The first objective of this library is to make getting and visualizing census (and ACS) data an easy process for the user. If the user wants something more advanced, they will probably need to write some of their own mapping / coloring methods.
We want for this library to "just work" and be a really good starting place for working with census data.
Status table of what has main functionality has already been developed
Method | Description |
get_shapefile |
Finds and downloads/unzips shapefiles from the census ftp site |
make_map |
Takes in data table, shapefile path, and constructs a nice looking leaflet map |
misc utilitis |
Might be useful for others, not sure what to expose |
Proposing that these methods (or ones that look similar) are developed are exposed to the user. Example workflow below. Note that right now this just focuses on ACS data, though the scope should probably increase to include decennial census data too.
>>> import bbd
>>> bbd.explore_acs(...) # View what data the ACS has to offer at a particular geography/time
>>> bbd.explore_acs(...).search("income") # Find relevant variables within ACS data
>>> bbd.get_acs(...) # Get ACS data (in table-like format) for specific variable(s), geography, time
>>> bbd.make_acs_map(...) # Generate interactive/colored leaflet map for specific variable(s), geography, time
>>> bbd.make_map(...) # Generates leaflet map based on explicit data/shapefiles. Called by 'make_acs_map'
First, you'd want to explore the data available to you. For this, you'd need to specify the geography that you are interested in and how you would want the data broken down.
>>> vars = bbd.explore_acs(state="CO", view_by=bbd.COUNTY)
found 1560 variables for the state of Colorado, broken down by county
Variable Name Variable Label Variable Description
D06_001 Med. Household Income Median Household Income
... ... ...
... ... ...
It'd also be nice to not specify how you want it broken down and instead have the table spit out ALL info available, with another column describing which level the data is available at. Not as high of priority, as this will likely require a good bit of effort.
This is likely going to be a lot of information (a lot of rows in the table). Seems like you would get a lot of utility out of adding some kind of "search" or "lookup" function.
>>> # The following will only display rows with a label that
>>> # contains "income"
found 5/1560 variables matching "income" for the state of Colorado,
broken down by county
Variable Name Variable Label Variable Description
D06_001 Med. Household Income Median Household Income
... ... ...
... ... ...
You would use this search function to find the relevant variable that you want, and be confident that there is data for it at the level and geography you are interested in.
Now that we know which variable (or variables) we are interested in, you have a few options. For example, you might want to simply tabulate that census variable.
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> table = bbd.get_acs(state="CO", variable="D06_001", view_by=bbd.COUNTY)
>>> pprint(table)
"GEOID": [...]
"NAME": [...]
"D06_001E": [...]
"D06_001M": [...]
Worth noting that whenever calls are made to big tables they (can be | are by default) cached into some kind of working directory (perhaps defaults to $(HOME)/.bbd/ or something). Same goes for the shapefiles that get pulled and unzipped from the census ftp.
Once the user has this data cached, they've taken a look at the table and know it's good stuff, they should be able to make a map using the same inputs.
>>> table = bbd.make_acs_map(state="CO", variable="D06_001", view_by=bbd.COUNTY, save_to="map.html")
This method should grab the same data as get_acs
, and also pull the relevant shapefiles from the census ftp. (There is already a method to grab and unzip shapefiles from that site.) Then it'll simply join the data table with the shapefile on the GEOID and generate a leaflet map with make_map
Of course, if the user wanted to they could also call make_map
on their own if they had specific processing they wanted to first do with either the shapefiles or the data
>>> table = bbd.get_acs(...)
>>> # process table
>>> shapefile_path = bbd.get_shapefiles(...)
>>> # process shapefiles
>>> bbd.make_map(table, shapefile_path, "map.html")