app-business is part of imaginary phone-device custom element. It doesn't have visual, just obtaines location and sends location data to server making ajax operations.
app-business includes
- core-ajax
- geo-location
sends data to server
- specified period
- or, when as soon as geo-location obtaines
<!-- specified period -->
<!-- geo-location updates lat&lng, app-business sends every 5000 seconds -->
<app-business url="http://localhost:3000/tracking" period="5000"> </app-business>
<!-- or, as soon as geo-location obtaines-->
<!-- geo-location updates lat&lng, app-business sends immediately -->
<app-business url="http://localhost:3000/tracking" period="location"></app-business>
also includes points.json file that containes points between two location. If you pass demo attribute, it simulates these points with period and show on map.
<!-- app-business.html -->
<link rel="import" href="imports.html">
<polymer-element name="app-business" constructor="AppBusiness"
/* app-business.html */
var demo_ = {};
demo_.points = [];
demo: false,
ready: function(){
// points comes from points.js file
demo_.points = points;
<app-business demo></app-busines>