You are facing the end of level boss but you have tuned up without the necessary weapons for this monster battle.
This game utilise digital assets (NFTs) providing true ownership for game players and thankfully a market exists for leasing weapons via LoanShark
Pick out your weapon of choice pay fee for a set period and you receive the weapon with full custody that protected the lender and the borrower.
Payments are streamed so the bonus if if you slay the boss quickly you can return the asset and re-claim the unused fees back.
- Open and transparent lease market for any ERC721 digital asset
- Proxied ownership to protect the borrower and the loaner
- Streamed payments so only ever pay for what you need
- No collateral required to secure the lease
- No minimum and maximum lease periods
- ERC721 enabled
smart contract in Solidity - Sablier payment streams
- ERC20 payment token
- Web3 enabled dApp
- Short-term in-game asset leasing
- Safe leasing of crypto-art
- Leasing property in meta-verses
- Crypto-kittie leasing for breeding
- Any NFT that has utility and other may want to leverage it value for a period of time...