Improving upon the pattern established at, sections to add:
- Code: Block
- Code: Inline
- Emphasis: Italics
- Emphasis: Strong
- Headers
- Horizontal rules
- Images: Inline
- Line Return
- Links: Inline
- Links: Inline with title
- Links: Reference
- Lists: Simple
- Lists: Nested
- Paragraphs
- Images: Reference
To enclose a segment of text in blockquotes, one must add a tab at the start of a paragraph.
This is normal text.
This is blockquoted text
This is another paragraph of blockquoted text.
This is a nested block of text.
<p>This is normal text.</p>
<div><p>This is blockquoted text</p>
<p>This is another paragraph of blockquoted text.</p>
<div>This is a nested block of text.</div></blockquote>