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File metadata and controls

285 lines (204 loc) · 9.7 KB

Exercise 0: set the working directory

Exercise 1: reading tables

Let's start by reading our first table from a file. First, use bash to check the header of the file located in:


The .csv suffix stands for comma separated file. Even If the file ends in csv, try to guess the field separator of your table. Sometimes, tables separated by tab instead of comma are saved as CSV nonetheless.

Do you notice anything unusual in the contents of the file?

Answer Yes, there are three lines starting with hashes, which explain the meaning of each column, but are not part of the table itself.

Now that you know the field separator of your table, try to parse it using R with the function:


Load the table as messy in R. DO NOT remove the hashes of the file beforehand. Instead, read the documentation of read.csv() and try to find the parameter to skip the header.

messy <- read.csv('raw/raw_drugs.csv', skip=3)

Exercise 2: reading tables with readr

Read the table a second time, now using the function read_csv from the tidyverse package readr. This time, call the table messy_readr.

messy_readr <- readr::read_csv('raw/raw_drugs.csv', skip=3)

Check the class of both messy and messy_readr. Remember that in R, you can do this using class().


  1. Are you getting the same results for both tables?
  2. Print both tables to the screen. Do you get the same output?
  3. Can you convert messy_readr to a data.frame(). How?
  1. No. The first one is a data.frame and the second one (coming from readr) is a tibble.
  2. No. The second table reports the data type of each column.
  3. Yes. Using

Exercise 3: fixing the columns with pivot_longer

Now that we have our messy data frame loaded, we are ready to start fixing it. It is clear that some important observations are stored as column names: the type of drug administered to each patient AND the day when the heart rate was measured. Notice that, despite heart rate being the main variable of the study, it is not mentioned anywhere in the column names. We have to fix that.

Copy and paste the following code

fixed <- pivot_longer(data=messy,
                      names_sep = '_',
                      names_to = c('drug', 'drug_type', 'day'),
                      values_to = 'heart_rate')

Run it and print the resulting fixed table.

Now, answer the following questions:

  1. How many columns does fixed have?
  2. What do you think the name of pivot_longer stands for?
  3. Do you see any advantages of this table format over the original one?
  4. Try to subset fixed. Select Sandra AND drug A AND day 3.
  5. Can you perform the previous subset on messy? Why?
  1. It means that the resulting table will be longer: i.e. it will have more rows and less columns than before.
  2. It is clearer and allows for much better subsetting.
  3. With the following code:
is_Sandra <- fixed$name == 'Sandra'
is_drug_a <- fixed$drug_type == 'a'
is_day_3  <- fixed$day == 3

combined_logic <- is_Sandra & is_drug_a & is_day_3

subset_sandra <- fixed[combined_logic,]

As for the last question, it is simply imposibble because most of the information is stored as column names. Therefore, you have to read each column and find the most fitting.

Understanding pivot longer


Image taken from:

Pivot longer is one of the most useful transformations when dealing with tables. It is also one of the most difficult to understand. Take your time now to reflect about the previous exercise and ask any questions you may have. We'll come back to pivot_longer soon.

Exercise 4: changing column types

If we take a closer look at the columns name, drug_type and day, you'll notice that the value itself is not important. These are labels of a group. However, at this moment, each of these columns is coded as character

Moreover, the column drug has only one unique value, and thus it is unnecessary. We have to remove it.

To fix these issues:

  1. Change the column type of name, drug_type and day to the most fitting in each case.
  2. Remove the column drug.

CLUE: One way to remove a column is to select every column but the one you want to remove and subset the data frame.

fixed$name      <- as.factor(fixed$name)
fixed$drug_type <- as.factor(fixed$drug_type)

fixed$day <- as.factor(fixed$day)

## This one is also valid in SOME contexts
fixed$day <- as.numeric(fixed$day)

## Getting rid of column
fixed <- fixed[,c('name', 'drug_type', 'day', 'heart_rate')]

Exercise 5: Mutating and selecting: the tidy way

The previous exercise can be done using functions from the tidyverse. In this case, we are going to learn about mutate() and select.

  1. Read the documentation for mutate() and use it to set the columns name, drug_type and day to factor.
  2. Use select() to get rid of the drug column. Try NOT TO do it by subsetting the rest of the columns.
    fixed <- mutate(fixed, name = as.factor(name), drug_type = as.factor(drug_type), day = as.factor(day))
    fixed <- select(fixed, -drug)

Exercise 6: filtering: the tidy way

Before, we used subsetting to select certain rows and columns from our table. Now, we are going to use the function filter() from the package dplyr. First, take a look at the documentation and then:

  1. Use filter() to select Alfredo from name and b from drug_type.
  2. Use filter() to select all rows where heart_rate is GREATER than 89 OR LESS than 55.
  3. Take a closer look at the documentation. What happens If you try to filter the table by two conditions without any logic operator?
alfredo_filtered <- filter(fixed, name == 'Alfredo' & drug_type == 'b')
heart_rates      <- filter(fixed, heart_rate > 89 | heart_rate < 55)

If you filter without any logical operator, It will assume you are using AND (&).

Exercise 7: making groups and performing statistics

Look at the following code and try to guess what's happening. You may use the documentation to read about the function group_by().

fixed_groups  <- group_by(fixed, drug_type)
fixed_summary <- summarise(fixed_groups, mean_heart_rate=mean(heart_rate))

group_by makes a grouped tibble, an object on which we can perform statistics on each group at a time. In this case, we grouped or tibble by drug_type and thus we got two groups, one for each level of the factor drug_type.

Then, we used summarise, which creates a new data frame with one or more rows, depending on the combination of grouping variables. It also adds a column for each statistics we requested. In this case, we got a column called mean_heart_rate, storing the average heart_rate by drug.

Exercise 8: More grouping and summaries

Using the previous exercise as an example:

  1. Group the data frame fixed by day AND drug_type.
  2. Calculate the mean and the standard deviation of the heart rate by these grouping variables.
double_grouping      <- group_by(fixed, day, drug_type)
fixed_summary_double <- summarise(double_grouping, mean_heart_rate=mean(heart_rate), standard_deviation=sd(heart_rate))

Exercise 9: Introducing the pipe!

Up until now, we have been filtering, grouping and summarising one step at a time. However, dplyr offers a new operator, %>%, that allows us to code pipes. These pipes allow us to concatenate data frames operations without saving the intermediate data.

For instance:

final_summary <- messy %>% # First PIPE!
                 names_sep = '_',
                 names_to = c('drug', 'drug_type', 'day'),
                 values_to = 'heart_rate') %>%  # SECOND PIPE!
    mutate(name = as.factor(name),
           drug_type = as.factor(drug_type),
           day = as.factor(day)) %>% ## Another pipe
    group_by(drug_type) %>% ## last pipe
    summarise(mean_rate = mean(heart_rate), standard_dev = sd(heart_rate))


Copy and paste the aforementioned code and look at the results. It starts from messy, the original data frame we loaded, and then:

  1. The code sends the whole data frame (messy) to pivot_longer.
  2. In this case, we do not tell pivot_longer that data=messy. That's because we are already sending messy to the function as part of the pipe.
  3. Once pivot_longer() finishes, we send the result to the next function: mutate.
  4. Again, in mutate() we do not set any data frame as argument. Instead, we are using the result from pivot_longer().
  5. mutate() creates new columns using previous one. In this case, our new columns have the same names as the old ones, but they are now factors.
  6. Then, after mutate(), we send the result again to another function, in this case, group_by().
  7. group_by() simply groups the data frame by drug_type and sends the results to summarise().
  8. summarise() creates a new data frame as in the previous exercise.