This guide will walk you through building this application as a directory of static files to serve from a web server like Nginx, Apache, or via GitHub Pages.
You will need the following installed before continuing.
- node.js 12.x
- yarn
- Docker
Additionally, if you want to build the documentation, you will need:
- Python 3.x and pip
Run the following commands in a shell from the root directory of this repo.
Start mysql in a container populated with the Arpanet data.
docker run \
--rm -it -p 3306:3306 \
--mount "type=bind,src=$PWD/arpanet.sql,dst=/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/arpanet.sql" \
--env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password \
--env MYSQL_DATABASE=arpanet \
Install the node.js dependencies via yarn:
yarn install
yarn build
Build the GeoJSON files using the data we previously loaded into MySQL
yarn buildMaps --dest build
First, install the required python packages.
python3 -m pip install --user -r build-support/requirements.txt
Now, build the documentation HTML.
sphinx-build -b html docs build/docs
You should now have the entire app build as a set of static files in the build
You can serve these static files locally with the following command:
npx http-server ./build
Now, visit localhost:8080 in your browser!