Oxford Release.
- Added ceda cfchecker (#37).
- Updated cchecker (#36, #39).
- Updated cookiecutter template with cruft (#35).
Bucharest release.
- Skipped conda handling in Makefile (#33).
San Francisco release.
- Skipped cdo and Python 2.7 support (#29).
- Updated from latest cookiecutter template.
Washington release.
- Updated documenation for configuration (#25).
- Integrated changes from cookiecutter template (#24).
- Fixed conda environment (#23).
- Using new deployment without Buildout (#15)
- Regenerated from Cookiecutter template.
- Updated docs.
- Travis tests on Python 2.7/3.x (#16).
- Using PyWPS OpenDAP support (#20).
- Disabled processes due to dependency conflicts: * cfchecker * QA checker * cmor checker
- Fix wsgi app init (#13).
- Updated versions.cfg.
- Updated setuptools 2.12.0.
- Added cython to environment.yml.
- updated compliance checker 3.1.1.
- cleaned up code.
- allow multiple input files for cdo_bbox and cdo_indices.
- updated cdo 1.9.0
- updated python-cdo 1.3.4
- updated cfchecker 3.0.5
- added cdo_copy process.
- update cmor checker 3.2.8
- display version number in service title.
- using compliance checker patch for ESGF OpenDAP access.
- using pytest skikif.
- added process cdo_inter_mpi for CDO Remapping of NetCDF File(s) with multiprocessing.
- updated ceda cfchecker 3.0.4.
- added opendap input parameter to cfchecker.
- added wsgi application.
- update pywps recipe 0.9.0.
- updated compliance-checker 3.0.3.
- pinned pygeoif=0.6 for compliance checker.
- updated cdo 1.8.1
- added cmor checker process.
- added cdo indices process.
- updated pywps recipe 0.8.8.
- update conda recipe 0.3.6.
- update compliance-checker 3.0.1
- added opendap input parameter and using metadata to indicate opendap mime-type.
- update qa-dkrz 0.6.3.
- fixed multiline abstracts.
- update qa-dkrz 0.6.2.
- using __version__ constant.
- fixed install on ubuntu 16.04: update conda environment (lxml, icu, libxslt).
- update cdo=1.7.2.
- added CORDEX and CMIP5 tests to spotchecker.
- updated pywps recipe 0.8.2.
- fixed wps caps test.
- updated qa-dkrz 0.6.1.
- converted all processes to pywps-4.
- updated qa-dkrz 0.6.0.
- updated qa-dkrz 0.5.17.
- updated ioos compliance checker 3.0.0
- added spotchecker process.
- replaced ncmeta process by ncdump.
- added opendap url parameter add ncdump, compliance-checker and spotchecker.
- updated conda env.
- updated dockerfile.
- updated setuptools and buildout version.
- update ioos compliance-checker 2.3.0.
- added output_format option to compliance-checker.
- updated ioos compliance-checker 2.2.1 and qa-dkrz 0.5.14.
- update buildout
- update pywps 3.2.6
- using pytest.
- moved processes and tests to hummingbird package.
- updated pywps recipe.
- update dkrz checker, cfchecker and ioos checker
- removed malleefowl dependency.
- replaced malleefowl.process.WPSProcess with pywps.Process.WPSProcess.
- updated dockerfile and docker recipe.
- using ioos conda channel.
- updated compliance checker (ioos).
- ncplot process added.
- stormtrack process added.
- IOOS compliance checker added.
- qa-dkrz cf checker added.
- cdo ensembles operation added.
- update cfchecker 2.0.8 ... using numpy 1.9.
- tika metadata parser process added.
- updated supervisor/pywps recipe.
- logging to stderr/supervisor.
- Now possible to use shared anaconda installation.
- cfchecker added
- using anaconda environment
- esmvaltools processes added
- added werkzeug python dependency
- Using Buildout 2.x.
- Using Makefile from birdhousebuilder.bootstrap to install and start application.
Initial Paris Release