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File metadata and controls

246 lines (206 loc) · 8.29 KB

Multiple inputs

There are two ways multiple inputs can be given to tasks - within the task scope or within the pipeline scope.

Within task scope

Within task scope multiple input handling can take into account bionde-watermill capacities to fetch files using glob patterns (e.g. *.fas). For instance, consider the following task:

const concatTask = task({
  input: '*.fas',
  output: '*.fas',
  params: {output: 'concat.fas'}
}, ( object ) => {
  console.log('input_directory: ', object.dir)
  console.log('input_variable: ', object, object.params)
  return `cat ${object.input.join(' ')} > ${object.params.output}`

This concatTask has the ability to fetch several *.fas that are present in the current working directory and pass it to the operationCreator function in task (for further reference refer to Task). However, users need to be careful because these glob patterns are not the same as shell wildcards. So they must be handled by javascript before passing them to the shell:

object.input.join(' ') - will transform the array of inputs into a string where each .fas file will be separated by a space.

Within the pipeline scope

Users may also have multiple samples that want to run through all the pipeline. Imagine you have n fasta files and you want all of them to go through the pipeline. Currently this will require some javascript around tasks and pipelines. See this example:

First lets define a function that executes the desired pipeline for each input file or sample:

// wrap every task and pipeline of a file in a single function (in this case
// 'pipeline' function
const fileFlow = (infile) => {
  const concatTask = task({
    // notice that the input file (infile) is here passed as a param of the
    // pipeline function
      input: infile,
      output: '*.fas',
      params: {output: 'concat.fas'}
    }, ( object ) => {
      console.log('input_directory: ', object.dir)
      console.log('input_variable: ', object, object.params)
      return `cat ${object.input} > ${object.params.output}`

  const task0 = task({name: 'coco'}, () => `echo "something0"`)

  const task1 = task({name: 'nut'}, () => `echo "something1"`)

  const task2 = task({name: 'foo'}, () => `echo "something2"`)

  // this returns the pipeline for a file
  const pipelineAssemblage = join(concatTask, task0, fork(task1, task2))
  return pipelineAssemblage

Notice that it basically wrap task definition and pipeline call (pipelineAssemblage) and returns it.

Then is just a matter of cycling through each file in current working directory (for example):

// checks for files in current working directory (where the script is executed)
fs.readdir(process.cwd(), (err, files) => {
  files.forEach(infile => {
    // checks file extension, in this case '.fas'
    if (path.extname(infile) === '.fas') {
      // executes the pipeline function for each infile
      const pipelineMaster = fileFlow(infile)

This will execute the function that wraps the tasks and pipeline (pipelineAssemblage) and executes it each time a input file is given to this function. This will render one graph for each input file provided for the pipeline function (fileFlow).


As you may imagine such behavior without any control may end up using more resources (either CPU or memory) than we have. So one quick way to solve this, would be to use bluebird:

const Promise = require('bluebird')

You can even pass a argument to be read from the shell:

// makes concurrency the third argument of code in shell
const concurrency = parseFloat(process.argv[2] || "Infinity")

And call it like this:

node pipeline.js 2

This will tell that you want to have 2 files running at the same time. Then is just a matter of returning a bluebird with concurrency:

// checks for files in current working directory (where the script is executed)
fs.readdir(process.cwd(), (err, files) => {
  const desiredFiles = []
  files.forEach(infile => {
    // checks file extension, in this case '.fas' and creates an array with
    // just these files
    if (path.extname(infile) === '.fas') {
  // bluebird is used here for concurrency where we can
  // limit the flow of files into the pipeline. So, if concurrency is set
  // to 1 it will first execute the first file, then the second and so on.
  // But if 2 it will execute the first 2 files and then the other 2.
  return, (infile) => {
    const pipelineMaster = fileFlow(infile)
    return pipelineMaster()
  }, {concurrency})

Note that it is quite similar to the example above but returns a Promise .map, which also return the pipeline executions, instead of just executing the pipeline for each input file. This is one simple way to empower the user to control the resources used by their scripts.

Pratical example

Imagine we have a couple of samples we want to get from NCBI SRA and map them against a given reference using both bowtie2 and bwa.

So first we have to define a task that needs to fetch the reference data and this task must be run just once:

// some config variables that will be used in this pipeline
const config = {
name: 'Streptococcus pneumoniae',
sraAccession: ['ERR045788', 'ERR016633'],
referenceURL: ''

// === TASKS ===

// first lets get the reference genome for our mapping
const getReference = task({
params: { url: config.referenceURL },
output: '*_genomic.fna.gz',
dir: process.cwd(),   // this sets directory for outputs!
name: `Download reference genome for ${}`
}, ({ params, dir }) => {
const { url } = params
const outfile = url.split('/').pop()

// essentially curl -O
return request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(outfile))

Then what we need is a way for all other tasks to occur after getReference task:

// task that defines how we get samples
//then get samples to work with
const getSamples = (sraAccession) => task({
  params: {
    db: 'sra',
    accession: sraAccession
  output: '**/*.sra',
  dir: process.cwd(), // Set dir to resolve input/output from
  name: `Download SRA ${sraAccession}`
}, ({ params }) => `bionode-ncbi download ${params.db} ${params.accession}`

// ...other tasks...
// the pipeline can be then called like this
getReference().then(results => {
  const pipeline = (sraAccession) => join(
      join(indexReferenceBwa, bwaMapper),
      join(indexReferenceBowtie2, bowtieMapper)
// then fetches the samples and executes the remaining pipeline
  for (const sra of config.sraAccession) {
    const pipelineMaster = pipeline(sra)
    pipelineMaster().then(results => console.log("Results: ", results))

Notice how the pipeline is ran twice (given that we have two inputs in an array (config.sraAccession)). And notice that we have passed an argument to getSamples task which is each config.sraAccession.

This behavior will result in one vertex with the getReference task, which outputs become available to each pipeline that each sra sample triggers. So, we end up with a pipeline for each sample as well (two in this case).

This is possible because we rely on the getReference task to save the outputs on current woring directory. Then the api searches first for outputs that are generated within each bionode-watermill pipeline currentCollection and then in the current working directory for a matching file (with the expected glob pattern).

This matching is done by the matchee function in lib/lifecycle/resolve-input.js.

The fact that bionode-watermill also searches for inputs under current working directory is what allows to run a pipeline after another and still get reference to the previous pipeline (in the example given above). Therefore, use it as you please but take into account that bionode-watermill cannot map every folder within your file system and currentCollection just saves reference to the files that were run within a pipeline.