✅ Fixed Hash transform with to use original implementation - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to IRB Kit 1.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed Style/FileNull issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Pathname change directory thread safety warning documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added RuboCop ThreadSafety/DirChdir configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated transform with methods to use transform value methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Array filter find - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Logger refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Pathname make path and remove tree methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Pathname make temporary directory - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Struct with positions and revalue functionality - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed log device refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.64.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 8.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.6 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added array filter find deprecation - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added module refinement - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added struct with positions deprecation warning - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed hash transforms to use keyword parameter splats - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Hash transform value - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.5 - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed pathname directory and file sorting - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔁 Refactored Hash transform with spec descriptions - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔁 Refactored array filter find to use implicit block - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added README Developer Certificate of Origin documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added String IO explicit and implicit string conversion - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated gem specification documentation URI as homepage URI - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated gem specification to support Ruby 3.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed symbol refinement to allow keyword arguments - Brooke Kuhlmann
⛔️ Removed Guard - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Binding refinement - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Object refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔁 Refactored shared modules to not use subdirectories - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added struct with method - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 8.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to IRB Kit 0.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.4 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added Pathname puts method - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.58.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.3 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added IRB Kit gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated RSpec configuration to ignore backtraces in pending specs - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated citation URLs - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added String singularize spec for regular expression - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Ruby 3.3.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated setup script as a Ruby script - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Amazing Print 1.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 7.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Rake 13.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔁 Refactored Hash infinite and with default class method terminology - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated RuboCop to use XDG local configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.51.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Git Lint 7.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to RSpec 3.13.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed RuboCop Naming/BlockForwarding issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added repl_type_completor gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
🟢 Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Caliber 0.50.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
🔼 Updated to Reek 6.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
✅ Fixed hash fetch value for block default - Brooke Kuhlmann 🔼 Updated to Git Lint 7.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added string truncate - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Circle CI step names - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated gem dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated implementation to use singular refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Array pad max keyword parameter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed BigDecimal refinement - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Gemfile code prefix from quality group - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Rakefile code prefix from quality task - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed string pluralize and singularize count keyword parameter - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Lint/SymbolConversion issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed nested anonymous parameter forwarding - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added array minimum and maximum specs when empty/invalid - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated GitHub issue template with simplified sections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.42.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Gemfile to use ruby file syntax - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Hash fetch value - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored RuboCop RSpec/FilePath as RSpec/SpecFilePathFormat - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Packaging/BundlerSetupInTests issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Data refinement - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Hash diffing - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Struct diffing - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added shared whole value difference module - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Rake RSpec task configuration to not be verbose - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed example documentation typos - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.35.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 6.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array pick and pluck - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array replace at - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array to usage - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Reek configuration to disable long parameter lists - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated project summary/abstract - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated setup instructions to secure and insecure installs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated string indent padding keyword as pad instead - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.30.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed array to sentence conjunction keyword - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed pattern from pathname require tree - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hash use method to fallback to string key if symbol isn’t found - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/FormatStringToken issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated documentation with additional clarifications - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.2.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added logger any method alias - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Reek dependency to not be required - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated site URLs to use bare domain - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.25.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.2.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Pathname require tree refinement to pass single argument - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Guardfile to use RSpec binstub - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Rake binstub - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.21.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 5.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to SimpleCov 0.22.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored RSpec helper to use spec root constant - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Array compress documentation to include bang suffix - Nicolai Reuschling
Fixed RuboCop Style/HashSyntax issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/RequireOrder issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed enumerable compress bang methods to answer nil when nothing to do - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added RSpec binstub - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to RSpec 3.12.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.3 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Hash flatten key casting - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Struct keyword initialization flags - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Struct keyworded? class method - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Struct with keywords class method - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed nil value check from Hash transform - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added String squish - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added hash transform with operations - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored hashes to use pattern matching - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rakefile RSpec initialization - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed SimpleCov Guard interaction - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed SimpleCov gem requirement to not be required by default - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README sections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.16.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/StabbyLambdaParentheses issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Circle CI SimpleCov artifacts - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added array supplant - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated SimpleCov configuration to use filters and minimum coverage - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored specs to use consistent subjects and lets - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added array combinatorial - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added log device refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added logger refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added shared I/O reread functionality - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored IOs and StringIOs moedules use shared reread functionality - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hash compact no method error when compacting non-empty objects - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array specs for arrays which have non-nil objects - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array to sentence conversion - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Bundler Leak gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Rakefile Bundler gem tasks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RuboCop Style/EnvHome issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gemspec funding URI - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added GitHub sponsorship configuration - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.6.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.7.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 4.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Circle CI configuration to check Gemfile and gemspec - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.5.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hippocratic License to be 2.1.0 version - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop RSpec issues with boolean and nil identity checks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Caliber 0.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Caliber - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 3.2.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to RSpec 3.11.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed README badges - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed gemspec safe defaults - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby version to Gemfile - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added identity to gem specification - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Reek 6.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.25.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Git ignore - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed string combine method to message public methods only - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Pathname delete prefix and suffix - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Struct transmute - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added many method to Array and Hash - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added shared many enumerable - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Struct merge methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Pathname making of temporary dirctory without block - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README typos - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Struct keyworded deprecation warning - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README Pathname remove tree documentation order - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Struct with keywords and with position methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Style/MethodDefParentheses issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README policy section links - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated changes as versions documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 3.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed code of conduct and contributing files - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hippocratic license structure - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README changes and credits sections - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed RSpec/Dialect issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed contributing documentation - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Rakefile Bundler gem tasks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added project citation information - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated GitHub issue template - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Rubocop sub-project gem dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated struct merging to accept any object which can answer a hash - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Amazing Print 1.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Debug 1.4.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Hippocratic License 3.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.24.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.3 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to SimpleCov 0.21.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Gemsmith depenendecy - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed class refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use anonymous block forwarding - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use punning - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored struct specs to use anonymous structs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed README link to monkey patch antipattern - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added README community link - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added gemspec MFA opt in requirement - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Pathname change directory to yield pathname - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Pathname touch method spec description - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added README usage for class and symbol refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed String first and last method defensive type checks - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed hash rockets from README examples - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed notes from pull request template - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored string methods to use endless methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Class refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Hash fetch value - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Pathname deep touch - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Pathname empty - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Pathname touch specs for directories - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added String pluralize - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added String singularize - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Symbol refinements - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored Pathname touchable path specs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Array and Hash issues with empty compression - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Array compress to handle empty objects - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Pathname root to use file separator - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Style/SelectByRegexp issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Pathname delete - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added version release notes - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed RSpec spec helper GC automatic compaction - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Hash stringify and symbolize keys to use transform keys - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Reek IrresponsibleModule issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Reek UncommunicativeMethodName Pathname issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed blank strings to be more efficient - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Debug gem - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Hash compress methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Pry dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Style/MutableConstant issue - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated README project description - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Rubocop gem dependencies - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Amazing Print 1.3.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed RubyCritic and associated CLI option - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Array mean calculation to always answer a float - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/IdenticalEqualityAssertion issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.2 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Bundler Audit - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Layout/RedundantLineBreak issues - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array filter find - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Array minimum and maximum - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.14.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Fixed Rubocop Style/HashConversion - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Ruby garbage collection compaction - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated Code Quality URLs - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Circle CI 2.1.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Docker Alpine Ruby image - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.10.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.1 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Added Reek UncommunicativeMethodName for Pathname - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Gemsmith 15.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Git Lint 2.0.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Rubocop 1.8.0 - Brooke Kuhlmann
Removed Pathname relative parent from method - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored RSpec temporary directory shared context - Brooke Kuhlmann
Refactored implementation to use endless methods - Brooke Kuhlmann
Updated to Ruby 3.0.0
Removed Array exclude
Removed Array include
Removed Hash reverse merge methods
Removed Hash except
Removed Hash rekey methods
Removed Pathname mkdir
Updated Pathname touch to use positional time argument
Removed File refinement
Removed String delimiters refinement
Fixed Struct keywords and merges to use splatted keyword arguments
Fixed Circle CI configuration for Bundler config path
Added Array pad
Added Circle CI explicit Bundle install configuration
Added Struct keyworded class method
Added Struct revalue
Added Struct with keywords construction
Added Struct with positions construction
Fixed spec helper to only require tools
Added Amazing Print
Added Gemfile groups
Added RubyCritic
Added RubyCritic configuration
Updated Circle CI configuration to skip RubyCritic
Updated Gemfile to put Guard RSpec in test group
Updated Gemfile to put SimpleCov in code quality group
Removed RubyGems requirement from binstubs
Added Pathname home
Added Pathname make temporary directory
Added Pathname require tree
Added Pathname root
Refactored RSpec helper to use Pathname require tree refinement
Fixed Rubocop Performance/BlockGivenWithExplicitBlock issues
Fixed Rubocop Performance/MethodObjectAsBlock issues
Added Pathname write
Added Struct merge
Updated to Gemsmith 14.8.0
Updated to Git Lint 1.3.0
Fixed Pathname change dir to answer result of block
Added Array exclude and include deprecation warnings
Added Array excluding and including
Updated Rubocop gems
Updated to Bundler Audit 0.7.0
Updated to RSpec 3.10.0
Added Alchemists style guide badge
Added Pathname change directory
Added Pathname make dir
Added Pathname make path
Added Pathname remove dir
Added Pathname remove tree
Refactored RSpec temp dir shared context to use Pathnames refinement
Refactored all methods to be alphabetically sorted
Added Array intersperse
Added Array mean
Added Bundler Leak development dependency
Added Pathname mkdir
Updated project documentation to conform to Rubysmith template
Added Hash deep stringify keys
Added Hash stringified keys
Added String indent
Updated README documentation
Added Hash flatten keys method
Updated to SimpleCov 0.19.0
Refactored Hash refinement bang methods to be consistent
Refactored Hash spec to use consistent terminology
Refactored Hash spec to use shared examples
Added Array include and exclude support
Added Guard and Rubocop binstubs
Added Pathname relative parent
Added deprecation warning for Pathname relative path from method
Updated to Rubocop 0.89.0
Refactored arrays spec to use consistent instance varaibles
Fixed Rubocop Lint/NonDeterministicRequireOrder issues
Added Pathname directory and file flags
Added Pathname gsub
Added String IO rewind
Updated String class delimiters method to be deprecated
Fixed project requirements
Added Hash construction with default value for missing key
Added Hash infinite construction
Updated GitHub templates
Updated to Gemsmith 14.2.0
Updated to Git Lint 1.0.0
Refactored Rakefile requirements
Fixed README wording and examples
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/ExampleLength issues with hash deep merge specs
Fixed Rubocop issues
Added File rewrite deprecation warning
Added Kernel pathname refinment for nil objects
Updated README documentation for lexical scope
Refactored first and last strings to use endless ranges
Refactored string refinements to use guard clauses
Fixed hash deep merge feature envy issue
Added Pathname directories
Added Pathname files
Added hash deep symbolize key methods
Added hash recurse
Added hash rekey methods
Added hash reverse merge deprecation warnings
Added string boolean
Added Pathname extensions
Added Pathname make ancestors
Added Pathname relative parent from
Updated Pry gem dependencies
Updated README credit URL
Updated Rubocop gem dependencies
Added Enumerator ring
Added README production and development setup instructions
Updated documentation to ASCII Doc format
Updated gem identity to use constants
Updated gemspec URLs
Updated gemspec to require relative path
Updated to Code of Conduct 2.0.0
Updated to Reek 6.0.0
Updated to Ruby 2.7.1
Removed Code Climate support
Removed README images
Removed extraneous wording for README features
Removed inconsistent module comments
Refactored hash symbolize keys implementation
Fixed Pathname rewrite to do nothing without a block
Added Pathname copy
Added Pathname name
Added Pathname touch
Updated README project requirements
Updated to Gemsmith 14.0.0
Updated to Git Cop 4.0.0
Updated to Reek 5.6.0
Updated to Rubocop 0.79.0
Updated to SimpleCov 0.18.0
Added DateTime UTC refinement.
Added gem console.
Added setup script.
Fixed SimpleCov setup in RSpec spec helper.
Removed unused development dependencies.
Updated gem summary.
Updated Pry development dependencies.
Updated to Rubocop 0.77.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.78.0.
Updated to Rubocop Performance 1.5.0.
Updated to Rubocop Rake 0.5.0.
Updated to Rubocop RSpec 1.37.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.7.0.
Updated to SimpleCov 0.17.0.
Added Rubocop Rake support.
Updated to RSpec 3.9.0.
Updated to Rake 13.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.75.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.76.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.5.
Added File refinement.
Added Pathname refinement.
Updated BigDecimal example documentation.
Updated to Rubocop Performance 1.4.0.
Refactored RSpec helper support requirements.
Fixed RSpec/ContextWording issues.
Added Reek configuration.
Updated contributing documentation.
Updated to Gemsmith 13.5.0.
Updated to Git Cop 3.5.0.
Updated to Reek 5.4.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.69.0.
Updated to Rubocop Performance 1.3.0.
Updated to Rubocop RSpec 1.33.0.
Refactored implementation to use imperative functionality.
Added Rubocop Performance gem.
Added Ruby warnings to RSpec helper.
Added project icon to README.
Updated RSpec helper to verify constant names.
Updated to Code Quality 4.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.67.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.3.
typos. -
Fixed Rubocop Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses issues.
Fixed error in README example.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.2.
Removed RSpec standard output/error suppression.
Updated to Gemsmith 13.0.0.
Updated to Git Cop 3.0.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.63.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.1.
Fixed Circle CI cache for Ruby version.
Fixed Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause cop issues.
Fixed Markdown ordered list numbering.
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/DescribedClass issues.
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/ExampleLength issues.
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/NamedSubject issues.
Fixed Rubocop RSpec/RepeatedExample.
Added Circle CI Bundler cache.
Added Rubocop RSpec gem.
Updated Circle CI Code Climate test reporting.
Updated Semantic Versioning links to be HTTPS.
Updated to Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct 1.4.1.
Updated to RSpec 3.8.0.
Updated to Reek 5.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.62.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.6.0.
method. -
Updated module definitions.
Updated project changes to use semantic versions.
Updated to Gemsmith 12.0.0.
Updated to Git Cop 2.2.0.
Refactored definitions to be alpha-sorted.
Fixed gemspec issues with missing gem signing key/certificate.
Added gemspec metadata for source, changes, and issue tracker URLs.
Updated README license information.
Updated gem dependencies.
Updated to Circle CI 2.0.0 configuration.
Updated to Rubocop 0.53.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.5.1.
Removed Circle CI Bundler cache.
Removed Gemnasium support.
implementation. -
Refactored temp dir shared context as a pathname.
Updated Code Climate badges.
Updated Code Climate configuration to Version 2.0.0.
Updated to Apache 2.0 license.
Updated to Rubocop 0.52.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.3.
Updated to Ruby 2.5.0.
methods. -
Removed documentation for secure installs.
Removed pry-state gem.
Refactored code to use Ruby 2.5.0
Added Bundler Audit gem.
Added dynamic formatting of RSpec output.
Updated to Gemsmith 10.2.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.50.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.51.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.2.
Removed Pry State gem.
Added Circle CI support.
Added Git Cop code quality task.
Updated CONTRIBUTING documentation.
Updated GitHub templates.
Updated README headers.
Updated gem dependencies.
Updated to Awesome Print 1.8.0.
Updated to Gemsmith 10.0.0.
Removed Travis CI support.
Fixed Rubocop Style/Send issues.
Fixed Travis CI configuration to not update gems.
Added code quality Rake task.
Updated Guardfile to always run RSpec with documentation format.
Updated README semantic versioning order.
Updated RSpec configuration to output documentation when running.
Updated RSpec spec helper to enable color output.
Updated Rubocop configuration.
Updated Rubocop to import from global configuration.
Updated contributing documentation.
Updated to Gemsmith 9.0.0.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.1.
Removed Code Climate code comment checks.
directory from.gitignore
refinements. -
refinement. -
refinement. -
refinement. -
Updated Rubocop Metrics/LineLength to 100 characters.
Updated Rubocop Metrics/ParameterLists max to three.
Updated Travis CI configuration to use latest RubyGems version.
Updated gemspec to require Ruby 2.4.x.
Updated to Rubocop 0.47.
Updated to Ruby 2.4.0.
Removed Rubocop Style/Documentation check.
Removed deprecated
methods. -
Refactored Reek issues.
Refactored String refinements to use
. -
Refactored String refinements to use
. -
implementation. -
to useString#first
. -
Refactored hash implementation and specs.
typo. -
Fixed Rakefile support for RSpec, Reek, Rubocop, and SCSS Lint.
. -
Updated Travis CI configuration to use defaults.
Updated to Gemsmith 8.2.x.
Updated to Rake 12.x.x.
Updated to Rubocop 0.46.x.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.2.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.3.
Added Code Climate engine support.
Added Reek support.
support. -
support. -
Updated to Code Climate Test Reporter 1.0.0.
Updated to Gemsmith 8.0.0.
Refactored source requirements.
Fixed #camelcase, #snakecase, and #titleize delimiter string transforms.
Fixed Rakefile to safely load Gemsmith tasks.
Added Hash#compact and Hash#compact! deprecation warnings.
refinement. -
refinement. -
Added first letter string capitalization support.
Added frozen string literal pragma.
Updated README to mention "Ruby" instead of "MRI".
Updated README versioning documentation.
Updated RSpec temp directory to use Bundler root path.
Updated gemspec with conservative versions.
Updated to Gemsmith 7.7.0.
Updated to RSpec 3.5.0.
Updated to Rubocop 0.44.
Removed "Extensions" suffix from all refinements.
Removed CHANGELOG.md (use CHANGES.md instead).
Removed Rake console task.
Removed gemspec description.
Removed rb-fsevent development dependency from gemspec.
Removed terminal notifier gems from gemspec.
Refactored RSpec spec helper configuration.
Refactored gemspec to use default security keys.
Fixed camelcase issue where downcased string wasn’t capitalized.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.1.
Fixed README gem certificate install instructions.
Fixed contributing guideline links.
Added GitHub issue and pull request templates.
Added Hash
methods. -
Added Rubocop Style/SignalException cop style.
Added String extensions.
Added bond, wirb, hirb, and awesome_print development dependencies.
Updated GitHub issue and pull request templates.
Updated README secure gem install documentation.
Updated Rubocop PercentLiteralDelimiters and AndOr styles.
Updated to Code of Conduct, Version 1.4.0.
Refactored version label method name.
Fixed secure gem install issues.
Added frozen string literal to source files.
Removed frozen string literal support from Rake files.
Fixed README URLs to use HTTPS schemes where possible.
Added Hash refinements.
Added IRB development console Rake task support.
Added README requirement for Ruby refinements and lexical scope.
Added Rubocop Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation cop.
Updated to Ruby 2.3.0.
Removed RSpec default monkey patching behavior.
Removed Ruby 2.1.x and 2.2.x support.
Fixed README test command instructions.
Fixed gemspec homepage URL.
Added Gemsmith development support.
Added Patreon badge to README.
Added Rubocop support.
Added [pry-state](https://github.com/SudhagarS/pry-state) support.
Added project name to README.
Added table of contents to README.
Updated Code Climate to run when CI ENV is set.
Updated Code of Conduct 1.3.0.
Updated README with Tocer generated Table of Contents.
Updated RSpec support kit with new Gemsmith changes.
Updated gemspec summary and description.
Updated to Code Climate SVG badge icons.
Updated to Ruby 2.2.3.
Removed auto-loading of each refinement when gem is required.
Removed required Ruby version from gemspec.
Removed unnecessary exclusions from .gitignore.
Refactored Identity module to use string interpolation for version label.
Refactored RSpec Pry support as an extension.