All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- avatarSource property (4ceed53)
- import TextProps (593503d)
- continue on last viewed story when scrolling between users (697a157)
- opening url on footer press causes images to get stuck (6aabd43)
- show elements when swiping (0d6da2f)
- avoid press when swiping (8c003c9)
- imageOverlayView property (7442dc9)
- image props (316891e)
- listContainerStyle -> avatarListContainerProps (ef195cb)
- non worklet function (bfe6016)
- image styles (37760c4)
- Property 'userId' doesn't exist (57546c2)
- getCurrentStory (9c1256e)
- non worklet function (dc0f88e)
- opening first story (b21a57c)
- progress bar animation bug (fa1b936)
- worklet error (0de8cef)
- misspelled worklet (3ec270b)
- en gif (542f651)
- intro animation (0e99a47)
- run test (c20e35e)