Having a big list of variables in global will probably become unweildly after some time. Its nice to put variables in categories.
## Comples dir declaration
- some_dir:
dir1: 'my_awesome_dir2'
dir2: 'my_awesome_dir2'
## Complex object
- gatk_args:
library: 1
pcrModel: 1
goldenVcf: 0
ploidy: 2
## Complex List
- references:
- ensembl_reference: Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa
- dbsnp: Homo_sapiens-dbSNP-GRCh38-00-All.vcf.gz
Keep in mind that if you see a '-' in front of a sub grouping, it is a part of a list, and if you don't its an object.
You would access the objects like so -
DIR1: {$self->some_dir->{dir1}}
Ensembl Reference: {$self->references->[0]->{ensembl_reference}}
DBSnp Reference: {$self->references->[1]->{dbsnp}}
Don't forget the extra '{' around all but the top level name!!