Releases: bkbilly/lnxlink
Releases · bkbilly/lnxlink
What's Changed
- Breaking change: Battery module automatically creates sensors for each device
- Add: display_env module that gets the DISPLAY environment variable from system or processes
- Add: Media player thumbnail and position
- Add: Filter for explicit words on media player title
- Add: Installation option for updating from HA
- Add: Support for image sensor
- Add: expire_after option on exposed_controls
- Add: Custom timeout on syscommand function
- Add: systemctl for shutdown/restart modules
- Logs: Rotate when bigger than 5MB
- Logs: Show commit hash as version on development installation
- Fixed: Error handling for syscommand, microphone_used, disk_usage, gpu, power_profile, pgi
Full Changelog: 2023.11.0...2023.12.0
What's Changed
- Add support for Self Signed Certificates on MQTT connection #73
- Add new module for audio select for default microphone and speaker
- Add a new attribute to disk_usage with the device mount point
- Add inference times per module as attributes
- Add support for older NVIDIA GPUs #69
- Fixed wrong $DISPLAY variable on some environments #76
- Fixed system updates module not showing as true
- Fixed disk_usage module to ignore docker BTRFS file systems #78
- Changed modules requirements installation process by getting dynamically installed if they are loaded #74
- Changed logs to display trace errors for debugging
Full Changelog: 2023.10.0...2023.11.0
What's Changed
- Performance Improvement of more than 60%
- Add Inference Time entity
- Add Speech Recognition
- Fixed screenshot entity issue not updating
- Modules support multiple entities
- Removed old style of reading info
Full Changelog: 2023.9.1...2023.10.0
What's Changed
- Add select entity for Power Profile #71
- Add monitor for mount/unmount drives and display an attribute if it connected or not #70
- Add MQTT TLS connection option #67
- Add custom_modules as a new configuration option
- Add pre-build for automated code review
- Breaking change on sensor attributes to display only it's own attributes #68
- Breaking change on startPrefix which was used for the older code has been removed
- Fixed Home Assistant 2023.8.0 mqtt entities name convention #66
- Changed MQTT subtopics
- Refactored code
Known issues
- If a disk is disconnected, it will start showing errors on home assistant logs
Full Changelog: 2023.8.0...2023.9.0
What's Changed
- Bash commands publish to a new topic their result
- Save logs on file for better error handling
- Fixed GPU on systems without nvidia gpu by @pacjo in #63
- Fixes packages that require the OS variable DISPLAY to function
- Keep alive changes system settings to disables screen off
Full Changelog: 2023.7.1...2023.8.0
What's Changed
- Breaking change: Combines Nvidia & AMD modules to the GPU module that supports multiple GPUs
- Added: Fullscreen status of any window
- Added: For each disk a new entry is created with their usage
- Added: Configuration option to exclude modules from auto loading
- Fixed: Errors with brightness and idle time modules
- Fixed: Handling of start and stop service
- Fixed: Installation dependencies thanks to @ScottG489
The documentation has been moved here:
This will help keeping the project free from unnecessary commits and it's easier to find what you are looking for. Hope you like it!
As always you can create an issue on GitHub for any bug, feature request, installation issue. They have been updated to be more user friendly.
You can also join on my Discord server:
Full Changelog: 2023.6.1...2023.7.1
What's Changed
- Breaking change: If you are using manual modules, you should replace
- Added support for entity_category
- Added support for expire_after for sensors and binary_sensors
- Added support for multiple sensors
- Fixed Microphone used when using pactl
- Fixed Battery empty information
Full Changelog: 2023.5.0...2023.6.0