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106 lines (103 loc) · 5.57 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (103 loc) · 5.57 KB


  • Support SDK 3.x and up
    • check if scripts need updating
    • add integration tests when generating code
    • Update common amps (amp-add-common)
      • update to latest amps
      • validate common amps with latest 3.x SDK with community & enterprise
      • update documentation based on preceding
    • possibly add run-with-jrebel and/or run-with-hotswap-agent
    • new sub-generators
      • jar-add-remote (Deferred)
        • include in the module wrapper generator
      • jar-add-common (Deferred)
        • include in the module wrapper generator
    • handle new integration-test module
      • it should depend on source repo modules
      • need to handle adding and removing source repo modules
    • new sub-generators
    • split tests so we have 2.x and 3.x variants where necessary
      • rename existing tests that are tied to a specific version to reference said version
      • make 3.x versions of any tests that are tied to 2.x
    • need to test and update all existing sub-generators
      • amp
      • amp-add-common
      • amp-add-local
      • amp-add-remote
      • amp-add-source
        • redirect/delegate to module-add-source
      • behavior
      • model
      • webscript
    • configure project for enterprise
    • need to be able to remove SDK 3 sample files
    • update to latest 3.x SDK
    • update alfresco-module-manager for SDK 3
      • need remove operations for removing default source jars and other SDK2 specific stuff
    • rewriting is wrong for SDK 3
    • should not be added to SDK 3 projects


  • Make progress on action sub-generator
    • Review action branch and see what all needs to be done
    • List project amps that we can generate webscripts in
    • Generate into appropriate target location rather than project root
  • Make progress on webscript sub-generator
    • List project amps that we can generate webscripts in
    • Update wizard to include more/all options for .desc.xml
    • Move webscript sub-generators so it can''t be used yet
  • Make progress on amp sub-generator
    • Support creating a parent folder when creating repo and share amp together
    • When creating source AMP prompt for name and description and inject into project
    • Only allow sub-generator to be run from inside a project created with yo alfresco
    • Create a pom editing module under app (like spring-context.js) and use this
    • Use the backed up repo-amp and share-amp projects instead of caching structures in templates folder
    • Move amp sub-generators so it can''t be used yet
  • Complete alfresco-module-manager
    • Provide a method to update project configuration based on current registry settings
      • /runner/pom.xml (failsafe configuration for share source modules)
      • /runner/tomcat/context-(repo|share).xml (using tomcat context file editor)
      • /runner/tomcat/context-(repo|share).xml (using wildcards -- turned out tomcat did not support this)
      • /share/pom.xml (dep & overlay)
      • /pom.xml (modules)
      • /repo/pom.xml (dep & overlay)
    • Fix error: The component ''com.ziaconsulting.ace.exampleComponent'' belongs to a non-existent module ''repo-amp''. This is displayed in the console output after creating a project (deleting default) amps and creating new amps (under customizations)
    • Generated amps should have correct common parent and should have project group and version explicitly
    • Rename repo module directory if necessary
    • Fix /...-amp/pom.xml parent reference
    • Adding module to top pom should add to top of list of modules rather than bottom
    • Make sure we have test coverage for existing modules
      • alfresco-module-registry.js
      • maven-pom.js
      • spring-context.js
  • Complete remove-samples option in main generator
    • Make sure everything that should be removed is
  • Offer to remove default repo-amp and share-amp projects
  • If repo-amp and/or share-amp are retained, add info about them to list of project amps in config so that sub-generators can target them
  • source_amps template should include an emptyish amp packaged pom
    • source_amps/pom.xml should be referened in modules section of top level pom
  • Update incorrect {string|undefined} jsdoc type specifier, use {(string|undefined)}
  • removeDefaultSourceSamples should default to false instead of true
  • IGNORED: In the module data structure war values should be alfresco instead of repo
  • tons of stuff done at this point related to module registry that was not tracked directly by todos
  • 4 tests in test-maven-pom.js are failing, need to fix those ASAP
  • Initial attempt to move the remove sample capability into the main generator
  • Do not backup source amps when generator is re-run
  • Include instructions for where to place the license file when enterprise is selected
  • Prompt for community or enterprise and adjustment scripts
  • Offer to generate a .gitignore (or just do it)
  • Fix npm test after adding npm run fixme
  • Update module-context.xml so generated beans are automatically included