All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.0.0 (2022-06-02)
- ❇️ Merge pull request #38 from biothings/smartapi-id (317e24d), closes #258
- read in x-translator infores-curie field (366a2af)
- support annotated batchSize for ID chunking (9a2952b)
- support for templating-related operation annotations (186bb4f)
- use smartapi ids instead of names for filtering, apiNames -> apiList (b22f1a4)
- change infores-curie to infores which will be in smartapi yaml files (dde5335)
- support global missing APIs for warning log (6666471)
3.9.0 (2021-08-16)
3.8.1 (2021-05-22)
- 🐛 check "x-bte-kgs-operations" as an array (ceb001f)
- 🐛 fix issue when predicates is not found (c504cd1)
3.8.0 (2021-05-10)
3.7.0 (2021-04-02)
- ✨ filter ops from /predicates if user pass in api list (d0498b7)
3.6.0 (2021-04-01)
- ✨ support user only selecting a list of specs to load based on titles (8670b6f)
- ✨ support user providing a single smartapi spec (43f54ce)
3.5.0 (2021-04-01)
- ✨ support smartapi spec without hits field (7409353)
3.4.0 (2021-03-30)
3.3.0 (2021-03-30)
- ✨ support get ops from /predicates in sync mode (b172162)
3.2.0 (2021-03-29)
- ✨ add query_operations field for TRAPI apis (6b3cb5a)
3.1.1 (2021-03-11)
- 🐛 update tsconfig to include local copy of SmartAPI specs when compiling (684d308)
3.1.0 (2021-03-11)
3.0.0 (2021-03-06)
- ✨ allow user to specify no parameters for constructMetaKGSync (d075f65)
- ✨ remove biolink prefix for all ops returned from /predicates endpoint (f83d8a5)
- ✨ support sync and async loading (e3c69b1)
- 🐛 axios call returning >200 status code count as error (b493a1b)
2.2.12 (2021-02-23)
2.2.11 (2021-02-23)
2.2.10 (2021-02-23)
- 🐛 update smartapi api query url to capture all specs (f9abaae)