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Store Jay's proposal

Joshua Thijssen edited this page Feb 1, 2021 · 3 revisions

A collection has a "calculated" (but maybe cached) timestamp of the latest timestamp of all the entries (or subcollections) underneat:

/collection ts=1600
	/item1    ts=1500
	/item2    ts=1400
	/item3    ts=1600

Store itself is a collection of ALL items

/contacts/group1 => [{uuid}, {uuid}, {uuid}, {uuid}, {uuid} ]
/contacts/group2 => [{uuid}, {uuid} ]
/contacts/group3 => [{uuid}, {uuid}, {uuid} ]
/contacts/entries/{uuid}	=> { address: jaytaph!   name: joshua Thijssen    otherstuff: .... }
/contacts/entries/{uuid} => ...
/contacts/entries/{uuid} => ...
/contacts/entries/{uuid} => ...
/contacts/entries/{uuid} => ...

/bm-client-gui/config => json-blob
/bm-client-gui/theme => json-blob
/bm-client-gui/other-stuff => json-blob

/mobile-client/config => json-blob
/boxes => [
/boxes/"box-1" => { name: "Inbox", parent: 0 }
/boxes/"box-2" => { name: "Sent mail", parent: 0 }
/boxes/"box-3" => { name: "Recylcing", parent: 0 }
/boxes/"box-100" => { name: "important", parent: "box-1" }
/boxes/"box-101" => { name: "work-stuff", parent: "box-100" }

Storage on disk:

	# The key that we use for querying
	# What is the parent collection (hash-key) of this collection
	parent: nil
	# This key is a collection
	collection: true
	# The value of the key. Should be nil when it's a collection, but could be nil when the item is "removed"
	value: nil
	# The timestamp of the item, or the highest timestamp of any entries or subcollections underneath.
	timestamp: 14
	# The entries underneath this collection
	entries: []
	# The subcollection underneath this collection
	subcollections: [hash(/store/boxes)]

	parent: hash(/store/boxes)
	collection: false
	value: blob
	timestamp: 123456

	parent: hash(/store)
	collection: true
	value: nil
	timestamp: 147437
	entries: [hash(/store/boxes/"box-1")]		
	subcollections: []

 GET /store ?since=<ts>&offset=0&limit=100
Fetches whole store

 POST /store/<hash(/store/contacts/entries/{uuid})>
stores an item at the given entry

 GET /store/<hash>
Get single entry

DELETE /store/<hash>
Remove single entry
	How do we sync "removed" items (update timestamp of collection, but how does the client "sync" removed items?  Return nil on the item?

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