#Basic Commands ###normal mode Avoid using arrrow keys.
h< >l
10j - execute j command 10 times
100l - execute l 100 times.
:30 - moves cursor to line 30 from any where in the file in command mode.
###Insert mode
Keys that will take you from normal mode into insert mode
I insert at beginning of current line
i insert before character under cursor
a insert after cursor
A insert at end of the line
o starts insert mode in a new line below current one
O insert in a new line above current one
s delete character and instert in character space.
S delete line and insert at the begging of the line
Insert keys:
Example of using key together to make an action.
daw - delete word under cursor
daW - delete WORD under cursor
You can also enter insert mode by replacing existing text at the same time:
ciw ("change inner word") change word under cursor
ci" change double-quoted string (but keep the quotes)
ci( change text between matching parentheses, also works with brackets
cc change whole line
To Transfer from insert mode to command mode
Esc or Ctrl+[
###Moving Words and Characters
w - will jump you between words
W - will jump you between words by white space
b - do the same as w but backards
B - will do the opposite of W
####Line movement (nmode)
0 - take you to the first character of the line
$ - take you to the last character of the line
^ - first non-blank character of the line
This is also a plugin called easy-motion that can behelpful for these movements and work with blocks of content also.
###Forward Until
f - Forward until
F - Backward until
t - Forward until ~ this will not include the cursor aka exclusive
T - Back until ~ this will not include the cursor aka exclusive
Note: I do use the easy-motion plug-in for a similar type of movement here, there is also stupid motion which is similar but not support blocks/paragraphs
###How to get started with editing
- Learn how to go between insert mode, normal mode, command mode.
- ESC if your best friend
- Don't be scared and think out the actions you want to make.
- Make a cheat sheet