This is a program to search and watch youtube from the command line. While this works as described, I made this mostly to learn about CLIs with python and regex.
- Click
- PyInstaller
I originally intended to use the Youtube Data API, but considering that the idea required very little data from youtube, I considered other options. I soon found this article and adapted the code to allow for multiple search terms and return multiple video links and expanded the results for more functionality. Because I wanted to provide functionality for search within the command line, I searched the html code for returned videos and wrote regex to find the title and creator of the video (yes this is inefficient, but requires no api key).
The code itself is relatively simple, and is built from one python file. As described above, the program takes in a search query and returns search results using regex on decoded source html from the videos. If the user chooses to select one, the selected video should open in a new window with mpv.
I have included an executable and .exe in /dist, which can be run with cmdytc/cli.exe [ARGUMENTS]
Using --help, usage is described below:
Usage: cli.exe [OPTIONS]
-q, --query TEXT Search query
--help Show this message and exit.
To build it yourself- run the following:
pip install --editable .
pyinstaller src/main/ -F -n cmdytc
The executable should then be in /dist.