diff --git a/Orange/clustering/louvain.py b/Orange/clustering/louvain.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b565b1d1fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Orange/clustering/louvain.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+"""Python port for Louvain clustering, available at
+Original C++ implementation available at
+import numpy as np
+import networkx as nx
+from community import best_partition
+from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
+import Orange
+from Orange.data import Table
+def jaccard(x, y):
+ # type: (set, set) -> float
+ """Compute the Jaccard similarity between two sets."""
+ return len(x & y) / len(x | y)
+def table_to_knn_graph(data, k_neighbors, metric, progress_callback=None):
+ """Convert tabular data to a graph using a nearest neighbors approach with
+ the Jaccard similarity as the edge weights.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : Table
+ k_neighbors : int
+ metric : str
+ A distance metric supported by sklearn.
+ progress_callback : Callable[[float], None]
+ Returns
+ -------
+ nx.Graph
+ """
+ # We do k + 1 because each point is closest to itself, which is not useful
+ knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k_neighbors, metric=metric).fit(data.X)
+ nearest_neighbors = knn.kneighbors(data.X, return_distance=False)
+ # Convert to list of sets so jaccard can be computed efficiently
+ nearest_neighbors = list(map(set, nearest_neighbors))
+ num_nodes = len(nearest_neighbors)
+ # Create an empty graph and add all the data ids as nodes for easy mapping
+ graph = nx.Graph()
+ graph.add_nodes_from(range(len(data)))
+ for idx, node in enumerate(graph.nodes):
+ if progress_callback:
+ progress_callback(idx / num_nodes)
+ for neighbour in nearest_neighbors[node]:
+ graph.add_edge(node, neighbour, weight=jaccard(
+ nearest_neighbors[node], nearest_neighbors[neighbour]))
+ return graph
+class Louvain:
+ preprocessors = [Orange.preprocess.Continuize(),
+ Orange.preprocess.SklImpute()]
+ def __init__(self, k_neighbors=30, metric='l2', resolution=1., preprocessors=None):
+ """Louvain clustering for community detection in graphs.
+ Louvain clustering is a community detection algorithm for detecting
+ clusters of "communities" in graphs. As such, tabular data must first
+ be converted into graph form. This is typically done by computing the
+ KNN graph on the input data.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ k_neighbors : Optional[int]
+ The number of nearest neighbors to use for the KNN graph if
+ tabular data is passed.
+ metric : Optional[str]
+ The metric to use to compute the nearest neighbors.
+ resolution : Optional[float]
+ The resolution is a parameter of the Louvain method that affects
+ the size of the recovered clusters.
+ """
+ if preprocessors is None:
+ preprocessors = type(self).preprocessors
+ self.preprocessors = tuple(preprocessors)
+ self.k_neighbors = k_neighbors
+ self.metric = metric
+ self.resolution = resolution
+ self.labels = None
+ def __call__(self, data):
+ data = self.preprocess(data)
+ return self.fit_predict(data.X, data.Y)
+ def preprocess(self, data):
+ for pp in self.preprocessors:
+ data = pp(data)
+ return data
+ def fit(self, X, y=None):
+ # If we are given a table, we have to convert it to a graph first
+ if isinstance(X, Table):
+ graph = table_to_knn_graph(X.X, metric=self.metric, k_neighbors=self.k_neighbors)
+ # Same goes for a matrix
+ elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
+ graph = table_to_knn_graph(X, metric=self.metric, k_neighbors=self.k_neighbors)
+ elif isinstance(X, nx.Graph):
+ graph = X
+ partition = best_partition(graph, resolution=self.resolution)
+ partition = np.fromiter(list(zip(*sorted(partition.items())))[1], dtype=int)
+ self.labels = partition
+ def fit_predict(self, X, y=None):
+ self.fit(X, y)
+ return self.labels
diff --git a/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/icons/LouvainClustering.svg b/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/icons/LouvainClustering.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aec85698153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/icons/LouvainClustering.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/owlouvainclustering.py b/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/owlouvainclustering.py
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index 00000000000..2bd4c923e90
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+++ b/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/owlouvainclustering.py
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+from collections import deque
+from concurrent.futures import Future # pylint: disable=unused-import
+from types import SimpleNamespace as namespace
+from typing import Optional # pylint: disable=unused-import
+import numpy as np
+import networkx as nx # pylint: disable=unused-import
+from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal as Signal, QObject
+from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QSlider, QCheckBox, QWidget # pylint: disable=unused-import
+from Orange.clustering.louvain import table_to_knn_graph, Louvain
+from Orange.data import Table, DiscreteVariable
+from Orange.projection import PCA
+from Orange.widgets import widget, gui, report
+from Orange.widgets.settings import DomainContextHandler, ContextSetting, \
+ Setting
+from Orange.widgets.utils.annotated_data import get_next_name, add_columns, \
+from Orange.widgets.utils.concurrent import ThreadExecutor
+from Orange.widgets.utils.signals import Input, Output
+from Orange.widgets.widget import Msg
+ from orangecontrib.network.network import Graph
+except ImportError:
+ Graph = None
+METRICS = [('Euclidean', 'l2'), ('Manhattan', 'l1')]
+class TaskQueue(QObject):
+ """Not really a task queue `per-se`. Running start will run the tasks in
+ the current list and cannot handle adding other tasks while running."""
+ on_exception = Signal(Exception)
+ on_complete = Signal()
+ on_progress = Signal(float)
+ on_cancel = Signal()
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super().__init__(parent=parent)
+ self.__tasks = deque()
+ self.__progress = 0
+ self.__cancelled = False
+ def cancel(self):
+ self.__cancelled = True
+ def push(self, task):
+ self.__tasks.append(task)
+ def __set_progress(self, progress):
+ # Only emit progress signal when the progress has changed sufficiently
+ if int(progress * 100) > int(self.__progress * 100):
+ self.on_progress.emit(progress)
+ self.__progress = progress
+ def start(self):
+ num_tasks = len(self.__tasks)
+ for idx, task_spec in enumerate(self.__tasks):
+ if self.__cancelled:
+ self.on_cancel.emit()
+ return
+ def __task_progress(percentage, index=idx):
+ current_progress = index / num_tasks
+ # How much progress can each task contribute to the total
+ # work to be done
+ task_percentage = 1 / len(self.__tasks)
+ # Convert the progress done by the task into the total
+ # progress to the task
+ relative_progress = task_percentage * percentage
+ self.__set_progress(current_progress + relative_progress)
+ try:
+ if getattr(task_spec, 'progress_callback', False):
+ task_spec.task(progress_callback=__task_progress)
+ else:
+ task_spec.task()
+ self.__set_progress((idx + 1) / num_tasks)
+ except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ self.on_exception.emit(e)
+ return
+ self.on_complete.emit()
+class OWLouvainClustering(widget.OWWidget):
+ name = 'Louvain Clustering'
+ description = 'Detects communities in a network of nearest neighbors.'
+ icon = 'icons/LouvainClustering.svg'
+ priority = 2110
+ want_main_area = False
+ settingsHandler = DomainContextHandler()
+ class Inputs:
+ data = Input('Data', Table, default=True)
+ if Graph is not None:
+ class Outputs:
+ annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, Table, default=True)
+ graph = Output('Network', Graph)
+ else:
+ class Outputs:
+ annotated_data = Output(ANNOTATED_DATA_SIGNAL_NAME, Table, default=True)
+ apply_pca = ContextSetting(True)
+ pca_components = ContextSetting(_DEFAULT_PCA_COMPONENTS)
+ metric_idx = ContextSetting(0)
+ k_neighbors = ContextSetting(_DEFAULT_K_NEIGHBORS)
+ resolution = ContextSetting(1.)
+ auto_commit = Setting(True)
+ class Error(widget.OWWidget.Error):
+ empty_dataset = Msg('No features in data')
+ general_error = Msg('Error occured during clustering\n{}')
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.data = None # type: Optional[Table]
+ self.preprocessed_data = None # type: Optional[Table]
+ self.graph = None # type: Optional[nx.Graph]
+ self.partition = None # type: Optional[np.array]
+ self.__executor = ThreadExecutor(parent=self)
+ self.__future = None # type: Optional[Future]
+ self.__queue = None # type: Optional[TaskQueue]
+ pca_box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, 'PCA Preprocessing')
+ self.apply_pca_cbx = gui.checkBox(
+ pca_box, self, 'apply_pca', label='Apply PCA preprocessing',
+ callback=self._update_graph,
+ ) # type: QCheckBox
+ self.pca_components_slider = gui.hSlider(
+ pca_box, self, 'pca_components', label='Components: ', minValue=2,
+ maxValue=_MAX_PCA_COMPONENTS, callback=self._update_pca_components,
+ tracking=False
+ ) # type: QSlider
+ graph_box = gui.vBox(self.controlArea, 'Graph parameters')
+ self.metric_combo = gui.comboBox(
+ graph_box, self, 'metric_idx', label='Distance metric',
+ items=[m[0] for m in METRICS], callback=self._update_graph,
+ orientation=Qt.Horizontal,
+ ) # type: gui.OrangeComboBox
+ self.k_neighbors_spin = gui.spin(
+ graph_box, self, 'k_neighbors', minv=1, maxv=_MAX_K_NEIGBOURS,
+ label='k neighbors', controlWidth=80, alignment=Qt.AlignRight,
+ callback=self._update_graph,
+ ) # type: gui.SpinBoxWFocusOut
+ self.resolution_spin = gui.hSlider(
+ graph_box, self, 'resolution', minValue=0, maxValue=5., step=1e-1,
+ label='Resolution', intOnly=False, labelFormat='%.1f',
+ callback=self._update_resolution, tracking=False,
+ ) # type: QSlider
+ self.resolution_spin.parent().setToolTip(
+ 'The resolution parameter affects the number of clusters to find. '
+ 'Smaller values tend to produce more clusters and larger values '
+ 'retrieve less clusters.'
+ )
+ self.apply_button = gui.auto_commit(
+ self.controlArea, self, 'auto_commit', 'Apply', box=None,
+ commit=self.commit,
+ ) # type: QWidget
+ def _update_graph(self):
+ self._invalidate_graph()
+ self.commit()
+ def _update_pca_components(self):
+ self._invalidate_pca_projection()
+ self.commit()
+ def _update_resolution(self):
+ self._invalidate_partition()
+ self.commit()
+ def _compute_pca_projection(self):
+ if self.pca_projection is None and self.apply_pca:
+ self.setStatusMessage('Computing PCA...')
+ pca = PCA(n_components=self.pca_components, random_state=0)
+ model = pca(self.preprocessed_data)
+ self.pca_projection = model(self.preprocessed_data)
+ def _compute_graph(self, progress_callback=None):
+ if self.graph is None:
+ self.setStatusMessage('Building graph...')
+ data = self.pca_projection if self.apply_pca else self.preprocessed_data
+ self.graph = table_to_knn_graph(
+ data, k_neighbors=self.k_neighbors,
+ metric=METRICS[self.metric_idx][1],
+ progress_callback=progress_callback,
+ )
+ def _compute_partition(self):
+ if self.partition is None:
+ self.setStatusMessage('Detecting communities...')
+ self.setBlocking(True)
+ louvain = Louvain(resolution=self.resolution)
+ self.partition = louvain.fit_predict(self.graph)
+ def _processing_complete(self):
+ self.setStatusMessage('')
+ self.setBlocking(False)
+ self.progressBarFinished()
+ def _handle_exceptions(self, ex):
+ self.Error.general_error(str(ex))
+ def cancel(self):
+ """Cancel any running jobs."""
+ if self.__future is not None:
+ assert self.__queue is not None
+ self.__queue.cancel()
+ self.__queue = None
+ self.__future.cancel()
+ self.__future = None
+ def commit(self):
+ self.Error.clear()
+ # Kill any running jobs
+ self.cancel()
+ if self.data is None:
+ return
+ # Make sure the dataset is ok
+ if len(self.data.domain.attributes) < 1:
+ self.Error.empty_dataset()
+ return
+ # Preprocess the dataset
+ if self.preprocessed_data is None:
+ louvain = Louvain()
+ self.preprocessed_data = louvain.preprocess(self.data)
+ # Prepare the tasks to run
+ queue = TaskQueue(parent=self)
+ if self.pca_projection is None and self.apply_pca:
+ queue.push(namespace(task=self._compute_pca_projection))
+ if self.graph is None:
+ queue.push(namespace(task=self._compute_graph, progress_callback=True))
+ if self.partition is None:
+ queue.push(namespace(task=self._compute_partition))
+ # Prepare callbacks
+ queue.on_progress.connect(lambda val: self.progressBarSet(100 * val))
+ queue.on_complete.connect(self._processing_complete)
+ queue.on_complete.connect(self._send_data)
+ queue.on_exception.connect(self._handle_exceptions)
+ self.__queue = queue
+ # Run the task queue
+ self.progressBarInit()
+ self.setBlocking(True)
+ self.__future = self.__executor.submit(queue.start)
+ def _send_data(self):
+ if self.partition is None or self.data is None:
+ return
+ domain = self.data.domain
+ # Compute the frequency of each cluster index
+ counts = np.bincount(self.partition)
+ indices = np.argsort(counts)[::-1]
+ index_map = {n: o for n, o in zip(indices, range(len(indices)))}
+ new_partition = list(map(index_map.get, self.partition))
+ cluster_var = DiscreteVariable(
+ get_next_name(domain, 'Cluster'),
+ values=['C%d' % (i + 1) for i, _ in enumerate(np.unique(new_partition))]
+ )
+ new_domain = add_columns(domain, metas=[cluster_var])
+ new_table = self.data.transform(new_domain)
+ new_table.get_column_view(cluster_var)[0][:] = new_partition
+ self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(new_table)
+ if Graph is not None:
+ graph = Graph(self.graph)
+ graph.set_items(new_table)
+ self.Outputs.graph.send(graph)
+ def _invalidate_pca_projection(self):
+ self.pca_projection = None
+ self._invalidate_graph()
+ def _invalidate_graph(self):
+ self.graph = None
+ self._invalidate_partition()
+ def _invalidate_partition(self):
+ self.partition = None
+ @Inputs.data
+ def set_data(self, data):
+ self.closeContext()
+ self.Error.clear()
+ prev_data, self.data = self.data, data
+ self.openContext(self.data)
+ # If X hasn't changed, there's no reason to recompute clusters
+ if prev_data and self.data and np.array_equal(self.data.X, prev_data.X):
+ if self.auto_commit:
+ self._send_data()
+ return
+ # Clear the outputs
+ self.Outputs.annotated_data.send(None)
+ if Graph is not None:
+ self.Outputs.graph.send(None)
+ # Clear internal state
+ self.preprocessed_data = None
+ self._invalidate_pca_projection()
+ if self.data is None:
+ return
+ # Can't have more PCA components than the number of attributes
+ n_attrs = len(data.domain.attributes)
+ self.pca_components_slider.setMaximum(min(_MAX_PCA_COMPONENTS, n_attrs))
+ self.pca_components_slider.setValue(min(_DEFAULT_PCA_COMPONENTS, n_attrs))
+ # Can't have more k neighbors than there are data points
+ self.k_neighbors_spin.setMaximum(min(_MAX_K_NEIGBOURS, len(data) - 1))
+ self.k_neighbors_spin.setValue(min(_DEFAULT_K_NEIGHBORS, len(data) - 1))
+ self.commit()
+ def onDeleteWidget(self):
+ self.cancel()
+ super().onDeleteWidget()
+ def send_report(self):
+ pca = report.bool_str(self.apply_pca)
+ if self.apply_pca:
+ pca += report.plural(', {number} component{s}', self.pca_components)
+ self.report_items((
+ ('PCA preprocessing', pca),
+ ('Metric', METRICS[self.metric_idx][0]),
+ ('k neighbors', self.k_neighbors),
+ ('Resolution', self.resolution),
+ ))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QApplication # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
+ import sys
+ app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+ ow = OWLouvainClustering()
+ ow.resetSettings()
+ ow.set_data(Table(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'iris'))
+ ow.show()
+ app.exec_()
diff --git a/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/tests/test_owlouvain.py b/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/tests/test_owlouvain.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f73832a8903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Orange/widgets/unsupervised/tests/test_owlouvain.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+from unittest.mock import patch
+import numpy as np
+from Orange.data import Table, Domain, ContinuousVariable
+from Orange.widgets.tests.base import WidgetTest
+from Orange.widgets.unsupervised.owlouvainclustering import OWLouvainClustering
+# Deterministic tests
+class TestOWLouvain(WidgetTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.widget = self.create_widget(
+ OWLouvainClustering, stored_settings={'auto_commit': False}
+ )
+ self.iris = Table('iris')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.widget.onDeleteWidget()
+ super().tearDown()
+ def test_removing_data(self):
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, self.iris)
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, None)
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ def test_clusters_ordered_by_size(self):
+ """Cluster names should be sorted based on the number of instances."""
+ x1 = np.array([[0, 0]] * 20)
+ x2 = np.array([[1, 0]] * 15)
+ x3 = np.array([[0, 1]] * 10)
+ x4 = np.array([[1, 1]] * 5)
+ data = np.vstack((x1, x2, x3, x4))
+ # Remove any order depencence in data, not that this should affect it
+ np.random.shuffle(data)
+ table = Table.from_numpy(domain=Domain.from_numpy(X=data), X=data)
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, table)
+ self.widget.k_neighbors = 4
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ output = self.get_output(self.widget.Outputs.annotated_data)
+ clustering = output.get_column_view('Cluster')[0].astype(int)
+ counts = np.bincount(clustering)
+ np.testing.assert_equal(counts, sorted(counts, reverse=True))
+ def test_empty_dataset(self):
+ # Prepare a table with 5 rows with only meta attributes
+ meta = np.array([0] * 5)
+ meta_var = ContinuousVariable(name='meta_var')
+ table = Table.from_domain(domain=Domain([], metas=[meta_var]), n_rows=5)
+ table.get_column_view(meta_var)[0][:] = meta
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, table)
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ self.assertTrue(self.widget.Error.empty_dataset.is_shown())
+ def test_do_not_recluster_on_same_data(self):
+ """Do not recluster data points when targets or metas change."""
+ # Prepare some dummy data
+ x = np.eye(5)
+ y1, y2 = np.ones((5, 1)), np.ones((5, 2))
+ meta1, meta2 = np.ones((5, 1)), np.ones((5, 2))
+ table1 = Table.from_numpy(
+ domain=Domain.from_numpy(X=x, Y=y1, metas=meta1),
+ X=x, Y=y1, metas=meta1,
+ )
+ # X is same, should not cause update
+ table2 = Table.from_numpy(
+ domain=Domain.from_numpy(X=x, Y=y2, metas=meta2),
+ X=x, Y=y2, metas=meta2,
+ )
+ # X is different, should cause update
+ table3 = table1.copy()
+ table3.X[:, 0] = 1
+ with patch.object(self.widget, 'commit') as commit:
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, table1)
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ call_count = commit.call_count
+ # Sending data with same X should not recompute the clustering
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, table2)
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ self.assertEqual(call_count, commit.call_count)
+ # Sending data with different X should recompute the clustering
+ self.send_signal(self.widget.Inputs.data, table3)
+ self.commit_and_wait()
+ self.assertEqual(call_count + 1, commit.call_count)
diff --git a/doc/visual-programming/source/index.rst b/doc/visual-programming/source/index.rst
index d8d558fa5b0..54f572c8033 100644
--- a/doc/visual-programming/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/visual-programming/source/index.rst
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ Unsupervised
+ widgets/unsupervised/louvainclustering
diff --git a/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/images/Louvain-Example.png b/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/images/Louvain-Example.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fbb98caa6b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/images/Louvain-Example.png differ
diff --git a/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/images/Louvain-stamped.png b/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/images/Louvain-stamped.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/images/Louvain-stamped.png differ
diff --git a/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/louvainclustering.rst b/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/louvainclustering.rst
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index 00000000000..2849ec89f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/visual-programming/source/widgets/unsupervised/louvainclustering.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Louvain Clustering
+Groups items using the Louvain clustering algorithm.
+ Data
+ input dataset
+ Data
+ dataset with cluster index as a class attribute
+ Graph (with the Network addon)
+ the weighted k-nearest neighbor graph
+The widget first converts the input data into a k-nearest neighbor graph. To preserve the notions of distance, the Jaccard index for the number of shared neighbors is used to weight the edges. Finally, a `modularity optimization `_ community detection algorithm is applied to the graph to retrieve clusters of highly interconnected nodes. The widget outputs a new dataset in which the cluster index is used as a meta attribute.
+.. figure:: images/Louvain-stamped.png
+1. PCA processing is typically applied to the original data to remove noise.
+2. The distance metric is used for finding specified number of nearest
+ neighbors.
+3. The number of nearest neighbors to use to form the KNN graph.
+4. Resolution is a parameter for the Louvain community detection algorithm that
+ affects the size of the recovered clusters. Smaller resolutions recover
+ smaller, and therefore a larger number of clusters, and conversely, larger
+ values recover clusters containing more data points.
+5. When *Apply Automatically* is ticked, the widget will automatically
+ communicate all changes. Alternatively, click *Apply*.
+*Louvain Clustering* converts the dataset into a graph, where it finds highly interconected nodes. We can visualize the graph itself using the *Network Explorer* from the Network addon.
+.. figure:: images/Louvain-Example.png
+Blondel, Vincent D., et al. "Fast unfolding of communities in large networks." Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and experiment 2008.10 (2008): P10008.
+Lambiotte, Renaud, J-C. Delvenne, and Mauricio Barahona. "Laplacian dynamics and multiscale modular structure in networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.1770 (2008).
diff --git a/requirements-core.txt b/requirements-core.txt
index 449150e016c..dacd09dd2ba 100644
--- a/requirements-core.txt
+++ b/requirements-core.txt
@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ keyring
keyrings.alt # for alternative keyring implementations
serverfiles # for Data Sets synchronization