#Vim Plugins
The following are a list of plugins that I'm currently using.
- CSApprox
- Easymotion - Help you navigate quckly in files and get to instert mode. I set my mappings to f
- JSHint - https://github.com/walm/jshint.vim
- JSLint - jslint.vim https://github.com/hallettj/jslint.vim
- Node.vim - https://github.com/moll/vim-node
- Sensible - Setups handle shortcut to typical key bindings https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible
- Snipmate - Create Textmate like bundles
- Tabular - Used to align text based on modifier example: :Tab/: or :Tab/=
- ctrlp.vim - Search from with in folder
- nerdtree - Creates a tree like project similar to many texteditors
- pathogen - Another plugin manger tool
- powerline - You like a nice sexy bottom bar in Vim, well here you go kid.
- sparkup -
- syntastic -
- tagbar - Show project functions, classes, etc in view
- vim-easymotion - quickly search in file
- vim-fugitive - Git wrapper
- vim-haml - haml,scss,less
- vim-javascript - js syntax support
- vim-repeat - Adds "." to repeat in a few popular plugins
- vim-sensible
- vim-snipmate - The Textmate bundles of Vim
- vim-surround
- vundle - Handles plugins
- Gundo - Visualize Vim undo history as a tree
##Browser Plugins I've never seen anyone able to browse the web as fast as a Vimium user. Also a great method for beginners to get familar with Vim patterns.
List of mappings
- let mapleader=","
- map n :vnew
- imap gj
- imap gk
- nmap gj
- nmap gk
- imap gj
- imap gk
- nmap gj
- nmap gk
- nmap G Gzz
- nmap :NERDTreeToggle
- nmap :TagbarToggle
- nmap :GundoToggle
if exists(":Tabularize") nmap <Leader>a= :Tabularize /=<CR> vmap <Leader>a= :Tabularize /=<CR> nmap <Leader>a: :Tabularize /:\zs<CR> vmap <Leader>a: :Tabularize /:\zs<CR> endif