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A simple but powerful replacement for ./hbase shell

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A simple but powerful replacement for ./hbase shell
support hbase version : 0.20.*

HBase 0.94.* Branch:




$ wget --no-check-certificate
$ unzip master
$ mv HBaseShellPro-master HBaseShellPro
$ cd HBaseShellPro/
$ chmod +x run.rb
$ ./run.rb

System Shell Commands

$ ruby run.rb

HBShell Commands

CLEAR - clear table contents

** WARNING : 'clear'(and its alias) will clear contents of all tables in database
** NOTE    : use 'clear! ...' to force clear

  usage   : clear [table_pattern]
  example : clear ^test_table
  alias   : [cle, clr]

CONNECT - show current quorums or set new quorums temporarily

** NOTE: for permanent change of quorums, modify hosts file
[windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts / linux: /etc/hosts]
or change value of 'hbase.zookeeper.quorum' in conf/hbase-site.xml

  usage   : connect [quorums_separated_by_comma]
  example : connect
  alias   : [con]

COUNT - count number of tables, rows, families, qualifiers, or values at a specified level

  usage   : count [table_pattern [row_pattern [family_pattern [qualifier_pattern [value_pattern]]]]]
  example : count ^135530186920f18b9049b0a0743e86ac3185887c5d .
  alias   : [cnt]

CREATE - create table

  usage   : create table_name family_name1 [family_name2 ...]
  example : create test_table family1 family2
  alias   : [c, cre]

DELETE - delete data in database with given filter

** WARNING : 'delete'(and its alias) will delete all tables in database
** NOTE    : use 'delete! ...' to force delete

  usage   : delete [table_pattern [row_pattern [family_pattern [qualifier_pattern [value_pattern]]]]]
  example : delete ^test_table family1
  alias   : [d, del]

DESCRIBE - describe the named table

  usage   : describe [table_pattern [family_pattern]]
  example : describe ^135530186920f18b9049b0a0743e86ac3185887c5d
  alias   : [des]

FILTER - scan database data with given filter, other_pattern will be applied like grep finally

  usage   : filter [table_pattern [row_pattern [family_pattern [qualifier_pattern [value_pattern]]]]] other_pattern
  example : filter ^135530186920f18b9049b0a0743e86ac3185887c5d fullpath
  alias   : [f]

GET - get contents of database, table, row, family or qualifier

  usage   : get [table_name [row_key [family_name [qualifier_name]]]]
  example : get 135530186920f18b9049b0a0743e86ac3185887c5d f30dab5e-4b42-11e2-b324-998f21848d86file
  alias   : [g]

HELP - show help message

  usage   : help [topic1 [topic2 ...]]
  example : help filter get
  alias   : [h]

HISTORY - show command history

  usage   : history [count [pattern]]
  example : history 3 get
  alias   : [his]

LIST - list database data at a specified level

  usage   : list [table_pattern [row_pattern [family_pattern [qualifier_pattern [value_pattern]]]]]
  example : list ^135530186920f18b9049b0a0743e86ac3185887c5d file
  alias   : [l, ls]

MULTILINE - show current multiline status or set new multiline status temporarily

** NOTE: for permanent change of multiline status, modify setting file [conf/config.ini]

  usage   : multiline [0, false or 1, true]
  example : multiline false
  alias   : [m]

PUT - put a cell 'value' at specified table/row/family:qualifier

  usage   : put table_name row_key family_name qualifier_name value
  example : put test_table row1 family1 qualifier1 value1
  alias   : [p]

QUIT - quit this shell

  usage   : quit
  example : quit
  alias   : [e, q, exit]

RENAME - rename table in hbase

  usage   : rename old_table_name new_table_name
  example : rename test_table test_table2
  alias   : [rn, ren]

READONLY - show current readonly status or set new readonly status temporarily

** NOTE: for permanent change of readonly status, modify setting file

  usage   : readonly [0, false or 1, true]
  example : readonly false
  alias   : [r]

SCAN - scan database data with given filter

  usage   : scan [table_pattern [row_pattern [family_pattern [qualifier_pattern [value_pattern]]]]]
  example : scan ^135530186920f18b9049b0a0743e86ac3185887c5d . fileinfo
  alias   : [s]

VERSION - show version message

  usage   : version
  example : version
  alias   : [v, ver]

Note 1) - Keyboard in linux

 - all control keys are not usable before jline added
 - thanks to jline, arrow left/right/up/down are usable, but
 - backspace and delete are switched (resolved by MyUnixTerminal)
 - home/end, page up/down are not usable (resolved by MyConsoleReader partially)
  - the following text in pasting text will act as control keys
   - '1~' -> home, go to begin of line
   - '2~' -> insert, do nothing
   - '4~' -> end, go to end of line
   - '5~' -> page up, move to first history entry
   - '6~' -> page down, move to last history entry

NOTE 2) - Set row limit to command

 - all commands can be added with a row limit number to only operate on first found rows

NOTE 3) - Force to execute command

 - all commands can be added with a '!' mark to execute without confirmation


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Xia Xiongjun


BitWare Inc. ( [email protected])


A simple but powerful replacement for ./hbase shell






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