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Introduction to the tidyverse

Base R's implementation of data frames and matrices provides us with a limited set of tools to work with tabular data. A lot of real world problems involving data frames and matrices are cumbersome to solve without some additional packages. In this lesson, we are going to familiarize ourselves with the collection of libraries which compose the tidyverse.

The purpose of the tidyverse

The tidyverse is a collection of R libraries for data science. They share a common grammar, structure and design philosophy. Moreover, they greatly simplify problems that are difficult to tackle in base R.

Consider the following table:

Student Courses
Pedro Math-English-French
Marta Computer_science-Math-Biology

Our first column is composed of student names. Each cell represents a unique observation. However, the column courses contains multiple courses separated by '-'. Moreover, we also have '_' as a substitute for whitespaces. We are looking at what we call untidy data. We could tidy this column in base R, but it we would have to write quite a bit of commands. On the other hand, the above table can be tidied up with just two functions from the tidyverse.

Tidy vs untidy data

Bioinformaticians and data scientists expend a significant amount of time working on raw data to prepare it for the actual analysis. Often, we receive experimental data gathered in an excel file or as dump from some kind of database. Common flaws in this kind of data are:

  • Column headers as values
  • Multiple variables stored in a single column
  • Variables spread across rows and columns

The concepts behind tidy data were described in “Tidy Data” by Hadley Wickham.[1] He describes three fundamental attributes of tidy data:

  1. Each variable forms a column
  2. Each observation forms a row
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table

Hands-On: An untidy example

Create the following data frame:

messy <- data.frame(
  name = c("Sandra", "Alfredo", "Laura"),
  a = c(63, 78, 64),
  b = c(56, 90, 50)

This data frame represents the heartrate of three different patients while treated with two drugs: a and b. Before fixing it, think about why it is broken. Try to remember the key concepts of clean data and apply them to this data frame.

To untangle out data, we are going to learn our first tidy function: gather, from the tidy package.

fixed <- gather(messy, 'drug', 'heartrate', a:b)

Note that I am not quoting the column names of messy here.

What does gather() do?

gather() takes multiple columns, and gathers them into key-value pairs: it makes “wide” data longer. Another alternative for gather is melt from the library reshape2. This transformation is also called pivot (spreadsheets) and fold (databases).

Separating columns

Now we are ready to tackle the example we reviewed at the beginning of this lesson.

today_courses <- data.frame('student'=c('Pedro','Marta'), 'subjects'=c('Math-English-French', 'Computer_science-Math-Biology'))

We have two students, each with 3 subjects. The order of the subjects is important, so we have to preserve it somehow while cleaning our data. First, we are going to separate our subjects column into three distinct columns.

today_courses <- separate(today_courses, col=subjects, sep='-', into=c('subject_1','subject_2','subject_3'))

With separate we are splitting the col subjects by the separator "-" into three distinct columns called subject_1, subject_2, subject_3.

Are we done yet? No, the variable representing the subject order is still spread across three columns. We have to gather it.

today_courses <- gather(today_courses, order, subject, subject_1:subject_3)

You surely agree with me that subject_1 does not clearly represent subjects order. So, as a final step:

today_courses$order <- gsub(pattern='subject_', replacement='', fixed=TRUE, x=today_courses$order)

Here we are using gsub, to replace a pattern with a replacement string. In our case, subject_ is replaced with an empty character. fixed=TRUE tells gsub to match the string as is instead of considering it a regular expression. There are multiples ways to achieve the same results, but I find gsub to be fast and comfortable for this task.

Beyond data tidying: data analysis, the tidy way

Reading data

The tidyverse includes libraries ranging from reading data from files to plotting beautiful graphics with ggplot2. Now that we understand the basics of data reshaping, we are going to analyze a dataset of somatic alterations from uterine carcinosarcoma samples, part of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Navigate to the examples directory in this repository and unzip the contests of there.

Before parsing it in R, take a peek at the table with bash:

head TCGA.UCEC.maf -n 10

Try to answer the following questions:

  1. Is this really a tabular file? If so. How are values separated?
  2. Which line contains the column names?
  3. What does the lines before the column names represent?
  1. It is. Values are tab separated and a 5 line header is present.
  2. The 6th.
  3. Those five lines are the project header. It contains metadata about the project.

Now, we are ready to start our analysis in R. R offers read.csv as a general purpose wrapper for comma separated files. The library readr (Read rectangular) posess various data parsers with are considerably faster and more flexible.

Exercise 1: parsing the table

Load the data so that you get a data frame of 120 columns. The first one should be called Hugo_Symbol. To guide you through all the functions available in readr, remember the questions we previously answered about the data. Take into account that the C in CSV stands for comma. Which separator does our file use? Do not hesitate yo use the library's documentation. Get yourself accustomed to reading and understanding your functions. It will save you thousands of Google queries.

ucec  <- readr::read_tsv(file='TCGA.UCEC.maf', skip = 5)

Exercise 2: understanding our data

Take a look at the column names. What does each row represent? If you had to choose a single column as the index, which would you choose?

Answer Each column contains data about a given somatic variant. Each row is a unique somatic alteration. Data frame indexes cannot contain duplicates, and in this case, the default index representing the total amount of variants present in this project is sufficient.

Exercise 3: Filtering low quality variants.

Some of the regions sequenced had a low tumoral depth, that is: there are few reads from that region originating in tumoral samples. As such, we cannot really trust the variant. Moreover, we need sufficient normal depth too, because somatic variants are called by filtering out alterations already present in a matched normal sample.

Filter (remove) variants whose tumoral depth or normal depth was below 30. Start by finding the right columns and then subset the data frame using logical vectors as we reviewed.

low_t_depth <- ucec$t_depth >= 30
low_n_depth <- ucec$n_depth >= 30

ucec <- ucec[low_t_depth & low_n_depth, ]

Exercise 4: Filtering non functional variants

Some of the variants may not be functionally relevant. Start by retrieving all the unique values in the column Variant_Classification. Then, remove those falling in one of the following categories:

'Silent', 'Intron', "5'Flank", "3'UTR", "5'UTR"

Save the filtered data frame as base_ucec.

As a tip for this exercise, take into account that the expression:

animals <- c('crocodile', 'cat', 'salamander')
reptiles <- c('salamander', 'alligator', 'crocodile', 'diplodocus')

reptile_animals <- animals %in% reptiles

will return a boolean vector of length 3, which is the same as animals. The first value will be TRUE if the first value in animals appears in reptiles. Otherwise, it will be FALSE.

non_relevant <- c('Silent', 'Intron', "5'Flank", "3'UTR", "5'UTR")

ucec_base <- ucec[!ucec$Variant_Classification %in% non_relevant,]

Filtering, the tidy way

We have filtered our data using base R. Now, we are going to perform the same filtering step using dplyr, a powerful library of the tidyverse. The best way to understand dplyr is to look at how our filtering would look like with dplyr.

non_relevant <- c('Silent', 'Intron', "5'Flank", "3'UTR", "5'UTR")

ucec <- ucec %>%
            filter(!Variant_Classification %in% non_relevant)

Take a moment and try to guess what this piece of code is doing.

Ok, let's go through this piece of code line by line:

non_relevant <- c('Silent', 'Intron', "5'Flank", "3'UTR", "5'UTR")

Here we are defining a vector of values from the column Variant_Classification which we want to filter out from our data frame.

ucec <- ucec %>%

Here we are assigning ucec to ucec... or are we? Look at %>%. It is dplyr's pipe operator. For those unfamiliar with Unix's pipes, this expression tells R that the next function will be applied to our ucec data frame. When using dplyr pipes, make sure to always start a new line after the operator. RStudio should be smart enough to indent the line for you.

filter(!Variant_Classification %in% non_relevant)

This line is self explanatory. We are filtering our data frame. Have you noticed the !? It is a boolean operator, which you can read as NOT. Basically, we are keeping rows where the column Variant_classification is not %in% non_relevant.

Have you noticed that we have written Variant_classification without quoting? That's because by writing:

ucec %>%

dplyr immediately knows that we are going to operate on the data frame ucec and its columns. Keep this detail in mind, because you will surely encounter it again when you start plotting graphics in ggplot2.

Exercise 5

Do you remember our today_courses data frame. All of the functions we applied: separate, gather... can be coded as a single pipe.

tidy_courses <- today_courses %>%
                separate(col = subjects, into = c('subject_1', 'subject_2', 'subject_3'), sep = '-') %>%
                gather(order, subjects, subject_1:subject_3)

Group-wise operations with group_by

Before learning about group_by, perform the following exercise:

Exercise 6

How many unique tumor samples do we have right now?

Answer 2

Now, we are going to calculate the mean tumoral depth of all the variants by sample. In other words, we need to divide our data frame into groups, each being one sample. Then, we have to sum the total tumoral depth of all variants and divide it by the amount of said variants. This is certainly achievable with base R, but with dplyr It becomes trivial. Our key function here is group_by.

Here is the snippet:

depth_by_sample <- ucec %>%
                        group_by(Tumor_Sample_Barcode) %>%
                        summarise(n(), mean(t_depth))

As before, try to guess what this pipe does before actually running it. Call the documentation to assist you.

Group by operations are really prevalent in Bioinformatics. Remember that the sole purpose of factors is to encode conditions or states. Some of you may have thought about loops already, specially if you come from a computational background. However, loops are usually ineficcient, slow and defeat the purpose of vectors operations in the first place.


This is the first step of our pipe. It basically splits our data frame in groups sharing the same Tumor_Sample_Barcode.

summarise(n(), mean(t_depth))

This functions creates a new data frame with one column for each grouping variable and summary statistics. So, we are grouping by Tumor_Sample_Barcode and then, for each of these groups, we are calculating n() which is the number of observations, and the average t_depth for each group.

Exercise 7

For each tumor sample, report:

  1. The standard deviation of t_depth.
  2. The standard deviation of n_depth.
  3. How many unique types of variants are present in each tumor sample.
patients_standard_deviation <- ucec %>%
                              group_by(Tumor_Sample_Barcode) %>%
                              summarise(length(unique(Variant_Classification)), sd(c(n_depth)), sd(t_depth))

Closing surprise for those ahead of the rest

Write the following code:

## Just in case, load these, even If they are part of the tidyverse
alterations_by_sample <- ggplot(data=ucec, aes(x=Tumor_Sample_Barcode))+
                         geom_bar(aes(y = (..count..)/sum(..count..), fill=Variant_Classification))+
                         scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
                         labs(title='Distribution of somatic alterations', x='Tumor sample', y='% of total alterations', fill='Variant  class')+
                         theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank())

Now, type:


If you feel curious, try to understand the layered structure of this plot.

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  1. Wickham, Hadley. 2014. Tidy Data. Journal of Statistical Software; Vol 59; Issue 10.