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Bloomreach Discovery SDK

standard-readme compliant

Dependency Version Notes
NodeJS v16.13 [ ] TODO Upgrade to LTS
Typescript v4.8.3 Version @latest
ESLint v8.18 [ ] TODO Upgrade to LTS
Yarn v3.2.2 Version @latest
Rollup v2.75.5 NOTE - Upgrade to LTS will introduce breaking changes

Table of Contents


This library provides a simplified access to the following Bloomreach APIs:

Simple and relatable APIs mean that designers and developers are free choose a front end and user experience that meets their needs.

The APIs are broken up into individual functions & calls to ensure that each API does one thing, and does it well.


Headless / React Example / Demo

To assist developers with their implementation, there is a basic example of a client-side implementation using React / Preact that can be built / loaded locally from a package located in packages/frontend/react-custom

Bloomreach Experience ManagerVanillaJS Example / Demo

To assist developers with their implementation of Bloomreach Experience Manager Widgets, there is a basic example of a client-side implementation using VanillaJS / Typescript that can be built / loaded locally from a package located in packages/frontend/vanilla-js



Node.js (Required)

Version: 16.13.1

Click Here to view documentation

Core Pack (Optional)

The preferred way to manage Yarn is through Corepack, a new binary shipped with all Node.js releases starting from 16.10. It acts as an intermediary between you and Yarn, and lets you use different package manager versions across multiple projects without having to check-in the Yarn binary anymore.

Click Here to view documentation

Yarn Package Manager (Required)

Version: 3.2.1

Click Here to view documentation

Install SDK from package repo

  1. SDK can be downloaded from npm.js using the following command, and should be installed as a dependency in the package.json, NOT a devDependency
yarn -i @bloomreach/discovery-sdk
  1. Install dependencies from root directory
yarn install

Developer Tools

Postman Collection

Click Here to view the Workspace

SDK Languages & Frameworks

Node.js v.16.13.x

SKD foundational language

Click Here to view documentation

Typescript v4.7.x

Primary coding language, utilizing ES6+

Click Here to view documentation

Eslint v8.x.x

Code quality checks & enforcement Click Here to view documentation

Yarn Package Manager / Monorepo

Click Here to view documentation

API Design

Design Approach

Provide a lightweight and modern set of API packages that will provide developers easy to implement APIs that utilize the modern features of...

  • Node.js
  • Typescript
  • Fetch API

Why fetch() as the method of choice?

  • Effective Browser support for client-side calls
  • Native Typescript support, and does not require incremental packages or dependencies
  • Support for sync and async capabilities
  • Native Node.js support for v16+
    • NOTE...Node.js LTS version will be 18 as of August 2022


Building the modules

API Modules Overview

The API modules are built using custom rollup.js configurations, and will output the following formats...

  • ES: ES Module file
  • UMD: Universal module definition file file
  • CJS: CommonJS file

Building the API clients


Install the SDK Monorepo by running yarn install from the project's parent directory

Build Command

  1. Navigate to the path ./packages/api-client
  2. Run command yarn build

Dev-tools & Utilities

1. Node Modules Cleanup

Run command . ./ which will access a custom script which will delete all of node_modules directories, which can be helpful when updating / modifying dependencies.

2. Code Quality & Coverage Tools


Primary code quality utility that utilizes a variety of plugins to provide resources such as...

  • Code formatting
  • Coding standard enforcement
  • Best Practices Enforcement
  • Type checking
TS Coverage Report

Provides a utility that checks and provides an HTML reportof the the explicit type coverage for the various projects and files.

The configurations for the type coverage can be found in the package.json for each module.

Dependency Scan

The audit command submits a description of the dependencies configured in your project to your default registry and asks for a report of known vulnerabilities. If any vulnerabilities are found, then the impact and appropriate remediation will be calculated.

Running Manually

Can be run utilizing command yarn npm audit --recursive

3.Utility Functions

Default Response
  • By default, the response includes a maximum of 8 products.
  • Keyword suggestions are in the querySuggestions field
  • Product suggestions are in the searchSuggestions field.
Querying using Special Characters

The SDK provides a function, escapeSpecialCharacters(), that can be used to escape special characters from the search input.

Generating unique RequestID

The SDK provides a function, generateRequestID(), that can be used to generate the recommended 13 character randomized / unique parameter request_id See API documentation for more info on the request_id

Extracting _br_uid_2 cookie ID

The SDK provides a function, extractTrackingCookie(), that can be used to check for the presence of the _br_uid_2 cookie, and if one is not found, the function will return the default value provided in the API Documentation

Debounce function

The SDK provides a function, debounce() that can be called to set a delay to call the real time Autosuggest API

Click Here for a brief overview on using Debounce

Package Management


The /dist stands for distributable. The /dist folder contains the minimized version of the source code. The code present in the /dist folder is actually the code which is used on production web applications.


The lib folder is what package. json main points to, and users that install your package using npm will consume that directly.

Version Control

Each of the APIs can be included in a project via the SDK, but note EACH API is individually version controlled to allow for optimal flexibility of development & release.