particular time." -msgstr "Dies ist der aktuelle Kurs, zu dem ein Basiswert zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gekauft oder verkauft werden kann." - -msgid "This is why we've come up with the following three-step tutorial to help you bridge that gap and make your first trade:" -msgstr "Deshalb haben wir das folgende drei-Schritt Tutorial entwickelt, um Ihnen zu helfen, diese Lücke zu überbrücken und Ihr erstes Geschäft zu machen:" - -msgid "This is your %1 account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This notice does not explain all of the risks involved in investments or similar products or how such risks relate to the client's personal circumstances. It is important that the client fully understands the risks involved before making a decision to enter into a trade with the Company%1. If the client is in any doubt about the risks involved, the client should seek professional advice%2." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This notice provides the client with information about the risks associated with the contracts the client may purchase through services provided by %1 services." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This obligation encompasses the prohibition of unlawful payments or the granting of any form of unlawful benefits to public officials, business partners, employees, family members, or any other partners." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer." -msgstr "Dieses Angebot kann nicht in Verbindung mit anderen Angeboten verwendet werden." - -msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." -msgstr "Diese Seite ist nur für abgemeldete Kunden verfügbar." - -msgid "This policy applies to clients classified as retail or professional. Clients classified as eligible counterparties are outside the scope of this policy." -msgstr "Diese Richtlinie bezieht sich auf Kunden, die als Kleinhandelskunden oder professionelle Kunden eingestuft sind. Kunden, die als geeignete Gegenpartei eingestuft sind, sind von dieser Richtlinie nicht betroffen." - -msgid "This privacy notice only applies to job applicants residing in the EU." -msgstr "Diese Datenschutzerklärung gilt nur für Bewerber mit Wohnsitz in der EU." - -msgid "This promotion is only available to new clients. Existing or former clients do not qualify. It is only available once to each client." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This requirement is mandated by the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)." -msgstr "Diese Anforderung ist vom Common Reporting Standard (CRS) und dem Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) vorgeschrieben." - -msgid "This risk disclosure statement is not exhaustive and is not intended to constitute a comprehensive statement of all the risks to which the client might be exposed and does not describe all the risks inherent to forex and contracts for differences that exist now or which may arise in the future. Its objective is rather to provide the client with information, so that the client can reasonably understand the risks associated with forex and contracts for differences offered by %1, as it is the Company's intention to provide the client with the best possible trading experience." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This section on force majeure events does not apply to Volatility Indices." -msgstr "" - -msgid "This website's services are not made available in certain countries such as the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, or to persons under age 18." -msgstr "Die Dienstleistungen dieser Website werden in manchen Ländern wie den USA, Kanada, Hong Kong, Japan, oder an Personen unter 18 Jahren nicht angeboten." - -msgid "Thorough knowledge of bash scripting, and experience with the Perl scripting language" -msgstr "Gründliche Kenntnis in Bash Scripting, und Erfahrung mit der Skriptsprache Perl" - -msgid "Thorough knowledge of web writing best practices" -msgstr "Durch Kenntnisse der besten Web-Schreibpraktiken" - -msgid "Thorough understanding of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes" -msgstr "Gründliches Verständnis der Geldwäschebekämpfung (Anti-Money Laundering AML) und der Know Your Customer (KYC) Prozesse" - -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Donnerstag" - -msgid "Tick" -msgstr "Tick" - -msgid "Tick Prediction" -msgstr "Tick Vorhersage" - -msgid "Tick Trade Android App" -msgstr "Tick Trade App für Android" - -msgid "Ticks" -msgstr "Ticks" - -msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." -msgstr "Die Tick Verlaufsgeschichte hat ein leeres Array gebracht." - -msgid "Tier" -msgstr "Rang" - -msgid "Time is in the wrong format." -msgstr "Die Zeit ist im falschen Format." - -msgid "Time out cannot be in the past." -msgstr "Die Auszeit darf nicht in der Vergangenheit sein." - -msgid "Time out cannot be more than 6 weeks." -msgstr "Die Auszeit kann nicht mehr als 6 Wochen betragen." - -msgid "Time out must be after today." -msgstr "Die Auszeit muss nach dem heutigen Tag beginnen." - -msgid "Time out until" -msgstr "Timeout bis" - -msgid "Timed out until" -msgstr "Auszeit bis" - -msgid "Times are changing. We increase payouts so our clients can make the most of their winning trades." -msgstr "Die Zeiten ändern sich. Wir erhöhen unsere Auszahlungen, damit unsere Kunden das Meiste aus ihren gewonnenen Handelsgeschäften machen können." - -msgid "Tips" -msgstr "Tipps" - -msgid "Tips:" -msgstr "Tipps:" - -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Überschrift" - -msgid "To" -msgstr "Zu" - -msgid "To account: " -msgstr "" - -msgid "To apply, please submit your CV and a cover letter to %1" -msgstr "Um sich zu bewerben, senden Sie uns bitte Ihren Lebenslauf und ein Bewerbungsschreiben an %1" - -msgid "To be able to trade OTC instruments available on the MT5 trading platform, the client has to first" -msgstr "" - -msgid "To change your name, date of birth, country of residence, email, or tax information, please contact %1Customer Support%2." -msgstr "Wenn Sie Ihren Namen, das Geburtsdatum, Ihr Wohnsitzland, Ihre E-Mail Anschrift ändern möchten oder Steuerinformationen, wenden Sie sich bitte an den %1Kundenbetreuung%2." - -msgid "To create a MAM real account, please:" -msgstr "Um ein MAM Echtgeldkonto zu erstellen, bitte:" - -msgid "To create a MetaTrader 5 account:" -msgstr "" - -msgid "To disable two-factor authentication, please enter the code generated by the app below:" -msgstr "Um die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu deaktivieren, geben Sie bitte den von der App unten generierten Code ein:" - -msgid "To excel, you must demonstrate a passion for open-source technologies. You must also have a burning desire to challenge yourself in a fast-paced environment." -msgstr "Um zu übertreffen, müssen Sie eine Leidenschaft für Open-Source Technologien zeigen. Sie müssen ebenfalls ein brennendes Verlangen haben, sich selbst in einer schnelllebigen Umgebung herauszufordern." - -msgid "To exchange one currency for another in order to make profit." -msgstr "Um eine Währung gegen eine andere einzutauschen, um Profit zu machen." - -msgid "To find out more and to sign up with GAMSTOP, please visit %1." -msgstr "Um mehr zu erfahren und um sich mit GAMSTOP zu registrieren, besuchen Sie bitte %1." - -msgid "To go long, you will click on 'Buy' to purchase GBP 1 for USD 1.22781. To go short, you will click on 'Sell' to sell GBP 1 and receive USD 1.22771 in return." -msgstr "Um lange zu gehen, klicken Sie auf \"Kaufen\", um 1 GBP für 1,22781 USD zu erwerben. Um kurz zu gehen, klicken Sie auf \"Verkaufen\", um 1 GBP zu verkaufen und 1,22771 USD im Gegenzug zu erhalten." - -msgid "To go long, you'll want to click on 'Buy' to purchase EUR 1 for USD 1.17726" -msgstr "Um lange zu gehen, klicken Sie auf \"Kaufen\", um 1 EUR für 1,17726 USD zu erwerben" - -msgid "To go short, you'll click on 'Sell' to sell EUR 1 and receive USD 1.17725 in return." -msgstr "Um kurz zu gehen, klicken Sie auf \"Verkaufen\", um 1 EUR zu verkaufen und 1,17725 USD im Gegenzug zu erhalten." - -msgid "To learn more, please read our %1CFD contract specifications%2." -msgstr "Um mehr zu erfahren, lesen Sie bitte unsere %1CFD Kontraktspezifikationen%2." - -msgid "To learn more, read our %1Margin Policy%2 that further explains our margin requirements." -msgstr "Um mehr zu erfahren, lesen Sie unsere %1Margin Richtlinie%2, die unsere Margin-Anforderungen näher erläutert." - -msgid "To maintain Open Positions, the client is required to have sufficient Account Equity to cover any Margin Requirement. If a client's Margin Level is less than the Margin Level set for their account, the client has entered into a Margin Call and is required to increase their Margin Level above the account's specified level in order to avoid a Stop Out to occur. The client may not be able to place an Order to open a transaction unless there is sufficient Account Equity to cover the Total Margin." -msgstr "" - -msgid "To perform this action, please set the %1currency%2 of your account." -msgstr "Um diese Aktion auszuführen, legen Sie bitte die %1Währung%2 Ihres Kontos fest." - -msgid "To perform this action, please switch to your %1 Real Account." -msgstr "Um diese Aktion durchzuführen, wechseln Sie bitte zu Ihrem %1 Echtgeldkonto." - -msgid "To perform this action, please switch to your %1 financial account." -msgstr "" - -msgid "To reset your password, enter the email address you used to create your account into the field below and click 'Reset password'." -msgstr "Um Ihr Passwort zurückzusetzen, geben Sie im unteren Feld die E-Mail Adresse ein, die Sie zur Erstellung Ihres Kontos verwendet haben, und klicken Sie auf „Passwort zurücksetzen”." - -msgid "To reset your trading or investor password, please click the button below:" -msgstr "Um Ihr Handels- oder Investor-Passwort zu ändern, klicken Sie bitte auf den Button unten:" - -msgid "To self-exclude from all online gambling companies licensed in Great Britain, go to %1." -msgstr "Um sich von allen Online-Glücksspiel-Unternehmen, die in Großbritannien lizenziert sind, selbst auszuschließen, gehen Sie bitte zu %1." - -msgid "To self-exclude from all online gambling companies licensed in Great Britain, you may go to %1." -msgstr "Um sich von allen Online-Glücksspiel-Unternehmen, die in Großbritannien lizenziert sind, selbst auszuschließen, gehen Sie bitte zu %1." - -msgid "To which it, at the time of execution of this Agreement was, or subsequently has become, in the public domain through no fault of the parties" -msgstr "" - -msgid "To withdraw from MetaTrader 5 Financial Account please %1Authenticate%2 your Binary account." -msgstr "Um vom MetaTrader 5 Finanzkonto zu beheben, %1authentifizieren%2 Sie bitte Ihr Binary Konto." - -msgid "Today" -msgstr "Heute" - -msgid "Today, Dubai's state-of-the-art infrastructure and free-market economic opportunities continue to attract skilled talents and businesses from all over the world. It's also one of the world's leading tourist destinations with something for everyone, from theme parks and beaches to desert safaris and shopping havens." -msgstr "Heute zieht Dubai mit seiner modernen Infrastruktur und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen Spitzenkräfte und Firmen aus aller Welt an. Auch ist es ein beliebtes Touristenziel mit Attraktionen für jeden Geschmack. Das reicht von Themenparks und Stränden zu Wüstensafaris oder Einkaufsparadiesen." - -msgid "Today, Labuan is known as a flourishing financial centre and tax-free tourist destination. Its economy is driven primarily by its oil and gas resources, as well as its international investment and banking services. The latter has attracted thousands of companies to Labuan over the years, plus dozens of leading banks." -msgstr "Heute ist Labuan als blühendes Finanzzentrum und steuerfreies Touristenziel bekannt. Seine Wirtschaft basiert in erster Linie auf seinen Erdöl und Erdgas Ressourcen, sowie seine internationalen Investitionen und Bankdienstleistungen. Letztere haben über die Jahre tausende von Unternehmen und Dutzende von führenden Banken nach Labuan angezogen." - -msgid "Token" -msgstr "Token" - -msgid "Token name" -msgstr "Tokenname" - -msgid "Top Up Virtual Account" -msgstr "Virtuelles Konto aufladen" - -msgid "Top up" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Top up Virtual Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Top up error" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Top up virtual account" -msgstr "Virtuelles Konto aufladen" - -msgid "Top-tier liquidity" -msgstr "Erstklassige Liquidität" - -msgid "Top-up successful" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Total" -msgstr "Gesamt" - -msgid "Total Cost" -msgstr "Gesamtkosten" - -msgid "Total Margin" -msgstr "Gesamte Marge" - -msgid "Total Profit/Loss" -msgstr "Gesamter Gewinn/Verlust" - -msgid "Total deposits" -msgstr "Gesamte Einlagen" - -msgid "Total net revenue per month (USD)" -msgstr "Gesamtnettoumsatz pro Monat (USD)" - -msgid "Total withdrawals" -msgstr "Gesamte Behebungen" - -msgid "Touch/No Touch" -msgstr "Ziel/Kein Ziel" - -msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." -msgstr "Ziel/Kein Ziel Kontrakte werden zum Kaufkurs erstattet, wenn weniger als 2 Ticks zwischen der Start- und der Endzeit liegen." - -msgid "Touch/No touch" -msgstr "Ziel/Kein Ziel" - -msgid "Touches" -msgstr "Berührt" - -msgid "Tour" -msgstr "Tour" - -msgid "Tourism" -msgstr "Tourismus" - -msgid "Town/City" -msgstr "Ort/Stadt" - -msgid "Track and document thoroughly the bugs that you find" -msgstr "Verfolgen und dokumentieren Sie gründlich alle Fehler, die Sie finden" - -msgid "Track and manage transactions and accounts using proprietary and non-proprietary software and systems" -msgstr "Verfolgen und verwalten Sie Transaktionen und Konten, indem Sie proprietäre und nicht-proprietäre Software und Systeme verwenden" - -msgid "Track laws and regulations that may affect all group companies and implement necessary changes to internal policies in order to manage and mitigate our risk and exposure" -msgstr "Verfolgen Sie Gesetze und Verordnungen, die möglicherweise Auswirkungen auf alle Konzernunternehmen haben und implementieren Sie notwendige Änderungen an internen Richtlinien zur Steuerung und Abschwächung unseres Risikos und Exposition" - -msgid "Trade" -msgstr "Handel" - -msgid "Trade 24/7, even on weekends." -msgstr "Handeln Sie 24/7, sogar an Wochenenden." - -msgid "Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin pairs without owning them. Our cryptocurrency pairs quote a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin against a fiat currency, such as the US dollar." -msgstr "Handeln Sie Bitcoin, Ethereum, und Litecoinpaare, ohne diese zu besitzen. Unsere Kryptowährungspaare notieren eine Kryptowährung wie Bitcoin gegen eine Fiatwährung wie den US Dollar." - -msgid "Trade Forex and CFDs on our popular multi-asset platform." -msgstr "Handeln Sie Forex und CFDs auf unserer populären Multi-Asset Plattform." - -msgid "Trade Forex, CFDs, and binary options with a powerful platform recognised as the global standard." -msgstr "Handlen Sie Forex, CFDs und binäre Optionen mit einer leistungsstarken Plattform, die als globaler Standard anerkannt ist." - -msgid "Trade a larger position than your exisiting capital." -msgstr "Handeln Sie eine größere Position als Ihr vorhandenes Kapital." - -msgid "Trade according to your preferred strategy" -msgstr "Handeln Sie gemäß Ihrer bevorzugten Strategie" - -msgid "Trade all four precious metals on one platform." -msgstr "Handeln Sie alle vier Edelmetalle auf einer Plattform." - -msgid "Trade all major currencies, indices, commodities, and volatility indices." -msgstr "Handeln Sie alle wichtigen Währungen, Indizes, Rohstoffe und Volatilität Indizes." - -msgid "Trade and manage multiple MT5 client accounts from a single interface." -msgstr "Handeln und verwalten Sie mehrere MT5 Kundenkonten über eine einzige Schnittstelle." - -msgid "Trade based on \"gut feel\" or rely on technical and fundamental analysis" -msgstr "Handeln Sie auf \"Bauchgefühl\" basierend, oder verlassen Sie sich auf technische und fundamentale Analyse" - -msgid "Trade binary options on a wide range of underlying markets with limited risk." -msgstr "Handeln Sie binäre Optionen auf einer Vielfalt an zugrundeliegenden Märkten mit begrenztem Risiko." - -msgid "Trade binary options on a wide range of web and mobile apps. Each comes with unique strengths that complement a variety of trading strategies." -msgstr "Handel Sie binäre Optionen auf einer Vielfalt von Web- und mobilen Anwendungen. Jede verfügt über einzigartige Stärken, die eine Vielzahl von Handelsstrategien ergänzen." - -msgid "Trade confidently, knowing that your personal data, transactions, and funds are always secure" -msgstr "Handeln Sie selbstbewusst, in dem Wissen, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten, Transaktionen und Gelder immer sicher sind" - -msgid "Trade currencies, indices, commodities and more in rising, falling, sideways, quiet, and volatile markets" -msgstr "Handeln Sie Währungen, Indizes, Rohstoffe und mehr auf steigenden, fallenden, seitwärtigen, stillen und volatilen Märkten" - -msgid "Trade forex and contracts for difference (CFDs) on MetaTrader 5 - a multi-asset platform that offers outstanding trading possibilities and technical analysis tools." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Trade in the world's financial markets" -msgstr "Handel Sie an den Finanzmärkten der Welt" - -msgid "Trade in the world's financial markets with a simple and user-friendly online platform." -msgstr "Handeln Sie auf den weltweiten Finanzmärkten mit einer einfachen und anwenderfreundlichen Onlineplattform." - -msgid "Trade long and short positions, depending on your preferred strategy." -msgstr "Handel Sie lange und kurze Positionen, abhängig von Ihrer bevorzugten Strategie." - -msgid "Trade metals on competitive fixed and variable spreads." -msgstr "Handeln Sie Metalle auf wettbewerbsfähigen fixierten und variablen Spreads." - -msgid "Trade now" -msgstr "Jetzt handeln" - -msgid "Trade on underlying markets that include Forex, indices, commodities, and more." -msgstr "Handeln Sie auf zugrundeliegenden Märkten, die Forex, Indizes, Rohstoffe und mehr enthalten." - -msgid "Trade only with money you can afford to lose. Do not trade with borrowed money." -msgstr "Handeln Sie nur mit Geld, das Sie sich leisten können, zu verlieren. Spielen Sie niemals mit geliehenem Geld." - -msgid "Trade popular cryptocurrencies on our MT5 platform with leverage and variable spreads. No wallets are required to start trading." -msgstr "Handeln Sie beliebte Kryptowährungen auf unserer MT5 Plattform mit Leverage und variablen Spreads. Es sind keine Geldbörsen erforderlich, um mit dem Handel zu beginnen." - -msgid "Trade popular major and minor currency pairs, plus Smart FX indices – weighted indices that measure the value of a currency against a basket of major currencies." -msgstr "Handel Sie beliebte wichtige und kleinere Währungspaare, plus Smart FX Indizes – gewichtete Indizes, die den Wert einer Währung gegenüber einem Korb der wichtigsten Währungen messen." - -msgid "Trade type" -msgstr "Handelstyp" - -msgid "Trade when you want. Our Volatility Indices are available even on weekends" -msgstr "Handeln Sie, wann Sie wollen. Unsere Volatilitätsindizes stehen auch am Wochenende zur Verfügung" - -msgid "Trade with a powerful interface known as the global industry standard." -msgstr "Handeln Sie mit einer leistungsfähigen Schnittstelle, die als globaler Industriestandard bekannt ist." - -msgid "Trade with ease with %1's wide range of deposit and withdrawal methods. Your funds will be segregated and held in secure and licensed financial institutions." -msgstr "Mit den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der Einzahlung und Auszahlung handeln Sie bei %1 mit Leichtigkeit. Ihr Guthaben wird getrennt und bei sicheren und zugelassenen Finanzinstitutionen deponiert." - -msgid "Trade with leverage" -msgstr "Handeln Sie mit Leverage" - -msgid "Trade with real funds and access to competitive trading conditions." -msgstr "Handel mit echten Geldern und Zugang zu wettbewerbsfähigen Handelsbedingungen." - -msgid "Trade with the industry pioneer and holder of a patented pricing technology" -msgstr "Handeln Sie mit dem Industrieführer und Inhaber einer patentierten Preistechnologie" - -msgid "Trade your way" -msgstr "Handeln Sie auf Ihre Weise" - -msgid "Trade2Win" -msgstr "Trade2Win" - -msgid "Trademark" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Traders choose to buy a certain currency pair if they think the value of the base currency will rise. The opposite is also true: they sell a certain currency pair if they think the value of the base currency will fall." -msgstr "Händler entscheiden ein bestimmtes Währungspaar zu kaufen, wenn sie glauben, dass der Wert der Basiswährung steigen wird. Auch das Gegenteil trifft zu: sie verkaufen ein bestimmtes Währungspaar, wenn sie glauben, dass der Wert der Basiswährung fallen wird." - -msgid "Trading" -msgstr "Handeln" - -msgid "Trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Trading Limits" -msgstr "Handelslimits" - -msgid "Trading Platforms" -msgstr "Handelsplattformen" - -msgid "Trading Times" -msgstr "Börsenzeiten" - -msgid "Trading and Withdrawal Limits" -msgstr "Handels- und Abhebelimits" - -msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." -msgstr "Handel und Einlagen wurden auf Ihrem Konto deaktiviert. Bitte %1kontaktieren Sie den Kundensupport%2, um Unterstützung zu erhalten." - -msgid "Trading binary options and CFDs can involve substantial risks. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose, and never trade with borrowed money. Learn about %1Responsible Trading%2." -msgstr "Der Handel mit binären Optionen und CFDs kann erhebliche Risiken mit sich bringen. Handeln Sie nicht mit Geld, das Sie sich nicht leisten können zu verlieren; und handeln Sie nie mit geliehenem Geld. Erfahren Sie mehr über den %1verantwortungsbewussten Handel%2." - -msgid "Trading binary options may not be suitable for everyone, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. Your losses can exceed your initial deposit and you do not own or have any interest in the underlying asset." -msgstr "Der Handel mit binären Optionen ist möglicherweise nicht für jeden geeignet, versichern Sie sich, dass Sie die damit verbundenen Risiken vollständig verstehen. Ihre Verluste können Ihre ursprüngliche Einzahlung übersteigen und Sie besitzen den Basiswert nicht, noch haben Sie Zinsen in jenem." - -msgid "Trading cryptocurrencies on our MetaTrader 5 platform means taking a position on a cryptocurrency pair when you expect it to rise or fall in value so you can make a profit when your prediction is correct." -msgstr "Handel mit Kryptowährungen auf unserer MetaTrader 5 Plattform bedeutet, eine Position auf ein Kryptowährungspaar zu nehmen, wenn Sie erwarten, dass es im Wert steigen oder fallen wird, so dass Sie einen Gewinn erzielen können, wenn Ihre Vorhersage korrekt ist." - -msgid "Trading experience" -msgstr "Handelserfahrung" - -msgid "Trading forex and contracts for differences carries a high level of risk and %1 does not monitor the open positions of the client's account on the client's behalf. It is the client's responsibility to monitor the client's open positions and understand the exposure of the client's open positions whilst ensuring that the client's exposure commensurate with the client's risk appetite. Due to the cost associated with overnight open positions, the client should consider investing in the market of the instrument in which the client ordinarily transacts instead of investing in a CFD." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Trading guru" -msgstr "Trading Guru" - -msgid "Trading in binary options is speculative and involves a high degree of risk that can result in the loss of the client's entire investment. Therefore, trading in binary options is appropriate only for persons that understand and are willing to assume the economic, legal, and other risks involved in such transactions. The client should be satisfied that binary options trading is suitable for the client in light of the client's investment circumstances and attitude towards risk before trading. The client should not engage in speculative binary options trading unless the client understands the basic aspects of such trading and its risks. If the client is in any doubt as to whether Binary Option trading is appropriate and suitable for the client, the client should seek independent advice from an investment consulting professional. %1 does not provide such advice. It is the client's responsibility, taking into account the client's personal circumstances and investment resources, to take particular care and make careful considerations independently, both prior to applying to engage in binary options with %1 and prior to making any individual order. Where the client does not understand the risks involved in applying for a trading account with %1 or in making any individual order, the client should seek advice and consultation from an independent investment advisor. If the client continues to not understand the risks involved in trading in binary options, the client should not trade at all." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." -msgstr "Der Handel ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht verfügbar." - -msgid "Trading limits" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Trading on %1 can become addictive. If you feel the need to exclude yourself from the website, please use the %2self-exclusion facilities%3." -msgstr "Der Handel auf %1 kann süchtig machen. Wenn Sie das Bedürfnis verspüren, sich von der Website auszuschließen, verwenden Sie bitte die %2Selbstausschluss Einrichtungen%3." - -msgid "Trading platforms" -msgstr "Handelsplattformen" - -msgid "Trading rules" -msgstr "" - -msgid "Trading times is unavailable in this country. If you have an active %1 account, please %2log in%3 for full access." -msgstr "" - -msgid "TradingView" -msgstr "TradingView" - -msgid "Trailing stops" +msgid "Password is not strong enough." msgstr "" -msgid "Transaction ID" -msgstr "Transaktions-ID" - -msgid "Transaction monitoring is the client's responsibility in its entirety. The Company shall not conduct any monitoring of the client's trades." +msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers." msgstr "" -msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" -msgstr "Überweisung durchgeführt von %1 (App ID: %2)" +msgid "Paxos Standard" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transactions in CFD instruments are traded outside a stock exchange or OTF or MTF." +msgid "Pay-out" msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer" -msgstr "Überweisung" +msgid "Payment Agent services are not available in your country or in your preferred currency." +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer Between Accounts" -msgstr "Überweisung zwischen Konten" +msgid "Payments" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer from" -msgstr "Überweisung von" +msgid "Payout" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer funds between your real money accounts." -msgstr "Überweisen Sie zwischen Ihren Echtgeld-Konten." +msgid "Payout range" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer funds from your MetaTrader 5 account into your binary options account." -msgstr "Überweisen Sie Gelder von Ihrem MetaTrader 5 Konto auf Ihr binäres Optionen Konto." +msgid "Pending" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer funds from your binary options account into your MetaTrader 5 account." -msgstr "Überweisen Sie Geld von Ihrem binären Optionen Konto auf Ihr MetaTrader 5 Konto." +msgid "Percentage" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer funds to a payment agent" +msgid "Permissions" msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer funds to your MT5 account" -msgstr "Überweisen Sie Gelder auf Ihr MT5 Konto" +msgid "Photo of your document" +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer limit: %1*" +msgid "Photo of your face" msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer of data" +msgid "Place of birth" msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer of funds" +msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer of funds from the MT5 Real Account" +msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer to" -msgstr "Überweisung an" +msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer to Login ID" -msgstr "Wechsel zur Login ID" +msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfer to MT5" -msgstr "An MT5 überweisen" +msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." +msgstr "" -msgid "Transfers between Binary fiat and cryptocurrency accounts are allowed up to a maximum of USD 2,500.00 or equivalent. Fiat and cryptocurrency transfers are also allowed between Binary and MT5 accounts. Charges may apply for every successful transaction." +msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." msgstr "" -msgid "Translate data into consumable information and assist in making data-driven decisions across departments." +msgid "Please choose a currency" msgstr "" -msgid "Translate the ongoing business needs of the company into a suitable IT infrastructure" -msgstr "Umsetzung des laufenden Geschäftsbedarfs des Unternehmens in eine geeignete IT-Infrastruktur" +msgid "Please complete the %1Real Account form%2 to verify your age as required by the %3UK Gambling%4 Commission (UKGC)." +msgstr "" -msgid "Translations" -msgstr "Übersetzungen" +msgid "Please complete the %1financial assessment form%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" -msgid "Transparent risk and potential reward" -msgstr "Transparentes Risiko und potentieller Gewinn" +msgid "Please complete your Personal Details before you proceed." +msgstr "" -msgid "Troubleshoot and debug problems in existing applications, and find new ways to improve their speed, functionality, and scalability" -msgstr "Beheben Sie und lösen Sie Probleme in bestehenden Anwendungen, und finden Sie neue Wege, deren Geschwindigkeit, Funktionalität und Skalierbarkeit zu verbessern" +msgid "Please confirm that all the information above is true and complete." +msgstr "" -msgid "Troubleshoot and debug problems in existing database systems, and find new ways to improve their speed, functionality, and scalability" -msgstr "Beheben Sie und lösen Sie Probleme in bestehenden Datenbanksystemen, und finden Sie neue Wege, deren Geschwindigkeit, Funktionalität und Skalierbarkeit zu verbessern" +msgid "Please confirm that you are not a politically exposed person." +msgstr "" -msgid "Trust" -msgstr "Vertrauen" +msgid "Please ensure that you have the Telegram app installed on your device." +msgstr "" -msgid "Try Binary Bot" -msgstr "Testen Sie Binary Bot" +msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." +msgstr "" -msgid "Try Deriv now" -msgstr "Deriv jetzt testen" +msgid "Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234)." +msgstr "" -msgid "Try SmartCharts" -msgstr "Probieren Sie SmartCharts aus" +msgid "Please note that the selected currency is allowed for limited accounts only." +msgstr "" -msgid "Try TradingView" -msgstr "Testen Sie TradingAnsicht (TradingView)" +msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." +msgstr "" -msgid "Try WebTrader" -msgstr "Testen Sie WebTrader" +msgid "Please reload the page" +msgstr "" -msgid "Try our %1Volatility Indices%2." -msgstr "Probieren Sie unsere %1Volatilität Indizes%2." +msgid "Please select" +msgstr "" -msgid "Try our other markets." -msgstr "Versuchen Sie unsere anderen Märkten." +msgid "Please select a country" +msgstr "" -msgid "Tu" -msgstr "Di" +msgid "Please select a reason." +msgstr "" -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Dienstag" +msgid "Please select a valid time." +msgstr "" -msgid "Turnover" -msgstr "Umsatz" +msgid "Please select at least one scope" +msgstr "" -msgid "Turnover Limit" -msgstr "Umsatzlimit" +msgid "Please select the checkbox." +msgstr "" -msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" -msgstr "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung" +msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Two-factor authentication is currently disabled." -msgstr "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ist derzeit deaktiviert." +msgid "Please set the currency of your account." +msgstr "" -msgid "Two-factor authentication is currently enabled." -msgstr "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung ist derzeit aktiviert." +msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." +msgstr "" -msgid "Two-way pricing" -msgstr "Zwei-Weg Preispolitik" +msgid "Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts" +msgstr "" -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Typ" +msgid "Please specify your preferred interval reality check in minutes:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Types of MetaTrader 5 accounts" -msgstr "Arten von MetaTrader 5 Konten" +msgid "Please submit your proof of address." +msgstr "" -msgid "Types of Orders" +msgid "Please submit your proof of identity." msgstr "" -msgid "Types of lookbacks" -msgstr "Arten von Lookbacks" +msgid "Please try again" +msgstr "" -msgid "Types of personal data collected" -msgstr "Arten von gesammelten persönlichen Daten" +msgid "Point your phone’s camera at the QR code" +msgstr "" -msgid "Types of trades" -msgstr "Kontraktarten" +msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" +msgstr "" -msgid "UI/UX Designer" -msgstr "UI/UX Designer" +msgid "Potential Payout" +msgstr "" -msgid "UK and Manx residents who wish to trade gambling products will have their accounts opened with Binary (IOM) Limited." -msgstr "Einwohner von Großbritannien und Manx, die Handel mit Glücksspielprodukten betreiben möchten, bekommen ihre Konten mit Binary (IOM) Limited eröffnet." +msgid "Potential Profit" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Kanadischen Dollar" +msgid "Potential payout" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Chinese Renminbi" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Chinesischen Renminbi" +msgid "Potential profit" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Hong Kong Dollar" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Hong Kong Dollar" +msgid "Potential profit/loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Israeli New Shekel" -msgstr "US-Dollar gegen Israelischer Neuer Schekel" +msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Japanese Yen" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Japanischen Yen" +msgid "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Mexican Peso" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Mexikanischen Peso" +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Norwegian Krone" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Norwegische Krone" +msgid "Profit" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Polish Zloty" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Polnischen Zloty" +msgid "Profit / Loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Russian Ruble" -msgstr "US-Dollar gegen Russischen Rubel" +msgid "Profit table" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Singapur-Dollar" +msgid "Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs South African Rand" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Südafrikanischen Rand" +msgid "Profit/loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Swedish Krona" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Schwedische Krone" +msgid "Proof of address" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Swiss Franc" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Schweizer Franken" +msgid "Proof of address expired" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Thai Baht" -msgstr "US Dollar gegen Thai Baht" +msgid "Proof of address required" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Dollar vs Turkish Lira" -msgstr "US-Dollar gegen Türkische Lira" +msgid "Proof of identity" +msgstr "" -msgid "US Patents" -msgstr "US Patente" +msgid "Proof of identity expired" +msgstr "" -msgid "USD" -msgstr "USD" +msgid "Proof of identity required" +msgstr "" -msgid "USD 1 per point" -msgstr "1 USD je Punkt" +msgid "Provide the whole document page for best results" +msgstr "" -msgid "USD 10 x 1 lot x USD 125,000/100,000 = USD 12.5" -msgstr "10 USD x 1 Lot x 125.000 USD/100.000 = 12.5 USD" +msgid "Purchase" +msgstr "" -msgid "USD Index – Measures the value of the US Dollar against a basket of five global currencies (EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD), each weighted by 20%" -msgstr "USD-Index - Misst den US Dollar gegen einen Korb von 5 Weltwährungen (EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, AUD), wobei jede mit 20 % berücksichtigt ist" +msgid "Purchase Price" +msgstr "" -msgid "USD/EUR" -msgstr "USD/EUR" +msgid "Purchase Time" +msgstr "" -msgid "Ultra fast on-the-go trading" -msgstr "Ultraschneller Handel für unterwegs" +msgid "Purchase price" +msgstr "" -msgid "Unable to read file %1" -msgstr "Nicht möglich Datei %1 zu lesen" +msgid "Purchase request sent" +msgstr "" -msgid "Under no circumstances shall the Company or its directors or employees be liable under this Agreement to the Programmer or any third party for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential loss or damages or any other similar damages under any theory of liability (whether in contract, tort, strict liability, or any other theory), which are directly or indirectly attributable to the use of, or the inability to use, the %1 API, or any content contained thereon, even if the Company has been informed of the possibility thereof." +msgid "Purchase time" msgstr "" -msgid "Under the Rules, clients may be categorised into one of the following three categories:" -msgstr "Die Kunden können nach den Regeln in eine der folgenden drei Kategorien eingeordnet werden:" +msgid "Put Spread" +msgstr "" -msgid "Under these ST&Cs, the client may enter into Transactions in the following investments and instruments, all of which are over-the-counter (\"OTC\") products:" +msgid "Read" msgstr "" -msgid "Underage Gambling" -msgstr "Spielen von Minderjährigen" +msgid "Ready to trade?" +msgstr "" -msgid "Underlying" -msgstr "Basiswert" +msgid "Real" +msgstr "" -msgid "Underlying Instrument" +msgid "Real Account" msgstr "" -msgid "Underlying market" -msgstr "Zugrundeliegender Markt" +msgid "Real Financial" +msgstr "" -msgid "Understand the risks" -msgstr "Die Risiken verstehen" +msgid "Real Financial STP" +msgstr "" -msgid "Understand the simple idea behind binary options and their advantages over other financial instruments." -msgstr "Verstehen Sie die einfache Idee hinter binären Optionen und deren Vorteile gegenüber anderen Finanzinstrumenten." +msgid "Real Synthetic" +msgstr "" -msgid "Understand when to buy and sell" -msgstr "Verstehen Sie, wann man kauft und verkauft" +msgid "Real-Money Account" +msgstr "" -msgid "Understanding of cryptography, including asymmetric, symmetric, hash functions, and encryption/signatures" -msgstr "Verständnis von Kryptographie, einschließlich asymmetrisch, symmetrisch, Hash-Funktionen und Verschlüsselung/Signatur" +msgid "Real-Money Accounts" +msgstr "" -msgid "Understanding of encryption fundamentals and the OWASP Top 10" -msgstr "Verständnis der Grundlagen der Verschlüsselung und der OWASP Top 10" +msgid "Reality Check" +msgstr "" -msgid "Understood" +msgid "Recent years are easy to guess" msgstr "" -msgid "Unemployed" -msgstr "Arbeitslos" +msgid "Recover camera access to continue face verification" +msgstr "" -msgid "United Kingdom" -msgstr "Großbritannien" +msgid "Recovery" +msgstr "" -msgid "University degree in Marketing, Mathematics, IT/Programming or any related field" -msgstr "Abgeschlossenes Studium in Marketing, Mathematik, IT / Programmierung, oder einem damit zusammenhängenden Bereich" +msgid "Redo" +msgstr "" -msgid "University degree in marketing, journalism, communication, or a business-related discipline" -msgstr "Ein Universitätsabschluss in Marketing, Journalismus, Kommunikation oder einer anderen geschäftsbezogenen Disziplin" +msgid "Ref." +msgstr "" -msgid "Unknown OS" -msgstr "Unbekanntes OS" +msgid "Reference ID" +msgstr "" -msgid "Unless otherwise advised, BIEL shall treat a client as a retail client. Clients may also request, by writing to BIEL, to change the category in which they have been classified, and this may have an effect on the level of protection afforded to them. BIEL will assess the client's knowledge and experience versus the appropriateness of the requested service/investment product." +msgid "Refresh" msgstr "" -msgid "Unlock Cashier" -msgstr "Kasse entsperren" +msgid "Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process" +msgstr "" -msgid "Up to %1" -msgstr "Bis zu %1" +msgid "Remaining time" +msgstr "" -msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." -msgstr "Bis zu %1 Dezimalstellen sind erlaubt." +msgid "Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions" +msgstr "" -msgid "Up/Down" -msgstr "Auf/Ab" +msgid "Remove deposit limits" +msgstr "" -msgid "Upcoming Events" -msgstr "Bevorstehende Events" +msgid "Remove your glasses, if necessary" +msgstr "" -msgid "Update" -msgstr "Aktualisieren" +msgid "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess" +msgstr "" -msgid "Update settings" -msgstr "Einstellungen aktualisieren" +msgid "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"" +msgstr "" -msgid "Upgrade now" -msgstr "Jetzt upgraden" +msgid "Reports" +msgstr "" -msgid "Upgrade to %1 %2Financial Account%3." -msgstr "Auf ein %1 %2Kapitalkonto upgraden%3." +msgid "Requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." +msgstr "" -msgid "Upgrade your account and start trading using real money." -msgstr "Rüsten Sie Ihr Konto auf und beginnen Sie den Handel mit echtem Geld." +msgid "Resale not offered" +msgstr "" -msgid "Upon closing a trade, the realised profit (or loss), which is represented by the difference between the opening level and closing level of the trade multiplied by the number of lots (volume), becomes due and payable by the Company to the client (or due and payable by the client to the Company in cases of realised loss)." +msgid "Resend link" msgstr "" -msgid "Upon demand, the Agent shall provide the Company with all the requested information and documentation regarding their operations and competence, including but not limited to their registration, incorporation, memberships, authorisations, knowledge, expertise, and experience." +msgid "Reset Barrier" msgstr "" -msgid "Upon request from the Company or its legal representatives or government regulators, the Introducing Broker must promptly grant Binary with unlimited access to information to the extent that Binary requires to satisfy any legal or regulatory requirement or obligation." +msgid "Reset Call" msgstr "" -msgid "Upon revocation, you acknowledge and understand that your Money Manager will lose all authorisation to manage your Account." -msgstr "Auf Widerruf bestätigen und verstehen Sie, dass Ihr Vermögensverwalter alle Ermächtigungen verlieren wird, um Ihr Konto zu verwalten." +msgid "Reset Call/Reset Put" +msgstr "" -msgid "Upon the Company's request, the Agent provides the Company with any and all information reasonably required to fully satisfy any and all demands, requests, orders, or requirements of any government or any other authority." +msgid "Reset Password" msgstr "" -msgid "Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, for whatever reason, all rights and licences granted to the Programmer in this Agreement, including use of the %1 API, shall immediately terminate. The Programmer agrees to promptly cease all further use of the %1 API. Termination of this Agreement shall not act as a waiver of any breach of this Agreement and shall not act as a release of the Programmer's liability for the breach of the Programmer's obligation under this Agreement. The Company shall not be liable to the Programmer for damages of any kind solely as a result of terminating this Agreement in accordance with its Terms." +msgid "Reset Put" msgstr "" -msgid "Usage limit" +msgid "Reset Time" msgstr "" -msgid "Use a variety of allocation methods (e.g equity, balance, even, and lot) to distribute trade volumes, starting from 0.01 lots" -msgstr "Verwenden Sie eine Vielzahl von Verrechnungsverfahren (z.B. Eigenkapital, Guthaben, gerade Zahlen, und Lot), um Handelsvolumen zu verteilen, angefangen von 0,01 Lots" +msgid "Reset barrier" +msgstr "" -msgid "Use advanced data analytics skills to study trends/pattern in financial markets" -msgstr "Verwenden Sie erweiterte Datenanalyse-Fähigkeiten, um Trends/Muster an den Finanzmärkten zu studieren" +msgid "Reset the balance of your virtual account to %1 anytime." +msgstr "" -msgid "Use data governance tools to ensure data is accurate and consistent for effective analysis." +msgid "Reset time" msgstr "" -msgid "Use different passwords for your email and %1 account and set a %2strong password%3." -msgstr "Verwenden Sie unterschiedliche Passwörter für Ihre E-Mail und Ihr %1 Konto und legen Sie ein %2starkes Passwort%3 fest." +msgid "Reset to original settings" +msgstr "" -msgid "Use of Bid/Ask: When the market is illiquid, the data feed may contain many Bids and Asks, without there actually being any traded price for quite a while. By taking an average of the Bid/Ask (i.e. bid + ask, divided by 2), a market quote is generated that reflects the current market, without it actually being a traded price. The Company's system will generate prices from these Bids and Asks, whereas other websites might not. As a result, the Company's website might display ticks that do not appear in the data feeds of other websites." +msgid "Residence permit" msgstr "" -msgid "Use of information" +msgid "Restart process on a different device" msgstr "" -msgid "Use or reproduce the %1 API other than as permitted by these Terms" +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome" msgstr "" -msgid "Use the %1 API for any purpose that violates any law or regulation or any right of any person, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights of privacy, or rights of personality, or is in any manner inconsistent with these Terms or privacy policy" +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Safari" msgstr "" -msgid "Use the Company's name or trademark in the Agent's advertising activities without a written authorisation to be given by the Company" +msgid "Return" msgstr "" -msgid "Use the Marketing Materials provided by Binary solely for the purpose of providing IB services and in accordance with Binary's instructions" +msgid "Reverse Side" msgstr "" -msgid "Use the name 'Binary' or any derivation of that name such as '%1' or the Binary Trademarks in a way that might compete with Binary's search engine optimisation without the prior written consent of Binary, which includes using the name '%1' on the title tag of the Introducing Broker's website" +msgid "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" msgstr "" -msgid "Use the opportunity provided by our website to practice for free with our virtual money account facility. This will enable you to get used to the functionalities and rules of the website." -msgstr "Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit, die unsere Website bietet und üben Sie kostenlos mit unserem virtuellen Geldkonto. Dies gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich mit den Funktionen und Regeln dieser Website vertraut zu machen." +msgid "Revoke access" +msgstr "" -msgid "Use the web platform from any Windows, MacOS, or Linux operating system – no download or installation required." -msgstr "Verwenden Sie die Web-Plattform von jedem Windows, MacOS, oder Linux Betriebssystem aus - weder Download noch Installation sind erforderlich." +msgid "Rise/Fall" +msgstr "" -msgid "Use their best endeavours and diligence to transfer funds deposited to %1 Agent Account to its respective %1 Client account" +msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" msgstr "" -msgid "Use their best endeavours to attract potential clients for Binary" +msgid "STASIS Euro" msgstr "" -msgid "Use to the utmost benefit any possible additional features that some payment processors offer" +msgid "Sa" msgstr "" -msgid "Use two different exclusion types: 'Allocation' excludes a client from future trades only, while 'Full' also closes open positions and removes its balance from the master account. Clients can choose to close any open position." -msgstr "Verwenden Sie zwei verschiedene Ausschluss-Typen: \"Zuteilung\" schließt einen Kunden nur aus zukünftigen Geschäften aus, während \"Voll\" auch offene Positionen schließt und das Guthaben vom Masterkonto entfernt. Kunden können jede offene Position schließen." +msgid "Sale Date" +msgstr "" -msgid "Use, perform, and display the Programmer's Application and its content for purposes of marketing, demonstrating, and making the Programmer's Application available to the Company's clients." +msgid "Sale Price" msgstr "" -msgid "Using our website, customers can trade currencies, indices, commodities, and volatility indices 24/7. We have the most flexible pricing and the most comprehensive suite of products available." -msgstr "Wenn Kunden unsere Website nutzen, können Sie Devisen, Indizes, Rohstoffe und Volatilität Indizes 24/7 handeln. Wir haben die flexibelste Preisgestaltung und umfassendste Produktsuite." +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" -msgid "Utilise a variety of tactics – both online and offline – to grow and support the company's network of partners in your designated market" -msgstr "Anwendung einer Vielzahl von Taktiken - sowohl online als auch offline -, um das Firmenpartnernetzwerk in dem Ihnen übertragenen Markt zu unterstützen und zu vergrößern" +msgid "Scan QR code" +msgstr "" -msgid "Utility bill" -msgstr "Betriebskostenabrechnung" +msgid "Scan the QR code with your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "Utility bills (electricity, water, gas, broadband and landline)" -msgstr "Betriebskostenabrechnungen (Strom, Wasser, Gas, Breitband und Festnetz)" +msgid "Scans and photocopies are not accepted" +msgstr "" -msgid "VPN App" -msgstr "VPN App" +msgid "Scopes" +msgstr "" -msgid "VPN app" -msgstr "VPN App" +msgid "Search for country" +msgstr "" -msgid "Variable" -msgstr "Variable" +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "" -msgid "Variable spreads" -msgstr "Variable Spreads" +msgid "Select Asset" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verification" -msgstr "Verifikation" +msgid "Select Trade Type" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verification code" -msgstr "Verifikationscode" +msgid "Select a %{country} document" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." -msgstr "Bestätigungs-Code ist falsch. Benutzen Sie bitte den Link, der an Ihre E-Mail Adresse gesendet wurde." +msgid "Select country" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verify Reset Password" -msgstr "Zurückgesetztes Passwort bestätigen" +msgid "Select currency" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verify and approve clients' deposit and withdrawal requests" -msgstr "Überprüfen und genehmigen Sie Einzahlungs- und Auszahlungsmöglichkeiten der Kunden" +msgid "Select date" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verify main password" -msgstr "Hauptpasswort bestätigen" +msgid "Select issuing country" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verify new MT5 password" -msgstr "Neues MT5 Passwort bestätigen" +msgid "Select market:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Verify new password" -msgstr "Neues Passwort bestätigen" +msgid "Select payment agent" +msgstr "" -msgid "Version 48. Last modified 2019-05-10." -msgstr "Version 48. Letzte Änderung am 10.05.2019." +msgid "Select your market and underlying asset" +msgstr "" -msgid "Video Room Facility" -msgstr "Videoraum-Einrichtung" +msgid "Select your trade type" +msgstr "" -msgid "Video tutorial" -msgstr "Video-Tutorial" +msgid "Selected tick" +msgstr "" -msgid "View" -msgstr "Ansehen" +msgid "Self-exclusion" +msgstr "" -msgid "View all the information you need to manage your client list – including login ID, group, leverage, balance, equity, and margin" -msgstr "Sehen Sie alle Informationen die Sie benötigen, um Ihre Kundenliste – einschließlich der Anmelde-ID, Gruppe, Leverage, Guthaben, Eigenkapital und Marge zu verwalten, an" +msgid "Selfie" +msgstr "" -msgid "View available payment methods" -msgstr "Vorhandene Zahlungsmethoden anzeigen" +msgid "Selfie uploaded" +msgstr "" -msgid "View chart" -msgstr "Diagramm anzeigen" +msgid "Sell" +msgstr "" -msgid "View essential information for open positions associated with each login ID – including order type (buy/sell), open time, open price, stop loss, take profit, swap, and profit" -msgstr "Sehen Sie wesentliche Informationen für offene Positionen, die mit jeder Login-ID – einschließlich der Auftragsart (kaufen/verkaufen), Eröffnungszeit, Eröffnungskurs, Stop-Loss, Take Profit, Swap und Gewinn, verbunden sind, an" +msgid "Sell at market" +msgstr "" -msgid "View guide" -msgstr "Guide ansehen" +msgid "Send a secure link to your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "View open positions" -msgstr "Offene Positionen anzeigen" +msgid "Send link" +msgstr "" -msgid "View our platforms" -msgstr "Unsere Plattformen anzeigen" +msgid "Send this one-time link to your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "View payment methods" -msgstr "Zahlungsmethoden anzeigen" +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "" -msgid "View statement" -msgstr "Statement ansehen" +msgid "Sep" +msgstr "" -msgid "View the full list of assets, contract types and durations." -msgstr "Lassen Sie sich die vollständige Liste der Wertpapiere, Vertragsarten und Laufzeiten anzeigen." +msgid "September" +msgstr "" -msgid "View the operating hours of the markets you can trade." -msgstr "Die Öffnungszeiten der Börsen anzeigen, auf denen Sie handeln können." +msgid "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" +msgstr "" -msgid "View updated statement" +msgid "Server" msgstr "" -msgid "View your account's authentication status." -msgstr "Sehen Sie sich den Authentifizierungsstatus Ihres Kontos an." +msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" -msgid "View your financial assessment settings." -msgstr "Sehen Sie sich Ihre Angaben zur finanziellen Einstufung an." +msgid "Session duration:" +msgstr "" -msgid "View your login history." -msgstr "Ihren Login-Verlauf anzeigen." +msgid "Set account currency" +msgstr "" -msgid "View your personal information." -msgstr "Sehen Sie sich Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an." +msgid "Set currency" +msgstr "" -msgid "View your statement" -msgstr "Ihre Abrechnung ansehen" +msgid "Settles" +msgstr "" -msgid "View your trading and withdrawal limits." -msgstr "Anzeige Ihrer Handels- und Auszahlungslimits." +msgid "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" +msgstr "" -msgid "Virtual" -msgstr "Virtuelles" +msgid "Should be %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "Virtual Account" -msgstr "Virtuelles Konto" +msgid "Should be a valid number." +msgstr "" -msgid "Visa is an international company that supports digital payments around the world, most commonly through their brand of credit and debit cards. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "Visa ist ein internationales Unternehmen, das digitale Zahlungen auf der ganzen Welt unterstützt, am häufigsten durch seine Kredit-und Debitkarten. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen bitte %1." +msgid "Should be between %1 and %2" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility 10 Index" -msgstr "Volatilität 10 Index" +msgid "Should be less than %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility 100 Index" -msgstr "Volatilität 100 Index" +msgid "Should be more than %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility 25 Index" -msgstr "Volatilität 25 Index" +msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility 50 Index" -msgstr "Volatilität 50 Index" +msgid "Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility 75 Index" -msgstr "Volatilität 75 Index" +msgid "Sign out" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility Indices" -msgstr "Volatilität Indizes" +msgid "Sign up" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility Indices are further categorised into two classes:" -msgstr "Volatilität Indizes werden zusätzlich in zwei Klassen eingestuft:" +msgid "SmartTrader" +msgstr "" -msgid "Volatility Indices give you exclusive access to various trade types, such as Up/Down, Touch/No Touch, In/Out, Asians, Digits, Lookbacks, Reset Call/Reset Put, Call Spread/Put Spread, Only Ups/Only Downs, and more." +msgid "Something's gone wrong" msgstr "" -msgid "Volume step" -msgstr "Volumen-Schritt" +msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." +msgstr "" -msgid "Vs 407 zrnaf nalguvat fcrpvny gb lbh lbh znl pbcl lbhe nccyvpngvba gb wl+ebg13@ovanel.pbz sbe snfg-genpx pbafvqrengvba." -msgstr "Vs 407 zrnaf nalguvat fcrpvny gb lbh lbh znl pbcl lbhe nccyvpngvba gb wl+ebg13@ovanel.pbz sbe snfg-genpx pbafvqrengvba." +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." +msgstr "" -msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." -msgstr "Warte auf Kontrakt-Begleichung." +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." +msgstr "" -msgid "Waiting for entry tick." -msgstr "Warten auf den Eingangstick." +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your country." +msgstr "" -msgid "Waiting for exit tick." -msgstr "Warten auf den Endtick." +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your financial account." +msgstr "" -msgid "Want to be a part of our dynamic culture? Browse all our openings and see where you fit:" -msgstr "Wollen Sie Teil unserer dynamischen Kultur werden? Durchsuchen Sie alle unsere offenen Stellen, um zu sehen wo Sie hinein passen:" +msgid "Sorry, deposits for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" -msgid "Want to help us enhance the strength and security of our platform?" -msgstr "Möchten Sie uns helfen, die Stärke und Sicherheit unserer Handelsplattform zu verbessern?" +msgid "Sorry, no mobile phone bills" +msgstr "" -msgid "Want to telecommute?" -msgstr "Möchten Sie Telearbeit machen?" +msgid "Sorry, options trading isn’t available in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man." +msgstr "" -msgid "Warranties" -msgstr "Garantien" +msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgstr "" -msgid "Warranty disclaimer" +msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." msgstr "" -msgid "We" -msgstr "Mi" +msgid "Sorry, withdrawals for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" -msgid "We accept" -msgstr "Wir akzeptieren" +msgid "Spot" +msgstr "" -msgid "We always put our customers first and dedicate ourselves to building products and services that give them the best trading experience possible." -msgstr "Wir stellen unsere Kunden immer an erste Stelle und widmen uns dem Erstellen von Produkten und Dienstleistungen, die ihnen die beste Handelserfahrung geben." +msgid "Spot time" +msgstr "" -msgid "We are PayOps, part of the Compliance department. Our team emphasizes business development by implementing the payment strategy for the Binary group of companies in collaboration with the Marketing team." +msgid "Spot time (GMT)" msgstr "" -msgid "We are licensed and regulated in the British Isles and in Malta since 2015." -msgstr "Wir sind auf den Britischen Inseln und auf Malta seit 2015 zugelassen und geregelt." +msgid "Stake" +msgstr "" -msgid "We are required by our license to inform you about what happens to funds which we hold on account for you, and the extent to which funds are protected in the event of insolvency %1." -msgstr "Nach unserer Lizenz ist vorgeschrieben, dass wir Sie darüber informieren, was mit dem Geld, das wir für Sie auf einem Konto verwahren, passiert und wie Ihr Geld im Fall einer Insolvenz geschützt ist %1." +msgid "Start time" +msgstr "" -msgid "We believe that we should always do the right thing. This includes serving our customers with honesty and transparency, settling all contracts by the book, and communicating in plain language that can be easily understood." -msgstr "Wir glauben, dass wir immer das Richtige tun sollten. Dazu gehört, unseren Kunden mit Ehrlichkeit und Transparenz zu dienen, alle Kontrakte ordnungsgemäß abzuwickeln und im Klartext, der leicht verstanden werden kann, zu kommunizieren." +msgid "State/Province" +msgstr "" -msgid "We could not recognise your address. You may proceed but please ensure that your address is complete and accurate." -msgstr "Wir konnten Ihre Adresse nicht verifizieren. Sie können fortfahren, bitte prüfen Sie jedoch noch einmal, dass die Adresse vollständig und richtig ist." +msgid "Statements" +msgstr "" -msgid "We delete an order with the largest margin reserved" -msgstr "Wir löschen eine Order mit dem höchsten belegten Margin" +msgid "Status" +msgstr "" -msgid "We do it again. BetOnMarkets.com follows up our 2007 award by being voted 'Best Fixed-Odds Financial Trading Provider' for 2008." -msgstr "Wir haben es wieder geschafft. BetOnMarkets.com wiederholt seine Auszeichnung aus 2007 und wird in 2008 wieder zum 'Besten Finanzdienstleister für den Handel mit festen Gewinnquoten' gewählt." +msgid "Stays Between" +msgstr "" -msgid "We have a proven track record since we launched our platform in 2000." -msgstr "Seit dem wir unsere Plattform in 2000 gestartet haben, haben wir eine nachweisliche Erfolgsbilanz." +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" +msgstr "" -msgid "We have a tested and proven selection of referral tools including banners, reviews, videos, and text ads for you to use. If you would like certain items to be customised to your preferences, please contact your account manager at %1. You can also use the MyAffiliates system to track and optimise your campaigns." -msgstr "Wir stellen eine getestete und bewährte Auswahl von Anwerbe-Tools einschließlich Banner, Bewertungen, Videos und Textanzeigen zu Ihrer Verfügung. Wenn Sie bestimmte Elemente nach Ihren Wünschen angepasst haben möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Kundenbetreuer bei %1. Sie können auch das Myaffiliates System dazu verwenden, Ihre Kampagnen zu verfolgen und zu optimieren." +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" -msgid "We look forward to hearing from you." -msgstr "Wir würden uns freuen, wieder von Ihnen zu hören." +msgid "Step" +msgstr "" -msgid "We love to work with smart and talented people who are eager to roll up their sleeves and get things done." -msgstr "Wir lieben es, mit schlauen und talentierten Menschen zu arbeiten, die gespannt darauf sind, ihre Ärmel hochzukrempeln und Sachen anzupacken." +msgid "Steps required to continue verification on your mobile" +msgstr "" -msgid "We need a talented Data Scientist with the technical skills and creative curiosity to explore and solve complex business problems." +msgid "Stock Indices" msgstr "" -msgid "We need you to:" +msgid "Stocks" msgstr "" -msgid "We offer a market-based salary, annual performance bonus, health benefits, travel and internet allowances, and company trips. Enjoy a high standard of living, whether you're in Malta, or Malaysia." -msgstr "Wir bieten eine marktorientierte Vergütung, jährlichen Leistungsbonus, Gesundheitsvorteile, Reisekosten- und Internetpauschale und Betriebsausflüge. Genießen Sie einen hohen Lebensstandard, egal ob Sie in Malta oder Malaysia sind." +msgid "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" +msgstr "" -msgid "We offer all four precious metals – gold, silver, palladium, and platinum – as well as energy in our list of commodities." -msgstr "Wir bieten alle vier Edelmetalle an - Gold, Silber, Palladium und Platin, sowie Energie in unserer Liste an Rohstoffen." +msgid "Su" +msgstr "" -msgid "We offer three types of lookbacks:" -msgstr "Wir bieten drei Arten von Lookbacks:" +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" -msgid "We presume that you possess the experience, knowledge, and expertise to make your own investment decisions and properly assess the risks involved" -msgstr "Wir setzten voraus, dass Sie die Erfahrung, das Wissen und Know-how, um Ihre eigenen Anlageentscheidungen treffen zu können und die involvierten Risiken richtig beurteilen zu können, besitzen" +msgid "Submit document" +msgstr "" -msgid "We process over a million transactions each day, and manage a book of exotic options which exceeds the complexity of the typical derivatives desk." -msgstr "Wir bearbeiten jeden Tag über eine Million Transaktionen, und verwalten ein Buch exotischer Optionen, welches die Komplexität des typischen Derivat-Desks übertrifft." +msgid "Submit identity card (back)" +msgstr "" -msgid "We prohibit the use of unauthorised incentives, gifts, and payments to encourage customer signups. If we have reason to believe that you have engaged in such activity, we reserve the right to withhold any payments due to you. However, if you have a specific incentive in mind, then please contact your account manager for further discussion and approval." -msgstr "Wir verbieten den Einsatz von nicht genehmigten Incentives, Geschenken und Zahlungen, um Kundenanmeldungen zu animieren. Wenn wir einen Grund haben, zu glauben, dass Sie in eine solche Handlung involviert sind, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, Zahlungen an Sie einzubehalten. Sollten Sie an bestimmte Incentives denken, setzen Sie sich bitte mit Ihrem Kundenbetreuer in Verbindung, um dies zu besprechen und genehmigen zu lassen." +msgid "Submit identity card (front)" +msgstr "" -msgid "We rebrand BetOnMarkets.com as %1. The rebranding is a natural evolution for the platform as it continues to grow market share in the highly competitive field of binary trading. The new brand reflects the nature of the business, and our new tagline - Sharp Prices, Smart Trading - communicates our ethos and commitment to our clients." -msgstr "Wir benennen BetOnMarkets.com in %1 um. Diese Umbenennung ist die natürliche Fortentwicklung für die Plattform, da sie in dem stark umkämpften Bereich des Binären Handels weiter an Marktanteil gewinnt. Die neue Marke spiegelt die Natur des Geschäfts und unseren neuen Wahlspruch - Präzise Kurse, Intelligentes Handeln - wider und kommuniziert unseren Ethos und unser Engagement für unsere Kunden." +msgid "Submit license (back)" +msgstr "" -msgid "We segregate your funds and keep them in secure and licensed financial institutions." -msgstr "Wir trennen Ihre Gelder und halten sie in sicheren und zugelassenen Finanzinstitutionen." +msgid "Submit license (front)" +msgstr "" -msgid "We support hundreds of deposit and withdrawal options, including Bitcoin." -msgstr "Wir unterstützen hunderte von Einzahlungs- und Auszahlungsmöglichkeiten, einschließlich Bitcoin." +msgid "Submit passport photo page" +msgstr "" -msgid "We support the following web browsers:" -msgstr "Wir unterstützen die folgenden Webbrowser:" +msgid "Submit residence permit (back)" +msgstr "" -msgid "We value positive team players who can work together to overcome challenges and achieve common goals." -msgstr "Wir legen Wert auf positive Teamplaner, die zusammenarbeiten können, um Herausforderungen zu meistern und gemeinsame Ziele zu erreichen." +msgid "Submit residence permit (front)" +msgstr "" -msgid "We will continue to close open positions until your margin level becomes higher than the stop out level" -msgstr "Wir werden fortfahren, offene Positionen zu schließen, bis Ihr Margin Level höher als das Stop Out Level wird" +msgid "Submit verification" +msgstr "" -msgid "We will review your documents and get back to you within 3 working days." -msgstr "Wir werden Ihre Dokumente prüfen und innerhalb von 3 Arbeitstagen antworten." +msgid "Submitted" +msgstr "" -msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." -msgstr "Wie würden uns freuen, Ihre Meinung zu erfahren." +msgid "Submitting" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're almost there" -msgstr "Wir haben es fast geschafft" +msgid "Successful" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're expected to generate over USD 1 billion in turnover this year, bringing our total turnover since inception to over USD 5.7 billion." -msgstr "In diesem Jahr erwarten wir einen Umsatz von über 1 Milliarde US-Dollar zu generieren, was unseren Gesamtumsatz seit der Gründung bis auf über 5,7 Milliarden US-Dollar bringt." +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're granted patents for 'Computer trading system and method for speculating on a financial market' and 'Computer trading system for offering custom financial market speculations'. The patents show our ability to innovate and stay ahead of the pack." -msgstr "Uns wurden Patente für ein 'Computerhandelssystem und die Methode zur Spekulation auf einem Finanzmarkt' und 'Computerhandelssystem für das Angebot von benutzerdefinierten Finanzmarktspekulationen' gewährt. Diese Patente beweisen unsere Fähigkeit zur Innovation und das wir im Wettbewerb die Nase vorn haben." +msgid "Synthetic" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." -msgstr "Wir versuchen ständig, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern, wir möchten Ihre Bedürfnisse besser verstehen. Wären Sie bereit zu einem kurzen Telefonat zu Fragen wie \"Was gefällt Ihnen bei uns, was nicht, und was können wir besser machen\"?" +msgid "Synthetic Indices" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're not obliged to conduct an appropriateness test, nor provide you with any risk warnings" -msgstr "Wir sind nicht dazu verpflichtet einen Eignungstest durchzuführen, noch Ihnen alle Risikowarnungen zukommen zu lassen" +msgid "Take a photo" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're projected to register over 197 million transactions this year, bringing the total number of contracts that were bought and sold on our platform since inception to over 789 million." -msgstr "Wir werden in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich mehr als 197 Millionen Transaktionen registrieren, womit die Gesamtzahl der Kontrakte, die auf unserer Plattform seit der Gründung gekauft und verkauft wurden, bis auf über 789 Millionen steigt." +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your card" +msgstr "" -msgid "We're really proud of this award. We're strongly committed to offering an ethical and customer-focused trading experience, and the award shows that BetOnMarkets is a trusted brand that listens and caters to customers, whether they are experienced traders or novices. We offer customer services in English, Indonesian, Russian, Chinese and Spanish." -msgstr "Wir sind auf diese Auszeichnung wirklich sehr stolz. Wir engagieren uns stark im Angebot eines ethischen und kundenbezogenen Handelserlebnisses und die Auszeichnung zeigt, dass BetOnMarkets eine vertrauenswürdige Firma ist, die ihren Kunden, gleichgültig, ob sie erfahrene Trader oder Anfänger sind, zuhört und sich um sie kümmert. Wir bieten unseren Kundendienst in Englisch, Indonesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch und Spanisch an." +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your license" +msgstr "" -msgid "We've grown in size over the years - both in terms of manpower and offices. We currently have over %1 employees across three offices in Malaysia and Malta. Further growth in headcount is expected this year to cater to the increased demand in our products and services." -msgstr "Wir haben über die Jahre an Größe gewonnen - sowohl in Bezug auf Arbeitskräfte, als auch auf Firmensitze. Wir haben derzeit mehr als %1 Mitarbeiter an drei Standorten in Malaysia und Malta. Ein weiteres Wachstum in der Mitarbeiterzahl wird dieses Jahr erwartet, um der ansteigenden Nachfrage nach unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen nachzukommen." +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your card" +msgstr "" -msgid "Web and software developer" -msgstr "WEB- und Softwareentwickler" +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your license" +msgstr "" -msgid "WebMoney is an online payment settlement system that's been operating since 1998. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "WebMoney ist ein Online-Zahlungsausgleich-System, das seit 1998 läuft. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte %1." +msgid "Take a photo of your passport photo page" +msgstr "" -msgid "WebTrader" -msgstr "WebTrader" +msgid "Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead" +msgstr "" -msgid "Webinar speaker" -msgstr "Webinar Sprecher" +msgid "Take a photo with your phone" +msgstr "" -msgid "Webinars" -msgstr "Webinare" +msgid "Take a selfie" +msgstr "" -msgid "Webmaster" -msgstr "Webmaster" +msgid "Take a selfie showing your face" +msgstr "" -msgid "Website" -msgstr "Website" +msgid "Take photo" +msgstr "" -msgid "Website URL (where applicable)" +msgid "Target" msgstr "" -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Mittwoch" +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "" -msgid "Weekdays:" -msgstr "Wochentage:" +msgid "Tether ERC20" +msgstr "" -msgid "Weekend quotes" -msgstr "Wochenendnotierungen" +msgid "Tether ERC20 (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is hosted on the Ethereum platform." +msgstr "" -msgid "Weekend:" -msgstr "Wochenende:" +msgid "Tether Omni" +msgstr "" -msgid "Welcome to Binary.com" -msgstr "Willkommen bei Binary.com" +msgid "Tether Omni (USDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is built on the Bitcoin blockchain." +msgstr "" -msgid "Well-honed organisational, administrative, and accounting skills" -msgstr "Gut entwickelte organisatorische, administrative und/oder buchhalterische Fähigkeiten" +msgid "Th" +msgstr "" -msgid "What about instant execution? In this case, your order is placed at the price that's available at that time. Requotes are possible if the price fluctuates a great deal before the order execution is complete." -msgstr "Was ist mit sofortiger Ausführung? In diesem Fall wird Ihre Order zu dem Kurs, der zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfügbar ist, platziert. Erneute Notierungen sind möglich, wenn der Preis sehr stark schwankt, bevor die Ausführung der Order abgeschlossen ist." +msgid "Thank you" +msgstr "" -msgid "What are binary options" -msgstr "Was sind binäre Optionen" +msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." +msgstr "" -msgid "What are lookbacks" -msgstr "Was sind Lookbacks" +msgid "Thank you, we'll get back to you within 24 hours" +msgstr "" -msgid "What is CFD trading" -msgstr "Was ist CFD Handel" +msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is DNS" -msgstr "Was ist DNS" +msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is Forex trading" -msgstr "Was ist Forex Handel" +msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is a MAM account?" -msgstr "Was ist ein MAM Konto?" +msgid "The %1end time%2 is the selected number of minutes/hours after the %1start time%2." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is cryptocurrency trading" -msgstr "Was ist Kryptowährungshandel" +msgid "The %1exit spot%2 is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is metals trading" -msgstr "Was ist Metallhandel" +msgid "The %1high%2 is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is the %1 Affiliate Programme all about?" -msgstr "Worum handelt sich das %1 Partnerprogramm?" +msgid "The %1low%2 is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is the %1 IB Programme all about?" -msgstr "Worum handelt sich das %1 IB Programm?" +msgid "The %1start time%2 begins when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" -msgid "What is the definition of a referred client?" -msgstr "Was ist die Definition eines angeworbenen Kunden?" +msgid "The %1start time%2 is when the contract has been processed by our servers and the %1entry spot%2 is the %1next tick%2 thereafter." +msgstr "" -msgid "What kind of reports can I generate?" -msgstr "Welche Berichte kann ich erstellen?" +msgid "The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time." +msgstr "" -msgid "What referral tools do you offer?" -msgstr "Welche Anwerbe-Tools bieten Sie an?" +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" -msgid "What time is the market open for me to trade" -msgstr "Zu welcher Zeit ist der Markt für mich zum Handeln geöffnet" +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." +msgstr "" -msgid "What you can trade with CFDs" -msgstr "Was Sie mit CFDs handeln können" +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" -msgid "What's a margin call and how is it applied" -msgstr "Was ist eine Nachschussforderung (Margin-Forderung) und wie wird sie angewendet" +msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." +msgstr "" -msgid "What's a stop out level and how is it applied" -msgstr "Was ist ein Stop Out Level und wie wird es angewendet" +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter." +msgstr "" -msgid "When a client is classified as an Eligible Counterparty, BIEL shall not provide them with" +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." msgstr "" -msgid "When a force majeure event occurs" +msgid "The Average" msgstr "" -msgid "When a negative balance results from the breach of any of the terms of this agreement by the client" +msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." msgstr "" -msgid "When a self-exclusion limit is set on the client's %1 account, the client's MT5 Real Account will be disabled until the self-exclusion limit on their %1 account is removed." +msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" msgstr "" -msgid "When are my commissions paid?" -msgstr "Wann werden meine Provisionen ausgezahlt?" +msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password, please try our password recovery tool or contact our customer service." +msgstr "" -msgid "When executing client orders using the A-book model, the Company directs the client's trade to one of its liquidity providers, namely:" -msgstr "Wenn Kundenorder mittels des A-book Modells ausgeführt werden, dirigiert das unternehmen das Geschäft des Kunden zu einem seiner Handelsanbieter, nämlich:" +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" -msgid "When it comes to food, you'll be spoilt for choice. Cuisine from every part of the world can be found in Dubai, but that doesn't mean that local flavours should be ignored: chebab (saffron pancakes), khameer (puffed flatbreads), harees (savoury porridge), tender roasted meats, and pistachio-stuffed sweets are some of the local dishes that will excite your taste buds. There are also numerous economical options in the form of chain restaurants that cater to a variety of tastes." -msgstr "Was das Essen betrifft, haben Sie in Dubai die Qual der Wahl. Gerichte aus aller Welt sind leicht zu finden. Auch die lokalen Köstlichkeiten sind nicht zu verachten: Chebab (Safranpfannkuchen), Khameer (aufgeblasenes Fladenbrot), Harees (herzhaftes Porridge), zart geröstetes Fleisch und Süßes gefüllt mit Pistazien sind nur einige lokale Gerichte, die Ihre Geschmacksknospen entzücken werden. Es gibt auch viele preisgünstige Optionen in Form von Ketten-Restaurants, die verschiedene Geschmäcker bedienen." +msgid "The link only works on mobile devices" +msgstr "" -msgid "When the Affiliate's referred clients open an account with any member of the Binary group, the Company assumes ownership of the database of names and contact information and any other data of the Affiliate's referred clients." +msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." msgstr "" -msgid "When the Company accepts an order from the client to open or close a transaction, or any other specific instructions in relation to the client's order, the Company will endeavour to follow the client's instructions as far as reasonably possible, acting in accordance with the Company's duty of best execution in accordance with the client's instructions. These specific instructions include, but are not limited to, the following:" +msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." msgstr "" -msgid "When the Company deals on own account (dealing desk), the Company acts as principal and not as an agent on the client's behalf and the Company therefore acts as the execution venue." -msgstr "Wenn das Unternehmen auf dem eigenen Konto handelt (dealing desk), agiert das Unternehmen als Dienstleister und nicht als Agent im Namen des Kunden, deshalb agiert das Unternehmen als Plattform für die Ausführung." +msgid "The photo should clearly show your document" +msgstr "" -msgid "When the Order hits the liquidity provider's server, or the Company's server in case the Order is taken on BIEL's own books, it is fulfilled." +msgid "The reason should be between 5 and 250 characters" msgstr "" -msgid "When the client enters into this agreement, they make the following representations and warranties to the Company and agree that such representations and warranties are deemed repeated each time the client opens or closes a transaction:" +msgid "The reset time is %1" msgstr "" -msgid "When the client gives the Company specific instructions, including (a) specifying the price of a Contract with the Company or (b) specifying the price at which a Contract is to be closed, then those instructions take precedence over other aspects of the Company's policy." -msgstr "Sofern der Kunde dem Unternehmen besondere Anweisungen erteilt, einschl. beispielsweise (a) den Kurs eines Kontrakts beim Unternehmen festzulegen oder (b) den Kurs, zu dem der Kontrakt geschlossen werden muss, dann sind diese Anweisungen gegenüber den Regeln des Unternehmens maßgebend." +msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" +msgstr "" -msgid "When the client is a professional client" +msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." msgstr "" -msgid "When the client opens an account with the Company, the Company will request the client's consent for the distribution of marketing materials to the e-mail address that the client provides to the Company upon sign-up." +msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" msgstr "" -msgid "When the client opens any transactions in relation to Prohibited Trades" +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." msgstr "" -msgid "When the client requests a withdrawal from %1 Client Account, such request shall be automatically proceeded, and, as a result, the requested sum shall be transferred from the %1 Client Account to the %1 Agent Account. However, it is noted that when the client reaches the client's withdrawal limits, a withdrawal request shall not be automatically proceeded before the required authentication process is conducted." +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." msgstr "" -msgid "When the client transfers their money to BIEL for trading purposes, the client's funds are deposited in their %1 account. If the client chooses to trade FX and CFDs, the client shall transfer funds from their %1 account to their MT5 Real Account. Such a transfer shall not be regarded as a transfer from two different accounts but as a transfer of funds from the client's centralised %1 account to the MT5 Real Account. No fund transfers shall be made to any other account in the name of any third party." +msgid "There was an error" msgstr "" -msgid "When the market conditions or market movements/volatility are abnormal" +msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." msgstr "" -msgid "When the remaining funds in your account is unable to cover the leverage or margin requirement, your account will be placed under margin call. To prevent a margin call escalating into a stop out level, you can deposit additional funds into your account or close any open positions." -msgstr "Wenn die verbleibenden Guthaben auf Ihrem Konto nicht in der Lage sind, die Leverage oder Marge nach Bedarf zu decken, wird Ihr Konto unter eine Margin-Forderung platziert werden. Um zu vermeiden, dass eine Nachschussforderung in ein Stop Out Level eskaliert, können Sie zusätzliche Gelder auf Ihr Konto einzahlen oder alle offenen Positionen schließen." +msgid "These are the documents most likely to show your current home address" +msgstr "" -msgid "When there is a breakdown in the means of communication normally employed in determining the price or value of any of the financial contracts or where the price or value of any of the financial contracts cannot be promptly or accurately ascertained" -msgstr "Wenn es eine Unterbrechung bei den normalerweise zur Feststellung des Kurses oder Werts von Finanzkontrakten eingesetzten Mittel gibt oder wo der Kurs oder der Wert von Finanzkontrakten nicht unmittelbar oder genau ermittelt werden kann" +msgid "This account is disabled" +msgstr "" -msgid "When to buy and sell" -msgstr "Wann man kauft und verkauft" +msgid "This account is excluded until %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "When to buy and sell?" -msgstr "Wann soll man kaufen und verkaufen?" +msgid "This contract is only available on %1DTrader%2." +msgstr "" -msgid "When using the MT5 trading platform, all BIEL's clients will be provided with Margin monitoring functionality to protect the clients from encountering negative balances when trading under normal market conditions. As a trader, the client should always maintain the appropriate levels of Margin in their trading account as the recommended method of their own risk management." +msgid "This contract is only available on DTrader.%1%2Go to Dtrader%3 to close or cancel this contract." msgstr "" -msgid "When you are satisfied with the price that you receive, execute your trade immediately. With our unique platform, there's no risk of 'slippage' or gaping markets. And most importantly, there are no hidden fees. You can also sell back any long-term trades at any time to profit from favourable market conditions." -msgstr "Wenn Sie mit dem Kurs, den Sie erhalten haben, zufrieden sind, führen Sie Ihr Geschäft sofort aus. Mit unserer einzigartigen Plattform gibt es kein Risiko von \"Slippage\" oder klaffenden Märkten. Und am wichtigsten ist, dass es keine versteckten Gebühren gibt. Sie können auch langfristige Geschäfte jederzeit wieder verkaufen, um von vorteilhaften Marktbedingungen zu profitieren." +msgid "This contract lost" +msgstr "" -msgid "When you are trading CFDs, you can choose to open a buy position (if you think that the price will rise) or a sell position (if you think that the price will fall)." -msgstr "Wenn Sie mit CFDs handeln, können Sie eine Kaufposition eröffnen (wenn Sie glauben, dass der Kurs steigen wird) oder eine Verkaufsposition (wenn Sie glauben, dass der Kurs fallen wird)." +msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" +msgstr "" -msgid "When you are trading metals, you can choose to open a buy position (if you think that the price of an asset will rise) or a sell position (if you think that the price of an asset will fall)." -msgstr "Wenn Sie Metalle handeln, können Sie eine Kaufposition eröffnen (wenn Sie glauben, dass der Kurs eines Vermögenswertes steigen wird) oder eine Verkaufsposition (wenn Sie glauben, dass der Kurs eines Vermögenswertes fallen wird)." +msgid "This contract won" +msgstr "" -msgid "When you are trading metals, you can choose to open a buy position if you think that the price of an asset will rise or a sell position if you think that the price of an asset will fall." -msgstr "Wenn Sie Metalle handeln, können Sie eine Kaufposition eröffnen, wenn Sie glauben, dass der Kurs eines Vermögenswertes steigen wird, oder eine Verkaufsposition, wenn Sie glauben, dass der Kurs eines Vermögenswertes fallen wird." +msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." +msgstr "" -msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." -msgstr "Wenn Sie auf 'OK' klicken, werden Sie bis zum ausgewählten Datum vom Handel auf dieser Site ausgeschlossen." +msgid "This field is required." +msgstr "" -msgid "When you decide to close an open contract, you only need to take the opposite position in order to close the contract." -msgstr "Wenn Sie entscheiden, einen offenen Kontrakt zu schließen, müssen Sie nur die entgegengesetzte Position ergreifen, um den Kontrakt zu schließen." +msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" +msgstr "" -msgid "When you see currency pairs offered by a broker or trading service, there are usually two prices available: the ask price and the bid price. These are also known as the buy price and the sell price respectively." -msgstr "Wenn Sie Währungspaare durch einen Broker oder Trading-Service angeboten sehen, gibt es in der Regel zwei Kurse: den Briefkurs und den Geldkurs. Diese sind auch bekannt als der Kaufpreis und Verkaufspreis." +msgid "This is a top-10 common password" +msgstr "" -msgid "When you start trading with %1, you'll be directed to the trading screen, where you set your trading parameters, and choose what you want to trade, how and when." -msgstr "Wenn Sie mit %1 zu handeln beginnen, werden Sie auf den Handelsbildschirm weitergeleitet, wo Sie Ihre Handels-Parameter festgelegen, und auswählen, was Sie wie und wann, handeln möchten." +msgid "This is a top-100 common password" +msgstr "" -msgid "When you trade with %1, you can be assured that your deposits are held in a separate trust account and are not used for any other purpose." -msgstr "Wenn Sie bei %1 traden, können Sie sich sicher sein, dass Ihre Einzahlungen auf einem separaten Treuhandkonto gutgeschrieben und nicht für andere Zwecke verwendet werden." +msgid "This is a very common password" +msgstr "" -msgid "When your account hits the forced liquidation level, your orders and positions are forcibly closed in the following sequence:" -msgstr "Wenn Ihr Konto das gezwungene Liquidationslevel erreicht, werden Ihre Order und Positionen zwangsweise in der folgenden Sequenz geschlossen:" +msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." +msgstr "" -msgid "When, as a result of political, economic, military, or monetary events (including unusual market volatility or illiquidity) or any circumstances outside the control, responsibility, and power of the Company, the continued operation of this site is not reasonably practicable without materially and adversely affecting and prejudicing the interests of clients or the Company, or if, in the opinion of the Company, a price cannot be calculated for financial contracts" +msgid "This is similar to a commonly used password" msgstr "" -msgid "Where BIEL considers, on the basis of the information provided by the client that the client does not possess the knowledge and experience to appreciate the risks associated with an investment in the proposed instrument, BIEL will issue a warning to the client. Such a warning shall be displayed on the website." +msgid "This is your %1 account." msgstr "" -msgid "Where BIEL does not manage to obtain sufficient information to assess the appropriateness of the product or service for the client, BIEL will similarly inform the client that BIEL is not in a position to assess appropriateness." +msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." msgstr "" -msgid "Where a particular time or timeframe has been specified in a client's instructions with respect to the execution of an order, regardless of the price available, the Company will endeavour to execute the order at the specified time or over the specified timeframe in the best possible manner after taking all sufficient steps. However, the Company will not be responsible for any consequences related to pricing that are resulted from the time or timeframe of the execution." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen wird sich bemühen, eine Order in einer bestimmten Zeit oder über einen bestimmten Zeitraum auf bestmögliche Weise auszuführen, nachdem alle erforderlichen Schritte unternommen wurden, wo eine spezielle Zeit oder ein spezieller Zeitraum in Kundenanweisungen hinsichtlich der Ausführung einer Order, ohne Rücksicht auf den erhältlichen Kurs, bestimmt wurde. Das Unternehmen ist jedoch nicht für Folgen im Zusammenhang mit Preispolitik, die sich aus der Zeit oder dem Zeitraum der Ausführung ergeben, verantwortlich." +msgid "This password is on the blacklist" +msgstr "" -msgid "Where a particular venue has been specified in the client's instructions with respect to the execution of an order, the Company will not be responsible for the venue selection." -msgstr "Das Unternehmen ist für die Auswahl eines Ausführungsortes nicht verantwortlich, wo ein bestimmter Ausführungsort in den Kunden-Anweisungen, im Bezug auf die Ausführung einer Order, festgelegt wurde." +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" -msgid "Where an account is funded solely by means of a bonus code, the bonus amount plus any winnings cannot be withdrawn until the client has exceeded an account turnover of 25 times the bonus amount value. The maximum amount of winnings allowed on such accounts shall be 25 times the amount of such bonus amount." +msgid "Tick" msgstr "" -msgid "Where any law-suit, action, or other legal or administrative proceedings in connection to this agreement are initiated for any execution, attachment or garnishment, or distress against the Agent or where an encumbrance takes possession of the entire or any part of the Agent's property, undertakings, or assets, whether tangible and intangible" +msgid "Tick Prediction" msgstr "" -msgid "Where any proceedings are involuntarily initiated against the Agent by any third parties who seek or propose liquidation, reorganisation, restructuring, an arrangement or composition, or a freeze or moratorium in relation to the Agent or the Agent's debts in accordance with the law" +msgid "Ticks" msgstr "" -msgid "Where can I send my questions, comments, and suggestions?" -msgstr "An wen kann ich meine Fragen, Kommentare und Anregungen senden?" +msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." +msgstr "" -msgid "Where new ideas trump safe, old ones. And you're free to work your way, free from hierarchies and red tape." -msgstr "Wo neue Ideen alte übertrumpfen. Und Sie wählen Ihre Arbeitsweise, frei von Hierarchien und Papierkram." +msgid "Time is in the wrong format." +msgstr "" -msgid "Where such additional functions/plug-ins affect the reliability and/or smooth operation and/or orderly functioning of the MT5 trading platform, the Company has the right to immediately terminate its contractual relationship with its clients by written notice." +msgid "Time out cannot be in the past." msgstr "" -msgid "Where supportive colleagues are like a second family." -msgstr "Wo hilfsbereite Kollegen wie eine zweite Familie sind." +msgid "Time out cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" -msgid "Where teamwork and a collaborative culture form the platform for personal and corporate growth." -msgstr "Wo Teamarbeit und Gemeinschaftskultur die Plattform für persönliches und unternehmerisches Wachstum formen." +msgid "Time out must be after today." +msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent acts in breach of any warranty, representation, or promise made under this agreement, and any information provided to the Company in connection with this agreement is, or becomes, untrue or misleading" +msgid "Timed out until" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent becomes incapable to pay their debts as they fall due, or is bankrupt or insolvent, as defined under any and all applicable bankruptcy or insolvency law where the Agent is an individual" +msgid "Tips" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent ceases to be competent, capable, adequate, or qualified to effectively perform all of the Agent's duties and obligations that are undertaken and agreed to under this agreement, for any reason, including but not limited to lack of knowledge, expertise, experience, skills, and time, the Agent shall notify the Company immediately and without any delay." +msgid "Tips to take a good selfie" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent fails to comply with the Agent's obligations or fails to perform any of the Agent's duties or other provisions under this agreement and such failure continues for at least one business day after the receipt of the non-performance notice given by the Company" +msgid "To account: " msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent is an individual, the Agent has reached the age of 18 years or over and has full capacity to enter into this agreement." +msgid "To open a bank account, we will need to verify your identity." msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent is dissolved or deregistered from any records of a formal register whatsoever; furthermore, where any procedure is initiated that is seeking, intending, or proposing the Agent's dissolution or deregistration from any records of a formal register" +msgid "To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent omits, fails, or refuses in any manner to provide the Company with evidence of the Agent's identity or any other evidence as required by the law in relation to anti-money laundering within a reasonable time, the Company reserves the right to cease to deal with the Agent." +msgid "Today" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Agent owns or operates website/s, the Agent shall do the following:" +msgid "Token" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Company ascertains any mistakes or flaws related to deposits or withdrawals from or to %1 Agent Account or %1 Client Account, the Company shall, within a reasonable time, take all corrective measures to rectify such mistakes or flaws." +msgid "Too many failed attempts" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the Introducing Broker owns, or operates, a website and wishes to include Binary's services, the Introducing Broker shall" +msgid "Top up error" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the client's obligations to the Company are due and payable, the Company shall cease to treat as client money the amount equal to the amount of such obligations." +msgid "Top-up successful" msgstr "" -msgid "Where the negative balance is connected to or a result of functional limitations and/or malfunction of the MT5 trading platform" +msgid "Total Cost" msgstr "" -msgid "Where you can go" -msgstr "Wo Sie hinkommen können" +msgid "Total Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "Where your experience, drive and talent can propel you in unknown directions. And you have the freedom to push into new frontiers." -msgstr "Wo Ihre Erfahrung, Ihr Schwung und Ihr Talent Sie in unbekannte Richtungen treiben können. Und Sie haben die Freiheit, neue Grenzen zu überschreiten." +msgid "Total assets" +msgstr "" -msgid "Which account is right for me?" -msgstr "Welches Konto ist das richtige für mich?" +msgid "Total assets in your Deriv accounts" +msgstr "" -msgid "Which currencies can I trade" -msgstr "Welche Währungen kann ich handeln" +msgid "Total profit/loss" +msgstr "" -msgid "Whilst the Company acts as principal in respect of the client's orders, the Company also assesses the execution venues that the Company uses and upon which the Company places significant reliance to provide the best possible result for the execution of the client's orders. These venues typically consist of third-party investment firms, brokers, and/or liquidity providers." -msgstr "Indem das Unternehmen als Auftraggeber hinsichtlich der Kunden-Order agiert, bewertet es ebenfalls die Ausführungsorte, die das Unternehmen verwendet und in die das Unternehmen erhebliches Vertrauen legt, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis für die Kunden-Order zu erzielen. Diese Ausführungsorte bestehen typischerweise aus Investmentfirmen Dritter, Brokern, und/oder Liquiditätsanbietern." +msgid "Touch/No Touch" +msgstr "" -msgid "Whilst the Company endeavours to close out the client's Open Positions if and when the Margin Level for their MT5 Real Account reaches or falls below the Stop Out Level, the company does not guarantee that the client's Open Positions will be closed when the Margin Level for their MT5 Real Account reaches the Stop Out Level." +msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." msgstr "" -msgid "Whilst the Company endeavours to open or close the transaction to which the client's orders relate at the requested price, acting in accordance with the Company's duty of best execution, there are times when, due to an increase in volatility or volume, orders may be subject to slippage. The difference between the order price and execution price when orders are filled is known as slippage. This means that the client's order is not filled at the exact intended quoted price when the client places their order. Slippage is usually seen during periods of extremely high or low volatility and generally occurs during fundamental news releases or periods of limited liquidity. Slippages can result in either a positive slippage (more favourable to the client) or a negative slippage (less favourable to the client)." +msgid "Touches" msgstr "" -msgid "Whilst the Company endeavours to take all reasonable and sufficient steps, as required by applicable laws and regulations, to identify potential conflicts of interests between the Company and its clients, or between one client and another, that arise in the course of providing the Margin trading services as described in this agreement by establishing and implementing policies and procedures, it is possible that the Company may execute certain Orders which may have other direct or indirect material interests." +msgid "Town/City" msgstr "" -msgid "Who can apply as a %1 affiliate?" +msgid "Trade" msgstr "" -msgid "Who can apply as a %1 partner" -msgstr "Wer kann %1 Partner werden" +msgid "Trade FX and CFDs on a customisable, easy-to-use trading platform." +msgstr "" -msgid "Who can apply to be a Payment Agent?" -msgstr "Wer kann sich als Zahlungsagent bewerben?" +msgid "Trade digital options on the world’s markets with SmartTrader, a powerful, user-friendly online trading platform." +msgstr "" -msgid "Who can be a client on the %1 platform?" -msgstr "Wer kann auf der %1 Plattform Kunde werden?" +msgid "Trade on Deriv MetaTrader 5 (DMT5), the all-in-one FX and CFD trading platform." +msgstr "" -msgid "Why Us" -msgstr "Warum uns" +msgid "Trade the world's markets with our popular user-friendly platform." +msgstr "" -msgid "Why Us?" -msgstr "Warum wir?" +msgid "Trading Information" +msgstr "" -msgid "Why do Clients choose to use Payment Agents?" -msgstr "Warum entscheiden sich Kunden, Zahlungsagenten zu verwenden?" +msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgstr "" -msgid "Why limit yourself? Whatever your market view, %1 allows you to put your strategy to work and profit from your predictions." -msgstr "Warum setzen Sie sich Grenzen? Was auch immer Ihre Markteinschätzung ist, %1 ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Strategie einzusetzen und von Ihren Voraussagen zu profitieren." +msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" -msgid "Why partner with us" -msgstr "Warum Partner werden" +msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgstr "" -msgid "Why pay more?" -msgstr "Warum mehr bezahlen?" +msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." +msgstr "" -msgid "Why should I become a %1 affiliate?" -msgstr "Warum sollte ich ein %1-Partner werden?" +msgid "Trading statistics report" +msgstr "" -msgid "Why you should trade binary options with %1" -msgstr "Warum Sie binäre Optionen mit %1 handeln sollten" +msgid "Transaction ID" +msgstr "" -msgid "Why you should trade precious metals with %1" -msgstr "Warum Sie Edelmetalle mit %1 handeln sollten" +msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" +msgstr "" -msgid "Why you should use %1 instead of your ISP's default DNS service" -msgstr "Warum Sie %1 an Stelle von Ihrem ISP Default DNS Dienst nutzen sollten" +msgid "True USD" +msgstr "" -msgid "Win maximum payout if the exit spot is higher than or equal to the upper barrier." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie die maximale Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs höher oder gleich mit der oberen Schwelle ist." +msgid "Try our %1Synthetic Indices%2." +msgstr "" -msgid "Win maximum payout if the exit spot is lower than or equal to the lower barrier." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie die maximale Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs niedriger oder gleich mit der unteren Schwelle ist." +msgid "Try our other markets." +msgstr "" -msgid "Win payout if consecutive ticks fall successively. Contract is lost when at least one tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgid "Try using a JPG or PNG file" msgstr "" -msgid "Win payout if consecutive ticks rise successively. Contract is lost when at least one tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgid "Try using another file type." msgstr "" -msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie die Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs gleich dem Einstiegskurs ist." +msgid "Tu" +msgstr "" -msgid "Win the multiplier times the close minus low." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie den Multiplikator mal dem Schluss minus des Tiefs." +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" -msgid "Win the multiplier times the high minus close." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie den Multiplikator mal des Hochs minus des Schlusses." +msgid "Turnover" +msgstr "" -msgid "Win the multiplier times the high minus low." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie den Multiplikator mal des Hochs minus des Tiefs." +msgid "Type" +msgstr "" -msgid "Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between exit spot and lower barrier." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie bis zur maximalen Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs zwischen der unteren und oberen Schwelle, im Verhältnis zum Unterschied zwischen dem Schlusskurs und der unteren Schwelle ist." +msgid "USD Coin" +msgstr "" -msgid "Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between upper barrier and exit spot." -msgstr "Gewinnen Sie bis zur maximalen Auszahlung, wenn der Schlusskurs zwischen der unteren und oberen Schwelle, im Verhältnis zum Unterschied zwischen der oberen Schwelle und dem Schlusskurs ist." +msgid "USDK" +msgstr "" -msgid "Windows" -msgstr "Windows" +msgid "Unable to read file %1" +msgstr "" -msgid "Winning the contract" -msgstr "Den Kontrakt gewinnen" +msgid "Unavailable" +msgstr "" -msgid "With %1, you can count on us to serve you with integrity and reliability." -msgstr "Mit %1 können Sie sich darauf verlassen, dass wir Ihnen mit Integrität und Verlässlichkeit dienen." +msgid "Understood" +msgstr "" -msgid "With %1, you can sell your contracts before expiry to keep any profits you may have made or to minimise your losses. You don't have to wait until the actual expiration time." -msgstr "Mit %1 können Sie Ihre Kontrakte verkaufen, bevor sie ablaufen, um jegliche Gewinne, die Sie möglicherweise gemacht haben zu behalten, oder um Ihre Verluste zu minimieren. Sie müssen nicht bis zum eigentlichen Ablaufdatum warten." +msgid "Unknown OS" +msgstr "" -msgid "With %1, you'll know the risk and potential reward before you purchase a contract." -msgstr "Mit %1 kennen Sie das Risiko und die potentielle Vergütung, bevor Sie einen Kontrakt kaufen." +msgid "Unsupported browser" +msgstr "" -msgid "With Boom 1000 Index, there's an average of one spike in the price series that occurs at anytime within 1000 ticks." -msgstr "Beim Boom 1000 Index kommt es im Durchschnitt in jeder Serie von 1000 Ticks zu einer Boom." +msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgstr "" -msgid "With Crash 1000 Index, there's an average of one drop in the price series that occurs at anytime within 1000 ticks." -msgstr "Beim Crash 1000 Index kommt es im Durchschnitt in jeder Serie von 1000 Ticks zu einem Crash." +msgid "Up/Down" +msgstr "" -msgid "With insider knowledge of any financial market or instrument" -msgstr "Die Insiderwissen über einen Finanzmarkt oder ein Instrument haben" +msgid "Upcoming Events" +msgstr "" -msgid "With leverage, you can purchase 100 units of the same asset at a fraction of the cost." -msgstr "Mit Leverage können Sie 100 Einheiten der selben Anlage zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten erwerben." +msgid "Upgrade now" +msgstr "" -msgid "With regards to tracking the Affiliate's referrals accessing %1 via the links on the Affiliate's website or by quoting affiliate IDs during the sign-up process, the Company shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that whenever a client is referred to %1 through these links or affiliate IDs and they subsequently place a contract or otherwise transact with the Company, the relevant client is identified as originating from the Affiliate's referral. However, the Company shall not be liable to the Affiliate in any way if the Company is unable to identify a client as originating from the Affiliate's referral. Only properly tagged clients can be assigned to the Affiliate. It is the Affiliate's responsibility to ensure that all links are properly tagged." +msgid "Upload" msgstr "" -msgid "Withdraw" -msgstr "Abheben" +msgid "Upload a selfie from your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdraw from MT5" -msgstr "Von MT5 abheben" +msgid "Upload anyway" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdraw funds from your MT5 account" -msgstr "Gelder von Ihrem MT5 Konto beheben" +msgid "Upload back of card from your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal" -msgstr "Abhebung" +msgid "Upload back of license from your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal Limits" -msgstr "Abhebungslimits" +msgid "Upload front of card from your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal for your account is not allowed at this moment." -msgstr "Eine Abhebung von Ihrem Konto ist im Moment nicht erlaubt." +msgid "Upload front of license from your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal of funds from MT5 Real Account" +msgid "Upload passport photo page" msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal of funds from the client's MT5 Real Account can be made in a different currency from the one maintained in the client's %1 account subject to a currency transfer fee charge." +msgid "Upload passport photo page from your computer" msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal via payment agent is available only if you deposit exclusively via payment agent." -msgstr "Die Abhebung über einen Zahlungsagenten ist nur möglich, wenn Sie auch über diesen Zahlungsagenten eingezahlt haben." +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal: %1 working day" -msgstr "Behebung: %1 Werktag" +msgid "Uploads successful" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawal: Not applicable" -msgstr "Behebung: Nicht anwendbar" +msgid "Use a few words, avoid common phrases" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." -msgstr "Auszahlungen wurden auf Ihrem Konto deaktiviert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail für weitere Details." +msgid "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" +msgstr "" -msgid "Withdrawals may only be paid to the initiator of an account. When a client maintains an account by means of telegraphic deposits, withdrawals are only paid to the holder of the originating bank account, and it is the onus of the client to ensure that account number and name accompany all transfers to the Company. When a client maintains an account by means of credit/debit card deposits, withdrawals are only paid back to the same card." +msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." msgstr "" -msgid "Without margin, purchasing one lot of the XAU/USD pair will cost you:" -msgstr "Ohne Marge kostet Sie der Kauf eines Lots des XAU/USD-Paars:" +msgid "Verification complete" +msgstr "" -msgid "Without prejudice of any right of the Company to decline any Order placed by the Money Manager, you hereby authorise the Company to accept Orders from the Money Manager and proceed transactions for your Account." -msgstr "Ohne Beeinträchtigung eines Rechts des Unternehmens jede Order abzulehnen, die vom Vermögensverwalter platziert wird, ermächtigen Sie hiermit das Unternehmen dazu, Order des Vermögensverwalters zu akzeptieren und mit Transaktionen für Ihr Konto fortzufahren." +msgid "Verification required" +msgstr "" -msgid "Without prejudice to any other terms of this agreement, neither the Company nor any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, or agents shall be liable to the client in relation to any loss that they have incurred whether directly or indirectly by any cause beyond the Company's control, including, but not limited to, any delay or defect in or failure of the whole or any part of the MT5 trading platform or any systems or network links." +msgid "Verify Identity" msgstr "" -msgid "Work alongside the HR Operations team in coordinating with the government linked bodies" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie Seite an Seite mit dem Personalwesen-Team, um mit Regierungsverbundenen Körpern zu koordinieren" +msgid "Verify Reset Password" +msgstr "" -msgid "Work closely with both technical and non-technical teams to develop and integrate blockchain solutions for our business" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie mit technischen und nichttechnischen Teams, um Blockchain Lösungen für unser Geschäft zu entwickeln und zu integrieren" +msgid "Verify identity" +msgstr "" -msgid "Work closely with other departments to create marketing communication materials such as ads, product announcements, guides, job descriptions, and more" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie eng mit anderen Abteilungen zusammen, um Marketing-Kommunikation-Materialien wie Werbungen, Produktankündigungen, Richtlinien, Stellenausschreibungen, und mehr zu erstellen" +msgid "View" +msgstr "" -msgid "Work closely with other teams to come up with effective architecture to support the deployment of new products and features" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie eng mit anderen Teams, um sich effektive Architekturen auszudenken, um den Einsatz von neuen Produkten und Features zu unterstützen" +msgid "View chart" +msgstr "" -msgid "Work closely with the Head of Payments to proactively suggest improvements to cashier setup and success rates by various strategies including monitoring customer activity and overall fraud and payment performances (card success rates, chargebacks, and the like)" +msgid "View from camera" msgstr "" -msgid "Work closely with the affiliate marketing team to process affiliate commission payments on a monthly basis" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie eng mit dem Partner-Marketing-Team zusammen, um Partner-Provisionen auf monatlicher Basis zu bearbeiten" +msgid "Virtual" +msgstr "" -msgid "Work closely with the rest of the QA and IT teams to plan, design, and execute several types of testing based on different objectives" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie eng mit dem Rest des QA und IT-Teams zusammen, um mehrere Arten von Tests, die auf verschiedenen Zielen basieren, zu planen, zu gestalten und auszuführen" +msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." +msgstr "" -msgid "Work experience as a Recruiter in the IT industry or similar role is an advantage" -msgstr "Arbeitserfahrung als Recruiter in der IT-Branche, oder einer ähnlichen Rolle ist von Vorteil" +msgid "Waiting for entry tick." +msgstr "" -msgid "Work with the Head of Compliance to ensure group of companies comply with AML, KYC, and Data Protection laws and regulations" -msgstr "Arbeiten Sie mit dem Compliance-Leiter, um sicherzustellen, dass Unternehmensgruppen mit AML, KYC und Datenschutzgesetzen und Bestimmungen übereinstimmen" +msgid "Waiting for exit tick." +msgstr "" -msgid "World markets at your fingertips." -msgstr "Die weltweiten Märkte immer in Reichweite." +msgid "We" +msgstr "" -msgid "Write robust, high-quality, and production-ready code for our websites and applications" -msgstr "Schreiben Sie einen robusten, qualitativ hochwertigen und serienreifen Code für unsere Websites und Anwendungen" +msgid "We cannot verify you without using your camera" +msgstr "" -msgid "Written limits and self-exclusion" -msgstr "Vereinbarte Limits und Selbstausschluss" +msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." +msgstr "" -msgid "Yandex.Money is an electronic payment service provider that offers consumers an easy, safe, and reliable online payment method. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "Yandex.Money ist ein elektronischer Zahlungsdienstleistungsanbieter, der Verbrauchern eine einfache, sichere und zuverlässige Online-Zahlungsmethode anbietet. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen bitte %1." +msgid "We'll compare it with your document" +msgstr "" -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ja" +msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgstr "" -msgid "Yes I'm sure" +msgid "We're now ready to verify your identity" msgstr "" -msgid "Yes, I'm sure" +msgid "We've sent a secure link to %{number}" msgstr "" -msgid "Yes, we will provide you with banners, links, reviews, videos, and text ads that you can use to drive referrals to the %1 MT5 platform." -msgstr "Ja, wir werden Ihnen Banner, Links, Rezensionen, Videos und Textanzeigen anbieten, die Sie dazu verwenden können, um Empfehlungen auf die %1 MT5 Plattform zu leiten." +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge and agree that it is your absolute responsibility to ensure that all orders or positions have been closed in your Account prior to revocation." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen und stimmen zu, dass es in Ihrer Verantwortung liegt, sicherzustellen, dass alle Order oder Positionen vor dem Widerruf in Ihrem Konto geschlossen wurden." +msgid "We’ll update your limits. Click %1Agree and accept%2 to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss." +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that the Company cannot guarantee that the Software provided to the Money Manager is free of any errors. Thus, you agree that the Company shall not be liable or responsible for any damage and loss that incurs as a result of such error." -msgstr "Sie erkennen an, dass das Unternehmen nicht gewährleisten kann, dass die dem Vermögensverwalter zur Verfügung gestellte Software frei von Fehlern ist. Somit stimmen Sie dem zu, dass das Unternehmen für keine Schäden und Verluste, die sich als Ergebnis eines solchen Fehlers ereignen, weder haftbar noch verantwortlich sein soll." +msgid "When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue" +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that the Company may accept Orders and proceed with transactions for your Account executed by any employees or representatives of the Money Manager." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen, dass das Unternehmen Order akzeptieren kann und Transaktionen bearbeiten kann, die für Ihr Konto von einem Angestellten oder Vertreter des Vermögensverwalters durchgeführt werden." +msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that the Money Manager is entitled to receive USD 20/per lot for Commission as fee charges. You also agree that the Company reserves the right to revise the fee charges from time to time. You further acknowledge that the Company shall be responsible for calculating the fee charges, via its automated systems. Thus, the Company shall be duly authorised to deduct the amount, defined as Commission, from the Account and to pay the Money Manager." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen, dass der Vermögensverwalter dazu berechtigt ist, 20 USD je Lot zur Kommission als Gebühren zu erhalten. Sie stimmen ebenfalls zu, dass sich das Unternehmen das Recht vorbehält, die Gebühren von Zeit zu Zeit zu überarbeiten. Sie bestätigen weiter, dass das Unternehmen zur Berechnung der Gebühren mittels seiner automatisierten Systeme verantwortlich sein wird. Somit soll das Unternehmen ordnungsgemäß dazu ermächtigt sein, den Betrag, der als Kommission definiert ist, vom Konto abzuziehen, und den Vermögensverwalter zu bezahlen." +msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that the Money Manager is not an employee or representative of the Company. Thus, you agree that you have an absolute responsibility to diligently monitor the entire performance of your Account." -msgstr "Sie erkennen an, dass der Vermögensverwalter kein Mitarbeiter oder Vertreter des Unternehmens ist. Somit stimmen Sie zu, dass Sie die absolute Verantwortung dazu haben, die gesamte Leistung Ihres Kontos sorgfältig zu überwachen." +msgid "Winning the contract" +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that the Money Manager is not authorised to withdraw or give instructions in relation to any payment transactions for your Account to any person other than yourself. Likewise, the Money Manager is not authorised to accept or amend any of the terms of the Client Agreement." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen, dass der Vermögensverwalter nicht dazu ermächtigt ist, abzuheben oder Anweisungen in Bezug auf Zahlungsvorgänge für Ihr Konto zu irgend einer anderen Person als Ihnen zu erteilen. Ebenso ist der Vermögensverwalter nicht dazu ermächtigt jegliche Bedingungen der Kundenvereinbarung zu akzeptieren oder zu ändern." +msgid "Withdraw" +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that you have full legal power and capacity to submit and execute this Agreement and grant authorisation to the Money Manager to place any Order or proceed any transaction for your Account." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen, dass Sie die volle rechtliche Befugnis und Kapazität besitzen, diese Vereinbarung abzuschicken und auszuführen und dem Vermögensverwalter Ermächtigung erteilen, um Order zu platzieren oder Transaktionen für Ihr Konto auszuführen." +msgid "Withdrawal" +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that your Account shall be managed and traded only by the Money Manager and not by any other third parties." -msgstr "Sie erkennen an, dass Ihr Konto nur vom Vermögensverwalter und keinem sonstigen Dritten verwaltet und gehandelt werden soll." +msgid "Withdrawal and trading limits" +msgstr "" -msgid "You acknowledge that your decision to assign all rights in relation to the management, trading and operation of the Account to the Money Manager is duly clear, voluntary and unqualified. You also declare that you took into consideration the risks associated with trading of Rolling Spot FX, CFDs, Commodities and any other securities or products that may be offered by the Company to you, from time to time in accordance with the Client Agreement." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen, dass Ihre Entscheidung alle Rechte in Bezug auf die Verwaltung, den Handel und Betrieb des Kontos an den Vermögensverwalter zu übertragen, ordnungsgemäß verständlich, freiwillig und unqualifiziert ist. Sie erklären auch, dass Sie die Risiken, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Handel von Rolling Spot FX, CFDs, Rohstoffen und anderen Wertpapieren oder Produkten, die Ihnen vom Unternehmen, von Zeit zu Zeit, im Einklang mit der Kundenvereinbarung angeboten werden dürfen, berücksichtigt haben." +msgid "Withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" -msgid "You agree and authorise the Company to disclose to the Money Manager any data or information related to your Account." -msgstr "Sie stimmen zu und ermächtigen das Unternehmen, dem Vermögensverwalter Daten oder Informationen im Zusammenhang mit Ihrem Konto offenzulegen." +msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" -msgid "You agree and authorise the Money Manager to place all Orders and transactions for your Account in the same way and validity as you might place such Orders for your Account." -msgstr "Sie stimmen zu und ermächtigen den Vermögensverwalter dazu, alle Order und Transaktionen für Ihr Konto auf dem selben Weg und mit der selben Gültigkeit, in der Sie solche Order für Ihr Konto ausführen würden, zu platzieren." +msgid "Would you like to check your statement first? %1Check Statement%2" +msgstr "" -msgid "You agree that this Agreement shall become effective on the Commencement Date. You also agree that unless this Agreement is revoked or terminated in accordance with Section E below, this Agreement shall remain valid and in full force." -msgstr "Sie stimmen dem zu, dass diese Vereinbarung zum Beginndatum effektiv in Kraft treten soll. Sie stimmen auch zu, dass diese Vereinbarung gültig und in voller Kraft bleiben soll, es sei denn diese Vereinbarung wird in Übereinstimmung mit Abschnitt E unten, widerrufen oder beendet." +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" -msgid "You are also expected to help us promote our cutting-edge trading platform that has been one of the most recognised in the binary options trading industry for over 18 years." -msgstr "Es wird auch von Ihnen erwartet, dass Sie uns dabei helfen, unsere innovative Handelsplattform zu bewerben, die seit über 18 Jahren eine der bekanntesten in der binären Optionen Handelsindustrie ist." +msgid "Yes I'm sure" +msgstr "" -msgid "You are buying the base currency and selling the quote currency." -msgstr "Sie kaufen die Basiswährung und verkaufen die Kurswährung." +msgid "Yes, I'm sure" +msgstr "" msgid "You are categorised as a professional client." -msgstr "Sie sind als professioneller Kunde eingestuft." +msgstr "" msgid "You are categorised as a retail client. Apply to be treated as a professional trader." -msgstr "Sie sind als Privatkunde eingestuft. Bewerben Sie sich als professioneller Trader." - -msgid "You are expecting the base currency to fall in value so you can buy it back at a lower price and make profit." -msgstr "Sie erwarten, dass die Basiswährung im Wert fallen wird, damit Sie sie zu einem niedrigeren Kurs zurück kaufen können und Gewinn machen." - -msgid "You are expecting the base currency to rise in value so you can sell it back for a profit." -msgstr "Sie erwarten, dass die Basiswährung im Wert steigen wird, damit Sie sie für einen Gewinn zurück verkaufen können." +msgstr "" msgid "You are limited to one fiat account. You can change the currency of your fiat account anytime before you make a first-time deposit or create an MT5 account." msgstr "" -msgid "You are responsible for mitigating the risks and abuse that we face from fraud and money laundering. To accomplish this, you must monitor, analyse, and conduct various anti-fraud and AML checks on client accounts and deposits. You will join us in Malta and report to our Head of Payments." -msgstr "Sie sind für die Minderung der Risiken und des Missbrauchs, mit dem wir durch Betrug und Geldwäsche konfrontiert sind, verantwortlich. Um dies zu erreichen, müssen Sie verschiedene Betrugsbekämpfungs- und AML Überprüfungen auf Kundenkonten und Einlagen überwachen, analysieren und durchführen. Sie werden uns in Malta beitreten und unserem Zahlungsleiter Bericht erstatten." - -msgid "You are selling the base currency and buying the quote currency." -msgstr "Sie verkaufen die Basiswährung und kaufen die Kurswährung." - -msgid "You are unilaterally entitled to request the revocation of the appointment of your Money Manager by electronically revoking your Money Manager's authorisation through the relevant functions provided in the system." -msgstr "Sie sind unilateral dazu berechtigt, den Widerruf der Ernennung Ihres Vermögensverwalters zu beantragen, indem Sie die Ermächtigung des Vermögensverwalters durch relevante Funktionen, die im System zur Verfügung gestellt sind, elektronisch widerrufen." +msgid "You are offline" +msgstr "" msgid "You can %1set a new currency%2 before you deposit for the first time or create an MT5 account." msgstr "" msgid "You can close this window without interrupting your trade." -msgstr "Sie können dieses Fenster schließen, ohne Ihren Handel zu unterbrechen." - -msgid "You can determine the margin for our CFDs by using the formula below:" -msgstr "Sie können die Marge für unsere CFDs mithilfe der folgenden Formel bestimmen:" - -msgid "You can determine the margin for our cryptocurrency pairs by using the formula below:" -msgstr "Sie können die Marge für unsere Kryptowährungspaare mithilfe der folgenden Formel bestimmen:" - -msgid "You can determine the margin for our currency pairs by using the formula below:" -msgstr "Sie können die Marge für unsere Währungspaare mithilfe der folgenden Formel bestimmen:" - -msgid "You can determine the required margin for our metal pairs by using the formula below:" -msgstr "Sie können die Marge für unsere Metallpaare mithilfe der folgenden Formel bestimmen:" - -msgid "You can generate all kinds of insightful reports, including the following:" -msgstr "Sie können alle möglichen aufschlussreichen Berichte erstellen, einschließlich der folgenden:" +msgstr "" msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've created an MT5 account." msgstr "" msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've made a first-time deposit." -msgstr "Sie können die Währung nicht mehr ändern, da Sie bereits eine Einzahlung vorgenommen haben." - -msgid "You can sell your contract before expiry to keep any profit you may have made or to minimise your loss." -msgstr "Sie können Ihren Kontrakt vor Ablauf verkaufen, um Gewinne, die Sie möglicherweise gemacht haben zu behalten, oder um Ihre Verluste zu minimieren." - -msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." msgstr "" -msgid "You can top up your virtual account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." +msgid "You can now return to your computer to continue" msgstr "" -msgid "You can use an authorized payment agent to process deposits and withdrawals for payment methods or local currencies not supported by %1. It's easy to do." -msgstr "Sie können einen genehmigten Zahlungsagent verwenden, um Ein- und Auszahlungen für Zahlungsmethoden oder lokale Währungen, die von %1 nicht unterstützt werden, zu tätigen. Es geht ganz einfach." +msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." +msgstr "" msgid "You did not change anything." -msgstr "Sie haben nichts geändert." - -msgid "You expect the %1 to fall in value so you can buy it back at a lower price (and make a profit)" -msgstr "Sie erwarten, dass die %1 im Wert fallen wird, damit Sie sie zu einem niedrigeren Kurs zurück kaufen können (und Gewinn machen)" - -msgid "You expect the %1 to rise in value so you can sell it back for a profit" -msgstr "Sie erwarten, dass die %1 im Wert steigen wird, damit Sie sie für einen Gewinn zurück verkaufen können" - -msgid "You further agree to indemnify the Company from any loss, damage or liability arising out of your failure or refuse to confirm all Orders and/or transactions proceeded." -msgstr "Sie stimmen ebenfalls zu, das Unternehmen von Verlust, Schaden oder Haftung, die sich aus Ihrem Scheitern oder durch die Verweigerung alle Order bzw. ausgeführten Transaktionen zu bestätigen, ergeben, schadlos zu halten." - -msgid "You have already withdrawn %1 %2." -msgstr "Sie haben bereits %1 %2 abgehoben." +msgstr "" -msgid "You have already withdrawn the equivalent of %1 %2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." -msgstr "Sie haben bereits den Gegenwert von %1 %2 abgehoben, der sich in den letzten %3 Tagen angesammelt hat." +msgid "You do not need to authenticate your account at this time.%1We will inform you when your account needs to be authenticated." +msgstr "" -msgid "You have already withdrawn the equivalent of %1 %2." -msgstr "Sie haben bereits den Gegenwert von %1 %2 abgehoben." +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." +msgstr "" -msgid "You have created all accounts available to you." -msgstr "Sie haben alle für Sie verfügbaren Konten erstellt." +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2." +msgstr "" msgid "You have insufficient funds in your Binary account, please add funds." -msgstr "Sie haben kein ausreichendes Guthaben auf Ihrem Binary Konto, bitte fügen Sie Gelder hinzu." - -msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." -msgstr "Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf Anwendungen gewährt." +msgstr "" -msgid "You have probably seen the terms 'going long' and 'going short' being used by a lot of Forex brokers and traders. Let's compare the differences between the two terms:" -msgstr "Sie haben wahrscheinlich gesehen, dass die Begriffe \"lang gehen\" und \"kurz gehen\" von vielen Forex Brokern und Händlern verwendet werden. Vergleichen wir die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Begriffen:" +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your MT5 account." +msgstr "" -msgid "You have reached the limit." -msgstr "Sie haben das Limit erreicht." +msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." +msgstr "" msgid "You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later." -msgstr "Sie haben das Kurslimit für Anfragen pro Sekunde erreicht. Bitte versuchen Sie es später." - -msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit." -msgstr "Sie haben das Auszahlungslimit erreicht." +msgstr "" -msgid "You have reached your withdrawal limit." -msgstr "Sie haben Ihr Auszahlungslimit erreicht." +msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit. Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift your withdrawal limit and proceed with your withdrawal." +msgstr "" msgid "You have sold this contract at %1 %2" -msgstr "Sie haben diesen Kontrakt für %1 %2 verkauft" - -msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." msgstr "" -msgid "You have successfully created your Virtual Account." -msgstr "Sie haben Ihr virtuelles Konto erfolgreich erstellt." - -msgid "You have successfully created your real money %1account." +msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." msgstr "" msgid "You have successfully disabled two-factor authentication for your account." -msgstr "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung für Ihr Konto erfolgreich deaktiviert." +msgstr "" msgid "You have successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account." -msgstr "Sie haben die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung für Ihr Konto erfolgreich aktiviert." - -msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." -msgstr "Sie müssen sich anmelden und eine App ID erhalten, bevor Sie für die Authentisierung unterschiedliche OAuth-Server verwenden können. Weitere Einzelheiten hierzu finden Sie auf https://developers.binary.com/." - -msgid "You hereby confirm that in addition to the Client Agreement, you have carefully read and duly understood the contents of this Agreement and agree to be legally bound thereby." -msgstr "Sie bestätigen hiermit, dass Sie zusätzlich zur Kundenvereinbarung, die Inhalte dieser Vereinbarung sorgfältig gelesen und ordentlich verstanden haben, und Sie stimmen zu, durch diese rechtlich gebunden zu sein." - -msgid "You may also instruct us to exclude you from trading on %1 for a specific period of time. This self-exclusion date cannot be amended once it is set." msgstr "" -msgid "You may only transfer funds between fiat and cryptocurrency accounts." +msgid "You have successfully set your account currency to %1." msgstr "" -msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." msgstr "" -msgid "You may proceed but please %1authenticate%2 your account within 10 days to continue trading, otherwise your account will be disabled and any open positions will be closed." -msgstr "Sie können zunächst fortfahren. Doch müssen Sie Ihr Konto innerhalb der nächsten 10 Tage %1authentifizieren%2, sonst wird das Konto gesperrt und offene Positionen gegebenenfalls geschlossen." - -msgid "You may revoke the current manager's access." -msgstr "Sie können den aktuellen Zugang des Managers widerrufen." - -msgid "You must have a fast and stable Internet connection as screenshots of your documents are required for our records" -msgstr "Sie müssen eine schnelle und stabile Internetverbindung haben, da Screenshots Ihrer Dokumente für unsere Aufzeichnungen erforderlich sind" - -msgid "You must have:" +msgid "You have yet to receive any notifications" msgstr "" -msgid "You risk only your initial stake, and your stake never increases." -msgstr "Sie riskieren nur Ihren ursprünglichen Einsatz, und Ihr Einsatz erhöht sich nie." - -msgid "You should be passionate about:" +msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." msgstr "" msgid "You should enter %1 characters." -msgstr "Sie müssen %1 Zeichen eingeben." - -msgid "You want to buy a certain currency pair if you think the base currency will go up. The reverse holds true:" -msgstr "Sie möchten ein bestimmtes Währungspaar kaufen, wenn Sie glauben, dass die Basiswährung steigen wird. Das Gegenteil gilt:" - -msgid "You want to sell that currency pair if you think the base currency will go down." -msgstr "Sie wollen das Währungspaar verkaufen, wenn Sie glauben, dass die Basiswährung sinken wird." - -msgid "You will also encourage security awareness throughout the organisation via regular communication on security best practices and the latest online threats." -msgstr "Sie werden auch Sicherheitsbewusstsein in der Organisation mittels regulärer Kommunikation zu besten Sicherheitspraktiken und aktuellsten Onlinegefahren fördern." - -msgid "You will also test and debug complex technical and UI issues related to our trading platform (that processes over one million transactions per day), based on feedback from our clients and customer service team." -msgstr "Sie werden auch komplexe technische Probleme und UI-Fragen im Zusammenhang mit unserer Handelsplattform (die über 1 Million Transaktionen pro Tag verarbeitet) testen und lösen, basierend auf dem Feedback unserer Kunden und unsres Kunden-Service-Teams." - -msgid "You will be asked to prove that you are the owner of the account being authenticated." -msgstr "Sie werden aufgefordert nachzuweisen, dass Sie der Inhaber des Kontos, das authentifiziert wird, sind." - -msgid "You will be automatically logged out after such time." -msgstr "Sie werden nach einer bestimmten Zeit automatisch abgemeldet." +msgstr "" msgid "You will be redirected to a third-party website which is not owned by Binary.com." -msgstr "Sie werden zu einer Website eines Drittanbieters weitergeleitet, die sich nicht im Besitz von Binary.com befindet." - -msgid "You will be subjected to swap rates if you keep a position open past 23:59:59 GMT." -msgstr "Wenn Sie eine Position nach 23:59:59 GMT eröffnen, sind Sie Swapsätzen ausgesetzt." - -msgid "You will charge a commission to process the transactions." -msgstr "Sie berechnen eine Kommission, um die Transaktionen zu bearbeiten." - -msgid "You will earn a fixed payout based on the volume of individual trades purchased by each referred client. Please refer to our IB commission structure for Forex, metals, and Volatility Indices." -msgstr "Sie erhalten eine feste Auszahlung auf dem Umfang der einzelnen Geschäfte, die von jedem weitergeleiteten Kunden erworben wurden. Bitte beziehen Sie sich auf unsere IB Provisionsstruktur für Forex, Metalle und Volatilität Indizes." - -msgid "You will have the potential to earn another level of income from our affiliate program." -msgstr "Sie haben das Potenzial, ein anderes Level an Einnahmen aus unserem Partnerprogramm zu verdienen." - -msgid "You will increase awareness of your services and generate new business." -msgstr "Sie werden das Bewusstsein Ihrer Dienstleistungen erhöhen und Neugeschäfte generieren." +msgstr "" msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after creating this MT5 account. Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "" @@ -13503,393 +2809,207 @@ msgstr "" msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after making this deposit. Are you sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "" -msgid "You will solve complex user experience problems, and seamlessly communicate product features and functions to our users through meaningful design. You will play a key role in creating intuitive and functional products that give our users the best experience possible so we can keep growing our user base and revenue." -msgstr "Sie werden komplexe Anwendererfahrungs-Probleme lösen und Produkt-Features und Funktionen durch sinnvolle Gestaltung an unsere Nutzer problemlos kommunizieren. Sie werden bei der Schaffung von intuitiven und funktionellen Produkten, die unseren Benutzern das bestmögliche Erlebnis bieten, eine Schlüsselrolle spielen, damit wir unsere Nutzerbasis und unsren Umsatz erweitern können." - -msgid "You will:" -msgstr "Sie werden:" - msgid "You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected." -msgstr "Sie gewinnen die Auszahlung, wenn der Marktkurs nicht auf der Dezimalstelle schließt, die Sie ausgewählt haben." +msgstr "" msgid "You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected." -msgstr "Sie gewinnen die Auszahlung, wenn der Marktkurs mit der Dezimalstelle schließt, die Sie ausgewählt haben." - -msgid "You're buying the %1 and selling the %2" -msgstr "Sie kaufen %1 und verkaufen %2" - -msgid "You're selling the %1 and buying the %2" -msgstr "Sie verkaufen %1 und kaufen %2" - -msgid "You're using a Virtual Account." -msgstr "Sie benutzen ein virtuelles Konto." - -msgid "You've carried out significant transactions on markets similar to the ones we offer, averaging 10 transactions per quarter for the previous four quarters" -msgstr "Sie haben bedeutende Transaktionen auf Märkten, die den von uns angebotenen ähnlich sind, mit durchschnittlich 10 Transaktionen pro Quartal für die vergangenen vier Quartale durchgeführt" - -msgid "You've worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a role that requires knowledge of your intended transactions on our platform" -msgstr "Sie haben im Finanzsektor für mindestens ein Jahr in einer Rolle gearbeitet, die Kenntnis Ihrer beabsichtigten Transaktionen auf unserer Plattform erfordert" +msgstr "" -msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2 %3 (or equivalent in other currency)." -msgstr "Ihr %1 Tage Abhebelimit beträgt derzeit %2 %3 (oder Gegenwert in einer anderen Währung)." +msgid "You'll need to restart your verification on your computer" +msgstr "" -msgid "Your Client will receive an email notification informing him/her that the transfer has been processed." -msgstr "Ihr Kunde wird eine E-Mail Benachrichtigung erhalten, in der er/sie darüber informiert wird, dass die Überweisung bearbeitet wurde." +msgid "You've made no transactions of this type up to this date." +msgstr "" -msgid "Your Existing Accounts" -msgstr "Ihre bestehenden Konten" +msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgstr "" msgid "Your account has no Login/Logout activity." -msgstr "Ihr Konto hat keine Anmelde- und/oder Abmeldeaktivität." - -msgid "Your account has no trading activity." -msgstr "Ihr Konto hat keine Handelsaktivität." +msgstr "" msgid "Your account is fully authenticated and your withdrawal limits have been lifted." -msgstr "Ihr Konto ist vollständig authentifiziert und Ihr Abhebelimit wurde angehoben." - -msgid "Your account is fully authenticated. You can view your %1trading limits here%2." -msgstr "Ihr Konto ist vollständig authentifiziert. Ihre %1Abschlusslimits sind hier ersichtlich%2." - -msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." -msgstr "Ihr Konto ist eingeschränkt. Bitte %1kontaktieren Sie die Kundenbetreuung%2 für Hilfe." - -msgid "Your account remains under the retail client category." msgstr "" -msgid "Your account security is of paramount importance to us. Please consider the following initiatives and tools to enhance your account security:" -msgstr "Ihre Kontosicherheit ist für uns von höchster Bedeutung. Bitte beachten Sie die folgenden Initiativen und Instrumente zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit Ihres Kontos:" - -msgid "Your account will be opened with %1, and will be subject to the jurisdiction and laws of %2." -msgstr "Ihr Konto wird mit %1 eröffnet, und ist Gegenstand der Zuständigkeit und der Gesetze von %2." - -msgid "Your address has been recognised by our system." +msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." msgstr "" msgid "Your application to be treated as a professional client is being processed." -msgstr "Ihre Anfrage auf Behandlung als professioneller Kunde, wird bearbeitet." - -msgid "Your application will then be reviewed by our compliance and marketing departments. Once approved, we will put you live in our %1payment agent%2 list." -msgstr "Ihr Antrag wird dann von unserer Rechtsabteilung und Marketingabteilung überprüft. Sobald deren Genehmigung vorliegt, werden wir Sie in unserer %1Liste der Zahlungsagenten%2 veröffentlichen." - -msgid "Your cashier is locked as per your request - to unlock it, please click %1here%2." -msgstr "Ihre Kasse wurde auf Ihren Antrag hin gesperrt - um Sie wieder zu entsperren, bitte %1hieranklicken%2." - -msgid "Your cashier is locked as per your request - to unlock it, please click here." -msgstr "Ihre Kasse wurde auf Ihren Antrag hin gesperrt - um Sie wieder zu entsperren, bitte hieranklicken." - -msgid "Your cashier is locked as per your request - to unlock it, please enter the password." -msgstr "Ihre Kasse ist auf Ihren Antrag hin gesperrt - um Sie zu entsperren, geben Sie bitte das Passwort ein." +msgstr "" msgid "Your cashier is locked." -msgstr "Ihre Kasse ist gesperrt." - -msgid "Your cashier session has expired. Please try again." -msgstr "Ihre Kasse-Sitzung ist abgelaufen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut." +msgstr "" msgid "Your changes have been updated successfully." -msgstr "Ihre Änderungen wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert." +msgstr "" msgid "Your changes have been updated." -msgstr "Ihre Änderungen wurden aktualisiert." +msgstr "" -msgid "Your commission for the previous calendar month will be deposited into your account by the 15th of every month." -msgstr "Ihre Provision für den vorangegangenen Kalendermonat wird bis zum 15. eines jeden Monats auf Ihr Konto gutgeschrieben." +msgid "Your computer may take a few seconds to update" +msgstr "" msgid "Your demo account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." msgstr "" +msgid "Your face is needed in the selfie" +msgstr "" + msgid "Your fiat account's currency is currently set to %1." msgstr "" msgid "Your fiat account's currency is set to %1." -msgstr "Die Währung Ihres Fiat-Kontos ist nun %1." - -msgid "Your fund transfer is successful. Your new balances are:" -msgstr "Ihre Geldübrweisung war erfolgreich. Ihr neues Guthaben beträgt:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Your name, email address and contact number" -msgstr "Ihr Name, Ihre E-Mail Adresse und Kontaktnummer" +msgid "Your link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" -msgid "Your partnership with %1 could be a means to promote your product or services for FREE to our 1,000,000+ registered clients, worldwide." -msgstr "Ihre Partnerschaft mit %1 könnte ein Mittel dazu sein, um Ihr Produkt oder ihre Dienstleistungen kostenlos an unsere 1.000.000 + registrierten Kunden, weltweit zu bewerben." +msgid "Your mobile link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" -msgid "Your password has been changed. Please log in again." -msgstr "Ihr Passwort wurde geändert. Bitte melden Sie sich erneut an." +msgid "Your password cannot be the same as your email address." +msgstr "" msgid "Your password has been successfully reset. Please log into your account using your new password." -msgstr "Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich zurückgesetzt. Bitte loggen Sie mit Ihrem neuen Passwort in Ihr Konto ein." - -msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." msgstr "" -msgid "Your profit or loss is calculated as follows:" -msgstr "Ihr Gewinn oder Verlust errechnet sich wie folgt:" +msgid "Your preferred time interval between each report:" +msgstr "" -msgid "Your request to be treated as a professional client is %1not approved%2." +msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." msgstr "" msgid "Your request to transfer %1 %2 from %3 to %4 has been successfully processed." -msgstr "Ihr Auftrag %1 %2 von %3 an %4 zu überweisen, wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet." +msgstr "" msgid "Your request to withdraw %1 %2 from your account %3 to Payment Agent %4 account has been successfully processed." -msgstr "Ihr Auftrag, %1 %2 von Ihrem Konto %3 auf das Konto des Zahlungsagent %4 zu überweisen, wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet." +msgstr "" msgid "Your session duration limit will end in %1 seconds." -msgstr "Das Limit Ihrer Sitzungsdauer endet in %1 Sekunden." +msgstr "" msgid "Your settings have been updated successfully." -msgstr "Ihre Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert." - -msgid "Your statement has been sent to your email address." -msgstr "Ihr Auszug wurde an Ihre E-Mail Adresse versandt." +msgstr "" msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click %1here%2 to restart the verification process." -msgstr "Ihr Token ist abgelaufen oder ungültig. Bitte klicken Sie %1hier%2, um den Verfikationsprozess zu wiederholen." +msgstr "" msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click here to restart the verification process." -msgstr "Ihr Token ist abgelaufen oder ungültig. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um den Verfikationsprozess zu wiederholen." +msgstr "" msgid "Your trading statistics since %1." -msgstr "Ihre Trading-Statistiken seit %1." +msgstr "" msgid "Your transaction reference is" -msgstr "Ihre Überweisungsreferenz lautet" - -msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" -msgstr "Ihre Überweisungsnummer ist %1" - -msgid "Your virtual account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." msgstr "" -msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" -msgstr "Ihr Web-Browser (%1) ist veraltet und kann Ihre Handelserfahrung beeinflussen. Fahren Sie auf Ihr eigenes Risiko fort. %2Browser aktualisieren%3" - -msgid "Your webcam and microphone must be in good working condition" -msgstr "Ihre Webcam und Ihr Mikrofon müssen in einwandfreiem Zustand sein," - -msgid "Your website request.url (if you have one)" -msgstr "Ihre Website request.url (sofern vorhanden)" - -msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1 %2 (or equivalent in other currency)." -msgstr "Ihr Auszahlungslimit beträgt %1 %2 (oder Gegenwert in anderer Währung)." - -msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1 %2." -msgstr "Ihr Abhebelimit beträgt %1 %2." - -msgid "a client that is not a Professional client or Eligible Counterparty" +msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" msgstr "" -msgid "a definite or indefinite period during which you wish to exclude yourself from the website." -msgstr "ein endlicher oder unendlicher Zeitraum, für den Sie sich selbst von der Website ausschließen möchten." - -msgid "a limit on the amount of time you may trade in any given online session;" -msgstr "ein zeitliches Limit, in dem Sie in Online-Sitzungen Abschlüsse machen können;" - -msgid "a limit on the amount you may trade within a specified period of time;" -msgstr "eine Beschränkung des Betrags, den Sie in einem bestimmten Zeitraum für das Handeln verwenden können;" - -msgid "a limit on the losses you may incur within a specified period of time;" -msgstr "eine Beschränkung des Verlusts, den Sie in einem festgelegten Zeitraum verkraften möchten;" - -msgid "a percentage of the value and contract size of symbols for which there are Open Positions" +msgid "Your virtual balance has been reset." msgstr "" -msgid "a professional client as defined in the Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (MiFID) or subsequent Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (MiFID II), whichever is in force" -msgstr "ein professioneller Kunde im Sinne der Richtlinie 2004/39/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates (MiFID) oder der nachfolgenden Richtlinie 2014/65/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates (MiFID II), je nachdem, welche in Kraft ist" - -msgid "a ratio which determines the minimum Margin requirement for a trader to open a trade" +msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" msgstr "" -msgid "a transaction unit representing a standardised quantity of the Underlying Instrument, as specified in the Product Disclosure and Specifications. One Lot constitutes the equivalent of 100,000 units of the base currency." +msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1%2." msgstr "" -msgid "a. Access the MT5 trading platform through the direct link %1 from BIEL's web interface, or" +msgid "account" msgstr "" -msgid "an Order to execute a transaction to close an Open Position when the price reaches the client's specified price" +msgid "accounts" msgstr "" -msgid "an Order to open or close a position in the market identified by reference to an Underlying Instrument at the current price" -msgstr "eine Order, um eine Position im Markt, der durch ein Basisinstrument zum aktuellen Kurs identifiziert wird, zu öffnen oder zu schließen" - -msgid "an Order to open or close a transaction if and when a price quote becomes more favourable to the client when compared against the current price" +msgid "back" msgstr "" -msgid "an execution instruction given by the client to the Company to open or close a position in a market identified by reference to the Underlying Instrument, including Market Order, Stop Order, Limit Order, etc." +msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading stock indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" msgstr "" -msgid "b. Download and install the MT5 trading platform through the link %1" +msgid "close" msgstr "" -msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" -msgstr "Binäre Optionen, Binäre Option, Forex Handel, Online-Trading, Finanzhandel, Binärer Handel, Index Trading, Börsenhandel mit Indizes, Devisenhandel, Rohstoffe handeln, Binäre Optionen Strategie, Binäre Makler, Binäre Wette, Binäre Optionen Handelsplattform, Binäre Strategie, Finanzen, Investmenthandel, Börse, Börsen, Aktienhandel, Aktienbörse handeln" - msgid "day" -msgstr "Tag" +msgstr "" msgid "days" -msgstr "Tage" +msgstr "" msgid "details" -msgstr "Angaben" - -msgid "details of the applicant's about the applicant's remuneration, including entitlement to benefits such as pensions or insurance cover, if applicable;" -msgstr "Angaben des Bewerbers über die Entschädigung des Bewerbers, einschließlich des Anspruches auf Vorteile wie Pension oder Versicherungsschutz, wenn vorhanden;" +msgstr "" -msgid "details of the identity of the the applicant's reference, including their name and contract details, comprising email address and telephone number; and" -msgstr "Angaben zur Identität der Referenzen des Bewerbers, einschließlich deren Name und Kontaktdaten, Email Adresse und Telefonnummer, und" +msgid "e.g. United States" +msgstr "" msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" -msgstr "z.B. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgstr "" msgid "for account %1" -msgstr "für Konto %1" - -msgid "gaming" -msgstr "Spielen" +msgstr "" msgid "hour" -msgstr "Stunde" +msgstr "" msgid "hours" -msgstr "Stunden" - -msgid "iOS" -msgstr "iOS" - -msgid "iWallet is an online payment service provider that allows deposits, withdrawals, and transaction payments. For more information, please visit %1." msgstr "" -msgid "information about medical or health conditions, including whether or not the applicant has a disability for which the Company needs to make reasonable adjustments." -msgstr "Informationen zu medizinischen oder gesundheitlichen körperlichen Verfassungen, einschließlich jener, ob der Bewerber eine Behinderung hat, wofür das Unternehmen angemessene Anpassungen vornehmen muss." - -msgid "information about the applicant's nationality;" -msgstr "Informationen über die Staatsangehörigkeit des Bewerbers;" +msgid "including Deal Cancel. Fee" +msgstr "" msgid "letters" -msgstr "Buchstaben" +msgstr "" msgid "login" -msgstr "login" +msgstr "" msgid "logout" -msgstr "abmelden" - -msgid "means any identifiable information relating to the applicant." -msgstr "bezeichnet alle bestimmbaren Informationen, die sich auf den Bewerber beziehen." - -msgid "million" -msgstr "million" +msgstr "" msgid "minute" -msgstr "Minute" +msgstr "" msgid "minutes" -msgstr "Minuten" - -msgid "nearest price reasonably available and quoted by %1 when the Company Price quotation reaches or goes beyond the level of the client's Stop Order" msgstr "" msgid "numbers" -msgstr "Zahlen" - -msgid "or" -msgstr "oder" - -msgid "paysafecard offers a voucher-based online payment method that does not require a bank account, credit card, or other personal information. For more information, please visit %1." -msgstr "paysafecard bietet eine Gutschein-basierte Online-Zahlungsmethode, die weder ein Bankkonto, eine Kreditkarte oder andere persönliche Informationen erfordert. Besuchen Sie für weitere Informationen bitte %1." - -msgid "per lot" -msgstr "pro lot" - -msgid "ratio of Account Equity to Total Margin, expressed as a percentage" -msgstr "das Verhältnis von Eigenkapital zu gesamtem Margin, als Prozentsatz ausgedrückt" - -msgid "restrict the further processing of their personal data, as well as in certain circumstances; and" -msgstr "schränkt die weitere Verarbeitung derer personenbezogenen Daten ein, sowie unter bestimmten Umständen; und" - -msgid "second" -msgstr "Sekunde" - -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "Sekunden" - -msgid "shall mean Data Protection Act 2018, Chapter 440 of the Laws of Malta." -msgstr "soll die Datenschutzrichtlinie 2018, Kapitel 440 der Gesetze Maltas bezeichnen." - -msgid "shall mean EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679." -msgstr "soll die allgemeine EU Datenschutzrichtlinie 2016/679 bezeichnen." - -msgid "shall mean any operation which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, restriction, erasure, or destruction, etc.." -msgstr "bezeichnet jede Operation, die auf persönliche Daten, oder persönliche Datensätze, automatisch oder nicht, wie die Sammlung, Aufzeichnung, Organisation, Strukturierung, Aufbewahrung, Anpassung, Einschränkung, Löschung, oder Zerstörung, etc. ausgeübt wird." - -msgid "shall mean the Binary Group companies. This means that the Company is responsible for deciding how it holds and uses any personal data about the applicant." -msgstr "" - -msgid "shall mean the applicant, whose personal data is collected by the Company." -msgstr "soll den Bewerber bezeichnen, dessen personenbezogene Daten vom Unternehmen erhoben werden." - -msgid "space" -msgstr "Bereich" - -msgid "the Margin Level at or below which the client's Open Positions may be closed forcefully and automatically with or without the client's prior consent" -msgstr "" - -msgid "the aggregate of all Margin Requirements in the client's MT5 Real Account" -msgstr "" - -msgid "the amount set aside by the Company from the client's Account Balance in order to open and maintain a transaction, to cover the client's potential loss, if it occurs" msgstr "" -msgid "the applicant's personal details, including name, address, and contract details, comprising email address and telephone number, date of birth, and gender;" -msgstr "persönliche Angaben des Bewerbers, einschließlich Name, Adresse und Vertragsdetails, bestehend aus E-Mail-Adresse und Telefonnummer, Geburtsdatum und Geschlecht;" - -msgid "the currency in which the client's MT5 Real Account will be operated" +msgid "or" msgstr "" -msgid "the difference between the Bid and Ask Price of a financial instrument" +msgid "or upload photo – no scans or photocopies" msgstr "" -msgid "the position in a market identified by reference to an Underlying Instrument, created by opening a transaction as a result of placing a buy or sell Order to the extent that such a position has not been closed in whole or in part by an opposite Order under this agreement" +msgid "second" msgstr "" -msgid "the price specified in the client's Limit Order" +msgid "seconds" msgstr "" -msgid "the right to data portability" -msgstr "das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit" - -msgid "the underlying currency, or financial instrument, on which the price of the CFD is based" +msgid "space" msgstr "" -msgid "thousand" -msgstr "tausend" - msgid "tick" -msgstr "Tick" +msgstr "" msgid "ticks" -msgstr "Ticks" +msgstr "" msgid "today" -msgstr "heute" +msgstr "" msgid "today, Fridays" -msgstr "heute, Freitage" +msgstr "" msgid "virtual money credit to account" -msgstr "virtuelles Geldguthaben zum Konto" - -msgid "years" -msgstr "Jahre" +msgstr "" msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." -msgstr "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." +msgstr "" msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." -msgstr "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." +msgstr "" -msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for Difference and Forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." -msgstr "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for Difference and Forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for difference and forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." +msgstr "" diff --git a/src/translations/ko_KR.po b/src/translations/ko_KR.po index 694872b5e73..995c364bd80 100644 --- a/src/translations/ko_KR.po +++ b/src/translations/ko_KR.po @@ -2,21 +2,29 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-13 03:03\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Korean\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 397380\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: ko\n" "X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 196\n" "Language: ko_KR\n" msgid "404" msgstr "404" +msgid " (Region added)" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Temporarily unavailable)" +msgstr "" + msgid "%1 Account %2" msgstr "%1 계좌 %2" @@ -30,10 +38,7 @@ msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" msgstr "%1일 %2시간 %3분" msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" -msgstr "" - -msgid "%1 gives everyone an easy way to participate in the financial markets. Trade with as little as $1 USD on major currencies, stock indices, commodities, and synthetic indices." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%2에서 %1예금이 계좌번호 %3로 완료되었습니다. 트랜잭션 아이디: %4" msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." msgstr "%1이 귀하의 MT5 Demo Account에 입금되었습니다: %2." @@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." msgstr "%1이 귀하의 가상계좌에 입금되었습니다: %2." msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" -msgstr "" +msgstr "계좌번호 %2에서 %3으로 %1 인출이 완료되었습니다. 트랜잭션 아이디: %4" msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" msgstr "%1귀하의 계좌를 관리하세요%2" @@ -53,8 +58,17 @@ msgstr "%1아니오, 지금 바로 제 피앗 계좌의 통화를 변경합니 msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" msgstr "%1트레이딩 페이지로 돌아가기%2" -msgid "%1Your Proof of Identity or Proof of Address%2 did not meet our requirements. Please check your email for further instructions." -msgstr "%1귀하의 신분증명 또는 거주증명%2이 우리의 요구사항을 만족시키지 못했습니다. 추가적인 조치를 위해 귀하의 이메일을 확인해주시기 바랍니다." +msgid "1. This link was sent by you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Your desktop window stays open" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A word by itself is easy to guess" +msgstr "" msgid "AM" msgstr "오전" @@ -86,18 +100,30 @@ msgstr "장벽 오프셋을 정의하기 위해 +/–를 추가하세요. 예를 msgid "Add Deriv account" msgstr "Deriv 계좌 추가하기" +msgid "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." +msgstr "" + msgid "Adjust trade parameters" msgstr "거래 파라미터를 조정하세요" msgid "Admin" msgstr "관리" -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "실력자" +msgid "Agree and accept" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All details must be clear — nothing blurry" +msgstr "" msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." msgstr "현재 모든 시장이 마감되었습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주십시오." +msgid "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow camera access" +msgstr "" + msgid "Allow equals" msgstr "" @@ -110,6 +136,9 @@ msgstr "양" msgid "Amount in" msgstr "" +msgid "An error occurred while loading the component" +msgstr "" + msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" msgstr "전문 투자자로써 지금 지원하세요" @@ -164,8 +193,8 @@ msgstr "리셋 시간에, 만약 스팟이 귀하의 예상과는 반대의 방 msgid "Audit" msgstr "감사" -msgid "Audit page" -msgstr "감사 페이지" +msgid "Audit Page" +msgstr "" msgid "Aug" msgstr "8월" @@ -176,11 +205,8 @@ msgstr "8월" msgid "Authenticate your account now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." msgstr "이용가능한 모든 지불 방식의 활용을 위해 지금 귀하의 계좌를 인증하세요." -msgid "Authentication failed" -msgstr "인증실패" - -msgid "Available Currencies" -msgstr "가용 통화" +msgid "Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed." +msgstr "" msgid "Available Markets" msgstr "가용 시장" @@ -188,7 +214,19 @@ msgstr "가용 시장" msgid "Average" msgstr "평균" -msgid "Back to main website" +msgid "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid recent years" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid repeated words and characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid sequences" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid years that are associated with you" msgstr "" msgid "Back to trading" @@ -206,15 +244,24 @@ msgstr "장벽 변동" msgid "Barrier offset" msgstr "배리어 오프셋" +msgid "Basket Indices" +msgstr "" + msgid "Bid" msgstr "매수" +msgid "Binance USD" +msgstr "" + msgid "Binary Coin" msgstr "바이너리 코인" msgid "Bitcoin" msgstr "비트코인" +msgid "Blurry photo detected" +msgstr "" + msgid "Browser" msgstr "브라우저" @@ -231,7 +278,7 @@ msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier msgstr "%1\"High-Close\"%2 계약을 구매함으로써, 귀하께서는 해당 게약 기간에 걸쳐 %1high%2와 %1close%2의 차이에 승수 곱하기 된 부분을 획득하게 될 것입니다." msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1\"High-Low\"%2 계약을 구매함으로써, 귀하께서는 해당 계약 기간에 걸쳐 %1high%2와 %1low%2간의 차이에 승수 곱하기 된 부분을 획득하게 될 것입니다." msgid "Call Spread" msgstr "콜 스프레드" @@ -239,27 +286,42 @@ msgstr "콜 스프레드" msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" msgstr "콜 스프레드/풋 스프레드" +msgid "Camera access is denied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working?" +msgstr "" + msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" msgstr "15분을 할애하실 수 있으신가요?" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "취소" +msgid "Capitalization doesn't help very much" +msgstr "" + msgid "Cashier" msgstr "캐쉬어" msgid "Cashier disabled" msgstr "캐셔가 비활성화 되었습니다" -msgid "Change" -msgstr "변경" - msgid "Change API Endpoint" msgstr "API 종점 교체" msgid "Change Password" msgstr "비밀번호 바꾸기" +msgid "Change currency" +msgstr "" + msgid "Chart" msgstr "차트" @@ -269,7 +331,25 @@ msgstr "이 언더라잉에는 이용 가능한 차트가 없습니다." msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" msgstr "이 언더라잉을 위한 차팅은 지연되었습니다" +msgid "Check back here to finish the submission" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that your number is correct" +msgstr "" + msgid "Check your connection." +msgstr "귀하의 연결을 확인해주세요." + +msgid "Check your image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your mobile" msgstr "" msgid "Checked" @@ -278,6 +358,9 @@ msgstr "확인되었습니다" msgid "Checking" msgstr "확인중입니다" +msgid "Choose document" +msgstr "" + msgid "Christmas Day" msgstr "성탄절" @@ -287,12 +370,18 @@ msgstr "Klik OK untuk melanjutkan." msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" msgstr "금융 계좌를 개설하기 위해 여기를 클릭하세요" +msgid "Click here to open a Gaming account" +msgstr "" + msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" msgstr "실제 계좌를 개설하기 위해 여기를 클릭하세요" msgid "Close" msgstr "종료" +msgid "Close identity verification screen" +msgstr "" + msgid "Close time" msgstr "종료 시간" @@ -314,19 +403,43 @@ msgstr "조기 마감 (21:00시)" msgid "Commodities" msgstr "상품" +msgid "Common names and surnames are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + msgid "Complete details" msgstr "완전한 세부사항" msgid "Compressing Image" msgstr "이미지를 압축중입니다" +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm changes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connected to your mobile" +msgstr "" + msgid "Connecting to server" msgstr "서버에 연결중입니다" +msgid "Connection lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on your phone" +msgstr "" + msgid "Continue trading" msgstr "계속 거래하기" -msgid "Continue with Demo Account" +msgid "Continue with the verification" msgstr "" msgid "Contract" @@ -362,18 +475,42 @@ msgstr "계약 종류" msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." msgstr "우리의 서버에 의해 요구사항이 접수되면 우세한 시장 가격으로 계약이 판매될것입니다. 이 가격은 표시된 가격과 다를 수 있습니다." +msgid "Contracts bought" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts sold" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your mobile browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your phone" +msgstr "" + msgid "Counterparty" msgstr "카운터파티" +msgid "Country not found" +msgstr "" + msgid "Country of Residence" msgstr "거주국가" -msgid "Create" -msgstr "생성하기" - msgid "Create %1 account" msgstr "%1 계좌 생성하기" +msgid "Create account" +msgstr "" + msgid "Credit/Debit" msgstr "신용/직불" @@ -392,12 +529,21 @@ msgstr "현재 비밀번호" msgid "Current time" msgstr "현재 시간" +msgid "Current time:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cut-off image detected" +msgstr "" + msgid "Date" msgstr "날짜" msgid "Date and Time" msgstr "날짜와 시간" +msgid "Dates are often easy to guess" +msgstr "" + msgid "Deal cancel. fee" msgstr "딜 취소. 비용" @@ -419,14 +565,14 @@ msgstr "데모 계좌" msgid "Demo Accounts" msgstr "뎨모 계좌들" -msgid "Demo Advanced" -msgstr "데모 어드벤스드" +msgid "Demo Financial" +msgstr "" -msgid "Demo Standard" -msgstr "데모 스탠다드" +msgid "Demo Financial STP" +msgstr "" -msgid "Demo Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "데모 종합지수" +msgid "Demo Synthetic" +msgstr "" msgid "Deposit" msgstr "예금" @@ -447,53 +593,74 @@ msgid "Digit" msgstr "숫자" msgid "Digit Differs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "다른 숫자" msgid "Digit Even" -msgstr "" +msgstr "짝수" msgid "Digit Matches" -msgstr "" +msgstr "맞는 숫자" msgid "Digit Odd" -msgstr "" +msgstr "홀수" msgid "Digit Over" -msgstr "" +msgstr "오버되는 숫자" msgid "Digit Under" -msgstr "" +msgstr "언더되는 숫자" msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." msgstr "Digit 계약은 5분 안으로 종료되지 않는 경우 해당 계약을 구매한 계약으로 환불받게 됩니다." -msgid "Digital Options Trading has been disabled on your account. Kindly contact %1customer support%2 for assistance." -msgstr "" - -msgid "Digital options trading disabled" -msgstr "디지털 옵션 거래가 비활성화되었습니다" - msgid "Digits" msgstr "숫자" msgid "Disable" msgstr "비활성화" +msgid "Dismiss alert" +msgstr "" + msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" msgstr "귀하께서는 이것이 피앗 계좌가 되기를 희망하십니까? 또는 암호화폐 계좌로 되기를 원하십니까? 한가지를 선택해주세요:" msgid "Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "Apakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?" +msgid "Document example" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents you can use to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + msgid "Does Not Touch" msgstr "터치되지 않습니다" +msgid "Don't refresh this page" +msgstr "" + msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." msgstr "%1로 거래하고 싶지 않으신가요? 귀하께서는 다른 암호화폐 계좌를 개설하실 수 있습니다." +msgid "Driver's license" +msgstr "" + msgid "Driving licence" msgstr "운전면허증" +msgid "Due to an issue on our server, some of your MT5 accounts are unavailable at the moment. %1Please bear with us and thank you for your patience." +msgstr "" + msgid "Duration" msgstr "기간" @@ -503,6 +670,9 @@ msgstr "이메일 주소" msgid "Enable" msgstr "활성화" +msgid "Enable camera" +msgstr "" + msgid "End Time" msgstr "종료 시간" @@ -510,7 +680,7 @@ msgid "End time" msgstr "종료 시간" msgid "Endpoint" -msgstr "" +msgstr "엔드포인트" msgid "Ends Between" msgstr "" @@ -524,6 +694,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Ends Outside" msgstr "" +msgid "Enlarge image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter mobile number" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter your mobile number:" +msgstr "" + msgid "Entry Spot" msgstr "엔트리 스팟" @@ -533,10 +712,10 @@ msgstr "진입부" msgid "Equals" msgstr "" -msgid "Ether" -msgstr "" - msgid "Ether Classic" +msgstr "이더 클래식" + +msgid "Ethereum" msgstr "" msgid "Even/Odd" @@ -545,6 +724,15 @@ msgstr "짝/홀" msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." msgstr "짝수/홀수 계약은 만약 해당 계약이 5분 안으로 종료되지 않을 경우 구매한 가격으로 환불받게 됩니다." +msgid "Example of a blurry document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a cut-off document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a document with glare" +msgstr "" + msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." msgstr "제외 시간은 5년보다 더 길 수 없습니다." @@ -564,7 +752,7 @@ msgid "Exit spot time" msgstr "엑싯 스팟 시간" msgid "Exit time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "엑싯 타임" msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." msgstr "%1을 위해서는 만기일이 요구되어집니다." @@ -572,6 +760,12 @@ msgstr "%1을 위해서는 만기일이 요구되어집니다." msgid "Explanation" msgstr "설명" +msgid "Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face photo page" +msgstr "" + msgid "Failed" msgstr "실패되었습니다" @@ -587,18 +781,36 @@ msgstr "피앗" msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" msgstr "파일(%1) 크기가 허용된 한계를 초과했습니다. 허용된 최대 파일 크기는 다음과 같습니다: %2" +msgid "File not uploaded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File size exceeded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File type not supported" +msgstr "" + msgid "Final price" msgstr "최종 가격" +msgid "Financial" +msgstr "" + msgid "Financial Account" msgstr "금융 계좌" -msgid "Finish" +msgid "Financial STP" msgstr "" +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "종료" + msgid "First line of home address" msgstr "집주소의 첫째 줄" +msgid "Follow these steps to recover camera access:" +msgstr "" + msgid "Forex" msgstr "외환" @@ -612,27 +824,60 @@ msgid "Fridays" msgstr "매주 금요일" msgid "From account: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "From 계좌:" msgid "Front Side" +msgstr "프론트 사이드" + +msgid "Front and back" msgstr "" msgid "Gaming" msgstr "게이밍" +msgid "Gaming Account" +msgstr "" + msgid "Get %1" msgstr "" +msgid "Get link via SMS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get your secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Glare detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go To Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go back" +msgstr "" + msgid "Go to statement" msgstr "내역서로 가기" msgid "Goes Outside" msgstr "" +msgid "Grant access to your camera from your browser settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Great, that's everything we need" +msgstr "" + msgid "Guide" msgstr "가이드" msgid "Hence, your withdrawable balance is only up to %1%2, subject to your account’s available funds." +msgstr "이런 이유로, 귀하의 운용가능한 자금의 조건으로, 귀하의 인출가능한 잔액은 오직 %1%2까지 입니다." + +msgid "Here's how to do it:" msgstr "" msgid "High" @@ -680,12 +925,12 @@ msgstr "하이어/로우어" msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." msgstr "Higher/Lower 계약은 시작 및 종료 시간 사이에 2틱보다 적을 경우에 구매 가격으로 환불받게 될 것입니다." -msgid "Hint: it would take approximately %1%2 to crack your password." -msgstr "" - msgid "Hour" msgstr "시간" +msgid "How to scan a QR code" +msgstr "" + msgid "I want to reapply" msgstr "재신청하고 싶습니다" @@ -695,12 +940,18 @@ msgstr "저는 관심있습니다" msgid "ID number is required for %1." msgstr "%1에 ID 번호가 요구되어집니다." +msgid "IDK" +msgstr "" + msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP 주소" msgid "Identity card" msgstr "신분증" +msgid "If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store" +msgstr "" + msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." msgstr "만약 엑싯 스팟낮은장벽 또는 높은 장벽과 동등할 경우, 귀하께서는 지불금을 받지 않습니다." @@ -726,25 +977,25 @@ msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last di msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Differs\"를 선택하신다면 귀하께서는 마지막 틱의 마지막 숫자가 귀하의 예측같지 않을때 귀하께서는 지불금을 받게 되십니다." msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." -msgstr "" +msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Does Not Touch\"를 선택하시면, 계약 기간동안 그 어느때라도 시장이 장벽에 닿지 않을 때에 귀하께서는 지불금을 받게 됩니다." msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Ends Between\"를 선택하신다면, exit spot낮은 장벽보다 엄격히 높으며 높은 장벽보다 엄격히 낮은 경우 귀하께서 지불금을 획득합니다." msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Ends Outside\"를 선택하신다면, exit spot높은 장벽보다 엄격히 높거나 또는 낮은 장벽보다 엄격히 낮은 경우 귀하께서 지불금을 획득합니다." msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서 만약 \"Even\"을 선택하실때에는, 가장 최근의 틱에서 가장 마지막의 숫자짝수 (예: 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)인 경우 귀하께서는 지불금을 받게 됩니다." msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Falls\"를 선택하시면, exit spotentry spot보다 엄격히 더 낮은 경우 귀하께서 지불금을 획득합니다." msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." -msgstr "" +msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Goes Outside\"를 선택하시는 경우, 시장이 계약 기간에 그 어느때라도 높은 장벽 또는 낮은 장벽을 닿는 경우 귀하께서는 지불금을 획득하게 됩니다." msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서 \"Higher\"를 선택하시면, 만약 exit spot장벽보다 엄격히 높은 경우에 귀하께서 지불금을 획득합니다." msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." msgstr "만약 귀하께서 \"Higher\"를 선택하시면, 만약 출구부가 엄격히 진입부보다 더 높을 시에 지불금을 획득합니다." @@ -816,7 +1067,7 @@ msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time< msgstr "만약 귀하께서 특정한 종료 시간을 선택하신다면, 해당 종료 시간이 선택된 시간입니다." msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." -msgstr "" +msgstr "유럽연합에서는, 금융 바이너리 옵션은 전문적인 투자자들만 이용 가능합니다." msgid "In/Out" msgstr "인/아웃" @@ -825,7 +1076,7 @@ msgid "Indicates required field" msgstr "요구되는 영역을 나타냅니다" msgid "Indicative" -msgstr "" +msgstr "직설" msgid "Insufficient balance." msgstr "부족한 잔액." @@ -845,6 +1096,21 @@ msgstr "유효하지 않은 검증 코드" msgid "Investment" msgstr "투자" +msgid "It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may take a few minutes to arrive" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It must be an official photo ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It will only take a couple of minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it" +msgstr "" + msgid "Jan" msgstr "1월" @@ -866,6 +1132,9 @@ msgstr "6월" msgid "Jurisdiction" msgstr "관할권" +msgid "Keep this window open while using your mobile" +msgstr "" + msgid "Language settings" msgstr "언어 설정" @@ -879,14 +1148,26 @@ msgid "Last Login" msgstr "지난 로그인" msgid "Last Used" -msgstr "" +msgstr "가장 마지막으로 사용한 것" msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" +msgstr "%2에서 가장 최근의 %1 틱에 대한 마지막 숫자 통계" + +msgid "Linked to your computer" msgstr "" msgid "Litecoin" msgstr "라이트코인" +msgid "Live chat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" + msgid "Log in" msgstr "로그인" @@ -896,9 +1177,18 @@ msgstr "여기에서 로그인하세요" msgid "Log out" msgstr "로그아웃" +msgid "Login ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login at:" +msgstr "" + msgid "Lookbacks" msgstr "룩백" +msgid "Looks like you took too long" +msgstr "" + msgid "Loss" msgstr "손실" @@ -923,26 +1213,59 @@ msgstr "하락" msgid "Lower or equal" msgstr "더 낮음 또는 동등" +msgid "MT5" +msgstr "" + msgid "MT5 withdrawal disabled" msgstr "MT5 인출이 중단되었습니다" msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." msgstr "귀하의 계좌에서 MT5 인출이 중단되었습니다. 더 자세한 사항을 위해 귀하의 이메일을 확인해주세요." -msgid "Mar" -msgstr "3월" +msgid "Make sure all of the document is in the photo" +msgstr "" -msgid "March" -msgstr "3월" +msgid "Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" -msgid "Matches/Differs" -msgstr "맞춤/다름" +msgid "Make sure everything is clear" +msgstr "" -msgid "Maximum Payout" -msgstr "최대 지불금" +msgid "Make sure full document is visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device has a working camera" +msgstr "" -msgid "Maximum Profit" -msgstr "최대 이익" +msgid "Make sure your device's camera works" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure§" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mar" +msgstr "3월" + +msgid "March" +msgstr "3월" + +msgid "Matches/Differs" +msgstr "맞춤/다름" msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." msgstr "1000의 최대 승수" @@ -974,6 +1297,18 @@ msgstr "월요일" msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." msgstr "귀하에게 전송된 이메일에서 더 많은 정보를 찾으실 수 있습니다." +msgid "Move away from direct light" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light — no glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multi-Collateral" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple faces found" +msgstr "" + msgid "Multiplier" msgstr "승수" @@ -983,9 +1318,15 @@ msgstr "승수 다운" msgid "Multiplier Up" msgstr "승수 업" +msgid "Must be under 10MB." +msgstr "" + msgid "Name" msgstr "이름" +msgid "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + msgid "Net profit" msgstr "순이익" @@ -996,7 +1337,7 @@ msgid "Never" msgstr "" msgid "Never Used" -msgstr "" +msgstr "전혀 사용되지 않았습니다" msgid "New Year's Day" msgstr "새해 첫날" @@ -1014,28 +1355,31 @@ msgid "No authentication required" msgstr "인증이 필요없습니다" msgid "No currency assigned" -msgstr "" +msgstr "할당된 통화가 없습니다" msgid "No currency selected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택된 통화가 없습니다" -msgid "No notifications" -msgstr "공지 없음" +msgid "No document detected" +msgstr "" -msgid "No payout if exit spot is above or equal to the upper barrier." +msgid "No face found" msgstr "" -msgid "No payout if exit spot is below or equal to the lower barrier." +msgid "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" msgstr "" +msgid "No notifications" +msgstr "공지 없음" + msgid "No thanks" msgstr "아니오 괜찮습니다" msgid "Not" -msgstr "" +msgstr "아님" msgid "Not announced for this currency." -msgstr "" +msgstr "이 통화에 대한 알림은 없습니다." msgid "Note" msgstr "공지" @@ -1044,7 +1388,7 @@ msgid "Note:" msgstr "각주:" msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 하나의 피앗 통화 계좌로 제한되어 있습니다. 귀하께서는 MT5 계좌를 생성하거나 귀하의 피앗 계좌에 처음으로 예금하기 이전에 귀하의 피앗 계좌통화가 변경될 수 있습니다. 귀하께서는 또한 지원되는 각 암호화폐에 하나의 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다." msgid "Notifications" msgstr "공지" @@ -1073,9 +1417,15 @@ msgstr "10월" msgid "Offline" msgstr "오프라인" +msgid "Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step" +msgstr "" + msgid "Online" msgstr "온라인" +msgid "Online trading platform" +msgstr "" + msgid "Only %1 are allowed." msgstr "%1만 허용됩니다." @@ -1085,9 +1435,6 @@ msgstr "오직 Downs" msgid "Only Ups" msgstr "오직 Ups" -msgid "Only Ups/Only Downs" -msgstr "오직 Ups/오직 Downs" - msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." msgstr "오직 문자, 숫자, 띄어쓰기, 및 하이픈만 허용됩니다." @@ -1106,6 +1453,9 @@ msgstr "아이디 번호(%1)를 위해 오직 문자, 숫자, 띄어쓰기, 밑 msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." msgstr "오직 문자, 띄어쓰기, 하이픈, 온점, 및 아포스트로피만 허용됩니다." +msgid "Only your face can be in the selfie" +msgstr "" + msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" msgstr "앗... 페이지에 접근할 수 없습니다" @@ -1121,14 +1471,29 @@ msgstr "무료로 계좌를 개설하세요." msgid "Open positions" msgstr "오픈 포지션" +msgid "Open the link and complete the tasks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open your new bank account" +msgstr "" + msgid "Opens" msgstr "개장" +msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Our classic “drag-and-drop” tool for creating trading bots, featuring pop-up trading charts, for advanced users." +msgstr "" + msgid "Over/Under" msgstr "오버/언더" msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "오버/언더 계약은 만약 해당 계약이 5분 안으로 종료되지 않는 경우 구매한 가격으로 환불받게 됩니다." msgid "PM" msgstr "PM" @@ -1136,11 +1501,17 @@ msgstr "PM" msgid "Passport" msgstr "여권" +msgid "Passport photo page" +msgstr "" + msgid "Password is not strong enough." msgstr "비밀번호가 취약합니다." -msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase letters with numbers." -msgstr "비밀번호는 소문자 및 대문자와 숫자를 포함해야 합니다." +msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Paxos Standard" +msgstr "" msgid "Pay-out" msgstr "배당" @@ -1158,7 +1529,7 @@ msgid "Payout range" msgstr "지불금 범위" msgid "Pending" -msgstr "" +msgstr "보류중" msgid "Percentage" msgstr "퍼센트" @@ -1166,26 +1537,29 @@ msgstr "퍼센트" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "허가" +msgid "Photo of your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your face" +msgstr "" + msgid "Place of birth" msgstr "출생지" msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 인출 및 거래 제한을 풀기 위해 %1c귀하의 계좌 프로필을 완료%2해주세요." msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 계좌에 %1예금%2해주세요." msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." msgstr "본 페이지를 보기 위해 %1로그인%2 또는 %3가입%4 해 주시기 바랍니다." -msgid "Please accept our %1updated Terms and Conditions%2 to proceed." -msgstr "" - msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "해당 약관에 동이해주세요." msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "추가적인 지시사항을 위해 귀하의 이메일을 확인해주시기 바랍니다." msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." msgstr "비밀번호 재설정 링크 확인을 위해 귀하의 이메일을 확인해 주세요." @@ -1214,11 +1588,11 @@ msgstr "귀하의 장치에 텔레그램 앱이 설치되어 있는지를 확인 msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." msgstr "유효한 로그인 아이디를 입력해주시기 바랍니다." -msgid "Please enter a valid phone number, including the country code (e.g. +15417541234)." +msgid "Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234)." msgstr "" msgid "Please note that the selected currency is allowed for limited accounts only." -msgstr "" +msgstr "선택된 통화는 제한된 계좌들에만 허용된다는 것을 아시기 바랍니다." msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." msgstr "요구되는 기준이 충족되면 재신청해주시기 바랍니다." @@ -1247,8 +1621,8 @@ msgstr "체크박스를 선택해주세요." msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" msgstr "이 계좌를 위한 통화를 선택해주시기 바랍니다:" -msgid "Please set the currency of your account to enable trading." -msgstr "거래를 활성화하기 위해 귀하의 계좌에 통화를 설정해주시기 바랍니다." +msgid "Please set the currency of your account." +msgstr "" msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." msgstr "예금 제한을 제거하기 위해 귀하의 %130일 턴오버 제한%2을 설정해주시기 바랍니다." @@ -1256,12 +1630,21 @@ msgstr "예금 제한을 제거하기 위해 귀하의 %130일 턴오버 제한% msgid "Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts" msgstr "귀하의 계좌를 닫는 이유를 구체적으로 명시해주시기 바랍니다" +msgid "Please specify your preferred interval reality check in minutes:" +msgstr "" + msgid "Please submit your proof of address." msgstr "귀하의 거주증명을 제출해주세요" msgid "Please submit your proof of identity." msgstr "귀하의 신분증명을 제출해주세요." +msgid "Please try again" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Point your phone’s camera at the QR code" +msgstr "" + msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" msgstr "우편번호" @@ -1274,18 +1657,27 @@ msgstr "잠재적인 이익" msgid "Potential payout" msgstr "잠재적인 지불금" +msgid "Potential profit" +msgstr "" + msgid "Potential profit/loss" msgstr "잠재적인 이익/손실" msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" msgstr "방향
과 구매를 예측하세요" +msgid "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" +msgstr "" + msgid "Previous" msgstr "이전" msgid "Profit" msgstr "이익" +msgid "Profit / Loss" +msgstr "" + msgid "Profit table" msgstr "이익표" @@ -1313,6 +1705,9 @@ msgstr "신분증명이 만기되었습니다" msgid "Proof of identity required" msgstr "신분증명이 요구됩니다" +msgid "Provide the whole document page for best results" +msgstr "" + msgid "Purchase" msgstr "구매" @@ -1346,14 +1741,14 @@ msgstr "실제" msgid "Real Account" msgstr "실제계정" -msgid "Real Advanced" -msgstr "리얼 어드벤스드" +msgid "Real Financial" +msgstr "" -msgid "Real Standard" -msgstr "리얼 스탠다드" +msgid "Real Financial STP" +msgstr "" -msgid "Real Synthetic Indices" -msgstr "실제 종합지수" +msgid "Real Synthetic" +msgstr "" msgid "Real-Money Account" msgstr "실제-자금 계좌" @@ -1361,29 +1756,65 @@ msgstr "실제-자금 계좌" msgid "Real-Money Accounts" msgstr "실제-자금 계좌" -msgid "Ref." +msgid "Reality Check" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recent years are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recover camera access to continue face verification" msgstr "" +msgid "Recovery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Redo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ref." +msgstr "참조사항" + msgid "Reference ID" +msgstr "참조 ID" + +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process" msgstr "" msgid "Remaining time" +msgstr "남은 시간" + +msgid "Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions" msgstr "" msgid "Remove deposit limits" +msgstr "예금 한도를 제거하세요" + +msgid "Remove your glasses, if necessary" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"" msgstr "" msgid "Reports" msgstr "" msgid "Requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." -msgstr "" +msgstr "기능을 제대로 하기 위해 귀하의 브라우저 웹 저장소가 활성화되는것이 요구됩니다. 이를 활성화하시거나 개인정보 보호 브라우징 모드에서 나와주시기 바랍니다." msgid "Resale not offered" +msgstr "재판매는 제공되지 않습니다" + +msgid "Resend link" msgstr "" msgid "Reset Barrier" -msgstr "" +msgstr "장벽을 재설정하세요" msgid "Reset Call" msgstr "리셋 콜" @@ -1398,25 +1829,43 @@ msgid "Reset Put" msgstr "리셋 풋" msgid "Reset Time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "시간을 재설정하세요" msgid "Reset barrier" +msgstr "장벽을 재설정하세요" + +msgid "Reset the balance of your virtual account to %1 anytime." msgstr "" msgid "Reset time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "시간을 재설정하세요" msgid "Reset to original settings" +msgstr "본래의 세팅으로 재설정하세요" + +msgid "Residence permit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart process on a different device" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Safari" msgstr "" msgid "Return" msgstr "보상" msgid "Reverse Side" +msgstr "리버스 사이드" + +msgid "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" msgstr "" msgid "Revoke access" -msgstr "" +msgstr "접근 철회" msgid "Rise/Fall" msgstr "상승/하락" @@ -1424,36 +1873,60 @@ msgstr "상승/하락" msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" msgstr "상승/하락 계약은 다음의 상황에 환불될 것입니다:" +msgid "STASIS Euro" +msgstr "" + msgid "Sa" msgstr "토" msgid "Sale Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "판매일" msgid "Sale Price" -msgstr "" +msgstr "판매가" msgid "Saturday" msgstr "토요일" +msgid "Scan QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan the QR code with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scans and photocopies are not accepted" +msgstr "" + msgid "Scopes" +msgstr "범위" + +msgid "Search for country" msgstr "" msgid "Search..." msgstr "" msgid "Select Asset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "자산을 선택하세요" msgid "Select Trade Type" +msgstr "거래 종류를 선택하세요" + +msgid "Select a %{country} document" msgstr "" -msgid "Select currency" +msgid "Select country" msgstr "" +msgid "Select currency" +msgstr "통화를 선택하세요" + msgid "Select date" msgstr "날을 선택하세요" +msgid "Select issuing country" +msgstr "" + msgid "Select market:" msgstr "시장을 선택하세요:" @@ -1472,33 +1945,60 @@ msgstr "선택된 틱" msgid "Self-exclusion" msgstr "자가 제한" +msgid "Selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie uploaded" +msgstr "" + msgid "Sell" msgstr "매도" msgid "Sell at market" msgstr "시장에서 판매하세요" +msgid "Send a secure link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send this one-time link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "" + msgid "Sep" msgstr "9월" msgid "September" msgstr "9월" +msgid "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + msgid "Server" msgstr "서버" msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." msgstr "세션 기간제한은 6주보다 더 길 수 없습니다." -msgid "Set Currency" -msgstr "통화를 설정하세요" +msgid "Session duration:" +msgstr "" msgid "Set account currency" msgstr "계좌 통화를 설정하세요" +msgid "Set currency" +msgstr "" + msgid "Settles" msgstr "정착" +msgid "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + msgid "Should be %1" msgstr "" @@ -1517,6 +2017,9 @@ msgstr "%1보다 더 많아야 합니다" msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." msgstr "문자 또는 숫자로 시작해야 하며, 하이픈과 밑줄을 포함할 수 있습니다." +msgid "Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines" +msgstr "" + msgid "Sign out" msgstr "로그아웃" @@ -1526,45 +2029,54 @@ msgstr "가입" msgid "SmartTrader" msgstr "SmartTrader" +msgid "Something's gone wrong" +msgstr "" + msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." msgstr "죄송합니다. 귀하의 나라에서는 계정 가입이 불가합니다." msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." -msgstr "" +msgstr "죄송합니다, 귀하의 계좌를 처리하는 과정에서 오류가 발생되었습니다." msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." +msgstr "죄송합니다, 귀하의 요청을 처리하는 과정에서 오류가 발생되었습니다." + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your country." msgstr "" msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your financial account." -msgstr "" +msgstr "죄송합니다, 귀하의 금융 계좌에는 바이너리 옵션 거래를 할 수 없습니다." msgid "Sorry, deposits for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "죄송합니다, 이 통화를 위한 예금은 현재 비활화되어 있습니다." + +msgid "Sorry, no mobile phone bills" msgstr "" -msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgid "Sorry, options trading isn’t available in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man." msgstr "" +msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgstr "죄송합니다, 이 기능은 가상계좌들에만 이용가능할 수 있습니다." + msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." -msgstr "" +msgstr "죄송합니다, 귀하의 관할권에서는 이 기능을 사용할 수 없습니다." msgid "Sorry, withdrawals for this currency are currently disabled." -msgstr "" +msgstr "죄송합니다, 이 통화에 대한 인출은 현재 중지되어 있습니다." msgid "Spot" -msgstr "" +msgstr "스팟" msgid "Spot time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "스팟 타임" msgid "Spot time (GMT)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "스팟 타임 (GMT)" msgid "Stake" msgstr "지분" -msgid "Standard" -msgstr "" - msgid "Start time" msgstr "시작 시간" @@ -1584,28 +2096,61 @@ msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" msgstr "사이에서 머무름/외부로 나감" msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stays Between/Goes Outside 계약들은 시작과 종료시간사이에 2틱보다 적은 경우 구매한 가격으로 환불될 것입니다." msgid "Step" msgstr "스텝" -msgid "Stock Indices" +msgid "Steps required to continue verification on your mobile" msgstr "" +msgid "Stock Indices" +msgstr "주가지수" + msgid "Stocks" msgstr "주식" +msgid "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + msgid "Su" msgstr "일" msgid "Submit" +msgstr "제출하세요" + +msgid "Submit document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit verification" msgstr "" msgid "Submitted" msgstr "제출되었습니다" msgid "Submitting" -msgstr "" +msgstr "제출중입니다" msgid "Successful" msgstr "성공적입니다" @@ -1613,24 +2158,69 @@ msgstr "성공적입니다" msgid "Sunday" msgstr "일요일" +msgid "Synthetic" +msgstr "" + msgid "Synthetic Indices" msgstr "종합 지수" -msgid "Target" +msgid "Take a photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of your passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie showing your face" msgstr "" +msgid "Take photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Target" +msgstr "목표" + msgid "Telephone" msgstr "전화" -msgid "Term & conditions updated" -msgstr "약관이 업데이트되었습니다" +msgid "Tether ERC20" +msgstr "" -msgid "Tether" -msgstr "테더" +msgid "Tether ERC20 (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is hosted on the Ethereum platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni (USDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is built on the Bitcoin blockchain." +msgstr "" msgid "Th" msgstr "목" +msgid "Thank you" +msgstr "" + msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." msgstr "가입해주셔서 감사합니다! 등록절차를 완료하기 위해 회원님의 이메일을 확인 해주세요." @@ -1641,7 +2231,7 @@ msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." msgstr "계좌번호 %2의 %1 비밀번호가 변경되었습니다." msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1종료%2는 %1종료 시간%2이전 또는 그때의 가장 마지막 틱입니다. 만약 귀하께서 특정한 %1종료 시간%2을 선택하셨다면, 해당 %1종료 시간%2은 선택되어진 시간입니다." msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." msgstr "" @@ -1671,10 +2261,10 @@ msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours aft msgstr "" msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "종료 시간시작 시간이후에 선택된 분/시간입니다." msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "entry spot은 우리의 서버에 의해 해당 계약이 처리된 이후의 첫번째 틱입니다." msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." msgstr "출구부종료부보다 이전 또는 계약 종료시기에 가장 최근의 틱입니다." @@ -1683,13 +2273,13 @@ msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our msgstr "시작 시간은 계약이 우리의 서버에 의해 처리될 때이고 따라서 진입부다음의 틱입니다." msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "시작 시간은 해당 계약이 우리의 서버에 의해 처리될 때를 의미합니다." msgid "The Average" -msgstr "" +msgstr "평균" msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "평균은 entry spot과 마지막 틱을 포함하여 틱들의 평균을 의미합니다." msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" msgstr "해당 계약이 5분 이내로 종료되지 않는 경우 (틱 기간 계약에 대해서)" @@ -1698,22 +2288,28 @@ msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password msgstr "입력하신 이메일 주소는 이미 사용중입니다. 만약 비밀번호를 잊으셨다면, 비밀번호 복구 도구 또는 저희 고객 서비스부서에 연락바랍니다." msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "엔트리 스팟은 해당 계약이 우리의 서버에 의해 처리된 이후의 첫번째 틱입니다." + +msgid "The link only works on mobile devices" msgstr "" msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." -msgstr "" +msgstr "토큰의 최대 숫자 (%1)에 도달했습니다." msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." +msgstr "귀하께서 요청하신 페이지는 찾을수 없었습니다. 해당 페이지가 더이상 존재하지 않거나 주소가 틀렸습니다. 오타가 있는지 확인해주세요." + +msgid "The photo should clearly show your document" msgstr "" msgid "The reason should be between 5 and 250 characters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "이유는 5 및 250 문자 사이이어야 합니다" msgid "The reset time is %1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "재설정된 시간은 %1입니다" msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "서버의 엔드포인트는: %2입니다" msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." msgstr "입력하신 두 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다." @@ -1722,34 +2318,40 @@ msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" msgstr "시작과 종료 시간 사이에 2틱보다 적을 때" msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." -msgstr "" +msgstr "구매하는 동안에 서버에 접근하면서 문제가 있었습니다." msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." -msgstr "" +msgstr "해당 서버에 접근하면서 문제가 있었습니다." msgid "There was an error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "오류가 있었습니다" msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." +msgstr "입력칸에 인식불가능한 문자가 있었습니다." + +msgid "These are the documents most likely to show your current home address" msgstr "" msgid "This account is disabled" msgstr "이 계좌는 비활성화되었습니다" msgid "This account is excluded until %1" +msgstr "이 계좌는 %1까지 제외됩니다" + +msgid "This contract is only available on %1DTrader%2." msgstr "" msgid "This contract is only available on DTrader.%1%2Go to Dtrader%3 to close or cancel this contract." -msgstr "" +msgstr "이 컨트랙트는 오직 DTrader상에서만 가능합니다. 이 컨트랙트를 종료하거나 취소하기 위해 %1%2Dtrader%3로 가세요." msgid "This contract lost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "이 계약은 잃었습니다" msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" msgstr "이 계약 종류는 단지 5틱만 제공합니다." msgid "This contract won" -msgstr "" +msgstr "이 계약은 획득했습니다" msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." msgstr "이 특성은 가상 자금 계좌와는 관계가 없습니다." @@ -1760,15 +2362,30 @@ msgstr "이 항목을 채워주십시오." msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" msgstr "이것은 단계서버입니다 - 오직 시험용입니다" +msgid "This is a top-10 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-100 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a very common password" +msgstr "" + msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." msgstr "이것은 직설적인 장벽입니다. 실질적인 장벽은 엔트리 스팟과 장벽 오프셋의 합이 될 것입니다." +msgid "This is similar to a commonly used password" +msgstr "" + msgid "This is your %1 account." msgstr "이것은 귀하의 %1 계좌입니다." msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." msgstr "이 페이지는 로그아웃된 고객들만 이용할수 있습니다." +msgid "This password is on the blacklist" +msgstr "" + msgid "Thursday" msgstr "목요일" @@ -1782,7 +2399,7 @@ msgid "Ticks" msgstr "틱" msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." -msgstr "" +msgstr "틱 히스토리가 빈 배열로 돌아왔습니다." msgid "Time is in the wrong format." msgstr "시간이 잘못된 형식으로 되어 있습니다." @@ -1797,9 +2414,21 @@ msgid "Time out must be after today." msgstr "타임아웃은 꼭 오늘 이후여야 합니다." msgid "Timed out until" +msgstr "때까지 타임아웃됩니다" + +msgid "Tips" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips to take a good selfie" msgstr "" msgid "To account: " +msgstr "To 계좌:" + +msgid "To open a bank account, we will need to verify your identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo" msgstr "" msgid "Today" @@ -1808,6 +2437,9 @@ msgstr "오늘" msgid "Token" msgstr "토큰" +msgid "Too many failed attempts" +msgstr "" + msgid "Top up error" msgstr "탑 업 오류" @@ -1815,10 +2447,10 @@ msgid "Top-up successful" msgstr "탑업 성공" msgid "Total Cost" -msgstr "" +msgstr "총 비용" msgid "Total Profit/Loss" -msgstr "" +msgstr "총 이익/손실" msgid "Total assets" msgstr "총 자산" @@ -1833,7 +2465,7 @@ msgid "Touch/No Touch" msgstr "터치/노 터치" msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Touch/No Touch 계약은 만약 시작 및 종료 시간 사이에 2틱보다 적을 경우에 구매되어진 가격으로 환불받게 될것입니다." msgid "Touches" msgstr "" @@ -1844,40 +2476,79 @@ msgstr "타운/도시" msgid "Trade" msgstr "트레이드" -msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgid "Trade FX and CFDs on a customisable, easy-to-use trading platform." msgstr "" -msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly contact %1customer support%2 for assistance." +msgid "Trade digital options on the world’s markets with SmartTrader, a powerful, user-friendly online trading platform." msgstr "" -msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgid "Trade on Deriv MetaTrader 5 (DMT5), the all-in-one FX and CFD trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade the world's markets with our popular user-friendly platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading Information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgstr "거래 및 예금이 비활성화되었습니다" + +msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." msgstr "" +msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgstr "종합지수에서 차액거래 (CFDs)는 모두에게는 적합하지 않을수도 있습니다. 귀하께서는 귀하의 MT5 계좌에 있는 모든 자금을 잃을 수 있는 가능성을 포함하여 관련되어 있는 모든 위험을 완전히 이해해주시기 바랍니다. 도박은 중독적일 수 있습니다 – 책임감있게 진행해주세요." + msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." msgstr "이 시간에 거래는 할 수 없습니다." +msgid "Trading statistics report" +msgstr "" + msgid "Transaction ID" msgstr "거래 ID" msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" msgstr "%1에 의해 거래가 진행되었습니다 (App ID: %2)" +msgid "True USD" +msgstr "" + msgid "Try our %1Synthetic Indices%2." msgstr "우리의 %1종합 지수%2를 활용해보세요." msgid "Try our other markets." msgstr "다른 시장을 이용해보세요." +msgid "Try using a JPG or PNG file" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using another file type." +msgstr "" + msgid "Tu" msgstr "화" msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "화요일" +msgid "Turnover" +msgstr "" + msgid "Type" msgstr "종류" +msgid "USD Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USDK" +msgstr "" + msgid "Unable to read file %1" +msgstr "파일 %1을 읽을 수 없습니다." + +msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "" msgid "Understood" @@ -1886,9 +2557,12 @@ msgstr "이해되었습니다" msgid "Unknown OS" msgstr "알수없는 OS" -msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgid "Unsupported browser" msgstr "" +msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgstr "%1 소수자리까지 허용됩니다." + msgid "Up/Down" msgstr "업/다운" @@ -1898,18 +2572,72 @@ msgstr "예정된 행사" msgid "Upgrade now" msgstr "지금 업그레이드하세요" +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload a selfie from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload anyway" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Uploads successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a few words, avoid common phrases" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" +msgstr "" + msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." msgstr "인증번호가 잘못되었습니다. 귀하의 이메일로 전송된 링크를 사용해주세요." +msgid "Verification complete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Identity" +msgstr "" + msgid "Verify Reset Password" msgstr "재설정 암호를 확인해주세요" +msgid "Verify identity" +msgstr "" + msgid "View" msgstr "보기" msgid "View chart" msgstr "차트 보기" +msgid "View from camera" +msgstr "" + msgid "Virtual" msgstr "가상" @@ -1917,79 +2645,85 @@ msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." msgstr "계약 정산을 기다리는중입니다." msgid "Waiting for entry tick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "엔트리 틱을 기다리고 있습니다." msgid "Waiting for exit tick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "엑싯 틱을 기다리고 있습니다." msgid "We" msgstr "수" +msgid "We cannot verify you without using your camera" +msgstr "" + msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." msgstr "귀하께서 어떻게 생각하시는지 알고싶습니다." -msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgid "We'll compare it with your document" msgstr "" -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "수요일" +msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgstr "우리는 우리의 상품 및 서비스의 발전위한 방안을 생각하고 있습니다. 귀하께서 우리의 어떤 부분을 좋아하시고 어떤 부분을 좋아하지지 않는지, 그리고 우리가 어느 부분에서 더 잘할 수 있는지를 알기 위해 우리는 전화를 통해 귀하와 인터뷰하고 싶습니다." -msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgid "We're now ready to verify your identity" msgstr "" -msgid "Whoops!" +msgid "We've sent a secure link to %{number}" msgstr "" -msgid "Win maximum payout if the exit spot is higher than or equal to the upper barrier." -msgstr "" +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "수요일" -msgid "Win maximum payout if the exit spot is lower than or equal to the lower barrier." +msgid "We’ll update your limits. Click %1Agree and accept%2 to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss." msgstr "" -msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgid "When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue" msgstr "" -msgid "Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between exit spot and lower barrier." -msgstr "" +msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgstr "\"OK\"를 클릭하시면 귀하께서는 선택되어 있는 날짜까지 본 사이트상에서의 거래에서 제외될 것입니다." -msgid "Win up to maximum payout if exit spot is between lower and upper barrier, in proportion to the difference between upper barrier and exit spot." -msgstr "" +msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgstr "엑싯 스팟이 엔트리 스팟과 또한 동등할 경우에 지불금을 받으세요." msgid "Winning the contract" msgstr "계약 획득" msgid "Withdraw" -msgstr "" +msgstr "인출하기" msgid "Withdrawal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "인출" msgid "Withdrawal and trading limits" -msgstr "" +msgstr "인출 및 거래 제한" msgid "Withdrawal disabled" -msgstr "" +msgstr "인출이 중단되었습니다" msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "귀하의 계좌에서 인출이 중지되었습니다. 더 자세한 사항을 위해 귀하의 이메일을 확인해주세요." + +msgid "Would you like to check your statement first? %1Check Statement%2" msgstr "" msgid "Yes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "네" msgid "Yes I'm sure" -msgstr "" +msgstr "네 저는 확신합니다" msgid "Yes, I'm sure" -msgstr "" +msgstr "네, 저는 확신합니다" msgid "You are categorised as a professional client." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 전문가 고객으로 분류됩니다." msgid "You are categorised as a retail client. Apply to be treated as a professional trader." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 소매고객으로 분류됩니다. 전문 트레이더로 대우받기 위해 지원하세요." msgid "You are limited to one fiat account. You can change the currency of your fiat account anytime before you make a first-time deposit or create an MT5 account." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 하나의 피앗 계좌로 제한되어 있습니다. 귀하께서는 MT5 계좌를 생성하거나 예금을 처음하시기 전에 그 언제든지 귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화를 변경하실 수 있습니다." msgid "You are offline" msgstr "귀하께서는 오프라인입니다" @@ -2006,15 +2740,12 @@ msgstr "귀하께서는 MT5 계좌를 생성하셨기 때문에 더이상 통화 msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've made a first-time deposit." msgstr "귀하께서는 첫 예금을 하셨기 때문에 더이상 통화를 변경하실 수 없습니다." +msgid "You can now return to your computer to continue" +msgstr "" + msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." msgstr "귀하께서는 귀하의 잔액이 %2 또는 그보다 적을 경우 귀하의 데모계좌에 추가적인 %1만큼 추가로 넣을 수 있습니다." -msgid "You can top up your virtual account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." -msgstr "귀하의 잔액이 %2 또는 그보다 적은 경우 추가적으로 %1를 귀하의 가상 계좌에 넣을 수 있습니다." - -msgid "You cannot use your real money account with Deriv at this time." -msgstr "" - msgid "You did not change anything." msgstr "귀하께서는 아무것도 변경하지 않으셨습니다." @@ -2025,106 +2756,127 @@ msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." msgstr "" msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 이미 %1%2를 인출하셨습니다." msgid "You have insufficient funds in your Binary account, please add funds." -msgstr "" - -msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 Binary 계좌에 자금이 충분하지 않습니다. 자금을 충전해주세요." -msgid "You have opted to be excluded from Binary.com until %1. Please %2contact us%3 for assistance." +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your MT5 account." msgstr "" -msgid "You have reached the limit." -msgstr "귀하께서는 한계에 도달하셨습니다." +msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." +msgstr "귀하께서는 그 어떠한 앱에도 접근권한을 부여받지 않으셨습니다." msgid "You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 초당 요청할 수 있는 한계에 도달하셨습니다. 이후에 다시 시도해주세요." -msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit." -msgstr "귀하께서는 인출 한계에 도달하셨습니다." +msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit. Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift your withdrawal limit and proceed with your withdrawal." +msgstr "" msgid "You have sold this contract at %1 %2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 이 계약을 %1%2로 판매하셨습니다" msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌 통화를 %1에서 %2으로 성공적으로 변경하셨습니다." msgid "You have successfully disabled two-factor authentication for your account." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌에 이중인증을 성공적으로 비활성화하셨습니다." msgid "You have successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌에 성공적으로 이중 인증을 활성화시켰습니다." + +msgid "You have successfully set your account currency to %1." msgstr "" msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 인증을 위해 다른 OAuth 서버를 사용하기 이전에 등록 및 App ID를 가지셔야 합니다. 더 많은 정보를 위해서는 https://developers.binary.com/ 상에서 OAuth 상세정보를 참조바랍니다." msgid "You have yet to receive any notifications" msgstr "귀하께서는 아직 공지를 받지 않으셨습니다" msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 지원되는 각 암호화폐당 하나의 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다." msgid "You should enter %1 characters." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 %1 문자를 입력하셔야 합니다." msgid "You will be redirected to a third-party website which is not owned by Binary.com." msgstr "Anda akan dialihkan ke situs web pihak ketiga yang bukan dimiliki oleh Binary.com." msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after creating this MT5 account. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 이 MT5 계좌를 생성한 후에 귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화를 변경할 수 없게 됩니다. 정말 그대로 진행하시기를 원하십니까?" msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after making this deposit. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서는 해당 예금을 하신 이후에 귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화를 변경하실수 없게 됩니다. 그대로 진행하시기를 원하십니까?" msgid "You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서 선택한 숫자로 시장가격이 종료되지 않는 경우에 귀하께서 지불금을 받게됩니다." msgid "You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "귀하께서 선택한 숫자로 시장가가 종료되는 경우에는 귀하께서 지불금을 받습니다." + +msgid "You'll need to restart your verification on your computer" msgstr "" -msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgid "You've made no transactions of this type up to this date." msgstr "" +msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgstr "귀하의 %1일 인출 제한은 현재 %2%3입니다." + msgid "Your account has no Login/Logout activity." msgstr "귀하의 계좌는 로그인/로그아웃 활동이 없습니다." -msgid "Your account has no trading activity." -msgstr "귀하의 계좌는 거래활동이 없습니다." - msgid "Your account is fully authenticated and your withdrawal limits have been lifted." +msgstr "귀하의 계좌는 완전히 인증받았으며 귀하의 인출제한이 풀렸습니다." + +msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." msgstr "" msgid "Your application to be treated as a professional client is being processed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하께서 전문가 고객으로써 대우받기 위한 신청이 현재 처리중입니다." msgid "Your cashier is locked." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 캐쉬어가 잠겨있습니다." msgid "Your changes have been updated successfully." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 변경이 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다." msgid "Your changes have been updated." +msgstr "귀하의 변경이 업데이트되었습니다." + +msgid "Your computer may take a few seconds to update" msgstr "" msgid "Your demo account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." +msgstr "귀하의 데모 계좌 잔액은 현재 %1 또는 그보다 적습니다. 귀하께서는 귀하의 계좌를 %2만큼 추가로 충전할 수 있습니다." + +msgid "Your face is needed in the selfie" msgstr "" msgid "Your fiat account's currency is currently set to %1." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화는 현재 %1으로 설정되었습니다." msgid "Your fiat account's currency is set to %1." +msgstr "귀하의 피앗 계좌의 통화는 %1으로 설정되었습니다." + +msgid "Your link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your mobile link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password cannot be the same as your email address." msgstr "" msgid "Your password has been successfully reset. Please log into your account using your new password." msgstr "귀하의 비밀번호가 성공적으로 재설정되었습니다. 새 비밀번호를 이용하여 귀하의 계정에 로그인 바랍니다." -msgid "Your password is one of the most commonly used passwords on the internet. Please choose a unique password." +msgid "Your preferred time interval between each report:" msgstr "" msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 전문가 고객 요청은 %1승인되지 않았습니다%2." msgid "Your request to transfer %1 %2 from %3 to %4 has been successfully processed." msgstr "" @@ -2133,31 +2885,31 @@ msgid "Your request to withdraw %1 %2 from your account %3 to Payment Agent %4 a msgstr "" msgid "Your session duration limit will end in %1 seconds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 세션 시간 제한은 %1초 후에 종료될 것입니다." msgid "Your settings have been updated successfully." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 설정은 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다." msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click %1here%2 to restart the verification process." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 토큰은 만기되었거나 유효하지 않습니다. 인증절차를 재시작하기 위해 %1여기%2를 클릭하세요." msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click here to restart the verification process." -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 토큰은 만기되었거나 유효하지 않습니다. 인증절차를 재시작하기 위해 여기를 클릭하세요." msgid "Your trading statistics since %1." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%1때부터 귀하의 거래 통계." msgid "Your transaction reference is" -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 거래 참조는" msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 거래 참조번호는 %1입니다" -msgid "Your virtual account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." +msgid "Your virtual balance has been reset." msgstr "" msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "귀하의 웹 프라우저 (%1)는 뒤떨어진 것이며 귀하의 거래경험에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 귀하의 위험을 감수하고 진행하세요. %2브라우저를 업데이트하세요%3" msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1%2." msgstr "" @@ -2168,11 +2920,17 @@ msgstr "계좌" msgid "accounts" msgstr "계좌들" +msgid "back" +msgstr "" + msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading stock indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" +msgstr "바이너리 옵션, 외환, 외환 거래, 온라인 거래, 금융 거래, 바이너리 거래, 지수 거래, 주가지수 거래, 외환 거래, 상품 거래, 바이너리 옵션 전략, 바이너리 브로커, 바이너리 내기, 바이너리 옵션 거래 플랫폼, 바이너리 전략, 자금, 투자, 거래" + +msgid "close" msgstr "" msgid "day" -msgstr "" +msgstr "일" msgid "days" msgstr "일" @@ -2180,14 +2938,17 @@ msgstr "일" msgid "details" msgstr "세부사항" -msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgid "e.g. United States" msgstr "" +msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgstr "예 frontend.binaryws.com" + msgid "for account %1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "계좌 %1를 위한" msgid "hour" -msgstr "" +msgstr "시간" msgid "hours" msgstr "시간" @@ -2196,7 +2957,7 @@ msgid "including Deal Cancel. Fee" msgstr "" msgid "letters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "문자들" msgid "login" msgstr "로그인" @@ -2204,9 +2965,6 @@ msgstr "로그인" msgid "logout" msgstr "로그아웃" -msgid "million" -msgstr "" - msgid "minute" msgstr "분" @@ -2216,6 +2974,12 @@ msgstr "분" msgid "numbers" msgstr "숫자" +msgid "or" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or upload photo – no scans or photocopies" +msgstr "" + msgid "second" msgstr "초" @@ -2223,10 +2987,7 @@ msgid "seconds" msgstr "초" msgid "space" -msgstr "" - -msgid "thousand" -msgstr "" +msgstr "공간" msgid "tick" msgstr "틱" @@ -2243,15 +3004,12 @@ msgstr "오늘, 매 금요일" msgid "virtual money credit to account" msgstr "" -msgid "years" -msgstr "" - msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "{SPAIN ONLY} 그렇지만, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd는 귀하의 지식과 경험 및 귀하에게 적합한 상품을 평가하였습니다." msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." -msgstr "" +msgstr "{SPAIN ONLY}이것은 레버리지가 있는 상품입니다. 귀하께서는 손실이 상품을 구매하기 위해 처음에 지불한 금액보다 더 높은 손실이 발생될 수 있다는 것을 아셔야 합니다." msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for difference and forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." -msgstr "" +msgstr "{SPAIN ONLY}귀하께서는 단순하지 않고 이해하기 어려울 수 있는 상품을 구매할 예정입니다: 차액거래 및 외환입니다. 일반적인 규칙으로, CNMV는 이러한 상품들이 이들의 복잡성때문에 소매고객들에게는 적합하지 않다고 여깁니다." diff --git a/src/translations/ru_RU.po b/src/translations/ru_RU.po index 1436f6e7990..d0953e5d595 100644 --- a/src/translations/ru_RU.po +++ b/src/translations/ru_RU.po @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" "POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-08 09:23\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: Russian\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@ msgid "Online" msgstr "Онлайн" msgid "Online trading platform" -msgstr "Торговая онлайн-платформа" +msgstr "Платформа онлайн-торговли" msgid "Only %1 are allowed." msgstr "Разрешены только %1 и латинские буквы." diff --git a/src/translations/si_LK.po b/src/translations/si_LK.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d57b1b0663b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/translations/si_LK.po @@ -0,0 +1,3015 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Sinhala\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 397380\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: si-LK\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 196\n" +"Language: si_LK\n" + +msgid "404" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Region added)" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Temporarily unavailable)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Account %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Please click the link below to restart the password recovery process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 and %2 cannot be the same." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1No, change my fiat account's currency now%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1. This link was sent by you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Your desktop window stays open" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A word by itself is easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "AM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account Authenticated" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account access is temporarily limited. Please check your inbox for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account authentication" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account balance:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Acknowledge" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Action" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add +/– to define a barrier offset. For example, +0.005 means a barrier that's 0.005 higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add Deriv account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Adjust trade parameters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Agree and accept" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All details must be clear — nothing blurry" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow camera access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Already have an account?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "An error occurred while loading the component" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently revoke access to the application" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create a fiat account in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create your %1 account now?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to deposit in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asians" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ask me later" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit Page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Aug" +msgstr "" + +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Authenticate your account now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Available Markets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid recent years" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid repeated words and characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid sequences" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Back to trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Balance" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier change" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Basket Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binance USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binary Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bitcoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Blurry photo detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"Close-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1close%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1close%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera access is denied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Capitalization doesn't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change API Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart is not available for this underlying." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check back here to finish the submission" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that your number is correct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your connection." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checked" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Choose document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Christmas Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click OK to proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Gaming account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close identity verification screen" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closed Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 18:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 21:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commodities" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Common names and surnames are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Complete details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Compressing Image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm changes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connected to your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connecting to server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connection lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue with the verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract Confirmation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract ends" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract has not started yet" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract period" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract result" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract starts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts bought" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts sold" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your mobile browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counterparty" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country not found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country of Residence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create %1 account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Credit/Debit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Crypto" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cut-off image detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date and Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dates are often easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deal cancel. fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dec" +msgstr "" + +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposits and withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deriv Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Even" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Matches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Over" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dismiss alert" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you wish to continue?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document example" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents you can use to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Does Not Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't refresh this page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driver's license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driving licence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Due to an issue on our server, some of your MT5 accounts are unavailable at the moment. %1Please bear with us and thank you for your patience." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Email address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enlarge image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter mobile number" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter your mobile number:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ether Classic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ethereum" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a blurry document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a cut-off document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a document with glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Excluded from the website until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Explanation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Feb" +msgstr "" + +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fiat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File not uploaded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File size exceeded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File type not supported" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Final price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "" + +msgid "First line of home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Follow these steps to recover camera access:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Forex" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "From account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front and back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get link via SMS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get your secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Glare detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go To Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go to statement" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Grant access to your camera from your browser settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Great, that's everything we need" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Guide" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hence, your withdrawable balance is only up to %1%2, subject to your account’s available funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Here's how to do it:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier must be higher than low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High, Low and Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High/Low Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "How to scan a QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I want to reapply" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I'm interested" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ID number is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "IDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identity card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Higher\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Lower\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Call\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Put\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Rises\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Touches\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"High Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1highest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Low Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1lowest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Downs\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Ups\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time of \"Now\", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In/Out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicates required field" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicative" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Insufficient balance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid app id" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid document format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid verification code." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Investment" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may take a few minutes to arrive" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It must be an official photo ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It will only take a couple of minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jan" +msgstr "" + +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jul" +msgstr "" + +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jun" +msgstr "" + +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jurisdiction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Keep this window open while using your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Language settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Stats" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Linked to your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Litecoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Live chat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in here" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login at:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lookbacks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Looks like you took too long" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure all of the document is in the photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure everything is clear" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure full document is visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device has a working camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device's camera works" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure§" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mar" +msgstr "" + +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Matches/Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum of %1 characters required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light — no glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multi-Collateral" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple faces found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Must be under 10MB." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Net profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Network status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New Year's Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New token created." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No authentication required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency assigned" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency selected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No document detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No face found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No thanks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not announced for this currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Nov" +msgstr "" + +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Number of ticks:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "OAuth App ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online trading platform" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only %1 are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Downs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Ups" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and these special characters are allowed: %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, comma, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for ID number (%1)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only your face can be in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a free account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open positions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link and complete the tasks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open your new bank account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Opens" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Our classic “drag-and-drop” tool for creating trading bots, featuring pop-up trading charts, for advanced users." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "PM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password is not strong enough." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Paxos Standard" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pay-out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payment Agent services are not available in your country or in your preferred currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payments" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Percentage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Permissions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Place of birth" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please choose a currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1Real Account form%2 to verify your age as required by the %3UK Gambling%4 Commission (UKGC)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1financial assessment form%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete your Personal Details before you proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that all the information above is true and complete." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that you are not a politically exposed person." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please ensure that you have the Telegram app installed on your device." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please note that the selected currency is allowed for limited accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reload the page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a reason." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a valid time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select at least one scope" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the checkbox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set the currency of your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify your preferred interval reality check in minutes:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please try again" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Point your phone’s camera at the QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit / Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit table" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Provide the whole document page for best results" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase request sent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Read" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ready to trade?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reality Check" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recent years are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recover camera access to continue face verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recovery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Redo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ref." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reference ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remaining time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove deposit limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove your glasses, if necessary" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resale not offered" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resend link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call/Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset the balance of your virtual account to %1 anytime." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset to original settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Residence permit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart process on a different device" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Safari" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Return" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reverse Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Revoke access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "STASIS Euro" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sa" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan the QR code with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scans and photocopies are not accepted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scopes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search for country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Trade Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select a %{country} document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select issuing country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select market:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select payment agent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your market and underlying asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your trade type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selected tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Self-exclusion" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell at market" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send a secure link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send this one-time link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sep" +msgstr "" + +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set account currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Settles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be a valid number." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be between %1 and %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be less than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be more than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "SmartTrader" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Something's gone wrong" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your financial account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, deposits for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, no mobile phone bills" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, options trading isn’t available in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, withdrawals for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time (GMT)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stake" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "State/Province" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Statements" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Steps required to continue verification on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stock Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stocks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Su" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of your passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie showing your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Target" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20 (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is hosted on the Ethereum platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni (USDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is built on the Bitcoin blockchain." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Th" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you, we'll get back to you within 24 hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1end time%2 is the selected number of minutes/hours after the %1start time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1exit spot%2 is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1high%2 is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1low%2 is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 begins when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 is when the contract has been processed by our servers and the %1entry spot%2 is the %1next tick%2 thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password, please try our password recovery tool or contact our customer service." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The link only works on mobile devices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The photo should clearly show your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reason should be between 5 and 250 characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reset time is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "These are the documents most likely to show your current home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is excluded until %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on %1DTrader%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on DTrader.%1%2Go to Dtrader%3 to close or cancel this contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract won" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This field is required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-10 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-100 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a very common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is similar to a commonly used password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is your %1 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This password is on the blacklist" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time is in the wrong format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be in the past." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out must be after today." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Timed out until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips to take a good selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "To open a bank account, we will need to verify your identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Too many failed attempts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top up error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top-up successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Cost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets in your Deriv accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Town/City" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade FX and CFDs on a customisable, easy-to-use trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade digital options on the world’s markets with SmartTrader, a powerful, user-friendly online trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade on Deriv MetaTrader 5 (DMT5), the all-in-one FX and CFD trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade the world's markets with our popular user-friendly platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading Information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading statistics report" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "True USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our %1Synthetic Indices%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our other markets." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using a JPG or PNG file" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using another file type." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Turnover" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USD Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unable to read file %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unavailable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Understood" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unknown OS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unsupported browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up/Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upcoming Events" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upgrade now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload a selfie from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload anyway" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Uploads successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a few words, avoid common phrases" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification complete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View from camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Virtual" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for entry tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for exit tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We cannot verify you without using your camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'll compare it with your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're now ready to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We've sent a secure link to %{number}" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We’ll update your limits. Click %1Agree and accept%2 to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Winning the contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdraw" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal and trading limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Would you like to check your statement first? %1Check Statement%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes, I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a professional client." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a retail client. Apply to be treated as a professional trader." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are limited to one fiat account. You can change the currency of your fiat account anytime before you make a first-time deposit or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can %1set a new currency%2 before you deposit for the first time or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can close this window without interrupting your trade." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've created an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've made a first-time deposit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can now return to your computer to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You did not change anything." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You do not need to authenticate your account at this time.%1We will inform you when your account needs to be authenticated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your Binary account, please add funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit. Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift your withdrawal limit and proceed with your withdrawal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have sold this contract at %1 %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully disabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully set your account currency to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have yet to receive any notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should enter %1 characters." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will be redirected to a third-party website which is not owned by Binary.com." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after creating this MT5 account. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after making this deposit. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You'll need to restart your verification on your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You've made no transactions of this type up to this date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account has no Login/Logout activity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is fully authenticated and your withdrawal limits have been lifted." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your application to be treated as a professional client is being processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your cashier is locked." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your computer may take a few seconds to update" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your demo account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your face is needed in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is currently set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your mobile link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password cannot be the same as your email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password has been successfully reset. Please log into your account using your new password." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your preferred time interval between each report:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to transfer %1 %2 from %3 to %4 has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to withdraw %1 %2 from your account %3 to Payment Agent %4 account has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your session duration limit will end in %1 seconds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your settings have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click %1here%2 to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click here to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your trading statistics since %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference is" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your virtual balance has been reset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading stock indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "days" +msgstr "" + +msgid "details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. United States" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgstr "" + +msgid "for account %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "including Deal Cancel. Fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "logout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "numbers" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or upload photo – no scans or photocopies" +msgstr "" + +msgid "second" +msgstr "" + +msgid "seconds" +msgstr "" + +msgid "space" +msgstr "" + +msgid "tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today, Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "virtual money credit to account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for difference and forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." +msgstr "" + diff --git a/src/translations/tr_TR.po b/src/translations/tr_TR.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8d168046c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/translations/tr_TR.po @@ -0,0 +1,3015 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: dsmarttrader\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-31 03:56\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Turkish\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: dsmarttrader\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 397380\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: tr\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: messages.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 196\n" +"Language: tr_TR\n" + +msgid "404" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Region added)" +msgstr "" + +msgid " (Temporarily unavailable)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Account %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 Please click the link below to restart the password recovery process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 and %2 cannot be the same." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 deposit from %2 to account number %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your MT5 Demo Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 has been credited into your Virtual Account: %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1 withdrawal from account number %2 to %3 is done. Transaction ID: %4" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Manage your accounts%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1No, change my fiat account's currency now%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "%1Return to trading page%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1. This link was sent by you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "2. Your desktop window stays open" +msgstr "" + +msgid "A whole new trading experience on a powerful yet easy to use platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A word by itself is easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "AM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account Authenticated" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account access is temporarily limited. Please check your inbox for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account authentication" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Account balance:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Acknowledge" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Action" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add +/– to define a barrier offset. For example, +0.005 means a barrier that's 0.005 higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add Deriv account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Adjust trade parameters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Agree and accept" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All details must be clear — nothing blurry" +msgstr "" + +msgid "All markets are closed now. Please try again later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "All-uppercase is almost as easy to guess as all-lowercase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow camera access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Already have an account?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Amount in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "An error occurred while loading the component" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apply now as a professional investor" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Apr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete the token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently revoke access to the application" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create a fiat account in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to create your %1 account now?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to deposit in %1?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Are you sure?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asians" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ask me later" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Audit Page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Aug" +msgstr "" + +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Authenticate your account now to take full advantage of all payment methods available." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Automated trading at your fingertips. No coding needed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Available Markets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid dates and years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid recent years" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid repeated words and characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid sequences" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Avoid years that are associated with you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Back to trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Balance" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier change" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Basket Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binance USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Binary Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Bitcoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Blurry photo detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Buy price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"Close-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1close%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Close\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1close%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "By purchasing the %1\"High-Low\"%2 contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the %1high%2 and %1low%2 over the duration of the contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Call Spread/Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera access is denied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Camera not working?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Can you spare 15 minutes?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Capitalization doesn't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cashier disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change API Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Chart is not available for this underlying." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Charting for this underlying is delayed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check back here to finish the submission" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that it is connected and functional. You can also continue verification on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check that your number is correct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your connection." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Check your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checked" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Checking" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Choose document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Christmas Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click OK to proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Gaming account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Click here to open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close identity verification screen" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Close-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closed Bid" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 18:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Closes early (at 21:00)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Commodities" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Common names and surnames are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Complete details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Compressing Image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Confirm changes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connected to your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connecting to server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Connection lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue on your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Continue with the verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract Confirmation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract ends" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract has not started yet" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract period" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract result" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract starts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contract will be sold at the prevailing market price when the request is received by our servers. This price may differ from the indicated price." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts bought" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Contracts sold" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copied" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your mobile browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Copy the link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Counterparty" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country not found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Country of Residence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create %1 account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Create account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Credit/Debit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Crypto" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Current time:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Cut-off image detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Date and Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dates are often easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deal cancel. fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dec" +msgstr "" + +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Demo Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deposits and withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Deriv Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Even" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Matches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Over" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Digits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Disable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Dismiss alert" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you want this to be a fiat account or crypto account? Please choose one:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Do you wish to continue?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document example" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Document uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents from that country are not currently supported — try another document type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Documents you can use to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Does Not Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't refresh this page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't want to trade in %1? You can open another cryptocurrency account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driver's license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Driving licence" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Due to an issue on our server, some of your MT5 accounts are unavailable at the moment. %1Please bear with us and thank you for your patience." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Email address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enable camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "End time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Endpoint" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ends Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enlarge image" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter mobile number" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Enter your mobile number:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Entry spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Equals" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ether Classic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ethereum" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a blurry document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a cut-off document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Example of a document with glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be for more than 5 years." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exclude time cannot be less than 6 months." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Excluded from the website until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Exit time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Expiry date is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Explanation" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Face photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Feb" +msgstr "" + +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fiat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File (%1) size exceeds the permitted limit. Maximum allowed file size: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "File not uploaded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File size exceeded." +msgstr "" + +msgid "File type not supported" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Final price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "" + +msgid "First line of home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Follow these steps to recover camera access:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Forex" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fr" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "From account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Front and back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Gaming Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get link via SMS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Get your secure link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Glare detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go To Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Go to statement" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Grant access to your camera from your browser settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Great, that's everything we need" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Guide" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hence, your withdrawable balance is only up to %1%2, subject to your account’s available funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Here's how to do it:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier must be higher than low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High, Low and Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High-Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "High/Low Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "How to scan a QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I want to reapply" +msgstr "" + +msgid "I'm interested" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ID number is required for %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "IDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Identity card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If it doesn’t work, download a QR code scanner from Google Play or the App Store" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the new barrier (if a reset occurs), you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Allow equals\", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for \"Higher\". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for \"Lower\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Fall\", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Asian Rise\", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Differs\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Does Not Touch\", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Between\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Ends Outside\", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Even\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Falls\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Goes Outside\", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Higher\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Lower\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Matches\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Odd\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Over\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Call\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Reset-Put\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Rises\", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Stays Between\", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Touches\", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"Under\", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"falls\", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select \"rises\", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"High Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1highest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Low Tick\"%2, you win the payout if the selected tick is the %1lowest among the next five ticks%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Downs\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select %1\"Only Ups\"%2, you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the %1entry spot%2.%3No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a start time of \"Now\", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In the EU, financial binary options are only available to professional investors." +msgstr "" + +msgid "In/Out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicates required field" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Indicative" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Insufficient balance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid app id" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid document format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Invalid verification code." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Investment" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may be disconnected. Try using your phone instead." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It may take a few minutes to arrive" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It must be an official photo ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "It will only take a couple of minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "It’ll take longer to verify you if we can’t read it" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jan" +msgstr "" + +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jul" +msgstr "" + +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jun" +msgstr "" + +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Jurisdiction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Keep this window open while using your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Language settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Digit Stats" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Last digit stats for the latest %1 ticks on %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Linked to your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Litecoin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Live chat" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log in here" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Login at:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lookbacks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Looks like you took too long" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Low barrier offset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lower or equal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "MT5 withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure all of the document is in the photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure everything is clear" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure full document is visible" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your card details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device has a working camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your device's camera works" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your license details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your passport details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your permit details are clear to read, with no blur or glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure your selfie clearly shows your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Make sure§" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mar" +msgstr "" + +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Matches/Differs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum multiplier of 1000." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Maximum payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Menu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum of %1 characters required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minimum:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "More information can be found in an email sent to you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Move away from direct light — no glare" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multi-Collateral" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiple faces found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Multiplier Up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Must be under 10MB." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Net profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Network status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Never Used" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New Year's Day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "New token created." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No authentication required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency assigned" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No currency selected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No document detected" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No face found" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "No thanks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Not announced for this currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Note: You are limited to one fiat currency account. The currency of your fiat account can be changed before you deposit into your fiat account for the first time or create an MT5 account. You may also open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Nov" +msgstr "" + +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Number of ticks:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "OAuth App ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oct" +msgstr "" + +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Once you've finished we'll take you to the next step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Online trading platform" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only %1 are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Downs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only Ups" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and hyphen are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, and these special characters are allowed: %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, hyphen, period, comma, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, numbers, space, underscore, and hyphen are allowed for ID number (%1)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only letters, space, hyphen, period, and apostrophe are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Only your face can be in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Oops... Page Not Available" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Financial Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open a free account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open positions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link and complete the tasks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open the link on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Open your new bank account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Opens" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Options trading can become a real addiction, as can any other activity pushed to its limits. To avoid the danger of such an addiction, we provide a reality-check that gives you a summary of your trades and accounts on a regular basis." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Our classic “drag-and-drop” tool for creating trading bots, featuring pop-up trading charts, for advanced users." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes." +msgstr "" + +msgid "PM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password is not strong enough." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Password should have lower and uppercase English letters with numbers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Paxos Standard" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pay-out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payment Agent services are not available in your country or in your preferred currency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payments" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Payout range" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Pending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Percentage" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Permissions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Photo of your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Place of birth" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1complete your account profile%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1deposit%2 to your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please %1log in%2 or %3sign up%4 to view this page." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please accept the terms and conditions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for further instructions." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please check your email for the password reset link." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please choose a currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1Real Account form%2 to verify your age as required by the %3UK Gambling%4 Commission (UKGC)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete the %1financial assessment form%2 to lift your withdrawal and trading limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please complete your Personal Details before you proceed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that all the information above is true and complete." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please confirm that you are not a politically exposed person." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please ensure that you have the Telegram app installed on your device." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid Login ID." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please enter a valid phone number (e.g. +15417541234)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please note that the selected currency is allowed for limited accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reapply once the required criteria has been fulfilled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please reload the page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a reason." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select a valid time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select at least one scope" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the checkbox." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please select the currency for this account:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set the currency of your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please set your %130-day turnover limit%2 to remove deposit limits." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify the reasons for closing your accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please specify your preferred interval reality check in minutes:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please submit your proof of identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please try again" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Point your phone’s camera at the QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Postal Code/ZIP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential payout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Potential profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predict the direction
and purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit / Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit table" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of address required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity expired" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proof of identity required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Provide the whole document page for best results" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase request sent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Purchase time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Put Spread" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Read" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ready to trade?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Financial STP" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Real-Money Accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reality Check" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recent years are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recover camera access to continue face verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Recovery" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Redo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ref." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reference ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Refresh this page to restart the identity verification process" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remaining time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remember to press stop when you're done. Redo video actions" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove deposit limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Remove your glasses, if necessary" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"aaa\" are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reports" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Requires your browser's web storage to be enabled in order to function properly. Please enable it or exit private browsing mode." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resale not offered" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Resend link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Call/Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Put" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset Time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset barrier" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset the balance of your virtual account to %1 anytime." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reset to original settings" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Residence permit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart process on a different device" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Google Chrome" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Restart the process on the latest version of Safari" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Return" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reverse Side" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Reversed words aren't much harder to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Revoke access" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "STASIS Euro" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sa" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sale Price" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan QR code" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scan the QR code with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scans and photocopies are not accepted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Scopes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search for country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select Trade Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select a %{country} document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select date" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select issuing country" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select market:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select payment agent" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your market and underlying asset" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Select your trade type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selected tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Self-exclusion" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Selfie uploaded" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sell at market" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send a secure link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send link" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Send this one-time link to your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sep" +msgstr "" + +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sequences like abc or 6543 are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Server" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration limit cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Session duration:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set account currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set currency" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Settles" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Short keyboard patterns are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be a valid number." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be between %1 and %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be less than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should be more than %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Should start with letter or number, and may contain hyphen and underscore." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Show all details — including the bottom 2 lines" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign out" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sign up" +msgstr "" + +msgid "SmartTrader" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Something's gone wrong" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, account signup is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your country." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, but binary options trading is not available in your financial account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, deposits for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, no mobile phone bills" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, options trading isn’t available in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is available to virtual accounts only." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, this feature is not available in your jurisdiction." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sorry, withdrawals for this currency are currently disabled." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Spot time (GMT)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stake" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start time" +msgstr "" + +msgid "State/Province" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Statements" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Status" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Step" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Steps required to continue verification on your mobile" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stock Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Stocks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Straight rows of keys are easy to guess" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Su" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit identity card (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit license (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (back)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit residence permit (front)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submit verification" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitted" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Submitting" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Synthetic Indices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the back of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your card" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of the front of your license" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo of your passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo using the basic camera mode instead" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a photo with your phone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take a selfie showing your face" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Take photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Target" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether ERC20 (eUSDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is hosted on the Ethereum platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tether Omni (USDT) is a version of Tether that's pegged to USD and is built on the Bitcoin blockchain." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Th" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you for signing up! Please check your email to complete the registration process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thank you, we'll get back to you within 24 hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1 password of account number %2 has been changed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1close%2 is the latest tick at or before the %1end time%2. If you selected a specific %1end time,%2 the %1end time%2 is the selected time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1contract period%2 is the period between the %1first tick%2 (after start time) and the %1end time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1end time%2 is the selected number of minutes/hours after the %1start time%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1exit spot%2 is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1high%2 is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1low%2 is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 begins when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The %1start time%2 is when the contract has been processed by our servers and the %1entry spot%2 is the %1next tick%2 thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Average" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The email address provided is already in use. If you forgot your password, please try our password recovery tool or contact our customer service." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The link only works on mobile devices" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The maximum number of tokens (%1) has been reached." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The page you requested could not be found. Either it no longer exists or the address is wrong. Please check for any typos." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The photo should clearly show your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reason should be between 5 and 250 characters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The reset time is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The server endpoint is: %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The two passwords that you entered do not match." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server during purchase." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was a problem accessing the server." +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "There was some invalid character in an input field." +msgstr "" + +msgid "These are the documents most likely to show your current home address" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This account is excluded until %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on %1DTrader%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract is only available on DTrader.%1%2Go to Dtrader%3 to close or cancel this contract." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract lost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract type only offers 5 ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This contract won" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This feature is not relevant to virtual-money accounts." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This field is required." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a staging server - For testing purposes only" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-10 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a top-100 common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is a very common password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is an indicative barrier. Actual barrier will be the entry spot plus the barrier offset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is similar to a commonly used password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "This is your %1 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This page is only available to logged out clients." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This password is on the blacklist" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tick Prediction" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Ticks history returned an empty array." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time is in the wrong format." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be in the past." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out cannot be more than 6 weeks." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Time out must be after today." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Timed out until" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tips to take a good selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "To account: " +msgstr "" + +msgid "To open a bank account, we will need to verify your identity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "To smoothly verify you, we need a better photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Token" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Too many failed attempts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top up error" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Top-up successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Cost" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total Profit/Loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total assets in your Deriv accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Total profit/loss" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Touches" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Town/City" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade FX and CFDs on a customisable, easy-to-use trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade digital options on the world’s markets with SmartTrader, a powerful, user-friendly online trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade on Deriv MetaTrader 5 (DMT5), the all-in-one FX and CFD trading platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trade the world's markets with our popular user-friendly platform." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading Information" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposit disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading and deposits have been disabled on your account. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading contracts for difference (CFDs) on Synthetic Indices may not be suitable for everyone. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, including the possibility of losing all the funds in your MT5 account. Gambling can be addictive – please play responsibly." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading is unavailable at this time." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Trading statistics report" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction ID" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Transaction performed by %1 (App ID: %2)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "True USD" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our %1Synthetic Indices%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try our other markets." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using a JPG or PNG file" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Try using another file type." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tu" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Turnover" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Type" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USD Coin" +msgstr "" + +msgid "USDK" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unable to read file %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unavailable" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Understood" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unknown OS" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Unsupported browser" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up to %1 decimal places are allowed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Up/Down" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upcoming Events" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upgrade now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload a selfie from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload anyway" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload back of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of card from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload front of license from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload passport photo page from your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Upload photo" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Uploads successful" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a few words, avoid common phrases" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Use a longer keyboard pattern with more turns" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification code is wrong. Please use the link sent to your email." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification complete" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verification required" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify Reset Password" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Verify identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View chart" +msgstr "" + +msgid "View from camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Virtual" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for contract settlement." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for entry tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Waiting for exit tick." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We cannot verify you without using your camera" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'd love to hear what you think." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We'll compare it with your document" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're looking to improve our products and services, and we want to understand your needs better. We'd like to interview you via phone, to know what you like about us, what you don't like, and where we can do better." +msgstr "" + +msgid "We're now ready to verify your identity" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We've sent a secure link to %{number}" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +msgid "We’ll update your limits. Click %1Agree and accept%2 to acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your actions, and we are not liable for any addiction or loss." +msgstr "" + +msgid "When prompted, you must enable camera access to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "When you click \"OK\" you will be excluded from trading on the site until the selected date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Win payout if exit spot is also equal to entry spot." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Winning the contract" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdraw" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal and trading limits" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawal disabled" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Withdrawals have been disabled on your account. Please check your email for more details." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Would you like to check your statement first? %1Check Statement%2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Yes, I'm sure" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a professional client." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are categorised as a retail client. Apply to be treated as a professional trader." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are limited to one fiat account. You can change the currency of your fiat account anytime before you make a first-time deposit or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You are offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can %1set a new currency%2 before you deposit for the first time or create an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can close this window without interrupting your trade." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've created an MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can no longer change the currency because you've made a first-time deposit." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can now return to your computer to continue" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You can top up your demo account with an additional %1 if your balance is %2 or less." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You did not change anything." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You do not need to authenticate your account at this time.%1We will inform you when your account needs to be authenticated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2 in aggregate over the last %3 days." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have already withdrawn %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your Binary account, please add funds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have insufficient funds in your MT5 account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have not granted access to any applications." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the rate limit of requests per second. Please try later." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have reached the withdrawal limit. Please upload your proof of identity and address to lift your withdrawal limit and proceed with your withdrawal." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have sold this contract at %1 %2" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully changed your account currency from %1 to %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully disabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully enabled two-factor authentication for your account." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have successfully set your account currency to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have to register and get App ID before you can use different OAuth server for authentication. For more information refer to OAuth details on https://developers.binary.com/." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You have yet to receive any notifications" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You may open one account for each supported cryptocurrency." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You should enter %1 characters." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will be redirected to a third-party website which is not owned by Binary.com." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after creating this MT5 account. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will not be able to change your fiat account's currency after making this deposit. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You'll need to restart your verification on your computer" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You've made no transactions of this type up to this date." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your %1 day withdrawal limit is currently %2%3." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account has no Login/Logout activity." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is fully authenticated and your withdrawal limits have been lifted." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your account is restricted. Kindly %1contact customer support%2 for assistance." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your application to be treated as a professional client is being processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your cashier is locked." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your changes have been updated." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your computer may take a few seconds to update" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your demo account balance is currently %1 or less. You may top up your account with an additional %2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your face is needed in the selfie" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is currently set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your fiat account's currency is set to %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your mobile link will expire in one hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password cannot be the same as your email address." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your password has been successfully reset. Please log into your account using your new password." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your preferred time interval between each report:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your professional client request is %1not approved%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to transfer %1 %2 from %3 to %4 has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your request to withdraw %1 %2 from your account %3 to Payment Agent %4 account has been successfully processed." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your session duration limit will end in %1 seconds." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your settings have been updated successfully." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click %1here%2 to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your token has expired or is invalid. Please click here to restart the verification process." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your trading statistics since %1." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference is" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your transaction reference number is %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your virtual balance has been reset." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your web browser (%1) is out of date and may affect your trading experience. Proceed at your own risk. %2Update browser%3" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Your withdrawal limit is %1%2." +msgstr "" + +msgid "account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "accounts" +msgstr "" + +msgid "back" +msgstr "" + +msgid "binary options, forex, forex trading, online trading, financial trading, binary trading, index trading, trading stock indices, forex trades, trading commodities, binary options strategy, binary broker, binary bet, binary options trading platform, binary strategy, finance, investment, trading" +msgstr "" + +msgid "close" +msgstr "" + +msgid "day" +msgstr "" + +msgid "days" +msgstr "" + +msgid "details" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. United States" +msgstr "" + +msgid "e.g. frontend.binaryws.com" +msgstr "" + +msgid "for account %1" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hour" +msgstr "" + +msgid "hours" +msgstr "" + +msgid "including Deal Cancel. Fee" +msgstr "" + +msgid "letters" +msgstr "" + +msgid "login" +msgstr "" + +msgid "logout" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minute" +msgstr "" + +msgid "minutes" +msgstr "" + +msgid "numbers" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or" +msgstr "" + +msgid "or upload photo – no scans or photocopies" +msgstr "" + +msgid "second" +msgstr "" + +msgid "seconds" +msgstr "" + +msgid "space" +msgstr "" + +msgid "tick" +msgstr "" + +msgid "ticks" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today" +msgstr "" + +msgid "today, Fridays" +msgstr "" + +msgid "virtual money credit to account" +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}However, Binary Investments (Europe) Ltd has assessed your knowledge and experience and deems the product appropriate for you." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}This is a product with leverage. You should be aware that losses may be higher than the amount initially paid to purchase the product." +msgstr "" + +msgid "{SPAIN ONLY}You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand: Contracts for difference and forex. As a general rule, the CNMV considers that such products are not appropriate for retail clients, due to their complexity." +msgstr "" +