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This sample demonstrates how to use BlackBerry Dynamics Shared Services, also known as AppKinetics. The following services are used:

This sample requires the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android to be installed. Refer to the Getting Started guide for instructions on how to install and configure it.

Refer to the following link for a complete listing of BlackBerry Dynamics Shared Services:

Applies To

Android Studio

  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK


  • Mark Sohm


To contribute code to this repository you must be signed up as an official contributor.

This sample was tested with the following environment:

  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK 10
  • Android Studio 2020.3.1
  • Android 11

How To Open the Project

Note that you must install the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android in order to build this sample.

  1. Clone the repo to your computer.
  2. Launch Android Studio.
  3. Click on File menu, Open.
  4. Navigate to the directory you saved the project and click OK.
  5. Open the settings.json file in the assets directory and update the GDApplicationID to be unique.