Go to the task view and choose Duplicate on the left.
A new task will be created with the same properties as the original.
Go to the task view and choose Duplicate to another project.
Only projects where you are member will be shown in the dropdown.
Before to copy the tasks, Kanboard will ask you the destination properties that are not common between the source and destination project.
Basically, you need to define:
- The destination swimlane
- The column
- The category
- The assignee
Go to the task view and choose Move to another project.
Moving a task to another project work in the same way as the duplication, you have to choose the new properties of the task.
Here are the list of properties duplicated:
- title
- description
- date_due
- color_id
- project_id
- column_id
- owner_id
- score
- category_id
- time_estimated
- swimlane_id
- recurrence_status
- recurrence_trigger
- recurrence_factor
- recurrence_timeframe
- recurrence_basedate